Re: quick question on xhr2 upload events

2008-05-20 Thread Aaron Boodman

Err, yes, now that you point it out, I see that too. I'm not sure why
I didn't see it initially.

Ok, thanks!

- a

On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 7:20 PM, Sam Weinig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> By my reading, XMLHttpRequestUpload inherits from XMLHttpRequestEventTarget
> (which is what inherits from EventTarget)
>  [].
>  XMLHttpRequestEventTarget is what adds the old style event handler
> attributes, so XMLHttpRequestUpload should support them as well.
> -Sam
> On May 20, 2008, at 6:50 PM, Aaron Boodman wrote:
> My reading of leads me
> to believe that you can do this:
> xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(){}, false);
> but not this:
> xhr.upload.onprogress = function(){};
> That is, XMLHttpRequestUpload implements EventTarget, but not any
> old-style event handler function properties. Is that correct?
> - a

quick question on xhr2 upload events

2008-05-20 Thread Aaron Boodman

My reading of leads me
to believe that you can do this:

xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function(){}, false);

but not this:

xhr.upload.onprogress = function(){};

That is, XMLHttpRequestUpload implements EventTarget, but not any
old-style event handler function properties. Is that correct?

- a

Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal

2008-05-12 Thread Aaron Boodman

On Mon, May 12, 2008 at 12:17 AM, Anne van Kesteren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FWIW, XMLHttpRequest Level 2 already has this functionality in the form of
> responseBody:
> (send() is also accepts a ByteArray now.)

Thanks, I wasn't aware of that.

- a

Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Aaron Boodman

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 6:46 PM, Maciej Stachowiak
>> It seems better if the read API is just async for this case to prevent
>> the problem.
> It can't entirely prevent the problem. If you read a big enough chunk, it
> will cause swapping which hits the disk just as much as file reads. Possibly
> more, because real file access will trigger OS prefetch heuristics for
> linear access.

Right, I think the UA has to have ultimate control over the chunk size
to prevent this. The length parameters on the read apis I suggested
would have to be what the caller desires, but the implementation
doesn't necessarily have to honor it. I've changed the parameter names
on our wiki page to 'desiredLength' to reflect this.

>> Whether XHR spools to disk is an implementation detail, right? Right
>> now XHR is not practical to use for downloading large files because
>> the only way to access the result is as a string. Also because of
>> this, XHR implementations don't bother spooling to disk. But if this
>> API were added, then XHR implementations could be modified to start
>> spooling to disk if the response got large. If the caller requests
>> responseText, then the implementation just does the best it can to
>> read the whole thing into a string and reply. But if the caller uses
>> responseBlob (or whatever we call it) then it becomes practical to,
>> for example, download movie files, modify them, then re-upload them.
> That sounds reasonable for very large files like movies. However, audio and
> image files are similar in size to the kinds of text or XML resources that
> are currently processed synchronously. In such cases they are likely to
> remain in memory.

> In general it is sounding like it might be desirable to have at least two
> kinds of objects for representing binary data:
> 1) An in-memory, mutable representation with synchronous access. There
> should also be a copying API which is possibly copy-on-write for the backing
> store.
> 2) A possibly disk-backed representation that offers only asynchronous read
> (possibly in the form of representation #1).

I agree with this, but I think using Blob/File whatever as the default
representation is convenient because you don't need to add multiple
getter APIs to things such as XHR (responseBytes and responseBlob).
And you probably remove some potential confusion over which getter is
correct to use for a given situation.

> Both representations could be used with APIs that can accept binary data. In
> most cases such APIs only take strings currently. The name of representation
> #2 may wish to tie it to being a file, since for anything already in memory
> you'd want representation #1. Perhaps they could be called ByteArray and
> File respectively.

Calling it File seems a little weird to me, particularly in the case
of XMLHttpRequest.

> Open question: can a File be stored in a SQL database? If
> so, does the database store the data or a reference (such as a path or Mac
> OS X Alias)?

