[Terminoloxía] Zonas horarias en Mozilla Calendar

2011-07-27 Conversa Enrique Estévez Fernández
Ola. Teño un cacao montado coas zonas horarias. Estiven vendo Open-Tran.eu e parece que non as temos traducidas ou están así así. Ás veces hai varias opcións e outras, están tal cual, bueno a segunda parte da zona horaria. http://en.gl.open-tran.eu/suggest/Africa/ http://en.gl.open-tran.eu/sugges

resolvconf 1.59: Please update debconf PO translation for the package resolvconf

2011-07-27 Conversa resolvconf maintainers
Greetings, You are noted as the last translator of the debconf translation for resolvconf. Some messages are missing in your translation of the English original. I would be grateful if you could take the time to update it! Please send the updated file to me, or submit it as a wishlist bug repor