Zope 3.2.0 released!

2006-01-08 Thread Stephan Richter
The Zope 3 development team is proud to announce Zope 3.2.0.

Zope 3 is the next major Zope release and has been written from scratch based
on the latest software design patterns and the experiences of Zope 2.

It is our opinion that Zope 3 is more than ready for production use,
which is why we decided to drop the 'X' for experimental from the name. We
will also continue to work on making the transition between Zope 2 and Zope 3
as smooth as possible. As a first step, Zope 2.8 includes Zope 3 features in
the form of Five.  This is a long term effort. We're not there yet.
**You can't run Zope 2 applications in Zope 3.**



  Installation instructions for both Windows and Un*x/Linux are now available
  in the top level 'README.txt' file of the distribution. The binary installer
  is recommended for Windows.

  Zope 3.2 requires Python 2.4.2 to run. You must also have zlib
  installed on your system.

Most Important Changes Since 3.1

  - The ZServer has been replaced with the Twisted server. The Twisted
server supports all that the ZServer supporting has well has HTTP over
SSL natively and SFTP (disabled for now because of error handling
problems).  Also in the future it brings a better chance of other
non-HTTP related protocols from being implemented for Zope3, like
SMTP-in and IMAP.

ZServer is still supported and will be used if you use the
--zserver when you run mkzopeinstance.

  - Added a test browser. The test browser simulates a real Web browser as
much as possible as a Python object. This allows us to write
functional tests the same way the site would be experienced by the
user. This greatly simplifies functional tests, makes documentation
better and even helps analyzing usability. And of course, it can be
used in functional doctests.

  - Changed the way returning large results is handled. The
response.write method is no longer supported.  Applications
can now simply return files to the publisher.

  - Implemented the password managers proposal. Main idea beside the
proposal is a standard way to implement password encoders/checkers, 
zope.app.authentication.interfaces.IPasswordManager for details.

+ Added basic password managers: Plain Text, MD5, SHA1.

+ Support for password managers added for ZCML principals and
  principals saved in local PrincipalFolers.

+ Added bin/zpasswd command line script which helps to create ZCML

+ Password managers support integrated into bin/mkzopeinstance.

+ New database generation created for convert local principals to new

  - Implemented the language namespace proposal. Now you can override
the browser preferred language through the URL, like this:


Note: If you want to use a custom IUserPreferredLanguages adapter and
the '++lang++' feature together you should use
zope.app.publisher.browser.CacheableBrowserLanguages adapter as a base
class or at least as example.

  - Implemented a new object introspector. Instead of just providing
information of the object's class, the new introspector focuses on
providing information that is specific to the instance, such as
directly provided interfaces and data, for example attribute values
and annotation values.

  - Implemented the `devmode` switch for `zope.conf`. When turned on a
ZCML feature called `devmode` is provided. Packages can then register
functionality based on this feature. In Zope 3 itself, the devmode is
used to only load the API doc is devmode; turning off the devmode thus
closes a potential security hole and increases the start time by more
than a second.

  - addMenuItem directive supports a `layer` attribute.

  - Added a re-implementation of i18n message IDs (now simply
called ``Message``) that is immutable and thus can be treated
like unicode strings with respect to security proxying.  This
implementation will replace the old one in upcoming versions.

  - Added test message catalog for testing i18n.  If you specify
++lang++test in a URL, then all translated strings will be
translated to [[domain][message_id], as in [[zope][Preview]].
Text without the domain marker isn't translated.

  For a complete list of changes see the 'CHANGES.txt' file.


  - Zope 3 Development Web Site:http://dev.zope.org/Zope3

  - Zope 3 Dev Mailing List:http://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-dev

  - Zope 3 Users Mailing 

  - IRC Channel: #zope3-dev at irc.freenode.net


  Thanks goes to everyone that contributed.


The Zope 3 

PyCon TX 2006: Early-bird registration ends Jan. 15!

2006-01-08 Thread A.M. Kuchling
Early bird registration for PyCon TX 2006 ends on January 15th, so
there's only a week left. To register, please go to:


You can still register after Jan. 15th, but the cost will go up by
US$65 (US$25 for students).

This year PyCon will feature a day of tutorials before the three days
of regular presentations.  Course outlines for all the tutorials have
been posted; see


All of the PyCon tutorials are still open for new registrations, but
space is limited.

Don't forget to book your hotel room, too.  PyCon TX 2006 is being
held at a Dallas/Addison hotel, and we have negotiated a special low
rate of $79 plus applicable taxes:


We hope to see you in Texas!


A.M. Kuchling
Chair, PyCon 2006


Support the Python Software Foundation:

PyCon: Plone, Python, BitTorrent keynotes

2006-01-08 Thread A.M. Kuchling
The keynotes at PyCon 2006 can now be announced.

Alan Runyan and Alexander Limi will open the conference with a keynote
about Plone. I haven't received a title yet, but I expect it will
provide an overview of Plone's current status, how it's developed, and
where the Plone project is headed.

On the middle day of the conference (Saturday), Guido van Rossum will
give his traditional State of Python talk that will presumably cover
the new features that were introduced in Python 2.4 and the features
coming in Python 2.5.

On the final day, we'll have Bram Cohen, creator of BitTorrent. The
format won't be a conventional keynote; instead, Cohen has requested
to be interviewed. An interviewer hasn't been chosen yet, but you can
suggest questions on a wiki page at 

A.M. Kuchling
Chair, PyCon 2006


Support the Python Software Foundation:

Re: Try Python update

2006-01-08 Thread Mike Meyer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
 Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 For some reason, I couldn't see the links at the end of the page; now I
 can, though they look sort of ragged, but, OK.

Probably the fonts I chose. I'm in no way a good visual designer. I'm
hoping someone who is will step up to help with this.

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

use browser setting for internet

2006-01-08 Thread Wish
I have a problem with my script in python which uses xmlrpc. The script
loses internet connection when it is used behind a firewall. I realize
that the firewall is specified by using the http_proxy environment
variable. However, the proxy server is automatically configured. I dont
have access to its port or the IP.
I have seen applications which have a select box to use the internet
connection setting of the browser to connect to the web. I dont know
how to access this connection setting in Python. Any help will be much


how can I use socket.ssl in python

2006-01-08 Thread ascetic
I am a newbie in using python.
Today I try to use socket.ssl in a program. but python didn't
support it.
what's the reason? Anyone can tell me.


Re: Copying files between different linux machines

2006-01-08 Thread malv
Best is shfs.
This uses the safety of ssh and allows you to mount filesystems on an
external computer locally with commands like mount  umount: shfsmount


Sockets on Windows and Mac

2006-01-08 Thread rodmc
I am new to Python and have been writing some socket based programmes
on Windows (with some success), however I am unable to get them to work
on Mac.

Are there differences in the way the socket module works on Windows and
Mac? I would appreciate any simple code samples people my have for
creating a very basic server on Macpython, I have copied code from
various tutorials but as yet they don't appear to work.




Re: download full sites?

2006-01-08 Thread James
This isn't a Python question unless you are looking for a Python

HTTrack is one that I have used in the past as a general purpose tool.

As for Python
I have no experience with it. I just searched in the CheeseShop.


Re: Viewing Binary Data

2006-01-08 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
This recipe is a good place to start:





Re: MVC programming with python (newbie) - please help

2006-01-08 Thread has
bwaha wrote:
 The author refers to mvctree.py in wxPython as an example of MVC design.
 However I'm still too green so I find that particular example too complex
 and I'm not understanding the separation the author is recommending.

MVC is all about separation of concerns.

The Model is responsible for managing the program's data (both private
and client data). The View/Controller is responsible for providing the
outside world with the means to interact with the program's client

The Model provides an internal interface (API) to enable other parts of
the program to interact with it. The View/Controller provides an
external interface (GUI/CLI/web form/high-level IPC/etc.) to enable
everything outwith the program to communicate with it.

The Model is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the program's
data, because if that gets corrupted then it's game over for everyone.
The View/Controller is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the
UI, making sure all text views are displaying up-to-date values,
disabling menu items that don't apply to the current focus, etc.

The Model contains no View/Controller code; no GUI widget classes, no
code for laying out dialog boxes or receiving user input. The
View/Controller contains no Model code; no code for validating URLs or
performing SQL queries, and no original state either: any data held by
widgets is for display purposes only, and merely a reflection of the
true data stored in the Model.

Now, here's the test of a true MVC design: the program should in
essence be fully functional even without a View/Controller attached.
OK, the outside world will have trouble interacting with it in that
form, but as long as one knows the appropriate Model API incantations,
the program will hold and manipulate data as normal.

Why is this possible? Well, the simple answer is that it's all thanks
to the low coupling between the Model and View/Controller layers.
However, this isn't the full story. What's key to the whole MVC pattern
is the _direction_ in which those connection goes: ALL instructions
flow _from_ the View/Controller _to_ the Model. The Model NEVER tells
the View/Controller what to do.

Why? Because in MVC, while the View/Controller is permitted to know a
little about the Model (specifically, the Model's API), but the Model
is not allowed to know anything whatsoever about the View/Controller.

Why? Because MVC is about creating a clear separation of concerns.

Why? To help prevent program complexity spiralling out of control and
burying you, the developer, under it. The bigger the program, the
greater the number of components in that program. And the more
connections exist between those components, the harder it is for
developers to maintain/extend/replace individual components, or even
just follow how the whole system works. Ask yourself this: when looking
at a diagram of the program's structure, would you rather see a tree or
a cat's cradle? The MVC pattern avoids the latter by disallowing
circular connections: B can connect to A, but A cannot connect to B. In
this case, A is the Model and B is the View/Controller.

BTW, if you're sharp, you'll notice a problem with the 'one-way'
restriction just described: how can the Model inform the
View/Controller of changes in the Model's user data when the Model
isn't even allowed to know that the View/Controller, never mind send
messages to it? But don't worry: there is a solution to this, and it's
rather neat even if it does seem a bit roundabout at first. We'll get
back to that in a moment.

In practical terms, then, a View/Controller object may, via the Model's
API, 1. tell the Model to do things (execute commands), and 2. tell the
Model to give it things (return data). The View/Controller layer
*pushes instructions* to the Model layer and *pulls information* from
the Model layer.

