Re: [Ql-Users] The Last Five Years

2014-01-07 Thread Timothy Swenson

On 01/07/2014 04:29 PM, John Gilpin wrote:

How long have we put up with "QUANTA isn't doing this right"  or "QUANTA
isn't doing this at all"  or "QUANTA doesn't know how to run the right
type of workshop". Such comments are usually followed by something like
"and they should be doing".

This reminds me of one of my favorite sayings:

The answer to the question "why doesn't someone?", is "Yes, why 
don't you?"

Tim Swenson

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] QL is 30 - Cambridge

2014-01-07 Thread John Gilpin

One of QUANTA's points exactly, Colin.

QUANTA Members in the Cambridge area? - I can't recall more than one or 
two if that and then there is always the problem of convincing such 
members that they really ought to get fell in and help (who?) probably 
those who travel halfway across the country to get there and can only do 
that if QUANTA picks up the travelling and accommodation costs.

When I first saw your name against this topic, I thought (yes just for a 
brief second) that you were offering to run an Edinburgh Workshop - it 
doesn't even have to be the QL is 30 one!!

Good to hear from you Colin.

All the Best.

Kind Regards,

John Gilpin.
QUANTA Membership Secretary.

On 07/01/2014 10:51, Colin Mckay wrote:

As an extreme fringe member of this interchange I ask this:

The intention appears to be to do more than just turn up to an empty room on
the morning of the show, and quickly set up tables and chairs, also lay out
a number of extension leads. For better preparation, how many people are
there within practical reach of Cambridge to do suitable physical management
of the event?


Colin McKay



QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The Last Five Years

2014-01-07 Thread John Gilpin
At long last!! Someone who has bothered to turn the coin over and see 
what the other side looks like - Thanks Tim.

How long have we put up with "QUANTA isn't doing this right"  or "QUANTA 
isn't doing this at all"  or "QUANTA doesn't know how to run the right 
type of workshop". Such comments are usually followed by something like 
"and they should be doing".

Tim has hit the nail on the head in saying that even those who volunteer 
are not always "professional" at everything they are expected (and try) 
to do. but how long has it been since those who are objecting actually 
not only offered their services but actually got up and did something? 
(bad health permitting).

OK, let's have a QL is 30 in Edinburgh! - Who did you say is running it? 
and at what cost? and for how many attendees?

Why did the regular South London Workshops stop running? Because the 
organiser(s) got fed up with nobody turning up (Even then, the presence 
of members of the QUANTA Committee didn't count - pity we can't hold an 
AGM without them!!)

I will, eventually, get round to publishing a fully detailed Budget for 
a QL is 30 type workshop and I will challenge anyone to reduce my costs 
by a considerable margin - realistically.

Tim, If you want to publish any of your articles, have you thought of 
sending a copy to the QUANTA Magazine editor? It used to be published 
Monthly but due to both the cost of Printing and Postage compared with 
the number of Subscribers, and the gradual lack of usable copy, it had 
to go to Bi-monthly. I am certain that Lee will give it a very 
favourable comment and may even ask you to become a regular contributor.

Worth a thought?

Why not?

Kind Regards,

John Gilpin.
QUANTA Membership Secretary & Treasurer.


On 07/01/2014 03:50, Timothy Swenson wrote:
I've been sitting out the conversations about Quanta, QL Today, etc, 
but I thought I would chime in here.

When it comes to volunteer projects, we have to remember the old 
adage: "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"

Having been on the Board of 4 non-profits, and know how hard it can be 
to push volunteers to get things done.

For QL websites, we really have to wait for a volunteer to step up and 
do something.  Geoff is right about needing a place for long form 
articles.  At the moment, I use two QL websites; the QL forum for news 
and short discussions, and Dilwyn's site for downloads and basic QL 

I have not done any longer QL writing in a while, but if I did, there 
is not a single location for it.  I'd probably host it on my website 
and point to it from the QL forums (I've done this some recent ZX81 

Now, some have suggested that Quanta step up and fill some role, 
mostly an article oriented website, but they may not be able to find a 
volunteer to do that.  I'm working a new website for a local Museum, 
but I'm so rusty with HTML stuff that it is a bit of a struggle and 
not very enjoyable.

