[issue9253] argparse: optional subparsers

2013-04-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I think this problem arises from a change made in http://bugs.python.org/issue10424 Changeset to default (i.e. development) is http://hg.python.org/cpython/rev/cab204a79e09 Near the end of _parse_known_args it removes a: if positionals: self.error(_(

[issue9253] argparse: optional subparsers

2013-04-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Further observations: parser.add_subparsers() accepts a 'dest' keyword arg, but not a 'required' one. Default of 'dest' is SUPPRESS, so the name does not appear in the Namespace. Changing it to something like 'command' will p

[issue9253] argparse: optional subparsers

2013-04-12 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This patch addresses both issues raised here: - throw an error when the subparser argument is missing - allow the subparser argument to be optional argparse.py: _SubParsersAction - add 'required=True' keyword. name(self) method - creates a name o

[issue13922] argparse handling multiple "--" in args improperly

2013-04-13 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This patch removes only one '--', the one that put a '-' in the 'arg_strings_pattern'. It does this in 'consume_positionals' right before calling 'take_action'. As before it does not do this if nargs

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-04-16 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This patch permits the mixing of optionals with positionals, with the caveat that a particular positional cannot be split up. If: parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f','--foo') parser.add_argument('cmd') par

[issue9849] Argparse needs better error handling for nargs

2013-04-16 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: It does shift the error from parse_args to add_argument, but the message 'ValueError: length of metavar tuple does not match nargs', indicates that it's a side effect of checking on the tuple form of `metavar`. http://bugs.python.org/issue9348 Ther

[issue16988] argparse: PARSER option for nargs not documented

2013-04-16 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I've experimented with an argparse adaptation of profile.py: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage) parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', dest="outfile", help="Save stats to ", metavar="path&qu

[issue16878] argparse: positional args with nargs='*' defaults to []

2013-04-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In this example: >>> p.add_argument('--foo', nargs='*', default=None) >>> p.parse_args([]) Namespace(foo=None) >>> p.parse_args(['--foo']) Namespace(foo=[]) 'p.parse_args([])'

[issue17050] argparse.REMAINDER doesn't work as first argument

2013-04-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The problem isn't with REMAINDER, but with the distinction between optionals and arguments. If you change '--def' to 'def', the parse should work: >>> p = ArgumentParser(prog='test.py') >>> p.add_argument('re

[issue17050] argparse.REMAINDER doesn't work as first argument

2013-04-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Here's a way of passing an optional-like argument to a subparser: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd') sub1 = subparsers.add_parser('cmd') sub1.add_argument('foo',nargs=&#x

[issue14174] argparse.REMAINDER fails to parse remainder correctly

2013-04-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: An alternative to Jason's example: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('app') parser.add_argument('--config') parser.add_argument('app_args', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) args = parser.parse_args(['--confi

[issue14174] argparse.REMAINDER fails to parse remainder correctly

2013-04-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: By the way, parser.parse_args() uses parse_known_arg(). parse_known_args returns a Namespace and a list of unknown arguments. If that list is empty, parse_args returns the Namespace. If the list is not empty, parse_args raises an error. So parse_known_args does

[issue16142] ArgumentParser inconsistent with parse_known_args

2013-04-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-k','--known',action='store_true') print(parser.parse_known_args(['-k','-u'])) print(parser.parse_known_args(['-ku'])) print(parser.p

[issue17204] argparser's subparsers.add_parser() should accept an ArgumentParser

2013-04-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The 'subparsers' object has a _parser_class attribute that is normally set to the class of the parent parser. In the attached file I create a class CustomParser(argparse.ArgumentParser) that makes a parser instance which copies all of the att

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-04-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Glenn Take a look at http://bugs.python.org/issue15427 I took a stab at changing the documentation, including recommending parse_known_args when porting optparse uses. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.