And that's where your first MyCoolListControl example goes wrong,
because the API for that class requires that information be *pushed*
into it, so you're back to having a two-way coupling between layers,
violating the MVC rules and dumping you right back into the cat's
cradle architecture that you were [presumably] trying to avoid in the
first place.

Instead, the MyCoolListControl class should go with the flow, pulling
the data it needs from the layer below, when it needs it. In the case
of a list widget, that generally means asking how many values there are
and then asking for each of those items in turn, because that's about
the simplest and loosest way to do it and therefore keeps what coupling
there is to a minimum. And if the widget wants, say, to present those
values to the user in nice alphabetical order then that's its
perogative; and its responsibility, of course.

Now, one last conundrum, as I hinted at earlier: how do you keep the
UI's display synchronised with the Model's state in an MVC-based

Here's the problem: many View objects are stateful, e.g. a checkbox may
be ticked or unticked, a text field may 

Re: smtplib error('Connection reset by peer')

2006-01-08 Thread Tim Roberts
Van_Gogh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am learning how to use the smtplib module, but am having some very
early problems, maybe because I don't understand it.
So, am I correct that by following the example in the Python:

 import smtplib
 server = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
 server.sendmail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',

Beware the Ides of March.

I should be able to send an email to the recipient, in this case
[EMAIL PROTECTED] When I try to create the server(the line 'server =
smtplib.SMTP('localhost')) I get the following error message:
error: (10054, 'Connection reset by peer')

Anyone got a pointer as to what I could do?

Replace localhost with the name of your usual outgoing mail server.

Although there ARE SMTP servers available for Windows XP, is it virtually
certain that you aren't running one.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Returning Values from Bash Scripts

2006-01-08 Thread Tim Roberts

How to execute bash scripts from python (other than using os.popen) and
get the values that those bash scripts return.

Why would you eliminate os.popen?  It is precisely the right way to do
this.  That's the same interface bash itself uses to execute scripts.

That is, assuming by values you mean the stdout from the script.  If you
really mean the numerical return code, you can use os.system.
- Tim Roberts, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Providenza  Boekelheide, Inc.

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 08:57:24 -0500, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

[British/American English]

 Hah!  Canucks r00l!  Most of those words look about equally good to us 
 most of the time.  (And it's not because of the beer!)  (But our beer 
 r00lz too.)

And so does primairy, secondairy and similar frenchifications of
English words, to some of you ... I'll think twice before agreeing to
maintain software written by people from Montréal again.

(Fortunately, that software was written in a static programming language.)


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/ snipabacken.dyndns.org  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Fri, 6 Jan 2006 23:46:42 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I do tend to be a bit brief with my names and recognizing an identifier as
 an abbreviation don't bother me the way a misspelled word does.  Maybe I've
 been using Unix systems for too long with their brief command names like mv
 and grep.

I like to think of it as everybody else having spent too /little/ time with
Unix systems ;-)


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/ snipabacken.dyndns.org  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: os.environ['PATH'] missing

2006-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On 6 Jan 2006 06:03:05 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 How can it not be present?
 What might cause this seemingly random situation?

Well, it's not uncommon to start a program with a reduced set of environment
variables, including a limited, hardcoded $PATH, so something like
os.system(ls) cannot be tricked to run an ls outside the
system-controlled, safe directories.

On my machine, env -i sh starts a shell without $PATH. Bash seems to
default to a builtin search path in that situation (/bin and /usr/bin, I

But reducing $PATH is one thing (and fairly common); removing it is another.
And I'm not sure that programs are expected to cope with the absence of
$PATH; just because it's /possible/ to remove it doesn't mean it's legal.

I don't know anything about web servers and Zope. Sorry.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/ snipabacken.dyndns.org  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Sybren Stuvel
[EMAIL PROTECTED] enlightened us with:
 I'm one of those people who, for better or worse, is a good speller.
 Words just look right or wrong to me and it bothers me when they
 look wrong.

Same here. I have to use code that has childs instead of
children... I also can't stand then vs than mixups... And what's
up with using Google to check for spelling? I have a dictionary for
that, works a lot better!

The problem with the world is stupidity. Not saying there should be a
capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the
safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself? 
 Frank Zappa

Re: Sockets on Windows and Mac

2006-01-08 Thread Irmen de Jong
rodmc wrote:
 I am new to Python and have been writing some socket based programmes
 on Windows (with some success), however I am unable to get them to work
 on Mac.

Please elaborate on unable to get them to work. What problems do you see?

In my experience, there is no difference with the Mac. I'm using a
mac (with OS X tiger) myself.


Re: Are there anybody using python as the script engine for ASP?

2006-01-08 Thread Dale Strickland-Clark

 Hi everyone, I'm planning using python with asp, and wonder if some
 people do use python/asp in real life projects. (I'm going to)

Guys at my company do. I think there were some issues which they either
worked around or that went away after an upgrade. I'm not sure.

But we're running live web sites with it right now, as far as I know.
Dale Strickland-Clark
Riverhall Systems - www.riverhall.co.uk


Re: Viewing Binary Data

2006-01-08 Thread Claudio Grondi
Cuyler wrote:
 I would like to display a file in its binary form (1s and 0s), but I'm
 having no luck... Any thoughts would be most appreciated.
You may consider to check out the latest by me started thread in this 
newsgroup with the subject: Does Python allow access to some of the 
implementation details?, which surprizingly deals mainly with getting 
bits out of strings and integers and provides appropriate code.


Re: how can I use socket.ssl in python

2006-01-08 Thread Scott David Daniels
ascetic wrote:
 I am a newbie in using python.
 Today I try to use socket.ssl in a program. but python didn't
 support it.
 what's the reason? Anyone can tell me.
(1) Search the newsgroup; several people sometimes have it.
(2) Ask smart questions.  Try to imagine answering what you
 just asked with the evidence you provided.  I don't know
 if you are writing in Jython, IronPython, CPython, ...
 on a dingleblat 4000, running python 2.1.35? ...

--Scott David Daniels

Re: Newbie with some doubts.

2006-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 18:47:20 -0500, Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As far as I'm concerned, the definitive work in this area is Meyer's
 Object Oriented Software Construction. He covers pretty much all the
 uses of OO language features, using a language that was designed
 specifically to support those uses.

Bjarne Stroustrup recommends it, but notes Tends to confuse Eiffel with
universal principles.

 Be warned that after reading it,
 you're liable to come back to Python and wonder Why doesn't Python do

Meyer is too much of a fundamentalist for me, so much of the book just
pisses me off. I expect that many Python programmers would feel the same
way, Python being the way it is.

It's still worth reading though -- especially the part on design
by contract. And all his vicious attacks on things you happen to
dislike, too ;-)


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/ snipabacken.dyndns.org  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Returning Values from Bash Scripts

2006-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 08:57:01 GMT, Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

How to execute bash scripts from python (other than using os.popen) and
get the values that those bash scripts return.

 Why would you eliminate os.popen?  It is precisely the right way to do
 this.  That's the same interface bash itself uses to execute scripts.

 That is, assuming by values you mean the stdout from the script.  If you
 really mean the numerical return code, you can use os.system.

And that's just one value, of course. And not a very useful one, either --
it's a non-negative integer, with a pretty low max value -- 255 on my
machine. Unless you count the crash return codes.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/ snipabacken.dyndns.org  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: C regex equiv to Python implementation?

2006-01-08 Thread Jorgen Grahn
On 6 Jan 2006 11:24:14 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm trying to stay portable between Windows and Linux. My app will run
 on Linux when deployed. But we do a lot of simulation on Windows
 because of better dev tools available on Windows.

(Lots of people seem to do so, and I can't understand why. I tend to
translate that to we're not comfortable with working on our target
platform ...)

 So I really want a regular expression implementation that'll compile
 under MS VS 2003 C++ and also under Gnu C++ for Linux on both x86 and
 ARM targets.

Read the parent posting again. He recommended PCRE as the best compatible
solution. It would surprise me /a lot/ if that didn't compile on Windows.


  // Jorgen Grahn grahn@Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu
\X/ snipabacken.dyndns.org  R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread skip

Sybren And what's up with using Google to check for spelling? I have a
Sybren dictionary for that, works a lot better!

A couple things:

1. It's generally faster than reaching for the dictionary.

2. The hit count for a word and its misspelling gives me some measure of
   how the rest of the online English-speaking world thinks that word is

3. Some recent words like podcast aren't in the now ancient dictionary
   on my shelf.  Other words have gained new meanings since my
   dictionary was published.

Okay, so that's a few things... wink


Re: - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2006-01-08 Thread Anton Vredegoor
Alex Martelli wrote:

 Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 However I still maintain that I was never able to meet these fine
 people you speak about and which you seem to know because the cost
 involved (a few hundred euro to visit pycon for example) was too high
 compared to my food budget.
 Europython is cheap to attend, and has been held twice in Charleroi,
 Belgium, for example -- if you're in the Netherlands, you could have
 bycicled there, crashed with somebody (I've seen lots of impecunious
 people offered hospitality that way), and not spent more on food than
 you would by staying in the Netherlands.  You'll have to invent some
 better excuse, to explain why you chose not to attend it.
I already sent some reply via google, got a server error, resent, got a
confirmation that my message was posted, but it doesn't show up and also
there's no way to retrieve my message except fishing in the cache? 

Yesterday I had a post not showing up (in another group) but today it
was there. This makes me feel insecure enough about whether or not my
replies come through via google to start using another provider. It's
not like I'm on a secret google no fly list no? (slightly paranoic) 

Anyway, I'm not typing all that again. Maybe it will show up tomorrow.
The gist of it is that for me a few hundred euros is and was a *lot* of
money, and that this talk about 'cheap to attend' irritates me a lot.


Re: Newbie Question: CSV to XML

2006-01-08 Thread Doru-Catalin Togea
On Fri, 6 Jan 2006, ProvoWallis wrote:


 Would anyone be willing to give me some feedback about this little
 script that I wrote to convert CSV to XML. I'll happily admit that I
 still have a lot to learn about Python so I'm always grateful for
 constructive feedback.

