Ola Marce, grazas pola axuda.

A teoría é certa, e é o que pon a documentación pero na realidade eu tenho no galicianWords.aspell o seguinte:

personal_ws-1.1 gl 6 UTF-8

e este é o erro que me mostra:

po/gl.po:11871(#2628): Unknown word 'Portapapeis' (suggestions: Portalapis and Pasaporte).

co que esa regra ao mellor non funciona como debería. Se inclúo Portapapeis na lista xa non se mostra.

-------- Mensaxe orixinal --------
Asunto: Re: [pology] check-spell
Data: Thu, 26 Apr 2012 12:08:58 +0200
De: Chusslove Illich <caslav.i...@gmx.net>
Para: pol...@lists.nedohodnik.net
CC: Fran Diéguez <lis...@mabishu.com>

[: mvillarino :]
A mate that translates gnome noted that specialized dictionaries for
check-spell-ec happen to be case sensitive, so gtk != GTK. Is this right?
Is there any way to make dictionaries case insensitive?

I use Aspell as underlying spell check engine, and it seems to use this
heuristic: allow word with upcased letters (compared to dictionary word),
but do not allow downcased. For example, if dictionary contains 'foo', then
'Foo' and 'FOO' will be allowed; if dictionary contains 'Foo', then 'FOO'
will be allowed, but 'foo' will be reported as misspelled.

This heuristic makes sense to me, and works for me in practice. The
rationale is that lower case is always more general, so if it is in the
dictionary, upper case variants may appear at start of sentence or all-caps
writing. However, if upper case variant is in the dictionary, the word is
e.g. proper noun or acronym, and should never be in lower case.

Applied to your example, how comes 'gtk' is found in the text? If it is used
as normal part of text, then the original is misspelling it by using lower
case, and the translation can be correct and use upper case version. If
instead 'gtk' is part of some symbolic identifier, well then, identifiers
will generally trip spell checking and there has to be some other mechanism
to avoid that. (For this purpose Pology takes into account translator
comments of the form # well-spelled: word1, word2, ....)

Chusslove Illich (Часлав Илић)

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