Eventually, someone will get frustrated enough and do it themselves. 
This might be enough of a catalyst that gets others involved.  Until 
then all the gnashing of teeth will do nothing.

I do admit until a few minutes ago, it had been years (8+) since I 
visited Geoff's web page.  I did not know it had a news section. I've 
really only been focusing on one website for my QL news (ok, on the 
mailing list).  I don't know if Geoff announced his news section on 
the QL forum.  If he did, I missed it.

So, if people to have long-form articles for the QL, don't just leave 
it sitting on your local system.  Use the existing web sites that we 
do have.  If you don't have a location to host it, ask the mailing 
list for someone who can.  If we have enough authors writing new 
material, that might encourage someone to create a newsletter.

Tim Swenson
QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] SMSQ/E atari?

2014-01-07 Thread Michael Grunditz

I am using a very old version of SMSQ on my atari and wonders if it is
possible to upgrade.
The current builds just give me a garbled display and nothing else.


Michael Grunditz

(please press reply all since I sometimes don't get mails I sent myself
from this list)
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The Last Five Years

2014-01-07 Thread Dave Park
I am interested! It just takes me a while to get anything done :)

I have the web server running and wordpress installed, with a nice skin I
think people will enjoy. I am just waiting for a replacement ethernet card
and securing the server and a few obvious exploits in the wordpress install
and plug-ins, then it'll go live. I'll be happy to grant people who have
anything to post admin privileges. I'd rate the job 80% done.


On Tue, Jan 7, 2014 at 10:43 AM, Geoff Wicks  wrote:

> On 07/01/2014 03:50, Timothy Swenson wrote:
>> I've been sitting out the conversations about Quanta, QL Today, etc, but
>> I thought I would chime in here.
>> When it comes to volunteer projects, we have to remember the old adage:
>> "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"
>> Having been on the Board of 4 non-profits, and know how hard it can be to
>> push volunteers to get things done.
>> For QL websites, we really have to wait for a volunteer to step up and do
>> something.  Geoff is right about needing a place for long form articles.
>>  At the moment, I use two QL websites; the QL forum for news and short
>> discussions, and Dilwyn's site for downloads and basic QL information.
>> I have not done any longer QL writing in a while, but if I did, there is
>> not a single location for it.  I'd probably host it on my website and point
>> to it from the QL forums (I've done this some recent ZX81 work).
>> Now, some have suggested that Quanta step up and fill some role, mostly
>> an article oriented website, but they may not be able to find a volunteer
>> to do that.  I'm working a new website for a local Museum, but I'm so rusty
>> with HTML stuff that it is a bit of a struggle and not very enjoyable.
>> Eventually, someone will get frustrated enough and do it themselves. This
>> might be enough of a catalyst that gets others involved.  Until then all
>> the gnashing of teeth will do nothing.
>> I do admit until a few minutes ago, it had been years (8+) since I
>> visited Geoff's web page.  I did not know it had a news section. I've
>> really only been focusing on one website for my QL news (ok, on the mailing
>> list).  I don't know if Geoff announced his news section on the QL forum.
>>  If he did, I missed it.
>> So, if people to have long-form articles for the QL, don't just leave it
>> sitting on your local system.  Use the existing web sites that we do have.
>>  If you don't have a location to host it, ask the mailing list for someone
>> who can.  If we have enough authors writing new material, that might
>> encourage someone to create a newsletter.
>> Tim Swenson
>> ___
>> QL-Users Mailing List
> Perhaps I should explain the background. Originally I had a site on a free
> host financed by sensible and relevant Google adverts. This went well until
> the host was overtaken by another host with doubtful advertising. I took
> the decision to go over to a commercial host and have not regretted it.
> I rewrote the site for the new host and eventually added a news section to
> encourage regular visits to the site. This was more news summary than news.
> After the closure of QL Today I decided to expand the news section,
> especially as Quanta's previously good news coverage had disappeared. I
> have been experimenting with in depth news coverage but kept quiet about it
> to see the reaction via the statistics. My present host has really good
> statistics.
> This year was my first attempt at publicity and it been very successful.
> In my farewell article in QL Today I did plead for an in depth website,
> but no one seemed to be interested. I suggested that Tony Firshman offers
> cheap hosting  - Dilwyn's site is hosted by Tony, but also said I would be
> able to host it on mine. If I hosted it, I was thinking of a sister site to
> Just Words! possible called QL in Depth. I did warn in my article that
> there are legal problems with an open website because of, for example,
> copyright and potential libelous content, but I am well used to subediting
> for QL Today and I think these would be problems that could easily be
> addressed,
> Best wishes,
> Geoff
> ___
> QL-Users Mailing List

Dave Park
Sandy Electronics, LLC
QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN

2014-01-07 Thread Ralf Reköndt

Oh, 1998, my respect!


