Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, I agree. Having a snapshot decorator per variable also has the advantage that we can add parameters to the decorator (e.g., snapshots also need "enabled" and "description" argument). How should we distinguish the two approaches? (I suppose you would also apply them to requests, ensures

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, Sure, let's do that! I'm fine with emails, too. I needed only a bit of structure since we lumped so many issues together, but maybe it's just my OCD :) Le lun. 1 oct. 2018 à 04:05, James Lu a écrit : > Hi Marko, > > Regarding switching over to GitHub issues: > * I copy-pasted the

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread James Lu
Hi Marko, Regarding switching over to GitHub issues: * I copy-pasted the MockP original code to GitHub issues. * There's a clunky way to view the discussion at . * The less clunky way to view the discussion is to

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, (I'm just about to go to sleep, so I'll answer the other messages tomorrow.) Should we keep some kind of document to keep track of all the different > proposals? I’m thinking an editable document like HackMD where we can label > all the different ideas to keep them straight in our head.

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread James Lu
Hi Marko, I just found the time to reply to these. > I reread the proposal with MockP. I still don't get the details, but if I > think I understand the basic idea. You put a placeholder and whenever one of > its methods is called (including dunders), you record it and finally assemble > an AST

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread James Lu
Hi Marko, Regarding the “transpile into Python” syntax with with statements: Can I see an example of this syntax when used in pathlib? I’m a bit worried this syntax is too long and “in the way”, unlike decorators which are before the function body. Or do you mean that both MockP and your

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread James Lu
Hi Marko, > If the documentation is clear, I'd expect the user to be able to distinguish > the two. The first approach is shorter, and uses magic, but fails in some > rare situations. The other method is more verbose, but always works. I like this idea. James Lu > On Sep 29, 2018, at 1:36 AM,

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-30 Thread James Lu
Hi Marko, Going back to your proposal on repeating lambda P as a convention. I do find @snapshot(some_identifier=P -> P.self(P.arg1), some_identifier2=P -> P.arg1 + P.arg2) acceptable. Should we keep some kind of document to keep track of all the different proposals? I’m thinking an

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-29 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, I copy/pasted the discussion re the readability tool to an issue on github: Would you mind opening a separate issue and copy/pasting what you find relevant re MockP approach in a separate issue? I think it's time to fork the issues and

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-29 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, I reread the proposal with MockP. I still don't get the details, but if I think I understand the basic idea. You put a placeholder and whenever one of its methods is called (including dunders), you record it and finally assemble an AST and compile a lambda function to be executed at

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-29 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
P.p.s. to raise a custom exception: if not (arg1 < S.var1 < arg2): "Some description" raise SomeException(arg1, S.var1, arg2) The converter enforces that only "if not" statement is allowed, only a string description (optional) followed by a raise in the body of if-statement. This is

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-29 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, What about a tool that we discussed, to convert contracts back and forth to readable form on IDe save/load with the following syntax: def some_func(arg1:int, arg2:int)-> int: # typing on the phone so no indent With requiring: Assert arg1 < arg2, "some message" With snapshotting:

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-28 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, I'm a bit short on time today, and would need some more time and attention to understand the proposal you wrote. I'll try to come back to you tomorrow. In any case, I need to refactor icontract's decorators to use conditions like lambda P: and lambda P, result: first before adding

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-28 Thread James Lu
> The problem with readability might be easier to solve than I thought, and > your pointer to coconut gave me the idea. What if we make a utility that > takes the python source code, examines the decorators pre/post/inv (or > whatever we call them) and transforms them back and forth from/to

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-28 Thread James Lu
I am fine with your proposed syntax. It’s certainly lucid. Perhaps it would be a good idea to get people accustomed to “non-magic” syntax. > I still have a feeling that most developers would like to store the state in > many different custom ways. Please explain. (Expressions like thunk(all)(a

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-27 Thread James Lu
Why couldn’t we record the operations done to a special object and replay them? >>> Actually, I think there is probably no way around a decorator that >>> captures/snapshots the data before the function call with a lambda (or even >>> a separate function). "Old" construct, if we are to parse

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-26 Thread James Lu
Hi Marko, > Actually, following on #A4, you could also write those as multiple decorators: > @snpashot(lambda _, some_identifier: some_func(_, some_argument.some_attr) > @snpashot(lambda _, other_identifier: other_func(_.self)) Yes, though if we’re talking syntax using kwargs would probably be

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-26 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James, Actually, following on #A4, you could also write those as multiple decorators: @snpashot(lambda _, some_identifier: some_func(_, some_argument.some_attr) @snpashot(lambda _, other_identifier: other_func(_.self)) Am I correct? "_" looks a bit hard to read for me (implying ignored

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-26 Thread James Lu
I still prefer snapshot, though capture is a good name too. We could use generator syntax and inspect the argument names. Instead of “a”, perhaps use “_”. Or maybe use “A.”, for arguments. Some people might prefer “P” for parameters, since parameters sometimes means the value received while

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi, Franklin wrote: > The name "before" is a confusing name. It's not just something that > happens before. It's really a pre-`let`, adding names to the scope of > things after it, but with values taken before the function call. Based > on that description, other possible names are `prelet`,

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread Franklin? Lee
Ah. It wasn't clear to me from the thread that James was using `inspect`. As it happens, not only does getsource give more than it should, it also gives less than it should. The following bug still exists in 3.6.1. It was closed as a wontfix bug back in Python 2 because, I presume, fixing it

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi James and Franklin, getsource() definitely does not work. I tried for a long, long time to make it work and finally gave up. I parse in icontract the whole file where the lambda function resides and use asttokens to locate the node of the lambda (along some tree traversing upwards and making

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread James Lu
> I'm surprised you haven't found >inspect.getsource(func) I did. That’s exactly what I was describing in the paragraph. It wouldn’t work in interactive mode and it includes everything on the same line of the lambda definition. ___ Python-ideas

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread Franklin? Lee
Ew, magic. `{{foo}}` is already valid syntax (though it will always fail). I don't like this path. If the proposal requires new syntax or magic, it will be less likely to get accepted or even pip'd. Remember also that PyPy, IronPython, and Jython are still alive, and the latter two are still

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread James Lu
Hmm, I was wrong: there is no reliable way to get the code of a lambda function. If it was possible to execute all code paths of the function, we could monkey patch the builtins so { } used our own custom set class. Alternatively, the decorator could also accept a string. Or maybe we could

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread Franklin? Lee
On Sun, Sep 23, 2018 at 2:05 AM Marko Ristin-Kaufmann wrote: > > Hi, > > (I'd like to fork from a previous thread, "Pre-conditions and > post-conditions", since it got long and we started discussing a couple of > different things. Let's discuss in this thread the implementation of a > library

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-25 Thread James Lu
Have you looked at the built-in AST module, ast? I don’t see anything preventing you from walking the AST Python itself can give you- you’d look for two Set AST nodes if we were to do {{ }}. There’s also the parser built-in module. You can use it if

Re: [Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-24 Thread James Lu
You could disassemble (import dis) the lambda to biew the names of the lambdas. @before(lambda self, key, _, length, get: self.length(), self.get(key)) Perhaps you could disassemble the function code and look at all operations or accesses that are done to “old.” and evaluate those expressions

[Python-ideas] "old" values in postconditions

2018-09-23 Thread Marko Ristin-Kaufmann
Hi, (I'd like to fork from a previous thread, "Pre-conditions and post-conditions", since it got long and we started discussing a couple of different things. Let's discuss in this thread the implementation of a library for design-by-contract and how to push it forward to hopefully add it to the