Can anyone share experience about python backend developer?

2020-02-17 Thread lampahome
I have 3+years developer experience in python, but I always develop
about peer-to-peer service. Have no backend experience in python.

But now I want to change to backend engineer, somebody shares their
job is to do like
1. Develop customize API to receive data from global
2. Develop tools with k8s
3. Experience about NoSQL

After I heard above, it seems wide range and hard to start from scratch.

Without comparing performance with other languages, how to dig into
backend development?(Or some framework could help me?)


How to improve epoll speed when recv from kernel via netlink?

2019-12-19 Thread lampahome
I tried to receive msg from kernel via netlink of socket.

And I use epoll to receive netlink events whenever it comes from kernel to
user space.

But I found the performance is poor e.g. epoll costs 90% time of execution
time after I profile it by cProfile module.

Are there any tips to improve this?

How to specific multiple dtypes in numpy.ndarray?

2019-12-19 Thread lampahome
I meet performance is low when I use struct.unpack to unpack binary data.

So I tried to use numpy.ndarray
But meet error when I want to unpack multiple dtypes

Can anyone teach me~

Code like below:
# python3
import struct
import numpy as np
s1 = struct.Struct("@QIQ")
ss1 = s1.pack(1,11,111)
np.ndarray((3,), [('Q','I','Q')], ss1)
# ValueError: mismatch in size of old and new data-descriptor.

What does the blue color section in background mean?

2019-12-04 Thread lampahome
I tried to plot graph about a time-series with library statsmodel.

I decide to plot autocorrelation function, but I don't know the blue
section in the example graph mean...

Can anyone tell me?

The plot_acf example link:

The  graph in example:


Re: Does module socketserver using epoll in python3?

2019-11-28 Thread lampahome
> The source code is here:
> .  You
> should find all the technical details you are looking for in it.
# poll/select have the advantage of not requiring any extra file
> descriptor,# contrarily to epoll/kqueue (also, they require a single
> syscall).
> if hasattr(selectors, 'PollSelector'):
>  _ServerSelector = selectors.PollSelector
> else:
>  _ServerSelector = selectors.SelectSelector It uses poll or select ranther than epoll. Maybe it suffer some
performance degrading.

thx lot.

Does module socketserver using epoll in python3?

2019-11-28 Thread lampahome
As title,

I want to use socketserver to replace my own server code to
maintain ealsier.

But I don't found any info about tech. detail of socketserver, epoll is

Can anyone tell me?

Re: Use epoll but still lose packet

2019-11-20 Thread lampahome
Dennis Lee Bieber  於 2019年11月21日 週四 上午2:17寫道:

> On Wed, 20 Nov 2019 18:51:31 +0800, lampahome 
> declaimed the following:
> >
> >I only use a while loop to catch events like below:
> >import select, socket
> >sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
> >sock.bind()
> Documentation indicates that one must provide an address (ip,
> port) for
> the bind -- there is no default described.
> sorry, I just write a brief code so I don't write whole detail ex: (ip,
port). But it can receive any connection and bind successfully.

> >sock.listen(10)
> You've specified that 10 connections can be held in the backlog,
> any
> beyond that will be refused.
> But there's one client and it send 128 messages with different length.

> for fd,event in events:
> >  if event & select.EPOLLIN:
> >sock.recv(1024)
> >...
> Documentation is a bit week -- there is no description of what
> .poll()
> returns in the help file.
> Point #1: you are using STREAM => implies TCP. TCP is not a
> "message"
> related protocol. Multiple "sends" can be one "receive" packet. One "send"
> can also be multiple "receive" packets. You truncated anything that would
> show if your processing is parsing out some high-level protocol showing the
> handling of such combined or split packets.
> Maybe this is the point! Multiple sends which doesn't full a 1024-length
buffer will make me receive one packet.

> Also, the help system links to
> which has
> """
> Q7
> If more than one event comes in between epoll_wait(2) calls, are they
> combined or reported separately?
> A7
> They will be combined.
> """

Use epoll but still lose packet

2019-11-20 Thread lampahome
I use epoll to listen events to receive packet from remote client via tcp

And I found it still lose packet from remote client when client sends 128
messages to me.

Is there any tips to avoid this? thx

I only use a while loop to catch events like below:
import select, socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
epoll = select.epoll()
epoll.register(sock.fileno(), select.EPOLLIN)
while True:
 events = epoll.poll(10) # timeout=10 sec
 if not events:

 for fd,event in events:
  if event & select.EPOLLIN:

Pickle failed __getstate__ on my customized class inherited dict

2019-11-19 Thread lampahome
I make a class Wrapper inherited from dict and met problem when I want to
pickle it.