- Original Message - 
From: "pjwitte" 

Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2014 7:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN

On 07/01/2014 16:46, Urs Koenig (QL) wrote:

Thanks for the fast response Bob.

Bob Spelten wrote:
There is a tool QWIRC by Per Witte to rename hard disks (Dilwyn's 
Now I remember, one needs a tool for that and what a wonder QWIRC is 

on my system.

Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more...

Sensible chap

I found an ancient piece of SBasic that renames a QLWA-type hard disk 
without any frills. Just re-tested it briefly on latest QPC2 and it 
appears to work. Own risk, and all that!


100 REMark WIN hard disk rename
110 REMark pjwitte 1998
120 REMark V0.03
130 :
140 ch = 1: namel% = 10: esc$ = CHR$(27)
150 CLS#ch
160 PRINT#ch; '  Rename harddisk'
170 PRINT#ch; 'Note: No other application'
180 PRINT#ch; 'may access the hard disk'
190 PRINT#ch; 'during this call'
200 PRINT#ch\\ 'Enter drive number <1..8> ';
210 CURSEN#ch
220 REPeat
230  n$ = INKEY$(#ch; -1)
240  IF n$ INSTR '12345678' & esc$: EXIT
250  BEEP 999, 999
260 END REPeat
270 CURDIS#ch: BEEP 2, 2
280 IF n$ = esc$: PRINT#ch; '^ESC': STOP
290 PRINT#ch; n$
300 w = FOPEN("win" & n$ & '_*D2d')
310 IF w = -9 THEN
320  PRINT#ch; 'HD is in use. Close all open'
330  PRINT#ch; 'channels on this drive and'
340  PRINT#ch; 'then try again.': STOP
350  ELSE : IF w < 0: ERT w
360 END IF
370 GET#w\ 0; sec$
380 n$ = sec$(1 TO 4)
390 IF n$ <> 'QLWA' THEN
400  PRINT#ch; 'Unsupported hard disk format:' !n$: CLOSE#w: STOP
410 END IF
420 n$ = sec$(7 TO 6 + namel%)
430 PRINT#ch\\ 'Current name is "'; n$; '"'
440 PRINT#ch\\'Enter new name (max'! namel%! 'chars)'
450 INPUT#ch;, n$: n% = LEN(n$)
460 IF n% = 0: PRINT#ch; 'Aborted': CLOSE#w: STOP
470 IF n% < namel%: n$ = n$ & FILL$(' ', namel% - LEN(n$))
480 FOR i% = 1 TO namel%: sec$(6 + i%) = n$(i%)
490 PRINT#ch; 'Writing...'
500 PUT#w\ 0; sec$: CLOSE#w
510 PRINT#ch\\ 'Done': BEEP 2, 2
520 :

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN

2014-01-07 Thread pjwitte

On 07/01/2014 16:46, Urs Koenig (QL) wrote:

Thanks for the fast response Bob.

Bob Spelten wrote:
There is a tool QWIRC by Per Witte to rename hard disks (Dilwyn's 
Now I remember, one needs a tool for that and what a wonder QWIRC is 

on my system.

Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more...

Sensible chap

I found an ancient piece of SBasic that renames a QLWA-type hard disk 
without any frills. Just re-tested it briefly on latest QPC2 and it 
appears to work. Own risk, and all that!


