[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-08-07 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

I updated ucrtbased.dll and resolved the warning as described in #27705.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-18 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Lot of different people involved in those areas, so can't promise an answer, 
but I'll see.

Also, unless you think a closed issue needs to be reopened, please avoid using 
them for chat.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-17 Thread Decorater

Decorater added the comment:

not to mention build processes seems to be taking a lot of CPU recently but 
older C/C++ compilers do not EG the ones from like 2008 or so running faster 
than the same stuff being compiled againt 2010~2015 ones.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-17 Thread Decorater

Decorater added the comment:

Also can you ask them why sometimes the IDE takes too long to respond AKA 
freezes / crashes randomly?


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-17 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

You should get these files by installing the latest Windows 10 SDK (regardless 
of your OS - the SDK version relates to the latest it can target, not the 
latest it can be used on).

For some reason, they decided it shouldn't be "automatic" to update the SDK 
when you're updating other parts of the compiler toolset. I'll bring it up next 
time I chat to those guys at work.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-17 Thread Decorater

Decorater added the comment:

Cant someone just copy these dlls from Windows 10 itself if they have it 

ucrtbase:  10.0.14295.1000  (03/19/2016)
ucrtbased: 10.0.10586.15(11/20/2015)
vcruntime140d: 14.0.23506.0 (11/05/2015)

I have windows 10 on another partition btw so I could manually update mine to 
fix this stuff on my windows 7. thank god for 64 bit OSes.

nosy: +Decorater

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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-02 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

The problem was the last patch, for #26765.  In spite of the faulty .dll, the 
test suite ran OK.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-02 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

After the 'update', the compiler ran and re-linked all the targets.  The 
warning about the old .dll remains.  Perhaps I should remove and re-install?

The crash also remain.  I'll backdate the repository to mid-June when I 
successfully compiled and ran and see if I can find a particular commit causing 
the problem.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-07-02 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy added the comment:

I have recent gotten
  WARN: ucrtbased contains known issues. Please update Visual Studio or the 
Windows SDK.
  See: http://bugs.python.org/issue26624
F:\Python\dev\36\PCbuild\python.vcxproj(91,5): warning MSB3073: The command 
"F:\Python\dev\36\PC\validate_ucrtbase.py" ucrtbased" exited with code 1.

but Python still ran for me.  Today, I recompiled, and python stopped running 
when I try to either run IDLE or patchcheck.  To eliminate the old .dll as a 
cause, I tried to 'update'. How to do so?

I started VS by double clicking pcbuild/python.vcxproj.  The first barrier was 
that Community 2015 is only good for 30 days (the compiler invoked by build.bat 
still ran) and I could not access the menu.  Once I got the license renewed, so 
VS ran, there is no Update entry on Help or anywhere else on the menu that I 
could find.  (I seem to remember that VC Express updated automatically.)

When I started VS2015 from the start menu instead, there was a splash screen 
with News and a link to a brand new Update 3.

I clicked the first link and downloaded vs2015.3.exe. ran it, and left the 
minimal selection of components alone.  After 3 GB downloaded and installed, 
there are error messages that *cannot* be copied and pasted.  Here is a summary:
1. VS update prereq: Installer failed. bad hash 0x80091007
(did this mess up everything?)
2. Team J. Serv CTP! SToryboarding Pack file not found 0x80070002
(This does not seem like something I requested.)
3. VC++IDE base resource package ditto as to error.
(Perhaps not needed for build.bat)
Log file attached.  I will restart and see what happens.

nosy: +terry.reedy
Added file: http://bugs.python.org/file43615/dd_vs_community_20160702172149.log

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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-04-12 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset a352f7e96f85 by Steve Dower in branch 'default':
Issue #26624: Adds recommendation to install updates of VS 2015.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-04-12 Thread Roundup Robot

Roundup Robot added the comment:

New changeset 605fde022b15 by Steve Dower in branch '3.5':
Closes #26624: Adds validation of ucrtbase[d].dll version with warning for old 

New changeset 6ff020df61b8 by Steve Dower in branch 'default':
Closes #26624: Adds validation of ucrtbase[d].dll version with warning for old 

nosy: +python-dev
resolution:  -> fixed
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-04-12 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

That's a good idea. I don't know that it's trivial to do, but at build is going 
to be the easiest time. I'll take a look.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-04-12 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Is it possible to log a compilation warning in Python if VS version
contains the bug? Or even make the compilation fails?