[issue14364] Argparse incorrectly handles '--'

2013-04-18 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14364> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pyth

[issue16308] Undocumented (?) behaviour change in argparse from 3.2.3 to 3.3.0

2013-04-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I submitted a patch to http://bugs.python.org/issue9253 The reason why subparser became optional in the latest release is that a old test for missing positionals was phased out, and new one added. Subparsers have always had a default 'required=False', b

[issue14364] Argparse incorrectly handles '--'

2013-04-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The patch that I recently submitted for http://bugs.python.org/issue13922 appears to solve this issue. It only removes the '--' that marked the end of options. With: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-f','--foo&

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-04-22 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The attached file has a 'parse_intermixed_args()' that has the same API as 'parse_known_args()'. It follows the two parse step model args, remaining_args = optionals.parse_known_args() args, extras = positionals.parse_known_args(remaining

[issue9849] Argparse needs better error handling for nargs

2013-04-23 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This nargs test using the formater applies only when the container has a help formatter. That is true for a ArgumentParser, but not for an argument_group. group = parser.add_argument_group('g') group.add_argument('bar', nargs='test&#

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-04-23 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Yes, http://bugs.python.org/msg166175 does use 'parse_args' in the second call. But I think things would be more flexible if we had a second function: def parse_???(self, args=None, namespace=None): args, argv = self.parse_intermixed_args(args,

[issue9849] Argparse needs better error handling for nargs

2013-04-23 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This patch adds a value test for nargs during add_argument. The core of the new test is in ArgumentParser._check_argument. add_argument() now calls ArgumentParser._check_argument(), which calls _format_args(). If it gets a TypeError, it raises a metavar ValueError

[issue9849] Argparse needs better error handling for nargs

2013-04-23 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The attached test_nargswarn.py file tests the argparse.py patch. It tries out various nargs values, both for parsers, groups, and mutually exclusive groups. I intend to recast these to work in test_argparse.py -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org

[issue9849] Argparse needs better error handling for nargs

2013-04-24 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is a revision of yesterday's patch. It includes a couple of test cases that check that parser, groups, and exclusive groups all produce the error message. I also changed the metavar tuple case to return an ArgumentError, and changed test_argpar

[issue16970] argparse: bad nargs value raises misleading message

2013-04-24 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: http://bugs.python.org/issue9849 also deals with nargs values. However there the focus is on string values like '1', not whether an integer value can be 0 or <0. I submitted a patch that moves the nargs testing to a ArgumentParser._check_argument(

[issue16970] argparse: bad nargs value raises misleading message

2013-04-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: An integer nargs value is only used in one of 2 ways, range(nargs) '%s'*nargs In both a negative value acts the same as a 0. I don't think the original authors though much about 'what if the code user gives a negative value?', because

[issue16142] ArgumentParser inconsistent with parse_known_args

2013-04-29 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Correction: The patch I gave in the last message produces: >>> parser.parse_known_args(['-ku']) (Namespace(known=False), ['u']) It doesn't take action on the '-k', and puts 'u&#x

[issue17890] argparse: mutually exclusive groups full of suppressed args can cause AssertionErrors

2013-05-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Looks like the text = text.strip() at the end of the set of regex (in _format_actions_usage) needs to be replaced with something that removes all excess spaces, e.g. text = _re.sub( '\s+', ' ', text ).strip() -

[issue17890] argparse: mutually exclusive groups full of suppressed args can cause AssertionErrors

2013-05-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In the test case: class TestMutuallyExclusiveManySuppressed even with a short 'eggs' argument, there is a difference Old usage would be: usage: PROG [-h] [--eggs EGGS] new usage: PROG [-h] [--eggs EGGS] i.e. 2 v 1 space. But extra spaces are not as

[issue17890] argparse: mutually exclusive groups full of suppressed args can cause AssertionErrors

2013-05-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I see three solutions - 1) gholms' patch which removes '() ' and [] ' 2) Yogesh's patch which removes all duplicated spaces. 3) remove the 2 asserts. The first 2 do the same thing most of the time, but may differ if the user somehow

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-05-06 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is a revision of the test_intermixed.py that I submitted earlier. Now `parse_intermixed_args` acts like `parse_args', and calls `parse_known_intermixed_args`. Again it is form that can exercise the idea without modifying `argparse.py`. If the parse

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-05-06 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is the formal patch corresponding to the `test_intermixed.py`. It includes changes to `argparse.rst`, plus tests in `test_argparse.py`. These tests are near the end, after those for `parse_known_args`. They are roughly equivalent to the examples in

