[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2021-04-25 Thread paul j3

paul j3  added the comment:

Post parsing testing for the correct number of strings is the easy part.

It's the auto-generate usage that's harder to do right, especially if we wanted 
to enable the metavar tuple option.  Clean usage for '+' is messy enough.


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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2021-03-20 Thread Alex Kanitz

Alex Kanitz  added the comment:

Given that people were asking for real-world use cases, here's one: 
high-throughput sequencing, e.g., in RNA-Seq 
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA-Seq), typically yields either one or two 
output files, depending on the type of the sequencing library. As the 
processing of these library types is very similar, bioinformatics tools dealing 
with these inputs thus typically have APIs that take exactly 1 or 2 files as 
inputs. As there is quite a wide range of tools for dealing with such inputs, 
several of which implemented in Python, I believe there is indeed an interest 
in this functionality. On a more conceptual note: it is also consistent with 
similar and often-used functionality in regexes, from which, I suppose, the '+' 
and '*' notation is borrowed.

Currently implementing such a tool, I ran into the argparse limitation 
described here: either I (a) use a positional param with nargs=1 for the first 
file and define an optional param for the second file (inconsistent, 
non-intuitive and semantically incorrect API, because if there IS a second 
file, it is not really optional), (b) use nargs='+', do the admittedly simple 
post-processing/validation and either ignore keep the auto-generated usage 
string(wrong/misleading), hardcode the correct usage string (maintenance burden 
because of several optional params) or apply this patch (or just the auto-usage 
generation function), which seems rather expensive, or (c) have the user pass 
the second file in one string, separated by a comma or similar (also not very 
intuitive and needs some checks to ensure that the filename/s don't actually 
include commas).

nosy: +uniqueg

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2020-07-09 Thread Christoph Anton Mitterer

Christoph Anton Mitterer  added the comment:

Next to code readability, there's IMO one could reason to properly support this 
would be a clean and easy way to get proper help strings for such options.

Of course I can do something like:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--foo", nargs="+", help="Mae govannen", metavar=("bar", 
args = parser.parse_args()

and later check that, say, only 2 arguments are allowed.

But the help text will be an ugly:
>$ python3 f.py --help
>usage: f.py [-h] [--foo bar [baz ...]]
>optional arguments:
>  -h, --help   show this help message and exit
>  --foo bar [baz ...]  Mae govannen

indicating that >1 options were allowed.

nosy: +calestyo

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-15 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Change by Raymond Hettinger :

resolution:  -> rejected
stage: patch review -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-15 Thread Alex

Alex  added the comment:

Weighing up how little demand there seems to be for this, and how easy it is to 
achieve the same effect with post-processing within a hypothetical script that 
happens to need it - I agree with closing it.


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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-14 Thread hai shi

hai shi  added the comment:

Could we close some bpo with a long history? If some user need this feature in 
future we could reopen it.


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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-13 Thread Raymond Hettinger

Raymond Hettinger  added the comment:

Do we have examples of real world APIs that actually need this functionality? 
Offhand, I don't recall having worked with any command-line tool that would 
accept "at least two but no more than four filenames" for example.

Given that this isn't trivial to implement, we should take a moment to evaluate 
whether users actually need it.  We had eight years since the original proposal 
without anyone chiming in to say, "yes, I need this".


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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-13 Thread Brandt Bucher

Change by Brandt Bucher :

nosy: +brandtbucher

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-04 Thread Alex

Alex  added the comment:

I've had a look at the most recent patch and the code surrounding it, and I 
would be happy to take on the work to update the code and testing.

> - It's easy to test for this range after parsing, with '*' or '+' nargs.  So 
> the main thing this patch adds is in the help/usage display.  It doesn't add 
> significant functionality.

I didn't initially consider this.

I'd still be happy to finish this off, but if the general feeling is that 
contribution time would be better spent elsewhere then that's also fine.


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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-03 Thread paul j3

paul j3  added the comment:

A couple of quick observations:

- this is one of the first patches that I worked on, so the details aren't 
fresh in my mind.  A glance at my latest patch show that this isn't a trivial 

- nargs changes affect the input handling, the parsing, help and usage 
formatting, and error formatting.  As a result, nargs are referenced in several 
places in the code.  That complicates maintenance and the addition of new 
features.  Help formatting is particularly brittle; just look at the number of 
issues that deal with 'metavar' to get a sense of that.

