Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-13 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
> On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
>> So HTML is not vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting, C++ is not vulnerable
>> to buffer overflows and so CORS is not vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
> Correct.

As some (at least me) might be confused by what you're saying here,
are you saying that "C++ isn't vulnerable to buffer overflows, rather
*some programs* written in C++ are vulnerable to buffer overflows"?
And, hence, some usages of CORS aren't vulnerable to buffer overflows
and so you can say that CORS itself is not, either? Or are you saying
something stronger, and I'm still not following you?

Like MarkM, I perhaps am not understanding the "Web standards" manner
of using the word "vulnerable" and so it would be helpful if you could

To continue the analogy, there is an essential distinction between
C++'s vulnerability to buffer overflows and (Java, Python, ML, etc.)
total lack of vulnerability. To say that C++ is not subject to buffer
overflows but rather individual programs are at fault is to lose sight
of that essential distinction. Much as Tyler is attempting to
distinguish between APIs that use ambient authority (and hence, are
"vulnerable", even if some usages are safe) and APIs where that simply
cannot happen.

Regardless of the above, I agree 100% that it is more fruitful to
focus on actual examples so we can be completely clear about this ...

-- Dirk

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-13 Thread John Kemp
Hi Ian,

On May 13, 2010, at 1:02 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:


> You are using the word "vulnerable" in a manner inconsistent with its 
> meaning in the Web standards community.

I think the specific vulnerability is that a server is vulnerable to a 
malicious or incorrectly-configured client passing on a malicious request in 
any model where the server depends on the client "doing the right thing" with 
an identifier passed from the malicious request.


>> It is a strange security model that says the client must completely 
>> validate the request before submitting it.
> It's how all the technologies on the Web so far have been secured. While 
> it may be academically strange, it is the only security model Web authors 
> are familiar with, so to them it isn't strange at all. XSS, XSRF, SQL 
> injection -- all these classes of problems are addressed by validating 
> data in the request before acting on it or passing it on to the next 
> system. You may not like this kind of design, but it's what authors are 
> most used to.

Just because we are used to it, doesn't mean we shouldn't seek to improve the 
model in order to remove vulnerabilities. Doing so may change the model -- but 
in ways we all benefit from and appreciate. Removing XSRF and clickjacking from 
the developer's lexicon seems like a worthy goal - doesn't it?

>> Yes, well, that's what I'm trying to do. By refusing to admit that tools 
>> contribute to bugs in any way, you are doing the opposite.
> To be blunt: browser vendors have said they are implementing CORS, and 
> that UMP isn't enough. Continuing to argue against this isn't working. If 
> you want CORS replaced with something else, you need to find something 
> that will convince browser vendors; repeating your claims that the CORS 
> technology is vulnerable is merely distancing you further from the rest of 
> the working group and is more likely to make any further advice you may 
> have get ignored as well.

The (current) browsers are not the only clients, and both UMP and CORS are 
attempts to work on the entire Web. The specific vulnerability that is 
important is whether it is possible for a client to be duped into sending a 
request on behalf of a malicious server to an unsuspecting server. Should Web 
servers really have to depend on whether a complex client is written correctly 
(and not maliciously) in order to ensure that a request from a third-party is 


- johnk

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-13 Thread Tyler Close
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> On May 13, 2010, at 3:05 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
>> On 12.05.2010 22:39, Nathan wrote:
>>> Devdatta wrote:
> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

 exactly -- I don't see this thread getting anywhere.
>>> Vendors & Spec writers,
>>> What would be really nice is if you gave us server admins, application
>>> server-side developers and data publishers a say in this.
>>> Thus I'll propose a new header:
>>> Allow-XHR = "Allow-XHR" ":" Allow-XHR-v
>>> Allow-XHR-v = "none" | "negotiate" | "all"
>>> "none" defines no XHR access
>>> "negotiate" defines the UA should negotiate CORS or UMP headers (leave
>>> that up to you guys to decide what's best ;)
>>> "all" defines that the UA should process the XHR request as a normal
>>> client HTTP request leaving all information + headers intact.
>>> ...
>> From the side line: I hear that people were worried about having to add new 
>> response headers just for CORS & friends. Was it ever discussed to send 
>> these response headers only based on something in the *request*?
> That's already how CORS works, essentially. You don't need to send the 
> Access-Control-Allow-Origin header or other headers, unless you see a request 
> with a non-same origin Origin header. The no-credentials subset of CORS is a 
> bit weaker. It sends "Origin: null", which could also be triggered by 
> something like traversing a link. UMP doesn't provide for this at all - there 
> is no required header in a UMP request that can distinguish it from any other 
> request.

The presence or absence of a Cookie header could be used for this
micro optimization in UMP: no Cookie, include the
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header; otherwise don't.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: CORS suggestions [Was: Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest]

2010-05-13 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Arthur Barstow  wrote:
> On May 12, 2010, at 2:42 PM, ext Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> If so, I'd really like to see the chairs move forward with making the
>> WG make some sort of formal decision on weather CORS should be
>> published or not. Repeating the same discussion over and over is not
>> good use your time or mine.
> There is sufficient interest in CORS such that we should continue to work on
> it. As such, I don't think any type of "formal decision" re publication is
> needed.
> Although this and other recent and related threads have indeed re-hashed
> some previous discussions, among some of the suggestions made are:
> * CORS' security considerations section needs improvements
> * Need security analysis e.g. with multi-party deployments; "test the
> security properties of CORS" (e.g. versus UMP)
> * Need usage informatin for the app developer and server admin; when is CORS
> safe to use; which is easier to use; guidelines for not "falling prey to
> attacks with CORS"
> * CORS needs text about Confused Deputy
> Is anyone willing to contribute to the above?

I will happily contribute to this and to whatever work is necessary to
merge UMP
and CORS into a single spec (plus additional non-normative documents),
if that's helpful.

-- Dirk

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-13 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 6:41 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> Both Adam and Dirk understood correctly. Ideally, I'd like an actual
> CORS example to work on, since I'd have to make analogies with
> postMessage(), and I've already made a ton of analogies, apparently to
> little effect. If people don't fully appreciate the relationship
> between  based CSRF and CORS based Confused Deputy, then we need
> an actual CORS application.
> Out of curiosity, who are the 3 parties involved in the facebook chat
> example? The little chat widget in the corner of the facebook page
> looks like a same origin application.

 Facebook uses a lot of different domains for different purposes.  I
 don't have a complete count, but at least a dozen.  The chat feature
 itself uses a bunch, possibly to get around various connection limits
 in browsers.
>>> This doesn't seem like a good example then, since the attacker would
>>> have to be facebook itself. For robustness, I personally consider
>>> these scenarios when designing an application, but people on this list
>>> might not find it compelling. They might also argue that no attempt
>>> was made to protect against such a vulnerability.
 Keep in mind that the browser's notion of an origin is often much
 smaller than a single application, which is part of the reason web
 developers are so keen on CORS.  Many of them plan to use it only to
 talk to trusted hosts without having to use goofy things like JSONP.
>>> Enabling this scenario is a fine thing, but it's not the scenario we
>>> should be using to test the security properties of CORS. UMP also
>>> enables communication between fully trusted participants.
>> It seems like a fine scenario to me. We know people want to use CORS
>> for this purpose because it makes their code easier and cleaner (both
>> of which are nice security things in and of themselves). If both CORS
>> and UMP are secure for this use case, then an interesting question is,
>> which is easier to use? This is particularly relevant insofar as if
>> the existing JSONP-based solution uses cookies, since CORS would
>> support this but UMP wouldn't (meaning the degree of rework in the app
>> necessary to support the code would be higher).
>> Note that I am not saying that this should be the only scenario to be
>> reviewed, but you shouldn't just pick and choose the cases that best
>> fit your hypothesis.
> Over the course of this discussion, I've taken every use-case, with
> every arbitrary constraint that anyone wants to add and shown a
> corresponding UMP solution, so it is grossly unfair to accuse me of
> picking and choosing cases.
> For this particular discussion, we were explicitly looking for an
> example of a Confused Deputy vulnerability in an actual CORS
> application. Such a thing doesn't exist in a scenario with only 2
> parties and no attacker. When testing security properties, you need an
> attacker.

I apologize, I thought your intent was to do a security review of CORS,
which in my mind would show what situations it can be used safely and
what situations it can't, not just show the latter. The two-party situation
is interesting because it is a situation that cannot be solved today without
CORS or UMP. So, the point is that CORS can safely enable a class of
scenarios that are not possible otherwise. This is a non-trivial point given
the current discussion.

Besides, I thought part of the point of the argument is that sites that are
often considered to be trusted aren't, because of the possibility of SQL
injection, XSS, etc.

> All that said, if you want to compare the usability of CORS and UMP in
> a 2 party interaction between fully trusted participants, we can do
> that. Go ahead and sketch out the challenge problem and corresponding
> CORS solution.

I will send something shortly.

-- Dirk

Last Word-ism (was: Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest)

2010-05-13 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:02 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:

> On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
> >
> > So HTML is not vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting, C++ is not vulnerable
> > to buffer overflows and so CORS is not vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
> Correct.
> > As explained above, CORS with credentials is intrinsically vulnerable to
> > Confused Deputy. The use of credentials forces the developer to consider
> > Confused Deputy vulnerabilities.
> You are using the word "vulnerable" in a manner inconsistent with its
> meaning in the Web standards community.
> > > It's just as possible to make bad designs using UMP than with CORS.
> >
> > It's rare that a tool makes bad design impossible. Are you saying that's
> > the metric for comparing the security of two tools? So long as bad
> > design is possible, the two tools are equivalent?
> You seem to be arguing that as long as bad design is possible, a tool
> shouldn't be made available at all! [1]
> [1]
> > > (I would argue that UMP actually makes it more likely that designs
> > > will have poor security characteristics since it ends up being easier
> > > to ask for the user's credentials directly than doing the right thing.
> > > With CORS, on the other hand, it's easier to use the user's existing
> > > session, so it's less likely that people will ask for credentials
> > > inappropriately.)
> >
> > But you haven't considered the dangers that come from reusing the user's
> > existing session. That's an inherently dangerous thing to do, but you
> > seem to ignore the problem and so come to the conclusion you want.
> It is not an inherently dangerous thing to do, that's hyperbole. It is
> certainly possible to use this tool wrongly, e.g. by executing actions on
> the behalf of another origin, but is anyone suggesting doing that?
> It would be helpful if we could focus on concrete use cases, so that we
> could document them and add offer them to Anne to add to the CORS spec.
> > > What use cases would you like examples for? Let's write them up and
> > > give them to Anne to the introduction section.
> >
> > I want to see CORS try to develop something like the Security
> > Considerations section in UMP with simple, clear choices for application
> > developers to consider. I want this advice to be feasible to follow and
> > to provide a robust defense against Confuse Deputy problems. I doubt
> > such advice can be provided for CORS.
> I'm interested in providing authors with concrete examples based on
> real-world use cases. What use cases are you concerned about? I see no use
> cases in the section to which you refer, only abstract advice:
> > Confused Deputy attacks cannot be fixed by escaping data. There may be
> > no static test that can be done to validate an identifier.
> Then don't use identifiers of this nature.
> > It is a strange security model that says the client must completely
> > validate the request before submitting it.
> It's how all the technologies on the Web so far have been secured. While
> it may be academically strange, it is the only security model Web authors
> are familiar with, so to them it isn't strange at all. XSS, XSRF, SQL
> injection -- all these classes of problems are addressed by validating
> data in the request before acting on it or passing it on to the next
> system. You may not like this kind of design, but it's what authors are
> most used to.
> > Yes, well, that's what I'm trying to do. By refusing to admit that tools
> > contribute to bugs in any way, you are doing the opposite.
> To be blunt: browser vendors have said they are implementing CORS, and
> that UMP isn't enough. Continuing to argue against this isn't working. If
> you want CORS replaced with something else, you need to find something
> that will convince browser vendors; repeating your claims that the CORS
> technology is vulnerable is merely distancing you further from the rest of
> the working group and is more likely to make any further advice you may
> have get ignored as well.

Hi Ian, I detect genuine concern in your last statement above, so I'm sure
the following observation does not indicate any malicious intent. Please do
not take it otherwise. I think what is going on is only that good debaters
can fall into rhetorical habits that are more effective than they are
legitimate. Responding in kind to your concern, I'd like to alert you to the
possibility that you may be doing that.

You (and many others here) are placing Tyler in a no win bind. You are
repeating fallacies that have already been repeated dozens of times in this
thread, and that Tyler has already responded to dozens of times. When you
repeat them yet again, if Tyler responds yet again, you and many others on
in this forum accuse him of repeating old arguments. Should Tyler not
respond, then the fallacies rest on the

CORS suggestions [Was: Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest]

2010-05-13 Thread Arthur Barstow

On May 12, 2010, at 2:42 PM, ext Jonas Sicking wrote:

If so, I'd really like to see the chairs move forward with making the
WG make some sort of formal decision on weather CORS should be
published or not. Repeating the same discussion over and over is not
good use your time or mine.

There is sufficient interest in CORS such that we should continue to  
work on it. As such, I don't think any type of "formal decision" re  
publication is needed.

Although this and other recent and related threads have indeed re- 
hashed some previous discussions, among some of the suggestions made  

* CORS' security considerations section needs improvements 

* Need security analysis e.g. with multi-party deployments; "test the  
security properties of CORS" (e.g. versus UMP) 

* Need usage informatin for the app developer and server admin; when  
is CORS safe to use; which is easier to use; guidelines for not  
"falling prey to attacks with CORS" 

* CORS needs text about Confused Deputy 

Is anyone willing to contribute to the above?

-Art Barstow

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-13 Thread Nathan

Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

On May 13, 2010, at 3:05 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

On 12.05.2010 22:39, Nathan wrote:

Devdatta wrote:

As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

exactly -- I don't see this thread getting anywhere.

Vendors & Spec writers,

What would be really nice is if you gave us server admins, application
server-side developers and data publishers a say in this.

Thus I'll propose a new header:

Allow-XHR = "Allow-XHR" ":" Allow-XHR-v
Allow-XHR-v = "none" | "negotiate" | "all"

"none" defines no XHR access

"negotiate" defines the UA should negotiate CORS or UMP headers (leave
that up to you guys to decide what's best ;)

"all" defines that the UA should process the XHR request as a normal
client HTTP request leaving all information + headers intact.

From the side line: I hear that people were worried about having to add new 
response headers just for CORS & friends. Was it ever discussed to send these 
response headers only based on something in the *request*?

That's already how CORS works, essentially. You don't need to send the 
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header or other headers, unless you see a request with a 
non-same origin Origin header. The no-credentials subset of CORS is a bit weaker. It 
sends "Origin: null", which could also be triggered by something like 
traversing a link. UMP doesn't provide for this at all - there is no required header in a 
UMP request that can distinguish it from any other request.

(Regarding the proposal you quoted, I don't understand how the new header is 
materially different from CORS/UMP, which are both use opt-in response headers 
that allow cross-origin access.)

The original issue is that CORS doesn't as yet allow for opt-in headers, 
Maciej Stachowiak earlier suggested (amongst renaming all the other 

  new header to expose more response headers ==> Expose-Headers (or 

UMP does cater for this.

The specific issue I need to get around (as an app developer and not a 
vendor) - note: not spam, clarifying to save you good busy people from 
trawling this huge thread - is:

I've (amongst others) have adopted a new Web Access Control & SSL auth* 
model, and under this model HTTPS conflicts with the same origin rules 
for XHR.

I spoke to TimBL about it, who said to adopt CORS, but under closer 
inspection I've found the headers needed for the model he proposes (and 
for REST) are not allowed in the current draft of CORS. Namely Link and 

Whilst the above quoted is overkill, the (now over mentioned by me) 
Expose-Headers suggestion from Maciej Stachowiak or UMPs Uniform-Headers 
would both solve the problem :)

Regardless of the UMP/CORS thing, I (along with most of the people doing 
Read-Write-Web / Linked Data / FOAF+SSL / REST) would value a header 
opt-in solution being in both drafts; that is, it's critical to the web 
of data & UK/US Government Linked Data efforts moving forwards.



Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-13 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 13, 2010, at 3:05 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:

> On 12.05.2010 22:39, Nathan wrote:
>> Devdatta wrote:
 As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
 we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
 way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
 affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
 new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
>>> exactly -- I don't see this thread getting anywhere.
>> Vendors & Spec writers,
>> What would be really nice is if you gave us server admins, application
>> server-side developers and data publishers a say in this.
>> Thus I'll propose a new header:
>> Allow-XHR = "Allow-XHR" ":" Allow-XHR-v
>> Allow-XHR-v = "none" | "negotiate" | "all"
>> "none" defines no XHR access
>> "negotiate" defines the UA should negotiate CORS or UMP headers (leave
>> that up to you guys to decide what's best ;)
>> "all" defines that the UA should process the XHR request as a normal
>> client HTTP request leaving all information + headers intact.
>> ...
> From the side line: I hear that people were worried about having to add new 
> response headers just for CORS & friends. Was it ever discussed to send these 
> response headers only based on something in the *request*?

That's already how CORS works, essentially. You don't need to send the 
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header or other headers, unless you see a request 
with a non-same origin Origin header. The no-credentials subset of CORS is a 
bit weaker. It sends "Origin: null", which could also be triggered by something 
like traversing a link. UMP doesn't provide for this at all - there is no 
required header in a UMP request that can distinguish it from any other request.

(Regarding the proposal you quoted, I don't understand how the new header is 
materially different from CORS/UMP, which are both use opt-in response headers 
that allow cross-origin access.)


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-13 Thread Julian Reschke

On 12.05.2010 22:39, Nathan wrote:

Devdatta wrote:

As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

exactly -- I don't see this thread getting anywhere.

Vendors & Spec writers,

What would be really nice is if you gave us server admins, application
server-side developers and data publishers a say in this.

Thus I'll propose a new header:

Allow-XHR = "Allow-XHR" ":" Allow-XHR-v
Allow-XHR-v = "none" | "negotiate" | "all"

"none" defines no XHR access

"negotiate" defines the UA should negotiate CORS or UMP headers (leave
that up to you guys to decide what's best ;)

"all" defines that the UA should process the XHR request as a normal
client HTTP request leaving all information + headers intact.

From the side line: I hear that people were worried about having to add 
new response headers just for CORS & friends. Was it ever discussed to 
send these response headers only based on something in the *request*?

Best regards, Julian

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
> So HTML is not vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting, C++ is not vulnerable 
> to buffer overflows and so CORS is not vulnerable to Confused Deputy.


> As explained above, CORS with credentials is intrinsically vulnerable to 
> Confused Deputy. The use of credentials forces the developer to consider 
> Confused Deputy vulnerabilities.

You are using the word "vulnerable" in a manner inconsistent with its 
meaning in the Web standards community.

> > It's just as possible to make bad designs using UMP than with CORS.
> It's rare that a tool makes bad design impossible. Are you saying that's 
> the metric for comparing the security of two tools? So long as bad 
> design is possible, the two tools are equivalent?

You seem to be arguing that as long as bad design is possible, a tool 
shouldn't be made available at all! [1]


> > (I would argue that UMP actually makes it more likely that designs 
> > will have poor security characteristics since it ends up being easier 
> > to ask for the user's credentials directly than doing the right thing. 
> > With CORS, on the other hand, it's easier to use the user's existing 
> > session, so it's less likely that people will ask for credentials 
> > inappropriately.)
> But you haven't considered the dangers that come from reusing the user's 
> existing session. That's an inherently dangerous thing to do, but you 
> seem to ignore the problem and so come to the conclusion you want.

It is not an inherently dangerous thing to do, that's hyperbole. It is 
certainly possible to use this tool wrongly, e.g. by executing actions on 
the behalf of another origin, but is anyone suggesting doing that?

It would be helpful if we could focus on concrete use cases, so that we 
could document them and add offer them to Anne to add to the CORS spec.

> > What use cases would you like examples for? Let's write them up and 
> > give them to Anne to the introduction section.
> I want to see CORS try to develop something like the Security 
> Considerations section in UMP with simple, clear choices for application 
> developers to consider. I want this advice to be feasible to follow and 
> to provide a robust defense against Confuse Deputy problems. I doubt 
> such advice can be provided for CORS.

I'm interested in providing authors with concrete examples based on 
real-world use cases. What use cases are you concerned about? I see no use 
cases in the section to which you refer, only abstract advice:

> Confused Deputy attacks cannot be fixed by escaping data. There may be 
> no static test that can be done to validate an identifier.

Then don't use identifiers of this nature.

> It is a strange security model that says the client must completely 
> validate the request before submitting it.

It's how all the technologies on the Web so far have been secured. While 
it may be academically strange, it is the only security model Web authors 
are familiar with, so to them it isn't strange at all. XSS, XSRF, SQL 
injection -- all these classes of problems are addressed by validating 
data in the request before acting on it or passing it on to the next 
system. You may not like this kind of design, but it's what authors are 
most used to.

> Yes, well, that's what I'm trying to do. By refusing to admit that tools 
> contribute to bugs in any way, you are doing the opposite.

To be blunt: browser vendors have said they are implementing CORS, and 
that UMP isn't enough. Continuing to argue against this isn't working. If 
you want CORS replaced with something else, you need to find something 
that will convince browser vendors; repeating your claims that the CORS 
technology is vulnerable is merely distancing you further from the rest of 
the working group and is more likely to make any further advice you may 
have get ignored as well.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 6:33 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
> On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
>> >
>> >> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient
>> >> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore
>> >> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
>> >
>> > That's like saying that HTML uses markup and is therefore vulnerable
>> > to markup injection. It's a vast oversimplification and overstatement
>> > of the problem.
>> Is it really? XSS is a major problem. HTML provides no facility for
>> dealing with XSS and practically invites it. It's hard to deal with this
>> situation now since HTML is so widely deployed. CORS invites Confused
>> Deputy problems but is not yet widely deployed. We can still do
>> something about it.
> HTML's use of markup is not a vulnerability.
> CORS's use of ambient authority is not a vulnerability.
> Sure, both can be used in vulnerable ways, but they are not themselves
> vulnerabilities.

So HTML is not vulnerable to Cross-Site Scripting, C++ is not
vulnerable to buffer overflows and so CORS is not vulnerable to
Confused Deputy.

There's something very Alice in Wonderland about all this Humpty
Dumpty talk and accusations of nonsense.

If there are special precautions that must be taken to avoid a
problem, then you are vulnerable to that problem. From a security
perspective we are interested in what precautions a technology
requires developers to take and whether or not it's feasible to apply
those precautions. Direct memory management forces C++ developers to
consider what kind of library, technique or verifier they'll use to
protect themselves against memory access errors. Automatic sending of
credentials forces CORS developers to consider how they'll protect
themselves against Confused Deputy problems. The requirement for a
defense is inherent in the design of the tool.

Using UMP you can build an app without use of credentials and so
without needing to consider Confused Deputy vulnerabilities.

>> > It is quite possible to write perfectly safe n-party apps.
>> It is also quite possible to stand on your head while riding a bicycle.
>> What's your point?
> My point is that you are arguing that one design is less good than
> another, but you are using words that make it sound like you are arguing
> that one design is actually intrinsicly vulnerable.

As explained above, CORS with credentials is intrinsically vulnerable
to Confused Deputy. The use of credentials forces the developer to
consider Confused Deputy vulnerabilities.

> It's just as possible
> to make bad designs using UMP than with CORS.

It's rare that a tool makes bad design impossible. Are you saying
that's the metric for comparing the security of two tools? So long as
bad design is possible, the two tools are equivalent?

> (I would argue that UMP
> actually makes it more likely that designs will have poor security
> characteristics since it ends up being easier to ask for the user's
> credentials directly than doing the right thing. With CORS, on the other
> hand, it's easier to use the user's existing session, so it's less likely
> that people will ask for credentials inappropriately.)

But you haven't considered the dangers that come from reusing the
user's existing session. That's an inherently dangerous thing to do,
but you seem to ignore the problem and so come to the conclusion you

>> No one has laid out a clear strategy for developers to follow to use
>> CORS safely and shown how to apply it to expected use cases.
> What use cases would you like examples for? Let's write them up and give
> them to Anne to the introduction section.

I want to see CORS try to develop something like the Security
Considerations section in UMP with simple, clear choices for
application developers to consider. I want this advice to be feasible
to follow and to provide a robust defense against Confuse Deputy
problems. I doubt such advice can be provided for CORS.

>> The CORS spec doesn't even mention Confused Deputy problems.
> I'm sure Anne would be happy to include suitable text if you provide it.
> However, such text has to be accurate, and not make false claims like
> saying that there is a security vulnerability where there is only the
> potential for one when the feature is misused.

CORS doesn't even say yet how to use it safely, so what does it mean
to misuse it?

We may also have a different perspective on what it means to be candid
about the problems facing developers.

>> >> > It is certainly possible to mis-use CORS in insecure ways, but then
>> >> > it's also possible to mis-use UMP in insecure ways.
>> You could justify any kind of security weakness with that kind of logic.
>> Nuclear waste can be used in insecure ways, but then so can hammers.
> No. There is a _massive_ difference between features that _may_ be
> misused, and features that _cannot be used safely_. For example, if XHR
> let you read data from any site without any sort of server opt-in,

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Nathan

Ian Hickson wrote:

On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
We've gone through several scenarios on this list where this validation 
is not feasible. On the chromium list, I recently explained how it is 
not possible to implement a generic AtomPub client that does this 

I don't think using AtomPub is necessarily a good idea. AtomPub was not 
designed for use with CORS. If you're going to use technologies 
inappropriately then sure, you'll have security problems.

but you can't use any RESTful with CORS because it strips Location, 
Content-Location etc

Perfectly secure to have /admin/ accessing /data/ or HTTP through to 
HTTPS for POST etc

I agree CORS is needed, but the imho the UMP headers [1] really needed 
added (if not just the Uniform-Headers




Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
> >
> >> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient 
> >> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore 
> >> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
> >
> > That's like saying that HTML uses markup and is therefore vulnerable 
> > to markup injection. It's a vast oversimplification and overstatement 
> > of the problem.
> Is it really? XSS is a major problem. HTML provides no facility for 
> dealing with XSS and practically invites it. It's hard to deal with this 
> situation now since HTML is so widely deployed. CORS invites Confused 
> Deputy problems but is not yet widely deployed. We can still do 
> something about it.

HTML's use of markup is not a vulnerability.
CORS's use of ambient authority is not a vulnerability.

Sure, both can be used in vulnerable ways, but they are not themselves 

> > It is quite possible to write perfectly safe n-party apps.
> It is also quite possible to stand on your head while riding a bicycle. 
> What's your point?

My point is that you are arguing that one design is less good than 
another, but you are using words that make it sound like you are arguing 
that one design is actually intrinsicly vulnerable. It's just as possible 
to make bad designs using UMP than with CORS. (I would argue that UMP 
actually makes it more likely that designs will have poor security 
characteristics since it ends up being easier to ask for the user's 
credentials directly than doing the right thing. With CORS, on the other 
hand, it's easier to use the user's existing session, so it's less likely 
that people will ask for credentials inappropriately.)

> No one has laid out a clear strategy for developers to follow to use 
> CORS safely and shown how to apply it to expected use cases.

What use cases would you like examples for? Let's write them up and give 
them to Anne to the introduction section.

> The CORS spec doesn't even mention Confused Deputy problems.

I'm sure Anne would be happy to include suitable text if you provide it. 
However, such text has to be accurate, and not make false claims like 
saying that there is a security vulnerability where there is only the 
potential for one when the feature is misused.

> >> > It is certainly possible to mis-use CORS in insecure ways, but then 
> >> > it's also possible to mis-use UMP in insecure ways.
> You could justify any kind of security weakness with that kind of logic. 
> Nuclear waste can be used in insecure ways, but then so can hammers.

No. There is a _massive_ difference between features that _may_ be 
misused, and features that _cannot be used safely_. For example, if XHR 
let you read data from any site without any sort of server opt-in, that 
would be a real security vulnerability, and could not be defended by 
saying "it's possible to mis-use it". It is possible to use CORS safely.

> We've gone through several scenarios on this list where this validation 
> is not feasible. On the chromium list, I recently explained how it is 
> not possible to implement a generic AtomPub client that does this 
> validation:

I don't think using AtomPub is necessarily a good idea. AtomPub was not 
designed for use with CORS. If you're going to use technologies 
inappropriately then sure, you'll have security problems.

> Others on this list have agreed that doing this checking is not always 
> possible.

It's possible to design systems that can't be made secure, whether using 
CORS or UMP. But there the vulnerability is with that software, not with 
the underlying technology.

On Wed, 12 May 2010, Dirk Pranke wrote:
> >
> > There's clearly not complete consensus since at least I disagree.
> I'm trying to understand what you mean by this. Are you saying that CORS 
> doesn't ever have Confused Deputy vulnerabilities? Or that it didn't 
> create new ones? Or that the vulnerabilities exist but aren't "subtle 
> but severe"?

I'm saying that CORS doesn't ever have Confused Deputy vulnerabilities, 
it's software that misuses CORS that has them; just like HTML doesn't ever 
have markup injection vulnerabilities, it's the software that embeds user 
content without verifying it that has those.

The guidelines for not falling prey to these attacks with CORS are pretty 
simple: don't do things on behalf of other origins, or include data from 
other origins without verifying the data. It's actually the same 
conceptual problem as markup injection -- you have to validate the data 
that you're given (e.g. escaping it) before infusing it with your 
authority. You have to design your systems from the ground up to be 
secure, but that's nothing new.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:36 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
 Both Adam and Dirk understood correctly. Ideally, I'd like an actual
 CORS example to work on, since I'd have to make analogies with
 postMessage(), and I've already made a ton of analogies, apparently to
 little effect. If people don't fully appreciate the relationship
 between  based CSRF and CORS based Confused Deputy, then we need
 an actual CORS application.

 Out of curiosity, who are the 3 parties involved in the facebook chat
 example? The little chat widget in the corner of the facebook page
 looks like a same origin application.
>>> Facebook uses a lot of different domains for different purposes.  I
>>> don't have a complete count, but at least a dozen.  The chat feature
>>> itself uses a bunch, possibly to get around various connection limits
>>> in browsers.
>> This doesn't seem like a good example then, since the attacker would
>> have to be facebook itself. For robustness, I personally consider
>> these scenarios when designing an application, but people on this list
>> might not find it compelling. They might also argue that no attempt
>> was made to protect against such a vulnerability.
>>> Keep in mind that the browser's notion of an origin is often much
>>> smaller than a single application, which is part of the reason web
>>> developers are so keen on CORS.  Many of them plan to use it only to
>>> talk to trusted hosts without having to use goofy things like JSONP.
>> Enabling this scenario is a fine thing, but it's not the scenario we
>> should be using to test the security properties of CORS. UMP also
>> enables communication between fully trusted participants.
> It seems like a fine scenario to me. We know people want to use CORS
> for this purpose because it makes their code easier and cleaner (both
> of which are nice security things in and of themselves). If both CORS
> and UMP are secure for this use case, then an interesting question is,
> which is easier to use? This is particularly relevant insofar as if
> the existing JSONP-based solution uses cookies, since CORS would
> support this but UMP wouldn't (meaning the degree of rework in the app
> necessary to support the code would be higher).
> Note that I am not saying that this should be the only scenario to be
> reviewed, but you shouldn't just pick and choose the cases that best
> fit your hypothesis.

Over the course of this discussion, I've taken every use-case, with
every arbitrary constraint that anyone wants to add and shown a
corresponding UMP solution, so it is grossly unfair to accuse me of
picking and choosing cases.

For this particular discussion, we were explicitly looking for an
example of a Confused Deputy vulnerability in an actual CORS
application. Such a thing doesn't exist in a scenario with only 2
parties and no attacker. When testing security properties, you need an

All that said, if you want to compare the usability of CORS and UMP in
a 2 party interaction between fully trusted participants, we can do
that. Go ahead and sketch out the challenge problem and corresponding
CORS solution.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  
>> wrote:
>>> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
>>> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
>>> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
>>> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's 
>>> security
>>> section
>>> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
>>> place on this issue on this mailing list.
>>> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
>>> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - 
>>> which
>>> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
>>> option for those worried about security.
>> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
>> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those 
>> until
>> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
>> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
>> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
>> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.

 Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
 [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
 believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.
>>> Does anyone have something?
>> At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
>> might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
>> Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
>> origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
>> kind you're interested in analyzing.
> I think (although I'm not certain) that Tyler is asking partially to
> figure out where a non-anonymous CORS request is used in the real
> world. If he isn't, then I am :)
> Given that a major (but not the only) claim of the need to adopt CORS
> with support for cookies and the Origin header is that it is in fact
> already implemented and shipping, it would be good to see how it's
> being used. If we can't find any examples of it being used (in the
> non-anonymous case, at least), then the argument against us having to
> keep it would hold less water. If we can find it being used, then we
> can see both how we would handle the case with UMP, and whether or not
> the CORS usage is in fact secure.

 Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought he wanted to do a security review to
 show that there was a confused deputy causing problems.
>>> Both Adam and Dirk understood correctly. Ideally, I'd like an actual
>>> CORS example to work on, since I'd have to make analogies with
>>> postMessage(), and I've already made a ton of analogies, apparently to
>>> little effect. If people don't fully appreciate the relationship
>>> between  based CSRF and CORS based Confused Deputy, then we need
>>> an actual CORS application.
>>> Out of curiosity, who are the 3 parties involved in the facebook chat
>>> example? The little chat widget in the corner of the facebook page
>>> looks like a same origin application.
>> Facebook uses a lot of different domains for different purposes.  I
>> don't have a complete count, but at least a dozen.  The chat feature
>> itself uses a bunch, possibly to get around various connection limits
>> in browsers.
> This doesn't seem like a good example then, since the attacker would
> have to be facebook itself. For robustness, I personally consider
> these scenarios when designing an application, but people on this list

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 5:07 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  
>>> wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  
> wrote:
>> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
>> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
>> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
>> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's 
>> security
>> section
>> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
>> place on this issue on this mailing list.
>> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
>> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - 
>> which
>> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
>> option for those worried about security.
> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

 A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
 meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
 get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
 where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
 do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.
>>> Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
>>> [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
>>> believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.
>> Does anyone have something?
> At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
> might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
> Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
> origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
> kind you're interested in analyzing.

 I think (although I'm not certain) that Tyler is asking partially to
 figure out where a non-anonymous CORS request is used in the real
 world. If he isn't, then I am :)

 Given that a major (but not the only) claim of the need to adopt CORS
 with support for cookies and the Origin header is that it is in fact
 already implemented and shipping, it would be good to see how it's
 being used. If we can't find any examples of it being used (in the
 non-anonymous case, at least), then the argument against us having to
 keep it would hold less water. If we can find it being used, then we
 can see both how we would handle the case with UMP, and whether or not
 the CORS usage is in fact secure.
>>> Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought he wanted to do a security review to
>>> show that there was a confused deputy causing problems.
>> Both Adam and Dirk understood correctly. Ideally, I'd like an actual
>> CORS example to work on, since I'd have to make analogies with
>> postMessage(), and I've already made a ton of analogies, apparently to
>> little effect. If people don't fully appreciate the relationship
>> between  based CSRF and CORS based Confused Deputy, then we need
>> an actual CORS application.
>> Out of curiosity, who are the 3 parties involved in the facebook chat
>> example? The little chat widget in the corner of the facebook page
>> looks like a same origin application.
> Facebook uses a lot of different domains for different purposes.  I
> don't have a complete count, but at least a dozen.  The chat feature
> itself uses a bunch, possibly to get around various connection limits
> in browsers.

This doesn't seem like a good example then, since the attacker would
have to be facebook itself. For robustness, I personally consider
these scenarios when designing an application, but people on this list
might not find it compelling. They might also argue that no attempt
was made to protect against such a vulnerability.

> Keep in mind that the browser's notion of 

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Adam Barth
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:56 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  
>> wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  
> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
> section
> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
> place on this issue on this mailing list.
> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
> option for those worried about security.

 I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.

 As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
 we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
 way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
 affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
 new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
>>> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
>>> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
>>> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
>>> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
>>> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.
>> Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
>> [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
>> believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.
> Does anyone have something?

 At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
 might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
 Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
 origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
 kind you're interested in analyzing.

>>> I think (although I'm not certain) that Tyler is asking partially to
>>> figure out where a non-anonymous CORS request is used in the real
>>> world. If he isn't, then I am :)
>>> Given that a major (but not the only) claim of the need to adopt CORS
>>> with support for cookies and the Origin header is that it is in fact
>>> already implemented and shipping, it would be good to see how it's
>>> being used. If we can't find any examples of it being used (in the
>>> non-anonymous case, at least), then the argument against us having to
>>> keep it would hold less water. If we can find it being used, then we
>>> can see both how we would handle the case with UMP, and whether or not
>>> the CORS usage is in fact secure.
>> Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought he wanted to do a security review to
>> show that there was a confused deputy causing problems.
> Both Adam and Dirk understood correctly. Ideally, I'd like an actual
> CORS example to work on, since I'd have to make analogies with
> postMessage(), and I've already made a ton of analogies, apparently to
> little effect. If people don't fully appreciate the relationship
> between  based CSRF and CORS based Confused Deputy, then we need
> an actual CORS application.
> Out of curiosity, who are the 3 parties involved in the facebook chat
> example? The little chat widget in the corner of the facebook page
> looks like a same origin application.

Facebook uses a lot of different domains for different purposes.  I
don't have a complete count, but at least a dozen.  The chat feature
itself uses a bunch, possibly to get around various connection limits
in browsers.

Keep in mind that the browser's notion of an origin is often much
smaller than a single application, which is part of the reason web
developers are so keen on CORS.  Many of them plan to use it only to
talk to trusted hosts without having to use goofy things like JSONP.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
 While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
 previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
 that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
 security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security

 is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
 place on this issue on this mailing list.

 Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
 this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
 I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
 option for those worried about security.
>>> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
>>> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
>>> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
>>> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
>>> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
>>> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
>> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
>> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
>> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
>> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
>> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.
> Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
> [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
> believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.

 Does anyone have something?
>>> At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
>>> might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
>>> Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
>>> origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
>>> kind you're interested in analyzing.
>> I think (although I'm not certain) that Tyler is asking partially to
>> figure out where a non-anonymous CORS request is used in the real
>> world. If he isn't, then I am :)
>> Given that a major (but not the only) claim of the need to adopt CORS
>> with support for cookies and the Origin header is that it is in fact
>> already implemented and shipping, it would be good to see how it's
>> being used. If we can't find any examples of it being used (in the
>> non-anonymous case, at least), then the argument against us having to
>> keep it would hold less water. If we can find it being used, then we
>> can see both how we would handle the case with UMP, and whether or not
>> the CORS usage is in fact secure.
> Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought he wanted to do a security review to
> show that there was a confused deputy causing problems.

Both Adam and Dirk understood correctly. Ideally, I'd like an actual
CORS example to work on, since I'd have to make analogies with
postMessage(), and I've already made a ton of analogies, apparently to
little effect. If people don't fully appreciate the relationship
between  based CSRF and CORS based Confused Deputy, then we need
an actual CORS application.

Out of curiosity, who are the 3 parties involved in the facebook chat
example? The little chat widget in the corner of the facebook page
looks like a same origin application.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:45 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  
> wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
 While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
 previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
 that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
 security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security

 is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
 place on this issue on this mailing list.

 Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
 this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
 I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
 option for those worried about security.
>>> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
>>> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
>>> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
>>> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
>>> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
>>> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
>> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
>> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
>> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
>> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
>> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.
> Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
> [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
> believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.

 Does anyone have something?
>>> At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
>>> might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
>>> Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
>>> origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
>>> kind you're interested in analyzing.
>> I think (although I'm not certain) that Tyler is asking partially to
>> figure out where a non-anonymous CORS request is used in the real
>> world. If he isn't, then I am :)
>> Given that a major (but not the only) claim of the need to adopt CORS
>> with support for cookies and the Origin header is that it is in fact
>> already implemented and shipping, it would be good to see how it's
>> being used. If we can't find any examples of it being used (in the
>> non-anonymous case, at least), then the argument against us having to
>> keep it would hold less water. If we can find it being used, then we
>> can see both how we would handle the case with UMP, and whether or not
>> the CORS usage is in fact secure.
> Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought he wanted to do a security review to
> show that there was a confused deputy causing problems.

I think that's part of the same thing (the "whether or not the CORS
usage is in fact secure part" of my note).

-- Dirk

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Adam Barth
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:38 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
>>> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
>>> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
>>> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
>>> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
>>> section
>>> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
>>> place on this issue on this mailing list.
>>> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
>>> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
>>> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
>>> option for those worried about security.
>> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
>> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
>> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
>> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
>> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
>> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.

 Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
 [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
 believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.
>>> Does anyone have something?
>> At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
>> might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
>> Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
>> origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
>> kind you're interested in analyzing.
> I think (although I'm not certain) that Tyler is asking partially to
> figure out where a non-anonymous CORS request is used in the real
> world. If he isn't, then I am :)
> Given that a major (but not the only) claim of the need to adopt CORS
> with support for cookies and the Origin header is that it is in fact
> already implemented and shipping, it would be good to see how it's
> being used. If we can't find any examples of it being used (in the
> non-anonymous case, at least), then the argument against us having to
> keep it would hold less water. If we can find it being used, then we
> can see both how we would handle the case with UMP, and whether or not
> the CORS usage is in fact secure.

Oh, I misunderstood.  I thought he wanted to do a security review to
show that there was a confused deputy causing problems.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 4:06 PM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
>> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
>> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
>> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
>> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
>> section
>> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
>> place on this issue on this mailing list.
>> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
>> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
>> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
>> option for those worried about security.
> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

 A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
 meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
 get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
 where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
 do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.
>>> Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
>>> [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
>>> believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.
>> Does anyone have something?
> At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
> might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
> Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
> origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
> kind you're interested in analyzing.

I think (although I'm not certain) that Tyler is asking partially to
figure out where a non-anonymous CORS request is used in the real
world. If he isn't, then I am :)

Given that a major (but not the only) claim of the need to adopt CORS
with support for cookies and the Origin header is that it is in fact
already implemented and shipping, it would be good to see how it's
being used. If we can't find any examples of it being used (in the
non-anonymous case, at least), then the argument against us having to
keep it would hold less water. If we can find it being used, then we
can see both how we would handle the case with UMP, and whether or not
the CORS usage is in fact secure.

-- Dirk

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Adam Barth
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
 On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
> section
> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
> place on this issue on this mailing list.
> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
> option for those worried about security.

 I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.

 As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
 we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
 way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
 affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
 new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
>>> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
>>> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
>>> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
>>> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
>>> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.
>> Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
>> [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
>> believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.
> Does anyone have something?

At the risk of getting myself involved in this discussion again, you
might consider doing a security analysis of Facebook Chat.  Although
Facebook Chat uses postMessage, it uses both cookies and postMessage's
origin property for authentication, so it might be a system of the
kind you're interested in analyzing.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:38 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
 While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
 previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
 that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
 security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security

 is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
 place on this issue on this mailing list.

 Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
 this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
 I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
 option for those worried about security.
>>> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
>>> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
>>> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
>>> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
>>> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
>>> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
>> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
>> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
>> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
>> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
>> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.
> Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
> [1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
> believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.

Does anyone have something?


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Nathan

Devdatta wrote:

As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

exactly -- I don't see this thread getting anywhere.

Vendors & Spec writers,

What would be really nice is if you gave us server admins, application 
server-side developers and data publishers a say in this.

Thus I'll propose a new header:

Allow-XHR = "Allow-XHR" ":" Allow-XHR-v
Allow-XHR-v = "none" | "negotiate" | "all"

"none" defines no XHR access

"negotiate" defines the UA should negotiate CORS or UMP headers (leave 
that up to you guys to decide what's best ;)

"all" defines that the UA should process the XHR request as a normal 
client HTTP request leaving all information + headers intact.



Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:31 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
>>> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
>>> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
>>> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
>>> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
>>> section
>>> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
>>> place on this issue on this mailing list.
>>> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
>>> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
>>> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
>>> option for those worried about security.
>> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
>> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
>> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
>> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
>> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
>> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
> A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
> meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
> get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
> where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
> do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.

Not to my knowledge, no. I believe we use CORS for tinderboxpushlog
[1], however since that is only dealing with public data I don't
believe it uses cookies or Origin headers.

Feel free to review it anyway.


/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 1:13 PM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
>> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
>> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
>> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
>> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
>> section
>> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
>> place on this issue on this mailing list.
>> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
>> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
>> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
>> option for those worried about security.
> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

A smart guy once told me that "You can't tell people anything",
meaning they have to experience it for themselves before they really
get it. Has Mozilla tried to build anything non-trivial using CORS
where cookies + Origin are the access control mechanism? If so, I'll
do a security review of it and we'll see what we learn.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Devdatta
> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

exactly -- I don't see this thread getting anywhere.


On 12 May 2010 13:13, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
>> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
>> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
>> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
>> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
>> section
>> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
>> place on this issue on this mailing list.
>> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
>> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
>> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
>> option for those worried about security.
> I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.
> As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
> we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
> way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
> affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
> new information provided since last fall's TPAC).
> / Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:38 PM, Devdatta  wrote:
> While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
> previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
> that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
> security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security
> section
> is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
> place on this issue on this mailing list.
> Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
> this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
> I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
> option for those worried about security.

I agree that the security section in CORS needs to be improved.

As for the "should CORS exist" discussion, I'll bow out of those until
we're starting to move towards officially adopting a WG decision one
way or another, or genuinely new information is provided which would
affect such a decision (for the record, I don't think I've seen any
new information provided since last fall's TPAC).

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Devdatta
While most of the discussion in this thread is just repeats of
previous discussions, I think Tyler makes a good (and new) point in
that the current CORS draft still has no mention of the possible
security problems that Tyler talks about. The current draft's security

is ridiculous considering the amount of discussion that has taken
place on this issue on this mailing list.

Before going to rec, I believe Anne needs to substantially improve
this section - based on stuff from maybe Maciej's presentation - which
I found really informative. He could also cite UMP as a possible
option for those worried about security.


On 12 May 2010 12:26, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
 On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
> CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities

 I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case.
>>> AFAICT, there is consensus that CORS has Confused Deputy
>>> vulnerabilities. I can pull up email quotes from almost everyone
>>> involved in the conversation.
>>> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient
>>> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore
>>> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
>> First I should note that I have no idea what this argument is trying
>> to result in. Is this an attempt at preventing CORS from going to REC?
>> Or are we just rat holing old discussions?
>> That said, I feel like I don't want to let the above claim go
>> unanswered. Like Ian, I think you are oversimplifying the situation. I
>> would argue that UMP risks resulting in the same confused deputy
>> problems as CORS in the same complex scenarios where CORS risks
>> confused deputy problems.
>> With an UMP based web application it seems like a big risk that people
>> will create APIs like:
>> function fetchResource(uri, successCallback) {
>>  req = new UMPOrWhateverWellCallItRequest();
>>  uri += "&securityToken=" + gSecurityToken;
>>"GET", uri);
>>  req.send();
>>  req.onload = function() { successCallback(req.responseText) };
>> }
>> Such code risks suffering from the exact same confused deputy problems
>> as CORS.
> To paraphrase: "Developers might build something that is broken in the
> following way; therefore, we should give them something that is
> already broken in that way."
>> My concern with UMP is that it takes no responsibility for
>> the security model and instead puts all responsibility on web sites.
> The UMP spec does go to significant lengths to show developers how to
> do things the right way and why. The Security Considerations section
> provides a straightforward model for safely using UMP. CORS has
> nothing similar.
>> I'm not convinced this will result in increased security on the web,
>> just the ability for UAs to hide behind arguments like "it's not our
>> fault that the website has a bug".
> The best we can do is provide good tools and show people how to use
> them. CORS is a tool with known problems and no instructions on safe
> use.
>> I don't see why we couldn't just give websites the ability to use
>> either security model and stop wasting time reiterating old
>> discussions.
> I just don't understand why we want to deploy a broken security model.
> --Tyler
> --
> "Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:

 CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities
>>> I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case.
>> AFAICT, there is consensus that CORS has Confused Deputy
>> vulnerabilities. I can pull up email quotes from almost everyone
>> involved in the conversation.
>> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient
>> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore
>> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
> First I should note that I have no idea what this argument is trying
> to result in. Is this an attempt at preventing CORS from going to REC?
> Or are we just rat holing old discussions?
> That said, I feel like I don't want to let the above claim go
> unanswered. Like Ian, I think you are oversimplifying the situation. I
> would argue that UMP risks resulting in the same confused deputy
> problems as CORS in the same complex scenarios where CORS risks
> confused deputy problems.
> With an UMP based web application it seems like a big risk that people
> will create APIs like:
> function fetchResource(uri, successCallback) {
>  req = new UMPOrWhateverWellCallItRequest();
>  uri += "&securityToken=" + gSecurityToken;
>"GET", uri);
>  req.send();
>  req.onload = function() { successCallback(req.responseText) };
> }
> Such code risks suffering from the exact same confused deputy problems
> as CORS.

