Re: [qubes-users] Colourful prompt

2023-05-06 Thread NewRoot
> I do see this in .bashrc on Debian and there is nothing of it in .bashrc
> on Fedora. There is in fact a lot of stuff in .bashrc on Debian that is
> not there on Fedora.

I use a custom color prompt for my bash shell.  I had to use different 
methods in my Fedora and Debian qubes to get the prompt I wanted.  It's a 
little tricky because you have to check and see how the system files setup 
the $PS1 file.  Because I wanted the same definition in each of my qubes I 
ended up creating a /etc/profile.d/ file to define the prompt in 
Fedora templates to set the prompt in each appVM based on that template.  
The code  based on some adapted Debian or Ubuntu code.  There is also a 
bunch of code to setup definitions for colors and other terminal escape 

My produces prompt like:

[user@docker-fed-37:2 Fri 2023-05-05 17:35 GMT /etc/profile.d]$

user@docker-fed-37 is green
/etc/profile.d is bright_blue
the :2 represents the terminal number where numbering starts with :0

# User specific aliases and functions

term-control-colors () {
# Variables for terminal requests.
[[ -t 2 ]] && {
alt=$(  tput smcup  || tput ti  ) # Start alt display
ealt=$( tput rmcup  || tput te  ) # End   alt display
hide=$( tput civis  || tput vi  ) # Hide cursor
show=$( tput cnorm  || tput ve  ) # Show cursor
save=$( tput sc ) # Save cursor
load=$( tput rc ) # Load cursor
bold=$( tput bold   || tput md  ) # Start bold
stout=$(tput smso   || tput so  ) # Start stand-out
estout=$(   tput rmso   || tput se  ) # End stand-out
under=$(tput smul   || tput us  ) # Start underline
eunder=$(   tput rmul   || tput ue  ) # End   underline
reset=$(tput sgr0   || tput me  ) # Reset cursor
blink=$(tput blink  || tput mb  ) # Start blinking
italic=$(   tput sitm   || tput ZH  ) # Start italic
eitalic=$(  tput ritm   || tput ZR  ) # End   italic
[[ $TERM != *-m ]] && {
red=$(  tput setaf 1|| tput AF 1)
green=$(tput setaf 2|| tput AF 2)
yellow=$(   tput setaf 3|| tput AF 3)
blue=$( tput setaf 4|| tput AF 4)
bright_blue=$( tput setaf 12|| tput AF 12)
magenta=$(  tput setaf 5|| tput AF 5)
cyan=$( tput setaf 6|| tput AF 6)
# for broken termcap databases with 16 ANSI colors
# blue=$'\e[0;34m'
# green=$'\e[0;32m'
# white=$'\e[0;37m'

white=$(tput setaf 7|| tput AF 7)
default=$(  tput op )
eed=$(  tput ed || tput cd  )   # Erase to end of display
eel=$(  tput el || tput ce  )   # Erase to end of line
ebl=$(  tput el1|| tput cb  )   # Erase to beginning of line
ewl=$eel$ebl# Erase whole line
draw=$( tput -S <<< '   enacs
rmacs' || { \
tput eA; tput as;
tput ac; tput ae; } )   # Drawing characters
} 2>/dev/null ||:

# set local definitions

# my_blue=$'\e[0;34m'
# my_green=$'\e[0;32m'
# my_white=$'\e[0;37m'
# my_reset=$'\e[00m'

# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned
# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window
# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt

if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then
if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
# We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48
# (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such
# a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.)

if [ "$color_prompt" = yes ]; then
PS1='[\[$green\]\u@\h\[$reset\]:\l \D{%a %F %R %Z} 
\[$bright_blue\]\w\[$reset\]]\$ '
# PS1='[\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\l \D{%a %F %R %Z} 
\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]]\$ '
PS1='[\u@\h:\l \D{%a %F %R %Z} \w]\$ '
unset color_prompt force_color_prompt

Another alternative I explored is the setup the above or similar file in 
the appVM .bashrc.d file.

Unfortunately, the Debian default overrides any $PS1 string defined 
/etc/profile.d/ so I define and export a $CUSTOM_PS1 environment 
variable and then use it appropriately in my Debian .bashrc to set the $PS1 
string.  Also note that the term-control-colors function doesn't work in 
Debian login shell and the "my_" variable definitions can be used instead.


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Re: [qubes-users] Colourful prompt

2023-05-04 Thread Qubes

Qubes wrote:

'unman' via qubes-users wrote:

On Thu, May 04, 2023 at 05:01:38AM -0700, Andrew David Wong wrote:

On 5/3/23 4:02 AM, Qubes wrote:
I have noticed on Fedora, the cli prompt itself is not colourful 
although the rest of the output is. Is there a way to get the prompt 
itself in colour as well? The prompt on Debian is in colour, it 
makes it easier to find things when the prompt is in colour aswell.

Since this is not a Qubes-specific question, you might have better 
luck searching the web for how to do this in Fedora (or Linux in 
general) or asking in a Fedora (or general Linux) venue.

