Re: Help with map python 2

2015-01-05 Thread flebber

 You could do what mathematicians do when they deal with alternating
 signs: they raise -1 to the power of the index to get an appropriate
 [ n * (-1) ** n for n in range(10) ]
[0, -1, 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8, -9]
 Or you could do here what you attempt to do with map below. See below.

 You are trying to use a binary expression. There are no binary
 expressions. Add an else branch to make it ternary:
lambda x : x if x % 2 == 0 else -x
 But never mind the number of branches, the serious point is that you
 didn't specify a value for when the condition is not true. It doesn't
 make sense without that.
 There's nothing wrong with a list comprehension, or the corresponding
 generator expression if you want a generator. It's fine. Map's fine.

Thanks Jussi  I really like the multiplier solution.

Re: Help with map python 2

2015-01-05 Thread flebber

 In py2, map produces a list already.  In any case, above is syntax error 
 without else clause.
 map(lambda x: x * -1 if x%2 else x, series)
 If you do not have a function already, a list comp is better.
 [(-1*k if k%2 else k) for k in range(2, N)]
 Change [] to () and you have a generator expression.

Thanks Terry
[(-1*k if k%2 else k) for k in range(2, N)] 

is really short and I think pythonic being a list comprehension and works in 
py2 and py3.


If you were starting a project with XML datasource using python

2015-01-05 Thread flebber

I need some advice on managing data in the form of xml. I will have to 
repeatedly import a small xml file but with many complex attributes.

If I want to retain data integrity and keep the import process simple and 
querying from the stored source simple what are my best options?

There are several options for converting XML into objects such as:

I could push this as an embedded object into mongo and search from there.

Could ignore XML by just converting to json with something like xml2json and 
pushing to many databases from there.

MySQL, Mongodb, couchdb and existdb are all viable options. Existdb is  
directly an XML db so I could directly store from there and use the REST API to 

somewhat bamboozled by the range of options and no clear obvious solution.

If you were starting a project, it relied on XML as its datasource what would 
you use and why? And have you used it or just speculating?

Thank you for your time


Re: If you were starting a project with XML datasource using python

2015-01-05 Thread flebber
 If you were starting a project, it relied on XML as its datasource what 
 would you use and why? And have you used it or just speculating?
   If I were starting a project, I'd argue furiously that XML is NOT
 something that should be used for dynamic data storage (the original GRAMPS
 not withstanding -- I see it now uses BSDdb). It may be a useful
 representation for transferring/transforming data, but not for
   If used for data transfer, the schema should be well thought out to
 facilitate updates to the long-term storage format.

So you would convert it to json so it can then be stored? 

Note I don't control the XML at all that is a separate organisation I just have 
to deal with it?


Help with map python 2

2015-01-04 Thread flebber
In repsonse to this question: Write a program that prints the first 100 members 
of the sequence 2, -3, 4, -5, 6, -7, 8.

This is my solution it works but ugly.

series = range(2,100)
# answer = [(x,(y* -1)) for x, y in series[::2]]
# print(answer)
answer = []
for item in series:
if item % 2 != 0:
answer.append(item * -1)


I know I should be better off doing this with map but cannot get it to work. I 
understand also that map returns a generator so this solution should only 
working in python2(correct me please if I am wrong).

In [6]: map?
Type:   builtin_function_or_method
String Form:built-in function map
Namespace:  Python builtin
map(function, sequence[, sequence, ...]) - list

Just getting something wrong
list(map((lambda x: x * -1 if (x%2 != 0)), series))

Engaging, powerful - video inspriration/learning - Your best selections

2014-11-09 Thread flebber
Not fans of videos hey(well python videos anyway) bugger.


Engaging, powerful - video inspriration/learning - Your best selections

2014-11-08 Thread flebber

Have you seen any python videos that were part of a series or that were from a 
conference that you found engaging and made a point click or solidify a concept 
or drive you to action to create something you wanted. That took an advanced 
topic or concept and made it clear as day to you.

I have watched some Scipy conf videos which I really appreciated though some of 
the subject matter was over my technical level.

Jessica McKellar did a great talk on the future of python.

Looking forward to see what videos engaged and drove your passion and increased 
your skills. 

Live engaged



Re: Leo 5.0 alpha 2 released

2014-11-08 Thread flebber
On Saturday, 8 November 2014 23:26:20 UTC+11,  wrote:
 Leo 5.0a2 is now available at:
 Leo is a PIM, an IDE and an outliner.
 Video tutorials:
 Text tutorials:
 The highlights of Leo 5.0
 * Better compatibility with vim, Emacs, pylint and PyQt:
 - Optional native emulation of vim commands.
 - Full support for Emacs org-mode outlines.
 - Better support for pylint.
 - Support for both PyQt4 and PyQt5.
 * Better handling of nodes containing large text:
 - Idle time syntax coloring eliminates delay.
 - Optional delayed loading of large text.
 * Power features:
 - Leo available via github repository.
 - File name completion.
 - Cloned nodes expand and contract independently.
 - @data nodes can be composed from descendant nodes.
 - No need to change Leo's main style sheet:
   it can be customized with @color and @font settings.
 - @persistence nodes save data in @auto trees.
 - A pluggable architecture for @auto nodes.
 - The style-reload command changes Leo's appearance instantly.
 * Important new plugins for tagging, display and node evaluation.
 * For beginners:
 - Leo's default workbook files contains Leo's quickstart guide.
 * Hundreds of new/improved features and bug fixes.

I tried to learn that is understand how Leo benefited me. There must be a click 
and aha moment with this editor, I never made it there. Having said that i got 
proficient with vim but not quite with that either.

I use brackets currently.

Have a great day


Question about PANDAS

2014-10-20 Thread flebber
On Windows my advice would be to use the anaconda installer. Linux pip will 
work flawlessly. 

If you install anaconda full then you will have pandas as well as an ipython 
launcher installed. 


Re: ruby instance variable in python

2014-10-08 Thread flebber
 The end result of a confusing sentence with no
 context is that I have no idea what you are trying to say. Could you try
 explaining again please?


No problem my reply from phone at work a little confusing.

So trying to determine what this does.
def ins_var
@ins_var ||= nil

In particular I was guessing at this.

@ins_var ||= nil

Which I have now found on Rubyinside

From there

7 - Cut down on local variable definitions

Instead of defining a local variable with some initial content (often just an 
empty hash or array), you can instead define it on the go so you can perform 
operations on it at the same time:

(z ||= [])  'test'

2009 Update: This is pretty rancid, to be honest. I've changed my mind; you 
shouldn't be doing this :)

So now that I know this I am still further lost to the point of the initially 
posted code so my kubuntu has ruby so I have run it, and honestly I need 
further definition on what that code was trying to acheive.

sayth@sayth-TravelMate-5740G:~/scripts$ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.3p484 (2013-11-22 revision 43786) [x86_64-linux]
sayth@sayth-TravelMate-5740G:~/scripts$ irb
irb(main):001:0 (z ||= [])  'test'
= [test]
irb(main):002:0 @ins_var ||= nil
= nil
irb(main):003:0 def ins_var
irb(main):004:1 @ins_var ||= nil
irb(main):005:1 end
= nil
irb(main):006:0 def m
irb(main):007:1 @ins_var = val
irb(main):008:1 end
= nil
irb(main):009:0 def m2
irb(main):010:1 ins_var #= val
irb(main):011:1 end
= nil
irb(main):012:0 m
= val
irb(main):013:0 m2
= val


Re: ruby instance variable in python

2014-10-07 Thread flebber
On Monday, 6 October 2014 21:07:24 UTC+11, roro codeath  wrote:
 in ruby:
 module M
 def ins_var
 @ins_var ||= nil
 def m
 @ins_var = 'val'
 def m2
 ins_var # = 'val'
 in py:
 # how to def ins_var
 def m:
     # how to set ins_var
 def m2:
     # how to get ins var

I took || to be a ternary. So I assumed your code just sets ins_var to nil and 
then  is called in module m and supplied a val. Could be wrong.

if ins_var is None:
ins_var = 'val'

Re: ruby instance variable in python

2014-10-07 Thread flebber
I thought that it was a shortcut in ruby to negate the other option of 
providing another default .

I don't greatly know ruby but took a guess after reading examples here

Re: fixing an horrific formatted csv file.

2014-07-04 Thread flebber
On Friday, 4 July 2014 14:12:15 UTC+10, flebber  wrote:
 I have taken the code and gone a little further, but I need to be able to 
 protect myself against commas and single quotes in names.
 How is it the best to do this?
 so in my file I had on line 44 this trainer name.
 Michael, Wayne  John Hawkes 
 and in line 95 this horse name.
 this throws of my capturing correct item 9. How do I protect against this?
 Here is current code.
 import re
 from sys import argv
 def out_file_name(file_name):
 take an input file and keep the name with appended _clean
 file_parts = file_name.split(.,)
 output_file = file_parts[0] + '_clean.' + file_parts[1]
 return output_file
 def race_table(text_file):
 utility to reorganise poorly made csv entry
 input_table = [[item.strip(' ') for item in record.split(',')]
for record in text_file.splitlines()]
 # At this point look at input_table to find the record indices
 output_table = []
 for record in input_table:
 if record[0] == 'Meeting':
 meeting = record[3]
 elif record[0] == 'Race':
 date = record[13]
 race = record[1]
 elif record[0] == 'Horse':
 number = record[1]
 name = record[2]
 results = record[9]
 res_split = re.split('[- ]', results)
 starts = res_split[0]
 wins = res_split[1]
 seconds = res_split[2]
 thirds = res_split[3]
 prizemoney = res_split[4]
 trainer = record[4]
 location = record[5]
 print(name, wins, seconds)
 output_table.append((meeting, date, race, number, name,
  starts, wins, seconds, thirds, prizemoney,
  trainer, location))
 return output_table
 MY_FILE = out_file_name(FILENAME)
 # with open(FILENAME, 'r') as f_in, open(MY_FILE, 'w') as f_out:
 # for line in race_table(f_in.readline()):
 # new_row = line
 with open(FILENAME, 'r') as f_in, open(MY_FILE, 'w') as f_out:
 # print(content)
 # print new_name
 if __name__ == '__main__':

So I found this on stack overflow

In [2]: import string

In [3]: identity = string.maketrans(, )

In [4]: x = ['+5556', '-1539', '-99', '+1500']

In [5]: x = [s.translate(identity, +-) for s in x]

In [6]: x
Out[6]: ['5556', '1539', '99', '1500']

but it fails in my file, due to I believe mine being a list of list. Is there 
an easy way to iterate the sublists without flattening?

Current code.

input_table = [[item.strip(' ') for item in record.split(',')]
   for record in text_file.splitlines()]
# At this point look at input_table to find the record indices
identity = string.maketrans(, )
input_table = [s.translate(identity, ,') for s
   in input_table]


Re: fixing an horrific formatted csv file.

2014-07-04 Thread flebber
On Friday, 4 July 2014 16:19:09 UTC+10, Gregory Ewing  wrote:
 flebber wrote:
  so in my file I had on line 44 this trainer name.
  Michael, Wayne  John Hawkes
  and in line 95 this horse name. Inz'n'out
  this throws of my capturing correct item 9. How do I protect against this?
 Use python's csv module to read the file. Don't try to
 do it yourself; the rules for handling embedded commas
 and quotes in csv are quite complicated. As long as
 the file is a well-formed csv file, the csv module
 should parse fields like that correctly.

True Greg worked easier

def race_table(text_file):
utility to reorganise poorly made csv entry
# input_table = [[item.strip(' ') for item in record.split(',')]
#for record in text_file.splitlines()]
# At this point look at input_table to find the record indices
# identity = string.maketrans(, )
# print(input_table)
# input_table = [s.translate(identity, ,') for s
#in input_table]
output_table = []
for record in text_file:
if record[0] == 'Meeting':
meeting = record[3]
elif record[0] == 'Race':
date = record[13]
race = record[1]
elif record[0] == 'Horse':
number = record[1]
name = record[2]
results = record[9]
res_split = re.split('[- ]', results)
starts = res_split[0]
wins = res_split[1]
seconds = res_split[2]
thirds = res_split[3]
prizemoney = res_split[4]
prizemoney = 0
trainer = record[4]
location = record[5]
print(name, wins, seconds)
output_table.append((meeting, date, race, number, name,
 starts, wins, seconds, thirds, prizemoney,
 trainer, location))
return output_table

MY_FILE = out_file_name(FILENAME)

# with open(FILENAME, 'r') as f_in, open(MY_FILE, 'w') as f_out:
# for line in race_table(f_in.readline()):
# new_row = line
with open(FILENAME, 'r') as f_in, open(MY_FILE, 'w') as f_out:
CONTENT = csv.reader(f_in)
# print(content)
# print new_name

if __name__ == '__main__':


Re: fixing an horrific formatted csv file.

2014-07-03 Thread flebber
I have taken the code and gone a little further, but I need to be able to 
protect myself against commas and single quotes in names.

How is it the best to do this?

so in my file I had on line 44 this trainer name.

Michael, Wayne  John Hawkes 

and in line 95 this horse name.

this throws of my capturing correct item 9. How do I protect against this?

Here is current code.

import re
from sys import argv

def out_file_name(file_name):
take an input file and keep the name with appended _clean
file_parts = file_name.split(.,)
output_file = file_parts[0] + '_clean.' + file_parts[1]
return output_file

def race_table(text_file):
utility to reorganise poorly made csv entry
input_table = [[item.strip(' ') for item in record.split(',')]
   for record in text_file.splitlines()]
# At this point look at input_table to find the record indices
output_table = []
for record in input_table:
if record[0] == 'Meeting':
meeting = record[3]
elif record[0] == 'Race':
date = record[13]
race = record[1]
elif record[0] == 'Horse':
number = record[1]
name = record[2]
results = record[9]
res_split = re.split('[- ]', results)
starts = res_split[0]
wins = res_split[1]
seconds = res_split[2]
thirds = res_split[3]
prizemoney = res_split[4]
trainer = record[4]
location = record[5]
print(name, wins, seconds)
output_table.append((meeting, date, race, number, name,
 starts, wins, seconds, thirds, prizemoney,
 trainer, location))
return output_table

MY_FILE = out_file_name(FILENAME)

# with open(FILENAME, 'r') as f_in, open(MY_FILE, 'w') as f_out:
# for line in race_table(f_in.readline()):
# new_row = line
with open(FILENAME, 'r') as f_in, open(MY_FILE, 'w') as f_out:
# print(content)
# print new_name

if __name__ == '__main__':

Re: fixing an horrific formatted csv file.

2014-07-02 Thread flebber
  TM = TX.Table_Maker (headings = 
  TM (race_table (your_csv_text)).write () 

Where do I find TX? Found this mention in the list, was it available in pip by 
any name?


fixing an horrific formatted csv file.

2014-07-01 Thread flebber
What I am trying to do is to reformat a csv file into something more usable.
currently the file has no headers, multiple lines with varying columns that are 
not related.

This is a sample

Meeting,05/07/14,RHIL,Rosehill Gardens,Weights,TAB,+3m Entire Circuit,  
Race,1,CIVIC STAKES,CIVIC,CIVIC,1350,~ ,3U,~ ,QLT   
,54,0,0,5/07/2014,,  ,  ,  ,  ,No class 
restriction, Quality, For Three-Years-Old and Upwards, No sex restriction, 
(Listed),Of $10. First $6, second $2, third $1, fourth $5000, 
fifth $2000, sixth $1000, seventh $1000, eighth $1000
Horse,1,Bennetta,0,Grahame Begg,Randwick,,0,0,16-3-1-3 
Horse,2,Breakfast in Bed,0,David Vandyke,Warwick Farm,,0,0,20-6-1-5 
Horse,3,Capital Commander,0,Gerald Ryan,Rosehill,,0,0,43-9-9-3 
Horse,4,Coup Ay Tee (NZ),0,Chris Waller,Rosehill,,0,0,35-9-6-5 
Horse,5,Generalife,0,John O'Shea,Warwick Farm,,0,0,19-6-1-3 
Horse,6,He's Your Man (FR),0,Chris Waller,Rosehill,,0,0,13-2-3-1 
Horse,7,Hidden Kisses,0,Chris Waller,Rosehill,,0,0,40-8-8-5 
Horse,8,Oakfield Commands,0,Gerald Ryan,Rosehill,,0,0,22-7-4-6 
Horse,9,Taxmeifyoucan,0,Gregory Hickman,Warwick Farm,,0,0,18-2-4-4 
Horse,10,The Peak,0,Bart  James Cummings,Randwick,,0,0,15-6-1-0 
Horse,11,Tougher Than Ever (NZ),0,Chris Waller,Rosehill,,0,0,17-3-2-3 
Horse,12,TROMSO,0,Chris Waller,Rosehill,,0,0,47-8-11-2 
Race,2,FLYING WELTER - BENCHMARK 95 HCP,BM95,BM95,1100,BM95  ,3U,~  
   ,HCP   ,54,0,0,5/07/2014,,  ,  ,  ,  
,BenchMark 95, Handicap, For Three-Years-Old and Upwards, No sex restriction,Of 
$85000. First $48750, second $16750, third $8350, fourth $4150, fifth $2000, 
sixth $1000, seventh $1000, eighth $1000, ninth $1000, tenth $1000
Horse,1,Big Bonanza,0,Don Robb,Wyong,,0,57.5,31-9-4-3 
Horse,2,Casual Choice,0,Joseph Pride,Warwick Farm,,0,54,8-2-3-0 

So what I am trying to so is end up with an output like this.

