[issue22240] argparse support for "python -m module" in help

2021-08-08 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

I implemented the logic and adjusted the existing tests to have a fixed program 
name. I also fixed the build error by changing how zip files are detected. 
Based on you comment Nick you however even had a different idea. Currently I 
check if __spec__.__loader__ is a zip loader but if I understood correct you 
suggest the check if __spec__.__location__ is a proper subdir of sys.argv[0]?


When I have some more time I will check whether mocking works and otherwise 
checkout test.support.script_helper or making the function accept spec/argv0


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[issue13824] argparse.FileType opens a file and never closes it

2021-07-25 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

A good alternative would be to use pathlib.Path. The only downside would be 
that one has to manually handle `-` but besides that it solves most problems.

Still the fact that file descriptors are kept open should be added as a warning 
to the docs

nosy: +Nils Kattenbeck

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue22240] argparse support for "python -m module" in help

2021-07-23 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

I expanded the patch from tebeka to also work with invocations like `python3 -m 
serial.tools.miniterm` where `miniterm.py` is a file and not a directory with a 
`__main__.py`. This was able to handle everything I threw at it.

However due to the import of zipfile which itself imports binascii the build of 
CPython itself fails at the `sharedmods` stage...

 CC='gcc -pthread' LDSHARED='gcc -pthread -shared' OPT='-DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv 
-O3 -Wall'  _TCLTK_INCLUDES='' _TCLTK_LIBS=''   ./python -E ./setup.py  
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/septatrix/Documents/programming/cpython/./setup.py", line 3, in 

import argparse
  File "/home/septatrix/Documents/programming/cpython/Lib/argparse.py", line 
93, in 
from zipfile import is_zipfile as _is_zipfile
  File "/home/septatrix/Documents/programming/cpython/Lib/zipfile.py", line 6, 
import binascii
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'binascii'
make: *** [Makefile:639: sharedmods] Error 1

I guess this is because binascii is a c module and not yet build at that point 
in time. Does anyone who knows more about the build system have an idea how to 
resolve this?


Resolving this bug would also allow the removal of several workarounds for this 
in the stdlib:


Added file: https://bugs.python.org/file50174/patch.diff

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[issue22240] argparse support for "python -m module" in help

2021-07-18 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

I am not sure if the patch correctly handles calling a nested module (e.g. 
`python3 -m serial.tools.miniterm`). Would it also be possible to detect if 
python or python3 was used for the invocation?

nosy: +Nils Kattenbeck

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[issue41249] TypedDict inheritance doesn't work with get_type_hints and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules

2021-07-03 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

> The way I fixed this is I added `__forward_module__` to `typing.ForwardRef`, 
> so that it can resolve the forward reference with the same globals as the 
> ones specified by the module in `__forward_module__`. `TypedDict`'s metaclass 
> should then pass the dictionary’s module name to the annotations’ forward 
> references via the added `module`’s keyword argument in 
> `typing._type_check()`. I can work in a pull request with this solution and 
> discuss any potential problems.

While this seems like a good solution I would still like to figure out why 
TypedDict do not preserve MRO. Because for now I have not found a reason nor 
did someone on the typing-sig mailinglist have a clue. Should there (no longer) 
be a reason for this then this problem has a trivial solution (just re-add the 
MRO and use that).


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[issue41249] TypedDict inheritance doesn't work with get_type_hints and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules

2021-06-07 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

> I believe it had something to do with TypedDict instances being instances of 
> dict at runtime, but I can't actually reconstruct the reason.

Hm that may be true.
My limited low-level Python knowledge leads me to believe that this could also 
be done using __new__ but I also read that most magic methods get called as 
type(Foo).__magic__(bar, ...) so that might not be possible.
(However also no methods can be declared on a TypedDict class so that might not 
be a problem?)

> Maybe it's written up in PEP 589, but I suspect not (I skimmed and couldn't 
> find it).

I read it completely and could not find anything

> If you ask on typing-sig maybe David Foster (who contributed the initial idea 
> and implementation) remembers.

I asked [here on 
 but did not yet get any responses.


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[issue41249] TypedDict inheritance doesn't work with get_type_hints and postponed evaluation of annotations across modules

2021-05-29 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

What is/was the initial reason to not preserve the MRO for a TypedDict?
The only thing which came to my mind would be instantiation performance but as 
annotations are not evaluated by default and on the right-hide side of 
assignment most people will use dict literals I am not sure if this is still 
relevant. Otherwise it might even be simpler to just preserve the original 
bases in TypedDict but please correct me if I overlooked something

nosy: +Nils Kattenbeck

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[issue25024] Allow passing "delete=False" to TemporaryDirectory

2021-05-26 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

While the proposal linked by C.A.M. solves one of the use cases but it does not 
address the others.

One use cases which is rather common for me it is e.g. to have scripts/programs 
which allow configuring whether temporary directories should get deleted or 
stay persistent after program exit.
Currently this always requires hand rolled wrappers like the following:

def mkdtemp_persistent(*args, persistent=True, **kwargs):
if persistent:
def normal_mkdtemp():
yield tempfile.mkdtemp()
return normal_mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs)
return tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(*args, **kwargs)

with mkdtemp_persistent(persistent=False) as dir:

Which gets the job done but is not as user friendly as other parts of the 

nosy: +Nils Kattenbeck

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[issue1717] Get rid of more references to __cmp__

2021-05-26 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

Has there been any resolution regarding `sortTestMethodsUsing`? See 

I spend a decent time and read the documentation thrice before realizing it 
received an old-style compare function. Brett's proposal for a new attribute 
seems like a sane way to do this without breaking backwards compatibility. Or 
will this continue using an old-style compare function for the foreseeable 

nosy: +Nils Kattenbeck

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[issue44137] importlib.resources.path raises RuntimeError when FileNotFoundError is raise in context manager

2021-05-22 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

Thanks for looking into it. Yes I can confirm that `importlib_resources` has 
the expected behaviour - I did not download Python 3.10 as the code seems to be 
the same.