100 REMark WIN hard disk rename
110 REMark pjwitte 1998
120 REMark V0.03
130 :
140 ch = 1: namel% = 10: esc$ = CHR$(27)
150 CLS#ch
160 PRINT#ch; '  Rename harddisk'
170 PRINT#ch; 'Note: No other application'
180 PRINT#ch; 'may access the hard disk'
190 PRINT#ch; 'during this call'
200 PRINT#ch\\ 'Enter drive number <1..8> ';
210 CURSEN#ch
220 REPeat
230  n$ = INKEY$(#ch; -1)
240  IF n$ INSTR '12345678' & esc$: EXIT
250  BEEP 999, 999
260 END REPeat
270 CURDIS#ch: BEEP 2, 2
280 IF n$ = esc$: PRINT#ch; '^ESC': STOP
290 PRINT#ch; n$
300 w = FOPEN("win" & n$ & '_*D2d')
310 IF w = -9 THEN
320  PRINT#ch; 'HD is in use. Close all open'
330  PRINT#ch; 'channels on this drive and'
340  PRINT#ch; 'then try again.': STOP
350  ELSE : IF w < 0: ERT w
360 END IF
370 GET#w\ 0; sec$
380 n$ = sec$(1 TO 4)
390 IF n$ <> 'QLWA' THEN
400  PRINT#ch; 'Unsupported hard disk format:' !n$: CLOSE#w: STOP
410 END IF
420 n$ = sec$(7 TO 6 + namel%)
430 PRINT#ch\\ 'Current name is "'; n$; '"'
440 PRINT#ch\\'Enter new name (max'! namel%! 'chars)'
450 INPUT#ch;, n$: n% = LEN(n$)
460 IF n% = 0: PRINT#ch; 'Aborted': CLOSE#w: STOP
470 IF n% < namel%: n$ = n$ & FILL$(' ', namel% - LEN(n$))
480 FOR i% = 1 TO namel%: sec$(6 + i%) = n$(i%)
490 PRINT#ch; 'Writing...'
500 PUT#w\ 0; sec$: CLOSE#w
510 PRINT#ch\\ 'Done': BEEP 2, 2
520 :

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The Last Five Years

2014-01-07 Thread Geoff Wicks

On 07/01/2014 03:50, Timothy Swenson wrote:
I've been sitting out the conversations about Quanta, QL Today, etc, 
but I thought I would chime in here.

When it comes to volunteer projects, we have to remember the old 
adage: "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"

Having been on the Board of 4 non-profits, and know how hard it can be 
to push volunteers to get things done.

For QL websites, we really have to wait for a volunteer to step up and 
do something.  Geoff is right about needing a place for long form 
articles.  At the moment, I use two QL websites; the QL forum for news 
and short discussions, and Dilwyn's site for downloads and basic QL 

I have not done any longer QL writing in a while, but if I did, there 
is not a single location for it.  I'd probably host it on my website 
and point to it from the QL forums (I've done this some recent ZX81 

Now, some have suggested that Quanta step up and fill some role, 
mostly an article oriented website, but they may not be able to find a 
volunteer to do that.  I'm working a new website for a local Museum, 
but I'm so rusty with HTML stuff that it is a bit of a struggle and 
not very enjoyable.

Eventually, someone will get frustrated enough and do it themselves. 
This might be enough of a catalyst that gets others involved.  Until 
then all the gnashing of teeth will do nothing.

I do admit until a few minutes ago, it had been years (8+) since I 
visited Geoff's web page.  I did not know it had a news section. I've 
really only been focusing on one website for my QL news (ok, on the 
mailing list).  I don't know if Geoff announced his news section on 
the QL forum.  If he did, I missed it.

So, if people to have long-form articles for the QL, don't just leave 
it sitting on your local system.  Use the existing web sites that we 
do have.  If you don't have a location to host it, ask the mailing 
list for someone who can.  If we have enough authors writing new 
material, that might encourage someone to create a newsletter.

Tim Swenson
QL-Users Mailing List

Perhaps I should explain the background. Originally I had a site on a 
free host financed by sensible and relevant Google adverts. This went 
well until the host was overtaken by another host with doubtful 
advertising. I took the decision to go over to a commercial host and 
have not regretted it.

I rewrote the site for the new host and eventually added a news section 
to encourage regular visits to the site. This was more news summary than 
news. After the closure of QL Today I decided to expand the news 
section, especially as Quanta's previously good news coverage had 
disappeared. I have been experimenting with in depth news coverage but 
kept quiet about it to see the reaction via the statistics. My present 
host has really good statistics.

This year was my first attempt at publicity and it been very successful.

