Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Ubuntu Hardy, Pulseaudio and Jack

2009-05-25 Thread Patrick Shirkey

Lennart Poettering wrote:

On Sun, 24.05.09 00:57, rosea grammostola ( wrote:


Ok so not running both at the same time. But how do you stop pulseaudio from
running and restart it after you used JACK?

Newer PA and JACK versions cooperate in this way
automatically. If you fire up JACK PA will go out of the way for that
device. And after JACK is done PA takes the device back. JACK is king
and PA will comply.

In older versions you can use a tool like "pasuspender". It will
suspend PA's access to the audio devices temporarily as long as child
process is running. If you make that child process JACK you have a
neat way to make JACK and PA not fight for device access.

A more brutal way is to stop PA with "pulseaudio -k" before you run
JACK and then start PA with "pulseaudio -D" afterwards. But that
probably won't work that nicely since PA is configured to autospawn in
most cases these days -- which you can disable however by editing



- It's very cool that PA is now able to auto configure itself to cede 
control of the default device when JACK is started. Do you know which 
version of jack this works with as I would like to run some tests? jackd 
(1.0), jack2 (jackdmp), jackdbus (jack2 with dbus), jackvideo (jackd 
with video frame support)...

- I would love to see an addition to pavucontroller which allows the 
user to choose to auto connect to JACK and remember which jack ports PA 
were connected between sessions.

Additional comments in support of adding auto connect functionality to PA.

I see no reason to disable PA when jack is running, Instead it would be 
more effective and user friendly to automatically route PA to JACK 
master i/o. If someone is running PA and does not explicitly configure 
it to be disabled when jack is running they actually do want to hear 
desktop sounds through jack. I think it should not be forced by PA that 
they cannot hear PA streams but instead left to the user to choose as an 
easily accessible config option. All the functionality is in place now 
except for the auto connect and applet config option/s.

- In JACK the desktop sound will not be recorded unless the master 
output is directed to the recorded track.

- If a user does not want to hear desktop sounds in a mix they can 
temporarily mute pulse.

- If a user wants to turn off desktop sounds they can either disable 
them as a config option for the desktop manager (gnome/kde/...) or not 
run PA at all.

- Currently the user is hard pressed to get PA streams into jack at all 
and even the users with several years experience are finding this 
process to be a battle which in the end only makes them feel negative 
towards PA and in turn remove it completely from their systems and bad 
mouth your work it at every opportunity.

- I have been using both methods described above with so far little 
success. Granted I am using Fedora 10 and not the latest version of PA 
but there is not much easily accessible information online that is 
verified proven to work. There isn't even a reference to the wiki page 
in the FAQ.  Running PA with JACK is definitely a FAQ on the LAU list.


Patrick Shirkey
Boost Hardware Ltd.

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] exiting on resume of rhythmbox

2009-05-25 Thread Brian J. Murrell
On Sat, 2009-05-23 at 12:09 -0400, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> I have started to see something happening quite reproducibly (as in near
> 100%) for some strange reason.  Nothing here has changed, but this has
> started happening.
> I have rhythmbox playing.  I pause.  I resume.  I get all kinds of
> "crackling", then it starts playing, then pulseaudio quits.

Here's a log of exactly the problem.  Resume rhythmbox after it being
paused a few minutes and blam:

D: module-hal-detect.c: dbus: interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device, 
D: module-console-kit.c: dbus: interface=org.freedesktop.Hal.Device, 
I: client.c: Created 16 "Native client (UNIX socket client)"
D: protocol-native.c: Protocol version: remote 15, local 15
I: protocol-native.c: Got credentials: uid=1001 gid=1001 success=1
D: protocol-native.c: SHM possible: yes
D: protocol-native.c: Negotiated SHM: yes
D: module-augment-properties.c: Looking for .desktop file for rhythmbox
I: module-stream-restore.c: Restoring volume for sink input 
D: reserve-wrap.c: Successfully acquired reservation lock on device 'Audio0'
I: alsa-sink.c: Trying resume...
D: alsa-sink.c: hwbuf_unused=0
D: alsa-sink.c: setting avail_min=1
I: alsa-sink.c: Resumed successfully...
D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink alsa_output.pci_10de_26c_sound_card_0 becomes 
I: alsa-sink.c: Starting playback.
D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink alsa_output.pci_10de_26c_sound_card_0 becomes 
D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=33554432, tlength=0, base=4, 
prebuf=0, minreq=1 maxrewind=0
D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=33554432, tlength=33554432, 
base=4, prebuf=0, minreq=4 maxrewind=0
I: sink-input.c: Created input 3 "Playback Stream" on 
alsa_output.pci_10de_26c_sound_card_0 with sample spec s16le 2ch 44100Hz and 
channel map front-left,front-right
I: protocol-native.c: Requested tlength=200.00 ms, minreq=10.00 ms
D: protocol-native.c: Adjust latency mode enabled, configuring sink latency to 
half of overall latency.
D: memblockq.c: memblockq requested: maxlength=70560, tlength=20948, base=4, 
prebuf=19188, minreq=1764 maxrewind=0
D: memblockq.c: memblockq sanitized: maxlength=70560, tlength=20948, base=4, 
prebuf=19188, minreq=1764 maxrewind=0
I: protocol-native.c: Final latency 200.02 ms = 98.75 ms + 2*10.00 ms + 81.27 ms
D: alsa-sink.c: Requested volume: 0:  78% 1:  78%
D: alsa-sink.c: Got hardware volume: 0:  80% 1:  80%
D: alsa-sink.c: Calculated software volume: 0:  98% 1:  98%
D: alsa-sink.c: Requested volume: 0: 100% 1: 100%
D: alsa-sink.c: Got hardware volume: 0: 100% 1: 100%
D: alsa-sink.c: Calculated software volume: 0: 100% 1: 100%
I: module-stream-restore.c: Storing volume/mute/device for stream 
D: alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 14336 bytes.
D: alsa-sink.c: Limited to 10808 bytes.
D: alsa-sink.c: before: 2702
D: alsa-sink.c: after: 2702
D: alsa-sink.c: Rewound 10808 bytes.
D: sink.c: Processing rewind...
D: sink-input.c: Have to rewind 10808 bytes on render memblockq.
D: source.c: Processing rewind...
D: sink-input.c: Requesting rewind due to uncorking
D: alsa-sink.c: Requested to rewind 14336 bytes.
D: alsa-sink.c: Limited to 10808 bytes.
D: alsa-sink.c: before: 2702
D: alsa-sink.c: after: 2702
D: alsa-sink.c: Rewound 10808 bytes.
D: sink.c: Processing rewind...
D: source.c: Processing rewind...
D: module-suspend-on-idle.c: Sink alsa_output.pci_10de_26c_sound_card_0 becomes 
E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail() returned a value that is exceptionally large: 
3221222972 bytes (18260901 ms).
E: alsa-util.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver 'snd_hda_intel'. 
Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.
E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_dump():
E: alsa-util.c: Hardware PCM card 0 'HDA NVidia' device 0 subdevice 0
E: alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
E: alsa-util.c:   stream   : PLAYBACK
E: alsa-util.c:   access   : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
E: alsa-util.c:   format   : S16_LE
E: alsa-util.c:   subformat: STD
E: alsa-util.c:   channels : 2
E: alsa-util.c:   rate : 44100
E: alsa-util.c:   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
E: alsa-util.c:   msbits   : 16
E: alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  : 3584
E: alsa-util.c:   period_size  : 448
E: alsa-util.c:   period_time  : 10158
E: alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
E: alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
E: alsa-util.c:   avail_min: 448
E: alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
E: alsa-util.c:   start_threshold  : -1
E: alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold   : 1879048192
E: alsa-util.c:   silence_threshold: 0
E: alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
E: alsa-util.c:   boundary : 1879048192
E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_delay() returned a value that is exceptionally large: 
1073901912 bytes (6087879 ms).
E: alsa-util.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA d

[pulseaudio-discuss] running pulseaudio on embedded device (nslu2)

2009-05-25 Thread bjorn

I finally got pulseaudio working on my nslu2 running debian lenny. At
first impressions the performance is pretty impressive with regards to
the limited specs of the platform. (266mhz, 32mb ram, no FPU).

Installation was _pretty_ straightforward but im now facing some
pulseaudio specific issues on how to use an embedded platform as a
pulseaudio sink on a home lan.

How do I deal with cookies the best way? Im currently running a
system-wide pulse deamon started at boot. It seems the cookie
/var/run/pulse/.pulse-cookie is generated every time the machine boots
and it's pretty inconvenient to have to download the cookie to my clients.
What's the best solution to this? Is there a way to set a static cookie
or disable cookies (perhaps not the best solution in terms of security).

Im setting up a howto at

Please feel free to contribute with any suggestions!


pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] Per-app flat volume adjustment is highly unintuitive, if mathematically consistent.