I have started using a module called Amara for xml manipulation. I am 
pleased with how elegant it is, compared to what I have used before.



  We are what we repeatedly do.  
   Excellence, therefore, is not an act  
  but a habit.   

Re: question about mutex.py

2006-01-08 Thread Peter Hansen
 yes, I read it, and I even know about threading's existence. I just
 thought that if something claims to be atomic, it better should be.

I think the term atomic is meaningful only when the context is known. 
  For example, atomic operations in the Python interpreter are 
certainly not atomic within the larger context of the CPU, and atomic 
CPU operations are not necessarily atomic in the context of a system 
with multiple CPUs.  If the context for mutex.py explicitly excludes 
multi-threading then you have to interpret atomic in whatever context 
that defines.



Re: Viewing Binary Data

2006-01-08 Thread Peter Hansen
Cuyler wrote:
 I would like to display a file in its binary form (1s and 0s), but I'm
 having no luck... Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

I'm sure the list archives (visible via Google Groups and other means) 
has answers to similar questions in the past.  Also the online Python 
CookBook probably has at least one recipe that would help.  Have you 
tried searching online at all?



Re: Sockets on Windows and Mac

2006-01-08 Thread Peter Hansen
rodmc wrote:
 I am new to Python and have been writing some socket based programmes
 on Windows (with some success), however I am unable to get them to work
 on Mac.
 Are there differences in the way the socket module works on Windows and
 Mac? I would appreciate any simple code samples people my have for
 creating a very basic server on Macpython, I have copied code from
 various tutorials but as yet they don't appear to work.

Aren't you basing this on the standard library modules such as 
SocketServer, or extension packages like Twisted, that already do most 
of the work for you?  If you were, you likely wouldn't have to deal with 
any such Mac-specific problems (if that's really what they are) and you 
would likely save yourself a whole heck of a lot of time reinventing the 
wheel too.  (Note also that most people doing raw socket programming do 
it wrong, which is a good reason to jump straight ahead to build on the 
work of others.)



What is the UI Element to work with HTML Content

2006-01-08 Thread K Satish
Hi All, I am a newbie to Python. I want to know that there is any UI Control to browse HTML pages. Please let me know. If that is available, I am planing to develop a Chat application.  Waiting for help.Thanks,  Satish.  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.yahoo.com -- 

XML RFC Server

2006-01-08 Thread K Satish
Hi All,Is there any example code to develop XML RFC Web Service in Python.Thanks,  Satish.Send instant messages to your online friends http://in.messenger.yahoo.com -- 

Re: - E04 - Leadership! Google, Guido van Rossum, PSF

2006-01-08 Thread Alex Martelli
Anton Vredegoor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Europython is cheap to attend, and has been held twice in Charleroi,
  Belgium, for example -- if you're in the Netherlands, you could have
 The gist of it is that for me a few hundred euros is and was a *lot* of
 money, and that this talk about 'cheap to attend' irritates me a lot.

I just don't understand, always assuming you're in the Netherlands, how
attending Europython in Belgium (as opposed to Pycon in the US) could
have cost hundreds of euros.  Conference registration is free to
speakers, bicycling NL-BE not costly (many were driving from NL, so
bumming a ride was far from impossible either), many attendants arranged
to crash for free thanks to the hospitality of others, food costs in
Belgium aren't much different from those in NL.

I'm not saying a few hundred euros is 'cheap' -- it obviously isn't, if
your income is low to nonexistent; rather, I'm wondering where that
hundreds amount comes from.  You originally mentioned only pycon
(where the need to fly to the US, for people living in Europe, can
obviously account for hundreds of euros already); Europython is
specifically held in Europe to be cheaper and more convenient to attend
for Europeans, and I've always met many people there who fell in the
income low to nonexistent bracket for one reason or another.


Re: Try Python update

2006-01-08 Thread Alex Martelli
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
  Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  For some reason, I couldn't see the links at the end of the page; now I
  can, though they look sort of ragged, but, OK.
 Probably the fonts I chose. I'm in no way a good visual designer. I'm
 hoping someone who is will step up to help with this.

I'm finding it hard to arrange my own experiments with Safari (I'm using
a loaner machine since my normal one[s] are all having problems and
under repair) but I'm told the solution for cursor positioning is to set
the caretPos attribute of the textarea, like for example at
http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=43245 ...


Re: Sockets on Windows and Mac

2006-01-08 Thread Alex Martelli
rodmc [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to Python and have been writing some socket based programmes
 on Windows (with some success), however I am unable to get them to work
 on Mac.
 Are there differences in the way the socket module works on Windows and
 Mac? I would appreciate any simple code samples people my have for
 creating a very basic server on Macpython, I have copied code from
 various tutorials but as yet they don't appear to work.

Assuming you mean the MacOS X which has been current, in one version or
another, for the last few years (I don't know anything about ancient
OS's such as MacOS 9 etc), I've personally tested all the socket
programming examples from the Nutshell on MacOS X 10.3 and 10.4 (Panther
and Tiger), and they do, of course, run just fine.  You can download the
zipfile with all the examples of Python in a Nutshell from the
O'Reilly site, even if you don't own the book, and try them.  Of course,
you must run a server and one or more client from different Terminal
windows -- that's about the only important (but totally obvious)
precaution you should take.

I don't think you can set the Mac's firewall to impede communication
within the localhost, but I admit I haven't tried -- so, if you have any
problem, detach your Mac from any networks and then in System
Preferences disable the firewall entirely (and make sure your Mac
doesn't erroneously believe it DOES have external networks, i.e., only
networking is to/from '', the local host, AKA the loopback or
'lo0' interface).  If you STILL have problems after that, copy and paste
the output of ifconfig, it should start something like:

lo0: flags=8049UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING,MULTICAST mtu 16384
inet netmask 0xff00 

and also any current messages from an instance of
Applications/Utilities/Console -- as well of course as error messages
and tracebacks, if any, from your Python scripts, but I think any
problem must result from some weird issue with system settings rather
than any programming issue.  Do remember to copy and paste, NOT
summarize in your own words, otherwise you may make it unfeasible for us
to help you out!


Re: MVC programming with python (newbie) - please help

2006-01-08 Thread Scott David Daniels
has wrote:
 MVC is all about separation of concerns
This is a wonderful explanation of MVC.  I'm going to keep a link to the
Google-Groups version just so I can cite it to those asking about MVC.

--Scott David Daniels

PIL.Image.frombuffer/string ... who do data using?

2006-01-08 Thread ivan.dm
hello again everyone!

I'm writing a wrapper for tif file that parse its and return the data 
image in this way below :

 data = self.fp.read(StripByteCounts)
 return data

self.fp is a file object
StripOffsets is a offset position of image
StripByCounts is extend of image

after we get a data, now to set its in PIL.Image.fromstring(...)
but ( evely! :) ), returned this error follow:

not enough image data


Should I to convert data in other format???

any suggestion?

Thanks and regard.


Re: Viewing Binary Data

2006-01-08 Thread Paul Watson
Cuyler wrote:
 I would like to display a file in its binary form (1s and 0s), but I'm
 having no luck... Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

If you are on a UNIX system, or on Windows with Cygwin, you can use the 
'od' command to dump a file in hex or octal.

man od
od -Ax -tx1

Re: Viewing Binary Data

2006-01-08 Thread Bengt Richter
On 6 Jan 2006 09:15:50 -0800, Cuyler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I would like to display a file in its binary form (1s and 0s), but I'm
having no luck... Any thoughts would be most appreciated.

What have you tried? having no luck doesn't tell us much, although it is
a phrase previously seen in use ;-/
Is this homework?

If the first character were 'C' what order would you like to see the bits?
(e.e., 111 (big-endian l-r) vs 111 (little-endian l-r)
Do you want to convert the whole file like a hex dump, except binary?
Want to give a clue as to output format? Gapped? Ascii at the right?
Bit numbers or hex byte offsets at the left?
Do you need a one-liner solution?

Bengt Richter

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Terry Hancock
On Sun, 8 Jan 2006 08:58:48 -0600
 Sybren And what's up with using Google to check for spelling? I have a
 Sybren dictionary for that, works a lot better!
 A couple things:
 1. It's generally faster than reaching for the

But not faster than use a dict server!
Why not just use (e.g.) kdict? That's what I do. It's got to
be at least as accurate as Google, and much more likely to
give me the right answer.

 2. The hit count for a word and its misspelling gives
 me some measure of
how the rest of the online English-speaking world
thinks that word is spelled.

This is useful for words that don't really exist.
Or rather, that do exist, but are not documented. ;-)

 3. Some recent words like podcast aren't in the now
 ancient dictionary
on my shelf.  Other words have gained new meanings
since my dictionary was published.

Same comment -- Google is good as a backup, but I'd much
rather use a dictionary to look up words than a search
engine.  Wikipedia is another good resource for newer words,
brand names, jargon, and slang.

BTW, one of the most common programming spelling errors is
deprecate versus depreciate -- I wonder how many people
actually realize that both words exist, but have entirely
different meanings?

deprecate means to be declared unworthy or no longer to
be used by an authority and is pronounced de-pre-KATE,
while depreciate means to go down in financial value and
is pronounced de-PRE-she-ATE.

An awful lot of people seem to think that deprecate is a
misspelling of depreciate and then correct the spelling.
But then, they must have a funny idea of what it means when
a software feature is deprecated.  Maybe they think it's
like the opposite of appreciate or something? (We
don't appreciate your code anymore). ;-)

I suppose some smart alec is going to argue that it goes
down in value because an authority declared it unworthy.
Would be about par for the course. ;-)

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Anansi Spaceworks http://www.AnansiSpaceworks.com


Re: Viewing Binary Data

2006-01-08 Thread Rod Haper
Paul Watson wrote:
 Cuyler wrote:
 I would like to display a file in its binary form (1s and 0s), but I'm
 having no luck... Any thoughts would be most appreciated.
 If you are on a UNIX system, or on Windows with Cygwin, you can use the 
 'od' command to dump a file in hex or octal.
 man od
 od -Ax -tx1

And if you're on a Linux system and have KDE loaded, use the KHexEdit 
utility.  KHexEdit can display the file in hexadecimal, decimal, octal, 
binary or text format, swap endians, search, filter, etc.  It's a very 
sweet utility.