In my farewell article in QL Today I did plead for an in depth website, 
but no one seemed to be interested. I suggested that Tony Firshman 
offers cheap hosting  - Dilwyn's site is hosted by Tony, but also said I 
would be able to host it on mine. If I hosted it, I was thinking of a 
sister site to Just Words! possible called QL in Depth. I did warn in my 
article that there are legal problems with an open website because of, 
for example, copyright and potential libelous content, but I am well 
used to subediting for QL Today and I think these would be problems that 
could easily be addressed,

Best wishes,


QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN

2014-01-07 Thread Urs Koenig (QL)
Thanks for the fast response Bob.

Bob Spelten wrote:
> There is a tool QWIRC by Per Witte to rename hard disks (Dilwyn's site).
Now I remember, one needs a tool for that and what a wonder QWIRC is already
on my system.

Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more...

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN

2014-01-07 Thread

QWIRC can set the QXL.WIN label for QPC2 drives.


Betreff: [Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN
Datum: Tue, 07 Jan 2014 16:11:41 +0100
Von: "Urs Koenig \(QL\)" 

I've just created (FORMATted) a fresh (QXL.)WIN with QPC2 and cannot
remember how to "label" (set/change the name which is listed at commands
like STAT) it. I remember that floppy disks could be labelled using the
FORMAT command (e.g. FORMAT FLP1_Games), but for WIN the only parameter
allowed seems to be the size in MB (e.g. FORMAT WIN1_128). Anyone?




Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more...

QL-Users Mailing List

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN

2014-01-07 Thread Bob Spelten

Op Tue, 07 Jan 2014 16:11:41 +0100 schreef Urs Koenig (QL) :

I've just created (FORMATted) a fresh (QXL.)WIN with QPC2 and cannot
remember how to "label" (set/change the name which is listed at commands
like STAT) it. I remember that floppy disks could be labelled using the
FORMAT command (e.g. FORMAT FLP1_Games), but for WIN the only parameter
allowed seems to be the size in MB (e.g. FORMAT WIN1_128). Anyone?

There is a tool QWIRC by Per Witte to rename hard disks (Dilwyn's site).
Also WinEdit by Wolfgang Lenerz can be used to edit the first sector where  
the name is stored.

The name starts at the 7th byte and can be 11 bytes long.
To be sure you can check the layout at Nornam Dunbar's site.


The BSJR QL software site at:
QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] How to "label" a (fresh) (QXL.)WIN

2014-01-07 Thread Urs Koenig (QL)
I've just created (FORMATted) a fresh (QXL.)WIN with QPC2 and cannot
remember how to "label" (set/change the name which is listed at commands
like STAT) it. I remember that floppy disks could be labelled using the
FORMAT command (e.g. FORMAT FLP1_Games), but for WIN the only parameter
allowed seems to be the size in MB (e.g. FORMAT WIN1_128). Anyone?




Sinclair, QL, ATARI, JAGUAR, NUON, APPLE & more...

QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] QL is 30 - Cambridge

2014-01-07 Thread Colin Mckay
As an extreme fringe member of this interchange I ask this:

The intention appears to be to do more than just turn up to an empty room on
the morning of the show, and quickly set up tables and chairs, also lay out
a number of extension leads. For better preparation, how many people are
there within practical reach of Cambridge to do suitable physical management
of the event?


Colin McKay



QL-Users Mailing List

[Ql-Users] SMSQ/E for the QL?

2014-01-07 Thread Peter

I have seen that SMSQ/E has been ported to Qemulator, now that it is free 
software. Makes me wonder wether there any plans or even ongoing projects 
to port SMSQ/E to the QL? 

With at least 512K RAM extension, i.e. 640K total, I can not see why 
SMSQ/E would not work.

All the best

QL-Users Mailing List

Re: [Ql-Users] The Last Five Years

2014-01-07 Thread Wolfgang Lenerz

> So, if people to have long-form articles for the QL, don't just leave it
> sitting on your local system.  Use the existing web sites that we do
> have.  If you don't have a location to host it, ask the mailing list for
> someone who can.  If we have enough authors writing new material, that
> might encourage someone to create a newsletter.

I agree that the best sites would be Geoff's or Dilwyn's.
I'd go for Geoff's for news and general articles, Dilwyn's for

However, if there is a need to host some articles, I could probably do
it on the SMSQE website.

Just to be clear : this would be a simple hosting of things sent to me
via email, no blogs or other CMS style possibilities or user uploading.


QL-Users Mailing List