Is there anyway to make __getstate__ of Wrapper to output a normal
dict?(Output a dict will help pickleing easily)

=== code ===
import pickle
class Wrapper(dict):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return self[attr]
def __getstate__(self):
# blablabla

d=Wrapper(zip((1,2), (3,4)))
=== code ===

When I tried overwrite __getstate__ to below:
def __getstate__(self):
return self.__repr__()
pickle it will shows:
b'\x80...__main__...Wrapper...' <- I don't know why it shows the class name.
That makes me confused.

Any socket library to communicate with kernel via netlink?

2019-11-18 Thread lampahome
As title, I tried to communicate with kernel via netlink. But I failed when
I receive msg from kernel.

The weird point is sending successfully from user to kernel, failed when
receiving from kernel.

So I want to check code in 3rd library and dig in, but always found library
called netlinkg but it actually does something like modify network address
or check network card...

Any idea is welcome

Re: python3 subprocess run sudo cmd in remote failed

2019-09-16 Thread lampahome
> Well, there's a Python library called "paramiko" which implements ssh.
> That might help.
> Later I will try lol.

> Note also that since stdin and stdout are pipes and not the terminal
> then ssh will not be interactive, and will not allocate a tty at the far
> end either. You can get ssh to open a remote tty with the -t option.
> But I suspect you don't want stdin=PIPE or stdout=PIPE at all. Why are
> they there?
> I thought I can use ps.stdin.write(password), so I make stdin and stdout
be pipe as input and output.

Here are I tried:
>from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
>ps = Popen('ssh -o \'StrictHostKeyChecking no\' hello@ \'sudo
sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3\', shell=True)
>  hello@'s password:

>from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
>ps = Popen(['ssh',  '-o \'StrictHostKeyChecking no\'',  '
hello@', '\'sudo sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3\''])
>  hello@'s password:

It always prompt immediately, that make me hard to enter password.
 Maybe I should try  paramiko...

python3 subprocess run sudo cmd in remote failed

2019-09-16 Thread lampahome
Hello, I use python3.5 and found no way to solve this problem

>from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
>ps = Popen('ssh -o \'StrictHostKeyChecking no\' hello@ \'sudo
sysctl -w vm.drop_caches=3\', stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,
bufsize=0, shell=True)
>  hello@'s password:

what I tried many times like enter password, but it failed.
I just want to use ps.stdin.write(password) to send password, but it always
jump password prompt immediately.

How to solve this

How to use regex to search string between {}?

2019-08-23 Thread lampahome
I want to parse a path string with multiple files and try to figure out a
one-line way.

If I have path: /home/admin/hello/yo/{h1,h2,h3,h4}

What I thought is use, but the pattern always failed.

I use below:
import re
path = /home/admin/hello/yo/{h1,h2,h3,h4}
r ='{.}', path)
# r should be ['h1,h2,h3,h4'] but I fail

Why always search nothing?

FDs will be closed after exception automatically in python2.7?

2019-06-10 Thread lampahome
as title,

I confused will fd will be close after exception automatically?

fd.get() //any useless function of fd
except Exception:
print 'hi'

Better way to recontruct a continuous and repeated array with low time complexity?

2018-12-20 Thread lampahome
I write program to do experiment about time series(weekly) with machine
I record changes of everyday of each ID and Count.
I read the csv as dataset like below:
ID, Count
1,30 // First Day
1,32 // 2nd Day

I have two array X, y. I want to put ID and Count in X, and put Count of
2nd Day in y.
The element of X and y is corresponding with the ID.
ex: X[0] and y[0] is the value where ID == 1
X[1] and y[1] is the value where ID == 2...etc

So X is like below:

y is like below:

Program what I write always cost O(n^2) complexity.

dataframe = pandas.read_csv(path, header=0, engine='python')
dataset = dataframe.dropna().values.astype('float64')

def create_data(dataset):

uni = np.unique(dataset[:,0])
X = np.zeros((7, 2))
y = np.zeros((7, 1))
offset = 0
for i in uni:

index = dataset[:,0] == i

data = dataset[index]

for j in xrange(len(data)-2+1):

X[offset] = data[j]

y[offset] = data[j, 1]

offset += 1

return X, y

I use two for loop and estimate the complexity is O(n^2).

Is there any better way to re-write the code and reduct the time complexity?

how can I solve this problem simply and clearly

2018-11-08 Thread lampahome
I have two categories A,B, and A has 2 items A1,A2, and B have 2 items B1,

I have two class A and B, and A will handle A1,A2, B handle B1,B2.