2009-05-25 Thread Jud Craft
I understand how audacious it would be to post and tell you that
Pulseaudio is doing the volume scaling wrong, but let me demonstrate a
problem.  I won't post twice -- I know you guys are busy on this list
-- but I've really wanted to mention this.  I've seen Redhat Bugzilla
#494112, but it seems to glance over the problem.

I know that Pulse can remember the volume of an app.  And when Pulse
also scales the main-system volume (with only one program, App A,
present), it remember that app's volume, say 75%, and sets the main
system volume to it.  All is good.  Set App A to 75%, and Pulse sets
the system volume to 75%.

But what happens when you run another program (App B), that has a
per-app volume of 80%?  It appears that Pulse remembers the volume of
App B too.

In this case, it appears that Pulse rescales both apps, so that the
main system volume matches App B (80%), and App A is set so that it
has a relative volume to App B.  (ie, if App A has only 75% of the
main system volume, and 80% is the main volume, so App A now has .80 x
.75 = 60% volume).

This maintains the correct per-app ratio (App B is louder than App A),
but it changes the main system volume.  In addition, if a program that
has no per-app volume yet (with a default of 100%) is launched, then
Pulse resets system volume to 100% and scales _both_ apps to match
this one.

My apps are scaling fine, but here's the problem:  "main system
volume" is meaningless.  I have no control over it, since Pulse will
set it to whatever it wants.  There's no point in even changing it --
I should just merely set the per-app volumes and let Pulse figure out
what to do.

I don't have my laptop plugged into a stereo system with a big volume
knob that I can turn.  When I set the main volume to 80%, I want it to
stay that way.  I don't want something like playing a YouTube video or
playing a new CD to change the volume back to 100% or whatever it

In essence, the user should be able to set the volume of any program
he likes, and expect that the system will respect that.

One solution.
1.  When a new never-seen-before app is launched, Pulse defaults not
to 100% but to the current system volume.
2.  Pulse should never change the main system volume on its own.  That's mine.
3.  If I change the loudest App, then Pulse may change the main system
volume to match.  But only because I did it; whenever an App starts on
its own, Pulse matches it relative to the main system volume.

This, in fact, is the way Windows Vista behaves.  Pulse currently
doesn't behave like Windows Vista:  nothing ever changes your main
volume on Windows except you, or unless *you* change the highest
volume app.

It's also worth noting that System Sound Events are shown as an App in
the Windows Vista list (unlike Pulse, where they are separate) --
which means that since they usually don't change volume, they serve as
an arbitrary reference for the main system volume and all other apps
to match to.  This means that in Windows, when you adjust an App, it
doesn't change the system volume, since the system volume still
matches the Sound Events volume.

So, Solution B:  Make Sound Events show up on the Volume Control
Applications tab, and match the main system volume to it.  And make
sure that Pulse never changes or goes above the main system volume on
its own.  That would also fix the problem.

Thanks for your time, sorry about the long post.  I see in Redhat
Bugzilla #494112, there is the option to disable flat volumes, but I
don't want to do that -- I really just want the volume logic to be as
good as possible.
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Ubuntu Hardy, Pulseaudio and Jack

2009-05-25 Thread rosea grammostola
On Sun, May 24, 2009 at 1:18 AM, Lennart Poettering

> On Sun, 24.05.09 00:57, rosea grammostola (
> wrote:
> > Ok so not running both at the same time. But how do you stop pulseaudio
> from
> > running and restart it after you used JACK?
> Newer PA and JACK versions cooperate in this way
> automatically. If you fire up JACK PA will go out of the way for that
> device. And after JACK is done PA takes the device back. JACK is king
> and PA will comply.
> In older versions you can use a tool like "pasuspender". It will
> suspend PA's access to the audio devices temporarily as long as child
> process is running. If you make that child process JACK you have a
> neat way to make JACK and PA not fight for device access.
> A more brutal way is to stop PA with "pulseaudio -k" before you run
> JACK and then start PA with "pulseaudio -D" afterwards. But that
> probably won't work that nicely since PA is configured to autospawn in
> most cases these days -- which you can disable however by editing
> client.conf.
Ok I start qjackctl or jackd with

pasuspender qjackctl

BTW in Debian you have the package: pulseaudio-module-jack

What is the aim of that package and how to use it (Ubuntu doesn t seems to
have that package)?

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Ubuntu Hardy, Pulseaudio and Jack

2009-05-25 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Mon, 25.05.09 19:47, rosea grammostola ( wrote:

> BTW in Debian you have the package: pulseaudio-module-jack
> What is the aim of that package and how to use it

As mentioned we have two modules to connect PA to JACK. Called
module-jack-sink and module-jack-source. Presumably those are the
modules included in that package.

