[issue33241] Tooltip not display with macOS 64-bit installer 3.6.5 but work with macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer

2018-05-05 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy  added the comment:

#33429, now closed, is Raymond's report about IDLE tooltips not working in 
2.7.15, released earlier this week, after working in 2.7.14.


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[issue33241] Tooltip not display with macOS 64-bit installer 3.6.5 but work with macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer

2018-05-05 Thread Terry J. Reedy

Terry J. Reedy  added the comment:

This affects the popup tool tip in IDLE also.  Raymond, am I correct in 
thinking that the labels appearing in dialogs (Preferences, Search) still work?

A IDLE tool tip is a Toplevel.  Its parent is a Text widget.  It contains a 
non-blank Label widget. It is normally positioned on the lines below, with the 
left edge under the opening '('.  IDLE also does the following, where tw is the 
python Toplevel instance (tooltip window) and tw._w its tk counterpart.

# This command is only needed and available on Tk >= 8.4.0 for OSX
# Without it, call tips intrude on the typing process by grabbing
# the focus.
tw.tk.call("::tk::unsupported::MacWindowStyle", "style", tw._w,
   "help", "noActivates")
except TclError:

To determine whether the popup is entirely missing or just the label, this 
might work.  Enter the following in an IDLE editor.


Go back up and enter '(' after 'range'.  A blank box should obscure '5' and to 
the right.

assignee:  -> terry.reedy
components: +IDLE, macOS
nosy: +rhettinger, ronaldoussoren, terry.reedy
type:  -> behavior
versions: +Python 2.7, Python 3.7, Python 3.8

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[issue33241] Tooltip not display with macOS 64-bit installer 3.6.5 but work with macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer

2018-04-08 Thread Ned Deily

Ned Deily  added the comment:

I don't know anything about appJar (looks interesting!) but any issue like this 
is almost certainly a Tk issue, since Python's tkinter provides a fairly 
lightweight wrapper around calls to Tk.

As far as I can tell from a quick test, it appears that the difference here is 
due to some change in the macOS Cocoa Tk behavior in more recent versions.  As 
documented, the python.org 3.6.5 macOS 64-bit-only Python uses its own Tcl/Tk 
8.6.8 while the 64-bit/32-bit installer continues to link with an external 
Tcl/Tk 8.5.x version. For that variant, the system looks first in 
/Library/Frameworks for third-party Tcl and Tk 8.5.x frameworks, such as the 
recommended ActiveTcl version (https://www.python.org/download/mac/tcltk/) and, 
if none found there, falls back to the Apple-supplied Tcl/Tk 8.5 frameworks in 
/System/Library/Frameworks.  With the recommended ActiveState 8.5.18 Tcl/Tk 
version installed, the tooltips also do not appear just like with the 
64-bit-only 8.6.8 version.  Falling back to the old, buggy Apple-supplied 8.5.9 
versions, the tooltips do appear, which I assume is what is happening on your 
system.  I was also able to test with an X11 Tk 8.6.8 on macOS and there the 
 tips *do* work.  So, it appears that somewhere between Tk 8.5.9 and 8.5.18, 
the behavior of tooltips in Tk's macOS Aqua Cocoa implementation has changed. 
Suggest you pursue this on the Tcl/Tk project's Tk issue tracker 
(https://core.tcl.tk/tk/ticket) and/or its tcl-mac mailing list 
(https://sourceforge.net/p/tcl/mailman/tcl-mac/).  It might help to have a pure 
Tcl test case.  Good luck!  (Nosying: Kevin Walzer from the Tk project as a 
heads up.)

nosy: +wordtech
resolution:  -> third party
stage:  -> resolved
status: open -> closed

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33241] Tooltip not display with macOS 64-bit installer 3.6.5 but work with macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer

2018-04-08 Thread Ned Deily

Change by Ned Deily :

nosy: +ned.deily

Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33241] Tooltip not display with macOS 64-bit installer 3.6.5 but work with macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer

2018-04-08 Thread Louis Martin

New submission from Louis Martin :

Tested with :

from appJar import gui

with gui() as app:
app.label('hello world', tip="help me")
app.addLabel("l1", "text")
app.setLabelTooltip("l1", "more help")


Python tracker 

Python-bugs-list mailing list

[issue33241] Tooltip not display with macOS 64-bit installer 3.6.5 but work with macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer

2018-04-08 Thread Louis Martin

Change by Louis Martin :

components: Tkinter
nosy: louis-martin
priority: normal
severity: normal
status: open
title: Tooltip not display with macOS 64-bit installer 3.6.5 but work with 
macOS 64-bit/32-bit installer
versions: Python 3.6

Python tracker 

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