Re: heads up: javascript has landed

2014-11-29 Thread Fraser Adams

On 29/11/14 16:00, Dominic Evans wrote:

I'm looking forward to checking this out now it has dropped into master. It
was only when you recently posted on the mailing list about it that I knew
it was in development. Thanks for the instructions to get up and running
with it too.
Yeah I should probably have been a bit more communicative about it, but 
I'm a bit obsessive and kept on adding "just one more thing" :-D . 
Rafael pulling what I had onto master was kind of the kick I needed...

Will be interesting to compare the nodejs enscripten performance vs a
swig-based proton-c nodejs addon too.


As well as needing to get the Node.js net module support in emscripten 
sorted out another thing on my TODO list is to look at the latest swig 
JavaScript binding stuff. I think I've mentioned this previously, but 
the swig and emscripten approaches are complementary rather than 
competing, the swig approach is only ever going to work on things like 
Node.js not a browser, but it might eke a little extra performance.

The pure JavaScript emscripten approach is clearly very heavily 
influenced by the performance of the runtime. From what I've noticed 
from casual observation the asm.js optimisations in recent Firefox 
builds make a real difference though. FF 33 looks like it has more than 
double the throughput of the version of V8 running on Node.js 0.10.33, I 
need to try it out with Chrome to see if there's a difference there. An 
interesting "wet finger" is that my test on FF 33 using the pure 
JavaScript library and msgr-send.js seemed to have performance in the 
same ballpark as the, which obviously uses the swigged 
native C proton-c. I've not really properly compared apples with apples 
or anything but it empirically suggests that there might not be too 
much gain using a swig based proton-c Node.js (well once V8 uses asm.js).

I must admit that I'm quite pleased with the way it has turned out, 
emscripten definitely ranks up there as one of my favourite things in 
the world of software - it really appeals to my twisted sense of the 
absurd :-D


Re: heads up: javascript has landed

2014-11-29 Thread Dominic Evans

> On 29 Nov 2014, at 14:20, Fraser Adams 
> Hopefully this is useful to people, it's been something of a labour of
love over the last year.

I'm looking forward to checking this out now it has dropped into master. It
was only when you recently posted on the mailing list about it that I knew
it was in development. Thanks for the instructions to get up and running
with it too.

Will be interesting to compare the nodejs enscripten performance vs a
swig-based proton-c nodejs addon too.


Re: heads up: javascript has landed

2014-11-29 Thread Fraser Adams

Hi Rafael,
Many thanks for that.

I've been thinking that it was getting close to a good time to get it
off the branch and into the main code base, so you've beaten me to it.
I've actually made a bunch of improvements recently, but I was in the
middle of some fairly subtle bug fixes that were caused by some quirks
of the ws WebSocket library when Proton moved from subversion to git, so
things rather built up a bit on my local copy whilst I procrastinated
over my move to git :-) .

You doing this gave me a much needed nudge and I've just got myself set
up to use git for Proton.

This morning I've migrated all of my latest updates into git (see I had a look in;h=39cd8c5 and
it *looks* like my first git commit went OK =-O

One of the improvements I've added is JavaScript ports of msgr-send and
msgr-recv, which I added so I could do soak/performance tests, they work
more or less like the C/Python versions, that is to say:

./msgr-recv.js -c 100
./msgr-send.js -c 100 -b 64

would push one million 64 octet messages.

There are a couple of features missing from the tests, but they are more
or less there.

It's probably a good time to remind people who might be reading this
that one quirk of the JavaScript binding is that the network transport
is WebSocket based *not* TCP sockets. This means that it won't "just
work" with qpidd, the Java broker or the proton-c examples.

I've provided a simple WebSocket->TCP proxy though and it also works
fine with the Java Broker's WebSocket transport. I've mentioned this in
the README, but people don't always read those.;a=blob;f=proton-c/bindings/javascript/README

It's on my TODO list to get emscripten's network library working with
the Node.js net module and chrome packaged apps so that it'll be
possible to use native TCP sockets where available, but I've just not
had the time yet.

I've included a JavaScript port of qpid-config for fun to illustrate how
to do some slightly fancier asynchronous request/response stuff, it's
actually a pretty complete port of qpid-config and it also works with
the Java Broker if you install the QMF plugin that I wrote for that (OK,
so I am a little bit OCD).

The JavaScript binding is fairly well documented and you can generate
jsdoc HTML docs via:
make docs

So far I've tried it out on Node.js and Firefox, but it should work on
any modern(ish) browser that supports binary WebSockets and ArrayBuffers.

Browser performance varies *a lot* I was originally trying it on FF 24
and I was a bit disappointed by the performance compared to Node.js but
I upgraded my laptop the other week and I'm now running FF 33 which
*totally rocks* the reason that FF 33 runs so well is that emscripten
(the C->JavaScript compiler I used) generates asm.js, see and recent versions of FireFox are optimised for
asm.js and can do neat things such as ahead of time compilation.

As a heads up the JavaScript binding generates a node module called
qpid-proton containing a library called proton.js, I'm likely to change
that fairly soon to something like qpid-proton-messenger and
qpid-proton-messenger.js the reason for that is that it is really a
Messenger binding and with all the recent talk on the forums about
alternative reactive APIs based on Proton Engine that ought to be a
direction I should start looking into.

Hopefully this is useful to people, it's been something of a labour of
love over the last year.

On 28/11/14 16:18, Rafael Schloming wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I managed to take advantage of a bit of my thanksgiving downtime to give
fadams' javascript branch some attention. I'm happy to report that thanks
mostly to his excellent work, it was fairly straightforward to bring his
branch up to date with respect to trunk. I've done this and pushed the
result to a new branch called 'javascript'. I then added the javascript
tests to the main build and merged the javascript branch into trunk.

Most of you probably won't notice a difference since it is fairly self
contained and won't build without emscripten, but I would highly encourage
you to check it out. There is a little bit of a manual process to get
emscripten installed, but it is well documented and straightforward, and
once you've done that, it all seems to work quite smoothly.

As always, please let me know if I broke anything.
