[Proto-Scripty] Best way to turn an argument into Enumerable if it's not already

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric


I'm wondering what is the best way to make sure an argument (or any
variable for that matter) is an Enumerable (eg an array) and turn it
into one if it's not. For the moment I'm using this solution:

function myFunc(a) {
  if(a.size === undefined) a = [a];

How would you do that?

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[Proto-Scripty] Support for svg element?

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric

Hello all,

This was my first post here, but it looks like it has never been
actually posted (sorry if I should not post it again).

I have a problem with the canvas svg element used by Raphael
(raphaeljs.org). I don't know a lot about the way Firefox lets us
embed svg elements inside html documents, so I was surprised to find
that Element.viewportOffset doesn't work on the svg element, or any
other Position methods, while event handlers and several other js
things work as usual.

Take a look at this test page for Firefox 3.5:

!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN http://www.w3.org/
script type=text/javascript src=http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/
script type=text/javascript
Event.observe(window,load, function (e) {
   var canvas = document.createElementNS(http://www.w3.org/2000/
   canvas.setAttribute(width, 512px);
   canvas.setAttribute(height, 342px);
body style=margin:0px
div id=container style=padding:10px;margin:20pxdiv id=test/

container contains both the svg canvas and a test div, but only
test is supported by the viewportOffset method.

Why can't I get the offset of the canvas element? Is there a fix or a
workaround? What is special about the SVGSVGElement?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: how can i implement rails' link_to_remote :submit options using Ajax.updater?

2009-08-03 Thread ColinFine

On Aug 1, 4:23 pm, serenobs seren...@gmail.com wrote:

 %= link_to_remote 'click here', :update='some_div', :url=
 {:action='some'}, :submit='group' %
 is what I want to implement using  Ajax.updater.

 To do this I coded ( it is invoked when I clicked some link or button,
 whatever )
 new Ajax.Updater('some_div', url(:action='some'),
       { parameters: $('group').serialize(true), method: 'get'} );

 group div looks like below:
 div id=group
   %= radio_button_tag(:myvalue, 1 %
   %= radio_button_tag(:myvalue, 2 %

 on the controller's 'some' looks like below
 def some
    if params[:myvalue] == blah blah

 if i use link_to_remote with submit options, it worked properly.
 but in case of my code using Ajax.updater, params[:myvalue] is not set

 What's wrong with me?
 Somebody help me.

This is a Prototype/Scriptaculous group, not a Rails one. There might
be people here who read Rails, but you will probably get more success
if you post the Javascript which is actually received by the browser,
rather than the Rails source.

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[Proto-Scripty] ScrollTo effect

2009-08-03 Thread Shick

I have managed to get this effect to work on a return to top button,
but i'm working on a horizontal layout, and was wondering if there is
a way to adapt this effect to work horizontally.

example, scroll to a div that is located to the left of the current
page position

I hope this makes sense

thanks for the help!

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Beginners question, trouble with Event.stop in AJAX

2009-08-03 Thread Ash

Thanks for the help, I just tried replacing Event.stop(e); with return
false; in the function but it still submits the form.

I would prefer to do it the new way anyway, if you would be able to
help me...

The first function is called from Event.observe('email-form',
'submit', callProcBasketEmail); which is within a function that is
called when the document loads.

The question is, where to put the event observe to watch the second

My first instinct would be to put it in the function which outputs the
form EG

function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
 Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

(line added just after the ajax function has drawn 'password-form' to
the screen)

But this stops the whole function from working - where should the
observe line be placed to ensure it will work properly?

Thanks in advance, I think once I get over these initial few hurdles
of getting to grips with good practices, I will be fine!


Here is the javascript in full:

// Attach handler to window load event
Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

function init(){
Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);

function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
 Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);


function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');

 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});

On Aug 2, 11:19 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi Ashley,

 In the one that's not working, you're using what's called a DOM0-
 style handler -- that's where you're attaching the handler the old-
 fashioned way, by using an attribute on the form element:

     form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post

 Event.stop works only for handlers registered with more modern methods
 like the Event.observe you used with your first form.

 To correct the problem, I'd recommend using Event.observe to set up
 the handler for the second form as you did with the first.  If there's
 a reason you can't do that, though, the DOM0 equivalent of
 Event.stop is to return false from callProcBasketPassword.

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 1, 4:35 pm, Ash ashley.kenner...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, I just started my first experiment with AJAX today. Got the basics
  working, but when I add a tiny bit more complexity I have a problem,
  Event.stop doesn't work properly for me.

