Re: [Qt-qml] QML memory usage with import QtWebKit

2010-12-14 Thread warwick.allison
Memory usage is not a simple integer. If those numbers are mainly shared read-only code pages it's perfectly normal and you may shrug and move on, if they're for every application using webkit that would be unexpected. But in general, don't expect a web runtime to somehow be small just because

Re: [Qt-qml] QML Action element

2010-12-07 Thread warwick.allison
I hope declarative doesn't end up meaning screw abstraction, we'll make everything as painfully concrete as possible ;-). Actions are a nice way to declare a bunch of things that the user can do, which can later be moved around by the view developer to different presentation (toolbar / app

Re: [Qt-qml] Component loading in background thread?

2010-11-21 Thread warwick.allison
I'm exposing a complex QGraphicsWidget to QML and the problem is, that whenever I load that component my application freezes for a second (on desktop, on mobile it's much longer). I'd like to display a lightweight 'loading' animation and load that component in the background without

Re: [Qt-qml] implicitWidth and implicitHeight in QML

2010-07-28 Thread warwick.allison
I mean, for every single item, if they can be instantiated without a given size, then there must be a way for component developers to specify their default size. And to me that should be implicitWidth and implicitHeight There is. They simply set the width and height in the element:

Re: [Qt-qml] Trying hard to get WebView to work from a QML only program on N900 with Qt 4.7

2010-07-21 Thread warwick.allison
import org.webkit 1.0 //_QML //_CPP import QtWebKit 1.0 Just use a new enough build of Qt 4.7 on both and you'll not have to do this. The module is called QtWebKit for the 4.7.0 release. It was called org.webkit in some past beta release. -- Warwick

Re: [Qt-qml] Working with [svg] Art

2010-07-12 Thread warwick.allison
Is there any way to integrate SVGs with QML, in that you can bridge into the artwork via id or object name and thus use SVG as templates and artwork? The only support for SVG in QML is that it will load a static SVG image (rendering it once unless you modify the Image sourceSize

Re: [Qt-qml] hardware acceleration and qml

2010-06-22 Thread warwick.allison
I'd like to know more about the support for hardware acceleration in qml. I remember an overview focused on it but in the last snapshot documentation I can't find it. Is there a reason? Where I can find the supported platforms? QML builds directly upon QGraphicsView, which in turn builds upon

Re: [Qt-qml] painting

2010-06-21 Thread warwick.allison
What would be the best way of implementing a 'show route' feature to a QML maps application? (Route is returned as a lat,lon polyline) Build it into the map viewer element, since it'll need to do 3D if the map supports that. The route is probably rendered in by either the remote map server or

Re: [Qt-qml] painting

2010-06-21 Thread warwick.allison
But if you're not a designer, allergic to graphics software, or simply just doing an initial prototype that doesn't have to look good, some rudimentary painting can be very handy even for static ui components. If it's rudimentary, use a plain rectangle with some text in it describing what you

Re: [Qt-qml] Audio - Qt.multimedia

2010-06-20 Thread warwick.allison
QDeclarativeEngine::importPlugin Qt.multimedia from C:/Qt/qtcreator-1.3.83/bin/Qt/multimedia/multimedia.dll This is the real problem: multimedia.dll is being found in you Qt Creator bin directory. Sorry, no idea why. So really, neither should work, and the Qt Creator guys should fix this

Re: [Qt-qml] painting

2010-06-20 Thread warwick.allison
drawing functions can be very handy for prototyping. At the moment, you'd be required to dip back to C++ to do these things. Or PhotoShop. Could something like this eventually become part of Qt's standard Qml plugins? No, it's evil, and must be stopped at all costs. But seriously, why

Re: [Qt-qml] TextInput I-beam mouse cursor?

2010-06-06 Thread warwick.allison
Does anyone know if there are plans to make TextInput elements show a standard I-beam cursor, instead of the regular mouse pointer? This is very important as currently the user has no way to know which text elements are editable without trying to click them. Partly, this is a question of look

Re: [Qt-qml] Accessing QML objects from C++

2010-05-27 Thread warwick.allison
we recommend that you not make your C++ layer use knowledge of the internals of the QML files, so that you have more flexibility in rewriting the UI. Thank you. Very wise counsel. I will need to re-think my design. If you keep the interface of your QML just the set of

Re: [Qt-qml] [QML Troll needed] Ehm, where is QDeclarativeWebSettings?

2010-05-20 Thread warwick.allison
WebGL, AcceleratedCompositing and TiledBackingStore are the 3 attributes that are missing QWebSettings::WebAttribute at this point. They're deliberately missing. The WebView element will itself choose the optimal setting for those, not leave them to be set from QML. So in this case, looking

Re: [Qt-qml] C++ Data Models and plugin mechanism

2010-05-18 Thread warwick.allison
QDeclarativeExpression: Expression (function() { return myPluggedInObj.myModel }) depends on non-NOTIFYable properties: This message means that one of the properties in the expression does not have a NOTIFY signal, so if it changes, the expression will not be re-evaluated, so this:

Re: [Qt-qml] C++ Data Models and plugin mechanism

2010-05-17 Thread warwick.allison
So you can only extend QML Data Model by reimplementing QDeclarativeView. Am I correct? Fortunately not. setContextProperty is just ONE way of creating an identified object. To make a model as a type in a plugin, just inherit your type from QAbstractItemModel (rather than QDeclarativeItem as

Re: [Qt-qml] QT Labs

2010-05-06 Thread warwick.allison
I want to look at gesture support in QML. I've had a look at the QML GestureArea documentation gesturearea.html. However I cannot find any mention of QML gesturearea on Qt Labs: Where can I download

Re: [Qt-qml] env variable expansion in import, useful for styles?

2010-04-26 Thread warwick.allison
---Button.qml--- import $STYLE Button{} Environment variables are notoriously cumbersome to set - especially hard if you want to set it for already-running processes! Note that you can achieve styling in multiple ways already, without this,

Re: [Qt-qml] QML and Unix #!/path/to/interpreter

2010-04-20 Thread warwick.allison
QML could be an extremely nifty tool for writing simple script style applications without compromising in the user interface front. Supporting the #! syntax would make it even more attractive, at least to me. And even more so to the hordes of Meego hackers already banging at the gates ;-)

Re: [Qt-qml] patch for type resolving

2010-04-15 Thread warwick.allison
The concept itself is fine - as you say, QML doesn't really *need* an order for resolving, it just needs to be well-defined. A potential problem with this detect shadowing and give error is the cost of implementing the exhaustive search - I believe the code in the #if 1 is the added expense,