To paraphrase: "Developers might build something that is broken in the
following way; therefore, we should give them something that is
already broken in that way."

> My concern with UMP is that it takes no responsibility for
> the security model and instead puts all responsibility on web sites.

The UMP spec does go to significant lengths to show developers how to
do things the right way and why. The Security Considerations section
provides a straightforward model for safely using UMP. CORS has
nothing similar.

> I'm not convinced this will result in increased security on the web,
> just the ability for UAs to hide behind arguments like "it's not our
> fault that the website has a bug".

The best we can do is provide good tools and show people how to use
them. CORS is a tool with known problems and no instructions on safe

> I don't see why we couldn't just give websites the ability to use
> either security model and stop wasting time reiterating old
> discussions.

I just don't understand why we want to deploy a broken security model.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:

 In the general case, including many common cases, doing this
 validation is not feasible. The CORS specification should not be
 allowed to proceed through standardization without providing
 developers a robust solution to this problem.

 CORS is a new protocol and the WG has been made aware of the security
 issue before applications have become widely dependent upon it. The WG
 cannot responsibly proceed with CORS as is.
>>> Clearly there is a fundamental philosophical difference here. The end result
>>> is pretty clear:
>>> 1. Every implementor except Caja is implementing CORS and prefers a unified
>>> CORS/UMP spec.
>> IE does not currently implement the disputed sections of CORS. I don't
>> know what their plans are. Without IE support, the disputed sections
>> of CORS are not a viable option for developers.
> Really? As far as I know IE sends the "Origin" header which as I
> understood it was a major source of the confused deputy problem and a
> big reason for drafting the UMP spec?

Yes, IE does implement one disputed feature. I'm just pointing out
that much of the disputed text is not widely deployed, despite claims
to the contrary.

>>> Realistically, UMP's only hope of actually getting wide adoption is if it's
>>> part of the CORS spec. Can you focus on improving CORS so that it addresses
>>> your concerns as much as realistically possible?
>> UMP has had that effect on CORS and I'll continue to pursue this. I
>> also want to see the bad stuff removed.
> If so, I'd really like to see the chairs move forward with making the
> WG make some sort of formal decision on weather CORS should be
> published or not. Repeating the same discussion over and over is not
> good use your time or mine.

I certainly agree that this has consumed way more time than I would
like. I remain baffled that it's such a hard point to make. The
purpose of CORS is to enable 3 party scenarios. Use of ambient
authority in 3 party scenarios creates Confused Deputy
vulnerabilities. Even simple scenarios are vulnerable if one of the
parties is an attacker. I've shown how to use UMP instead for every
use case anyone has brought up. At this point, my only guess is that
I'm arguing against sunk cost.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:35 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>>> In the general case, including many common cases, doing this
>>> validation is not feasible. The CORS specification should not be
>>> allowed to proceed through standardization without providing
>>> developers a robust solution to this problem.
>>> CORS is a new protocol and the WG has been made aware of the security
>>> issue before applications have become widely dependent upon it. The WG
>>> cannot responsibly proceed with CORS as is.
>> Clearly there is a fundamental philosophical difference here. The end result
>> is pretty clear:
>> 1. Every implementor except Caja is implementing CORS and prefers a unified
>> CORS/UMP spec.
> IE does not currently implement the disputed sections of CORS. I don't
> know what their plans are. Without IE support, the disputed sections
> of CORS are not a viable option for developers.

Really? As far as I know IE sends the "Origin" header which as I
understood it was a major source of the confused deputy problem and a
big reason for drafting the UMP spec?

>> Realistically, UMP's only hope of actually getting wide adoption is if it's
>> part of the CORS spec. Can you focus on improving CORS so that it addresses
>> your concerns as much as realistically possible?
> UMP has had that effect on CORS and I'll continue to pursue this. I
> also want to see the bad stuff removed.

If so, I'd really like to see the chairs move forward with making the
WG make some sort of formal decision on weather CORS should be
published or not. Repeating the same discussion over and over is not
good use your time or mine.

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 11:21 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> In the general case, including many common cases, doing this
>> validation is not feasible. The CORS specification should not be
>> allowed to proceed through standardization without providing
>> developers a robust solution to this problem.
>> CORS is a new protocol and the WG has been made aware of the security
>> issue before applications have become widely dependent upon it. The WG
>> cannot responsibly proceed with CORS as is.
> Clearly there is a fundamental philosophical difference here. The end result
> is pretty clear:
> 1. Every implementor except Caja is implementing CORS and prefers a unified
> CORS/UMP spec.

IE does not currently implement the disputed sections of CORS. I don't
know what their plans are. Without IE support, the disputed sections
of CORS are not a viable option for developers.

Caja and similar technologies are unable to implement full CORS. It's
not just that they don't want to.

> 2. Some implementors are unwilling to implement a separate UMP spec.

So CORS normatively claims to implement UMP and uses its algorithmic
spec to show how.

> The same arguments have been hashed out multiple times. The above is not
> going to change by talking through them again.
> Blocking the CORS spec on principle is meaningless at this point. Even if
> the spec were not officially standardized. It's shipping in browsers. It's
> not going to be taken back.

Again, the disputed sections of CORS are not yet widely deployed (no
IE) and so are not yet widely adopted by developers.

> Realistically, UMP's only hope of actually getting wide adoption is if it's
> part of the CORS spec. Can you focus on improving CORS so that it addresses
> your concerns as much as realistically possible?

UMP has had that effect on CORS and I'll continue to pursue this. I
also want to see the bad stuff removed.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Ojan Vafai
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:

> In the general case, including many common cases, doing this
> validation is not feasible. The CORS specification should not be
> allowed to proceed through standardization without providing
> developers a robust solution to this problem.
> CORS is a new protocol and the WG has been made aware of the security
> issue before applications have become widely dependent upon it. The WG
> cannot responsibly proceed with CORS as is.

Clearly there is a fundamental philosophical difference here. The end result
is pretty clear:
1. Every implementor except Caja is implementing CORS and prefers a unified
CORS/UMP spec.
2. Some implementors are unwilling to implement a separate UMP spec.

The same arguments have been hashed out multiple times. The above is not
going to change by talking through them again.

Blocking the CORS spec on principle is meaningless at this point. Even if
the spec were not officially standardized. It's shipping in browsers. It's
not going to be taken back.

Realistically, UMP's only hope of actually getting wide adoption is if it's
part of the CORS spec. Can you focus on improving CORS so that it addresses
your concerns as much as realistically possible?


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 9:01 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
>>> CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities
>> I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case.
> AFAICT, there is consensus that CORS has Confused Deputy
> vulnerabilities. I can pull up email quotes from almost everyone
> involved in the conversation.
> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient
> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore
> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.

First I should note that I have no idea what this argument is trying
to result in. Is this an attempt at preventing CORS from going to REC?
Or are we just rat holing old discussions?

That said, I feel like I don't want to let the above claim go
unanswered. Like Ian, I think you are oversimplifying the situation. I
would argue that UMP risks resulting in the same confused deputy
problems as CORS in the same complex scenarios where CORS risks
confused deputy problems.

With an UMP based web application it seems like a big risk that people
will create APIs like:

function fetchResource(uri, successCallback) {
  req = new UMPOrWhateverWellCallItRequest();
  uri += "&securityToken=" + gSecurityToken;"GET", uri);
  req.onload = function() { successCallback(req.responseText) };

Such code risks suffering from the exact same confused deputy problems
as CORS. My concern with UMP is that it takes no responsibility for
the security model and instead puts all responsibility on web sites.
I'm not convinced this will result in increased security on the web,
just the ability for UAs to hide behind arguments like "it's not our
fault that the website has a bug".

I don't see why we couldn't just give websites the ability to use
either security model and stop wasting time reiterating old

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Kris Zyp
Hash: SHA1

On 5/12/2010 11:39 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:

 CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities
>>> I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case.
>> AFAICT, there is consensus that CORS has Confused Deputy
>> vulnerabilities. I can pull up email quotes from almost everyone
>> involved in the conversation.
> There's clearly not complete consensus since at least I disagree.
FWIW, I also disagree that CORS creates inappropriate unconfused
deputy vulnerabilities. CORS provides a totally sufficient pathway for
secure use.

>> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient
>> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore
>> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
> That's like saying that HTML uses markup and is therefore vulnerable to
> markup injection. It's a vast oversimplification and overstatement of the
> problem. It is quite possible to write perfectly safe n-party apps.

Adding to this, saying that CORS uses ambient authority doesn't make
sense, CORS itself can't assign authority, owners of resources assign
authority. Any reasonable usage of CORS by resource owners would not
rely on interpreting headers in a way that assigns ambient authority.

- -- 
Kris Zyp
(503) 806-1841
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
> On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
>> > On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
>> >>
>> >> CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities
>> >
>> > I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case.
>> AFAICT, there is consensus that CORS has Confused Deputy
>> vulnerabilities. I can pull up email quotes from almost everyone
>> involved in the conversation.
> There's clearly not complete consensus since at least I disagree.
>> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient
>> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore
>> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.
> That's like saying that HTML uses markup and is therefore vulnerable to
> markup injection. It's a vast oversimplification and overstatement of the
> problem.

Is it really? XSS is a major problem. HTML provides no facility for
dealing with XSS and practically invites it. It's hard to deal with
this situation now since HTML is so widely deployed. CORS invites
Confused Deputy problems but is not yet widely deployed. We can still
do something about it.

> It is quite possible to write perfectly safe n-party apps.

It is also quite possible to stand on your head while riding a
bicycle. What's your point? No one has laid out a clear strategy for
developers to follow to use CORS safely and shown how to apply it to
expected use cases. The CORS spec doesn't even mention Confused Deputy

>> > It is certainly possible to mis-use CORS in insecure ways, but then
>> > it's also possible to mis-use UMP in insecure ways.

You could justify any kind of security weakness with that kind of
logic. Nuclear waste can be used in insecure ways, but then so can

>> > As far as I can
>> > tell, confused deputy vulnerabilities only occur with CORS if you use
>> > it in inappropriate ways, such as sharing identifiers amongst
>> > different origins without properly validating that they aren't
>> > spoofing each other.
>> In the general case, including many common cases, doing this validation
>> is not feasible.
> That's nonsense.

We've gone through several scenarios on this list where this
validation is not feasible. On the chromium list, I recently explained
how it is not possible to implement a generic AtomPub client that does
this validation:

Others on this list have agreed that doing this checking is not always possible.

> You have to make sure you don't rely on identifiers to
> confer authority, but that's just a matter of good design.

It's the exact opposite. Using ambient authority with
non-authority-bearing identifiers creates Confuse Deputy


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Ian Hickson
On Wed, 12 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
> > On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
> >>
> >> CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities
> >
> > I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case.
> AFAICT, there is consensus that CORS has Confused Deputy 
> vulnerabilities. I can pull up email quotes from almost everyone 
> involved in the conversation.

There's clearly not complete consensus since at least I disagree.

> It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient 
> authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore 
> vulnerable to Confused Deputy.

That's like saying that HTML uses markup and is therefore vulnerable to 
markup injection. It's a vast oversimplification and overstatement of the 
problem. It is quite possible to write perfectly safe n-party apps.

> > It is certainly possible to mis-use CORS in insecure ways, but then 
> > it's also possible to mis-use UMP in insecure ways. As far as I can 
> > tell, confused deputy vulnerabilities only occur with CORS if you use 
> > it in inappropriate ways, such as sharing identifiers amongst 
> > different origins without properly validating that they aren't 
> > spoofing each other.
> In the general case, including many common cases, doing this validation 
> is not feasible.

That's nonsense. You have to make sure you don't rely on identifiers to 
confer authority, but that's just a matter of good design.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Tyler Close
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 5:15 PM, Ian Hickson  wrote:
> On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
>> CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities
> I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case.

AFAICT, there is consensus that CORS has Confused Deputy
vulnerabilities. I can pull up email quotes from almost everyone
involved in the conversation.

It is also not a question of opinion, but fact. CORS uses ambient
authority for access control in 3 party scenarios. CORS is therefore
vulnerable to Confused Deputy.

> It is certainly
> possible to mis-use CORS in insecure ways, but then it's also possible to
> mis-use UMP in insecure ways. As far as I can tell, confused deputy
> vulnerabilities only occur with CORS if you use it in inappropriate ways,
> such as sharing identifiers amongst different origins without properly
> validating that they aren't spoofing each other.

In the general case, including many common cases, doing this
validation is not feasible. The CORS specification should not be
allowed to proceed through standardization without providing
developers a robust solution to this problem.

CORS is a new protocol and the WG has been made aware of the security
issue before applications have become widely dependent upon it. The WG
cannot responsibly proceed with CORS as is.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-12 Thread Anne van Kesteren
Since the other points in this thread have already been addressed by  
others, I thought I'd just add my thoughts on this issue (renaming and  
response header filtering).

On Tue, 11 May 2010 20:17:17 +0200, Tyler Close   
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Anne van Kesteren   

I think we first need to figure out whether we want to rename headers or
not, before any draft goes to Last Call, especially if UMP wants to  
remain a subset of some sorts.

AFAICT, your renaming proposal does not cover this section of CORS. I
think the two efforts can proceed in parallel. I look forward to your
feedback on this topic.

Renaming would effect how the response header is named. Keeping  
consistency in the header names is important. If we decide to rename  
headers it would most likely be named CORS-Expose-Headers and otherwise it  
would most likely be named Access-Control-Expose-Headers.

Renaming also affects UMP in another way, namely the name of the  
Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Adam Barth
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> On May 11, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
>>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Tyler Close 
>>> wrote:
 On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
> What is the difference between an "authoring guide" and a
> "specification for
> web developers"?

 The difference is whether or not the normative statements in UMP
 actually are normative for a CORS implementation. This comes down to
 whether or not a developer reading UMP can trust what it says, or must
 he also read the CORS spec.

>  The key point of making this distinction is that
> implementors should be able to look solely at the combined spec.

 No, the key point is to relieve developers of the burden of reading
 and understanding CORS. The CORS spec takes on the burden of restating
 UMP in its own algorithmic way so that an implementor can read only
>>> If figuring out how to have two specs is too much hassle, you could
>>> probably get 90%+ of what people are looking for by putting all of the
>>> normative stuff in the CORS spec and writing an informational note
>>> describing UMP that only discusses the subset of CORS needed for UMP.
>> That is exactly what I propose. I'd also call the informational UMP
>> note developer documentation, and make it easier to read for
>> developers than what a spec could ever be. But that's less important
>> if people feel otherwise.
> The approach suggested by Dirk and Jonas seems sensible to me.

Yeah, me too.  That's what I meant by my comment above.  Two documents for two
audiences, each tailored to best suit its audience.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 11 May 2010, Tyler Close wrote:
> CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities

I don't think everyone is convinced that this is the case. It is certainly 
possible to mis-use CORS in insecure ways, but then it's also possible to 
mis-use UMP in insecure ways. As far as I can tell, confused deputy 
vulnerabilities only occur with CORS if you use it in inappropriate ways, 
such as sharing identifiers amongst different origins without properly 
validating that they aren't spoofing each other.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On May 11, 2010, at 1:57 PM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Dirk Pranke   
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Tyler Close  
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ojan Vafai   
What is the difference between an "authoring guide" and a  
"specification for

web developers"?

