[qubes-users] Re: Problem creating Win7 HVM

2016-11-22 Thread jarlethorsen
As a new QubesOS user I recently found my self stuck at the same windows logo 
when installing win7 for the second time, after removing the first win7 hvm.

I ended up reinstalling QubesOS from scratch and then the same win7 media 
booted flawlessly...

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[qubes-users] Re: Problem creating Win7 HVM

2016-11-21 Thread Sec Tester
I downloaded another Win7_64bit.iso from another source, same problem. 

>>Getting Stuck at a glowing windows logo Before windows even starts the 
>>install process.

I found the Qubes VM directory dom0 /var/lib/qubes/vm-templates/

And confirmed when i delete the VM, that the VM is deleted from the directory. 
So it cant be an issue of trying to continue part of a failed install.

Ive tried creating both a HVM & a HVM-template
Allocated 2048Gb of ram (Not memory balanced)

Need some help trouble shooting.
Is there a log somewhere that could provide insight?


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[qubes-users] Re: Problem creating Win7 HVM

2016-11-20 Thread Drew White
Create a template if you can too, rather than creating an HVM. Makes everything 
much easier.

Creating an HVM is easy then.
Only problem is, IF you want a STANDALONE, you have to copy the root image file 
to the newly created HVM directory because the qubes-manager doesn't perform 
the full standalone functionality IN THAT WAY. It creates a standalone that has 
no template nor is copied from any template.

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[qubes-users] Re: Problem creating Win7 HVM

2016-11-20 Thread Drew White
On Sunday, 20 November 2016 14:56:05 UTC+11, Sec Tester  wrote:
> So using the VM manager i created a Win7 HVM (not a HVM template)
> I copied over the Win7.iso to a the user directory in dom0
> using "qvm-run --pass-io  'cat /path/to/file_in_src_domain' > 
> /path/to/file_name_in_dom0"
> And ran "qvm-start win7 --cdrom=/home/myusername/Win7.iso"
> =
> First attempt
> =
> HVM loaded, got to the stage where it starts installing files, and got an 
> error reading file or something along those lines.
> I assumed the Win7_64bit.iso i downloaded from microsoft got corrupted, so I 
> re-downloaded the .iso
> ==
> Second attempt
> ==
> I deleted the previous Win7 HVM, and created a new one
> Copied over the iso and ran command to start HVM again.
> Whats happening is Now is the HVM doesnt pass the windows logo stage. it just 
> sits there and glows.
> I dont think that i should even see the glowing windows logo at this stage of 
> the install. I suspect that even tho i deleted & re-created the Win7 HVM, its 
> still trying to boot of the failed partial install.
> ===
> Is there a way to check the old Win7 HVM has been completely deleted?
> Could this be another issue?
> Cheers
> Is

I have never had a problem installing a Win7 HVM or HVM Template.

When you run it, it should juut continue.
Give the guest 2 threads and AT LEAST 2 GB RAM.

Anything less than that and it MAY have issues.
I have had issues with less than 1024 GB RAM in the past, that is why I 
recommend 2 GB, and NOT BALANCED.

I have a Win7Template, and I spawn all my Win7 Guests off that.

If you have trouble installing it from the MS ISO, then I recommend downloading 
from elsewhere.


This is the site I got an ISO from when I needed one for a specific version of 

The ISOs boots fine and works and I've been using it for years.

Just be sure to get one that is not an AIO or something that is modified like 
that. Get one that is purely x86_64 and one version.

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