Multiway Branching

2006-01-08 Thread rshepard
  I need to look at two-byte pairs coming from a machine, and interpret the
meaning based on the relative values of the two bytes. In C I'd use a switch
statement. Python doesn't have such a branching statement. I have 21
comparisons to make, and that many if/elif/else statements is clunky and
inefficient. Since these data are coming from an OMR scanner at 9600 bps (or
faster if I can reset it programmatically to 38K over the serial cable), I
want a fast algorithm.

  The data are of the form:

  if byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 32:
row_value = 0
  elif byte1 == 36 and byte2 == 32:
row_value = natural
  elif byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 1:
row_value = 5
  elif byte1 == 66 and byte2 == 32:
row_value = 0.167

  There are two rows where the marked response equates to a string and 28
rows where the marked response equates to an integer (1-9) or float of
defined values.

  Suggestions appreciated.


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic
http://www.appl-ecosys.com Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Re: Multiway Branching

2006-01-08 Thread Fredrik Lundh

   I need to look at two-byte pairs coming from a machine, and interpret the
 meaning based on the relative values of the two bytes. In C I'd use a switch
 statement. Python doesn't have such a branching statement. I have 21
 comparisons to make, and that many if/elif/else statements is clunky and
 inefficient. Since these data are coming from an OMR scanner at 9600 bps (or
 faster if I can reset it programmatically to 38K over the serial cable), I
 want a fast algorithm.

   The data are of the form:

   if byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 32:
 row_value = 0
   elif byte1 == 36 and byte2 == 32:
 row_value = natural
   elif byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 1:
 row_value = 5
   elif byte1 == 66 and byte2 == 32:
 row_value = 0.167

   There are two rows where the marked response equates to a string and 28
 rows where the marked response equates to an integer (1-9) or float of
 defined values.

chr(32)+chr(32): 0,
chr(36)+chr(32): natural,
chr(32)+chr(1): 5,
chr(66)+chr(32): 0.167,


row_value = DATA_MAP[source.read(2)]

# or: row_value = DATA_MAP.get(source.read(2), DEFAULT)



Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Robin Becker
Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:
 On 2006-01-08, Terry Hancock wrote:
BTW, one of the most common programming spelling errors is
deprecate versus depreciate -- I wonder how many people
actually realize that both words exist, but have entirely
different meanings?
The words overlap in meaning. Both can mean to disparage or
Some dictionaries give 'depreciate' as a definition of 'deprecate'.

Well if someone told me my investments were deprecated I'd take that 
differently to them being depreciated.
Robin Becker

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Chris F.A. Johnson
On 2006-01-08, Terry Hancock wrote:

 BTW, one of the most common programming spelling errors is
 deprecate versus depreciate -- I wonder how many people
 actually realize that both words exist, but have entirely
 different meanings?

   The words overlap in meaning. Both can mean to disparage or

   Some dictionaries give 'depreciate' as a definition of 'deprecate'.

   Chris F.A. Johnson, author   |http://cfaj.freeshell.org
   Shell Scripting Recipes: |  My code in this post, if any,
   A Problem-Solution Approach  |  is released under the
   2005, Apress | GNU General Public Licence

Re: question about mutex.py

2006-01-08 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 10:24:43 -0500, Peter Hansen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 yes, I read it, and I even know about threading's existence. I just
 thought that if something claims to be atomic, it better should be.

I think the term atomic is meaningful only when the context is known. 
  For example, atomic operations in the Python interpreter are 
certainly not atomic within the larger context of the CPU, and atomic 
CPU operations are not necessarily atomic in the context of a system 
with multiple CPUs.  If the context for mutex.py explicitly excludes 
multi-threading then you have to interpret atomic in whatever context 
that defines.

Atomic means trademarked by a company that used to use that name in the 50's
to describe and identify a line toys it put in its breakfast cereal boxes.
The rights are now owned by an IP scavenging company which is trying to sell
them for stock in another IP scavenger with more money left, so be careful.
There's also some related talk of a patent on a method of using semiotic 
in association with the distribution of digital generic products to make them
distinguishable for any business purpose whatever. IP principles established 
corn flakes and decoder rings are thought to translate perfectly to the digital
domain of FOSS distros including anything toy-like.

Bengt Richter

What is the slickest way to transpose a square list of lists (tuple of tuples)?

2006-01-08 Thread Gerard Brunick
My way is ugly.  These has to be a better way.


Re: Multiway Branching

2006-01-08 Thread Bengt Richter
On 8 Jan 2006 18:59:28 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  I need to look at two-byte pairs coming from a machine, and interpret the
meaning based on the relative values of the two bytes. In C I'd use a switch
statement. Python doesn't have such a branching statement. I have 21
comparisons to make, and that many if/elif/else statements is clunky and
inefficient. Since these data are coming from an OMR scanner at 9600 bps (or
faster if I can reset it programmatically to 38K over the serial cable), I
want a fast algorithm.

  The data are of the form:

  if byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 32:
   row_value = 0
  elif byte1 == 36 and byte2 == 32:
   row_value = natural
  elif byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 1:
   row_value = 5
  elif byte1 == 66 and byte2 == 32:
   row_value = 0.167

  There are two rows where the marked response equates to a string and 28
rows where the marked response equates to an integer (1-9) or float of
defined values.

  Suggestions appreciated.

Set up a dict to map your byte pairs to values, e.g.,

  pairvalues = dict([
 ... ((32,32), 0),
 ... ((36,32), natural),
 ... # ...
 ... ((32, 1), 5),
 ... ((66,32), 0.167)
 ... ])

Then you can access the values like:

  row_value = pairvalues.get((36,32), 'default')

The .get method allows you to specify a default, in case you get an unexpected 
You could also use pairvalues[(byte1,byte2)] and catch the KeyError exception 
unexpected pairs.

  for byte1, byte2 in (66,32), (32,1), (36,32), (32,32), (20,20):
 ... print '%10s = %r' %((byte1,byte2), pairvalues.get((byte1,byte2), 
'DEFAULT ??'))
   (66, 32) = 0.16701
(32, 1) = 5
   (36, 32) = 'natural'
   (32, 32) = 0
   (20, 20) = 'DEFAULT ??'


Bengt Richter

decorator question

2006-01-08 Thread Schüle Daniel
hello NG,

consider this code

  def timelogger(f):
... def wrapper(*a,**kw):
... print started at %s % time.ctime()
... t0 = time.time()
... f(*a, **kw)
... t1 = time.time()
... print ended at %s % time.ctime()
... print diff = , t1-t0, sec
... return wrapper
  import time
... def loops(a,b,c):
... sum = 0
... for i in range(a):
... for j in range(b):
... for k in range(c):
... sum += 1
function wrapper at 0x402eec34
started at Sun Jan  8 23:19:19 2006
ended at Sun Jan  8 23:19:19 2006
diff =  0.000367164611816 sec

the code above works fine
but I am wondering wheather it's possible to
write something like this

  def timelogger(f, logfile=sys.stdout):
... def wrapper(*a,**kw):
... logfile.write(started at %s % time.ctime())
... t0 = time.time()
... f(*a, **kw)
... t1 = time.time()
... logfile.write(ended at %s % time.ctime())
... logfile.write(diff = %f %s % (t1-t0, sec))
... return wrapper

  import time
  @timelogger(file(hierher, a))  ###  (1)
... def loops(a,b,c):
... sum = 0
... for i in range(a):
... for j in range(b):
... for k in range(c):
... sum += 1

(1) fails to compile
is it possible to pass parameters to a decorator function?

Regards, Daniel


Re: Returning Values from Bash Scripts

2006-01-08 Thread Mike Meyer
Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 08:57:01 GMT, Tim Roberts [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
How to execute bash scripts from python (other than using os.popen) and
get the values that those bash scripts return.
 Why would you eliminate os.popen?  It is precisely the right way to do
 this.  That's the same interface bash itself uses to execute scripts.
 That is, assuming by values you mean the stdout from the script.  If you
 really mean the numerical return code, you can use os.system.
 And that's just one value, of course. And not a very useful one, either --
 it's a non-negative integer, with a pretty low max value -- 255 on my
 machine. Unless you count the crash return codes.

Further, os.system (and os.popen) pass the command through a shell,
and actually gives you the return value from the shell instead of the
command in question. Normally, these are the same thing. But if the
shell fails to execute the command, they aren't - and there's no easy
way to tell that that's what happened.

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: Multiway Branching

2006-01-08 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 8 Jan 2006 20:31:49 +0100, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


   I need to look at two-byte pairs coming from a machine, and interpret the
 meaning based on the relative values of the two bytes. In C I'd use a switch
 statement. Python doesn't have such a branching statement. I have 21
 comparisons to make, and that many if/elif/else statements is clunky and
 inefficient. Since these data are coming from an OMR scanner at 9600 bps (or
 faster if I can reset it programmatically to 38K over the serial cable), I
 want a fast algorithm.

   The data are of the form:

   if byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 32:
 row_value = 0
   elif byte1 == 36 and byte2 == 32:
 row_value = natural
   elif byte1 == 32 and byte2 == 1:
 row_value = 5
   elif byte1 == 66 and byte2 == 32:
 row_value = 0.167

   There are two rows where the marked response equates to a string and 28
 rows where the marked response equates to an integer (1-9) or float of
 defined values.

chr(32)+chr(32): 0,
chr(36)+chr(32): natural,
chr(32)+chr(1): 5,
chr(66)+chr(32): 0.167,


row_value = DATA_MAP[source.read(2)]

# or: row_value = DATA_MAP.get(source.read(2), DEFAULT)

Much better than my version, since you went beyond the OP's code to what he said
he was trying to do (look at two-byte pairs coming from a machine ... over the 
serial cable).
I just went for a direct translation of the code, which is nearly always a 
I should know better. I guess I do, since I always rant about requirements ;-/
Also don't know why I chose to use dict([]) vs {}, since there's no bare key 
names to
clean the quotes off of. Oh well.