The difference is whether or not the normative statements in UMP
actually are normative for a CORS implementation. This comes down to
whether or not a developer reading UMP can trust what it says, or  

he also read the CORS spec.

 The key point of making this distinction is that
implementors should be able to look solely at the combined spec.

No, the key point is to relieve developers of the burden of reading
and understanding CORS. The CORS spec takes on the burden of  

UMP in its own algorithmic way so that an implementor can read only

If figuring out how to have two specs is too much hassle, you could
probably get 90%+ of what people are looking for by putting all of  

normative stuff in the CORS spec and writing an informational note
describing UMP that only discusses the subset of CORS needed for UMP.

That is exactly what I propose. I'd also call the informational UMP
note developer documentation, and make it easier to read for
developers than what a spec could ever be. But that's less important
if people feel otherwise.

The approach suggested by Dirk and Jonas seems sensible to me.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 1:34 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>>> What is the difference between an "authoring guide" and a "specification for
>>> web developers"?
>> The difference is whether or not the normative statements in UMP
>> actually are normative for a CORS implementation. This comes down to
>> whether or not a developer reading UMP can trust what it says, or must
>> he also read the CORS spec.
>>> The key point of making this distinction is that
>>> implementors should be able to look solely at the combined spec.
>> No, the key point is to relieve developers of the burden of reading
>> and understanding CORS. The CORS spec takes on the burden of restating
>> UMP in its own algorithmic way so that an implementor can read only
>> CORS.
> If figuring out how to have two specs is too much hassle, you could
> probably get 90%+ of what people are looking for by putting all of the
> normative stuff in the CORS spec and writing an informational note
> describing UMP that only discusses the subset of CORS needed for UMP.

That is exactly what I propose. I'd also call the informational UMP
note developer documentation, and make it easier to read for
developers than what a spec could ever be. But that's less important
if people feel otherwise.

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>> What is the difference between an "authoring guide" and a "specification for
>> web developers"?
> The difference is whether or not the normative statements in UMP
> actually are normative for a CORS implementation. This comes down to
> whether or not a developer reading UMP can trust what it says, or must
> he also read the CORS spec.
>> The key point of making this distinction is that
>> implementors should be able to look solely at the combined spec.
> No, the key point is to relieve developers of the burden of reading
> and understanding CORS. The CORS spec takes on the burden of restating
> UMP in its own algorithmic way so that an implementor can read only

If figuring out how to have two specs is too much hassle, you could
probably get 90%+ of what people are looking for by putting all of the
normative stuff in the CORS spec and writing an informational note
describing UMP that only discusses the subset of CORS needed for UMP.

User agent implementors will have to read the CORS spec regardless of
whether or not UMP is in it or a different spec, so creating two specs
doesn't help much. And, as others have noted, service developers and
web authors don't really tend to need to read the specs, so an article
would probably be sufficient.

-- Dirk

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Tyler Close
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:36 PM, Arthur Barstow  wrote:
> Jonas, Anne, Tlyer, All,
> On May 11, 2010, at 3:08 PM, ext Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> Personally I would prefer to see the "UMP model" be specced as part of
>> the CORS spec, mostly to avoid inevitable differences between two
>> specs trying to specify the same thing. And creating an authoring
>> guide specifically for the UMP security model to help authors that
>> want to just use UMP.
> Yes, I would also prefer that. Are there any technical reason(s) this can't
> be done?

CORS introduces subtle but severe Confused Deputy vulnerabilities
which should prevent it from being standardized. Some believe/hope
these vulnerabilities can be mitigated, but the suggested techniques
are not well explained yet, will be overly constraining and will not
work in many common cases. So far, the CORS document does not even
explain these problems, let alone offer convincing solutions.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Arthur Barstow

Jonas, Anne, Tlyer, All,

On May 11, 2010, at 3:08 PM, ext Jonas Sicking wrote:

Personally I would prefer to see the "UMP model" be specced as part of
the CORS spec, mostly to avoid inevitable differences between two
specs trying to specify the same thing. And creating an authoring
guide specifically for the UMP security model to help authors that
want to just use UMP.

Yes, I would also prefer that. Are there any technical reason(s) this  
can't be done?

-Art Barstow

Specs make for bad developer documentation

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:01 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>> What is the difference between an "authoring guide" and a "specification for
>> web developers"?
> The difference is whether or not the normative statements in UMP
> actually are normative for a CORS implementation. This comes down to
> whether or not a developer reading UMP can trust what it says, or must
> he also read the CORS spec.

My experience is that author almost never read specs, sometimes read
developer docs (the good authors do), and mostly just tries to see how
UAs behave. Ultimately UA behavior is what matters to them anyway.

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:48 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> Firefox, Chrome and Caja have now all declared an interest in
> implementing UMP. Opera and Safari have both declared an interest in
> implementing the functionality defined in UMP under the name CORS. I
> think it's clear that UMP has sufficient implementor interest to
> proceed along the standardization path.

For what it's worth, nobody has or can speak for all of Firefox.

Personally I would prefer to see the "UMP model" be specced as part of
the CORS spec, mostly to avoid inevitable differences between two
specs trying to specify the same thing. And creating an authoring
guide specifically for the UMP security model to help authors that
want to just use UMP. Specs make for bad developer documentation

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Tyler Close
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:41 AM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
> What is the difference between an "authoring guide" and a "specification for
> web developers"?

The difference is whether or not the normative statements in UMP
actually are normative for a CORS implementation. This comes down to
whether or not a developer reading UMP can trust what it says, or must
he also read the CORS spec.

> The key point of making this distinction is that
> implementors should be able to look solely at the combined spec.

No, the key point is to relieve developers of the burden of reading
and understanding CORS. The CORS spec takes on the burden of restating
UMP in its own algorithmic way so that an implementor can read only


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Ojan Vafai
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 11:17 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:

> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Anne van Kesteren 
> wrote:
> > On Tue, 11 May 2010 19:48:57 +0200, Tyler Close  > wrote:
> >> Firefox, Chrome and Caja have now all declared an interest in
> >> implementing UMP. Opera and Safari have both declared an interest in
> >> implementing the functionality defined in UMP under the name CORS. I

I would put Chrome in the same camp as Opera and Safari based off the
chromium-dev thread. Although, I think the distinction might lie in the
misunderstanding below.

> >> In the discussion on chromium-dev, Adam Barth wrote:
> >>
> >> """
> >> Putting these together, it looks like we want a separate UMP
> >> specification for web developers and a combined CORS+UMP specification
> >> for user agent implementors.  Consequently, I think it makes sense for
> >> the working group to publish UMP separately from CORS but have all the
> >> user agent conformance requirements in the combined CORS+UMP document.
> >> """

> >> I think this is a satisfactory compromise and conclusion to the
> >> current debate. Anne, are you willing to adopt this strategy? If so, I
> >> think there needs to be a normative statement in the CORS spec that
> >> identifies the algorithms and corresponding inputs that implement UMP.
> >
> > I don't understand. As far as I can tell Adam suggests making UMP an
> > authoring guide.
> I read Adam as saying the UMP specification should be published. The
> words "authoring guide" don't appear. I believe his reference to a
> benefit for web developers refers to an opinion expressed earlier in
> the thread that the UMP specification is more easily understood by web
> developers.

What is the difference between an "authoring guide" and a "specification for
web developers"? The key point of making this distinction is that
implementors should be able to look solely at the combined spec.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Tue, 11 May 2010 19:48:57 +0200, Tyler Close   

Firefox, Chrome and Caja have now all declared an interest in
implementing UMP. Opera and Safari have both declared an interest in
implementing the functionality defined in UMP under the name CORS. I
think it's clear that UMP has sufficient implementor interest to
proceed along the standardization path.

In the discussion on chromium-dev, Adam Barth wrote:

Putting these together, it looks like we want a separate UMP
specification for web developers and a combined CORS+UMP specification
for user agent implementors.  Consequently, I think it makes sense for
the working group to publish UMP separately from CORS but have all the
user agent conformance requirements in the combined CORS+UMP document.


I think this is a satisfactory compromise and conclusion to the
current debate. Anne, are you willing to adopt this strategy? If so, I
think there needs to be a normative statement in the CORS spec that
identifies the algorithms and corresponding inputs that implement UMP.

I don't understand. As far as I can tell Adam suggests making UMP an  
authoring guide. Why would CORS need to normatively depend on it?

Before sending UMP to Last Call, we need a CORS and UMP agreement on
response header filtering. We need to reconcile the following two


Remaining subset issues around caching and credentials can be
addressed with editorial changes to CORS. I'll provide more detail in
a later email, assuming we've reached a compromise.

I think we first need to figure out whether we want to rename headers or  
not, before any draft goes to Last Call, especially if UMP wants to remain  
a subset of some sorts.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Tyler Close
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 10:54 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> On Tue, 11 May 2010 19:48:57 +0200, Tyler Close 
> wrote:
>> Firefox, Chrome and Caja have now all declared an interest in
>> implementing UMP. Opera and Safari have both declared an interest in
>> implementing the functionality defined in UMP under the name CORS. I
>> think it's clear that UMP has sufficient implementor interest to
>> proceed along the standardization path.
>> In the discussion on chromium-dev, Adam Barth wrote:
>> """
>> Putting these together, it looks like we want a separate UMP
>> specification for web developers and a combined CORS+UMP specification
>> for user agent implementors.  Consequently, I think it makes sense for
>> the working group to publish UMP separately from CORS but have all the
>> user agent conformance requirements in the combined CORS+UMP document.
>> """
>> See:
>> I think this is a satisfactory compromise and conclusion to the
>> current debate. Anne, are you willing to adopt this strategy? If so, I
>> think there needs to be a normative statement in the CORS spec that
>> identifies the algorithms and corresponding inputs that implement UMP.
> I don't understand. As far as I can tell Adam suggests making UMP an
> authoring guide.

I read Adam as saying the UMP specification should be published. The
words "authoring guide" don't appear. I believe his reference to a
benefit for web developers refers to an opinion expressed earlier in
the thread that the UMP specification is more easily understood by web

> Why would CORS need to normatively depend on it?

For developers to be able to rely on the normative statements made in
UMP when using a CORS implementation,  CORS must normatively claim to
be implementing UMP.

>> Before sending UMP to Last Call, we need a CORS and UMP agreement on
>> response header filtering. We need to reconcile the following two
>> sections:
>> and
>> Remaining subset issues around caching and credentials can be
>> addressed with editorial changes to CORS. I'll provide more detail in
>> a later email, assuming we've reached a compromise.
> I think we first need to figure out whether we want to rename headers or
> not, before any draft goes to Last Call, especially if UMP wants to remain a
> subset of some sorts.

AFAICT, your renaming proposal does not cover this section of CORS. I
think the two efforts can proceed in parallel. I look forward to your
feedback on this topic.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-11 Thread Tyler Close
Firefox, Chrome and Caja have now all declared an interest in
implementing UMP. Opera and Safari have both declared an interest in
implementing the functionality defined in UMP under the name CORS. I
think it's clear that UMP has sufficient implementor interest to
proceed along the standardization path.

In the discussion on chromium-dev, Adam Barth wrote:

Putting these together, it looks like we want a separate UMP
specification for web developers and a combined CORS+UMP specification
for user agent implementors.  Consequently, I think it makes sense for
the working group to publish UMP separately from CORS but have all the
user agent conformance requirements in the combined CORS+UMP document.


I think this is a satisfactory compromise and conclusion to the
current debate. Anne, are you willing to adopt this strategy? If so, I
think there needs to be a normative statement in the CORS spec that
identifies the algorithms and corresponding inputs that implement UMP.

Before sending UMP to Last Call, we need a CORS and UMP agreement on
response header filtering. We need to reconcile the following two


Remaining subset issues around caching and credentials can be
addressed with editorial changes to CORS. I'll provide more detail in
a later email, assuming we've reached a compromise.


On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> Hopefully it helps calling out attention to this in a separate thread.
> In
> Maciej states Apple has no interest in implementing UMP from the UMP
> specification. (I believe this means that a CORS defined subset that roughly
> matches UMP is fine.) They want to retain their CORS support.
> For Opera I can say we are planning on supporting on CORS in due course and
> have no plans on implementing UMP from the UMP specification.
> It would be nice if the three other major implementors (i.e. Google,
> Mozilla, and Microsoft) also stated their interest for both specifications,
> especially including whether removing their current level of CORS support is
> considered an option.
> --
> Anne van Kesteren

"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-05-06 Thread Mark S. Miller
XML is also a misnomer. And HTTP is confusing since it also works over

At least we agree on Request.

On Apr 21, 2010 12:24 PM, "Maciej Stachowiak"  wrote:

On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:37:54 +0900, Mark S...
I agree that "Anonymous" or "Anon" is more clear as to the purpose than
"Uniform". I understand why UMP uses that term but I don't think it will be
obvious to authors reading code.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Adam Barth
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 11:45 AM, Adam Barth  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>> Hopefully it helps calling out attention to this in a separate thread.
>> In
>> Maciej states Apple has no interest in implementing UMP from the UMP
>> specification. (I believe this means that a CORS defined subset that roughly
>> matches UMP is fine.) They want to retain their CORS support.
>> For Opera I can say we are planning on supporting on CORS in due course and
>> have no plans on implementing UMP from the UMP specification.
>> It would be nice if the three other major implementors (i.e. Google,
>> Mozilla, and Microsoft) also stated their interest for both specifications,
>> especially including whether removing their current level of CORS support is
>> considered an option.
> I've forwarded your question to chromium-dev:

Here's a sample response for those not subscribed to chromium-dev:

A couple things to note for background sake:
1) It is our goal that Chrome and Safari should not diverge in web platform
2) Maciej is a very influential member of the WebKit and web standards
Therefore, I think Maciej would need to be convinced before Chrome would
ship UMP.
I confess that I don't have a good enough understanding of UMP vs CORS yet
to comment intelligently on the subject.  I need to do some reading and
educate myself better.  Having read some of what has been linked from this
thread, I still feel that I am missing some background information.

Kind regards,

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 4:33 PM, Mark S. Miller  wrote:

> [...] Caja parses a sanitized subset of HTML HTML5's tag soup algorithm.

Sorry. I meant

Caja parses a sanitized subset of HTML *using* HTML5's tag soup algorithm.

Fortunately, the typo has little bearing on the overall point.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> Hopefully it helps calling out attention to this in a separate thread.
> In 
> states Apple has no interest in implementing UMP from the UMP
> specification. (I believe this means that a CORS defined subset that roughly
> matches UMP is fine.) They want to retain their CORS support.
> For Opera I can say we are planning on supporting on CORS in due course and
> have no plans on implementing UMP from the UMP specification.
> It would be nice if the three other major implementors (i.e. Google,
> Mozilla, and Microsoft) also stated their interest for both specifications,
> especially including whether removing their current level of CORS support is
> considered an option.

Caja does plan to implement UMP and not CORS. Caja is a user agent built as
a virtual browser-in-browser, translating from the subset of future web
standards it accepts (e.g., a subset of ES5/strict) into the subset of
future web standards supported by current browsers (e.g., a subset of ES3).
Caja accepts not just JavaScript of course -- Caja parses a sanitized subset
of HTML HTML5's tag soup algorithm. Since Caja helps protect the Yahoo! home
page, in some quantitative sense it is a larger user agent than Safari,
Opera, or Chrome.

Caja intermediates the dereferencing of all URLs through a
container-supplied URL translation policy. Say cajoled code inlined on a
page running on site X makes a cross-origin request to a server addressed as
site Y. Caja does support all Yahoo! A-grade browsers including IE6. To
emulate the cross-origin request on IE6, obviously, our only choice is to
relay the request through the X server. Since the X server has no access to
the browser's cookies for site Y, obviously, we cannot emulate the CSRF
vulnerabilities of full CORS even if we wanted to. UniformRequests can be
faithfully relayed through intermediaries. Full CORS cannot. Thus,
UniformRequests have a better incremental transition story for software that
can be deployed today.

> --
> Anne van Kesteren


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

Consolidating replies a bit...

On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:29 AM, Dirk Pranke wrote:

Here's some new directions ...


All HTTP requests are stateless, and sessionless could mean many  
things, so I'm not keen on those. ContextFree is a good suggestion.

or, since we're really talking about cookies here ...

