Eu levo varios proxectos en Transifex, hai un sinxelo [Total Strings: 37 (172
words)] e sen traducir que pode servirche de proba
Só tes que rexistrarte en Transifex, e aparecerache no rodapé (ou case no
rodapé) un botón [+ Add Translation] creas o proxecto de galego e xa poderás
probar o que queiras.

El 15 de marzo de 2011 08:38, Enrique Estévez Fernández

> Boas.
> Estou suscrito a lista de OmegaT e a veces contan cousas interesantes coma
> ista.
> Por se alguén lle interesa, xa que sei de xente que traduce en Transifex e
> podería combinar con Omegat, aínda que está verde a cousa.
> Teño que probalo aínda, pero terei que buscar algún sitio para facer unha
> proba ou montar un servidor de transifex en local. Alguén sabe dun onde
> poida subir un ficheiro e probar a traducilo de forma mixta?
> Saúdos.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Yves Savourel <>
> Date: 2011/3/14
> Subject: [OmT] Editing Transifex projects directly from OmegaT
> To:
> Cc:
> Hi all,
> The Transifex Filter has been added to the Filters Plugin for OmegaT.
> This allows you to edit files in a Transifex directly from OmegaT.
> Transifex has its own editor: Lotte, that works online. But some
> translators may be more comfortable working from OmegaT and use its many
> functions: TM, glossaries, spell-checking, tag validations, etc.
> You can already do this by downloading each PO file, then uploading them
> back once the translation is done.
> Now you can simply have a to create a "Transifex project file" (.txp) where
> you specify the information about the Transifex project to work on, and use
> this as the "source file" for OmegaT.
> There is a detailed page on how to do this here:
> All this is still beta and is available from the snapshots distributions:
> Feedback, bug reports, etc. welcome as usual.
> -yves
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