Bengt Richter

Re: Newbie with some doubts.

2006-01-08 Thread Mike Meyer
Jorgen Grahn [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 On Sat, 07 Jan 2006 18:47:20 -0500, Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As far as I'm concerned, the definitive work in this area is Meyer's
 Object Oriented Software Construction. He covers pretty much all the
 uses of OO language features, using a language that was designed
 specifically to support those uses.
 Bjarne Stroustrup recommends it, but notes Tends to confuse Eiffel with
 universal principles.

He does tend to write like the Eiffel way of doing OO is the only
valid way of doing OO.

 Be warned that after reading it,
 you're liable to come back to Python and wonder Why doesn't Python do
 Meyer is too much of a fundamentalist for me, so much of the book just
 pisses me off. I expect that many Python programmers would feel the same
 way, Python being the way it is.

I should note that Python isn't Eiffel is often a good answer to the
questions Why doesn't Python do X that arise from that book. The
design goals of Eiffel are different from the design goals of
Python. I like the design goals of both languages, so I like both

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: Returning Values from Bash Scripts

2006-01-08 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Steven D'Aprano wrote:

  How to execute bash scripts from python (other than using os.popen) and
  get the values that those bash scripts return.
  The easy way is to call it with subprocess.call.

  import subprocess
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File stdin, line 1, in ?
 ImportError: No module named subprocess

 It might be easy, but an awful lot of people won't be using a version of
 Python that has the subprocess module, and for them upgrading may not be
 easy (or even possible) at all.

subprocess is available as a separate distribution for Python 2.2
and newer:


if you're on a unixoid system, all you need is the subprocess.py
file, which you can also get directly from the Python SVN:




Re: decorator question

2006-01-08 Thread Frank Niessink
Schüle Daniel wrote:
 (1) fails to compile
 is it possible to pass parameters to a decorator function?

Yes, I think this does what you want:

import time, sys

def timelogger(logfile=sys.stdout):
 def actual_timelogger(function):
 def wrapper(*a,**kw):
 logfile.write(started at %s % time.ctime())
 t0 = time.time()
 function(*a, **kw)
 t1 = time.time()
 logfile.write(ended at %s % time.ctime())
 logfile.write(diff = %f %s % (t1-t0, sec))
 return wrapper
 return actual_timelogger

@timelogger(logfile=file(hierher, a))###  (1)
def loops(a,b,c):
 sum = 0
 for i in range(a):
 for j in range(b):
 for k in range(c):
 sum += 1


Cheers, Frank

Re: decorator question

2006-01-08 Thread Ralf Schmitt
Schüle Daniel schrieb:
 hello NG,
 consider this code
   def timelogger(f):
 ... def wrapper(*a,**kw):
 ... print started at %s % time.ctime()
 ... t0 = time.time()
 ... f(*a, **kw)
 ... t1 = time.time()
 ... print ended at %s % time.ctime()
 ... print diff = , t1-t0, sec
 ... return wrapper
   import time
 ... def loops(a,b,c):
 ... sum = 0
 ... for i in range(a):
 ... for j in range(b):
 ... for k in range(c):
 ... sum += 1
 function wrapper at 0x402eec34
 started at Sun Jan  8 23:19:19 2006
 ended at Sun Jan  8 23:19:19 2006
 diff =  0.000367164611816 sec
 the code above works fine
 but I am wondering wheather it's possible to
 write something like this
   def timelogger(f, logfile=sys.stdout):
 ... def wrapper(*a,**kw):
 ... logfile.write(started at %s % time.ctime())
 ... t0 = time.time()
 ... f(*a, **kw)
 ... t1 = time.time()
 ... logfile.write(ended at %s % time.ctime())
 ... logfile.write(diff = %f %s % (t1-t0, sec))
 ... return wrapper
   import time
   @timelogger(file(hierher, a))###  (1)
 ... def loops(a,b,c):
 ... sum = 0
 ... for i in range(a):
 ... for j in range(b):
 ... for k in range(c):
 ... sum += 1
 (1) fails to compile
 is it possible to pass parameters to a decorator function?

It's possible. The call to timelogger must return a function which 
itself takes a function and returns one:

def timelogger(logfile=sys.stdout):
 def deco(f):
 def wrapper(*a,**kw):
 logfile.write(started at %s % time.ctime())
 t0 = time.time()
 f(*a, **kw)
 t1 = time.time()
 logfile.write(ended at %s % time.ctime())
 logfile.write(diff = %f %s % (t1-t0, sec))
 return wrapper
 return deco

 Regards, Daniel

Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Chris F.A. Johnson
On 2006-01-08, Robin Becker wrote:
 Chris F.A. Johnson wrote:
 On 2006-01-08, Terry Hancock wrote:
BTW, one of the most common programming spelling errors is
deprecate versus depreciate -- I wonder how many people
actually realize that both words exist, but have entirely
different meanings?
The words overlap in meaning. Both can mean to disparage or
Some dictionaries give 'depreciate' as a definition of 'deprecate'.

 Well if someone told me my investments were deprecated I'd take that 
 differently to them being depreciated.

   That's why I said overlap, not that they are the same.

   Chris F.A. Johnson, author   |http://cfaj.freeshell.org
   Shell Scripting Recipes: |  My code in this post, if any,
   A Problem-Solution Approach  |  is released under the
   2005, Apress | GNU General Public Licence

Re: Display of JPEG images from Python

2006-01-08 Thread py pan
I remember seeing somewhere saying that the wx.StaticBitmap is only for small image (64x64?), is that true?On 6 Jan 2006 07:01:24 -0800, 
You can f.i. use wxPython (www.wxPython.org). Here is a compact andugly, but (almost) minimal, example of a python script that shows animage file:import wxa = wx.PySimpleApp
()wximg = wx.Image('img.jpg',wx.BITMAP_TYPE_JPEG)wxbmp=wximg.ConvertToBitmap()f = wx.Frame(None, -1, Show JPEG demo)f.SetSize( wxbmp.GetSize() )wx.StaticBitmap(f,-1,wxbmp,(0,0))f.Show(True)
def callback(evt,a=a,f=f):# Closes the window upon any keypressf.Close()a.ExitMainLoop()wx.EVT_CHAR(f,callback)a.MainLoop()-svein--

Re: What is the slickest way to transpose a square list of lists (tuple of tuples)?

2006-01-08 Thread Brian van den Broek
Gerard Brunick said unto the world upon 08/01/06 01:27 PM:
 My way is ugly.  These has to be a better way.

If you'd posted your way, I might well have seen if I could do it in a 
nicer fashion. But, since for all I know, my best efforts would result 
in the approach you already have, I'm unlikely to put the effort in.

I suspect I'm not alone. You might do well to show the approach you 
are unhappy with.


Brian vdB

Re: What is the slickest way to transpose a square list of lists (tuple of tuples)?

2006-01-08 Thread Claudio Grondi
Gerard Brunick wrote:
 My way is ugly.  These has to be a better way.
Ugly is not necessary not the slickest. To do better, there must be 
something to compare to, right?


Re: What is the slickest way to transpose a square list of lists (tuple of tuples)?

2006-01-08 Thread Tim Hochberg
Brian van den Broek wrote:
 Gerard Brunick said unto the world upon 08/01/06 01:27 PM:
My way is ugly.  These has to be a better way.

 If you'd posted your way, I might well have seen if I could do it in a 
 nicer fashion. But, since for all I know, my best efforts would result 
 in the approach you already have, I'm unlikely to put the effort in.
 I suspect I'm not alone. You might do well to show the approach you 
 are unhappy with.

Indeed. And it would also make it obvious what you're trying to do as 
I'm not completely convinced I understand your description. However, if 
my guess is correct:

transposed = zip(*listoflists)

is probably hard to beat.



Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread skip

 1. It's generally faster than reaching for the dictionary.

Terry But not faster than use a dict server!  Why not just use (e.g.)
Terry kdict? 

Maybe because not everybody has it?

% kdict
-bash: kdict: command not found


Re: Help Please: 'module' object has no attribute 'compile'

2006-01-08 Thread livin
Oh, no I did not create any modules, wish I had the knowledge to do so!

I think I've moved beyond whatever that issue was and now getting a timeout. 
The info is below... any help you can give is appreciate!

I'm running this code...

import os, re, string, urllib, types
data = urllib.urlencode({'control_device': 'Kitchen Lights=on'})
urllib.urlopen('', data)

and get this error log from Python...

File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 78, in urlopen
File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 183, in open
File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 297, in open_http
File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 712, in endheaders
File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 597, in _send_output
File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 564, in send
File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 548, in connect
[Errno socket error] (10060, 'Operation timed out')

Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 livin wrote:
 I beleive so... I cannot know for sure becasue the models are not 
 separate... they are in the python23.zlib file... I'm no sure how to 
 check the file, it looks as if it is compiled (I'm new to python so 
 forgive my ignorance)

 Yes, there should be an re module in your Python distribution, and it 
 should have a compile attribute. You can check this from the python 
 intepreter easily:
   import re
 function compile at 0x008FE0B0

 What I am suggesting is that YOU may have created a module named re that 
 Python is finding instead of the system module by that name. In this case 
 your module doesn't have a compile attribute. This would cause the error 
 you see.


 Kent Johnson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 

livin wrote:

my log...

INFO urllib.urlopen('', 
urllib.urlencode({'Action': 'hs.ExecX10ByName+Kitchen+Lights%2C+On 
 INFO   File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 78, in urlopen
INFO   File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 159, in open
INFO   File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 957, in splittype
INFO AttributeError
INFO 'module' object has no attribute 'compile'

That line reads
_typeprog = re.compile('^([^/:]+):')

Do you have a module named 're' that is shadowing the library module of 
the same name?




Re: use browser setting for internet

2006-01-08 Thread John J. Lee
Wish [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 I have a problem with my script in python which uses xmlrpc. The script
 loses internet connection when it is used behind a firewall. I realize
 that the firewall is specified by using the http_proxy environment
 variable. However, the proxy server is automatically configured. I dont
 have access to its port or the IP.
 I have seen applications which have a select box to use the internet
 connection setting of the browser to connect to the web. I dont know
 how to access this connection setting in Python. Any help will be much

What OS?