Meeting, Date, Race, Number, Name, Trainer, Location
Rosehill, 05/07/14, 1, 1,Bennetta,Grahame Begg,Randwick,
Rosehill, 05/07/14, 1, 2,Breakfast in Bed,David Vandyke,Warwick Farm,

So as a start i thought i would try inserting the Meeting and Race number 
however I am just not getting it right.

import csv

outfile = open(/home/sayth/Scripts/cleancsv.csv, w)
with open('/home/sayth/Scripts/test.csv') as f:
f_csv = csv.reader(f)
headers = next(f_csv)
for row in f_csv:
meeting = row[3] in row[0] == 'Meeting'
new = row.insert(0, meeting)
while row[1] in row[0] == 'Race'  9:  # pref less than next found 

# grab row[1] as id number
id = row[1]
# from row[0] and insert it in first position
new_lines = new.insert(1, id)

How should I go about this?



Re: fixing an horrific formatted csv file.

2014-07-01 Thread flebber
That's a really cool solution.

I understand why providing full solutions is frowned upon, because it doesn't 
assist in learning. Which is true,  it's incredibly helpful in this case.

The python cookbook is really good and what I was using as a start for dealing 
with csv. But it doesn't even go anywhere near this. Lots of examples with 
simple inputs.

Anyway Thanks again


Re: SQLAlchemy - web framework ?

2014-05-14 Thread flebber
One of the main parts that is tripping myself up is that I need to consistently 
import xml files into my database.

Looking to find the best support and methodologies to do this, that is one of 
the reasons I am looking at SqlAlchemy. 


SQLAlchemy - web framework ?

2014-05-12 Thread flebber
If I want to use SQLAlchemy as my ORM what would be the best option for a web 

It appears the general advice regarding Django is to do it the Django way and 
use the django ORM and change it out for SQLAlchemy.

That to me limited knowledge leaves flask, pyramid and turbogears 2. So if I 
wanted to not build it all myself as with flask then potentially pyramid, 
turbogears is the best option?

Is this true? I have completed the TG2 intro tutorial and have built several 
small things with flask although I feel offput by doing anything bigger in 

See what I have done is got my python knowledge to a fair point where I can do 
useful things, good knowledge of web HTML/CSS, built a few small projects in 
flask to get an idea for python web, completed django tutorials, turogears 
tutorials and now looking to design out a bigger project I want to set myself 
and i am trying to compile the parts so I can see what I will need to use and 
gather info to cover what othe things I will need to know.

Do I have a false fear of flask and doing bigger projects?

So at this point I know I want SQLAlchemy, will use postgres(although 
mysql/maria would work fine). 

Any pratical advice warmly welcomed, I think I am thining too much aimlessly 

Re: SQLAlchemy - web framework ?

2014-05-12 Thread flebber
Roy.that is interesting that you can use mongoengine. 

Recent google results such as seem to assert there are a lot of inherent risk 
in swapping out components, though I may be misinterpreting it.


xmltodict - TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str

2014-05-10 Thread flebber
I am using xmltodict.

This is how I have accessed and loaded my file.

import xmltodict
document = open(/home/sayth/Scripts/va_benefits/20140508GOSF0.xml, r)
read_doc =
xml_doc = xmltodict.parse(read_doc)

The start of the file I am trying to get data out of is.

meeting id=35483 barriertrial=0 venue=Gosford date=2014-05-08T00:00:00 
gearchanges=-1 stewardsreport=-1 gearlist=-1 racebook=0 
postracestewards=0 meetingtype=TAB rail=True weather=Fine   
trackcondition=Dead   nomsdeadline=2014-05-02T11:00:00 
weightsdeadline=2014-05-05T16:00:00 acceptdeadline=2014-05-06T09:00:00 
  club abbrevname=Gosford Race Club code=49 associationclass=2 
website=http://; /
  race id=185273 number=1 nomnumber=7 division=0 name=GOSFORD ROTARY 
MAIDEN HANDICAP mediumname=MDN shortname=MDN stage=Acceptances 
distance=1600 minweight=55 raisedweight=0 class=MDNage=~   
   grade=0 weightcondition=HCPtrophy=0 owner=0 trainer=0 
jockey=0 strapper=0 totalprize=22000 first=12250 second=4250 
third=2100 fourth=1000 fifth=525 time=2014-05-08T12:30:00 
bonustype=BX02   nomsfee=0 acceptfee=0 trackcondition=   
timingmethod=   fastesttime=   sectionaltime=   
formavailable=0 racebookprize=Of $22000. First $12250, second $4250, third 
$2100, fourth $1000, fifth $525, sixth $375, seventh $375, eighth $375, ninth 
$375, tenth $375
condition line=1

So thought I had it figured. Can access the elements of meeting and the 
elements of club such as by doing this.

In [5]: xml_doc['meeting']['club']['@abbrevname']
Out[5]: u'Gosford Race Club'

However whenever I try and access race in the same manner I get errors.

In [11]: xml_doc['meeting']['club']['race']['@id']
KeyError  Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-11-cce362d7e6fc in module()
 1 xml_doc['meeting']['club']['race']['@id']

KeyError: 'race'

In [12]: xml_doc['meeting']['race']['@id']
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-12-c304e2b8f9be in module()
 1 xml_doc['meeting']['race']['@id']

TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str

why is accessing race @id any different to the access of club @abbrevname and 
how do I get it for race?



Re: xmltodict - TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str

2014-05-10 Thread flebber
On Saturday, 10 May 2014 22:10:14 UTC+10, Peter Otten  wrote:
 flebber wrote:
  I am using xmltodict.
  This is how I have accessed and loaded my file.
  import xmltodict
  document = open(/home/sayth/Scripts/va_benefits/20140508GOSF0.xml, r)
  read_doc =
  xml_doc = xmltodict.parse(read_doc)
  The start of the file I am trying to get data out of is.
  meeting id=35483 barriertrial=0 venue=Gosford
  date=2014-05-08T00:00:00 gearchanges=-1 stewardsreport=-1
  gearlist=-1 racebook=0 postracestewards=0 meetingtype=TAB
  rail=True weather=Fine   trackcondition=Dead  
  nomsdeadline=2014-05-02T11:00:00 weightsdeadline=2014-05-05T16:00:00
  acceptdeadline=2014-05-06T09:00:00 jockeydeadline=2014-05-06T12:00:00
club abbrevname=Gosford Race Club code=49 associationclass=2
website=http://; /
race id=185273 number=1 nomnumber=7 division=0 name=GOSFORD
stage=Acceptances distance=1600 minweight=55 raisedweight=0
class=MDNage=~  grade=0 weightcondition=HCP  
 trophy=0 owner=0 trainer=0 jockey=0 strapper=0
totalprize=22000 first=12250 second=4250 third=2100
fourth=1000 fifth=525 time=2014-05-08T12:30:00 bonustype=BX02
  nomsfee=0 acceptfee=0 trackcondition=   timingmethod= 
 fastesttime=   sectionaltime=  
formavailable=0 racebookprize=Of $22000. First $12250, second $4250,
third $2100, fourth $1000, fifth $525, sixth $375, seventh $375, eighth
$375, ninth $375, tenth $375
  condition line=1
  So thought I had it figured. Can access the elements of meeting and the
  elements of club such as by doing this.
  In [5]: xml_doc['meeting']['club']['@abbrevname']
  Out[5]: u'Gosford Race Club'
  However whenever I try and access race in the same manner I get errors.
  In [11]: xml_doc['meeting']['club']['race']['@id']
  KeyError  Traceback (most recent call
  last) ipython-input-11-cce362d7e6fc in module()
   1 xml_doc['meeting']['club']['race']['@id']
  KeyError: 'race'
  In [12]: xml_doc['meeting']['race']['@id']
  TypeError Traceback (most recent call
  last) ipython-input-12-c304e2b8f9be in module()
   1 xml_doc['meeting']['race']['@id']
  TypeError: list indices must be integers, not str
  why is accessing race @id any different to the access of club @abbrevname
  and how do I get it for race?
 If I were to guess: there are multiple races per meeting, xmltodict puts 
 them into a list under the race key, and you have to pick one:
  doc = xmltodict.parse(\
 ... meeting
 ...race id=first race.../race
 ...race id=second race.../race
 ... /meeting
 ... )
 class 'list'
 'first race'

 'second race' 

 for race in xml_doc[meeting][race]:
 might work for you.

Thanks so much Peter, yes both worked indeed. 


Re: golang OO removal, benefits. over python?

2014-03-10 Thread flebber

 Also, is there anything seriously lacking in Python, Java and C?

From their FAQ:

Go was born out of frustration with existing languages and environments for 
systems programming. Programming had become too difficult and the choice of 
languages was partly to blame. One had to choose either efficient compilation, 
efficient execution, or ease of programming; all three were not available in 
the same mainstream language. Programmers who could were choosing ease over 
safety and efficiency by moving to dynamically typed languages such as Python 
and JavaScript rather than C++ or, to a lesser extent, Java.

Go is an attempt to combine the ease of programming of an interpreted, 
dynamically typed language with the efficiency and safety of a statically 
typed, compiled language. It also aims to be modern, with support for networked 
and multicore computing.

Although Go doesn't have exception handling either which is odd.
Or you can use defer
func CopyFile(dstName, srcName string) (written int64, err error) {
src, err := os.Open(srcName)
if err != nil {
defer src.Close()

dst, err := os.Create(dstName)
if err != nil {
defer dst.Close()

return io.Copy(dst, src)

 That's a strange locution: You are suggesting that go had OOP and it was   
Although Go has types and methods and allows an object-oriented style of 
programming, there is no type hierarchy. The concept of interface in Go 
provides a different approach that we believe is easy to use and in some ways 
more general. There are also ways to embed types in other types to provide 
something analogous--but not identical--to subclassing.


golang OO removal, benefits. over python?

2014-03-09 Thread flebber
I was wondering if a better programmer than I could explain if the removal of 
OO features in golang really does offer an great benefit over python.

An article I was reading ran through a brief overview of golang in respect of 
OO features

maybe removing OO features would be a benefit to c++ users or Java users but 

As I have seen an interesting reddit or two of people trying to figure out go 
today it was a ruby user, totally lost with structs.

So anecdotally is actually python and ruby users changing to Go, here is a blog 
and reddit from Rob Pike.

Why would a Python user change to go except for new and interesting?


Re: IDLE won't run after installing Python 3.3 in Windows

2014-02-20 Thread flebber
Well firstly being windows I assume that you did a restart after install. python doesn't come with the windows extensions which can be 
installed separately. 

On windows I use winpython is totally portable and can be installed as system 
version includes all extensions as well as Numpy and matplotlib etc which can 
be a bit tricky to install otherwise. 

There is enthought and anaconda packaged python a well but my choice is 

Give it a try and you'll definitely have a working system version. 


Re: Best practices to overcome python's dynamic data type nature

2014-02-14 Thread flebber
Here's a great resource


zip list, variables

2013-11-20 Thread flebber

c = map(sum, zip([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]))

Out[7]: [5, 7, 9]

why then can't I do this? 

a = ([1, 2], [3, 4])

b = ([5, 6], [7, 8])

c = map(sum, zip(a, b))
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
ipython-input-3-cc046c85514b in module()
 1 c = map(sum, zip(a, b))

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'list'

How can I do this legally?


Re: zip list, variables

2013-11-20 Thread flebber
Thank you for the replies.

Looking at the replies I am wondering which solution is more scalable. At the 
moment it is only 2 nested lists but what about 5, 10, 20 or more?

Should I start looking into numpy to handle this or will list comprehension
   [ [ x + y for x, y in zip(x,y) ] for x, y in zip(a,b) ] 
Be sufficient ?



PyDev 3.0 Released

2013-11-07 Thread flebber
I see the main difference between Liclipes and Eclipse+Pydev being lightweight  
and Loclipse preconfigured to a degree.

Moving forward what advantages would I get by buying Liclipes over Eclipse?


XML python to database

2013-11-01 Thread flebber
Can anyone help me overcome a terminology and jargon barrier I am having in 
fully defining what tools to use to fulfil a process.

I want to create a database 6 Related tables. Update information 1 or twice a 
week with data from an XML file that I will download, this data would update 
rows in 5 tables of the database. From there display, add, edit and view data 
in web page and produce other info based on this.

My main roadblock is the XML process, I am finding it unclear to understand 
what tools and how to manage this process. Most examples show manually 
inputting data.

What I know and have learnt.

 - can insert and update data into database using python(values I type in)
 - can query and view data with python from tables
 - can design good SQL related tables(don't know much NoSQL)
 - Use lxml to open view and find info from nodes of an XML file
 - Basic Django/Flask/Pylons haven't completed a sizable project yet but have 
completed their tutorials and have some previous web experience.

When I look for info on this process

 - Info from django leads ultimately to fixtures Django Docs, initial fixtures
 - SQLAlchemy info leads

 - Spyne RPC toolkit

 Reading these I am not sure this covers what I am actually trying to do, 
reliably and repeatedly update a database with XML data. Can anyone advise of 
the correct terminology I should be searching for to learn more. What python 
tools would best help me complete 


Re: XML python to database

2013-11-01 Thread flebber
Yes I have done the lxml search and learnt how to open view and query the file.

But what is the next step in the process? To get it so that I can reliably push 
XML files to my database repeatedly.

Looking for a basic structure or example to use to guide me for first time.


Re: Python IDE/Eclipse

2011-08-28 Thread flebber
On Aug 27, 6:34 pm, UncleLaz wrote:
 On Aug 26, 5:18 pm, Dave Boland wrote:

  I'm looking for a good IDE -- easy to setup, easy to use -- for Python.
    Any suggestions?

  I use Eclipse for other projects and have no problem with using it for
  Python, except that I can't get PyDev to install.  It takes forever,
  then produces an error that makes no sense.

  An error occurred while installing the items
     session context was:(profile=PlatformProfile,
  operand=null -- [R]org.eclipse.cvs 1.0.400.v201002111343,
     Cannot connect to keystore.
     This trust engine is read only.
     The artifact file for
  osgi.bundle,org.eclipse.cvs,1.0.400.v201002111343 was not found.

  Any suggestions on getting this to work?


 I use Aptana Studio 3, it's pretty good and it's based on eclipse

Emacs with emacs-for-python makes the install and setup a breeze and
emacs does a lot for you without much learning.

geany is great I use it the most.

Finally this is a fairly new project, but it could be pretty good.
they are heavy in development of version 2. Ninja ide
they provide packages for Debian/ubuntu fedora mandriva  windows and
the developers are very helpful if you have any issues or questions
jump on IRC for a chat.


Re: - an online interactive Python tutorial

2011-04-23 Thread flebber
On Apr 23, 4:28 pm, Dennis Lee Bieber wrote:
 On Fri, 22 Apr 2011 17:08:53 +1000, Chris Angelico
 declaimed the following in gmane.comp.python.general:

  I'm not so sure that all strings should autopromote to integer (or
  numeric generally). However, adding a string and a number _should_
  (IMHO) promote the number to string.

  print Hello, +name+, you have +credit+ dollars of credit with us.

  Okay, that one is probably better done with the % operator, but it
  definitely makes logical sense to concatenate numbers and strings as
  strings, not to add them as numbers.

         But what if /I/ want
                 A + 1
 to return

         Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN    HTTP://

I like what you have done. Was it deliberate that your site teaches
python 2.x code rather than 3.x?

Re: Make Python portable by default! (Re: Python IDE/text-editor)

2011-04-18 Thread flebber
On Apr 18, 6:33 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Mon, Apr 18, 2011 at 6:15 PM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
  Which part of the word installed don't you understand while actually
  using it? ;-

 I have various programs which I distribute in zip/tgz format, and also
 as a self-extracting executable on Windows. Does this mean they need
 to be installed only under Windows? No. They need to be installed to
 be run, it's just that the installer is unzip or tar.

 (FYI, we installed a new minister in the church's manse a few weeks
 ago. Didn't involve anything more than a mv.)

 Chris Angelico

it's just that the installer is unzip or tar.
If I take my clothes out of my luggage bag have i just installed them?
Don't think so unless your new minister is wearing them lol.


Re: Python IDE/text-editor

2011-04-16 Thread flebber
On Apr 16, 3:43 pm, Alec Taylor wrote:
 Thanks, but non of the IDEs so far suggested have an embedded python
 interpreter AND tabs... a few of the editors (such as Editra) have
 really nice interfaces, however are missing the embedded
 interpreter... emacs having the opposite problem, missing tabs (also,
 selecting text with my mouse is something I do often).

 Please continue your recommendations.


 Alec Taylor

 On Sat, Apr 16, 2011 at 3:29 PM, John Bokma wrote:
  Ben Finney writes:

  Alec Taylor writes:

  I'm looking for an IDE which offers syntax-highlighting,
  code-completion, tabs, an embedded interpreter and which is portable
  (for running from USB on Windows).

  Either of Emacs URL: or Vim
  URL: are excellent general-purpose editors that
  have strong features for programmers of any popular language or text

  I second Emacs or vim. I currently use Emacs the most, but I think it's
  good to learn both.