I wonder if this *is* Qubes specific, as it is stated that the Debian
prompt is in color. (Implicit, I think, is the suggestion that the color
matches the window decorations.)
OP - is that what you see? That the prompt is consistent with the window
decoration set by Qubes?

No the colour of the prompt does not follow the window decoration, I was 
wondering if this isn't maybe a problem only on Fedora on Qubes and not 
Fedora in general. I don't have a Fedora standalone I can check on. I 
just found it odd that the prompt on Debian would be in colour (Green, 
and it is real easy to find in between a lot of other output) and on 
Fedora it is the same colour as the text you type. But as I was 
re-reading my reply here I just had another look over and I just 
discovered that the prompt on some of the Fedora VMs is in colour, also 
a bright green, and some of them are default text colour. So in essense 
it doesn't have anything to do with Qubes. I am a little confused though 
because I can swear some of the VMs that I previously check where the 
prompt was the default text colour now has a colourful prompt. (head 
scratch head scratch)

It must be because of a dependency that gets installed along the way 
because booting the vanilla Fedora-37 template it does not have a 
colourful prompt. I don't install anything specific for this myself. 
Glad we cleared that up :-)

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Re: [qubes-users] Colourful prompt

2023-05-04 Thread Qubes

'unman' via qubes-users wrote:

On Thu, May 04, 2023 at 05:01:38AM -0700, Andrew David Wong wrote:

On 5/3/23 4:02 AM, Qubes wrote:

I have noticed on Fedora, the cli prompt itself is not colourful although the 
rest of the output is. Is there a way to get the prompt itself in colour as 
well? The prompt on Debian is in colour, it makes it easier to find things when 
the prompt is in colour aswell.

Since this is not a Qubes-specific question, you might have better luck 
searching the web for how to do this in Fedora (or Linux in general) or asking 
in a Fedora (or general Linux) venue.

I wonder if this *is* Qubes specific, as it is stated that the Debian
prompt is in color. (Implicit, I think, is the suggestion that the color
matches the window decorations.)
OP - is that what you see? That the prompt is consistent with the window
decoration set by Qubes?

No the colour of the prompt does not follow the window decoration, I was 
wondering if this isn't maybe a problem only on Fedora on Qubes and not 
Fedora in general. I don't have a Fedora standalone I can check on. I 
just found it odd that the prompt on Debian would be in colour (Green, 
and it is real easy to find in between a lot of other output) and on 
Fedora it is the same colour as the text you type. But as I was 
re-reading my reply here I just had another look over and I just 
discovered that the prompt on some of the Fedora VMs is in colour, also 
a bright green, and some of them are default text colour. So in essense 
it doesn't have anything to do with Qubes. I am a little confused though 
because I can swear some of the VMs that I previously check where the 
prompt was the default text colour now has a colourful prompt. (head 
scratch head scratch)

I do see this in .bashrc on Debian and there is nothing of it in .bashrc 
on Fedora. There is in fact a lot of stuff in .bashrc on Debian that is 
not there on Fedora.



# set a fancy prompt (non-color, unless we know we "want" color)
case "$TERM" in
xterm-color|*-256color) color_prompt=yes;;

# uncomment for a colored prompt, if the terminal has the capability; turned
# off by default to not distract the user: the focus in a terminal window
# should be on the output of commands, not on the prompt

if [ -n "$force_color_prompt" ]; then
if [ -x /usr/bin/tput ] && tput setaf 1 >&/dev/null; then
# We have color support; assume it's compliant with Ecma-48
# (ISO/IEC-6429). (Lack of such support is extremely rare, and such
# a case would tend to support setf rather than setaf.)


I have copied it over to .bashrc on Fedora and uncommented 
`force_color_prompt=yes` but it makes no difference.

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Re: [qubes-users] Colourful prompt

2023-05-04 Thread 'unman' via qubes-users
On Thu, May 04, 2023 at 05:01:38AM -0700, Andrew David Wong wrote:
> On 5/3/23 4:02 AM, Qubes wrote:
> > I have noticed on Fedora, the cli prompt itself is not colourful although 
> > the rest of the output is. Is there a way to get the prompt itself in 
> > colour as well? The prompt on Debian is in colour, it makes it easier to 
> > find things when the prompt is in colour aswell.
> > 
> Since this is not a Qubes-specific question, you might have better luck 
> searching the web for how to do this in Fedora (or Linux in general) or 
> asking in a Fedora (or general Linux) venue.
I wonder if this *is* Qubes specific, as it is stated that the Debian
prompt is in color. (Implicit, I think, is the suggestion that the color
matches the window decorations.)
OP - is that what you see? That the prompt is consistent with the window
decoration set by Qubes?

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Re: [qubes-users] Colourful prompt

2023-05-04 Thread Andrew David Wong
On 5/3/23 4:02 AM, Qubes wrote:
> I have noticed on Fedora, the cli prompt itself is not colourful although the 
> rest of the output is. Is there a way to get the prompt itself in colour as 
> well? The prompt on Debian is in colour, it makes it easier to find things 
> when the prompt is in colour aswell.

Since this is not a Qubes-specific question, you might have better luck 
searching the web for how to do this in Fedora (or Linux in general) or asking 
in a Fedora (or general Linux) venue.

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