On Windows, urllib.getproxies() should get you the info you need if IE
is correctly configured (and both urllib and urllib2 use this --
though the @ syntax is somewhat broken in urllib2, IIRC).

Disclaimer: I never seem to have to jump through any proxy or auth
hoops recently, so I'm not very reliable on this...


Re: Multiway Branching

2006-01-08 Thread rshepard
On 2006-01-08, Fredrik Lundh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 chr(32)+chr(32): 0,
 chr(36)+chr(32): natural,
 chr(32)+chr(1): 5,
 chr(66)+chr(32): 0.167,
 row_value = DATA_MAP[source.read(2)]

 # or: row_value = DATA_MAP.get(source.read(2), DEFAULT)

  Thank you, Fredrik. That's ideal, and a great lesson for a newcomer to


Richard B. Shepard, Ph.D.   |   Author of Quantifying Environmental
Applied Ecosystem Services, Inc. (TM)   |  Impact Assessments Using Fuzzy Logic
http://www.appl-ecosys.com Voice: 503-667-4517 Fax: 503-667-8863

Tkinter GTK in the same application?

2006-01-08 Thread Sandro Dentella

I need to use tkinter.canvas in a gtk application. Is that any possible. I
guess I should use threads: is there any example of how to start the 2

Thanks for any possible hint

Sandro Dentella  *:-)
http://www.tksql.orgTkSQL Home page - My GPL work

Re: Calling foreign functions from Python? ctypes?

2006-01-08 Thread Paul Watson
Martin v. Löwis wrote:
 Paul Watson wrote:
I need to call GetVersionInfo() and handle VERSIONINFO information.  I
thought that distutils might have something, but I do not see it yet.
Any suggestions?
 You could write this specific API in VB, and then run cscript.exe in
 a pipe; or you could write a wrapper module just for that specific
 API (in case PythonWin is too large for you).

I cannot find any way to get to GetVersionInfo in VBScript (cscript).

If so, this appears to leave me with no choice but to produce a Windows 
executable, whether a .exe or C code wrapped from Python.  Right?

Re: how-to POST form data to ASP pages?

2006-01-08 Thread livin
Any ideas on how to troubleshoot the 'Operation timed out' error, or 
work-around it?

I'm just sending a POST to a windows-based web server (non-IIS).


livin livin@@cox.net wrote in message 
 Dennis, Alan, Mike... help?

 According to the HomeSeer (I'm trying to trigger events on the HomeSeer 
 application) documentation I do not need to use ASP. The simple HTTP 
 command should be accepted directly from a HTML page.

 Here's the page in the online manual for Homeseer with the info:

 HomeSeer info on Controlling Devices from HTML - 

 I appreciate the assistance.

 livin livin@@cox.net wrote in message 
 The library is the PC version of 2.3  --- I have done some more testing.

 I simplified my .py to only 2 lines...

 import urllib
 urllib.urlopen('', urllib.urlencode({'control_device':
 'Kitchen Lights=off'}))

 I get this error...

 File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 78, in urlopen
 File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 183, in open
 File Q:\python\python23.zlib\urllib.py, line 297, in open_http
 File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 712, in endheaders
 File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 597, in _send_output
 File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 564, in send
 File Q:\python\python23.zlib\httplib.py, line 548, in connect
 [Errno socket error] (10060, 'Operation timed out')

 I've taken the commands I'm using from working HTTP  ASP pages.

 Here's actual code from an HTML page I'm using for the same device I'm
 trying in my .PY...

 form method=post
 td nowrap class=tableroweven
 a name=bm83274/a
 input type=hidden name=bookmark value=83274
 input type=hidden name=ref_page value=stat
 input type=hidden name=control_device value=Kitchen Lights
 input class=formbutton type=submit name=action_on value=On
 input class=formbutton type=submit name=action_off value=Off
 select class=formdropdown name=selectdim SIZE=1
 option selected value=00%/option
 option value=1010%/option
 option value=2020%/option
 option value=3030%/option
 option value=4040%/option
 option value=5050%/option
 option value=6060%/option
 option value=7070%/option
 option value=8080%/option
 option value=9090%/option
 option value=100100%/option

 Dennis Lee Bieber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
 On Sun, 1 Jan 2006 12:35:06 -0700, livin livin@@cox.net declaimed
 the following in comp.lang.python:

 [Errno socket error] (10057, 'Socket is not connected')

 That doesn't look like anything to do, directly, with parameter
 encodings... Rather, it looks like your server is closing the connection

 You've got the Python source for everything down to the call to
 sendall, examine it -- it might help figure out where things are
 failing. (sendall looks to be in a compiled module)

[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Wulfraed  Dennis Lee Bieber  KD6MOG 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] |   Bestiaria Support Staff   
Home Page: http://www.dm.net/~wulfraed/
 Overflow Page: http://wlfraed.home.netcom.com/



project-like or plan extension?

2006-01-08 Thread Sandro Dentella

I'd like to find a plan or project-like extension to use in a PyGtk
application. I need very basic functionaluties: time-zooming, possibility to
set tooltip for objects, possibility to move around chunks of a job.

Any ideas?


Sandro Dentella  *:-)
http://www.tksql.orgTkSQL Home page - My GPL work

Re: decorator question

2006-01-08 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 23:26:28 +0100, =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Sch=FCle_Daniel?= [EMAIL 

the code above works fine
but I am wondering wheather it's possible to
write something like this

  def timelogger(f, logfile=sys.stdout):
... def wrapper(*a,**kw):
... logfile.write(started at %s % time.ctime())
... t0 = time.time()
... f(*a, **kw)
... t1 = time.time()
... logfile.write(ended at %s % time.ctime())
... logfile.write(diff = %f %s % (t1-t0, sec))
... return wrapper

  import time
  @timelogger(file(hierher, a)) ###  (1)
... def loops(a,b,c):
... sum = 0
... for i in range(a):
... for j in range(b):
... for k in range(c):
... sum += 1

(1) fails to compile
is it possible to pass parameters to a decorator function?

Yes, but then the function must return the same kind of thing
a bare decorator-function name would have, which is a function
able to take a single argument of a function and return a function.

So your decorator won't take f as an argument, just the optional logfile,
and it will return a function that does the wrapping like the original 

  import sys, time
  def timelogger(logfile=sys.stdout):
 ...def deco(f):
 ...def wrapper(*a,**kw):
 ...logfile.write(started at %s\n % time.ctime())
 ...t0 = time.time()
 ...f(*a, **kw)
 ...t1 = time.time()
 ...logfile.write(ended at %s\n % time.ctime())
 ...logfile.write(diff = %f %s\n % (t1-t0, sec))
 ...return wrapper
 ...return deco
  @timelogger() # stdout
 ... def foo(): pass
 started at Sun Jan 08 14:13:55 2006
 ended at Sun Jan 08 14:13:55 2006
 diff = 0.00 sec
 started at Sun Jan 08 14:14:02 2006
 ended at Sun Jan 08 14:14:02 2006
 diff = 0.00 sec
  @timelogger() # stdout
 ... def foo(dt): time.sleep(dt)
 started at Sun Jan 08 14:14:59 2006
 ended at Sun Jan 08 14:15:04 2006
 diff = 5.007000 sec
 started at Sun Jan 08 14:15:16 2006
 ended at Sun Jan 08 14:15:17 2006
 diff = 0.501000 sec
Bengt Richter

2D canvas for GTK

2006-01-08 Thread Sandro Dentella
I need a (decent) canvas for PyGTK. I used tkinter.canvas with real pleasure
in the past but now I need to use the canvas in a Gtk application. Does
anybody know of one with similar capabilities? It must work on Windows too.
It must be able to produce postscript output.



Sandro Dentella  *:-)
http://www.tksql.orgTkSQL Home page - My GPL work

Re: What is the slickest way to transpose a square list of lists (tuple of tuples)?

2006-01-08 Thread Bengt Richter
On Sun, 08 Jan 2006 15:21:59 -0600, Brian van den Broek [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Gerard Brunick said unto the world upon 08/01/06 01:27 PM:
 My way is ugly.  These has to be a better way.

If you'd posted your way, I might well have seen if I could do it in a 
nicer fashion. But, since for all I know, my best efforts would result 
in the approach you already have, I'm unlikely to put the effort in.

I suspect I'm not alone. You might do well to show the approach you 
are unhappy with.

OTOH, he's probably just trying to get someone to remember zip-abuse for him.
Hope it's not homework ;-)

  sq = [[r+c for c in 'abc'] for r in '123']
  for r in sq: print r
 ['1a', '1b', '1c']
 ['2a', '2b', '2c']
 ['3a', '3b', '3c']
  for r in (zip(*sq)): print r
 ('1a', '2a', '3a')
 ('1b', '2b', '3b')
 ('1c', '2c', '3c')

Bengt Richter

Re: decorator question

2006-01-08 Thread Schüle Daniel
thx to all

now I understand how it works and why it should be done in this way
so it's possible to write more than only one declarator

  def foo(f):
... l = [1]
... def method(*a,**kw):
... f(l, *a, **kw)
... return method
  def bar(f):
... l = [2]
... def method(*a,**kw):
... f(l, *a, **kw)
... return method
... @bar
... def foobar(x,y,z):
... print x
... print y
... print z

x and y are already binded
by the way .. to l's lists are considered to be in closure?
Or what is the right denotation for them?
Can someone give me some pointers to the metaprogramming in Python?
links etc

Regards, Daniel


Re: Calling foreign functions from Python? ctypes?

2006-01-08 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Paul Watson wrote:
 I cannot find any way to get to GetVersionInfo in VBScript (cscript).

Well, in VB6, you have ctypes. So you can call any API function you
like to.

For one implementation, see



Re: building Python 2.4.2 on Mac OS X

2006-01-08 Thread Martin v. Löwis
Vidar Gundersen wrote:
 are there any easy to understand instructions
 for building Python on Mac OS X Tiger?

It should work out of the box.

 are there any prerequisites that i have missed?
 my ./configure  make stops here:

You should pass --with-suffix=.exe to configure, or else
you get a file name conflict on HFS.