- At one point I tried to refactor the code to consolidate the nargs handling 
in a few functions.  I don't recall if I posted that as a patch.

- The first posts on this topic suggested a (n,m) notation; I proposed a regex 
like {n,m}.  There wasn't any further discussion.

- Note that the initial posts were in 2011 when Steven (the original author) 
was involved.  I posted in 2013.  There hasn't been any further action until 
now.  I don't recall much interest in this topic on Stackoverflow either.  So 
my sense is that this isn't a pressing issue.

- It's easy to test for this range after parsing, with '*' or '+' nargs.  So 
the main thing this patch adds is in the help/usage display.  It doesn't add 
significant functionality.

- cross links:

https://bugs.python.org/issue9849 - Argparse needs better error handling for 

https://bugs.python.org/issue16468 - argparse only supports iterable choices 
(recently closed)

nosy: +rhettinger

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-03 Thread hai shi

hai shi  added the comment:

I think the answer is 'yes'(It's over 8 years~).
And tons of argparse'work need to be finished;)

nosy: +shihai1991

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2019-11-03 Thread alclarks

alclarks  added the comment:

Hi, I'm a new contributor looking for issues to work on. This looks like a nice 
enhancement, would it be a good idea for me to update the patch and raise a 
pull request?

nosy: +alclarks

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2013-11-29 Thread paul j3

paul j3 added the comment:

With a minor tweak to `argparse._is_mnrep()`, `nargs='{3}'` would also work.  
This means the same as `nargs=3`, so it isn't needed.  But it is consistent 
with the idea of accepting Regular Expression syntax where it makes sense.  
`nargs='{2,3}?'` also works, though I think that's just the same as `nargs=2`.


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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2013-05-09 Thread paul j3

paul j3 added the comment:

This patch adds this `nargs='{m,n}'` or `nargs=(m,n)` feature.

It builds on the `better nargs error message` patch in 

It includes an argparse.rst paragraph, changes to argparse.py, and additions to 

The tests include those proposed by wm, rewritten to use the ParserTestCase 
framework where possible.  I did not give a lot of thought to test names.  The 
coverage could also use further thought.

As WM noted some range cases are the equivalent to existing nargs options 
('{1,}'=='+').  I did not attempt to code or test such equivalences.  Since the 
'{0,}' form uses regex matching just like '*',
I don't think there is any advantage to making such a translation.  

I convert the tuple version (m,n) to the re string '{m,n}' during the 
add_argument() testing.  So it is the string form that is added to the parser 
action.  This is also the format that appears in usage.

The documentation paragraph is:

'{m,n}'. m to n command-line arguments are gathered into a list. This is 
modeled on the Regular Expression use. '{,n}' gathers up to n arguments. '{m,}' 
gathers m or more. Thus '{1,}' is the equivalent to '+', and '{,1}' to '?'. A 
tuple notation is also accepted, '(m,n)', '(None,n)', '(m,None)'. For example:

>>> parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='PROG')
>>> parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs='{2,4}')
>>> parser.parse_args('--foo a b c'.split())
Namespace(foo=['a', 'b', 'c'])
>>> parser.parse_args('--foo a'.split())
usage: PROG [-h] [--foo FOO{2,4}]
PROG: error: argument --foo: expected {2,4} arguments

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30187/nargsrange.patch

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2013-05-09 Thread paul j3

paul j3 added the comment:

I think this patch should build on http://bugs.python.org/issue9849, which 
seeks to improve the error checking for nargs.  There, add_argument returns an 
ArgumentError if the nargs value is not a valid string, interger, or it there 
is mismatch between a tuple metavar and nargs.  

This range nargs should be tested at the same time, and return a ArgumentError 
if possible.


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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2013-05-08 Thread paul j3

paul j3 added the comment:

Wouldn't it be simpler to use the re {m,n} notation to grab the appropriate 
number of arguments?  