There definitely needs to be a way to store Files locally. I don't
have a strong opinion as to whether this should be in the database, or
in DOMStorage, or in something new just for files.

- a

Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Aaron Boodman

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 5:46 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, that depends on how good the OS buffer cache is at prefetching. But in
> general, there would be some disk access.

It seems better if the read API is just async for this case to prevent
the problem.

>> I see what you mean for canvas, but not so much for XHR. It seems like
>> a valid use case to want to be able to use XHR to download very large
>> files. In that case, the thing you get back seems like it should have
>> an async API for reading.
> Hmm? If you get the data over the network it goes into RAM. Why would you
> want an async API to in-memory data? Or are you suggesting XHR should be
> changed to spool its data to disk? I do not think that is practical to do
> for all requests, so this would have to be a special API mode for responses
> that are expected to be too big to fit in memory.

Whether XHR spools to disk is an implementation detail, right? Right
now XHR is not practical to use for downloading large files because
the only way to access the result is as a string. Also because of
this, XHR implementations don't bother spooling to disk. But if this
API were added, then XHR implementations could be modified to start
spooling to disk if the response got large. If the caller requests
responseText, then the implementation just does the best it can to
read the whole thing into a string and reply. But if the caller uses
responseBlob (or whatever we call it) then it becomes practical to,
for example, download movie files, modify them, then re-upload them.

- a

Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Aaron Boodman

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 4:22 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Here's one additional question on how this would work with ByteArray.
>> The read API for ByteArray is currently synchronous. Doesn't this mean
>> that with large files accessing bytearray[n] could block?
> If the ByteArray were in fact backed by a file, then accessing bytearray[n]
> could lead to part of the file being paged in. However, the same is true if
> it is backed by RAM that is swapped out. Even accessing uninitialized
> zero-fill memory could trap to the kernel, though that's in general not as
> bad as hitting disk (whether for swap or file bytes).

But expressing the API as an array makes it seem like access is always
cheap, encouraging people to just burn through the file in a tight
loop. Such loops would actually hit the disk many times, right?

> I can see how you may want to have an object to represent a file that can be
> handed to APIs directly, but that has only an async read interface for JS.
> However, I am pretty sure you would not want to use such an object to
> represent binary data returned from an XHR, or the pixel contents of a
> . After all, the data is already in memory. So perhaps files need a
> distinct object from other forms of binary data, if we wanted to enforce
> such a restriction.

I see what you mean for canvas, but not so much for XHR. It seems like
a valid use case to want to be able to use XHR to download very large
files. In that case, the thing you get back seems like it should have
an async API for reading.

- a

Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-11 Thread Aaron Boodman

On Sun, May 11, 2008 at 3:02 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Both of these can be addressed by the APIs (including the worker transfer
> mechanism) making a copy, which can use a copy-on-write mechanism to avoid
> actually making a copy in the common case.

Ok, so just so I'm clear, does the following example snippet
accurately reflect how you propose that things work?

var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "example", true);
req.onreadystatechange = handleResult;

function handleResult() {
  if (req.readyState != 4) return;

  var b1 = req.responseByteArray;
  var b2 = b1;
  assert(b1 === b2); // they refer to the same object

  // print the contents of the array
  for (var i = 0; i < b1.length; i++) {

  b1[0] = 42;
  assert(b2[0] == 42);

  var worker = window.createWorker("worker.js");
  worker.sendMessage(b1); // branches b1
  b1[0] = 43; // modification does not affect what got sent to worker

// worker.js
worker.onmessage = function(b) {
  assert(b[0] == 42);

> I'm still not convinced that immutability is good, or that the ECMAScript
> ByteArray proposal can't handle the required use cases.

Here's one additional question on how this would work with ByteArray.
The read API for ByteArray is currently synchronous. Doesn't this mean
that with large files accessing bytearray[n] could block?