 Python/mactoolboxglue.c:462: warning: return makes integer from pointer 
 without a cast
 make: *** [Python/mactoolboxglue.o] Error 1

This might be where it stops, but it is not the cause of the error.
Can you please look up a bit further in the output to see what command
fails? Or else, can you post the entire make output?


Re: building Python 2.4.2 on Mac OS X

2006-01-08 Thread Fredrik Lundh
Vidar Gundersen wrote:

 are there any easy to understand instructions
 for building Python on Mac OS X Tiger?
 are there any prerequisites that i have missed?
 my ./configure  make stops here:

 Python/mactoolboxglue.c:462: warning: return makes integer from pointer 
 without a cast
 make: *** [Python/mactoolboxglue.o] Error 1

did you try googling for distinct portions of the error message ?  here's
the first hit


(note that the problem here is a missing include file, as shown by the
error messages at the top)

here's a followup message with the fix:




Re: PyHtmlGUI Project is looking for developers

2006-01-08 Thread John J. Lee
Paul Boddie [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 many would advocate using AJAX techniques and dropping support for
 conventional Web interactions, but I think that such advocacy and the
 resulting applications threaten the usability of the Web for fairly
 large groups of people.

That may well be true in practice, but I don't see any intrinsic
reason for it.  Do you {,care}?


total newb here

2006-01-08 Thread gerg
I've bought a few books on the topic, but I'm a total newb to 
programming in general.  I've got about 4 years PHP / MySQL experience, 
but none with actual programming.  To be honest, I don't even really 
know what Python is used for.  I'm thought I would start here and see if 
anyone knew of good places to start for someone as green as I.

And now I'm off to google.

Thanks in advance.


Newline at EOF Removal

2006-01-08 Thread Alex Nordhus

I am looking for a way to strip the blank line and the empty newline at
the end of the text file. I can get the blank lines removed from the
file but it always leaves the end line (which is blank) as a newline. My
code is here and it works but leaves the newline at the end of the file.
How do I get rid of it?

import re
f = open(oldfile.txt)
w = open(newfile.txt, wt)
for line in f.readlines():
line = re.sub(r'^\s+$', '', line)



I have tried everything I know and still falling short. Any help?


Re: Multiway Branching

2006-01-08 Thread Ivan Voras

 inefficient. Since these data are coming from an OMR scanner at 9600 bps (or
 faster if I can reset it programmatically to 38K over the serial cable), I
 want a fast algorithm.

It depends on your actual environment, of course, but 38kbps is usually 
not considered fast today - given a modern CPU (or even one from a few 
years back), 21 (or 42) short string comparisons in an interprated 
language should be trivially fast.

(I'm not saying that using a different approach such as dictionaries 
isn't good because of other reasons :) )

Re: total newb here

2006-01-08 Thread UrsusMaximus
Try www.awaretek.com/plf.html for online help learning Python.


Re: Spelling mistakes!

2006-01-08 Thread Walter S. Leipold

Terry Hancock ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) writes:
 BTW, one of the most common programming spelling errors is
 deprecate versus depreciate -- I wonder how many people
 actually realize that both words exist, but have entirely
 different meanings?  

That's a common spelling error, yes, but..  The number-one spelling error
among today's semi-literates is writing it's for the third-person neuter
possessive instead of its.  (These folks frequently write her's instead
of hers and who's instead of whose as well, but, strangely, hardly
ever write hi's for the masculine form.)  A native English speaker's
spelling of its is a very accurate measure of his general literacy.  

[Gee, I hope their were no spelling misteaks inn that paragraph...]

-- Walt

Re: psexec and os.popen help

2006-01-08 Thread Volker Grabsch
 popen3 did the trick. 

Use the modules subprocess ... it solves many problems, including
the problem of too many similar functions. :-)

These functions (execl, execv, popen, popen2, popen3, ...) are relicts
from C and very unpythonic. It's IMHO always a better programming style
to use subprocess.



Volker Grabsch

Re: PIL.Image.frombuffer/string ... who do data using?

2006-01-08 Thread Peter Hansen
ivan.dm wrote:
 I'm writing a wrapper for tif file that parse its and return the data 
 image in this way below :
  data = self.fp.read(StripByteCounts)
  return data
 after we get a data, now to set its in PIL.Image.fromstring(...)
 but ( evely! :) ), returned this error follow:
 not enough image data

Why are you doing it this way instead of just using Image.open()?  PIL 
already knows how to read and convert TIFF images...



Re: question about mutex.py

2006-01-08 Thread Peter Hansen
Bengt Richter wrote:
 Atomic means trademarked by a company that used to use that name in the 50's
 to describe and identify a line toys it put in its breakfast cereal boxes.
 The rights are now owned by an IP scavenging company which is trying to sell
 them for stock in another IP scavenger with more money left, so be careful.
 There's also some related talk of a patent on a method of using semiotic 
 in association with the distribution of digital generic products to make them
 distinguishable for any business purpose whatever. IP principles established 
 corn flakes and decoder rings are thought to translate perfectly to the 
 domain of FOSS distros including anything toy-like.

And, thus, the origin of an area where I often work with Python:

   cereal communications...

(to tastefully blend the spelling errors thread with this one ;-) )



Re: Double Click mouse event problems

2006-01-08 Thread scott_gui
Thank you very much. Adding in a timer delay is a good fake out. I
guess I always considered a double-click to be one distinct behavior
aside from the single click. I have rarely seen where a double-click
action engaged an object without single clicks to select the object.
For example, the Window's file manager allows you to Ctrl-click select
two files and double click to launch both files. So I don't expect
distinct behaviors from Button-1-Down and Button-1-Up, but I guess I do
expect them from a double and single click.

No matter, I'll try the delay. This should work reasonably well.


Re: Newline at EOF Removal

2006-01-08 Thread Peter Hansen
Alex Nordhus wrote:
 I am looking for a way to strip the blank line and the empty newline at
 the end of the text file. I can get the blank lines removed from the
 file but it always leaves the end line (which is blank) as a newline. My
 code is here and it works but leaves the newline at the end of the file.
 How do I get rid of it?
 import re
 f = open(oldfile.txt)
 w = open(newfile.txt, wt)
 for line in f.readlines():
 line = re.sub(r'^\s+$', '', line)
 I have tried everything I know and still falling short. Any help?

If you want to remove all blank lines at the end of the file, but leave 
a single newline following the last non-blank line, this might be the 
simplest thing to try:

w.write(f.read().rstrip('\n') + '\n')

Of course, that requires reading in all the data in one swell foop, but 
that's usually not a problem.  It also technically fails in the special 
case of a file that has only blank lines (since it will result in a file 
with a single newline) but your specification is ambiguous about what 
you want to do in that case anyway.

This also depends on the definition of blank being empty line, which 
  might not be how you define it.  Are you trying to remove lines that 
contain only whitespace?  (Note that whitespace is usually considered to 
include \x20\r\n\t\f\v.)



Re: Try Python update

2006-01-08 Thread Mike Meyer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
 I'm finding it hard to arrange my own experiments with Safari (I'm using
 a loaner machine since my normal one[s] are all having problems and
 under repair) but I'm told the solution for cursor positioning is to set
 the caretPos attribute of the textarea, like for example at
 http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=43245 ...

caretPos is apparently an MS extension; it's not supported by Safari
or the Gecko browsers.

setSelectionRange is the standards-compliant version. It's not
supported by Safari either :-(.

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: Newline at EOF Removal

2006-01-08 Thread Mike Meyer
Alex Nordhus [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 I am looking for a way to strip the blank line and the empty newline at
 the end of the text file. I can get the blank lines removed from the
 file but it always leaves the end line (which is blank) as a newline. My
 code is here and it works but leaves the newline at the end of the file.

This really isn't a very clear description of the problem. Does your
file end with two newlines in row? That would be what you'd get if it
ended with the newline for the last line. If it ends with just one
newline, then you're not getting the a blank last line, you're simply
getting a last line that ends with a newline.

 How do I get rid of it?

 import re
 f = open(oldfile.txt)
 w = open(newfile.txt, wt)
 for line in f.readlines():
 line = re.sub(r'^\s+$', '', line)

This is an abuse of regular expressions (see
http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/spare/ ); simple string methods can do
this job for you. Try:

for line in f:
if line.strip():

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: 2D canvas for GTK

2006-01-08 Thread John Bauman

Sandro Dentella [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message 
I need a (decent) canvas for PyGTK. I used tkinter.canvas with real 
 in the past but now I need to use the canvas in a Gtk application. Does
 anybody know of one with similar capabilities? It must work on Windows 
 It must be able to produce postscript output.

I think that PyCairo might be what you're looking for, at least if you're 
using gtk 2.8.


Re: Try Python update

2006-01-08 Thread Alex Martelli
Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
  I'm finding it hard to arrange my own experiments with Safari (I'm using
  a loaner machine since my normal one[s] are all having problems and
  under repair) but I'm told the solution for cursor positioning is to set
  the caretPos attribute of the textarea, like for example at
  http://www.codingforums.com/showthread.php?t=43245 ...
 caretPos is apparently an MS extension; it's not supported by Safari
 or the Gecko browsers.
 setSelectionRange is the standards-compliant version. It's not
 supported by Safari either :-(.

Meanwhile, other JS/DOM experts have told me that there's NO way to set
cursor position within a textarea according to w3c standards.  In this
case, what your site does now may be the least bad approach, and that
fact might be noted in the browsers subpage, together with a request
for anybody who has other ideas to submit them, I guess.

Sorry for wasting your time, I'm still having trouble believing that the
standards didn't bother to specify SOME way to perform such an
elementary functionality.


Re: PyQt Access Violations

2006-01-08 Thread gregarican
Hope this post doesn't duplicate, as a Google Groups error happened
last attempt...

Phil Thompson wrote:

 What version of Qt?