> (Ubuntu doesn t seems to
> have that package)?

I think the Ubuntu folks have a weird seperation between the core
.debs and the non-core .debs. PA is among the former, JACK among the
latter. Since core stuff is not allowed to depend on non-core stuff
they build PA without JACK support.

Which is completely broken if I may say so, The Ubuntu folks really
should get that fixed.


Lennart PoetteringRed Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net   GnuPG 0x1A015CC4
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Ubuntu Hardy, Pulseaudio and Jack

2009-05-25 Thread rosea grammostola
On Mon, May 25, 2009 at 8:22 PM, Lennart Poettering

> On Mon, 25.05.09 19:47, rosea grammostola (
> wrote:
> > BTW in Debian you have the package: pulseaudio-module-jack
> >
> >
> > What is the aim of that package and how to use it
> As mentioned we have two modules to connect PA to JACK. Called
> module-jack-sink and module-jack-source. Presumably those are the
> modules included in that package.
> > (Ubuntu doesn t seems to
> > have that package)?
> I think the Ubuntu folks have a weird seperation between the core
> .debs and the non-core .debs. PA is among the former, JACK among the
> latter. Since core stuff is not allowed to depend on non-core stuff
> they build PA without JACK support.
> Which is completely broken if I may say so, The Ubuntu folks really
> should get that fixed.
So removing the ubuntu pulseaudio packages completely and backporting the
ones of Debian could fix this probably? (some reports say that the situation
on the latest Ubuntu release Jaunty is improved)...


pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Ubuntu Hardy, Pulseaudio and Jack

2009-05-25 Thread Lennart Poettering
On Mon, 25.05.09 21:50, rosea grammostola ( wrote:

> So removing the ubuntu pulseaudio packages completely and backporting the
> ones of Debian could fix this probably? (some reports say that the situation
> on the latest Ubuntu release Jaunty is improved)...

Possibly. I have no clue.

Please ask the Ubuntu/Debian folks questions like these. 


Lennart PoetteringRed Hat, Inc.
lennart [at] poettering [dot] net   GnuPG 0x1A015CC4
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Ubuntu Hardy, Pulseaudio and Jack

2009-05-25 Thread Ng Oon-Ee
On Mon, 2009-05-25 at 23:24 +0200, Lennart Poettering wrote:
> On Mon, 25.05.09 21:50, rosea grammostola ( wrote:
> > So removing the ubuntu pulseaudio packages completely and backporting the
> > ones of Debian could fix this probably? (some reports say that the situation
> > on the latest Ubuntu release Jaunty is improved)...
> Possibly. I have no clue.
> Please ask the Ubuntu/Debian folks questions like these. 
> Lennart

Being formerly one of the 'Ubuntu folk' (Arch FTW), I can testify that
all you have to do is download the pulse-module-jack.deb from debian and
install it over your Ubuntu pulse install. It functions fine then. Well,
except for the existing module-jack-sink/source bugs of course.

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

[pulseaudio-discuss] Reset all client/stream volumes

2009-05-25 Thread Jason Taylor
Is there a way to reset all volume levels to 100%?

I could loop through the currently active / previously active streams..

But that seems over kill.. and would require me to keep a list of every sink
input name..


Jason Taylor

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely
pointless. " - Calven
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Reset all client/stream volumes

2009-05-25 Thread Michał Sawicz
Dnia 2009-05-26, wto o godzinie 11:19 +1200, Jason Taylor pisze:
> Is there a way to reset all volume levels to 100%?
> I could loop through the currently active / previously active
> streams..
> But that seems over kill.. and would require me to keep a list of
> every sink input name..

As in remembered volumes? Just remove the relevant file (look for
stream-volumes) from your ~/.pulse directory.

Michał Sawicz 

pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

Re: [pulseaudio-discuss] Reset all client/stream volumes

2009-05-25 Thread Jason Taylor
Thats seems a bit hacky... there is no other way to rest all streams ?

Jason Taylor

2009/5/26 Michał Sawicz 

> Dnia 2009-05-26, wto o godzinie 11:19 +1200, Jason Taylor pisze:
> > Is there a way to reset all volume levels to 100%?
> >
> > I could loop through the currently active / previously active
> > streams..
> >
> > But that seems over kill.. and would require me to keep a list of
> > every sink input name..
> As in remembered volumes? Just remove the relevant file (look for
> stream-volumes) from your ~/.pulse directory.
> --
> Michał Sawicz 
> ___
> pulseaudio-discuss mailing list

"Weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely
pointless. " - Calven
pulseaudio-discuss mailing list