  I've followed a couple of basic tutorials to submit an e-mail address
  to a PHP script, the PHP looks up the e-mail address and if it finds
  it, it shows an input to enter a password. This all works fine except
  the function with the ajax call to the password PHP script does not
  stop the form submitting.

  There is probably something very obvious I am doing wrong so hopefully
  someone will be able to spot this a mile away! :)

  The HTML looks like this, once the second form has been displayed

  form id=email-form action=procBasketEmailNoJS.php method=post
  input id=email class=texterwide type=text name=email/
  input id=email-submit class=button type=submit value=Submit/

  div id=email-response
     we have saved details on file for you, please enter your password
  below to retrieve them
     form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post
          input id=password class=texterwide type=text
          input id=password-submit class=button type=submit

  div id=password-response name=password-response/

  Here is the ajax.js

  // Attach handler to window load event
  Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

  function init(){
   Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);


  function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
   var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
   var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
  'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});


  function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
   var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
  'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});


  When I step through in Firebug I can see that the password-response
  div gets filled with the results of the procBasketPassword.php script,
  but then the page tries to reload where the form is pointing 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Beginners question, trouble with Event.stop in AJAX

2009-08-03 Thread Ash

Thanks for the help, I just tried replacing Event.stop(e); with return
false; in the function but it still submits the form.

I would prefer to do it the new way anyway, if you would be able to
help me...

The first function is called from Event.observe('email-form',
'submit', callProcBasketEmail); which is within a function that is
called when the document loads.

The question is, where to put the event observe to watch the second

My first instinct would be to put it in the function which outputs the
form EG

function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
 Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

(line added just after the ajax function has drawn 'password-form' to
the screen)

But this stops the whole function from working - where should the
observe line be placed to ensure it will work properly?

Thanks in advance, I think once I get over these initial few hurdles
of getting to grips with good practices, I will be fine!


Here is the javascript in full:

// Attach handler to window load event
Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

function init(){
Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);

function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
 Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});

On Aug 2, 11:19 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi Ashley,

 In the one that's not working, you're using what's called a DOM0-
 style handler -- that's where you're attaching the handler the old-
 fashioned way, by using an attribute on the form element:

     form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post

 Event.stop works only for handlers registered with more modern methods
 like the Event.observe you used with your first form.

 To correct the problem, I'd recommend using Event.observe to set up
 the handler for the second form as you did with the first.  If there's
 a reason you can't do that, though, the DOM0 equivalent of
 Event.stop is to return false from callProcBasketPassword.

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 1, 4:35 pm, Ash ashley.kenner...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, I just started my first experiment with AJAX today. Got the basics
  working, but when I add a tiny bit more complexity I have a problem,
  Event.stop doesn't work properly for me.

  I've followed a couple of basic tutorials to submit an e-mail address
  to a PHP script, the PHP looks up the e-mail address and if it finds
  it, it shows an input to enter a password. This all works fine except
  the function with the ajax call to the password PHP script does not
  stop the form submitting.

  There is probably something very obvious I am doing wrong so hopefully
  someone will be able to spot this a mile away! :)

  The HTML looks like this, once the second form has been displayed

  form id=email-form action=procBasketEmailNoJS.php method=post
  input id=email class=texterwide type=text name=email/
  input id=email-submit class=button type=submit value=Submit/

  div id=email-response
     we have saved details on file for you, please enter your password
  below to retrieve them
     form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post
          input id=password class=texterwide type=text
          input id=password-submit class=button type=submit

  div id=password-response name=password-response/

  Here is the ajax.js

  // Attach handler to window load event
  Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

  function init(){
   Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);


  function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
   var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
   var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
  'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});


  function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
   var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
  'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});


  When I step through in Firebug I can see that the password-response
  div gets filled with the results of the procBasketPassword.php script,
  but then the page tries to reload where the form is pointing to -

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Beginners question, trouble with Event.stop in AJAX

2009-08-03 Thread DJ Mangus

Is the password-form submit button a return from procBasketEmail.php?
if so then you should observe it in the OnSuccess callback.  If that
isn't correct chalk it up to me checking this moments after awakening.

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:23 AM, Ashashley.kenner...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thanks for the help, I just tried replacing Event.stop(e); with return
 false; in the function but it still submits the form.

 I would prefer to do it the new way anyway, if you would be able to
 help me...

 The first function is called from Event.observe('email-form',
 'submit', callProcBasketEmail); which is within a function that is
 called when the document loads.

 The question is, where to put the event observe to watch the second

 My first instinct would be to put it in the function which outputs the
 form EG

 function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
 'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
  Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

 (line added just after the ajax function has drawn 'password-form' to
 the screen)

 But this stops the whole function from working - where should the
 observe line be placed to ensure it will work properly?

