Re: AW: Re: AW: [qubes-users] Re: i3 under Qubes 4 RC3

2018-02-22 Thread Florian Brandes

On 22.02.2018 22:39, '[799]' via qubes-users wrote:

Hello Florian

An 22. Feb. 2018, 09:07, Florian Brandes schrieb:

 > I use i3 under Q4rc4 without any issues
 > or problems.

Would you mind sharing your i3-config files?


not at all. config file taken from /home/dom0user/.config/i3/config

The only line I changed from the default setup is:
# start dmenu (a program launcher)
bindsym $mod+d exec --no-startup-id i3-dmenu-desktop --dmenu="dmenu -i -nb #d2d2d2 
-nf #00 -sb #63a0ff"

where I added the "-i" option.

I also added the /usr/bin/qubes-i3status bash script.

I changed

local qubes=$(qvm-ls 2>/dev/null | grep ' \* ' | wc -l)
local qubes=$(qvm-ls 2>/dev/null | grep 'Running ' | wc -l)

local disk=`df -h / | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $4}'`
local disk=`sudo lvs --noheadings -o lv_size,data_percent /dev/mapper/qubes_dom0-pool00 | 
perl -pe 's/\s*([0-9.]+)([a-zA-Z]*)\s+([0-9.]+).*/sprintf("%.1f%s", ($1 * (100 
-$3) \/ 100.0), $2)/e'`

Both are attached.



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# This file has been auto-generated by i3-config-wizard(1).
# It will not be overwritten, so edit it as you like.
# Should you change your keyboard layout some time, delete
# this file and re-run i3-config-wizard(1).

# i3 config file (v4)
# Please see for a complete reference!

set $mod Mod4

# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below.
# This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left
# text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango).
font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8
# Before i3 v4.8, we used to recommend this one as the default:
# font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1
# The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and
# clear in small sizes. However, its unicode glyph coverage is limited, the old
# X core fonts rendering does not support right-to-left and this being a bitmap
# font, it doesn’t scale on retina/hidpi displays.

client.background   dom0#121212
client.focused  dom0#522702 #522702 #ff #a6907d
client.focused_inactive dom0#522702 #361a01 #ff #a6907d
client.unfocuseddom0#522702 #361a01 #99 #a6907d
client.urgent   dom0#66 #a6907d #ce #a6907d

client.background   red #121212
client.focused  red #e53b27 #e53b27 #ff #f19b90
client.focused_inactive red #e53b27 #902519 #ff #f19b90
client.unfocusedred #e53b27 #902519 #99 #f19b90
client.urgent   red #e53b27 #f19b90 #ce #f19b90

client.background   orange  #121212
client.focused  orange  #d05f03 #d05f03 #ff #daa67e
client.focused_inactive orange  #d05f03 #7b3702 #ff #daa67e
client.unfocusedorange  #d05f03 #7b3702 #99 #daa67e
client.urgent   orange  #d05f03 #daa67e #ce #daa67e

client.background   yellow  #121212
client.focused  yellow  #999b00 #999b00 #ff #cacb7c
client.focused_inactive yellow  #999b00 #666700 #ff #cacb7c
client.unfocusedyellow  #999b00 #666700 #99 #cacb7c
client.urgent   yellow  #999b00 #cacb7c #ce #cacb7c

client.background   green   #121212
client.focused  green   #04af5b #04af5b #ff #7dd5aa
client.focused_inactive green   #04af5b #02713b #ff #7dd5aa
client.unfocusedgreen   #04af5b #02713b #99 #7dd5aa
client.urgent   green   #04af5b #7dd5aa #ce #7dd5aa

client.background   gray#121212
client.focused  gray#8c959f #8c959f #ff #c3c8cd
client.focused_inactive gray#8c959f #676d75 #ff #c3c8cd
client.unfocusedgray#8c959f #676d75 #99 #c3c8cd
client.urgent   gray#8c959f #c3c8cd #ce #c3c8cd

client.background   blue#121212
client.focused  blue#3384d6 #3384d6 #ff #95bee8
client.focused_inactive blue#3384d6 #1f5082 #ff #95bee8
client.unfocusedblue#3384d6 #1f5082 #99 #95bee8
client.urgent   blue#3384d6 #95bee8 #ce #95bee8

client.background   purple  #121212
client.focused  purple  #8f5cbe #8f5cbe #ff #c6abdd
client.focused_inactive purple  #8f5cbe #5c3e78 #ff #c6abdd
client.unfocusedpurple  #8f5cbe #5c3e78 #99 #c6abdd
client.urgent   pur

AW: Re: AW: [qubes-users] Re: i3 under Qubes 4 RC3

2018-02-22 Thread '[799]' via qubes-users
Hello Florian

An 22. Feb. 2018, 09:07, Florian Brandes schrieb:

> I use i3 under Q4rc4 without any issues
> or problems.

Would you mind sharing your i3-config files?


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Re: AW: [qubes-users] Re: i3 under Qubes 4 RC3

2018-02-22 Thread Florian Brandes

On 22.02.2018 03:38, '[799]' via qubes-users wrote:


An 26. Jan. 2018, 10:18, aaq via qubes-users schrieb:

 > My dmenu is broken, for starters. Dmenu only
 > shows dom0 applications, so I cannot start
 > anything that way.
 > When I run qvm-run to start something, I can
 > see that my VM is started (with qvm-ls) and I
 > can hear my CPU responding (as in it starts
 > fanning), but nothing visually happens.
 > Nothing is ever started.

Same problem for me, but I haven't found a solution. Using Qubes 4rc4 but i3 is 
not working like it has under Qubes 3.2.

Anyone else using i3 under Q4rc4?


yes I use i3 under Q4rc4 without any issues or problems.
(Only thing I added/changed is case insensitivity for dmenu with -i option and 
changed the qube count command and the free disk space command in i3status)
Besides that, it worked out of the box for me (following the provided 
instructions concerning i3 on qubes).
I use Qubes4rc4 on two maschines, both work without a flaw concerning i3.


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AW: [qubes-users] Re: i3 under Qubes 4 RC3

2018-02-21 Thread '[799]' via qubes-users

An 26. Jan. 2018, 10:18, aaq via qubes-users schrieb:

> My dmenu is broken, for starters. Dmenu only
> shows dom0 applications, so I cannot start
> anything that way.
> When I run qvm-run to start something, I can
> see that my VM is started (with qvm-ls) and I
> can hear my CPU responding (as in it starts
> fanning), but nothing visually happens.
> Nothing is ever started.

Same problem for me, but I haven't found a solution. Using Qubes 4rc4 but i3 is 
not working like it has under Qubes 3.2.

Anyone else using i3 under Q4rc4?


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