IncognitoRequest(playing off of Chrome's "Incognito" mode, which
doesn't use your browser's normal cookie store)

Cookies are not the only issue. Another key difference is not sending  
headers that identify the site making the request (e.g. Origin or  
Referer). Secondary issues are other forms of client authentication  
such as HTTP authentication and SSL client certificates. Those are not  
very commonly used on public Web sites, but they need to be excluded  
for the proposed API to be secure.

On Apr 22, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

Count me as one web developer who won't miss the annoying and
inaccurate "XH" from any future "R"s.  I think that dropping them now
won't be very confusing (the Request part has always been the
meaningful one for me), and it then opens the door for future types of
Requests to just share in the Request name, not the full baggage-laden
XHR name.

If we do drop the "XH" that gives us the freedom to be a little more  
verbose in the rest of the name, if we so choose.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Tab Atkins Jr.
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
>> "XML" is also a misnomer. And "Http" is confusing as well, since these
>> requests can (and should) generally be carried over https. At least we agree
>> on "Request" ;).
> I agree, but (a) that ship has sailed; and (b) dropping those from the name
> only in the anonymous/uniform/whatever version would probably be more
> confusing than helpful, at least if the API ends up being roughly similar.
> XMLHttpRequest has brand value, and it's worth building on author awareness
> even if the X and the H are more historical than meaningful at this point.

Count me as one web developer who won't miss the annoying and
inaccurate "XH" from any future "R"s.  I think that dropping them now
won't be very confusing (the Request part has always been the
meaningful one for me), and it then opens the door for future types of
Requests to just share in the Request name, not the full baggage-laden
XHR name.

In other words, assuming confusion from a sample of one doesn't seem
too valid.  Establishing precedent with two, though, makes it
significantly more difficult to ever do anything better in the future.
 We're stuck with XHR as the name for vanilla XHR stuff.  We don't
need to perpetuate its inaccuracies and capitalization inconsistencies
into future types of Requests.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:39 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> On Apr 21, 2010, at 11:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:36:50 +0900, Adam Barth  wrote:
> Unfortunately "ambient" doesn't have any good antonyms:
> Simon suggested XMLHttpRequestNoContext in #whatwg. Seems relatively clear
> and works nicely with indexes and autocomplete.
> Other ideas (also suffix variants instead of prefix variants):
> - GuestXMLHttpRequest
> Suggested by Mark originally. We now envision more use cases than guest
> code, however, "guest" is also the traditional name for an unprivileged
> account.
> - UnprivilegedXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoPrivs)
> - NoAuthorityXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoAuth, though that may seem
> like "no authentication")
> - NoCredentialsXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoCred)
> Can anyone else think of ideas? I tried to mentally fill in sentences like,
> "I don't want to do this as root, I want to use a/an ___ account" or "I
> don't want to be logged into site X, I want to be  when I visit it."
> Regards,
> Maciej

Here's some new directions ...


or, since we're really talking about cookies here ...

IncognitoRequest(playing off of Chrome's "Incognito" mode, which
doesn't use your browser's normal cookie store)

-- Dirk

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 11:00 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> On Apr 22, 2010, at 10:27 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
>> That being said, I'm totally open to a name that conveys the same meaning
>> with less perceived ambiguity. I just don't think "Uniform" is it. It
>> doesn't get across the main idea very well at all. We need a phrase that
>> says "the browser won't automatically add any credentials, identifying
>> information or ambient authority".
> I think you need to consider the larger anticipated rhetorical context.
> As an API designer, I'm interested in optimizing for programmers reading
> and writing the code, not purveyors of rhetoric. I'm not sure if the
> statement below is a quote of some existing or proposed spec text, but
> certainly the tone is not appropriate to put in a technical specification.

I was not suggesting those paragraphs be put in any spec text, or indeed in
any document from the w3c. I completely agree that the tone is
inappropriate. My point is that such text is likely representative of the
discussions that we should expect developers to have (and btw, of points I
will be making in such discussions), so the concept of Uniformity may not
remain as foreign as you are currently assuming.

No matter what term we choose, its meaning will need to be explained to
developers by multiple channels, many of them unofficial and outside the
jurisdiction of the w3c. Outside the w3c, many developers to not consider
yet more of the same business as usual to be an acceptable approach to web
security. They would welcome a simple, sound and understandable alternative.

Within the w3c, by choosing the right terms, we help seed these external
discussions so that the path to saner practices can be more rapidly

>  - Maciej
> Something like:
> "Browser security is crap. It is based on a bad theory badly executed. The
> Same Origin Policy led to a proliferation of ACL mechanisms in the browser
> -- four at last count. These endless ACL epicycles have not yet been
> adequate to protect us from CSRF and Clickjacking, so some see the solution
> in elaborating the SOP with yet another ACL epicycle, the Origin header.
> Fortunately, the original web architecture contains the seeds of its own
> success -- the concept for Uniformity, as embraced by the URL and URI.
> Extended from designators to the messages sent to those designators, we get
> the Uniform Messaging Policy as a simple, clean, sound, and understandable
> alternative to the failed Same Origin Policy.
> Messages sent to using the XMLHttpRequest constructor are still governed by
> the Same Origin Policy. To escape the madness and use the Uniform Messaging
> Policy, use the UniformRequest constructor instead."


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 22, 2010, at 10:27 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Maciej Stachowiak   
That being said, I'm totally open to a name that conveys the same  
meaning with less perceived ambiguity. I just don't think "Uniform"  
is it. It doesn't get across the main idea very well at all. We need  
a phrase that says "the browser won't automatically add any  
credentials, identifying information or ambient authority".

I think you need to consider the larger anticipated rhetorical  

As an API designer, I'm interested in optimizing for programmers  
reading and writing the code, not purveyors of rhetoric. I'm not sure  
if the statement below is a quote of some existing or proposed spec  
text, but certainly the tone is not appropriate to put in a technical  

 - Maciej

Something like:

"Browser security is crap. It is based on a bad theory badly  
executed. The Same Origin Policy led to a proliferation of ACL  
mechanisms in the browser -- four at last count. These endless ACL  
epicycles have not yet been adequate to protect us from CSRF and  
Clickjacking, so some see the solution in elaborating the SOP with  
yet another ACL epicycle, the Origin header.

Fortunately, the original web architecture contains the seeds of its  
own success -- the concept for Uniformity, as embraced by the URL  
and URI. Extended from designators to the messages sent to those  
designators, we get the Uniform Messaging Policy as a simple, clean,  
sound, and understandable alternative to the failed Same Origin  

Messages sent to using the XMLHttpRequest constructor are still  
governed by the Same Origin Policy. To escape the madness and use  
the Uniform Messaging Policy, use the UniformRequest constructor  

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 11:47 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> That being said, I'm totally open to a name that conveys the same meaning
> with less perceived ambiguity. I just don't think "Uniform" is it. It
> doesn't get across the main idea very well at all. We need a phrase that
> says "the browser won't automatically add any credentials, identifying
> information or ambient authority".

I think you need to consider the larger anticipated rhetorical context.
Something like:

"Browser security is crap. It is based on a bad theory badly executed. The
Same Origin Policy led to a proliferation of ACL mechanisms in the browser
-- four at last count. These endless ACL epicycles have not yet been
adequate to protect us from CSRF and Clickjacking, so some see the solution
in elaborating the SOP with yet another ACL epicycle, the Origin header.

Fortunately, the original web architecture contains the seeds of its own
success -- the concept for Uniformity, as embraced by the URL and URI.
Extended from designators to the messages sent to those designators, we get
the Uniform Messaging Policy as a simple, clean, sound, and understandable
alternative to the failed Same Origin Policy.

Messages sent to using the XMLHttpRequest constructor are still governed by
the Same Origin Policy. To escape the madness and use the Uniform Messaging
Policy, use the UniformRequest constructor instead."

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-22 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 02:39:31 +0900, Tyler Close   
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Anne van Kesteren   
Because I've yet to receive detailed feedback / proposals on CORS on  
what needs changing. In another thread Maciej asked you whether you  
would like to file the appropriate bugs and the he would do so if you  
did not get around to it. I have not seen much since.

The email you refer to listed several specific problems with CORS. As
you've noted, Maciej agreed these were problems. Now you're telling us
that as editor for the WG you have decided to ignore this detailed
feedback because it is not yet filed as official Issues against CORS.

I'm not planning on ignoring anything. Why would I bring it up in the  
first place if I was?

Instead, you are choosing to ignore UMP and press ahead trying to gain
implementer support for the mechanism defined in CORS, even though you
know there are agreed problems with it.

I've already stated I'm willing to fix those problems.

See also:

A different approach, would be to recognize the value of all the work
and analysis the WG has put into UMP and so explore how CORS could
reference and leverage this work. I am happy to collaborate with you
on this task if you'd like to make the attempt.

I don't think making CORS depend on UMP makes sense.

See also:

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:29 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

Thanks, the Tor example is clarifying. Tor attempts to actually  
provide anonymity, by attempting to hide all information that might  
be inadvertently identifying, like IP address, traffic patterns, or  
other side channels. The threat model includes an attacker that may  
be trying to identify the user despite the absence of any purposely  
included identifying information. UniformRequests provide no such  
protection, and so should not seem to promise such. Since  
authorizing decisions only rely on overt information, prevention of  
CSRF-like vulnerabilities need only be concerned about overt  
information. Suppressing side channels is *much* harder.

Considering the Tor example, would you agree that the possibility of  
explicitly including identifying information in message content does  
not invalidate the term "anonymous"?

Side channels are an interesting issue, but separate from the original  
issue you raised of explicitly added identifying information.

I tend to think that side channels also do not disqualify the word  
"anonymous". For example, it's common (or at least stereotypical) for  
employers or public places of business to have an "anonymous comment  
box". However, typically when someone leaves a comment their  
fingerprints will be all over the piece of paper, so in theory it  
could be traced back to them. But we don't generally think this  
invalidates the use of the word "anonymous". Similarly, it's common  
for blogs to allow anonymous comments (although some make a point of  
explicitly saying that they "don't allow anonymous comments", in  
almost those exact words). But "anonymous" comment systems take no  
measures to hide side-channel fingerprints, such as the IP address  
from which the commenter is posting.

Thus, I conclude that in normal use and even in the context of  
information technology, the common meaning of the term anonymous can  
be applied to systems that do not prevent identification through side  

I think this addresses both of your objections so far to the term  

That being said, I'm totally open to a name that conveys the same  
meaning with less perceived ambiguity. I just don't think "Uniform" is  
it. It doesn't get across the main idea very well at all. We need a  
phrase that says "the browser won't automatically add any credentials,  
identifying information or ambient authority".


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 21, 2010, at 11:11 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:36:50 +0900, Adam Barth   

Unfortunately "ambient" doesn't have any good antonyms:

Simon suggested XMLHttpRequestNoContext in #whatwg. Seems relatively  
clear and works nicely with indexes and autocomplete.

Other ideas (also suffix variants instead of prefix variants):

- GuestXMLHttpRequest
Suggested by Mark originally. We now envision more use cases than  
guest code, however, "guest" is also the traditional name for an  
unprivileged account.

- UnprivilegedXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoPrivs)
- NoAuthorityXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoAuth, though that may  
seem like "no authentication")

- NoCredentialsXMLHttpRequest (or abbreviate to NoCred)

Can anyone else think of ideas? I tried to mentally fill in sentences  
like, "I don't want to do this as root, I want to use a/an ___  
account" or "I don't want to be logged into site X, I want to be  
 when I visit it."


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:36:50 +0900, Adam Barth  wrote:

Unfortunately "ambient" doesn't have any good antonyms:

Simon suggested XMLHttpRequestNoContext in #whatwg. Seems relatively clear  
and works nicely with indexes and autocomplete.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Adam Barth
Unfortunately "ambient" doesn't have any good antonyms:


On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:29 PM, Mark S. Miller  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
>> I'm not trying to draw a bright line here between categories of software,
>> rather I am looking into the reason this proposed API would exist. The
>> purpose is to avoid passively including any credentials that would identify
>> the user, identify the requesting site, or otherwise convey ambient
>> authority. Right? So what's a good word to express that? Maybe "Anonymous"
>> is not the best word to capture that concept, but "Uniform" does not seem to
>> capture it either. I don't think most people would make the leap that
>> "Uniform" means, "please, browser, don't add any credentials". Whereas I
>> think "Anonymous" does convey that intent. There may be an even better
>> words, but I think "Anonymous" is a really good fit.
>> Consider Tor. Tor calls itself "a distributed, anonymous network", and
>> most would agree that is a fair label. However, no one assumes that Tor will
>> prevent you from typing your real name or other indentifying information
>> into a Web page, or stop you from uploading a file that includes a PGP
>> signature. What it does try to do is ensure that such information is not
>> conveyed to anyone passively. That seems to match the intent of UMP (and the
>> UMP-like subset of CORS) - no identifying information is passively added,
>> but the sender is free to explicitly add it themselves.
> Thanks, the Tor example is clarifying. Tor attempts to actually provide
> anonymity, by attempting to hide all information that might be inadvertently
> identifying, like IP address, traffic patterns, or other side channels. The
> threat model includes an attacker that may be trying to identify the user
> despite the absence of any purposely included identifying information.
> UniformRequests provide no such protection, and so should not seem to
> promise such. Since authorizing decisions only rely on overt information,
> prevention of CSRF-like vulnerabilities need only be concerned about overt
> information. Suppressing side channels is *much* harder.
> Q: "I sent my messages using AnonXmlHttpRequest. How did the secret police
> know I was a dissident?"
> A: "The name 'AnonXmlHttpRequest' was chosen to clarify the security
> property it provides: absence of CSRF-like vulnerabilities. Why did you
> think it provided anonymity?"
>> This Working Group also did not agree to standardize [JSONRequest and
>> XDR], though both were proposed. We have no say in what names third parties
>> use in nonstandard APIs.
>> In addition, they both of these APIs gratuitously different from
>> XMLHttpRequest in ways other than security policy. I would suggest that we
>> not do that with the proposed new constructor.
> On that we agree.
>> Regards,
>> Maciej
> --
>     Cheers,
>     --MarkM

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> I'm not trying to draw a bright line here between categories of software,
> rather I am looking into the reason this proposed API would exist. The
> purpose is to avoid passively including any credentials that would identify
> the user, identify the requesting site, or otherwise convey ambient
> authority. Right? So what's a good word to express that? Maybe "Anonymous"
> is not the best word to capture that concept, but "Uniform" does not seem to
> capture it either. I don't think most people would make the leap that
> "Uniform" means, "please, browser, don't add any credentials". Whereas I
> think "Anonymous" does convey that intent. There may be an even better
> words, but I think "Anonymous" is a really good fit.
> Consider Tor. Tor calls itself "a distributed, anonymous network", and most
> would agree that is a fair label. However, no one assumes that Tor will
> prevent you from typing your real name or other indentifying information
> into a Web page, or stop you from uploading a file that includes a PGP
> signature. What it does try to do is ensure that such information is not
> conveyed to anyone passively. That seems to match the intent of UMP (and the
> UMP-like subset of CORS) - no identifying information is passively added,
> but the sender is free to explicitly add it themselves.
> Thanks, the Tor example is clarifying. Tor attempts to actually provide
anonymity, by attempting to hide all information that might be inadvertently
identifying, like IP address, traffic patterns, or other side channels. The
threat model includes an attacker that may be trying to identify the user
despite the absence of any purposely included identifying information.
UniformRequests provide no such protection, and so should not seem to
promise such. Since authorizing decisions only rely on overt information,
prevention of CSRF-like vulnerabilities need only be concerned about overt
information. Suppressing side channels is *much* harder.

Q: "I sent my messages using AnonXmlHttpRequest. How did the secret police
know I was a dissident?"
A: "The name 'AnonXmlHttpRequest' was chosen to clarify the security
property it provides: absence of CSRF-like vulnerabilities. Why did you
think it provided anonymity?"

> This Working Group also did not agree to standardize [JSONRequest and XDR],
> though both were proposed. We have no say in what names third parties use in
> nonstandard APIs.
> In addition, they both of these APIs gratuitously different from
> XMLHttpRequest in ways other than security policy. I would suggest that we
> not do that with the proposed new constructor.

On that we agree.