 Thanks in advance, I think once I get over these initial few hurdles
 of getting to grips with good practices, I will be fine!


 Here is the javascript in full:

 // Attach handler to window load event
 Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

 function init(){
    Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);

 function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
 'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
  Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

 function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
  var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
 'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});

 On Aug 2, 11:19 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi Ashley,

 In the one that's not working, you're using what's called a DOM0-
 style handler -- that's where you're attaching the handler the old-
 fashioned way, by using an attribute on the form element:

     form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post

 Event.stop works only for handlers registered with more modern methods
 like the Event.observe you used with your first form.

 To correct the problem, I'd recommend using Event.observe to set up
 the handler for the second form as you did with the first.  If there's
 a reason you can't do that, though, the DOM0 equivalent of
 Event.stop is to return false from callProcBasketPassword.

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 1, 4:35 pm, Ash ashley.kenner...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, I just started my first experiment with AJAX today. Got the basics
  working, but when I add a tiny bit more complexity I have a problem,
  Event.stop doesn't work properly for me.

  I've followed a couple of basic tutorials to submit an e-mail address
  to a PHP script, the PHP looks up the e-mail address and if it finds
  it, it shows an input to enter a password. This all works fine except
  the function with the ajax call to the password PHP script does not
  stop the form submitting.

  There is probably something very obvious I am doing wrong so hopefully
  someone will be able to spot this a mile away! :)

  The HTML looks like this, once the second form has been displayed

  form id=email-form action=procBasketEmailNoJS.php method=post
  input id=email class=texterwide type=text name=email/
  input id=email-submit class=button type=submit value=Submit/

  div id=email-response
     we have saved details on file for you, please enter your password
  below to retrieve them
     form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post
          input id=password class=texterwide type=text
          input id=password-submit class=button type=submit

  div id=password-response name=password-response/

  Here is the ajax.js

  // Attach handler to window load event
  Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

  function init(){
   Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);


  function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
   var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
   var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
  'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});


  function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
   var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
  var myAjax = new 

[Proto-Scripty] Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric


I'm trying to use the Class methods to manage my object hierarchy on
my current project, but I have some trouble with the this keyword in
conjonction with Class.create.

Here is a piece of plain-js code using prototypes to get inheritance:

var Super1 = function () {
this.fu = bar;

var Sub1 = function () {
this.baz = bat;
this.f = function () {
document.observe(click, this.f);
Sub1.prototype = new Super1();
new Sub1();

Here is my attempt at mimic this with Class.create:

var Super2 = Class.create({
fu: bar

var Sub2 = Class.create(Super2, {
baz: bat,
f: function () {
initialize: function () {
document.observe(click, this.f);
new Sub2();

But of course it doesn't work, f in bound to window, not the object
create by new. The only way I found is:

var Super2 = Class.create({
fu: bar

var Sub2 = Class.create(Super2, {
baz: bat,
f: function () {
initialize: function () {
this.f = this.f.bindAsEventListener(this);
document.observe(click, this.f);
new Sub2();

But it's really inelegant. How am I supposed to handle this?

You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
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To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Beginners question, trouble with Event.stop in AJAX

2009-08-03 Thread Alex McAuley

If you are using onsubmit you need to do this ...

onsibmit=return theCoolFunction();

then you may return false or true on certain things ...

As TJ recommended i would stay away from these old style handlers and look 
at delegating it properly


Alex Mcauley
- Original Message - 
From: Ash ashley.kenner...@gmail.com
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 2:23 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Beginners question, trouble with Event.stop in 

Thanks for the help, I just tried replacing Event.stop(e); with return
false; in the function but it still submits the form.

I would prefer to do it the new way anyway, if you would be able to
help me...

The first function is called from Event.observe('email-form',
'submit', callProcBasketEmail); which is within a function that is
called when the document loads.

The question is, where to put the event observe to watch the second

My first instinct would be to put it in the function which outputs the
form EG

function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
 Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

(line added just after the ajax function has drawn 'password-form' to
the screen)

But this stops the whole function from working - where should the
observe line be placed to ensure it will work properly?

Thanks in advance, I think once I get over these initial few hurdles
of getting to grips with good practices, I will be fine!


Here is the javascript in full:

// Attach handler to window load event
Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

function init(){
Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);

function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
 Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
 var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
 var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});

On Aug 2, 11:19 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:
 Hi Ashley,

 In the one that's not working, you're using what's called a DOM0-
 style handler -- that's where you're attaching the handler the old-
 fashioned way, by using an attribute on the form element:

  form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post

 Event.stop works only for handlers registered with more modern methods
 like the Event.observe you used with your first form.