[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2013-05-08 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Wouldn't it be simpler to use the re {m,n} notation to grab the appropriate number of arguments? In ArgumentParser _get_nargs_pattern we could add: +# n to m arguments, nargs is re like {n,m} +elif is_mnrep(nargs): +nargs_pa

[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2013-05-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I think this patch should build on http://bugs.python.org/issue9849, which seeks to improve the error checking for nargs. There, add_argument returns an ArgumentError if the nargs value is not a valid string, interger, or it there is mismatch between a tuple

[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2013-05-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This patch adds this `nargs='{m,n}'` or `nargs=(m,n)` feature. It builds on the `better nargs error message` patch in http://bugs.python.org/msg187754 It includes an argparse.rst paragraph, changes to argparse.py, and additions to test_argparse.py.

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-05-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: 'parse_fallback_args()' function is only in the 'test_intermixed.py' file, not the patch. It should be in the 'if __name__' section of that file, along with the modified 'exit()' method, since it is part of these

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-05-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I should note one caveat: As a consequence of setting nargs to 0 for the first 'parse_know_args' step, all positional entries in the namespace get an empty list value ([]). This is produced by 'ArgumentParser._get_values'. With the builtin

[issue17890] argparse: mutually exclusive groups full of suppressed args can cause AssertionErrors

2013-05-12 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'm following a dozen argparse issues with patches. I haven't seen much posting by argparse experts (like bethard, david.murry) since last December. -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.o

[issue17940] extra code in argparse.py

2013-05-12 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I was wondering about that block of code earlier. It would be a good idea to look at what func() does, just to make sure there aren't any side effects - e.g. set maximum line length, required indention, etc. -- nosy: +pa

[issue17965] argparse does not dest.replace('-', '_') for postionals

2013-05-12 Thread paul j3
New submission from paul j3: " dest For optional argument actions,... Any internal - characters will be converted to _ characters to make sure the string is a valid attribute name." In _get_optional_kwargs(), dest = dest.replace('-', '_'); but

[issue14046] argparse: assertion failure if optional argument has square/round brackets in metavar

2013-05-12 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14046> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pyth

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-12 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue9338> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: http://mail.pyth

[issue14191] argparse doesn't allow optionals within positionals

2013-05-12 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file29880/mixed.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue14191> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailin

[issue17965] argparse does not dest.replace('-', '_') for positionals

2013-05-12 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : -- title: argparse does not dest.replace('-', '_') for postionals -> argparse does not dest.replace('-', '_') for positionals ___ Python

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-13 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I've played a bit the idea that barthard sketched. I don't have all the details worked out, but I believe this is what will happen: With parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-w') parser.add_argument('-x', nargs

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-14 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I need to make one correction to my last post: '-x 1 2 -w 3 4 5 6', # w:3, x:[1,2], y:4, z:[5,6] + # w:3, x:[1], y:2, z:[4,5,6] - The second solution is only possible if 'z' is not consumed when 'y' is

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This patch implements, I think, the ideas bethard proposed. It is test patch, not intended for production. Most of work is in ArgumentParser._get_alt_length() which - generates a pattern along the lines bethard proposed - generates a string like arg_strings_pattern

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This is a test file for the patch I just submitted. It is not a formal unitttest, but uses print output as much as assert. Cases include the example bethard used, as well as ones from test_argparse.py that initially caused problems. -- Added file: http

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-23 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Here's another approach to the problem, using an iterative localized search. For simple cases it produces the same thing, but in complex cases it is more robust. It is based on two ideas: - if the action in consume_optional() is being 'greedy',

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-23 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file30349/argparse_7.py ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue9338> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailin

[issue9338] argparse optionals with nargs='?', '*' or '+' can't be followed by positionals

2013-05-23 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Oops, I attached the wrong file. Here's the correct one. -- Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30350/issue9338_7.patch ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/i

[issue17204] argparser's subparsers.add_parser() should accept an ArgumentParser

2014-10-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: In the attached patch I modified 'add_parser' to take a 'parser' keyword parameter. If given, it is used as the parser, rather than create a new one. Thus an existing parser, or one created with a custom ArgumentParser class, could be used a

[issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults

2014-10-24 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A possible problem with this patch is that it overrides any Namespace given by the user. In the test example: parser.parse_args(['X'], namespace=argparse.Namespace(foo=3)) the result is 'foo=2', the setdefault from the subparser. Previously

[issue22672] float arguments in scientific notation not supported by argparse

2014-10-24 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This issue has already been raise in http://bugs.python.org/issue9334 argparse does not accept options taking arguments beginning with dash (regression from optparse) There I proposed leaving '_negative_number_matcher' unchanged, but only use

[issue22672] float arguments in scientific notation not supported by argparse

2014-10-25 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Patch tests are added to an existing 'Lib/test/test_argparse.py' file. I use existing test cases as a pattern any new tests. - Your test file runs fine with the patch I proposed for Issue 9334. - The argparse

[issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults

2014-10-26 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'm exploring modifying that patch by adding a 'subnamespace' attribute to the subparsers Action object. This would give the user, or the main parser control over the namespace that is passed to a subparser. For example: subnamespace

[issue11874] argparse assertion failure with brackets in metavars

2014-10-28 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The patch with a major rewrite of '_format_actions_usage' handles this usage problem correctly: usage: try_para_in_meta.py [-h] input_file(s) [input_file(s) ...] The error is the result of usage group formatter trying to remove excess `()`. To give

[issue22848] Subparser help does not respect SUPPRESS argument

2014-11-12 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A notational point - you are adding a subparser, not an argument, to the subparsers action. Why would a user want to use `help=argparse.SUPPRESS`, as opposed to simply omitting the `help` parameter? The effect would be the same as your patch. Another

[issue22884] argparse.FileType.__call__ returns unwrapped sys.stdin and stdout

2014-11-29 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Related issues are: http://bugs.python.org/issue13824 - argparse.FileType opens a file and never closes it http://bugs.python.org/issue14156 - argparse.FileType for '-' doesn't work for a mode of 'rb' As discussed earlier FileType was m

[issue22909] [argparse] Using parse_known_args, unknown arg with space in value is interpreted as first positional arg

2014-11-29 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This an issue for parse_args as well. parse_args just calls parse_known_args, and raises an error if extras is not empty. Early on in parsing, it tries to classify argument strings as either optionals (--flags) or positionals (arguments). And there's an exp

[issue22909] [argparse] Using parse_known_args, unknown arg with space in value is interpreted as first positional arg

2014-11-29 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Duplicate of http://bugs.python.org/issue22433 -- resolution: -> duplicate ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issu

[issue24251] Different behavior for argparse between 2.7.8 and 2.7.9 when adding the same arguments to the root and the sub commands

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: And the corresponding bug issue http://bugs.python.org/issue9351 -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue24

[issue9351] argparse set_defaults on subcommands should override top level set_defaults

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Another example of this patch causing backward compatibility problems http://bugs.python.org/issue24251 -- ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue9

[issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The code that converts '-' to '_' is independent of the code that uses 'prefix_chars'. The '-' conversion handles a long standing UNIX practice of allowing that character in the middle of option flags. It's an attempt

[issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Off hand I don't see a problem with this patch (but I haven't tested it yet). But I have a couple of cautions: The docs say, regarding the Namespace class: > This class is deliberately simple, just an object subclass with a readable > string repre

[issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: An alternative would be to wrap a non-identifier name in 'repr()': def repr1(self): def fmt_name(name): if name.isidentifier(): return name else: return repr(name) type_name =

[issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: http://bugs.python.org/issue15125 argparse: positional arguments containing - in name not handled well Discussion on whether positionals 'dest' should translate '-' to '_'. -- ___ Python tr

[issue24338] In argparse adding wrong arguments makes malformed namespace

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Yes, the '_' makes it accessible as an attribute name. But the presence of '-' in the option name has a UNIX history. That is a flag like '--a-b-c' is typical, '--a_b_c' is not. There is less of precedent for a flag like

[issue24360] improve argparse.Namespace __repr__ for invalid identifiers.