  John Bokma                                                               j3b

  Blog:   Facebook:
     Freelance Perl  Python Development:

Editra via shelf has an imbedded interpreter, editra is also working
towards a new python tools plugin that will allow you to change
interpreter jython/python2.7/python3.2 etc.

Re: Python IDE/text-editor

2011-04-16 Thread flebber
On Apr 16, 11:07 pm, John Bokma wrote:
 Jorgen Grahn writes:
  If you cannot stand non-tabbed interfaces, you probably can't stand
  other non-Windows-like features of these two, like their menu systems.

 Emacs just has a menu system. Although I rarely use it :-). One of the
 things one learns after some time with either vim or Emacs is that using
 the mouse delays things.

 John Bokma                                                               j3b

 Blog:   Facebook:
     Freelance Perl  Python Development:

Also Dreampie is a greater interactive shell.

Features automatic completion of attributes and file names.
Automatically displays function arguments and documentation.
Keeps your recent results in the result history, for later user.
Can automatically fold long outputs, so you can concentrate on what's
Lets you save the history of the session as an HTML file, for future
reference. You can then load the history file into DreamPie, and
quickly redo previous commands.
Automatically adds parentheses and optionally quotes when you press
space after functions and methods. For example, execfile fn
automatically turns into execfile(fn).
Supports interactive plotting with matplotlib. (You have to set
interactive: True in the matplotlibrc file for this to work.)
Supports Python 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, Jython 2.5, IronPython 2.6 and Python
Works on Windows, Linux and Mac. (Mac support requires MacPorts.)
Extremely fast and responsive.
Free software licensed under GPL version 3.

Re: Free software versus software idea patents (was: Python benefits over Cobra)

2011-04-07 Thread flebber
On Apr 7, 7:17 pm, Chris Angelico wrote:
 On Thu, Apr 7, 2011 at 5:39 PM, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
  Do you want to know who scares me? Google and Apple. Google, because
  they're turning software from something you run on your own computer to
  something you use on a distant server you have no control over. And
  Apple, because they're turning the computer from a general purpose
  computing device you control, to a locked-down, restricted, controlled
  specialist machine that only runs what they permit you to run. But I

 I agree about Apple, but Google are not turning software... into;
 they are providing an option that involves such things. They are not
 stopping you from running software on your own computer, and they
 never can.

 One of my hobbies is running (and, let's face it, playing) online
 games. The MUD system is similar to what Google does, only more so;
 the server has *everything* and the client is just basic TELNET. Yes,
 some clients have some nice features, but they don't need to, and some
 of my players use extremely basic terminals. But nobody complains that
 they're playing a game they have no control over (and the only
 complaints about a distant server relate to ping times).

 Having the option to cloud things is a Good Thing. Yes, you lose
 control if you put your data on someone else's cloud, but if you want
 the functionality, you pay the price. If you don't like that price,
 you stick with your desktop software.

 Chris Angelico

Currently Oracle's actions seem far more concerning than anything
microsoft could cook up. Look at the Openjdk

now thats a joke...

As I see it, C# has never had more than an 8% market share. But perhaps
you have some better data.

Jobs posted in Sydeny in the last 3 days on our major search;

Jobs% of total Jobs
c#  134 17.1%
java422 53.9%
python  29  3.7%
c++ 79  10.1%
Ruby16  2.0% 103 13.2%
scala   0   0.0%
Total   783


Re: How to use Python well?

2011-02-17 Thread flebber
On Feb 17, 11:43 am, Steven D'Aprano steve wrote:
 On Thu, 17 Feb 2011 10:12:52 +1100, Ben Finney wrote:
  Terry Reedy writes:

  The most import thing is automated tests.

  Steven D'Aprano writes:

  The most important thing is structured programming and modularization.

  Steel-cage death match. FIGHT!

 To the death? No, to the pain!


I really liked Abstraction Chapter 6  7 In Magnus Lie Hetlands book
novice to professional. It really show the how to think it out which
seems to be what your after. The first sub heading in Chapter 6 is
Laziness is a virtue can't beat that.

Re: Call to Update All Tutorials to Python3.x Standards.

2011-02-14 Thread flebber
On Feb 14, 11:35 am, Cameron Simpson wrote:
 On 13Feb2011 14:47, rantingrick wrote:
 | On Feb 13, 4:30 pm, Steven D'Aprano steve| wrote:

 |  The official stance of the Python development team is that 2.7 and 3.x
 |  will co-exist for a long, long time. Removing 2.x tutorials would be
 |  cutting off our nose to spite our face.
 | That is BS Steven and you know it! Of course we are going to support
 | 2.x for a long, long, time. Heck we even have downloads available for
 | Python1.x. I am talking about TUTORIALS steven, TUTORIALS!

 Steven is also talking about tutorials. Perhaps my comprehension skiils
 are weak; I am basing my assrtion on his use of the word tutorials in
 the sentence:

   Removing 2.x tutorials would be cutting off our nose to spite our

 I admit my reading here may be superficial and that you may be seeing a
 deeper intent.

 | [...] Stop spreading lies Steven. [...]
 | PS: The only troll here is YOU! [...]

 I confess to finding these two sentences in your message contradictory.
 Again, my poor comprehension skills must be to blame.

 Cameron Simpson DoD#743

 That's just the sort of bloody stupid name they would choose.
         - Reginald Mitchell, designer of the Spitfire

Python 3 Tutorial

Python 3 Tutorial

Python 3 Video Tutorials

Python 3 Tutorial

Python 3 Book

If people want to learn there are already plenty of resources.


Re: IDLE: A cornicopia of mediocrity and obfuscation.

2011-02-05 Thread flebber
On Feb 5, 10:24 am, Stephen Hansen me+list/ wrote:
 On 2/4/11 3:01 PM, rantingrick wrote:

  Put your money where your mouth is.


 I thought as much.

 My money is where my mouth is: but that is not IDLE, as I have no use
 for it and no interest in it at all. The status quo with regards to IDLE
 is satisfactory to me.

 You're the one talking so much about how it needs to improve. So do it.
 Get started. Now.

 But you'll just find another excuse to rant on like you always do, and
 be basically useless.

 Me, I _have_ contributed patches: I have released actual code that
 actual people have found actually useful. I do run two build slaves and
 proactively try to assist in resolving issues that come up with Python's
 testing (usually: ouch, there's a lot of red at the moment, must get
 cracking) and stability.

 So, yeah. You're the hypocrite here, man.


    Stephen Hansen
    ... Also: Ixokai
    ... Mail: me+list/python (AT) ixokai (DOT) io
    ... Blog:


Idlefork isn't dead to rick! just pining for the alps!

Re: IDLE: A cornicopia of mediocrity and obfuscation.

2011-02-04 Thread flebber
On Feb 3, 7:41 am, Corey Richardson wrote:
 On 2/2/2011 2:44 PM, rantingrick wrote:

 Will you be forking IDLE and setting up some sort of tracker for

+1 for this.

Enough talk ratingrick where is your feature and request tracker for
your idle fork? How can people assist you in your new idle fork
project? What are your stated project goals  timeline?

We all suspect you have no answers to basic questions which would
involve you doing anything!!! So come on rick reply with some other
pius full of shit answer that will absolve you of action and will
still leave you the worlds biggest one handed typist.


Re: IDLE: A cornicopia of mediocrity and obfuscation.

2011-02-03 Thread flebber
On Feb 1, 11:38 pm, rantingrick wrote:
 On Feb 1, 4:20 am, flebber wrote:

  Sorry Rick too boringtrying to get bored people to bite at your
  ultra lame post yawn...

 Well reality and truth both has a tendency to be boring. Why? Well
 because we bathe in them daily. We have come accustomed, acclimated,
 and sadly complacent of the ill state of our stdlib. Yes, boring.
 However we must be aware of these things.

Yes but fixing idle just gives us another editor, there isn't a
shortage of editors. There is a shortage of a common community code
base for an ide framework, logical, reusable and extensible.

For an example of a brilliant beginners ide racket has it covered
with DrRacket , it has selectable language
levels beginner, intermediate, advanced that allows the learner to
adjust the level of language features available as they learn,
teachpacks are installable to add extra features or options when
completing the tutorials(could easily be adapted to the python
tutorials). If idle is for teaching people to learn python shouldn't
it have the facility to do that?

Re: IDLE: A cornicopia of mediocrity and obfuscation.

2011-02-01 Thread flebber
On Feb 1, 4:39 am, rantingrick wrote:
 IDLE: A cornicopia of mediocrity and obfuscation.
 -- by Rick Johnson

 IDLE --which is the Python Integrated Development and Learning
 Environment-- was once the apple of Guido's eye but has since
 degenerated into madness many years ago and remains now as the shining
 jewel show piece on the proverbial python wall of shame. A once
 mighty dream of programming for everyone that is now nothing more
 than an example of how NOT to program.

 IDLE contains some of the worst code this community has created. Bad
 design patterns, tacked on functionality, blasphemous styling, and
 piss poor packaging. There seems to be no guiding goals or game-plan.
 And year after year if IDLE *does* get any attention it's just more
 haphazard code thrown into the mix by someone who has gone blind from
 reading the source. However we cannot blame the current maintainer (if
 any such even exists!) because NOBODY can maintains such a spaghetti
 mess that this package has become!

 If we would have had a proper game plan from day one i believe we
 could have avoided this catastrophe. Follows is an outline of the
 wrongs with some suggestions to right them...

  * First of all the main two modules PyShell and EditorWindow are
 laid out in such a non sequential way that it is virtually impossible
 to follow along. We should have had a proper app instance from which
 all widgets where combined. The main app should have followed a
 common sense sequential mentality of...

  * subclassing the tk.Toplevel
  * initializing instance variables
  * creating the main menu
  * creating the sub widgets
  * declaring internal methods
  * declaring event handlers
  * then interface/generic methods.

  This is the recipe for order AND NOT CHAOS! What we have now is utter
 chaos! When we have order we can read source code in a sequential
 fashion. When we have order we can comprehend what we read. And when
 we have order we can maintain a library/package with ease. However
 sadly we DO NOT have order, we have CHAOS, CHAOS, and more CHAOS!

 * The underlying sub widgets should have started with their own proper
 order of declared initialization. And all events should be handled
 in the widget at hand NOT outsourced to some other class!

  * One of the biggest design flaws is the fact that outside modules
 manipulate the main editor/pyshells events. This is a terrible way to
 code. For example the AutoCompleteWindow takes over the tab event

   #-- Puesdo Code --#
   # in editor window __init__
   self.autocomplete = AutoComplete(blah)
   # in editor window onKeyPress(blah)
   if key == 'Tab' and blah:
   elif key == 'Escape' and acw.is_visibe():

  This is a bad design! The main editor window should handle all its
 own events AND THEN call outside class methods when needed. We don't
 want Mommy classes telling the kids what to do, when to eat, when to
 sleep, and when to excrete! We should create our objects with the
 virtue of self reliance and responsibility!. The Colorizer,
 ParenMatch, textView, TreeWidget, CallTips, and many other modules are
 guilty of event stealing also. Event functionality must be handled
 in the widget itself, NOT stolen and handled in an outside class. When
 we split up sequential code we get CHAOS!

  * Another bad choice was creating custom reusable widgets
 (Tabbedpages, FindDialog, ReplaceDialog, etc...) and leaving them in
 idlelib. These should have been moved into the lib-tk module where
 they would be more visible to python programmers AND we could reduce
 the cruft in the idlelib! Remember, when we create more files,
 folders, and objects we create CHAOS. And nobody can learn from CHAOS!

  * Another blasphemy is the fact that every module should include some
 sort of test to display its usage. If the module is a GUI widget then
 you MUST show how to use the widget in a window. Sadly like all
 everything else, idlelib is devoid of examples and testing. And the
 very few tests that DO exists just blow chunks!

  * Last but not least idlelib does not follow PEP8 or ANY convention.
 So much so that it seems the developers snubbed their nose at such
 conventions! We are missing doc strings and comments. We have built-
 ins being re-bound! Just code horror after code horror.

 These are just the top of the list. The peak of a huge iceberg that
 threatens to sink the community in the arms of chaos never to return.
 I am beginning to believe that this community is either made of
 amateurs due to this lackluster code in the stdlib. However it could
 be that the folks are really professional and refuse to work on such a
 horrible code base (which i understand). I am going with the latter.

 When are we going to demand that these abominations be rectified? How
 much longer must we wait? A year? Ten years?... i don't think Python
 will survive another ten years with this attitude of 

Re: Trying to decide between PHP and Python

2011-01-05 Thread flebber
On Jan 5, 6:48 pm, Octavian Rasnita wrote:
 From: Tomasz Rola

  On Tue, 4 Jan 2011, Dan M wrote:

  As to choice between Python and PHP, I would say learn anything but PHP.
  Even Perl has fewer tentacles than PHP.

  However, the quality of code depends heavily on who writes it. My
  impression is that more folks of I did it and it works so it is good,
  right? attitude can be found among Perl/PHP crowd (compared to Python or
  Ruby or...). The reason is probably the easyness of those languages
  (mostly because of tons of readymade code on the net) which - wrongly -
  suggests they are already there, no need to learn anymore.

 Yes you are right. Perl is much flexible than all other languages and there
 was written a lot of bad code in the past that can now be found on the net,
 beeing very hard for a newbie to find only the good examples and tutorials.

 But Perl offers many helpful modules for testing the apps so for good
 programmers there is not true the idea of it works so it's ok.

 Usually we compare the languages although we always think to all aditional
 modules and libraries we can use with them for creating apps.
 Thinking this way, Perl is better than Python for creating web apps, because
 Catalyst framework is more advanced than the frameworks for Python and it is
 more flexible even than Ruby on Rails, DBIx::Class ORM is a very advanced
 ORM and a very clean one and Perl web apps can use strong templating systems
 and form processors, unicode is a native code for Perl for a long time and
 so on.

 So how good is the language depends on what you need to use it for.

 (But I hope that this won't start a language war, because I have just done
 the same on a Perl mailing list telling about some Perl disadvantages
 towards Python :)


My two cents, I am understanding python far better by learning scheme.
Didn't intentionally set out to achieve that as a goal just a by
product. An excelent resource and using the racket
scheme ide(as much of an ide as idle), simple thorough well explained
concepts via worked examples and a very encouraging and enthusiastic
mail group, much like this list.

I would so love a book like that for python but after i complete htdp
I may not need it.



Re: User input masks - Access Style

2011-01-01 Thread flebber
On Jan 1, 11:13 am, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-12-31, flebber wrote:

  On Dec 28 2010, 12:21 am, Adam Tauno Williams
  On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 20:37 -0800, flebber wrote:
   Is there anyay to use input masks in python? Similar to the function
   found in access where a users input is limited to a type, length and

  Typically this is handled by a callback on a keypress event.

  Regarding 137 of the re module, relating to the code above.

 137? I am not sure what you are referencing?

  EDIT: I just needed to use raw_input rather than input to stop this
  input error.

 Sorry, I used input() because that is what you had used in your example
 and it worked for my system.  Normally, I would have used window.getstr()
 from the curses module, or whatever the platform equivilant is, for
 getting line buffered input.

137 is the line number in the re module which refernces the match
string. In this example the timeinput.

Re: Tkinter: The good, the bad, and the ugly!

2010-12-31 Thread flebber
On Dec 31, 3:04 pm, Robert wrote:
 On 2010-12-30 22:28:39 -0500, rantingrick said:

   On Dec 30, 8:41�pm, Robert wrote:
  On 2010-12-30 19:46:24 -0500, rantingrick said:
  Just to clarify...I like Python. I am learning it at the moment.

  Glad to have you aboard Robert!


  3. What is your opinion of Tkinter as to it's usefulness within the

  No, I really don't see the need for it to be in the stdlib but that
  isn't my call.

  But it is your call Robert. Anyone who writes Python code --whether
  they be a beginner with no prior programming experience or a fire
  breathing Python Guru-- has a right to inject their opinion into th
  community. We really need input from first time users as they carry
  the very perspective that we have completely lost!

 I speak up.  :-)

  5. Should Python even have a GUI in the stdlib?

  I would say no but that is my opinion only and it doesn't matter.
  Python's domain isn't GUI programming so having it readily available on
  the sidelines would be fine for me.

  I agree that Python's domain is not specifically GUI programming
  however to understand why Tkinter and IDLE exists you need to
  understand what Guido's dream was in the beginning. GvR wanted to
  bring Programming to everyone (just one of his many heroic goals!). He
  believed (i think) that GUI programming is very important , and that
  was 20 years ago!!. So he included Tkinter mainly so new Python
  programmers could hack away at GUI's with little or no effort. He also
  created a wonderful IDE for beginners called IDLE. His idea was
  perfect, however his faith in TclTk was flawed and so we find
  ourselves in the current situation we have today. With the decay of
  Tkinter the dream has faded. However we can revive this dream and
  truly bring Python into the 21st century!

 I don't think Tkinter was in there for large programming. Tkinter is
 crufty and probably should be moved out. For whipping up quick gui
 things to scratch an itch it is good.