- a

Re: Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-10 Thread Aaron Boodman

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 1:18 AM, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I really like the idea of adding consistent APIs for binary data in the many
> places in the Web platform that need them. However, I'm not really clear on
> why Blobs must be distinct from ByteArrays. The only explanation is: "The
> primary difference is that Blobs are immutable*, and can therefore represent
> large objects." But I am not sure why immutability is necessary to have the
> ability to represent large objects. If you are thinking immutability is
> necessary to be able to have large objects memory mapped from disk, then
> mmap with a private copy-on-write mapping should solve that problem just
> fine.

I'm going to defer to Chris Prince on this question, as he is the real
man behind this proposal on our team and has thought the most about
it. Not knowing much about mmap, it sounds like a fair enough idea to
me. It seems like you'd eventually still want to push things back to
disk after enough mutation, right? Would writes be synchronous? Would

> In fact, immutability seems clearly undesirable for many of these APIs.
> Seems like you will want to modify such things and create them from scratch.

We agree that you'd want to modify and create blobs, and have a TODO
for that in our proposal. However, we were thinking of handling this
similarly to how strings are handled in JavaScript. When you modify a
blob, you get a new blob instance.  But our ideas on this are pretty
poorly formed as we don't have as pressing a need as we do for the
things we've proposed so far.

> I also notice that you used int64 in many of the APIs. JavaScript cannot
> represent 64-bit integers in its number type. All JavaScript numbers are
> IEEE floating point doubles. This will lose precision at the high end of the
> int64 range, which is likely unacceptable for many of these APIs. Thus, if
> 64-bit is really needed, then a primitive type will not do. You either need
> two int32s or an object type encapsulating this.

I think our assumption is that 2^53 is large enough to represent the
length of all the blobs going in and out of web apps for the
forseeable future. We would just throw when we receive a number that
is larger than that saying that it is out of range. Is there a better
way to notate this in specs?

On Sat, May 10, 2008 at 7:51 PM, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, 11 May 2008, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:
>> > Do we have the resources to have someone champion this spec?
>> Are you asking the WG, or Google?
> The Web community as a whole. I don't care which working group (if any)
> "owns" it, and I don't have any reason to prefer that Google work on this
> rather than anyone else -- my interest is in forwarding the platform as a
> whole. :-)

I think I might like to do this. What does it involve? Should we take
this part offline, Ian?

- a

Blobs: An alternate (complementary?) binary data proposal (Was: File IO...)

2008-05-07 Thread Aaron Boodman

Hi everyone,

> Opera has a proposal for a specification that would revive (and supersede)
> the file upload API that has been lingering so long as a work item.

The Gears team has also been putting together a proposal for file
access which overlaps in some ways with Opera's, but is also
orthogonal in some ways:

I would summarize the key differences this way:

* We introduce a new interface - a blob - that represents an immutable
chunk of (potentially large) binary data
* We propose adding the ability to get and send blobs to many
different APIs, including XHR, the  element,
database, , etc.
* We attempt far less interaction with the filesystem (just extending
the input element and allowing exporting a blob to a file).

To answer one of Maciej's questions from the other thread, we intend
this for use on the open web and do not intend for it to require any
particular security authorization.

We would also love feedback, and would like to work with any
interested vendors to iterate this to something others would


- a

Geolocation API proposal

2008-03-06 Thread Aaron Boodman


I work on Google Gears team. If you're not familiar with what Gears
is, you can learn more here:

We've been working on an API that will allow an application to obtain
(with permission) the user's current location. I posted this to the
WhatWG mailing list, but it was suggested that this might be a more
appropriate place.

Anyway, here's our current design:

We think there's a lot of potential for interesting applications with
a API like this. Some examples would be recommendations for nearby
restaurants, turn by turn directions, or city walking tours.

Are there any other vendors interested in implementing something like
this? If so, we'd like to work together to come up with a standard.
Otherwise, I'll just put this out there for comment for the time
being. We'd appreciate any feedback on the design, one way or the


Aaron Boodman