It's version 2.3.0 non-commerical for Windows. My OS is Windows 2000
Professional SP4. Using this same version of Qt for a Ruby-based
implementation of a similar app I didn't experience the access
violation crashes when invoking the setCentralWidget() method. It's
sporadic, as the crashes sometimes take 2-3 widget opens/closes to
happen. Other times it takes more. Trying to debug the crashes the
script never makes it past this method. Here's an excerpt from the Dr.
Watson error log:

function: QGList::findRef
39d2dd42 807c240800   cmp byte ptr [esp+0x8],0x0
39d2dd47 7407 jz  QString::fromUtf8+0x8a
FAULT -39d2dd49 8b4108   mov eax,[ecx+0x8]
39d2dd4c 33d2 xor edx,edx
39d2dd4e eb06 jmp QString::fromUtf8+0x90
39d2dd50 8b4110   mov eax,[ecx+0x10]
39d2dd53 8b5114   mov edx,[ecx+0x14]
39d2dd56 56   pushesi
39d2dd57 85c0 testeax,eax
39d2dd59 740e jz  QString::fromLatin1+0xb
39d2dd5b 8b30 mov esi,[eax]
39d2dd5d 3b742408 cmp esi,[esp+0x8]
39d2dd61 7406 jz  QString::fromLatin1+0xb
39d2dd63 8b4008   mov eax,[eax+0x8]

* Stack Back Trace *

FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
0012F664 1E057D56 089FE908 00857948 0001 088FAAD0 !QGList::findRef
0012F6C8 0001   007A5234 00779288 !PyCFunction_Call


Building Pywin32 source code?

2006-01-08 Thread sam
Has anyone been able to access the source code for Pywin32 at
sourceforge? I have been able to use TortouseCVS to access other CVS
projects,but with the Pywin32 cvs site, I can not log in.

Sam Schulenburg


Real-world use cases for map's None fill-in feature?

2006-01-08 Thread Raymond Hettinger

I am gathering data to evaluate a request for an alternate version of
itertools.izip() with a None fill-in feature like that for the built-in
map() function:

 map(None, 'abc', '12345')   # demonstrate map's None fill-in feature
[('a', '1'), ('b', '2'), ('c', '3'), (None, '4'), (None, '5')]

The motivation is to provide a means for looping over all data elements
when the input lengths are unequal.  The question of the day is whether
that is both a common need and a good approach to real-world problems.
The answer can likely be found in results from other programming
languages and from surveying real-world Python code.

Other languages
I scanned the docs for Haskell, SML, and Perl6's yen operator and found
that the norm for map() and zip() is to truncate to the shortest input
or raise an exception for unequal input lengths.  Ruby takes the
opposite approach and fills-in nil values -- the reasoning behind the
design choice is somewhat inscrutable:  

Real-world code
I scanned the standard library, my own code, and a few third-party
tools.  I
found no instances where map's fill-in feature was used.

History of zip()

PEP 201 (lock-step iteration) documents that a fill-in feature was
contemplated and rejected for the zip() built-in introduced in Py2.0.
In the years before and after, SourceForge logs show no requests for a
fill-in feature.

Request for more information

My request for readers of comp.lang.python is to search your own code
to see if map's None fill-in feature was ever used in real-world code
(not toy examples).  I'm curious about the context, how it was used,
and what alternatives were rejected (i.e. did the fill-in feature
improve the code).  Likewise, I'm curious as to whether anyone has seen
a zip-style fill-in feature employed to good effect in some other
programming language.

Parallel to SQL?

If an iterator element's ordinal position were considered as a record
key, then the proposal equates to a database-style full outer join
operation (one which includes unmatched keys in the result) where record
order is significant.  Does an outer-join have anything to do with
lock-step iteration?  Is this a fundamental looping construct or just a
theoretical wish-list item?  Does Python need itertools.izip_longest()
or would it just become a distracting piece of cruft?

Raymond Hettinger

FWIW, the OP's use case involved printing files in multiple

for f, g in itertools.izip_longest(file1, file2, fillin_value=''):
print '%-20s\t|\t%-20s' % (f.rstrip(), g.rstrip())

The alternative was straightforward but less terse:

while 1:
f = file1.readline()
g = file2.readline()
if not f and not g:
print '%-20s\t|\t%-20s' % (f.rstrip(), g.rstrip())

Re: Real-world use cases for map's None fill-in feature?

2006-01-08 Thread Alex Martelli
Raymond Hettinger [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Request for more information
 My request for readers of comp.lang.python is to search your own code
 to see if map's None fill-in feature was ever used in real-world code
 (not toy examples).  I'm curious about the context, how it was used,
 and what alternatives were rejected (i.e. did the fill-in feature

I had (years ago, version was 1.5.2) one real-world case of map(max,
seq1, seq2).  The sequences represented alternate scores for various
features, using None to mean the score for this feature cannot be
computed by the algorithm used to produce this sequence, and it was
common to have one sequence longer (using a later-developed algorithm
that computed more features).  This use may have been an abuse of my
observation that max(None, N) and max(N, None) were always N on the
platform I was using at the time.  I was relatively new at Python, and
in retrospect I feel I might have been going for use all the new toys
we've just gotten -- looping on feature index to compute the scores,
and explicitly testing for None, might have been a better approach than
building those lists (with seq1=map(scorer1, range(N)), btw) and then
running map on them, anyway.  At any rate, I later migrated to a lazily
computed version, don't recall the exact details but it was something
like (in today's Python):

class LazyMergedList(object):
  def __init__(self, *fs):
self.fs = *fs
self.known= {}
  def __getitem__(self, n):
try: return self.known[n]
except KeyError: pass
result = self.known[n] = max(f(n) for f in fs)
return result

when it turned out that in most cases the downstream code wasn't
actually using all the features (just a small subset in each case), so
computing all of them ahead of time was a waste of cycles.

I don't recall ever relying on map's None-filling feature in other
real-world cases, and, as I mentioned, even here the reliance was rather
doubtful.  OTOH, if I had easily been able to specify a different
filler, I _would_ have been able to use it a couple of times.


is there any lib can split string in this way?

2006-01-08 Thread Leo Jay
I want to split a string like this:
'abc  def  this is a test  ok'
['abc', 'def', 'this is a test', 'ok']

is there any lib meet my need?


Best Regards,
Leo Jay

Re: Is 'everything' a refrence or isn't it?

2006-01-08 Thread rurpy

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
 afaik, the Python Language Reference never defines the word reference.
 It carefully defines words like object and value, though, and terms like
 call by object or call by object reference are perfectly understandable
 if you use the words as they are defined in the language reference.

It (sec. 3.1, Objects, values and types) is not what I would
call a good definition .  About values it says only

- that they are something that all objects have.
- they can be mutable or immutable.

It then has a few sentences about mutability, so after reading
it you will know that, whatever a value is, it can be changed
for some objects but not others.  But what exactly it is that is
being changed is still a mystery.
Further down it talks about container objects containing
references to other objects and of those being part of it's
value.  Part?  What does it mean to contain?  Can one
determine from reading this, if an attribute value is part
of the object's value?  (I couldn't).

On my list on Python Doc problems that need fixing, is
defintion of object values and it has been on there
for nearly a year.

So I don't think referring people to the Language Reference
is a good way to help them understand Python.  Python
badly needs a rewritten Language Reference.


Re: Try Python update

2006-01-08 Thread Mike Meyer
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Alex Martelli) writes:
 Meanwhile, other JS/DOM experts have told me that there's NO way to set
 cursor position within a textarea according to w3c standards.  In this
 case, what your site does now may be the least bad approach, and that
 fact might be noted in the browsers subpage, together with a request
 for anybody who has other ideas to submit them, I guess.

I've done that, and it should show up next time I push the code to the
production server.

 Sorry for wasting your time, I'm still having trouble believing that the
 standards didn't bother to specify SOME way to perform such an
 elementary functionality.

How many pages do you know of that actually want to do this? It may be
fundamental, but it's atypical. I found three different ways to do it
- none of them supported by Safari. Ironically, the browsers that do
support any of those methods all keep the cursor at the end of the
textarea when I add the new text, and so don't need them.

Mike Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED]  http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

Re: building Python 2.4.2 on Mac OS X

2006-01-08 Thread Samuel M. Smith
On os x 10.4.3 to build a framework version

unpack source dist python-2.4.2
./configure --enable-framework
sudo makeframework install

Please note  that sudo make install won't work

On 08 Jan, 2006, at 16:20, Vidar Gundersen wrote:

 are there any easy to understand instructions
 for building Python on Mac OS X Tiger?
 are there any prerequisites that i have missed?
 my ./configure  make stops here:

 Python/mactoolboxglue.c:462: warning: return makes integer from  
 pointer without a cast
 make: *** [Python/mactoolboxglue.o] Error 1


Samuel M. Smith Ph.D.
2966 Fort Hill Road
Eagle Mountain, Utah 84043
801-768-2768 voice
801-768-2769 fax
The greatest source of failure and unhappiness in the world is
giving up what we want most for what we want at the moment


Why does Rpy/R-plot work under PythonWin, but not under commandline/IDLE?

2006-01-08 Thread Bo Peng
Dear list,

I am using rpy, a python module to control statistical package R from 
python. Running the following commands

  from rpy import *

will pass command 'plot' to R and run it. I notice that the R-plot will 
not refresh (a window is created but the figure is not drawn) until the 
next plot command is executed,
   * when I use python (2.3, 2.4) command line or IDLE
   * NOT when I use pythonwin ( provided with pywin32 package)

Since rpy+R works under python+pythonwin, I assume that this is not a 
problem with rpy or R. Does anyone know why commandline/IDLE cause this 
problem, while PythonWin does not? I am interested to know what I can do 
in commandline (or in rpy) to fix this problem.


Re: Calling foreign functions from Python? ctypes?

2006-01-08 Thread Thomas Heller
=?UTF-8?B?Ik1hcnRpbiB2LiBMw7Z3aXMi?= [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

 Paul Watson wrote:
 I need to call some Windows APIs.  Is the only way to download ctypes or
 the win32 interfaces?

 That depends on the specific win32 interface you want to call.
 Typically, the answer is yes.

 Is there any plan to get ctypes batteries into the standard Python build?

 I don't have such a plan. To my knowledge, ctypes has never been
 contributed to Python, either, so its author apparently has no plan,

As the author, I would be happy to see ctypes included with the standard
Python build.


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