 I lurk more on the Tcl side of things. When the mention of separating
 Tcl and Tk development, I fall on the side of separating them. Tcl,
 like Python should stand on its own. Widget frameworks are extras to
 me. One way the Tcl community has stagnated has been its insistence
 on Tk. There was a wxTcl died. That would have been good
 for the Tcl community. Luckily there is a GTk framework (Gnocl) that is
 really good. But it still doesn't get the props that it deserves. The
 second way the Tcl community irks me is the not invented here
 attitude. I like the syntax of Tcl and I like the community. They are
 some good folks. Try asking I want to build a Nagios clone in Tcl
 type question and invariably you get Why? There is already Nagios?.
 That stems from the glue language roots I think but to me that is the
 wrong attitude. You want people to take a look at a language (any
 language), you build stuff with it that people want to use. Ruby would
 not be as big as it is if Rails hadn't come along.

 Nuff of that...  ;-)

  6. If Python should have a GUI, then what traits would serve our
  community best?

  This is a good one.

  It should be:

  - cross platform
  - Pythonic
  - as native as possible

  Cross platform and native are hard. Just look at all the work with
  PyQt/PySide and wxPython. It took them years to get where they are.

  Hmm, wxPython is starting to look like the answer to all our problems.
  WxPython already has an IDE so there is no need to rewrite IDLE
  completely. What do we have to loose by integrating wx into the
  stdlib, really?

 wxPython is really good. The downside is that is shows (or did show)
 its C++ roots.

 Nokia is making a run with PySide (their version of the PyQt framework)
 and since it has a company behind it might go pretty far. Qt can be
 used for a lot of problem domains.

 Anyway, I wasn't meaning to be rough with you. Just trying to figure
 out where you were coming from. I am acquianted with Kevin Walzer and
 he is a good guy.


I thank this thread for putting me onto Pyside +1


Re: User input masks - Access Style

2010-12-31 Thread flebber
On Dec 28 2010, 12:21 am, Adam Tauno Williams
 On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 20:37 -0800, flebber wrote:
  Is there anyay to use input masks in python? Similar to the function
  found in access where a users input is limited to a type, length and

 Typically this is handled by a callback on a keypress event.

Can I get some clarification on the re module specifically on matching

Line 137 of the Re module

def match(pattern, string, flags=0):
Try to apply the pattern at the start of the string, returning
a match object, or None if no match was found.
return _compile(pattern, flags).match(string)

Re: User input masks - Access Style

2010-12-31 Thread flebber
On Dec 28 2010, 12:21 am, Adam Tauno Williams
 On Sun, 2010-12-26 at 20:37 -0800, flebber wrote:
  Is there anyay to use input masks in python? Similar to the function
  found in access where a users input is limited to a type, length and

 Typically this is handled by a callback on a keypress event.


Regarding 137 of the re module, relating to the code above.

# validate the input is in the correct format (usually this would be
# loop that continues until the user enters acceptable data)
if re.match(r'''^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$''', timeInput) == None:
print(I'm sorry, your input is improperly formated.)

EDIT: I just needed to use raw_input rather than input to stop this
input error.

Please enter time in the format 'MM:SS:HH':
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\renshaw\workspace\Testing\src
\, line 13, in module
timeInput = input()
  File C:\Eclipse\plugins\org.python.pydev_1.6.3.2010100422\PySrc
\pydev_sitecustomize\, line 176, in input
return eval(raw_input(prompt))
  File string, line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


Re: Python - NAWIT / Community

2010-12-31 Thread flebber
On Jan 1, 9:03 am, Fabio Zadrozny wrote:
  My question relates to community contribution. My concern arose when
  recently installing the extensions in Eclipse. Now as far as
  my understanding goes the licensing on both is open source GPL.
  However Pydev became open source as part of aptana's acquistion, and
  for the moment pydev can be installed as part of the Aptana studio 2/3
  releases individually as a plugin, but moving on if you vist the
  aptana site there is sweet little about python on their site, their
  site is dominated by Radrails.

 Just a little fix there, Pydev is open source EPL (not GPL).

 Also, yes, there's little content about Pydev in the Aptana homepage,
 but it points to the main Pydev homepage ( which has
 the proper content related to Python (and it's currently being
 actively developed and also integrated in Aptana Studio 3, which is
 where the current efforts are targeted within Aptana now). Sorry if
 this causes the (wrong) perception that Pydev doesn't get as much

  Can't help thinking they open sourced Pydev so they could bench it. So
  I started thinking that the only consistent env each python person has
  is idle as it ships in the install.

 Sorry, but I don't follow your thoughts here... there are many
 consistent environments for python development which are properly
 supported (Pydev being only one of them as you can see 

  Sometimes we can contribute with money and sometimes with time, if I
  was to contribute money to ensure that I and all new coming python
  programmers could have a first class development environment to use
  what would I donate to? At the moment no particular group seems

  Is pydev actively being developed and for who? SPE is a great idea but
  is Stan still developing? Pyscripter is good but not 64 capable. Plus
  none of these projects seem community centric.

 I'm the current Pydev maintainer (since 2005)... and while I cannot
 state that I'll be in that role forever (forever is quite a long
 time), I do think it's well maintained and there are occasional
 patches from the community that uses it (although I still get to
 review all that goes in).

  Maybe its just my wish, maybe something already exists, but to my mind
  why is there not a central python community ide or plugin setup like
  pydev or using pydev(since currently it is very good - to me), which I
  know or at least could confidently donate time or money to further

  This could apply to many python area's does python use easy_install or
  pypm, well if you want camelot or zope (unless you have business
  edition) its easy_install, but you wont find an ide with built in egg
  or pypm support?

 I think the issue is that only recently (if you compare with the
 others) has easy_install became the de facto standard in python (so,
 it'd be more an issue of interest adding such a feature to the ide).

  Why every Ruby ide has gems manager, and for that
  fact look at netbeans, the ide is good but support for python is
  mentioned on a far flung community page where some developers are
  trying to maintain good python support. PS they seem to be doing a
  good job, but a review of the mailing list archives shows little
  One could say that activestate puts in good support but then they do
  not provide an ide within the means of the average part time person
  retailing its main edition at over $300, Pycharm a good ide at $99 but
  then where is my money going.

  I think a community plugin architecture which contained components
  like pydev, pyscripter, eclipse and eggs/pypm packages would give a
  place I can contribute time as my skills grow and confidently donate
  money knowing I am assisting the development of community tools and
  packages we all can use. No need to reinvent the wheel most things
  already exist, for example apt-get  rpm style package management time
  tested and could be easily used to manage python eggs for example.
  Anyway I have had my 2 cents, if someone is contributing more than I
  know, and this wasn't intended to dimnish anyone's effort, just
  wanting to look to growing and fostering a stronger python community.

 Well, I can only comment from the Pydev side here, but do you think
 it'd be worth reinventing all that's already done in it just for
 having it in Python? When I started contributing to Pydev back in 2004
 I didn't go that way because Eclipse itself has a huge community
 that's already in place and is properly maintained, which takes a lot
 of effort, so, I'm not sure it'd be worth reproducing all that just to
 have it 100% Python code -- I say 100% because Pydev does have a
 number of things that are in Python, such as the debugger and Jython
 for the scripting engine, although the major portion is really in

 Another important aspect is that it's much better if 

Re: GUI Tools for Python 3.1

2010-12-31 Thread flebber
On Dec 26 2010, 8:41 pm, Hans-Peter Jansen wrote:
 On Friday 24 December 2010, 03:58:15 Randy Given wrote:

  Lots of stuff for 2.6 and 2.7 -- what GUI tools are there for 3.1?

 PyQt4 of course.


Pyside, Nokia have split with riverbank computing and are quickly
developing pyside. Currently not supported in Py3000 but have already
a roadmap for implementation when they finalise Python 2 support.

Here is what they see as roadblocks(not insurmountble) to python3.


Python - NAWIT / Community

2010-12-28 Thread flebber
I just wanted to put out a question about IDE's but this is NAWIT -
not another which ide thread.

My question relates to community contribution. My concern arose when
recently installing the extensions in Eclipse. Now as far as
my understanding goes the licensing on both is open source GPL.
However Pydev became open source as part of aptana's acquistion, and
for the moment pydev can be installed as part of the Aptana studio 2/3
releases individually as a plugin, but moving on if you vist the
aptana site there is sweet little about python on their site, their
site is dominated by Radrails.

Can't help thinking they open sourced Pydev so they could bench it. So
I started thinking that the only consistent env each python person has
is idle as it ships in the install.

Sometimes we can contribute with money and sometimes with time, if I
was to contribute money to ensure that I and all new coming python
programmers could have a first class development environment to use
what would I donate to? At the moment no particular group seems

Is pydev actively being developed and for who? SPE is a great idea but
is Stan still developing? Pyscripter is good but not 64 capable. Plus
none of these projects seem community centric.

Maybe its just my wish, maybe something already exists, but to my mind
why is there not a central python community ide or plugin setup like
pydev or using pydev(since currently it is very good - to me), which I
know or at least could confidently donate time or money to further

This could apply to many python area's does python use easy_install or
pypm, well if you want camelot or zope (unless you have business
edition) its easy_install, but you wont find an ide with built in egg
or pypm support? Why every Ruby ide has gems manager, and for that
fact look at netbeans, the ide is good but support for python is
mentioned on a far flung community page where some developers are
trying to maintain good python support. PS they seem to be doing a
good job, but a review of the mailing list archives shows little

One could say that activestate puts in good support but then they do
not provide an ide within the means of the average part time person
retailing its main edition at over $300, Pycharm a good ide at $99 but
then where is my money going.

I think a community plugin architecture which contained components
like pydev, pyscripter, eclipse and eggs/pypm packages would give a
place I can contribute time as my skills grow and confidently donate
money knowing I am assisting the development of community tools and
packages we all can use. No need to reinvent the wheel most things
already exist, for example apt-get  rpm style package management time
tested and could be easily used to manage python eggs for example.

Anyway I have had my 2 cents, if someone is contributing more than I
know, and this wasn't intended to dimnish anyone's effort, just
wanting to look to growing and fostering a stronger python community.



Re: Python - NAWIT / Community

2010-12-28 Thread flebber
On Dec 28, 10:16 pm, Adam Tauno Williams
 On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 02:26 -0800, flebber wrote:
  Can't help thinking they open sourced Pydev so they could bench it.

 So?  That isn't uncommon at all;  to Open Source when you've moved on.

  I started thinking that the only consistent env each python person has
  is idle as it ships in the install.

 There is a plethora of Python IDE's [personally I use Monodevelop, which
 supports Python, and is fast and stable].

  Sometimes we can contribute with money and sometimes with time, if I
  was to contribute money to ensure that I and all new coming python
  programmers could have a first class development environment to use
  what would I donate to? At the moment no particular group seems

 Many projects accept donations via PayPal.  Sourceforge supports this.

  Is pydev actively being developed and for who? SPE is a great idea but
  is Stan still developing? Pyscripter is good but not 64 capable. Plus
  none of these projects seem community centric.

 Why not just check the repo and see the real answer for yourself?  It is
 Open Source after all.

  Maybe its just my wish, maybe something already exists, but to my mind
  why is there not a central python community ide or plugin setup like
  pydev or using pydev(since currently it is very good - to me), which I
  know or at least could confidently donate time or money to further

 You could checkout the code of any Python IDE and hack on it.

  I think a community plugin architecture which contained components
  like pydev, pyscripter, eclipse and eggs/pypm packages would give a
  place I can contribute time as my skills grow and confidently donate
  money knowing I am assisting the development of community tools and
  packages we all can use.

 So just do it.

Yes you can answer questions, but have you really? Your answer seems
to be things are open source so who cares about community.

 Many projects accept donations via PayPal.  Sourceforge supports this.

Of course any fool can throw his/her money away thats no challenge why
even use Paypal, I could have fun and by 10 bottles of vino and hand
them out to recovering alcoholics.

Don't answer things just for the sake of it, if you have nothing
producive to say about furthering python and its community then say

Re: Python - NAWIT / Community

2010-12-28 Thread flebber
On Dec 28, 10:24 pm, flebber wrote:
 On Dec 28, 10:16 pm, Adam Tauno Williams

  On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 02:26 -0800, flebber wrote:
   Can't help thinking they open sourced Pydev so they could bench it.

  So?  That isn't uncommon at all;  to Open Source when you've moved on.

   I started thinking that the only consistent env each python person has
   is idle as it ships in the install.

  There is a plethora of Python IDE's [personally I use Monodevelop, which
  supports Python, and is fast and stable].

   Sometimes we can contribute with money and sometimes with time, if I
   was to contribute money to ensure that I and all new coming python
   programmers could have a first class development environment to use
   what would I donate to? At the moment no particular group seems

  Many projects accept donations via PayPal.  Sourceforge supports this.

   Is pydev actively being developed and for who? SPE is a great idea but
   is Stan still developing? Pyscripter is good but not 64 capable. Plus
   none of these projects seem community centric.

  Why not just check the repo and see the real answer for yourself?  It is
  Open Source after all.

   Maybe its just my wish, maybe something already exists, but to my mind
   why is there not a central python community ide or plugin setup like
   pydev or using pydev(since currently it is very good - to me), which I
   know or at least could confidently donate time or money to further

  You could checkout the code of any Python IDE and hack on it.

   I think a community plugin architecture which contained components
   like pydev, pyscripter, eclipse and eggs/pypm packages would give a
   place I can contribute time as my skills grow and confidently donate
   money knowing I am assisting the development of community tools and
   packages we all can use.

  So just do it.

 Yes you can answer questions, but have you really? Your answer seems
 to be things are open source so who cares about community.

  Many projects accept donations via PayPal.  Sourceforge supports this.

 Of course any fool can throw his/her money away thats no challenge why
 even use Paypal, I could have fun and by 10 bottles of vino and hand
 them out to recovering alcoholics.

 Don't answer things just for the sake of it, if you have nothing
 producive to say about furthering python and its community then say

My apologise I didn't mean to be that aggressive.

Re: Python - NAWIT / Community

2010-12-28 Thread flebber
On Dec 28, 10:37 pm, Adam Tauno Williams
 On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 03:24 -0800, flebber wrote:
  On Dec 28, 10:16 pm, Adam Tauno Williams
   On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 02:26 -0800, flebber wrote:
Is pydev actively being developed and for who? SPE is a great idea but
is Stan still developing? Pyscripter is good but not 64 capable. Plus
none of these projects seem community centric.
   Why not just check the repo and see the real answer for yourself?  It is
   Open Source after all.
  Yes you can answer questions, but have you really? Your answer seems
  to be things are open source so who cares about community.
   Many projects accept donations via PayPal.  Sourceforge supports this.
  Of course any fool can throw his/her money away thats no challenge why
  even use Paypal, I could have fun and by 10 bottles of vino and hand
  them out to recovering alcoholics.
  Don't answer things just for the sake of it, if you have nothing
  producive to say about furthering python and its community then say

 I provided two concrete points, thank you:

 (1) Is a project actively developed?  Look at the repo. That is the
 answer to the question [this isn't necessarily obvious to those new to
 Open Source].
 (1.1.) Is PyDev a potential unifying force amoung IDEs?  Which is the
 implied question - that is up to the OP and others who do/do-not
 contribute to it.
 (2) How can I donate cash? There is a fairly standard mechanism for

 Otherwise I think the OP's thoughts on community and how Open Source
 works are somewhat flawed.  Community is a manifestation of people
 *doing* things; it does *not* arise out of people being concerned about
 things [since doing is quite apparently not a natural result of
 concern. Concern is like watching TV.  Doing is getting out of the

Fair point.

You have mistaken somewhat what I intended, partly my fault due to the
verbosity. I wanted gaugue feedback on others perception of the
current status quo. I am happy personally currently, currently being
the main word.

Community is a manifestation of people
 *doing* things; it does *not* arise out of people being concerned about

But concern is derived from interaction and observation and like fear
and joy tells us we need to take an action. If someone chooses to sir
idly by good for them I haven't the time or inclination personally.

Tony Robbins Acheiving a goal is simple, decide what your goal is,
set out towards it and consistently review whether you are getting
closer or further from your goal and take action immediately.

From a language perspective going to python 3 this definitely seems to
be occurring well and strongly lead.

Sometimes the fault in open source is the lack of a crystalized and
shared goal and proper infrastructure.Gentoo as an example. Could
get to they were going because they didn't share the same vision of
what it was.

I meant no attack by reviewing, just a somewhat newbies observations
of python.

Re: Python - NAWIT / Community

2010-12-28 Thread flebber
On Dec 28, 11:10 pm, flebber wrote:
 On Dec 28, 10:37 pm, Adam Tauno Williams

  On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 03:24 -0800, flebber wrote:
   On Dec 28, 10:16 pm, Adam Tauno Williams
On Tue, 2010-12-28 at 02:26 -0800, flebber wrote:
 Is pydev actively being developed and for who? SPE is a great idea but
 is Stan still developing? Pyscripter is good but not 64 capable. Plus
 none of these projects seem community centric.
Why not just check the repo and see the real answer for yourself?  It is
Open Source after all.
   Yes you can answer questions, but have you really? Your answer seems
   to be things are open source so who cares about community.
Many projects accept donations via PayPal.  Sourceforge supports this.
   Of course any fool can throw his/her money away thats no challenge why
   even use Paypal, I could have fun and by 10 bottles of vino and hand
   them out to recovering alcoholics.
   Don't answer things just for the sake of it, if you have nothing
   producive to say about furthering python and its community then say

  I provided two concrete points, thank you:

  (1) Is a project actively developed?  Look at the repo. That is the
  answer to the question [this isn't necessarily obvious to those new to
  Open Source].
  (1.1.) Is PyDev a potential unifying force amoung IDEs?  Which is the
  implied question - that is up to the OP and others who do/do-not
  contribute to it.
  (2) How can I donate cash? There is a fairly standard mechanism for

  Otherwise I think the OP's thoughts on community and how Open Source
  works are somewhat flawed.  Community is a manifestation of people
  *doing* things; it does *not* arise out of people being concerned about
  things [since doing is quite apparently not a natural result of
  concern. Concern is like watching TV.  Doing is getting out of the

 Fair point.