 To correct the problem, I'd recommend using Event.observe to set up
 the handler for the second form as you did with the first. If there's
 a reason you can't do that, though, the DOM0 equivalent of
 Event.stop is to return false from callProcBasketPassword.

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 1, 4:35 pm, Ash ashley.kenner...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi, I just started my first experiment with AJAX today. Got the basics
  working, but when I add a tiny bit more complexity I have a problem,
  Event.stop doesn't work properly for me.

  I've followed a couple of basic tutorials to submit an e-mail address
  to a PHP script, the PHP looks up the e-mail address and if it finds
  it, it shows an input to enter a password. This all works fine except
  the function with the ajax call to the password PHP script does not
  stop the form submitting.

  There is probably something very obvious I am doing wrong so hopefully
  someone will be able to spot this a mile away! :)

  The HTML looks like this, once the second form has been displayed

  form id=email-form action=procBasketEmailNoJS.php method=post
  input id=email class=texterwide type=text name=email/
  input id=email-submit class=button type=submit value=Submit/

  div id=email-response
  we have saved details on file for you, please enter your password
  below to retrieve them
  form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
  action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post
  input id=password class=texterwide type=text
  input id=password-submit class=button type=submit

  div id=password-response name=password-response/

  Here is the ajax.js

  // Attach handler to window load event
  Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

  function init(){
  Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);


  function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
  var myAjax = new 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Will remove() method on top DIV element automatically remove children of that element?

2009-08-03 Thread Kostil

First of all, thank you for a very detailed answer. From that arises
one more question: when you say event handlers are not remove do you
mean the event handlers that where added dynamically with commands
such as Element.observed and window.addEventListener won't be removed,
do you also talk about methods that are creates as part of HTML syntax
such as a href=# onclick=javascript:DoSomething()? as most of
the dynamic content I create is using he Template class of prototype
where actions on those objects are taken from links populated as I've
described above (using an HTML within the Template). Will these event
invocations also provide a problem and need to be tracked?

Thank you,

On Aug 2, 10:29 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 Yes, it will, removing an element (via Prototype or directly with
 Node.removeChild) removes that element and its children.  Which is
 just as well, as the children would have no where to be otherwise.

 Note that neither Prototype nor the underlying DOM methods will
 automatically remove event handlers from the removed elements, which
 can mean that memory remains in use even though the element isn't on
 the page anymore.  You want to track what children you have event
 handlers on and remove the handlers as well.  This is much easier if
 you're using event delegation to keep the number of handlers to a

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 2, 11:25 pm, Kostil kostia.iva...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi All,

  I am wondering if remove() method executed on top DIV (parent DIV
  element) will automatically remove the children of this element (as in
  remove them from the page and memory if appropriate)? Currently, I am
  doing the following to remove the children:

  $('topdiv').childElements().each(function(e) {

  Where RemoveChildren(e) defined as:

  function RemoveChildren(e)
      if (e.childElements().length  0)
          e.childElements().each(function(ee) {


  The method above seems to work slow especially on IE where very
  visible lag is apparent when executing this type of cleanup.

  Thank you in advance,
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups 
Prototype  script.aculo.us group.
To post to this group, send email to prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to 
For more options, visit this group at 

[Proto-Scripty] Re: Will remove() method on top DIV element automatically remove children of that element?

2009-08-03 Thread Alex McAuley

onclick will go as its a DOM0 style handler.

Anything in the observe (attached as delegation) will not and you will have 
to remove manauly with stopObserving();

Alex Mcauley
- Original Message - 
From: Kostil kostia.iva...@gmail.com
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 3:09 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Will remove() method on top DIV element 
automatically remove children of that element?

First of all, thank you for a very detailed answer. From that arises
one more question: when you say event handlers are not remove do you
mean the event handlers that where added dynamically with commands
such as Element.observed and window.addEventListener won't be removed,
do you also talk about methods that are creates as part of HTML syntax
such as a href=# onclick=javascript:DoSomething()? as most of
the dynamic content I create is using he Template class of prototype
where actions on those objects are taken from links populated as I've
described above (using an HTML within the Template). Will these event
invocations also provide a problem and need to be tracked?

Thank you,

On Aug 2, 10:29 pm, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

 Yes, it will, removing an element (via Prototype or directly with
 Node.removeChild) removes that element and its children. Which is
 just as well, as the children would have no where to be otherwise.