2015-06-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I mentioned in the related bug/issue that no one has to use odd characters and spaces in the Namespace. While they are allowed by 'getattr' etc, the programmer has the option of supplying rational names in the 'dest' parameter. There's

[issue24444] In argparse empty choices cannot be printed in the help

2015-06-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Does this work for help='choices: %(choices)s' Without setting up my own test case, I'm guessing that the problem is with an empty help string. `help=''` should be ok, but the test handle that probably occurs earlier. Choices, e

[issue24441] In argparse add_argument() allows the empty choices argument

2015-06-17 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue24441> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.pyth

[issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments

2015-06-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: What are you trying to accomplish in the examples with a 'dest'? For a positional, 'dest' is derived from the 'foo' name. There is no need to supply 'dest', in fact produces the error you get. It has nothing to with

[issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments

2015-06-17 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: None of the `append` actions makes sense with positionals. The name (and hence the 'dest') must be unique. And positionals can't be repeated. There are other ways to put a pair of values in the Namespace. For example, after parsing args.x

[issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments

2015-06-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: You can give the positional any custom name (the first parameter). You just can't reuse it (by giving 2 positionals the same name). And if you don't like what the 'help' shows, you can set the 'metavar'. That way only you see the pos

[issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments

2015-06-18 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: (Important correction at the end of this post) The test that you are complaining about occurs at the start of the 'add_argument' method: def add_argument(self, *args, **kwargs): """ add_argument(dest, ..., name=value,

[issue24419] In argparse action append_const doesn't work for positional arguments

2015-06-22 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: To wrap this up, the correct way to specify that 2 or more positionals share a 'dest' is to supply that dest as the first parameter. If the help should have something else, use the `metavar`. import argparse parser = argparse.Argu

[issue24754] argparse add_argument with action="store_true", type=bool should not crash

2015-08-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Right, the only arguments that a `store_true` Action class accepts are: option_strings, dest, default=False,required=False, help=None parser.add_argument() massages its parameters a bit, and then uses the 'action' parameter to construct an Actio

[issue24739] allow argparse.FileType to accept newline argument

2015-08-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: argparse.FileType serves 2 purposes - handling filenames for simple quick shell-like scripts - as a model for custom 'types', specifically one that uses a class to generate the desired type callable. Other bug-issues show that it hasn't aged well.

[issue24736] argparse add_mutually_exclusive_group do not print help

2015-08-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: These two types of groups serve different purposes and aren't designed to nest or interact. An argument group groups arguments in the help lines. It does not affect parsing at all. It can't be used to add a 'group' of arguments to another

[issue24647] Document argparse.REMAINDER as being equal to "..."

2015-08-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Also, argparse.PARSER is '+...' '? * +' have closely matched analogs in regex patterns. '...' and '+...' do not. So Python users will have an intuitive idea of what "nargs='*'" means. "nargs=&#

[issue24956] Default value for an argument that is not in the choices list gets accepted

2015-09-04 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A related issue which Sworddragon found just before starting this issue is http://bugs.python.org/issue9625 The handling of defaults in argparse is a bit complicated. In general it errs on the side of giving the user/developer freedom to set them how ever they

[issue25035] Getter/setter for argparse keys

2015-09-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: `parser.set_defaults` lets you set a default for any `dest`. It does not have to be connected with an argument. See what the docs say about using it to set an action linked to a subparser. `arg1 = parser.add_argument(...)` returns an `Action` object. The parser

[issue25035] Getter/setter for argparse keys

2015-09-09 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: `get_default` and `set_defaults` are parser methods, and do more than set or get a particular Action attribute. 'Set' for example changes both the 'parser._defaults' attribute, and a 'action.default' attribute. Defaults are complex an

[issue25058] Right square bracket argparse metavar

2015-09-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: This assertion error caused by brackets (and other 'odd' characters) in the metavar is a known issue. http://bugs.python.org/issue11874 http://bugs.python.org/issue14046 The formatter that handles line wrapping of the usage line is fragile. -

[issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse

2015-09-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The `type` parameter is a *function* that takes a string, and returns a valid value. If it can't convert the string it is supposed to raise an error. The default one is a do-nothing identity (take a string, return the string). `int` is the Python function

[issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse

2015-09-10 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Here's a type function that enumerates the enum in the error message: def enumtype(astring): try: return CustomEnumType[astring.upper()] except KeyError: msg = ', '.join([t.name.lower() for t in CustomEnumType]) msg =

[issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse

2015-09-13 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'the enum type to be stored directly'. With my type function, the string input is converted to an enum object and that is stored in the Namespace. You can't be any more direct than that. Or are you thinking

[issue25061] Add native enum support for argparse

2015-09-14 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Here's a EnumType factory class, modeled on FileType. class EnumType(object): """Factory for creating enum object types """ def __init__(self, enumclass): self.enums = enumclass def __call__(self, astring):

[issue19462] Add remove_argument() method to argparse.ArgumentParser

2015-09-27 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I realized while answering a Stackoverflow question that the resolve method has the pieces for removing an Action from the parser. It removes an existing Action so that the new, conflicting one, can replace it. It's meant to be used with flagged arguments

[issue25299] TypeError: __init__() takes at least 4 arguments (4 given)

2015-10-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A related issue is http://bugs.python.org/issue24754 argparse add_argument with action="store_true", type=bool should not crash In this case the user specified a parameter that the 'store_true' subclass did not accept. In both cases, '

[issue25297] max_help_position is not works in argparse library

2015-10-02 Thread paul j3
Changes by paul j3 : -- nosy: +paul.j3 ___ Python tracker <http://bugs.python.org/issue25297> ___ ___ Python-bugs-list mailing list Unsubscribe: https://mail.pyth

[issue25297] max_help_position is not works in argparse library

2015-10-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: My testing shows that it's a problem with the subparsers listing. When regular arguments are long, 'max_help_position' works (within limits allowed by 'width'). -- ___ Python tracker <http:

[issue25297] max_help_position is not works in argparse library

2015-10-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: There's a bug in the HelpFormatter.add_argument method. It does not take into account the extra indentation of subactions (sub parsers) when calculating self._action_max_length. The corrected method and a test case is in the attached file. class MyForm

[issue25299] TypeError: __init__() takes at least 4 arguments (4 given)

2015-10-02 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: A fix that I am exploring would wrap the Action instantiation call in add_argument with a try/except block That is replace: def add_argument(...) action = action_class(**kwargs) ... with try: action

[issue25299] TypeError: __init__() takes at least 4 arguments (4 given)

2015-10-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The unittest file test_argparse.py tests add_argument parameters in class TestInvalidArgumentConstructors(TestCase) It looks at a dozen different categories of errors, mostly checking that they return the correct TypeError or ValueError. It does not check the

[issue25297] max_help_position is not works in argparse library

2015-10-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: The unittest test_argparse.py has one related test class TestAddSubparsers def test_alias_help has a long enough subparser invocation (with aliases) to produce wrapping with the default 24 max position: commands: COMMAND

[issue25307] Enhancing the argparse help output

2015-10-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I don't recall other issues or discussions about lining up short and long option strings. Producing a more compact invocation has raised in StackOverflow questions. I don't recall if there has been bug/issue on the same. If I recall correctly it isn

[issue25307] Enhancing the argparse help output

2015-10-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18275023/dont-show-long-options-twice-in-print-help-from-argparse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9366369/python-argparse-lots-of-choices-results-in-ugly-help-output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/23936145/python-argparse

[issue25307] Enhancing the argparse help output

2015-10-03 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: Formatter _format_action_invocation(self, action) is the key function. Notice how it treats positionals and optionals separately. Also it calls default = self._get_default_metavar_for_optional(action) args_string = self._format_args(action, default) to get

[issue25314] Documentation: argparse's actions store_{true, false} default to False/True (undocumented)

2015-10-06 Thread paul j3
paul j3 added the comment: I have seen questions on StackOverflow with 'store_true' and explicit `default=False` parameters. I don't recall any where this was a problem. Usually it's as harmless as users specifying other defaults like `action='store'`, or a

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