 You have mistaken somewhat what I intended, partly my fault due to the
 verbosity. I wanted gaugue feedback on others perception of the
 current status quo. I am happy personally currently, currently being
 the main word.

 Community is a manifestation of people

  *doing* things; it does *not* arise out of people being concerned about

 But concern is derived from interaction and observation and like fear
 and joy tells us we need to take an action. If someone chooses to sir
 idly by good for them I haven't the time or inclination personally.

 Tony Robbins Acheiving a goal is simple, decide what your goal is,
 set out towards it and consistently review whether you are getting
 closer or further from your goal and take action immediately.

 From a language perspective going to python 3 this definitely seems to
 be occurring well and strongly lead.

 Sometimes the fault in open source is the lack of a crystalized and
 shared goal and proper infrastructure.Gentoo as an example. Could
 get to they were going because they didn't share the same vision of
 what it was.

 I meant no attack by reviewing, just a somewhat newbies observations
 of python.

Edit Gentoo couldn't get to where they were going because of lack of
vision and a shared goal.

Re: Fw: Re: User input masks - Access Style

2010-12-27 Thread flebber
On Dec 27, 7:57 pm, linmq wrote:
  On 2010-12-27, flebber  wrote:

    Is there anyay to use input masks in python? Similar to the function
    found in access where a users input is limited to a type, length and

    So in my case I want to ensure that numbers are saved in a basic
    1) Currency so input limited to 000.00 eg 1.00, 2.50, 13.80 etc

  Some GUIs provide this functionality or provide callbacks for validation
  functions that can determine the validity of the input. ? don't know of
  any modules that provide formatted input in a terminal. ?ost terminal
  input functions just read from stdin (in this case a buffered line)
  and output that as a string. ?t is easy enough to validate whether
  terminal input is in the proper.

  Your example time code might look like:

  ... import re
  ... import sys
  ... # get the input
  ... print(Please enter time in the format 'MM:SS:HH': , end=)
  ... timeInput = input()
  ... # validate the input is in the correct format (usually this would be in
  ... # loop that continues until the user enters acceptable data)
  ... if re.match(r'''^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$''', timeInput) == None:
  ... ??print(I'm sorry, your input is improperly formated.)
  ... ??sys.exit(1)
  ... # break the input into its componets
  ... componets = timeInput.split(:)
  ... minutes = int(componets[0])
  ... seconds = int(componets[1])
  ... microseconds = int(componets[2])
  ... # output the time
  ... print(Your time is:  + %02d % minutes + : + %02d % seconds + 
  : +
  ... ??%02d % microseconds)

  Currency works the same way using validating it against:

    For sports times that is time duration not a system or date times
    should I assume that I would need to calculate a user input to a
    decimal number and then recalculate it to present it to user?

  I am not sure what you are trying to do or asking. ?ython provides time,
  date, datetime, and timedelta objects that can be used for date/time
  calculations, locale based formatting, etc. ?hat you use, if any, will
  depend on what you are actually tring to accomplish. ?our example doesn't
  really show you doing much with the time so it is difficult giving you any
  concrete recommendations.

  yes you are right I should have clarified. The time is a duration over
  distance, so its a speed measure.  Ultimately I will need to store the
  times so I may need to use something likw sqlAlchemy but I am nowehere
  near the advanced but I know that most Db's mysql, postgre etc don't
  support time as a duration as such and i will probably need to store
  it as a decimal and convert it back for the user.

 You can let a user to separately input the days, hours, minutes, etc.
 And use the type timedelta to store the time duration:

 datetime.timedelta([days[, seconds[, microseconds[, milliseconds[, minutes[, 
 hours[, weeks]]])

 Beyond 2.7, you can use timedelta.total_seconds() to convert the time
 duration to a number for database using. And later restore the number
 back to timedelta by timedelta(seconds=?).



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Very helpful thanks

User input masks - Access Style

2010-12-26 Thread flebber
Is there anyay to use input masks in python? Similar to the function
found in access where a users input is limited to a type, length and

So in my case I want to ensure that numbers are saved in a basic
1) Currency so input limited to 000.00 eg 1.00, 2.50, 13.80 etc

For sports times that is time duration not a system or date times
should I assume that I would need to calculate a user input to a
decimal number and then recalculate it to present it to user?

So an example, sorry.

import time #not sure if this is any use
minute = input(How many minutes: )
seconds = input(How many seconds: )
Hundredths = input(how many Hundredths: )

# convert user input
MyTime = (minute/60)+(seconds)+(Hundredths/1800)
#Display to user assuming i had written a name and user
# had retrieved it
print([User], your time was), (MyTime/60:MyTime(MyTime-((MyTime/
60)*60).(MyTime-(MyTime0))) )


Re: User input masks - Access Style

2010-12-26 Thread flebber
On Dec 27, 6:01 pm, Tim Harig wrote:
 On 2010-12-27, flebber wrote:

  Is there anyay to use input masks in python? Similar to the function
  found in access where a users input is limited to a type, length and

  So in my case I want to ensure that numbers are saved in a basic
  1) Currency so input limited to 000.00 eg 1.00, 2.50, 13.80 etc

 Some GUIs provide this functionality or provide callbacks for validation
 functions that can determine the validity of the input.  I don't know of
 any modules that provide formatted input in a terminal.  Most terminal
 input functions just read from stdin (in this case a buffered line)
 and output that as a string.  It is easy enough to validate whether
 terminal input is in the proper.

 Your example time code might look like:

 ... import re
 ... import sys
 ... # get the input
 ... print(Please enter time in the format 'MM:SS:HH': , end=)
 ... timeInput = input()
 ... # validate the input is in the correct format (usually this would be in
 ... # loop that continues until the user enters acceptable data)
 ... if re.match(r'''^[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}$''', timeInput) == None:
 ...     print(I'm sorry, your input is improperly formated.)
 ...     sys.exit(1)
 ... # break the input into its componets
 ... componets = timeInput.split(:)
 ... minutes = int(componets[0])
 ... seconds = int(componets[1])
 ... microseconds = int(componets[2])
 ... # output the time
 ... print(Your time is:  + %02d % minutes + : + %02d % seconds + : +
 ...     %02d % microseconds)

 Currency works the same way using validating it against:

  For sports times that is time duration not a system or date times
  should I assume that I would need to calculate a user input to a
  decimal number and then recalculate it to present it to user?

 I am not sure what you are trying to do or asking.  Python provides time,
 date, datetime, and timedelta objects that can be used for date/time
 calculations, locale based formatting, etc.  What you use, if any, will
 depend on what you are actually tring to accomplish.  Your example doesn't
 really show you doing much with the time so it is difficult giving you any
 concrete recommendations.

yes you are right I should have clarified. The time is a duration over
distance, so its a speed measure.  Ultimately I will need to store the
times so I may need to use something likw sqlAlchemy but I am nowehere
near the advanced but I know that most Db's mysql, postgre etc don't
support time as a duration as such and i will probably need to store
it as a decimal and convert it back for the user.

Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-25 Thread flebber

I was hoping someone could shed some (articles, links) in regards
python 3 design ideals. I was searching guido's blog which has his
overarching view of Python from an early development perspective

I was interested in what the design goals/philosphy was of Python 3
from a birds eye view, forest for the trees approach.

i can safely assume one goal was speed improvement as in the blog he
noted Don’t fret too much about performance--plan to optimize later
when needed. So I assume that means that Python had developed to a
point where that was needed.

But performance wouldn't be the over-arching criteria for the change.
Just curious.

Re: Design Ideals Goals Python 3 - Forest for the trees

2010-12-25 Thread flebber
On Dec 26, 4:56 pm, Alice Bevan–McGregor wrote:
  I was interested in what the design goals/philosphy was of Python 3
  from a birds eye view, forest for the trees approach.

 I think I can safely point to the Zen of Python[1] as many of the
 points therein directly apply to the simplifiation, clarification, and
 goals of Python 3.  Most notably:

 :: Beautiful is better than ugly.

 E.g. dict.iteritems, dict.iterkeys, dict.itervalues?  Strip 'iter' and
 it's fixed.

 :: Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules.

 Ever get hung up on core Python modules with title caps?  Yeah, those
 are fixed.

 :: There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.

 E.g. urllib, urllib2, urllibX… yeah, that's been fixed, too.  :)

 :: Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

 Numerous modules have been merged, or moved into more manageable (and
 logical) namespaces.

  I can safely assume one goal was speed improvement as in the blog he
  noted Don’t fret too much about performance--plan to optimize later
  when needed. So I assume that means that Python had developed to a
  point where that was needed.

 The Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) has been getting a lot of
 negative attention over the last little while, and was recently fixed
 to be far more intelligent (and efficient) in Python 3.2.  There are
 numerous other performance improvements, for which yo ucan examine the
 change logs.

  But performance wouldn't be the over-arching criteria for the change.
  Just curious.

 Clarification, simplification, specivity, efficiency, … just be more

 Note that I'm not a core Python contributor or have ever communicated
 with the BDFL: this is just the viewpoint of somoene doing her
 darnd'est to encourage Python 3 support.  ;)  All of the new projects I
 work on are Python 2.6+ and Python 3.1+ compatible.  (Arguments against
 dual-compatible polygot code can go to /dev/null for the purposes of
 this thread.)

         - Alice


So do the new changes(to the GIL) nullify concerns raised by David
Beazely here

Some projects have been using and requiring psyco to gain speed
improvements in python
however it seems that the developer is not active on this project
anymore and is more active on PyPy

A program such as AVSP which relies on
psyco what would be a good proposition to use when taking the project
to python 3.0 if psyco will remain unavailable?


Re: Light on Dark screen for Spe or Pyscripter

2010-10-09 Thread flebber
On Oct 9, 3:54 pm, flebber wrote:
 I was hoping someone knew how to setup pyscripter or Spe ide's with
 light on dark windows. I start to have trouble reading the nomal dark
 on light screens after any lengthy period.

 I have seen several screenshot showing emacs with python setup with
 awesome light on dark terminals but seems you need a degree in itself
 to get emacs and python working on windows with full features.

Pyscripter does have a selectable theme option in its options menu.
However seems to only relate to syntax colours and highlighting,
doesn't seem to allow changing theme to light on dark.

Anyhow still a good ide.

Re: Crummy BS Script

2010-10-02 Thread flebber
On Oct 2, 4:24 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
 On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:05:09 -0700, flebber wrote:
  On Oct 2, 9:27 am, MRAB wrote:
  On 01/10/2010 23:29, Burton Samograd wrote:  writes:

   But where is this saving the imported file and under what name?

   Looks like samples.csv:

   f = open('samples.csv', 'w')

  It'll be in the current working directory, which is given by:


  So how do I call the output to direct it to file? I can't see which part
  to get.

 I don't understand your question. What do you mean call the output --
 you normally don't call the output, you call a function or program to get
 output. The output is already directed to a file, as you were shown -- it
 is written to the file samples.csv in the current directory.

 Perhaps if you explain your question more carefully, we might be able to
 help a little more.


How do change where output goes and what its called

Re: Crummy BS Script

2010-10-02 Thread flebber
On Oct 3, 9:58 am, John Bokma wrote:
 flebber writes:
  On Oct 2, 4:24 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
  On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:05:09 -0700, flebber wrote:
   On Oct 2, 9:27 am, MRAB wrote:
   On 01/10/2010 23:29, Burton Samograd wrote:  writes:

But where is this saving the imported file and under what name?

Looks like samples.csv:

f = open('samples.csv', 'w')
  How do change where output goes and what its called

  f = open('samples.csv', 'w')

 were else? Maybe read a beginners book on Python before you start on a
 path of Cargo Cult Coding?

 John Bokma                                                               j3b

 Blog:   Facebook:
     Freelance Perl  Python Development:

Cargo Cult Coding?

Not sure what it is but it sounds good.

Re: Crummy BS Script

2010-10-02 Thread flebber
On Oct 3, 4:15 pm, flebber wrote:
 On Oct 3, 9:58 am, John Bokma wrote:

  flebber writes:
   On Oct 2, 4:24 pm, Steven D'Aprano st...@remove-this- wrote:
   On Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:05:09 -0700, flebber wrote:
On Oct 2, 9:27 am, MRAB wrote:
On 01/10/2010 23:29, Burton Samograd wrote:  writes:

 But where is this saving the imported file and under what name?

 Looks like samples.csv:

 f = open('samples.csv', 'w')
   How do change where output goes and what its called

   f = open('samples.csv', 'w')

  were else? Maybe read a beginners book on Python before you start on a
  path of Cargo Cult Coding?

  John Bokma                                                               j3b

  Blog:  Facebook:
      Freelance Perl  Python Development:

 Cargo Cult Coding?

 Not sure what it is but it sounds good.

When I get an error from this when using Alan's site as a test this a
result of the script being unable to pass page elements isn't it?

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File C:\Sayth\Scripts\, line 38, in module
for ul in soup.html.body.findAll('ul'):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'findAll'
Script terminated.

Crummy BS Script

2010-10-01 Thread flebber
I have a simple question regarding the Beuatiful soup crummy script.
The last line is f.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s \n' % (i, t[0], t[1],
t[2], t[3])), But where is this saving the imported file and under
what name?

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Matt Mayes
# March 11, 2008

-- This requires the Beautiful Soup mod:
1. Identify all ul's that are preceded with 'font color=#3C378C
size=2' (which denotes a header here)
2. Pull that font text, and store as dictionary key
3. Extract all links and link text from the list, generate a link
title and type (pdf/html/404) store as tuples in
appropriate dict key (note that some list items contain more than 1
link, this handles it) If it's a 404, it will
not be added to the list.
4. Identify if it's linking to an HTML page or PDF
5. If it's a local pdf referenced by a root value (/file.pdf), it
strips the slash. Modify to suit your needs.
6. Generate a CSV file of results

import urllib2, re
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup

page = urllib2.urlopen(
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
fontStart = re.compile(r'font[a-zA-Z-,0-9= ]*?')
fontEnd = re.compile(r'/font')
titleSearch = re.compile(r'title=')
getTitle = re.compile(r'title(.*)/title',re.DOTALL|re.MULTILINE)
emailSearch = re.compile(r'mailto')

def removeNL(x):
cleans a string of new lines and spaces
s = x.split('\n')
s = [x.strip() for x in s]
x =  .join(s)
return x.lstrip()

ul_tags = {}

for ul in soup.html.body.findAll('ul'):
links = []
x = ul.findPrevious('font', color=#3C378C).renderContents()
if '\n' in x:
x = removeNL(x)
for li in ul.findAll('li'):
line = []
for a in li.findAll('a'):
c = removeNL(str(a.contents[0]))
c = fontStart.sub('', c)
c = fontEnd.sub('', c)
href = str(a.get('href'))
if href[-3:].lower() == 'pdf':
type = 'pdf'
title = PDF sample
title = 'email'
type = 'html'
f = urllib2.urlopen(href)
# reading in 2000 characters should to 
t =
if t :
title =
title = removeNL(title)
else : title = open link
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
title = 404
if title != 404:
line.append((c, href.lstrip('/'), type, title))
ul_tags[x] = links


f = open('samples.csv', 'w')

for i in ul_tags.iterkeys():
for x in ul_tags[i]:
for t in x:
f.write('%s, %s, %s, %s, %s \n' % (i, t[0], t[1], t[2], 


I got it from

Re: Crummy BS Script

2010-10-01 Thread flebber
On Oct 2, 9:27 am, MRAB wrote:
 On 01/10/2010 23:29, Burton Samograd wrote:  

  But where is this saving the imported file and under what name?

  Looks like samples.csv:

  f = open('samples.csv', 'w')

 It'll be in the current working directory, which is given by:


So how do I call the output to direct it to file? I can't see which
part to get.

Re: Errors with PyPdf

2010-09-27 Thread flebber
On Sep 27, 2:46 pm, Dave Angel wrote:
 On 2:59 PM, flebber wrote:

  Traceback (most recent call last):
     File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 16, inmodule
       open('x.txt', 'w').write(content)
  NameError: name 'content' is not defined
  When i use.

  import pyPdf

  def getPDFContent(path):
       content =C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.txt
       # Load PDF into pyPDF
       pdf =yPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
       # Iterate pages
       for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
           # Extract text from page and add to content
           content +=df.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
       # Collapse whitespace
       content = .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
       return content

  print getPDFContent(rC:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,
  open('x.txt', 'w').write(content)

 There's no global variable content, that was local to the function.  So
 it's lost when the function exits.  it does return the value, but you
 give it to print, and don't save it anywhere.

 data = getPDFContent(rC:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

 outfile = open('x.txt', 'w')


 I used a different name to emphasize that this is *not* the same
 variable as content inside the function.  In this case, it happens to
 have the same value.  And if you used the same name, you could be
 confused about which is which.