 Note that neither Prototype nor the underlying DOM methods will
 automatically remove event handlers from the removed elements, which
 can mean that memory remains in use even though the element isn't on
 the page anymore. You want to track what children you have event
 handlers on and remove the handlers as well. This is much easier if
 you're using event delegation to keep the number of handlers to a

 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 2, 11:25 pm, Kostil kostia.iva...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi All,

  I am wondering if remove() method executed on top DIV (parent DIV
  element) will automatically remove the children of this element (as in
  remove them from the page and memory if appropriate)? Currently, I am
  doing the following to remove the children:

  $('topdiv').childElements().each(function(e) {

  Where RemoveChildren(e) defined as:

  function RemoveChildren(e)
  if (e.childElements().length  0)
  e.childElements().each(function(ee) {


  The method above seems to work slow especially on IE where very
  visible lag is apparent when executing this type of cleanup.

  Thank you in advance,

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread mr_justin

Your observers need to be bound to the object you want the this
keyword tied to.

document.observe('click', this.f.bindAsEventListener(this))

See the bottom of this page:

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

2009-08-03 Thread Matt Foster

The plugin's code is compliant with not conflicting with the $
function.  But in your implementation of this plugin, you'll have to
be sure to use jQuery(#maskInput).mask(...); instead of the demo's
example code which uses the $ method.



On Jul 30, 9:23 am, Celso cels...@gmail.com wrote:
 Unfortunately I am no expert in prototype.
 I can not believe that someone has developed a prototype mask!
 I try to use prototype and jquery together,
 But .. the plugin does not works.

 On 29 jul, 18:27, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

  why not just port the jquery one... wont take long !
  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: Celso cels...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
  Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:22 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

  something like this:http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin

  On 24 jul, 06:48, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:
   2009/7/23 Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com:

You must further define your idea of masked input


On Jul 23, 3:58 pm, Celso cels...@gmail.com wrote:
Anyone know a masked input in prototype?


   An inputmask[1] is where you can say enter text in a form like ...

   AA nn nn nn A

   You would be able to type 2 letters, 6 numbers and then 1 letter. The
   case would be forced to upper case and the spacing would be automatic.

   BO 52 91 91 V

   for example


   Are you talking about hiding the input? Like input type=password ?




   Richard Quadling
   Zend Certified Engineer :http://zend.com/zce.php?c=ZEND002498r=213474731
   Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
   ZOPA :http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Best way to turn an argument into Enumerable if it's not already

2009-08-03 Thread mr_justin

You could just use the arguments array.

var stuff = $A(arguments).flatten();

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

2009-08-03 Thread Alex McAuley

Or before the code do this...


then anything that you want to use jQuery's $ for just use $jq in its stead.


Alex Mcauley
- Original Message - 
From: Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com
To: Prototype  script.aculo.us prototype-scriptaculous@googlegroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 03, 2009 4:36 PM
Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

The plugin's code is compliant with not conflicting with the $
function.  But in your implementation of this plugin, you'll have to
be sure to use jQuery(#maskInput).mask(...); instead of the demo's
example code which uses the $ method.



On Jul 30, 9:23 am, Celso cels...@gmail.com wrote:
 Unfortunately I am no expert in prototype.
 I can not believe that someone has developed a prototype mask!
 I try to use prototype and jquery together,
 But .. the plugin does not works.

 On 29 jul, 18:27, Alex McAuley webmas...@thecarmarketplace.com

  why not just port the jquery one... wont take long !
  Alex Mcauleyhttp://www.thevacancymarket.com

  - Original Message -
  From: Celso cels...@gmail.com
  To: Prototype  script.aculo.us 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 29, 2009 10:22 PM
  Subject: [Proto-Scripty] Re: Masked Input in Prototype

  something like this:http://digitalbush.com/projects/masked-input-plugin

  On 24 jul, 06:48, Richard Quadling rquadl...@googlemail.com wrote:
   2009/7/23 Matt Foster mattfoste...@gmail.com:

You must further define your idea of masked input


On Jul 23, 3:58 pm, Celso cels...@gmail.com wrote:
Anyone know a masked input in prototype?


   An inputmask[1] is where you can say enter text in a form like ...

   AA nn nn nn A

   You would be able to type 2 letters, 6 numbers and then 1 letter. The
   case would be forced to upper case and the spacing would be automatic.

   BO 52 91 91 V

   for example


   Are you talking about hiding the input? Like input type=password ?




   Richard Quadling
   Zend Certified Engineer 
   Standing on the shoulders of some very clever giants!
   ZOPA :http://uk.zopa.com/member/RQuadling

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Beginners question, trouble with Event.stop in AJAX

2009-08-03 Thread T.J. Crowder


 But this stops the whole function from working - where should the
 observe line be placed to ensure it will work properly?