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[issue44137] importlib.resources.path raises RuntimeError when FileNotFoundError is raise in context manager

2021-05-17 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

Yes I understand that the function handles this specially to not raise an 
exception if the file is not found in the package (even though the intention 
behind this is not clear to me). However if a user causes a 
FileNotFoundException itself inside of the context manager everything breaks 
(e.g. does something erroneous with the path, calls subprocess.run with a non 
existing binary etc).


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[issue44137] importlib.resources.path raises RuntimeError when FileNotFoundError is raise in context manager

2021-05-14 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Change by Nils Kattenbeck :

title: importlib.resources.path raises RuntimeError import FileNotFoundError is 
raise in context manager -> importlib.resources.path raises RuntimeError when 
FileNotFoundError is raise in context manager

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue44137] importlib.resources.path raises RuntimeError import FileNotFoundError is raise in context manager

2021-05-14 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

New submission from Nils Kattenbeck :

When a FileNotFoundError is raised inside while the importlib.resources.path 
context manager is active a RuntimeError is raised.
Looking at the (3.8) code it seems that FileNotFound exceptions are handled 
specially from all other exceptions which may lead to this behaviour. While the 
code in 3.9 changed significantly the same behaviour can be observed.

└── my_package
├── data.txt (empty)
├── __init__.py (empty)
└── test.py

Content of test.py:
import importlib.resources
def main():
with importlib.resources.path('my_package', 'data.txt') as p:
raise FileNotFoundError()
if __name__ == '__main__':

Exact error message:
RuntimeError: generator didn't stop after throw()

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 393686
nosy: Nils Kattenbeck, brett.cannon, jaraco
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: importlib.resources.path raises RuntimeError import FileNotFoundError is 
raise in context manager
type: behavior
versions: Python 3.8, Python 3.9

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[issue38756] Add generic versions of weakref types to typing module

2019-11-10 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

Okay, if I want to start a discussion about adding weakref types to PEP 585 
where should do it? The mailing list or as an issue in the PEP repo?


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[issue38761] weakref.WeakSet not instanceof collections.abc.Set

2019-11-10 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

New submission from Nils Kattenbeck :

Instances of weakref.WeakSet are not instances of Set and therefore not of 
MutableSet but they are instances of Collection.
They however implement all required methods for a MutableSet and 
Weak(Key|Value)Dictionary are correctly identified.
Is this just an oversight or am I missing something?

from weakref import WeakKeyDictionary, WeakValueDictionary, WeakSet
from collections.abc import MutableMapping, Collection, Set, MutableSet

wkdict = WeakKeyDictionary()
wvdict = WeakValueDictionary()
ws = WeakSet()

assert isinstance(wkdict, MutableMapping)
assert isinstance(wvdict, MutableMapping)
assert isinstance(ws, Collection)
assert not isinstance(ws, Set)
assert not isinstance(ws, MutableSet)

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 356326
nosy: Nils Kattenbeck
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: weakref.WeakSet not instanceof collections.abc.Set
versions: Python 3.7

Python tracker 
Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue38756] Add generic versions of weakref types to typing module

2019-11-10 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

Okay nevermind, after looking in the PEP again and inspecting the 
__annotations__ property I learned that annotations are never evaluated and 
just saved as a string when using said future statement.

However this may still be relevant as typing.get_type_hints will still fail. 
For my use case however this is sufficient.


Python tracker 
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[issue38756] Add generic versions of weakref types to typing module

2019-11-10 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

Yes thank you, using 'from __future__ import annotations' works fantastic.

I did not knew about this functionality of the annotations future import 
statement, I thought it was only for postponed evaluation but I probably missed 
something in the PEP...


Python tracker 
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[issue38756] Add generic versions of weakref types to typing module

2019-11-09 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

Nils Kattenbeck  added the comment:

A possible use case would be having multiple users and some groups said users 
can belong to. When using a WeakSet a user won't be part of a groups after he 
deleted his account without having to iterate over all groups.

class User: pass

class Group:
  users: WeakSet[User]

  def __init__(self, users: Iterable[User]):
self.users = WeakSet(users)

# somewhere else a collection of all active users

Types I would like to see added as a generic would be primarily:
- WeakKeyDictionary
- WeakValueDictionary
- WeakSet

Additionally it would be nice to have generic versions of:
- ref (would probably return Optional[T] on call?)
- WeakMethod
- ProxyType
- CallableProxyType

Although the last two could probably be just annotated using T because they 
mostly should behave the same...


Python tracker 
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[issue38756] Add generic versions of weakref types to typing module

2019-11-09 Thread Nils Kattenbeck

New submission from Nils Kattenbeck :

I would like to request the addition of generic variants of some of the types 
in weakref to the typing module.
This would for example include weakref.WeakKeyDictionary among others.

Doing so would allow one to add type annotations to code using such data 

components: Library (Lib)
messages: 356304
nosy: Nils Kattenbeck
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Add generic versions of weakref types to typing module
type: enhancement
versions: Python 3.9

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