Thank You everyone.

Errors with PyPdf

2010-09-26 Thread flebber
I was trying to use Pypdf following a recipe from the Activestate
cookbooks. However I cannot get it too work. Unsure if it is me or it
is beacuse sets are deprecated.

I have placed a pdf in my C:\ drive. it is called Components-of-Dot-
NET.pdf You could use anything I was just testing with it.

I was using the last script on that page that was most recently
updated. I am using python 2.6.

import pyPdf

def getPDFContent(path):
content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
# Load PDF into pyPDF
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
# Iterate pages
for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
# Extract text from page and add to content
content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
# Collapse whitespace
content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
return content

print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

This is my error.

Warning (from warnings module):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Family\Application Data\Python
\Python26\site-packages\pyPdf\, line 52
from sets import ImmutableSet
DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 15, in module
print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,
  File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 6, in getPDFContent
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Components-of-Dot-


Re: Errors with PyPdf

2010-09-26 Thread flebber
On Sep 27, 9:38 am,
 On Sep 26, 7:10 pm, flebber wrote:

  I was trying to use Pypdf following a recipe from the Activestate
  cookbooks. However I cannot get it too work. Unsure if it is me or it
  is beacuse sets are deprecated.

  I have placed a pdf in my C:\ drive. it is called Components-of-Dot-
  NET.pdf You could use anything I was just testing with it.

  I was using the last script on that page that was most recently
  updated. I am using python 2.6.

  import pyPdf

  def getPDFContent(path):
      content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
      # Load PDF into pyPDF
      pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
      # Iterate pages
      for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
          # Extract text from page and add to content
          content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
      # Collapse whitespace
      content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
      return content

  print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

  This is my error.

  Warning (from warnings module):
    File C:\Documents and Settings\Family\Application Data\Python
  \Python26\site-packages\pyPdf\, line 52
      from sets import ImmutableSet
  DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 15, in module
      print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,
    File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 6, in getPDFContent
      pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))

 --- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Components-of-Dot- 

 Looks like a issue with finding the file.
 how do you pass the path?

okay thanks I thought that when I set content here

def getPDFContent(path):
content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf

that i was defining where it is.

but yeah I updated script to below and it works. That is the contents
are displayed to the interpreter. How do I output to a .txt file?

import pyPdf

def getPDFContent(path):
content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
# Load PDF into pyPDF
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
# Iterate pages
for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
# Extract text from page and add to content
content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
# Collapse whitespace
content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
return content

print getPDFContent(rC:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,


Re: Errors with PyPdf

2010-09-26 Thread flebber
On Sep 27, 10:39 am, flebber wrote:
 On Sep 27, 9:38 am,

  On Sep 26, 7:10 pm, flebber wrote:

   I was trying to use Pypdf following a recipe from the Activestate
   cookbooks. However I cannot get it too work. Unsure if it is me or it
   is beacuse sets are deprecated.

   I have placed a pdf in my C:\ drive. it is called Components-of-Dot-
   NET.pdf You could use anything I was just testing with it.

   I was using the last script on that page that was most recently
   updated. I am using python 2.6.

   import pyPdf

   def getPDFContent(path):
       content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
       # Load PDF into pyPDF
       pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
       # Iterate pages
       for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
           # Extract text from page and add to content
           content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
       # Collapse whitespace
       content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
       return content

   print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

   This is my error.

   Warning (from warnings module):
     File C:\Documents and Settings\Family\Application Data\Python
   \Python26\site-packages\pyPdf\, line 52
       from sets import ImmutableSet
   DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated

   Traceback (most recent call last):
     File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 15, in module
       print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,
     File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 6, in getPDFContent
       pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))

  --- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Components-of-Dot- 

  Looks like a issue with finding the file.
  how do you pass the path?

 okay thanks I thought that when I set content here

 def getPDFContent(path):
     content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf

 that i was defining where it is.

 but yeah I updated script to below and it works. That is the contents
 are displayed to the interpreter. How do I output to a .txt file?

 import pyPdf

 def getPDFContent(path):
     content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
     # Load PDF into pyPDF
     pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
     # Iterate pages
     for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
         # Extract text from page and add to content
         content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
     # Collapse whitespace
     content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
     return content

 print getPDFContent(rC:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

I have found far more advanced scripts searching around. But will have
to keep trying as I cannot get an output file or specify the path.

Edit very strangely whilst searching for examples I found my own post
just written here ranking number 5 on google within 2 hours. Bizzare.

Replicates our thread as thiers. I was searching ggole with pypdf
return to txt file

Re: Errors with PyPdf

2010-09-26 Thread flebber
On Sep 27, 12:08 pm, flebber wrote:
 On Sep 27, 10:39 am, flebber wrote:

  On Sep 27, 9:38 am,

   On Sep 26, 7:10 pm, flebber wrote:

I was trying to use Pypdf following a recipe from the Activestate
cookbooks. However I cannot get it too work. Unsure if it is me or it
is beacuse sets are deprecated.

I have placed a pdf in my C:\ drive. it is called Components-of-Dot-
NET.pdf You could use anything I was just testing with it.

I was using the last script on that page that was most recently
updated. I am using python 2.6.

import pyPdf

def getPDFContent(path):
    content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
    # Load PDF into pyPDF
    pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
    # Iterate pages
    for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
        # Extract text from page and add to content
        content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
    # Collapse whitespace
    content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
    return content

print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

This is my error.

Warning (from warnings module):
  File C:\Documents and Settings\Family\Application Data\Python
\Python26\site-packages\pyPdf\, line 52
    from sets import ImmutableSet
DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 15, in module
    print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,
  File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 6, in getPDFContent
    pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))

   --- IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Components-of-Dot- 

   Looks like a issue with finding the file.
   how do you pass the path?

  okay thanks I thought that when I set content here

  def getPDFContent(path):
      content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf

  that i was defining where it is.

  but yeah I updated script to below and it works. That is the contents
  are displayed to the interpreter. How do I output to a .txt file?

  import pyPdf

  def getPDFContent(path):
      content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
      # Load PDF into pyPDF
      pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
      # Iterate pages
      for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
          # Extract text from page and add to content
          content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
      # Collapse whitespace
      content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
      return content

  print getPDFContent(rC:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

 I have found far more advanced scripts searching around. But will have
 to keep trying as I cannot get an output file or specify the path.

 Edit very strangely whilst searching for examples I found my own post
 just written here ranking number 5 on google within 2 hours. Bizzare.

 Replicates our thread as thiers. I was searching ggole with pypdf
 return to txt file

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 16, in module
open('x.txt', 'w').write(content)
NameError: name 'content' is not defined

When i use.

import pyPdf

def getPDFContent(path):
content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.txt
# Load PDF into pyPDF
pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
# Iterate pages
for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
# Extract text from page and add to content
content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
# Collapse whitespace
content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
return content

print getPDFContent(rC:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,
open('x.txt', 'w').write(content)

Re: Errors with PyPdf

2010-09-26 Thread flebber
On Sep 27, 12:49 pm, MRAB wrote:
 On 27/09/2010 01:39, flebber wrote:

  On Sep 27, 9:38 am,
  On Sep 26, 7:10 pm,  wrote:

  I was trying to use Pypdf following a recipe from the Activestate
  cookbooks. However I cannot get it too work. Unsure if it is me or it
  is beacuse sets are deprecated.

  I have placed a pdf in my C:\ drive. it is called Components-of-Dot-
  NET.pdf You could use anything I was just testing with it.

  I was using the last script on that page that was most recently
  updated. I am using python 2.6.

  import pyPdf

  def getPDFContent(path):
       content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf
       # Load PDF into pyPDF
       pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))
       # Iterate pages
       for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
           # Extract text from page and add to content
           content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n
       # Collapse whitespace
       content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
       return content

  print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

  This is my error.

  Warning (from warnings module):
     File C:\Documents and Settings\Family\Application Data\Python
  \Python26\site-packages\pyPdf\, line 52
       from sets import ImmutableSet
  DeprecationWarning: the sets module is deprecated

  Traceback (most recent call last):
     File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 15, inmodule
       print getPDFContent(Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,
     File C:/Python26/Pdfread, line 6, in getPDFContent
       pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))

  ---  IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'Components-of-Dot-  

  Looks like a issue with finding the file.
  how do you pass the path?

  okay thanks I thought that when I set content here

  def getPDFContent(path):
       content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf

  that i was defining where it is.

  but yeah I updated script to below and it works. That is the contents
  are displayed to the interpreter. How do I output to a .txt file?

  import pyPdf

  def getPDFContent(path):
       content = C:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf

 That simply binds to a local name; 'content' is a local variable in the
 function 'getPDFContent'.

       # Load PDF into pyPDF
       pdf = pyPdf.PdfFileReader(file(path, rb))

 You're opening a file whose path is in 'path'.

       # Iterate pages
       for i in range(0, pdf.getNumPages()):
           # Extract text from page and add to content
           content += pdf.getPage(i).extractText() + \n

 That appends to 'content'.

       # Collapse whitespace

 'content' now contains the text of the PDF, starting with

       content =  .join(content.replace(u\xa0,  ).strip().split())
       return content

  print getPDFContent(rC:\Components-of-Dot-NET.pdf).encode(ascii,

 Outputting to a .txt file is simple: open the file for writing using
 'open', write the string to it, and then close it.

Thats what I was trying to do with

open('x.txt', 'w').write(content)

the rest of the script works it wont output the tect though

Python Macros's Not the Power in OOo they should be ?

2010-09-22 Thread flebber
I have recently been looking at openoffice because I saw it had
support to use python Macro's. I thought this would provide OOo with a
great advantage a fully powerful high level language as compared to
VBA in Excel.

I have found few docs on the subject.

Doesn't appear at the moment Python doesn't have the power in OOo it
should. Has anyone had much success with python macro's. Or developing
powerful macro's in an language?


Re: Python Macros's Not the Power in OOo they should be ?

2010-09-22 Thread flebber
On Sep 23, 10:41 am, flebber wrote:
 I have recently been looking at openoffice because I saw it had
 support to use python Macro's. I thought this would provide OOo with a
 great advantage a fully powerful high level language as compared to
 VBA in Excel.

 I have found few docs on the 

 Doesn't appear at the moment Python doesn't have the power in OOo it
 should. Has anyone had much success with python macro's. Or developing
 powerful macro's in an language?

I sort of expected they might have had jpython or javascript version
of the excel VBA editor.

Re: Python XML and tables using math

2010-08-16 Thread flebber
On Aug 16, 4:00 pm, Stefan Behnel wrote:
 flebber, 16.08.2010 05:30:

  I am looking at a project that will import and modify an XML file and
  then export it to a table. Currently a flat file table system should
  be fine.

  I want to export the modified data to the table and then perform a
  handful of maths(largely simple statistical functions) to the data and
  then print out the resultant modified tables.

  I was planning on using Python 2.7 for the project.

  Has anyone used a guide to acheive something similar? I would like to
  read up on it so I can assess my options and best methods, any hints
  or tips?

 That can usually be done in a couple of lines in Python. The approach I
 keep recommending is to use cElementTree (in the stdlib), potentially its
 iterparse() function if the file is too large to easily fit into memory,
 but the code won't change much either way.

 You might want to skip through this list a bit, similar questions have been
 coming up every couple of weeks. The responses often include mostly
 complete implementations that you can borrow from.


okay I found so I will have a
read through there.

I have been creating an every expanding macro/VBA project in Excel and
due to slightly changin source document - the header order changes -
it causes the project to crash out.

I was hoping python and XML may be a bit more robust.

Python XML and tables using math

2010-08-15 Thread flebber
I am looking at a project that will import and modify an XML file and
then export it to a table. Currently a flat file table system should
be fine.

I want to export the modified data to the table and then perform a
handful of maths(largely simple statistical functions) to the data and
then print out the resultant modified tables.

I was planning on using Python 2.7 for the project.

Has anyone used a guide to acheive something similar? I would like to
read up on it so I can assess my options and best methods, any hints
or tips?

Re: Hello

2010-07-10 Thread flebber
On Jul 10, 8:49 pm, Dani Valverde wrote:
 geremy condra wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Dani Valverde 

  Sorry, I forgot to mention that I am using Linux. In fact, my first test
  have been with gedit. Is there any way to directly run the Python code into
  the console?

  Gedit has a plugin that brings up a python intepreter.
  Edit-Preferences-Plugins-python console I think.

  Geremy Condra

 I have this plugin enabled, but I don't know how to send the code to the


 Daniel Valverde Saubí
 c/Joan Maragall 37 4 2
 17002 Girona
 Telèfon mòbil: +34651987662

 Si no és del tot necessari, no imprimeixis aquest missatge. Si ho fas 
 utilitza paper 100% reciclat i blanquejat sense clor. D'aquesta manera 
 ajudaràs a estalviar aigua, energia i recursos forestals.  GRÀCIES!

 Do not print this message unless it is absolutely necessary. If you must 
 print it, please use 100% recycled paper whitened without chlorine. By doing 
 so, you will save water, energy and forest resources. THANK YOU!


A few good options.

Editor: Notepad++
IDE: Pyscripter - Clean clear design easy to use.



Re: Frameworks

2009-10-19 Thread flebber
On Oct 19, 7:40 pm, Javier Santana wrote:

 it's very easy, uses sqlalchemy as ORM and jinja2 (others can be used
 if you want) for templates.

 On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Bruno Desthuilliers

 bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:
  flebber a écrit :


  I have been searching through the vast array of python frameworks its quite astounding the
  choice available.

  I am looking at using a web framework for my personal project which
  isn't actually aimed at developing a website as such. However I deduce
  that rather than creating a gui application and screen input for data,
  I can use a web browser for this and have a great array of tools to
  format input screens and output display formats.

  Yeps - but remember that a web app will have a couple limitations /
  drawbacks, specially wrt/ handling complex UI.

  Since I will be retreiving information from several websites (usually
  csv files) formatting them and submitting them to a database and
  creating queries and printouts based on them most frameworks seem to
  handle this basically with ease and for any complex queries most
  support SqlAlchemy.

  Is it simply a case of just picking one and starting and I would find
  it hard to be dissapointed or is there a few special considerations to
  make, though I am unsure what they are?

  Given your specs, forget about monstruosities like Zope, Twisted etc, that
  will mostly get in the way. You have simple needs, use a simple tool !-)

  Most obvious ones I am considering are Django (Of course),

  A pretty good framework, but you'll loose some of it's nice features if you
  ever want to use an alternate DB layer or templating system. OTHO, most
  other more flexible frameworks just don't offer this level of integration,
  so it's may not be such a big deal.

  Note that Django's ORM, while already pretty good and constently improving,
  is not as powerful as SLQAlchemy (now nothing prevents you from going down
  to raw SQL for the more complex queries - and this might be better anyway,
  since complex queries usually requires to be very fine tuned and tend to not
  be really portable). The Forms API OTHO is a real winner IMHO.

  includes SqlAlchemy, Sql Object and templating and I here turbogears
  plans to sit on top of this platform.

  I admit I fail to see what TG brings except for more indirection levels.

  Zope I am considering but I am a
  little confused by this.

  Friendly advice (based on years of working experience): don't waste your
  time with Zope.

  The are heaps of others but not sure how to
  narrow the selection criteria.

  How/Why woul you split Django and Pylons let alone the others?

  Django : very strong integration, excellent documentation and support, huge
  community, really easy to get started with. And possibly a bit more mature
  and stable...

  Pylons : more loosely coupled (imply: less integration), based on standard
  components - which is both a blessing and a curse, specially wrt/
  documentation -, requires a good knowledge of Python and the HTTP protocol
  to get started with. Very powerful and flexible but this comes with a

  Now both are written by talented programmers, and both are pretty good
  tools. I guess it's more a matter of personal preferences and/or external
  constraints (PHB etc...) than anything else.

  A couple other lightweight candidates you migh want to consider are
  werkzeug and

  Database likely to be MySQl

  Mmmm If your application is write-heavy, PostgreSQL might be a better
  choice. Anyway, both Django's ORM and SQLAlchemy work fine with MySQL

After further reading Django does indeed cover a lot of bases. When
looking at jinja2 and werkzueg, first thing I noticed is that they are
by the same group called pocoo. Second it shows that I must be
misunderstanding something, can I really use jinja2 and sqlAlchemy by
itself? The werkzeug documentation shows a screencast
of making a wiki and uses werkzueg, jinja2 and sqlAlchemy, why
werkzueg and jinja2 in combination?

And pylons advises use of SqlAlchemy and Mako or choices of Genshi and
Jinja2, so what is pylons adding? Might have to do a bit more reading
and watch a few more screencasts :-)

Re: Frameworks

2009-10-19 Thread flebber
On Oct 19, 10:51 pm, flebber wrote:
 On Oct 19, 7:40 pm, Javier Santana wrote:


  it's very easy, uses sqlalchemy as ORM and jinja2 (others can be used
  if you want) for templates.