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-04-12 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Jeremy Kloth added the comment:

It seems that the updated UCRT debug runtime has indeed solved the issue.

I suggest that this issue remains open pending an update to the devguide for 
required settings for installing VS2015 with the updated runtime (see 
msg262672).  I have no idea if the VC Build Tools 2015 installs the needed 
files, so that would need to be checked on a clean machine (all of mine have 
VS2015 installed).


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-30 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Ergh... that's awkward (but it explains why some of my own machines are missing 

Victor, I'll get back to you about the watchdog once I'm at an actual PC. This 
week I'm at a conference.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-30 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Jeremy Kloth added the comment:

After attempting to find the installer for ucrtbased.dll on my dev machine and 
reading various blog posts on the Visual C++ Team Blog and hunting through 
several KB articles, I've come across what I think is needed for an up-to-date 
Universal CRT.

When installing (or in this case modifying) VS2015, the Windows 10 SDK *MUST* 
also be installed.  It is unhelpfully located in the setup menu under "Windows 
and Web Development" (good) -> "Universal Windows App Development Tools" (not 
so good) -> "Tools (1.2) and Windows 10 SDK (10.0.10586)".  As Python is not an 
UWP app, I thought nothing of this submenu when installing VS2015 initially.

With the SDK installed, my ucrtbased.dll is at version 10.0.10586.15.  Now we 
wait and see if the deadlocking still happens.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-30 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

So you've still got the old ucrtbased.dll on the buildbot, which is why we're 
still seeing the issue. Because it's a different OS I'm not surprised to see a 
difference between ucrtbase.dll instances.

There should be an installer for the debug runtime somewhere inside your VS 
install directory (under vc/redist). If you take the one from your dev machine 
and run it on the buildbot we should be good.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-30 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Jeremy Kloth added the comment:

I would have responded sooner, but add me to the list of those not receiving 
tracker notifications...

My buildbot is running Windows 7 with all updates (last checked 3/29) and 
VS2015 Update 1.

ucrtbase:  10.0.10586.9 (11/19/2015)
ucrtbased: 10.0.10240.16384 (07/09/2015)
vcruntime140d: 14.00.23506.0(11/05/2015)

Interestingly enough, my Win10 development machine has:
ucrtbase:  10.0.14295.1000  (03/19/2016)
ucrtbased: 10.0.10586.15(11/20/2015)
vcruntime140d: 14.0.23506.0 (11/05/2015)


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-29 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

> The deadlock is between a CRT thread initialization lock and Windows's 
> process-wide module initialization lock. So if anything is being loaded on 
> demand by the watchdog thread, it's probably locked too (and that could be 
> within the CRT or the OS, so not easy to identify).

Basically, on timeout, the faulthandler thread uses the write() syscall and 
reads memory in the Python process. It's designed to be super safe. The code 
only uses async-signal safe functions, since the same code is used in signal 


But the watchdog is trigerred by PyThread_acquire_lock_timed() which indirectly 
calls WaitForSingleObjectEx() on Windows. In expect that the wait times out 
before the lock is released on this buildbot.

Maybe Windows provides a safer function to implement a watchdog? Basically, the 
required function is a wait that can be interrupted.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-29 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

The deadlock is between a CRT thread initialization lock and Windows's 
process-wide module initialization lock. So if anything is being loaded on 
demand by the watchdog thread, it's probably locked too (and that could be 
within the CRT or the OS, so not easy to identify).

I'm still keen to get some version numbers off the build machine, mainly 
ucrtbased.dll. I'd add code to the build process to just dump them, but I can't 
get to that for at least a week right now, so if Jeremy can provide it we can 
rule in/out some possibilities.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-29 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Jeremy: Did you update your buildbot? It looks like the deadlock occurred again:

0:14:50 [398/400] test_concurrent_futures (101 sec) -- running: test_strptime 
(40 sec)
0:14:52 [399/400] test_ssl -- running: test_strptime (42 sec)

command timed out: 1200 seconds without output, attempting to kill
program finished with exit code 1

By the way, I don't understand why the faulthandler watch dog thread is unable 
to kill the main process and dump a traceback. I recently added a 
"faulthandler.dump_traceback_later" call Lib/test/libregrtest/runtest_mp.py. It 
uses a timeout of 15 min, it looks like buildbot kills the process after a 
timeout of 20 minutes "without output".


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-25 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Locking inversion I think, I don't have the bug details handy.

The fix went out over Windows Update recently, but that's only for the release 
version of the runtime. The fixed debug version should have been installed with 
VS 2015 Update 1.