In ArgumentParser _get_nargs_pattern we could add:

+# n to m arguments, nargs is re like {n,m}
+elif is_mnrep(nargs):
+nargs_pattern = '([-A]%s)'%nargs

# all others should be integers

where is_mnrep() tests that the nargs string looks like '{m,n}' (or '{,n}' or 
'{m,}').  The resulting nargs_pattern will look like


In _format_args() a similar addition would be:

+elif is_mnrep(action.nargs):
+result = '%s%s' % (get_metavar(1)[0], action.nargs)


It would take more code to generate


A matching programmer input would be:

   parser.add_argument('Foo', nargs='{2,5}')

though it wouldn't be much work to also translate a tuple.

   parser.add_argument('Foo', nargs=(2,5))

I'll try to test this implementation against wm's tests.

nosy: +paul.j3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file30181/prelimary.patch

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2012-07-22 Thread Steven Bethard

Steven Bethard  added the comment:

The tests look like they're testing the right things, but the tests should 
instead be written like the rest of the argparse tests. For example, look at 
TestOptionalsNargs3 and TestPositionalsNargs2. You could write your tests to 
look something like those, e.g.

class TestOptionalsNargs1_3(ParserTestCase):

argument_signatures = [Sig('-x', nargs=(1, 3))]
failures = ['a', '-x', '-x a b c d']
successes = [
('', NS(x=None)),
('-x a', NS(x=['a'])),
('-x a b', NS(x=['a', 'b'])),
('-x a b c', NS(x=['a', 'b', 'c'])),

Also, a complete patch will need to document the new feature in the Python 
documentation, among other things. See the details described here:


versions: +Python 3.4 -Python 3.3

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2012-06-07 Thread Alex Frase

Alex Frase  added the comment:

I'm new here so I apologize if this is considered poor etiquette, but I'm just 
commenting to 'bump' this issue.  My search for a way to accomplish exactly 
this functionality led me here, and it seems a patch was offered but no action 
has been taken on it for over a year now.  Alas, it seems I must write a custom 
Action handler instead.

nosy: +atfrase

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-04-11 Thread Wojciech Muła

Wojciech Muła  added the comment:

Steven, thank you for links, I prepared patch against trunk.
All tests passed.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file21617/issue11354.patch

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-03-26 Thread Steven Bethard

Steven Bethard  added the comment:

Thanks for the patch. The idea and the approach of the patch look fine. But the 
patch needs to be against the Python repository:


For the tests, you should integrate your test.py into Lib/test/test_argparse.py.

stage:  -> patch review
versions:  -Python 3.2

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-03-02 Thread SilentGhost

Changes by SilentGhost :

nosy: +bethard

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-03-02 Thread Wojciech Muła

Wojciech Muła  added the comment:

Daniel, thanks for note, fixed.

Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20981/test.py

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-03-02 Thread Wojciech Muła

Changes by Wojciech Muła :

Removed file: http://bugs.python.org/file20948/test.py

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-03-01 Thread Daniel Haertle

Daniel Haertle  added the comment:

Hi Wojciech,

in your tests, at

def test_add_argument10(self):
"nargs = (0, 1) => optimized to '?'"
opt = self.add_argument(1, None)
self.assertEqual(opt.nargs, argparse.ONE_OR_MORE)

you should change "argparse.ONE_OR_MORE" to "argparse.OPTIONAL".

nosy: +Danh

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[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-02-28 Thread Wojciech Muła

Wojciech Muła  added the comment:


Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20948/test.py

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Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue11354] argparse: nargs could accept range of options count

2011-02-28 Thread Wojciech Muła

New submission from Wojciech Muła :

Hi, sometimes it is needed to grab variable, but limited, number of options.
For example --point could accept 2, 3 or 4 values: (x,y) or (x,y,z) or
(x,y,z,w). Current version of argparse requires postprocessing:

parser.add_argument('--point', action='append', default=[])
nmps = parser.parse_args()
if not (2 <= len(nmsp.point) <= 4):
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("--point expects 2, 3 or 4 

I propose to allow pass range of options count to nargs, including
lower/upper bound. For example:

parser.add_argument('--point', nargs=(2,4) )# from 2 to 4
parser.add_argument('--foo', nargs=(9, None) )  # at least 9
parser.add_argument('--bar', nargs=(None, 7) )  # at most 7
nmsp = parser.parse_args()

I've attached tests and patch made against Python3.2 lib from Debian.


components: Library (Lib)
files: argparse-nargs.patch
keywords: patch
messages: 129714
nosy: wm
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: argparse: nargs could accept range of options count
type: feature request
versions: Python 3.2, Python 3.3
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file20947/argparse-nargs.patch

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