I want to parse one of A1,A2,B1,B2 to script and generate the corresponding

Ex: Both in class A and B, all have func1(), func2().
What I thought to design is below:
class Data(object):
def __Init__():
 def func1(self):

def func2(self):

class A(Data):
def __Init__():
 def func1(self):

def func2(self):

class B(Data):
def __Init__():
 def func1(self):

def func2(self):

def get_class(obj):
if obj == 'A1' or obj == 'A2':
return A(obj)
return B(obj)

# A = get_class(A1)
# B = get_class(B2)


The function *get_class() *is the question that can I solve this problem
clearly? or other else code snippets ?


Re: Does this behavior have a better design pattern?

2018-11-07 Thread lampahome
> The rest is just cruft ;)
> >
> > *Is there better design pattern for me?*
> If A does B to C, is that a crime?

> Your problem description suffers from overgeneralisation.
> Generally speaking you get better solutions when you ask yourself
> "How can I solve this problem efficiently?"
In another hand, how can I solve this problem efficiently?
or any pythonic way to solve this?

Does this behavior have a better design pattern?

2018-11-07 Thread lampahome
I have two categories A,B, and A has 2 items A1,A2
B have 2 items B1, B2.

I have two class A and B, and A will handle A1,A2, B handle B1,B2.

I want to parse one of A1,A2,B1,B2 to script and generate the corresponding

Ex: Both in class A and B, all have func1(), func2().
What I thought to design is below:
class Data(object):
def __Init__():
 def func1(self):

def func2(self):

class A(Data):
def __Init__():
 def func1(self):

def func2(self):

class B(Data):
def __Init__():
 def func1(self):

def func2(self):

def get_class(obj):
if obj == 'A1' or obj == 'A2':
return A(obj)
return B(obj)

# A = get_class(A1)
# B = get_class(B2)


Above is I thought to make code clear, and this pattern is called simple

*Is there better design pattern for me?*

-- always blocks the execution of python script

2018-11-01 Thread lampahome
I want to plot a graph and *still run following code without closing the
graph automatically like Matlab does*.

I try , it failed and appear in a small moment then
close itself.

I also try plt.draw() or interactive mode , it failed, too.
plt.draw() will block until I close it.
interactive mode and will appear nothing

My version is below:
user@ya:~/$ sudo pip freeze | grep matplotlib
user@ya:~/$ sudo pip -V
pip 18.1 from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip (python 2.7)

I only execute script in Ubuntu ex: user@ya: python Distributor ID:
Description: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS
Release: 16.04
Codename: xenial

Can anyone help me? I just want to do like Matlab which won't close the
plotted graph even if the script finishes.

Re: abspath returns different results when py_compile input path is different in Python?

2018-02-12 Thread lampahome
so py_compile.compile() doesn't normalize the filename, but it will pass
the input filename to co_filename?

2018-02-12 19:27 GMT+08:00 eryk sun <>:

> On Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 9:40 AM, lampahome <> wrote:
> > I want to know abspath of python script followed by steps below.
> >
> >1. *built it to byte code by py_compile.*
> >2. *execute it to check abspath.*
> >
> > But I got *2 results* when I execute it.I found the *results based on the
> > path of script* followed by py_compile.
> >
> > Here is my script :
> >
> > import os
> > import inspect
> > print os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(
> inspect.currentframe(
> >
> > Build it with py_compile, then got 2 results when I enter *different path
> > of*:
> >
> > *enter the folder and compile with only script name.*
> >
> > [~] cd /usr/local/bin/
> > [/usr/local/bin/] python -m py_compile
> > [/usr/local/bin/] cd ~
> > [~] python /usr/local/bin/test.pyc
> > /home/UserXX
> >
> > *In other folder and compile with absolute script name.*
> >
> > [~] python -m py_compile /usr/local/bin/
> > [~] python /usr/local/bin/test.pyc
> > /usr/local/bin
> A code object has a co_filename attribute for use in creating
> tracebacks. This path isn't necessarily fully qualified. Here are a
> couple of examples using the built-in compile() function:
> >>> compile('42', '', 'exec').co_filename
> ''
> >>> compile('42', '/usr/local/bin/', 'exec').co_filename
> '/usr/local/bin/'
> py_compile.compile() does not normalize the filename.

abspath returns different results when py_compile input path is different in Python?

2018-02-12 Thread lampahome
I want to know abspath of python script followed by steps below.

   1. *built it to byte code by py_compile.*
   2. *execute it to check abspath.*

But I got *2 results* when I execute it.I found the *results based on the
path of script* followed by py_compile.

Here is my script :

import osimport inspect
print os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe(

Build it with py_compile, then got 2 results when I enter *different path

*enter the folder and compile with only script name.*

[~]cd /usr/local/bin/[/usr/local/bin/]python -m py_compile[/usr/local/bin/]cd ~[~]python

*In other folder and compile with absolute script name.*

[~]python -m py_compile /usr/local/bin/[~]python

how come got 2 different results?