  On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 10:24 AM, Bruno Desthuilliers

  bruno.42.desthuilli...@websiteburo.invalid wrote:
   flebber a écrit :


   I have been searching through the vast array of python frameworks quite astounding the
   choice available.

   I am looking at using a web framework for my personal project which
   isn't actually aimed at developing a website as such. However I deduce
   that rather than creating a gui application and screen input for data,
   I can use a web browser for this and have a great array of tools to
   format input screens and output display formats.

   Yeps - but remember that a web app will have a couple limitations /
   drawbacks, specially wrt/ handling complex UI.

   Since I will be retreiving information from several websites (usually
   csv files) formatting them and submitting them to a database and
   creating queries and printouts based on them most frameworks seem to
   handle this basically with ease and for any complex queries most
   support SqlAlchemy.

   Is it simply a case of just picking one and starting and I would find
   it hard to be dissapointed or is there a few special considerations to
   make, though I am unsure what they are?

   Given your specs, forget about monstruosities like Zope, Twisted etc, 
   will mostly get in the way. You have simple needs, use a simple tool !-)

   Most obvious ones I am considering are Django (Of course),

   A pretty good framework, but you'll loose some of it's nice features if 
   ever want to use an alternate DB layer or templating system. OTHO, most
   other more flexible frameworks just don't offer this level of 
   so it's may not be such a big deal.

   Note that Django's ORM, while already pretty good and constently 
   is not as powerful as SLQAlchemy (now nothing prevents you from going down
   to raw SQL for the more complex queries - and this might be better anyway,
   since complex queries usually requires to be very fine tuned and tend to 
   be really portable). The Forms API OTHO is a real winner IMHO.

   includes SqlAlchemy, Sql Object and templating and I here turbogears
   plans to sit on top of this platform.

   I admit I fail to see what TG brings except for more indirection levels.

   Zope I am considering but I am a
   little confused by this.

   Friendly advice (based on years of working experience): don't waste your
   time with Zope.

   The are heaps of others but not sure how to
   narrow the selection criteria.

   How/Why woul you split Django and Pylons let alone the others?

   Django : very strong integration, excellent documentation and support, 
   community, really easy to get started with. And possibly a bit more mature
   and stable...

   Pylons : more loosely coupled (imply: less integration), based on 
   components - which is both a blessing and a curse, specially wrt/
   documentation -, requires a good knowledge of Python and the HTTP protocol
   to get started with. Very powerful and flexible but this comes with a

   Now both are written by talented programmers, and both are pretty good
   tools. I guess it's more a matter of personal preferences and/or external
   constraints (PHB etc...) than anything else.

   A couple other lightweight candidates you migh want to consider are
   werkzeug and

   Database likely to be MySQl

   Mmmm If your application is write-heavy, PostgreSQL might be a 
   choice. Anyway, both Django's ORM and SQLAlchemy work fine with MySQL

 After further reading Django does indeed cover a lot of bases. When
 looking at jinja2 and werkzueg, first thing I noticed is that they are
 by the same group called pocoo. Second it shows that I must be
 misunderstanding something, can I really use jinja2 and sqlAlchemy by
 itself? The werkzeug documentation shows a 
 of making a wiki and uses werkzueg, jinja2 and sqlAlchemy, why
 werkzueg and jinja2 in combination?

 And pylons advises use of SqlAlchemy and Mako or choices of Genshi and
 Jinja2, so what is pylons adding? Might have to do a bit more reading
 and watch a few more screencasts :-)

web2py is interesting the author appears to be implying(I could be
misunderstanding this) that the web2py db ORM is equal to if not
superior to SQLAlchemy - From

Re: Frameworks

2009-10-19 Thread flebber
On Oct 20, 12:32 am, Diez B. Roggisch wrote:
  web2py is interesting the author appears to be implying(I could be
  misunderstanding this) that the web2py db ORM is equal to if not
  superior to SQLAlchemy - From

 I don't read that out of the post, and it almost certainly is wrong, at
 least on a general level. There isn't much above SQLAlchemy regarding
 flexibility  power, so while simple cases might be simpler with other
 ORMs, they often make more complicated ones impossible.

 But again, I don't think that's the claim there.


That sounds fair.

Bruno posted earlier

 Django : very strong integration, excellent documentation and support,
huge community, really easy to get started with. And possibly a bit more
mature and stable...

Pylons : more loosely coupled (imply: less integration), based on
standard components - which is both a blessing and a curse, specially
wrt/ documentation -, requires a good knowledge of Python and the HTTP
protocol to get started with. Very powerful and flexible but this comes
with a price...

Now both are written by talented programmers, and both are pretty good
tools. I guess it's more a matter of personal preferences and/or
external constraints (PHB etc...) than anything else.

A couple other lightweight candidates you migh want to consider are
werkzeug and

In short it seems to me that Django and Web2py include more magic in
assisting oneself to create you web/application, whilst Pylons and
Werkzueg leave more control in the users hands hopefully leading to
greater expression and power.

Pylons recommends SQLALchemy and Mako (offers Genshi and Jinja2) and
Werkzueg SQLAlchemy and Jinja2. As I don't have the experience to tell
the pro's cons of these two apart, would choosing Pylons based on
Documentation be a fair call?


Re: Frameworks

2009-10-19 Thread flebber
On Oct 20, 3:31 am, Massimo Di Pierro wrote:

 Just to clarify. I did not make any statement about web2py is  
 superior to SQLAlchemy since that is somewhat subjective.
 SQLALchemy for example does a much better job at accessing legacy  
 databases. web2py is more limited in that respect and we are working  
 on removing those limitations.

 I do believe web2py is easier to use than SQLAlchemy, is faster (but  
 yet I do not know SQLAchemy to optimize it properly) and has many  
 features in common with sqlaclhemy including connection pools, joins,  
 left joins, aggregates, nested selects (I do not know SQLAlchemy well  
 enough to know about advanced features that web2py may be missing).  
 The web2py DAL works on Google App Engine while none of the other ORMs  


So does web2py allow for raw sql if there is an advanced procedure or
query that needs to be performed that is outside the scope of the
web2pr orm

Re: Frameworks

2009-10-18 Thread flebber
On Oct 19, 10:01 am, flebber wrote:

 I have been searching through the vast array of python 
 frameworks its quite astounding 
 choice available.

 I am looking at using a web framework for my personal project which
 isn't actually aimed at developing a website as such. However I deduce
 that rather than creating a gui application and screen input for data,
 I can use a web browser for this and have a great array of tools to
 format input screens and output display formats.

 Since I will be retreiving information from several websites (usually
 csv files) formatting them and submitting them to a database and
 creating queries and printouts based on them most frameworks seem to
 handle this basically with ease and for any complex queries most
 support SqlAlchemy.

 Is it simply a case of just picking one and starting and I would find
 it hard to be dissapointed or is there a few special considerations to
 make, though I am unsure what they are?

 Most obvious ones I am considering are Django (Of course), Pylons
 includes SqlAlchemy, Sql Object and templating and I here turbogears
 plans to sit on top of this platform. Zope I am considering but I am a
 little confused by this. The are heaps of others but not sure how to
 narrow the selection criteria.

 How/Why woul you split Django and Pylons let alone the others?

 Database likely to be MySQl

I guess what makes it so interesting is that there appear to be so man
high quality options. Its astounding.

Re: Delete all list entries of length unknown

2009-10-05 Thread flebber
On Oct 5, 3:05 pm, Mark Tolonen wrote:
 Chris Rebert wrote in message

  Tuples are immutable (i.e. they cannot be modified after creation) and
  are created using parentheses.

 Slight correction: tuples are created using commas.  Parentheses are only
 needed to disambiguate from other uses of comma:

 Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:40:02) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]
 on win32
 Type help, copyright, credits or license for more information. a=1,

 (1, 2, 3)


Awesome that has cleared it up for me, plus a bit more thanks.

Delete all list entries of length unknown

2009-10-04 Thread flebber

Can someone clear up how I can remove all entries of a list when I am
unsure how many entries there will be. I have been using sandbox to
play essentially I am creating two lists a and b I then want to add a
to b and remove all b entries. This will loop and b will receive new
entries add it to a and delete again.

I am going wrong with slice and list deletion, I assign x = len(b) and
then attempting to delete based on this. Here is my sandbox session.
What part am I getting wrong?

a = (1, 2, 3, 4)
b = (5, 6, 7, 8)
(1, 2, 3, 4)
(5, 6, 7, 8)
a + b
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
(5, 6, 7, 8)
x = len(b)
del b[0:x]
Traceback (most recent call last):
Error:   File Shell, line 1, in module
Error: TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item deletion
b[0:x] = d
Traceback (most recent call last):
Error:   File Shell, line 1, in module
Error: NameError: name 'd' is not defined

Re: ActivePython vs Python 3.1.1 for OSX?

2009-10-01 Thread flebber
On Oct 1, 11:28 am, srid wrote:
 On Sep 30, 4:51 pm, Robert Hicks wrote:

  I am just curious which I should use. I am going to start learning
  Python soon. Are they comparable and I just do a eenie meenie minie

 ActivePython is essentially same as the installers from -
 but it also comes with additional documentation and tutorials, such

 Python FAQs
 A snapshot of the Python Enhancement Proposals (PEPs) (For the most
 recent version, refer to the PEPs on .)
 Dive Into Python (A tutorial for programmers)
 Non-Programmers Tutorial For Python

 Also note that 2.6.x is probably the best bet if you are going to use
 some 3rd party libraries (after you learn the basics of Python) ..
 because 3.x does not have many of those libraries ported yet.

 Further, early next week - a new release of ActivePython-2.6 will be
 made available that will include, for the first time, a new Python
 package manager (PyPM) from ActiveState that makes it easier to
 install packages from having to compile them
 yourself). This is similar to PPM from ActivePerl.


Thats awesome news.

Date using input

2009-09-24 Thread flebber
Sorry to ask a simple question but I am a little confused how to
combine the input function and the date time module.

Simply at the start of the program I want to prompt the user to enter
the date, desirably in the format dd/mm/year.
However I want to make sure that python understands the time format
because first the date will form part of the name of the output file
so dd/mm/year as 1st September 2009, secondly if I have multiple
output files saved in a directory I may need to search later on the
files and contents of files by date range. So can I timestamp the

I know this is a simple question but it eludes me exactly how to do

I have the basics from

from datetime import date
date = input(type date dd/mm/year: )

# some program blocks

#print to file(name = date) or apphend if it exists


Re: Re: Date using input

2009-09-24 Thread flebber . crue
I am using python 2.6.2, I haven't updated to 3.0 yet. No I have no class  
or instructor, I am learning this myself. I have Hetlands book Beginning  
Python Novice to Professional and online documentation books so Dive into  
Python, etc.

Using the SPE editor.

I have currently only fully written basic psuedocode to give me a basic  
framework to guide myself.

#Basic pseudocode
#Purpose to get raw input and calculate a score for a field of options and  
return that

#score in a set in descending order.
#Multiple sets sould be written to the doc

#Obtain date
#Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results to file.
#Obtain location
#Set Dictionary
#Event number
#Obtain set size
#Prompt first entry
#First Entry Number
#First Entry Name
#Set Blocks to obtain and calculate data
#Block 1 example - Placings Block
#Obtain number of events competed in
#Obtain how many times finished first
#Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
#Number of Firsts divide by Events * total by 15.
#Obtain Second finishes
#Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
#Number of Seconds divide by Events * total by 10.
#Continue On with this
#Block 2 - Lookup coach Dict and apply value.
#Obtain Surname of Coach
#Lookup Coach File and Match Name and get value.
#Blocks continue gaining and calculating values.
#create txt file named using date
#Sum Values Block1 + Block2 etc
#Print to file event number and field with name number individual Block  
totals and Sum Total

#Arranged in descending Sum Total.
#Prompt are there any more events? Yes return to start
#Apphend all additional events to same day file seperated by blank line.

On Sep 24, 2009 9:59pm, Dave Angel wrote:

flebber wrote:

Sorry to ask a simple question but I am a little confused how to

combine the input function and the date time module.

Simply at the start of the program I want to prompt the user to enter

the date, desirably in the format dd/mm/year.

However I want to make sure that python understands the time format

because first the date will form part of the name of the output file

so dd/mm/year as 1st September 2009, secondly if I have multiple

output files saved in a directory I may need to search later on the

files and contents of files by date range. So can I timestamp the


I know this is a simple question but it eludes me exactly how to do


I have the basics from

from datetime import date

date = input(type date dd/mm/year: )


# some program blocks

#print to file(name = date) or apphend if it exists

What version of python is your class, instructor, and text book using? If  
you want to learn fastest, you probably need to be using the same, or  
nearly same environment. The input() function is one place where it  
matters whether it's Python 2.x or Python 3.x. While you're at it, you  
should give the rest of your environment, such as which OS.

The doc page you pointed us to is for Python 2.6.2, but the input  
function on that version returns an integer. Perhaps you want  
raw_input() ?

What code have you written, and what about it doesn't work? Have you  
added print statements before the line that causes the error to see what  
the intermediate values are?

To try to anticipate some of your problems, you should realize that in  
most file systems, the slash is a reserved character, so you can't write  
the date that way. I'd suggest using dashes. I put dates in directory  
names, and I always put year, then month, then day, because then sorting  
the filenames also sorts the dates. I'm not in a country that sorts dates  
that way, but it does make things easier. So directories for the last few  
days would be:




When asking the user for a date, or telling him a date, by all means use  
your country's preferred format, as you say.

You mention timestamping the file. While that can be done (Unix touch,  
for example), I consider it a last resort for keeping track of useful  
information. At best, it should be an extra reminder of something  
that's already in the file contents. And since many programs make the  
assumption that if the timestamp doesn't change, the contents haven't  
changed, you can only reasonably do this on a file whose contents are  
fixed when first created.

If you control the internal format of the file, put the date there,  
perhaps right after the header which defines the data type and version.


Re: Date using input

2009-09-24 Thread flebber
On Sep 24, 10:58 pm, Dave Angel wrote: wrote:
  I am using python 2.6.2, I haven't updated to 3.0 yet. No I have no
  class or instructor, I am learning this myself. I have Hetlands book
  Beginning Python Novice to Professional and online documentation
  books so Dive into Python, etc.

  Using the SPE editor.

  I have currently only fully written basic psuedocode to give me a
  basic framework to guide myself.

  #Basic pseudocode
  #Purpose to get raw input and calculate a score for a field of options
  and return that
  #score in a set in descending order.
  #Multiple sets sould be written to the doc

  #Obtain date
  #Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results to
  #Obtain location
  #Set Dictionary
  #Event number
  #Obtain set size
  #Prompt first entry
  #First Entry Number
  #First Entry Name
  #Set Blocks to obtain and calculate data
  #Block 1 example - Placings Block
  #Obtain number of events competed in
  #Obtain how many times finished first
  #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
  #Number of Firsts divide by Events * total by 15.
  #Obtain Second finishes
  #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
  #Number of Seconds divide by Events * total by 10.
  #Continue On with this
  #Block 2 - Lookup coach Dict and apply value.
  #Obtain Surname of Coach
  #Lookup Coach File and Match Name and get value.
  #Blocks continue gaining and calculating values.
  #create txt file named using date
  #Sum Values Block1 + Block2 etc
  #Print to file event number and field with name number individual
  Block totals and Sum Total
  #Arranged in descending Sum Total.
  #Prompt are there any more events? Yes return to start
  #Apphend all additional events to same day file seperated by blank line.

 How many of these steps have you attempted actually coding?  Seems to me
 your first two steps are just string manipulation, and you only need to
 use the datetime module if you need to validate.  In other words, if the
 user specifies the date as 31/09/2009, you might want to later bounce
 back to him with a complaint that September only has 30 days.

 So the first task is to accept input in the form   ab/cd/efgh   and
 produce a string  efgh-cd-ab.log   which you will then create as a text
 file.  And if the file exists, you'll append to it instead of
 overwriting it.   Can you do that much?


Trying but haven't got it working, thats why I started to try and use
datetime module.

Re: Date using input

2009-09-24 Thread flebber
On Sep 24, 11:10 pm, flebber wrote:
 On Sep 24, 10:58 pm, Dave Angel wrote: wrote:
   I am using python 2.6.2, I haven't updated to 3.0 yet. No I have no
   class or instructor, I am learning this myself. I have Hetlands book
   Beginning Python Novice to Professional and online documentation
   books so Dive into Python, etc.

   Using the SPE editor.

   I have currently only fully written basic psuedocode to give me a
   basic framework to guide myself.

   #Basic pseudocode
   #Purpose to get raw input and calculate a score for a field of options
   and return that
   #score in a set in descending order.
   #Multiple sets sould be written to the doc

   #Obtain date
   #Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results to
   #Obtain location
   #Set Dictionary
   #Event number
   #Obtain set size
   #Prompt first entry
   #First Entry Number
   #First Entry Name
   #Set Blocks to obtain and calculate data
   #Block 1 example - Placings Block
   #Obtain number of events competed in
   #Obtain how many times finished first
   #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
   #Number of Firsts divide by Events * total by 15.
   #Obtain Second finishes
   #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events
   #Number of Seconds divide by Events * total by 10.
   #Continue On with this
   #Block 2 - Lookup coach Dict and apply value.
   #Obtain Surname of Coach
   #Lookup Coach File and Match Name and get value.
   #Blocks continue gaining and calculating values.
   #create txt file named using date
   #Sum Values Block1 + Block2 etc
   #Print to file event number and field with name number individual
   Block totals and Sum Total
   #Arranged in descending Sum Total.
   #Prompt are there any more events? Yes return to start
   #Apphend all additional events to same day file seperated by blank line.

