Re: [protext] Questions

2007-06-11 Thread Peter J. Huber

Dear Thomas,
Many thanks for your quick response!
Apparently, I have the version numbers 1 Beta 6.31 ('Firenze')
and MiKTeX 2.4.

You have 2.5 in your example, so I guess these are not the newest 
(the page from which I downloaded is not 
explicit about the version numbers, it has protext.exe and 
protext-2.0.exe, both with a 2007 date -- I took the protext.exe).

Contrary to what you  indicate in your message below, LATEX => PS => 
PDF handles *both* eps and jpg!

This is what I need most of the time, so I shall stick to it.

Peter J. Huber

At 14:53 11.06.2007, Thomas Feuerstack wrote:

Peter J. Huber schrieb:

Two questions:
(1) I recently had to re-install ProTeXt (because LaTeX => PS => 
PDF no longer worked, registry problem?). How do I find out which 
software versions of MiKTeX and TeXnic Center I am actually using?

Inside TeXnicCenter, open the ?(Help)-Menue and choose the entry 
'Info about TeXnicCenter'. You'll find the version number at the top 
of the displayed window.

MiKTeX prints out it version number in the first line of its 
log-output. You should see a line like

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.6-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.5)

While 'Version' describes the state of the used TeX-Version, the 
number insides the paranthesises shows the used MiKTeX-Version.

(2) Is there any easy way (as in Word) to include different 
graphics (eps, jpg, tiff, bmp) in a single document?

As Karl has mentionend in hist Mail, this depends on the 
output-direction you've chosen before. If you followed the line

LaTeX -> DVI [-> PS [-> PDF]]

eps is the only graphics format, that will be accepted. Therefore it 
might be better to use PDFLaTeX directly


which accepts graphics in pdf, jpg and png-format (unfortunately no 
eps and/or tif).

Sincerely - Thomas Feuerstack

Prof. Dr. Peter J. Huber
P. O. Box 198
CH-7250 Klosters

Phone:+41 81 4202494
FAX:  +41 81 4202466
Mobile phone: +41 79 4784925
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Questions

2007-06-11 Thread Thomas Feuerstack
Peter J. Huber schrieb:
> Two questions:
> (1) I recently had to re-install ProTeXt (because LaTeX => PS => PDF 
> no longer worked, registry problem?). How do I find out which 
> software versions of MiKTeX and TeXnic Center I am actually using?

Inside TeXnicCenter, open the ?(Help)-Menue and choose the entry 'Info 
about TeXnicCenter'. You'll find the version number at the top of the 
displayed window.

MiKTeX prints out it version number in the first line of its log-output. 
You should see a line like

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.6-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.5)

While 'Version' describes the state of the used TeX-Version, the number 
insides the paranthesises shows the used MiKTeX-Version.

> (2) Is there any easy way (as in Word) to include different graphics 
> (eps, jpg, tiff, bmp) in a single document?

As Karl has mentionend in hist Mail, this depends on the 
output-direction you've chosen before. If you followed the line

LaTeX -> DVI [-> PS [-> PDF]]

eps is the only graphics format, that will be accepted. Therefore it 
might be better to use PDFLaTeX directly


which accepts graphics in pdf, jpg and png-format (unfortunately no eps 
and/or tif).

Sincerely - Thomas Feuerstack
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Questions

2007-06-11 Thread Peter J. Huber

Hi Karl,

Thanks! But it seems that things are highly installation dependent, 
and on the output options you choose. My experience was quite 
different from yours!

Perhaps I should explain that in my old age, I had to learn TeX and 
LaTeX earlier this year, because equations are an absolute pain with 
Word (but almost everything else, for example tables, seems to be a 
pain in LaTeX!), and I no longer have a secretary, to whom I had been 
able to delegate LaTeX tasks in the past. I would like to get .pdf 
output, with minimal aggravation.  And I'd hate to do external conversions.

Here is some advice from an old fogey (I am older than Donald Knuth). 
In my opinion, TeX and LaTeX are more user-unfriendly than necessary. 
Some 30 years ago, I did some software development myself, for 
interactive data analysis. Very early on, I learned the hard way that 
it is absolutely essential to provide defaults whenever possible, and 
to help the user rather than to produce errors and aborts. I know 
that this is not easy. And I now found out to my surprise that the 
TeX-people are yet to learn this lesson! For example: if you include 
graphics, then the software should choose a sensible default location 
and size (typically: fit on the page), and if possible, print the bb 
chosen as a warning (so that one can adjust it).

Here are some examples of the mess produced by my installation of TeX:

With the output option LaTeX  => PDF in TeXnicCenter, my installation 
recognizes .jpg, but refuses everything else (I tried .eps, .bmp and .tif)

However, I then could get .eps to work *without* converting it to 
.pdf first, namely by using the output option LaTeX => PS => PDF. 
This works with both .eps and .jpg, but not with .bmp and .tif. But 
it produces only B/W output (this is a problem with the conversion of 
graphics to PostScript).

With LaTeX  => DVI output, it worked with .eps, .jpg and .bmp, but my 
.tif example (which works fine with Word) produced a fatal PostScript 
error. This variant can do color.


At 00:46 11.06.2007, Karl Berry wrote:

Hi Peter,

I can't answer your first question, having never used miktex or
texniccenter, but as for your second:

(2) Is there any easy way (as in Word) to include different graphics
(eps, jpg, tiff, bmp) in a single document?

You can include common formats *except* eps in a pdflatex document with
the normal \includegraphics (or whatever).

You have to convert eps to pdf first (Word must do that for you behind
the scenes).  One Windows program to do that conversion is here:

One short introductory article on graphics and TeX is here:

Hope this helps,
protext mailing list

Re: [protext] Questions

2007-06-10 Thread Karl Berry
Hi Peter,

I can't answer your first question, having never used miktex or
texniccenter, but as for your second:

(2) Is there any easy way (as in Word) to include different graphics 
(eps, jpg, tiff, bmp) in a single document?

You can include common formats *except* eps in a pdflatex document with
the normal \includegraphics (or whatever).

You have to convert eps to pdf first (Word must do that for you behind
the scenes).  One Windows program to do that conversion is here:

One short introductory article on graphics and TeX is here:

Hope this helps,
protext mailing list