> Regards,
> Maciej


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 21, 2010, at 7:09 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Maciej Stachowiak   

On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Maciej Stachowiak   
I agree that "Anonymous" or "Anon" is more clear as to the purpose  
than "Uniform".

In the same say this email is anonymous. Sure, I say it is from  
MarkM, but my browser doesn't add any identifying info that you can  
see. Even if I included MarkM's PGP signature, by your criteria, it  
would still be anonymous.

Your mail client automatically adds identifying info, as do any mail  
relays in the delivery path. If that were not the case, I would  
think it's fair to say the message is sent anonymously based on the  
envelope being anynymous. That's so even if the message contents  
include a claim or proof of your identity.

Ok, so a request is non-anonymous if the identifying information is  
added by at least:

1) a browser (cookies, etc)
2) a mail client
3) any mail relays in the delivery path.

What other software counts? Why does PGP not count? If the mail  
client in question is JavaScript running in a web page sending a  
uniform message, is it still non-anonymous?

I'm not trying to draw a bright line here between categories of  
software, rather I am looking into the reason this proposed API would  
exist. The purpose is to avoid passively including any credentials  
that would identify the user, identify the requesting site, or  
otherwise convey ambient authority. Right? So what's a good word to  
express that? Maybe "Anonymous" is not the best word to capture that  
concept, but "Uniform" does not seem to capture it either. I don't  
think most people would make the leap that "Uniform" means, "please,  
browser, don't add any credentials". Whereas I think "Anonymous" does  
convey that intent. There may be an even better words, but I think  
"Anonymous" is a really good fit.

Consider Tor. Tor calls itself "a distributed, anonymous network", and  
most would agree that is a fair label. However, no one assumes that  
Tor will prevent you from typing your real name or other indentifying  
information into a Web page, or stop you from uploading a file that  
includes a PGP signature. What it does try to do is ensure that such  
information is not conveyed to anyone passively. That seems to match  
the intent of UMP (and the UMP-like subset of CORS) - no identifying  
information is passively added, but the sender is free to explicitly  
add it themselves.

I understand why UMP uses that term but I don't think it will be  
obvious to authors reading code.

"XML" is also a misnomer. And "Http" is confusing as well, since  
these requests can (and should) generally be carried over https. At  
least we agree on "Request" ;).

I agree, but (a) that ship has sailed; and (b) dropping those from  
the name only in the anonymous/uniform/whatever version would  
probably be more confusing than helpful, at least if the API ends up  
being roughly similar. XMLHttpRequest has brand value, and it's  
worth building on author awareness even if the X and the H are more  
historical than meaningful at this point.

Funny, I don't recall anyone objecting that the proposed JSONRequest  
should have been called JSONXmlHttpRequest. I also don't recall  
anyone suggesting that Microsoft rename XDomainRequest to  
XDomainXmlHttpRequest. Surely the same argument holds for these?

This Working Group also did not agree to standardize those APIs,  
though both were proposed. We have no say in what names third parties  
use in nonstandard APIs.

In addition, they both of these APIs gratuitously different from  
XMLHttpRequest in ways other than security policy. I would suggest  
that we not do that with the proposed new constructor.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
>> I agree that "Anonymous" or "Anon" is more clear as to the purpose than
>> "Uniform".
> In the same say this email is anonymous. Sure, I say it is from MarkM, but
> my browser doesn't add any identifying info that you can see. Even if I
> included MarkM's PGP signature, by your criteria, it would still be
> anonymous.
> Your mail client automatically adds identifying info, as do any mail relays
> in the delivery path. If that were not the case, I would think it's fair to
> say the message is sent anonymously based on the envelope being anynymous.
> That's so even if the message contents include a claim or proof of your
> identity.

Ok, so a request is non-anonymous if the identifying information is added by
at least:
1) a browser (cookies, etc)
2) a mail client
3) any mail relays in the delivery path.

What other software counts? Why does PGP not count? If the mail client in
question is JavaScript running in a web page sending a uniform message, is
it still non-anonymous?

>> I understand why UMP uses that term but I don't think it will be obvious
>> to authors reading code.
> "XML" is also a misnomer. And "Http" is confusing as well, since these
> requests can (and should) generally be carried over https. At least we agree
> on "Request" ;).
> I agree, but (a) that ship has sailed; and (b) dropping those from the name
> only in the anonymous/uniform/whatever version would probably be more
> confusing than helpful, at least if the API ends up being roughly similar.
> XMLHttpRequest has brand value, and it's worth building on author awareness
> even if the X and the H are more historical than meaningful at this point.

Funny, I don't recall anyone objecting that the proposed JSONRequest should
have been called JSONXmlHttpRequest. I also don't recall anyone suggesting
that Microsoft rename XDomainRequest to XDomainXmlHttpRequest. Surely the
same argument holds for these?

> Cheers,
> Maciej


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 21, 2010, at 6:23 PM, Mark S. Miller wrote:

On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Maciej Stachowiak   
I agree that "Anonymous" or "Anon" is more clear as to the purpose  
than "Uniform".

In the same say this email is anonymous. Sure, I say it is from  
MarkM, but my browser doesn't add any identifying info that you can  
see. Even if I included MarkM's PGP signature, by your criteria, it  
would still be anonymous.

Your mail client automatically adds identifying info, as do any mail  
relays in the delivery path. If that were not the case, I would think  
it's fair to say the message is sent anonymously based on the envelope  
being anynymous. That's so even if the message contents include a  
claim or proof of your identity.

I understand why UMP uses that term but I don't think it will be  
obvious to authors reading code.

"XML" is also a misnomer. And "Http" is confusing as well, since  
these requests can (and should) generally be carried over https. At  
least we agree on "Request" ;).

I agree, but (a) that ship has sailed; and (b) dropping those from the  
name only in the anonymous/uniform/whatever version would probably be  
more confusing than helpful, at least if the API ends up being roughly  
similar. XMLHttpRequest has brand value, and it's worth building on  
author awareness even if the X and the H are more historical than  
meaningful at this point.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:24 PM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:

> I agree that "Anonymous" or "Anon" is more clear as to the purpose than
> "Uniform".

In the same say this email is anonymous. Sure, I say it is from MarkM, but
my browser doesn't add any identifying info that you can see. Even if I
included MarkM's PGP signature, by your criteria, it would still be

> I understand why UMP uses that term but I don't think it will be obvious to
> authors reading code.

"XML" is also a misnomer. And "Http" is confusing as well, since these
requests can (and should) generally be carried over https. At least we agree
on "Request" ;).


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Dirk Pranke  wrote:
> Similarly, if it is really your intent to stop CORS from getting
> implemented, you're going to have to sell that harder, because (to
> switch metaphors), if that ship hasn't already sailed, it is at least
> boarding.

I'd like to check the status of this discussion with the WG.

I believe I've made a strong case that using CORS in a natural way can
result in CSRF-like (Confused Deputy) vulnerabilities. There are
several ways in which the pattern can manifest, but one of the
simplest is A makes a request to B and includes some of the received
data in a subsequent request to C. If credentials are used, A is
applying all of its authority to identifiers selected by B. If B might
be an attacker, there's a Confused Deputy vulnerability. There's
nothing C can do to detect the attack server-side.

Do WG members understand and accept the above? My impression from the
discussion is yes, but people think it's a problem for Web developers
to deal with and CORS has no responsibility here. Is that accurate? If
so, can I convince WG members that we have a responsibility to provide
easy-to-use *and* safe APIs to Web developers?


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Dirk Pranke
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:49 PM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
>> I've been watching the CORS/UMP debate from the sidelines. Here's how it
>> looks to me:
>> 1) UMP folk want to keep UMP a separate spec so that it can (theoretically)
>> be easier to implement and ship sooner.
> We want to keep it a separate specification for two main reasons:
> a) The simpler, shorter UMP spec is easier for web developers to
> understand than a combined spec would be.
> b) We believe there are significant technical issues with CORS that
> should prevent it from being standardized in its current form.
> I suspect implementation of UMP features is independent of whether or
> not there are two documents or one, or whether its called CORS or
> UMP/CORS. I suspect implementers will move ahead if they think it's a
> good idea with a stable specification. For example, I don't think the
> number of documents used to specify the formerly more monolithic HTML5
> has affected implementation plans.
>> 2) Browser vendors intend to implement CORS. They don't want to have two
>> similar but slightly different stacks for making requests, either in
>> implementation or in what's exposed to developers. So, having UMP as a
>> separate spec doesn't make sense if it's intended to be a subset (or even
>> mostly a subset) of CORS. Mozilla might be willing to implement UMP with
>> some API modifications and Microsoft hasn't voiced an opinion.
>> Is that an accurate summary?
>> Are there other advantages to keeping UMP a separate spec other than
>> concerns of ship dates? Given the lack of vendor support, it doesn't seem
>> like ship date is really a good argument since the ship date is dependent
>> on vendors actually implementing this.
> AFAICT, there is good implementer support for the technical features
> defined in UMP. Both Maciej and Anne indicated the features might be
> implemented, but under the name CORS rather than UMP. AFAICT, that
> constraint can be met by having CORS reference and extend UMP.

I believe UMP suffers from the perception that it is Yet Another Spec,
as in some people will look at it and think "we're already doing CORS,
why do we need to implement Yet Another Spec"? Whatever you can do to
fix that impression will be in your interest.

Similarly, if it is really your intent to stop CORS from getting
implemented, you're going to have to sell that harder, because (to
switch metaphors), if that ship hasn't already sailed, it is at least

-- Dirk

(Not speaking on behalf of the Chromium team)

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 1:29 PM, Ojan Vafai  wrote:
> I've been watching the CORS/UMP debate from the sidelines. Here's how it
> looks to me:
> 1) UMP folk want to keep UMP a separate spec so that it can (theoretically)
> be easier to implement and ship sooner.

We want to keep it a separate specification for two main reasons:
a) The simpler, shorter UMP spec is easier for web developers to
understand than a combined spec would be.
b) We believe there are significant technical issues with CORS that
should prevent it from being standardized in its current form.

I suspect implementation of UMP features is independent of whether or
not there are two documents or one, or whether its called CORS or
UMP/CORS. I suspect implementers will move ahead if they think it's a
good idea with a stable specification. For example, I don't think the
number of documents used to specify the formerly more monolithic HTML5
has affected implementation plans.

> 2) Browser vendors intend to implement CORS. They don't want to have two
> similar but slightly different stacks for making requests, either in
> implementation or in what's exposed to developers. So, having UMP as a
> separate spec doesn't make sense if it's intended to be a subset (or even
> mostly a subset) of CORS. Mozilla might be willing to implement UMP with
> some API modifications and Microsoft hasn't voiced an opinion.
> Is that an accurate summary?
> Are there other advantages to keeping UMP a separate spec other than
> concerns of ship dates? Given the lack of vendor support, it doesn't seem
> like ship date is really a good argument since the ship date is dependent
> on vendors actually implementing this.

AFAICT, there is good implementer support for the technical features
defined in UMP. Both Maciej and Anne indicated the features might be
implemented, but under the name CORS rather than UMP. AFAICT, that
constraint can be met by having CORS reference and extend UMP.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Ojan Vafai
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 10:39 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Anne van Kesteren 
> wrote:
> > On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:27:10 +0900, Tyler Close 
> > wrote:
> >>
> >> Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
> >> have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
> >> highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
> >> discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
> >> same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
> >> UMP solution?
> >
> > Because I've yet to receive detailed feedback / proposals on CORS on what
> > needs changing. In another thread Maciej asked you whether you would like
> to
> > file the appropriate bugs and the he would do so if you did not get
> around
> > to it. I have not seen much since.
> The email you refer to listed several specific problems with CORS. As
> you've noted, Maciej agreed these were problems. Now you're telling us
> that as editor for the WG you have decided to ignore this detailed
> feedback because it is not yet filed as official Issues against CORS.
> Instead, you are choosing to ignore UMP and press ahead trying to gain
> implementer support for the mechanism defined in CORS, even though you
> know there are agreed problems with it.
> A different approach, would be to recognize the value of all the work
> and analysis the WG has put into UMP and so explore how CORS could
> reference and leverage this work. I am happy to collaborate with you
> on this task if you'd like to make the attempt.

I've been watching the CORS/UMP debate from the sidelines. Here's how it
looks to me:
1) UMP folk want to keep UMP a separate spec so that it can (theoretically)
be easier to implement and ship sooner.
2) Browser vendors intend to implement CORS. They don't want to have two
similar but slightly different stacks for making requests, either in
implementation or in what's exposed to developers. So, having UMP as a
separate spec doesn't make sense if it's intended to be a subset (or even
mostly a subset) of CORS. Mozilla might be willing to implement UMP with
some API modifications and Microsoft hasn't voiced an opinion.

Is that an accurate summary?

Are there other advantages to keeping UMP a separate spec other than
concerns of ship dates? Given the lack of vendor support, it doesn't seem
like ship date is really a good argument since the ship date is dependent
on vendors actually implementing this.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 21, 2010, at 8:57 AM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:37:54 +0900, Mark S. Miller  

I dislike "AnonXMLHttpRequest" because the request is not necessarily
anonymous. For example, the requestor may very well place  
identifying info

in the body '{"from": "", ...}'.

I like constructor name already shown at <>: "UniformRequest".

Since you still work with the XMLHttpRequest object I think it  
should be in the name of the constructor as well. "Uniform" doesn't  
tell you much about what it is doing. "Anon" is much clearer in that  
sense. The user agent will keep the request anonymous. That the  
author can put identifying information on top of that is up to the  

I agree that "Anonymous" or "Anon" is more clear as to the purpose  
than "Uniform". I understand why UMP uses that term but I don't think  
it will be obvious to authors reading code.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Tyler Close
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:27:10 +0900, Tyler Close 
> wrote:
>> Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
>> have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
>> highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
>> discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
>> same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
>> UMP solution?
> Because I've yet to receive detailed feedback / proposals on CORS on what
> needs changing. In another thread Maciej asked you whether you would like to
> file the appropriate bugs and the he would do so if you did not get around
> to it. I have not seen much since.

The email you refer to listed several specific problems with CORS. As
you've noted, Maciej agreed these were problems. Now you're telling us
that as editor for the WG you have decided to ignore this detailed
feedback because it is not yet filed as official Issues against CORS.
Instead, you are choosing to ignore UMP and press ahead trying to gain
implementer support for the mechanism defined in CORS, even though you
know there are agreed problems with it.

A different approach, would be to recognize the value of all the work
and analysis the WG has put into UMP and so explore how CORS could
reference and leverage this work. I am happy to collaborate with you
on this task if you'd like to make the attempt.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Tyler Close
On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 8:57 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> "Uniform" doesn't tell you much about what it is doing.

The term "uniform" in Uniform Messaging Policy (UMP) is used in the
same sense as it is used in Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). In
particular, the following from RFC 3986 is most relevant:

"URIs have a global scope and are interpreted consistently regardless
of context, ..."

The UMP defines a way to produce an HTTP request regardless of
context. Today, browsers can only produce requests that are entangled
with the user-agent's local context and this is the key to enabling
CSRF-like vulnerabilities. Well formed, legitimate Web content that
expresses an HTTP request might be harmless when viewed from an
attacker's user-agent, but if the exact same content is viewed through
a victim's user-agent, there is a successful attack. The difference
between the two requests is simply the change of context. The
well-known CSRF attack is not the only way to cause mischief by
switching the local context of an HTTP request. There is a whole
family of similar attacks that use the same pattern, called Confused
Deputy. The UMP enables web content to avoid this whole family of
attacks by making requests from the global scope, rather than from the
user-agent's local context.

Today, requesting content is interpreted differently depending on
context. The UMP makes this interpretation uniform, and so the
produced HTTP request is the same no matter where it is produced from.
This uniformity allows web content to avoid the built-in Confused
Deputy vulnerabilities in the user-agent. Uniformity is the crux of
what the UMP does.

As MarkM noted, uniformity is not the same as anonymity. I can compose
web content that produces a request that declares my identity. Using
the UMP, I can ensure that the produced request is the same, no matter
where the request is issued from. The produced request still declares
my identity and so is not anonymous.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:50:40 +0900, Mark S. Miller   
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Anne van Kesteren  

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:27:10 +0900, Tyler Close 

Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
UMP solution?

Because I've yet to receive detailed feedback / proposals on CORS on  
what needs changing.

