Re: [protext] TeXnicCenter Output Profiles

2009-10-19 Thread Juan Pablo Fernández
> GSview (and therefore Ghostscript) must be installed before
> TeXnicCenter, so that TeXnicCenter has the chance to create the
> appropriate output format. Therefore you're right that an installing
> order of MiKTeX, Ghostscript GSView and at last TeXnicCenter would be
> more reasonable.

I encountered that problem a lot last year when I was teaching a class
using ProTeXt.  It turned out to be system-dependent:  some people
(including myself) did not have that problem, while others did.

It is not necessary to uninstal TeXnicCenter to create the profiles.
You can do it by hand by copying the relevant information from
somebody that had better luck with their installation.  It may be
useful to have the instructions available somewhere.  At the end I
attach (as a LaTeX \section) a small tutorial I prepared for my

> I personally detected this, while the PDF-Doc was already finished and
> translated. And because the profile  LaTeX=>PS=>PDF is rarely needed -
> thanks to the prospects of PDFTeX - i never fixed it.

The LaTeX=>PS=>PDF profile is essential for those that use PSTricks.
There is a pdfLaTeX workaround, pdfTricks, but it requires some
hacking and does not produce the same results.

Juan Pablo Fernández


\section{Configuration Issues}

\subsection{No Output Profiles Available}

It may be the case that you cannot see any output profiles in the
list.  In that case:


\item Go to the ``Build'' menu; the second option from the bottom will
say ``Define Output Profiles...'', which can also be accessed using
Alt-F7.  Go there.

\item You will get a window called Profiles.  Click on ``Wizard.''  Tell
it you want to configure all profiles.  This will ask you to locate
different programs.  Most of them should be in
\verb|C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\bin|:

\item \verb|latex.exe| is the LaTeX engine
\item \verb|dvips.exe| turns DVI output into PostScript
\item \verb|pdflatex.exe| turns LaTeX input directly into PDF
\item \verb|dvipdfm.exe| turns DVI output directly into PDF
\item \verb|bibtex.exe| is BibTeX
\item \verb|makeindex.exe| is MakeIndex
\item \verb|yap.exe| is the DVI viewer

\item Some of the programs are wherever you installed Ghostscript and

\item \verb|gswin32.exe| makes PostScript viewable and turns it into PDF
\item \verb|gsview32.exe| is the PostScript viewer

\item Finally, look for your Adobe Reader under
``\verb|Program Files\Adobe|''

\item \verb|AcroRd32.exe| is the PDF viewer

\item Click OK and leave this window.  Restart TeXnicCenter.


\subsection{No \texttt{LaTeX=>PS=>PDF} Profile}

Under ``Select Output Profile,'' \verb|LaTeX=>PS=>PDF| is not a
choice. Under ``Define Output Profiles'' you can add
\verb|LaTeX=>PS=>PDF|, but I don't know what to fill in after
unchecking Bib\TeX, and MakeIndex. Did I miss something, or should I
try a reinstall of \LaTeX?

You're not the first one to run into that snag.

Start by finding where the \LaTeX\ applications are; by default they
should be in \verb|C:\Program Files\MiKTeX\bin|, which I will
refer to as \verb|PATH|.  Also look for Ghostscript, which should be
in something like \verb|C:\Program Files\Ghostgum\bin|. I will call
that \verb|GSPATH|.

Now you're ready.


\item Before you add the path, go to \verb|LaTeX=>DVI| or
\verb|LaTeX=>PS|, click on the ``(La)TeX'' tab, and carefully copy
down all the information you find there.  (Make sure that
\verb|LaTeX=>DVI| and \verb|LaTeX=>PS| have the same info!)

The gibberish preceding \verb|.exe| in the three paths is what I
call \verb|PATH|.  To find \verb|GSPATH| you can go to
\verb|LaTeX=>PS|, click on ``Postprocessor,'' and copy the gibberish
preceding \verb|.exe|.)