Right, because this new line:

 Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);

...will cause an error, because there is no element with the ID
'password-form' yet.  Remember that Ajax calls are *asynchronous*
(that's what the A in Ajax stands for).  You start the call at the
point in your code where you create the Ajax.Updater object, but then
your code continues immediately without waiting for the Ajax call to
finish.  As DJ pointed out, that's what the onSuccess callback is for
-- so you can execute code once the Ajx call has successfully
completed.  So it would look something like this:


In terms of getting you past these initial hurtles, some recommended

T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Aug 3, 2:23 pm, Ash ashley.kenner...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks for the help, I just tried replacing Event.stop(e); with return
 false; in the function but it still submits the form.

 I would prefer to do it the new way anyway, if you would be able to
 help me...

 The first function is called from Event.observe('email-form',
 'submit', callProcBasketEmail); which is within a function that is
 called when the document loads.

 The question is, where to put the event observe to watch the second

 My first instinct would be to put it in the function which outputs the
 form EG

 function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
 'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
  Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);


 (line added just after the ajax function has drawn 'password-form' to
 the screen)

 But this stops the whole function from working - where should the
 observe line be placed to ensure it will work properly?

 Thanks in advance, I think once I get over these initial few hurdles
 of getting to grips with good practices, I will be fine!


 Here is the javascript in full:

 // Attach handler to window load event
 Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);

 function init(){
     Event.observe('email-form', 'submit', callProcBasketEmail);


 function callProcBasketEmail(e) {
  var pars = Form.serialize('email-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('email-response',
 'procBasketEmail.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});
  Event.observe('password-form', 'submit', callProcBasketPassword);


 function callProcBasketPassword(e) {
  var pars = Form.serialize('password-form');
  var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater('password-response',
 'procBasketPassword.php', {method: 'post', parameters: pars});


 On Aug 2, 11:19 am, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com wrote:

  Hi Ashley,

  In the one that's not working, you're using what's called a DOM0-
  style handler -- that's where you're attaching the handler the old-
  fashioned way, by using an attribute on the form element:

      form id=password-form onsubmit=callProcBasketPassword()
   action=procBasketPasswordNoJS.php method=post

  Event.stop works only for handlers registered with more modern methods
  like the Event.observe you used with your first form.

  To correct the problem, I'd recommend using Event.observe to set up
  the handler for the second form as you did with the first.  If there's
  a reason you can't do that, though, the DOM0 equivalent of
  Event.stop is to return false from callProcBasketPassword.

  T.J. Crowder
  tj / crowder software / com
  Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

  On Aug 1, 4:35 pm, Ash ashley.kenner...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi, I just started my first experiment with AJAX today. Got the basics
   working, but when I add a tiny bit more complexity I have a problem,
   Event.stop doesn't work properly for me.

   I've followed a couple of basic tutorials to submit an e-mail address
   to a PHP script, the PHP looks up the e-mail address and if it finds
   it, it shows an input to enter a password. This all works fine except
   the function with the ajax call to the password PHP script does not
   stop the form submitting.

   There is probably something very obvious I am doing wrong so hopefully
   someone will be able to spot this a mile away! :)

   The HTML looks like this, once the second form has been displayed

   form id=email-form action=procBasketEmailNoJS.php method=post
   input id=email class=texterwide type=text name=email/
   input id=email-submit class=button type=submit value=Submit/


[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric

Hi, thanks for the answer.

I want to bind this.f itself, in order to be able to use
Event.stopObserving with it. What is the best way to do it?


On Aug 3, 5:32 pm, mr_justin gro...@jperkins.otherinbox.com wrote:
 Your observers need to be bound to the object you want the this
 keyword tied to.

 document.observe('click', this.f.bindAsEventListener(this))

 See the bottom of this page:http://prototypejs.org/api/event/observe

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Best way to turn an argument into Enumerable if it's not already

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric

I'm not sure we're talking about the same thing. I'm not talking about
the variable argument, but some variable named a. argument can
be passed to $A() because it has the nature of an Array, but I don't
know anything about my variable a. So it looks like $A(a) will fail in
the case that interests me, ie if a is not an Enumerable and is not
something special like argument.

To be more clear, I want to be able to call myFunc with those calls :

myFunc([1, fubar])


On Aug 3, 5:45 pm, mr_justin gro...@jperkins.otherinbox.com wrote:
 You could just use the arguments array.

 var stuff = $A(arguments).flatten();

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread T.J. Crowder


 But it's really inelegant. How am I supposed to handle this?