However, since it's still occurring on Jeremy's machine, it may not actually be 
the same bug. Checking the file version of ucrtbased.dll will help, but I can't 
verify the exact certain until Monday.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-25 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

> It's been fixed, just figuring out when the update will be available, or how 
> to get it if it already is.

Can you elaborate? What was the bug? How was it fixed? Is it a bug in Windows, 
in Visual Studio or in the C library?


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-25 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

The issue #25289 has marked as a duplicate of this issue.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-24 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Jeremy Kloth added the comment:

The lastest set of updates were installed on 1/28.  Visual Studio does have 
Update 1.  I'm doing another round of updates now, although nothing related to 
VC 2015 or Visual Studio, however.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-24 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

It's been fixed, just figuring out when the update will be available, or how to 
get it if it already is.

Jeremy - how up to date is your build machine? It's likely this fix will come 
through Windows Update for most users, but since you're running debug builds I 
think you'll need the latest Visual Studio updates to get it.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-24 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

If the comment is in the sources, presumably it's also handled correctly. But 
it does seem like there's potential here for simultaneous thread creation and 
first-time calls into OS locale functions to cause a deadlock.

I'll email the CRT team and see what they know about this.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-24 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

> I'll email the CRT team and see what they know about this.

Thanks. It helps to have a Microsoft employee working on CPython :-)


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-23 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Jeremy Kloth added the comment:

>From the UCRT sources:

// Deadlock Avoidance:  When a new thread is created in the process, we
// create a new PTD for the thread.  The PTD initialization function is
// called under the loader lock.  This initialization function will also
// acquire the locale lock in order to acquire a reference to the current
// global locale for the new thread.
// Some of the locale APIs are not available on all supported target OSes.
// We dynamically obtain these libraries via LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress.
// We must ensure that no call to LoadLibrary is made while we hold the
// locale lock, lest we deadlock due to lock order inversion between the
// loader lock and the locale lock.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-23 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

Random links from Google:

* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35572792/setlocale-stuck-on-windows 
"Sometimes it works but sometimes it never returns from it. I can not identify 
the reason. I use Visual Studio 2015 and Windows 7."

* https://bugs.chromium.org/p/webrtc/issues/detail?id=5507 " Summary: Dr Memory 
errors in MSVCP140D.dll when switching to VS2015"


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-23 Thread STINNER Victor

STINNER Victor added the comment:

The bug occurs in test_strptime and test__locale according to Jeremy.

> - Tests run using '-j4'

With this option, each test file is run in a new fresh process, so it's more 
likely a race condition which depends on the system load (on exact timing) than 
the interaction with other tests running in parallel.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-23 Thread STINNER Victor

Changes by STINNER Victor :

nosy: +haypo

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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-23 Thread Jeremy Kloth

Jeremy Kloth added the comment:

Oh, yes.  It even occasionally happens on 2.7.  The oldest occurrence I  can 
dig up is May/June of 2013 (for 2.7).


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-23 Thread Steve Dower

Steve Dower added the comment:

Have you actually seen this occurring back to 3.3? I'd expect something like 
this to either be pre-3.5 or post-3.5, but not both.


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[issue26624] Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()

2016-03-23 Thread Jeremy Kloth

New submission from Jeremy Kloth:

My Windows BuildBot (http://buildbot.python.org/all/buildslaves/kloth-win64) is 
hanging in calls to the CRT function setlocale() as determined by attaching to 
the hung test process in Visual Studio.

This has been happening occasionally (every tenth+ build) for quite some time, 
but not to the frequency as of late (every fourth build or so).

I would debug further, however my Visual Studio debugging-fu is not up to this 
challenge it seems.

Pertinent details of the buildbot:
- Windows 7 SP1 64-bit on a quad-core processor
- Running buildbot as a service
- Tests run using '-j4'
- SSD used for storage

Order of the tests do not seem to matter as re-running the test suite using the 
random seed that hung will pass when run from a console on the buildbot.

Locale-using functions in the CRT have internally locking which is what I 
believe is the cause of the deadlock, but cannot determine exactly as this is 
where my debugging knowledge runs out.

Help to diagnose further is greatly appreciated!

components: Interpreter Core, Windows
messages: 262276
nosy: eryksun, jkloth, paul.moore, steve.dower, tim.golden, zach.ware
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Windows hangs in call to CRT setlocale()
versions: Python 3.3, Python 3.4, Python 3.5, Python 3.6

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