\item Go to \verb|LaTeX=>PDF|, click on the ``Viewer'' tab, and
carefully copy down all the information you find there.

\item Add the path and give it your favorite name.

\item Click on the ``(La)TeX'' tab and carefully paste everything you
copied from \verb|LaTeX=>DVI|.

\item Click on the ``Viewer'' tab and carefully paste all the
information you copied from \verb|LaTeX=>PDF|.

\item Now click on ``Postprocessor.''

\item Add an entry called ``DviPs'' and for the executable write


For the ``Arguments'' type

-P pdf "%Bm.dvi"

\item Add another entry called ``Ghostscript'' and for the executable


For the ``Arguments'' type or paste (in one line!)

 -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile="%bm.pdf"
 -c save pop -f""

\item Click OK.  The profile should be ready to roll.


Re: [protext] TeXnicCenter Output Profiles

2009-10-18 Thread Thomas Feuerstack
Michael Zylla schrieb:


> I wondered why i had installed Ghostscript and GSView because it
> wasn't used. So i decided to uninstall TeXnicCenter and reinstall it.
> After that i had the following output formats:
> LaTeX=>DVI(opened with Yap) 
> LaTeX=>PDF(opened with Acrobat) 
> LaTeX=>PS (opened with GSView) 
> LaTeX=>PS=>PDF(opened with Acrobat)
> So i installed everything in the order MikTeX, Ghostscript, GSView
> and at last TeXnicCenter. Wouldn't this be more reasonable or am i
> making a mistake?

GSview (and therefore Ghostscript) must be installed before
TeXnicCenter, so that TeXnicCenter has the chance to create the
appropriate output format. Therefore you're right that an installing
order of MiKTeX, Ghostscript GSView and at last TeXnicCenter would be
more reasonable.

I personally detected this, while the PDF-Doc was already finished and
translated. And because the profile  LaTeX=>PS=>PDF is rarely needed -
thanks to the prospects of PDFTeX - i never fixed it.

Regards - Thomas

Re: [protext] TeXnicCenter Output Profiles

2009-10-16 Thread Alessandro Cuttin

hi there, and welcome in the LaTeX world!

short answer: always use pdflatex (LaTeX => PDF), so that you can 
benefit of all the pdf functionalities (such as: hyperlinks, bookmarks 
and so on).

Since LaTeX was born before the pdf (de facto) standard, at the 
beginning the outputs were DVI (stands for DeVice Indipendent) or 
PostScript (standard printer language).

So, in case you don't have specific requirements, I suggest you to use 
always pdflatex, since (in my opinion) there is no significant 
difference in quality for documents printed from pdf or ps.

happy latex-ing!


Il 16/10/2009 16:24, Michael Zylla ha scritto:


i'm new to ProTeXt and although i'm working with it for only some days i'm 
really happy with it. But now i have a suggestion and a questions. At first the 

After installing MiKTeX, TeXnicCenter, Ghostscript and GSView in this order 
(like it's recommended in the installation guide), i only found the following 
output formats in TeXnicCenter:

LaTeX=>DVI   (opened with Yap)
LaTeX=>PDF   (opened with Acrobat)
LaTeX=>PS(opened with Distiller and after that with Acrobat)

I wondered why i had installed Ghostscript and GSView because it wasn't used. 
So i decided to uninstall TeXnicCenter and reinstall it. After that i had the 
following output formats:

LaTeX=>DVI   (opened with Yap)
LaTeX=>PDF   (opened with Acrobat)
LaTeX=>PS(opened with GSView)
LaTeX=>PS=>PDF(opened with Acrobat)

So i installed everything in the order MikTeX, Ghostscript, GSView and at last 
TeXnicCenter. Wouldn't this be more reasonable or am i making a mistake?

These different output formats now lead me to my question:

If i'm right, i can create a PDf document in the following ways:

LaTeX=>PS and use the Distiller after that

How do these three options vary in their kind of creation? And which one leads 
to the best result for a printed document? Or are there maybe yet 
another/better ways for a creation?

Best regards,