Pretty much like that, except I haven't reassigned the property like
that.  It *should* be fine, you'll create an own property 'f' on the
instance (rather than an inherited one from the prototype) that's
bound.  But it bothers me and I can't give you a good reason for
it. :-)  I've done that sort of thing before (keep a bound copy around
on the instance, if I'm going to reuse it), I've just for some reason
always used a different prop name, I guess so I'm not in doubt whether
I've bound it.  But doing it in the initializer like you have, there
wouldn't be any confusion...

Also, the odds are pretty high you just want #bind, not


T.J. Crowder
tj / crowder software / com
Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

On Aug 3, 2:39 pm, Cédric bertolini.ced...@gmail.com wrote:

 I'm trying to use the Class methods to manage my object hierarchy on
 my current project, but I have some trouble with the this keyword in
 conjonction with Class.create.

 Here is a piece of plain-js code using prototypes to get inheritance:

 var Super1 = function () {
         this.fu = bar;


 var Sub1 = function () {
         this.baz = bat;
         this.f = function () {
         document.observe(click, this.f);};

 Sub1.prototype = new Super1();
 new Sub1();

 Here is my attempt at mimic this with Class.create:

 var Super2 = Class.create({
         fu: bar


 var Sub2 = Class.create(Super2, {
         baz: bat,
         f: function () {
         initialize: function () {
                 document.observe(click, this.f);

 new Sub2();

 But of course it doesn't work, f in bound to window, not the object
 create by new. The only way I found is:

 var Super2 = Class.create({
         fu: bar


 var Sub2 = Class.create(Super2, {
         baz: bat,
         f: function () {
         initialize: function () {
                 this.f = this.f.bindAsEventListener(this);
                 document.observe(click, this.f);

 new Sub2();

 But it's really inelegant. How am I supposed to handle this?
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric

Thanks. I'll use #bind instead of #bindAsEventListener from now on.

Regarding the binding inelegancy, I'm a bit disappointed, but at least
it's a good working solution to the problem.

I guess Class#addMethods won't be of any help here?

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Best way to turn an argument into Enumerable if it's not already

2009-08-03 Thread mr_justin

Did you try what I suggested? I tested various argument scenarios as
you gave in your example and it worked fine.

The arguments variable is a magic variable that is an array (a subset
of an array really) of all the arguments passed into the function.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Best way to turn an argument into Enumerable if it's not already

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric

I tried it with the following implementation :

function myFunc(a) {
$A(a).each(function (o) { alert(o) });

It doesn't work, because for $A() to be of any use, I have to use $A
(argument), not $A(a), but the fact is, I have several arguments, not
just one. I want to treat the first argument as an Enumerable, and the
other arguments have different purposes.

Here is an actual function:

UI.Observer = function (elements, events, handlers) {
var elements = (elements  elements.size !== undefined ? elements :
var events = (events  events.size !== undefined ? events :
var handlers = (handlers  handlers.size !== undefined ? handlers :
var handler = null;
var pairs = $R(1, events.size()).map(function (i) {
if(typeof handlers[i-1] != undefined) handler = handlers[i-1];
if(typeof handler == function) return { event:events[i-1],
handler:handler };
var operate = function (method) {
elements.each(function (element) {
pairs.each(function (pair) {
if(pair) Event[method](element, pair.event, 

this.go = operate.curry(observe);
this.stop = operate.curry(stopObserving);


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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Best way to turn an argument into Enumerable if it's not already

2009-08-03 Thread Cédric

So, your solution was good, but I can't apply it just like that. It
gave me an idea, though:

function ensureArray() {
  return $A(argument).flatten();

function myFunc(a) {
  var a = ensureArray(a);

That would the trick, I guess. Except the side effect that a is flatten
()-ed, but in my case it's ok.

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Best way to turn an argument into Enumerable if it's not already

2009-08-03 Thread mr_justin

 but the fact is, I have several arguments, not
 just one. I want to treat the first argument as an Enumerable, and the

I see, that wasn't clear from the beginning.

In that case, how about:

elements = $A([elements]).flatten();
handlers = $A([handlers]).flatten();
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread Matt Foster

Regardless of the JS framework.  A closure is necessary for attaching
class methods to a particular instance and preserve the instance
reference via the this keyword.


I thought Function.bind was pretty clean myself, but I guess you've
got the sweet tooth for the syntax.



On Aug 3, 1:16 pm, Cédric bertolini.ced...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thanks. I'll use #bind instead of #bindAsEventListener from now on.