How are "Why can't it be made exactly like UMP?" and "Ideally, I'd like  
UMP to be folded into CORS by reference rather than by value, ..." not a
detailed proposal? It's not a long proposal, because the proposal is  
simple enough to be clear and short.

Implementors are interested in an integrated solution (i.e. by value). I  
personally think it would also be of significantly less overhead and make  
it much more clear where the problems are.

In another thread Maciej asked you whether you would like to file the
appropriate bugs and the he would do so if you did not get around to  
it. I have not seen much since.

As I pointed out we were already on the way to fixing this; I'm not sure  
why you want to revisit that discussion yet again.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 23:37:54 +0900, Mark S. Miller   

I dislike "AnonXMLHttpRequest" because the request is not necessarily
anonymous. For example, the requestor may very well place identifying  

in the body '{"from": "", ...}'.

I like constructor name already shown at <>: "UniformRequest".

Since you still work with the XMLHttpRequest object I think it should be  
in the name of the constructor as well. "Uniform" doesn't tell you much  
about what it is doing. "Anon" is much clearer in that sense. The user  
agent will keep the request anonymous. That the author can put identifying  
information on top of that is up to the author.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:07 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:27:10 +0900, Tyler Close 
> wrote:
>> Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
>> have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
>> highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
>> discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
>> same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
>> UMP solution?
> Because I've yet to receive detailed feedback / proposals on CORS on what
> needs changing.

How are "Why can't it be made exactly like UMP?" and "Ideally, I'd like UMP
to be folded into CORS by reference rather than by value, ..." not a
detailed proposal? It's not a long proposal, because the proposal is simple
enough to be clear and short.

> In another thread Maciej asked you whether you would like to file the
> appropriate bugs and the he would do so if you did not get around to it. I
> have not seen much since.
> --
> Anne van Kesteren


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-21 Thread Mark S. Miller
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 10:05 PM, Anne van Kesteren wrote:

> On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 03:47:06 +0900, Maciej Stachowiak 
> wrote:
>> I kinda hate the boolean argument. I would rather have a syntax where the
>> intent is obvious from the source code. A boolean is not very
>> self-documenting. In fact I can't even remember right now whether true or
>> false is the value that gives you anonymous XHR. Possibilities:
>> - Separate AnonXMLHttpRequest constructor
>> - Constructor parameter takes an enum value, so you write new
>> XMLHttpRequest(ANON) or something like that.
>> - Constructor parameter takes a string value, so you write new
>> XMLHttpRequest("anon") or ("anonymous") or whatever.
> I guess a separate constructor is the easiest way to go then. I wasn't sure
> whether it was worth it as it clutters the global object some more.

I dislike "AnonXMLHttpRequest" because the request is not necessarily
anonymous. For example, the requestor may very well place identifying info
in the body '{"from": "", ...}'.

I like constructor name already shown at <>: "UniformRequest".

> --
> Anne van Kesteren


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 01:27:10 +0900, Tyler Close   

Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
UMP solution?

Because I've yet to receive detailed feedback / proposals on CORS on what  
needs changing. In another thread Maciej asked you whether you would like  
to file the appropriate bugs and the he would do so if you did not get  
around to it. I have not seen much since.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Anne van Kesteren
On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 03:47:06 +0900, Maciej Stachowiak   
I kinda hate the boolean argument. I would rather have a syntax where  
the intent is obvious from the source code. A boolean is not very self- 
documenting. In fact I can't even remember right now whether true or  
false is the value that gives you anonymous XHR. Possibilities:

- Separate AnonXMLHttpRequest constructor
- Constructor parameter takes an enum value, so you write new  
XMLHttpRequest(ANON) or something like that.
- Constructor parameter takes a string value, so you write new  
XMLHttpRequest("anon") or ("anonymous") or whatever.

I guess a separate constructor is the easiest way to go then. I wasn't  
sure whether it was worth it as it clutters the global object some more.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Wed, 21 Apr 2010 03:34:42 +0900, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
It looks ok to me, though somewhat lacking on details. What happens if  
you call

x = new XMLHttpRequest("foopy");
x = new XMLHttpRequest(undefined);

See Web IDL.

You should probably define that the 'anon' argument is a boolean so
that the normal conversion rules automatically are applied.

See the Web IDL fragment in the specification.

I'm also wondering if the UMP guys are happy with this syntax.

I haven't gotten feedback on it so far.

There has been suggestions of changing header names. I'm not a big fan
of the current names, but if we're going to fix them, i'd rather see a
coherent strategy for all CORS headers than random spot fixes.

Does that mean you would be willing to remove support for the current  
names? If not I'm not sure if it is worth it. But if you are I will  
make a


Yeah, the goal would definitely be to drop the old header names. We
probably couldn't drop them right away, but would need a phase-out
period. I think this would still be doable, but the longer we wait the
less that is going to be true.

Also, it requires everyone to be on board with this change, including
webkit and Microsoft.


Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Tyler Close
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:36 AM, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

 As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
 if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
 constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
 reasonable subset of CORS.
>>> Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain flags in CORS
>>> that make it more or less the same as UMP.
>> Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
>> have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
>> highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
>> discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
>> same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
>> UMP solution?
> Would you be fine with "folding" UMP into CORS if more of the wording
> from UMP is used in the CORS spec?
> Are the differences only editorial or are there different header
> names/values as well?

The differences are not only editorial. The problem is missing MUST
statements in the CORS spec, governing what the user-agent does. The
on-the-wire parts are nearly identical. The header names and values
are consistent (or will be once CORS response header filtering is

Ideally, I'd like UMP to be folded into CORS by reference rather than
by value, since there are major outstanding issues against CORS that
don't affect UMP.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Tyler Close
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:39 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> On Apr 20, 2010, at 9:27 AM, Tyler Close wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking 
>>> wrote:

 As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
 if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
 constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
 reasonable subset of CORS.
>>> Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain flags in
>>> CORS
>>> that make it more or less the same as UMP.
>> Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
>> have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
>> highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
>> discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
>> same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
>> UMP solution?
> It should be made exactly like UMP, either by changing CORS, or changing
> UMP, or some combination of the two. A list of differences between UMP and
> CORS "anonymous mode" would be most helpful.

Some of these issues are listed at the top of:

Many of the differences arise from CORS being silent about relevant
issues, such as caching or received cookies, so it's hard to know what
the CORS stand on these issues is. This part of the CORS spec is just
not well developed yet.

Since there are still major outstanding issues against other parts of
the CORS spec, I still think it's a better idea to move forward with
separate documents, where the CORS spec references the UMP spec for
its credential-free mode.


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:47 AM, Maciej Stachowiak  wrote:
> On Apr 20, 2010, at 11:34 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren 
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking 
>>> wrote:

 As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
 if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
 constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
 reasonable subset of CORS.
>>> Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain flags in
>>> CORS
>>> that make it more or less the same as UMP. I don't really see why we
>>> would
>>> need UMP if we have that.
>> It looks ok to me, though somewhat lacking on details. What happens if you
>> call
>> x = new XMLHttpRequest("foopy");
>> or
>> x = new XMLHttpRequest(undefined);
>> You should probably define that the 'anon' argument is a boolean so
>> that the normal conversion rules automatically are applied.
> I kinda hate the boolean argument. I would rather have a syntax where the
> intent is obvious from the source code. A boolean is not very
> self-documenting. In fact I can't even remember right now whether true or
> false is the value that gives you anonymous XHR. Possibilities:
> - Separate AnonXMLHttpRequest constructor
> - Constructor parameter takes an enum value, so you write new
> XMLHttpRequest(ANON) or something like that.
> - Constructor parameter takes a string value, so you write new
> XMLHttpRequest("anon") or ("anonymous") or whatever.
> For any of those options (or similar variants), it would be immediately
> obvious from source what is going on.

I agree that these all are better options. I think I like the enum one
the least, especially since you'd likely have to write

x = new XMLHttpRequest(XMLHttpRequest.ANON);

which would likely result in people writing

x = new XMLHttpRequest(1);

My favorite is the separate constructor.

>> I'm also wondering if the UMP guys are happy with this syntax.
 There has been suggestions of changing header names. I'm not a big fan
 of the current names, but if we're going to fix them, i'd rather see a
 coherent strategy for all CORS headers than random spot fixes.
>>> Does that mean you would be willing to remove support for the current
>>> header
>>> names? If not I'm not sure if it is worth it. But if you are I will make
>>> a
>>> proposal.
>> Yeah, the goal would definitely be to drop the old header names. We
>> probably couldn't drop them right away, but would need a phase-out
>> period. I think this would still be doable, but the longer we wait the
>> less that is going to be true.
>> Also, it requires everyone to be on board with this change, including
>> webkit and Microsoft.
> What do we know about the current level of CORS deployments? I'd be very
> hesitant to change headers that are actively in use. It might be reasonable
> to change only some of the headers if we learn that, for example,
> "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" is the only one in common use.
> Also, it's hard to answer this in the hypothetical. Do we have a specific
> idea for new header names that would be really great? I'm worried that
> opening up for change will just trigger a giant bikeshed and possibly not
> result in better names in the end.

These are all good questions. I'd say the responsibility to suggest
better names lies with the people that want to change the current

I think phasing out the existing header names could be done relatively
quickly. The one exception is IE which traditionally have been slower
moving as far as backwards incompatible changes goes.

I don't intend to spend a lot of time on this until someone has
suggested a new set of header names and gotten microsoft to say they
are fine with implementing them in XDR.

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 20, 2010, at 11:34 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren  
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking  

As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in  
if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a  
constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP  
is a

reasonable subset of CORS.

Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain  
flags in CORS
that make it more or less the same as UMP. I don't really see why  
we would

need UMP if we have that.

It looks ok to me, though somewhat lacking on details. What happens  
if you call

x = new XMLHttpRequest("foopy");
x = new XMLHttpRequest(undefined);

You should probably define that the 'anon' argument is a boolean so
that the normal conversion rules automatically are applied.

I kinda hate the boolean argument. I would rather have a syntax where  
the intent is obvious from the source code. A boolean is not very self- 
documenting. In fact I can't even remember right now whether true or  
false is the value that gives you anonymous XHR. Possibilities:

- Separate AnonXMLHttpRequest constructor
- Constructor parameter takes an enum value, so you write new  
XMLHttpRequest(ANON) or something like that.
- Constructor parameter takes a string value, so you write new  
XMLHttpRequest("anon") or ("anonymous") or whatever.

For any of those options (or similar variants), it would be  
immediately obvious from source what is going on.

I'm also wondering if the UMP guys are happy with this syntax.

There has been suggestions of changing header names. I'm not a big  
of the current names, but if we're going to fix them, i'd rather  
see a

coherent strategy for all CORS headers than random spot fixes.

Does that mean you would be willing to remove support for the  
current header
names? If not I'm not sure if it is worth it. But if you are I will  
make a


Yeah, the goal would definitely be to drop the old header names. We
probably couldn't drop them right away, but would need a phase-out
period. I think this would still be doable, but the longer we wait the
less that is going to be true.

Also, it requires everyone to be on board with this change, including
webkit and Microsoft.

What do we know about the current level of CORS deployments? I'd be  
very hesitant to change headers that are actively in use. It might be  
reasonable to change only some of the headers if we learn that, for  
example, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" is the only one in common use.

Also, it's hard to answer this in the hypothetical. Do we have a  
specific idea for new header names that would be really great? I'm  
worried that opening up for change will just trigger a giant bikeshed  
and possibly not result in better names in the end.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Maciej Stachowiak

On Apr 20, 2010, at 9:27 AM, Tyler Close wrote:

On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren  
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking  

As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in  
if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a  
constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP  
is a

reasonable subset of CORS.

Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain  
flags in CORS

that make it more or less the same as UMP.

Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
UMP solution?

It should be made exactly like UMP, either by changing CORS, or  
changing UMP, or some combination of the two. A list of differences  
between UMP and CORS "anonymous mode" would be most helpful.


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 9:27 AM, Tyler Close  wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
>> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>>> As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
>>> if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
>>> constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
>>> reasonable subset of CORS.
>> Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain flags in CORS
>> that make it more or less the same as UMP.
> Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
> have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
> highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
> discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
> same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
> UMP solution?

Would you be fine with "folding" UMP into CORS if more of the wording
from UMP is used in the CORS spec?

Are the differences only editorial or are there different header
names/values as well?

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
>> if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
>> constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
>> reasonable subset of CORS.
> Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain flags in CORS
> that make it more or less the same as UMP. I don't really see why we would
> need UMP if we have that.

It looks ok to me, though somewhat lacking on details. What happens if you call

x = new XMLHttpRequest("foopy");
x = new XMLHttpRequest(undefined);

You should probably define that the 'anon' argument is a boolean so
that the normal conversion rules automatically are applied.

I'm also wondering if the UMP guys are happy with this syntax.

>> There has been suggestions of changing header names. I'm not a big fan
>> of the current names, but if we're going to fix them, i'd rather see a
>> coherent strategy for all CORS headers than random spot fixes.
> Does that mean you would be willing to remove support for the current header
> names? If not I'm not sure if it is worth it. But if you are I will make a
> proposal.

Yeah, the goal would definitely be to drop the old header names. We
probably couldn't drop them right away, but would need a phase-out
period. I think this would still be doable, but the longer we wait the
less that is going to be true.

Also, it requires everyone to be on board with this change, including
webkit and Microsoft.

/ Jonas

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-20 Thread Tyler Close
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 6:47 PM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking  wrote:
>> As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
>> if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
>> constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
>> reasonable subset of CORS.
> Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain flags in CORS
> that make it more or less the same as UMP.

Why can't it be made exactly like UMP? All of the requirements in UMP
have been discussed at length and in great detail on this list by some
highly qualified people. The current UMP spec reflects all of that
discussion. By your own admission, the CORS spec has not received the
same level of review for these features. Why hasn't CORS adopted the
UMP solution?


"Waterken News: Capability security on the Web"

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-19 Thread Anne van Kesteren

On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 00:38:54 +0900, Jonas Sicking  wrote:

As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
reasonable subset of CORS.

Have you looked at the proposal I put in XHR2? It sets certain flags in  
CORS that make it more or less the same as UMP. I don't really see why we  
would need UMP if we have that.

There has been suggestions of changing header names. I'm not a big fan
of the current names, but if we're going to fix them, i'd rather see a
coherent strategy for all CORS headers than random spot fixes.

Does that mean you would be willing to remove support for the current  
header names? If not I'm not sure if it is worth it. But if you are I will  
make a proposal.

Anne van Kesteren

Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-19 Thread Adam Barth
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> Hopefully it helps calling out attention to this in a separate thread.
> In
> Maciej states Apple has no interest in implementing UMP from the UMP
> specification. (I believe this means that a CORS defined subset that roughly
> matches UMP is fine.) They want to retain their CORS support.
> For Opera I can say we are planning on supporting on CORS in due course and
> have no plans on implementing UMP from the UMP specification.
> It would be nice if the three other major implementors (i.e. Google,
> Mozilla, and Microsoft) also stated their interest for both specifications,
> especially including whether removing their current level of CORS support is
> considered an option.

I've forwarded your question to chromium-dev:


Re: UMP / CORS: Implementor Interest

2010-04-19 Thread Jonas Sicking
On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 12:43 AM, Anne van Kesteren  wrote:
> Hopefully it helps calling out attention to this in a separate thread.
> In
> Maciej states Apple has no interest in implementing UMP from the UMP
> specification. (I believe this means that a CORS defined subset that roughly
> matches UMP is fine.) They want to retain their CORS support.
> For Opera I can say we are planning on supporting on CORS in due course and
> have no plans on implementing UMP from the UMP specification.
> It would be nice if the three other major implementors (i.e. Google,
> Mozilla, and Microsoft) also stated their interest for both specifications,
> especially including whether removing their current level of CORS support is
> considered an option.

As I've said before. I'd be interested in implementing UMP in firefox
if we can come  up with a reasonable API for using it. I.e. a separate
constructor or flag or similar on XHR. This is assuming that UMP is a
reasonable subset of CORS.

There has been suggestions of changing header names. I'm not a big fan
of the current names, but if we're going to fix them, i'd rather see a
coherent strategy for all CORS headers than random spot fixes.

/ Jonas

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