  How many of these steps have you attempted actually coding?  Seems to me
  your first two steps are just string manipulation, and you only need to
  use the datetime module if you need to validate.  In other words, if the
  user specifies the date as 31/09/2009, you might want to later bounce
  back to him with a complaint that September only has 30 days.

  So the first task is to accept input in the form   ab/cd/efgh   and
  produce a string  efgh-cd-ab.log   which you will then create as a text
  file.  And if the file exists, you'll append to it instead of
  overwriting it.   Can you do that much?


 Trying but haven't got it working, thats why I started to try and use
 datetime module.

Surely getting it tottally mixed up

from datetime import date
def ObtainDate(params):
  date = raw_input(Type Date dd/mm/year: %2.0r%2.0r/%2.0r%2.0r/%4.0r
 print date.datetime(year-month-day)
 #Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results
to file.


def ObtainDate(params):
date = raw_input(Type Date dd/mm/year: )
date.format = (%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s-%2.0s%2.0s-%2.0s)
print date.format


Re: Re: Date using input

2009-09-24 Thread flebber . crue
Okay, thanks for the advice that sounds a good place to start. I used %2.os  
was an attempt to define width and precision to stop typo errors eg the  
user accidentally inputing 101/09/2009 or similar error. So that the  
__/__/ was adhered to.

I will go back to the start get the basics happening and then figure out a  
way to catch errors with format and correctness.


On Sep 25, 2009 3:57am, Dave Angel wrote:

flebber wrote:

On Sep 24, 11:10 pm, flebber wrote:

On Sep 24, 10:58 pm, Dave Angel wrote:


I am using python 2.6.2, I haven't updated to 3.0 yet. No I have no

class or instructor, I am learning this myself. I have Hetlands book

Beginning Python Novice to Professional and online documentation

books so Dive into Python, etc.

Using the SPE editor.

I have currently only fully written basic psuedocode to give me a

basic framework to guide myself.

#Basic pseudocode

#Purpose to get raw input and calculate a score for a field of options

and return that

#score in a set in descending order.

#Multiple sets sould be written to the doc

#Obtain date

#Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results to


#Obtain location

#Set Dictionary

#Event number

#Obtain set size

#Prompt first entry

#First Entry Number

#First Entry Name

#Set Blocks to obtain and calculate data

#Block 1 example - Placings Block

#Obtain number of events competed in

#Obtain how many times finished first

#Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events

#Number of Firsts divide by Events * total by 15.

#Obtain Second finishes

#Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events

#Number of Seconds divide by Events * total by 10.

#Continue On with this

#Block 2 - Lookup coach Dict and apply value.

#Obtain Surname of Coach

#Lookup Coach File and Match Name and get value.

#Blocks continue gaining and calculating values.

#create txt file named using date

#Sum Values Block1 + Block2 etc

#Print to file event number and field with name number individual

Block totals and Sum Total

#Arranged in descending Sum Total.

#Prompt are there any more events? Yes return to start

#Apphend all additional events to same day file seperated by blank line.

How many of these steps have you attempted actually coding? Seems to me

your first two steps are just string manipulation, and you only need to

use the datetime module if you need to validate. In other words, if the

user specifies the date as 31/09/2009, you might want to later bounce

back to him with a complaint that September only has 30 days.

So the first task is to accept input in the form ab/cd/efgh and

produce a string efgh-cd-ab.log which you will then create as a text

file. And if the file exists, you'll append to it instead of

overwriting it. Can you do that much?


Trying but haven't got it working, thats why I started to try and use

datetime module.

Surely getting it tottally mixed up

from datetime import date

def ObtainDate(params):

date =aw_input(Type Date dd/mm/year: %2.0r%2.0r/%2.0r%2.0r/%4.0r


print date.datetime(year-month-day)

#Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results

to file.



def ObtainDate(params):

date =aw_input(Type Date dd/mm/year: )

date.format =%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s-%2.0s%2.0s-%2.0s)

print date.format

As Tim says, first thing you want to do is rename that variable. You've  
defined two symbols with the same name.

Then I'd ask what that %2.0r stuff is inside the prompt to the user.

Do you understand what kind of data is returned by raw_input() ? If so,  
look at the available methods of that type, and see if there's one called  
split() that you can use to separate out the multiple parts of the user's  
response. You want to separate the dd from the mm and from the year.

Once you've split the text, then you want to recombine it in a different  
order, and with dashes between the parts. If I were at your stage of  
experience, I'd not bother with the datetime module at all. Just see if  
you can rebuild the string you need, assuming the user has entered a  
valid 10-character string.

Later you can go back and figure out the datetime logic.



Re: Re: Re: Date using input

2009-09-24 Thread flebber . crue
I don't think I am using re.compile properly, but thought as this would  
make my output an object it would be better for later, is that correct?

#Obtain date
def ObtainDate(date):
date = raw_input(Type Date dd/mm/year: )
re.split('[/]+', date)
year = date[-1]
month = date[1]
day = date[0]

On Sep 25, 2009 8:32am, wrote:
Okay, thanks for the advice that sounds a good place to start. I  
used %2.os was an attempt to define width and precision to stop typo  
errors eg the user accidentally inputing 101/09/2009 or similar error. So  
that the __/__/ was adhered to.

I will go back to the start get the basics happening and then figure out  
a way to catch errors with format and correctness.


On Sep 25, 2009 3:57am, Dave Angel wrote:
 flebber wrote:

 On Sep 24, 11:10 pm, flebber wrote:

 On Sep 24, 10:58 pm, Dave Angel wrote:


 I am using python 2.6.2, I haven't updated to 3.0 yet. No I have no

 class or instructor, I am learning this myself. I have Hetlands book

 Beginning Python Novice to Professional and online documentation

 books so Dive into Python, etc.

 Using the SPE editor.

 I have currently only fully written basic psuedocode to give me a

 basic framework to guide myself.

 #Basic pseudocode

 #Purpose to get raw input and calculate a score for a field of options

 and return that

 #score in a set in descending order.

 #Multiple sets sould be written to the doc

 #Obtain date

 #Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results to


 #Obtain location

 #Set Dictionary

 #Event number

 #Obtain set size

 #Prompt first entry

 #First Entry Number

 #First Entry Name

 #Set Blocks to obtain and calculate data

 #Block 1 example - Placings Block

 #Obtain number of events competed in

 #Obtain how many times finished first

 #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events

 #Number of Firsts divide by Events * total by 15.

 #Obtain Second finishes

 #Ensure this value is not greater than Number of Events

 #Number of Seconds divide by Events * total by 10.

 #Continue On with this

 #Block 2 - Lookup coach Dict and apply value.

 #Obtain Surname of Coach

 #Lookup Coach File and Match Name and get value.

 #Blocks continue gaining and calculating values.

 #create txt file named using date

 #Sum Values Block1 + Block2 etc

 #Print to file event number and field with name number individual

 Block totals and Sum Total

 #Arranged in descending Sum Total.

 #Prompt are there any more events? Yes return to start

 #Apphend all additional events to same day file seperated by blank line.

 How many of these steps have you attempted actually coding? Seems to me

 your first two steps are just string manipulation, and you only need to

 use the datetime module if you need to validate. In other words, if the

 user specifies the date as 31/09/2009, you might want to later bounce

 back to him with a complaint that September only has 30 days.

 So the first task is to accept input in the form ab/cd/efgh and

 produce a string efgh-cd-ab.log which you will then create as a text

 file. And if the file exists, you'll append to it instead of

 overwriting it. Can you do that much?


 Trying but haven't got it working, thats why I started to try and use

 datetime module.

 Surely getting it tottally mixed up

 from datetime import date

 def ObtainDate(params):

 date =aw_input(Type Date dd/mm/year: %2.0r%2.0r/%2.0r%2.0r/%4.0r


 print date.datetime(year-month-day)

 #Check if txt file with same date exists. If yes apphend to results

 to file.



 def ObtainDate(params):

 date =aw_input(Type Date dd/mm/year: )

 date.format =%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s%4.0s-%2.0s%2.0s-%2.0s)

 print date.format

 As Tim says, first thing you want to do is rename that variable. You've  
defined two symbols with the same name.

 Then I'd ask what that %2.0r stuff is inside the prompt to the user.

 Do you understand what kind of data is returned by raw_input() ? If so,  
look at the available methods of that type, and see if there's one called  
split() that you can use to separate out the multiple parts of the user's  
response. You want to separate the dd from the mm and from the year.

 Once you've split the text, then you want to recombine it in a  
different order, and with dashes between the parts. If I were at your  
stage of experience, I'd not bother with the datetime module at all. Just  
see if you can rebuild the string you need, assuming the user has entered  
a valid 10-character string.

 Later you can go back and figure out the datetime logic.



Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread flebber

I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
and in which order they should be done.

As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
number grouping but cannot find info.

Then if I wanted to refine this results further eg no consecutive
numbers to be contained in sets. Is it best to create all sets and
then filter the sets for things matching this criteria or to set this
condition in a creation. Creating sets and then filtering would soon
become unwieldy with a larger range I would imagine..

An ideas, pointers to docs or better search terms to help me explore
this further would be appreciated.

Thanks Sayth

Re: Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread flebber
On Mar 10, 8:54 pm, flebber wrote:

 I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
 some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
 and in which order they should be done.

 As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
 But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
 numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
 this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
 number grouping but cannot find info.

 Then if I wanted to refine this results further eg no consecutive
 numbers to be contained in sets. Is it best to create all sets and
 then filter the sets for things matching this criteria or to set this
 condition in a creation. Creating sets and then filtering would soon
 become unwieldy with a larger range I would imagine..

 An ideas, pointers to docs or better search terms to help me explore
 this further would be appreciated.

 Thanks Sayth

I have just found itertools is this acheivable using combinations()
and groupby() in itertools?


Re: Number Sequencing, Grouping and Filtering

2009-03-10 Thread flebber
On Mar 10, 9:07 pm, Chris Rebert wrote:
 On Tue, Mar 10, 2009 at 3:00 AM, flebber wrote:
  On Mar 10, 8:54 pm, flebber wrote:

  I was hoping someone would be able to point me in the direction of
  some good documentation regarding sequencing, grouping and filtering
  and in which order they should be done.

  As a small example it is easy to create the range of numbers 1 to 20.
  But if I wanted to group all possible combinations of sets of 4
  numbers within this range is there already an in uilt function for
  this I am searching the module docs with number sequencing and
  number grouping but cannot find info.

  Then if I wanted to refine this results further eg no consecutive
  numbers to be contained in sets. Is it best to create all sets and
  then filter the sets for things matching this criteria or to set this
  condition in a creation. Creating sets and then filtering would soon
  become unwieldy with a larger range I would imagine..

  An ideas, pointers to docs or better search terms to help me explore
  this further would be appreciated.

  Thanks Sayth

  I have just found itertools is this acheivable using combinations()
  and groupby() in itertools?

 Yes; indeed, those were the functions your post brought to mind and
 which led me to suggest itertools.


 I have a blog:

the only issue i can see is that i am using python 2.54 currently as
ifelt it more supported by other programs than 2.6 or 3.0. After
searching it seems that itertools has had a upgrade in 2.61

Re: read xml file from compressed file using gzip

2007-06-10 Thread flebber
On Jun 10, 7:43 pm, John Machin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 10/06/2007 3:06 PM, flebber wrote:

  On Jun 10, 3:45 am, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  flebber wrote:
  I was working at creating a simple program that would read the content
  of a playlist file( in this case *.k3b) and write it out . the
  compressed *.k3b file has two file and the one I was trying to read
  was maindata.xml
  The k3b format is a ZIP archive. Use the zipfile library:



  Thanks for all the help, have been using the docs at and
  the magnus t Hetland book. Is there any docs tha re a little more
  practical or expressive as most of the module documentation is very
  confusing for a beginner and doesn't provide much in the way of
  examples on how to use the modules.

  Not criticizing the docs as they are probably very good for
  experienced programmers.

 Somebody else has already drawn your attention to the/a tutorial. You
 need to read, understand, and work through a *good* introductory book or
 tutorial before jumping into the deep end.

   class GzipFile([playlist_file[decompress[9, 'rb']]]);

 Errr, no, the [] are a documentation device used in most computer
 language documentation to denote optional elements -- you don't type
 them into your program. See below.

 Secondly as Stefan pointed out, your file is a ZIP file (not a gzipped
 file), they're quite different animals, so you need the zipfile module,
 not the gzip module.


 The manuals say quite simply and clearly that:
 open() returns a file object
 os.system's arg is a string (a command, like grep -i fubar *.pl)
 So that's guaranteed not to work.

  From the docs of the zipfile module:
 class ZipFile( file[, mode[, compression[, allowZip64]]])

 Open a ZIP file, where file can be either a path to a file (a string) or
 a file-like object. The mode parameter should be 'r' to read an existing
 file, 'w' to truncate and write a new file,
 or 'a' to append to an existing file.
 ... and you don't care about the rest of the class docs in your simple
 case of reading.

 A class has to be called like a function to give you an object which is
 an instance of that class. You need only the first argument; the second
 has about a 99.999% chance of defaulting to 'r' if omitted, but we'll
 play it safe and explicit:

 import zipfile
 zf = zipfile.ZipFile('/home/flebber/oddalt.k3b', 'r')

 OK, some more useful docs:
 namelist( )
Return a list of archive members by name.
 printdir( )
Print a table of contents for the archive to sys.stdout.
 read( name)
  Return the bytes of the file in the archive. The archive must be
 open for read or append.

 So give the following a try:

 print zf.namelist()
 xml_string ='maindata.xml')

 # xml_string will be a string which may or may not have line endings in
 it ...
 print len(xml_string)

 # If you can't imagine what the next two lines will do,
 # you'll have to do it once, just to see what happens:
 for line in xml_string:
 print line

 # Wasn't that fun? How big was that file? Now do this:
 lines = xml_text.splitlines()
 print len(lines) # number of lines
 print len(lines[0]) # length of first line

 # Ummm, maybe if it's only one line you don't want to do this either,
 # but what the heck:
 for line in lines:
  print line


Thanks that was so helpful to see how to do it. I have read a lot but
it wasn't sinking in, and sometimes its better to learn by doing. Some
of the books I have read just seem to go from theory to theory with
the occasional example ( which is meant to show us how good the author
is rather than help us).

For the record

 ## working on region in file /usr/tmp/
['mimetype', 'maindata.xml']
File Name
Modified Size
mimetype   2007-05-27
20:36:20   17
maindata.xml   2007-05-27
 print len(xml_string)
 for line in xml_string:
   print line
... ...


i.(etc went for a while)


 lines = xml_string.splitlines()
 print len(lines)
 print len(lines[0])
 for line in lines:
... print line
  File stdin, line 2
print line
IndentationError: expected an indented block
 for line in lines:
print line


Re: read xml file from compressed file using gzip

2007-06-09 Thread flebber
On Jun 10, 3:45 am, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 flebber wrote:
  I was working at creating a simple program that would read the content
  of a playlist file( in this case *.k3b) and write it out . the
  compressed *.k3b file has two file and the one I was trying to read
  was maindata.xml

 The k3b format is a ZIP archive. Use the zipfile library:



Thanks for all the help, have been using the docs at and
the magnus t Hetland book. Is there any docs tha re a little more
practical or expressive as most of the module documentation is very
confusing for a beginner and doesn't provide much in the way of
examples on how to use the modules.

Not criticizing the docs as they are probably very good for
experienced programmers.


Re: read xml file from compressed file using gzip

2007-06-08 Thread flebber
On Jun 8, 9:45 pm, flebber [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Jun 8, 3:31 pm, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  flebber wrote:
   I was working at creating a simple program that would read the content
   of a playlist file( in this case *.k3b) and write it out . the
   compressed *.k3b file has two file and the one I was trying to read
   was maindata.xml.

  Consider using lxml. It reads in gzip compressed XML files transparently and
  provides loads of other nice XML goodies.


 I will, baby steps at the moment for me at the moment though as I am
 only learning and can't get gzip to work

This is my latest attempt


import os
import zlib

class gzip('/home/flebber/oddalt.k3b', 'rb')

main_data = os.system(open(/home/flebber/maindata.xml));

for line in main_data:
print line



Re: read xml file from compressed file using gzip

2007-06-08 Thread flebber
On Jun 8, 3:31 pm, Stefan Behnel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 flebber wrote:
  I was working at creating a simple program that would read the content
  of a playlist file( in this case *.k3b) and write it out . the
  compressed *.k3b file has two file and the one I was trying to read
  was maindata.xml.

 Consider using lxml. It reads in gzip compressed XML files transparently and
 provides loads of other nice XML goodies.


I will, baby steps at the moment for me at the moment though as I am
only learning and can't get gzip to work


Gzip - gunzip using zlib

2007-06-08 Thread flebber
Hi Can anyone show me a working example of how to use gzip to
decompress a file. I have read the docs at and had many
goes at it but just can't get it to work.




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