 Regarding the binding inelegancy, I'm a bit disappointed, but at least
 it's a good working solution to the problem.

 I guess Class#addMethods won't be of any help here?
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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Class.create and this keyword

2009-08-03 Thread Ryan Gahl
Oops, sorry for the weird formatting...

On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 6:38 PM, Ryan Gahl ryan.g...@gmail.com wrote:

  Let me suggest the module pattern - which not inconsequently also enables
 true private fields and methods (just because it seems you're looking for
 alternative patterns). Also, since the module pattern allows for true
 private members, you can just create a helper function at the module level,
 thus avoiding placing the f function at the instance level. This assumes
 you probably don't want calling code to create and instance of Sub2 and then
 just randomly make calls to myInstance.f()...

 // (if you don't use a globally accessible namespace object to tack your
 classes onto, then declare the class variable outside of the module function
 so the reference is visible elsewhere, but I highly recommend just using a
 namespace object to hold all your classes instead)

 var Sub2; //as in the note above, only required here if not using a
 namespace object

 (function() {

 //put the handler here, as a helper function, and no need for it to be
 public because you typically won't want outside code to do someInstance.f(),
 right? (no more of this it has an underscore so it's private stuff, people

 function f() {

 alert(Class: + this.fu + this.baz);


  Sub2 = Class.create(Super2, {   // notice no var since in this
 example we declared outside the module so it's available outside the module

baz: bat,

initialize: function () {

document.observe(click, f.bind(this)); //just in-line the
 binding to make it cleaner, unless you need to re-user the bound function,
 then maybe cache it in a variable




 new Sub2();

 On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 12:05 PM, T.J. Crowder t...@crowdersoftware.com


  But it's really inelegant. How am I supposed to handle this?

 Pretty much like that, except I haven't reassigned the property like
 that.  It *should* be fine, you'll create an own property 'f' on the
 instance (rather than an inherited one from the prototype) that's
 bound.  But it bothers me and I can't give you a good reason for
 it. :-)  I've done that sort of thing before (keep a bound copy around
 on the instance, if I'm going to reuse it), I've just for some reason
 always used a different prop name, I guess so I'm not in doubt whether
 I've bound it.  But doing it in the initializer like you have, there
 wouldn't be any confusion...

 Also, the odds are pretty high you just want #bind, not


 T.J. Crowder
 tj / crowder software / com
 Independent Software Engineer, consulting services available

 On Aug 3, 2:39 pm, Cédric bertolini.ced...@gmail.com wrote:
  I'm trying to use the Class methods to manage my object hierarchy on
  my current project, but I have some trouble with the this keyword in
  conjonction with Class.create.
  Here is a piece of plain-js code using prototypes to get inheritance:
  var Super1 = function () {
  this.fu = bar;
  var Sub1 = function () {
  this.baz = bat;
  this.f = function () {
  document.observe(click, this.f);};
  Sub1.prototype = new Super1();
  new Sub1();
  Here is my attempt at mimic this with Class.create:
  var Super2 = Class.create({
  fu: bar
  var Sub2 = Class.create(Super2, {
  baz: bat,
  f: function () {
  initialize: function () {
  document.observe(click, this.f);
  new Sub2();
  But of course it doesn't work, f in bound to window, not the object
  create by new. The only way I found is:
  var Super2 = Class.create({
  fu: bar
  var Sub2 = Class.create(Super2, {
  baz: bat,
  f: function () {
  initialize: function () {
  this.f = this.f.bindAsEventListener(this);
  document.observe(click, this.f);
  new Sub2();
  But it's really inelegant. How am I supposed to handle this?

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[Proto-Scripty] sw.gallery script help

2009-08-03 Thread PatD

Hi I'm working on a slideshow script SW Gallery.  
There are no instructions and I have a couple of questions.  Is it
possible to set it to slide automatically.  The demo  has to move
manually.  And can the Carousel be turned off to not display.  My
slideshow is too narrow for it to look good.

I can't seem to figure it out as I don't know the scripting

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[Proto-Scripty] Re: Using a prototype function in dynamic content.

2009-08-03 Thread Drum

 if you need to do it yourself, you'd use
 String#evalScripts on the responseText member of the Ajax.Response
 passed into your onSuccess handler.

Sorry, I still don't understand. This is my onSuccess handler, how do
I apply evalScripts?

  if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
if (http_request.status == 200) {
 document.getElementById('load').innerHTML = ;
 var thereturn = http_request.responseText;
 document.getElementById(div).innerHTML = 
 } else {

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