Re: [R] the first. from SAS in R

2010-11-23 Thread Dennis Murphy
Interesting. Check this out: u - sample(c(TRUE, FALSE), 10, replace = TRUE) u [1] FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE TRUE FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE class(u) [1] logical u + 0 [1] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 + u [1] 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 v - rpois(10, 3) !duplicated(v) [1] TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE

Re: [R] Help with grouped barplot

2010-11-23 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Here are some possibilities using ggplot2: library(ggplot2) # Create ordered factors bar$area2 - ordered(bar$area) bar$year2 - ordered(bar$year) # Side-by-side, aka dodged, bar charts ggplot(bar, aes(x = area2, y = disc, fill = year2)) + geom_bar(aes(group = year2), position =

Re: [R] Help: Standard errors arima

2010-11-22 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Here's an example (never mind the model fit...or lack of it thereof...) str(AirPassengers) # a built-in R data set # Series is seasonal with increasing trend and increasing variance plot(AirPassengers, type = 'l') # STL decomposition plot(stl(AirPassengers, 'periodic')) # ACF and PACF

Re: [R] Probit Analysis: Confidence Interval for the LD50 using Fieller's and Heterogeneity (UNCLASSIFIED)

2010-11-22 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: The MASS package has a function dose.p() to produce a CI for ED50, ED90 or EDp in general (0 p 100). It takes a model object (presumably from a suitable logistic regression) as input. You could always take the code already available and adapt it to your situation or you could investigate

Re: [R] Merge two ggplots

2010-11-21 Thread Dennis Murphy
' not found Calls: print ... lapply - is.vector - lapply - FUN - eval - eval -- *From:* Dennis Murphy *To:* Alaios *Cc:* Rhelp *Sent:* Sat, November 20, 2010 4:24:15 PM *Subject:* Re: [R] Merge two ggplots

Re: [R] Merge two ggplots

2010-11-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Perhaps a plus sign at the end of the line before geom_tile() would help. Dennis On Sat, Nov 20, 2010 at 6:30 AM, Alaios wrote: Hello everyone. I am using ggplot and I need some help to merge these two plots into one. plot_CR-function(x,y,agentid,CRagent){

Re: [R] how to draw manifold?

2010-11-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Here's an example stolen out of the scatterplot3d package vignette (p. 9): library(scatterplot3d) z - seq(-10, 10, 0.01) x - cos(z) y - sin(z) scatterplot3d(x, y, z, highlight.3d = TRUE, col.axis = 'blue', col.grid = 'lightblue', main = 'Helix', pch = 20) HTH, Dennis On Sat,

Re: [R] profile in lme4 and lme4a/lme4b

2010-11-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: 2010/11/19 Niccolò Bassani Dear R-users, from Douglas Bates lme4 book I'm trying to run profile() on a quite large dataset, in order to have some confidence intervals on random effects parameter in mixed models. When I run it in lme4 however I'm faced with the

Re: [R] assigment

2010-11-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 2:57 AM, Robert Ruser Hello R Users, I have vectors x - c(a2,b7,c8) y1 - c(1,2,3,2) y2 - c(4,2,7,5,4,3,8) y3 - c(1:10) and I want to assign values form vector y1 to a new variable which name comes from the 1st value of the vector

Re: [R] Converting matrix data to a list

2010-11-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Look into melt() from package reshape2. Assuming m is your matrix, library(reshape2) meltm - melt(m, id = rownames(m)) str(meltm) head(meltm) ## Toy example: m - matrix(1:30, nrow = 3) rownames(m) - paste('Gene', 1:nrow(m), sep = '') colnames(m) - paste('T', 1:ncol(m), sep = '') m

Re: [R] sweep by levels of a factor

2010-11-18 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: d$r - with(d, ave(x, f, FUN = function(u) u - mean(u))) d f x r 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 -1 3 2 0 -2 4 2 4 2 5 2 2 0 HTH, Dennis On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:02 AM, Lancaster, Anthony wrote: Hi, I'd appreciate help with this. I have a data matrix with one column,

Re: [R] Multiple plots in one window

2010-11-17 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Try this: pf - function(p) { plot(c(p:(p+10)),c(1:11)) plot(c(p:(p+10)),c(2:12)) plot(c(p:(p+10)),c(3:13)) } par(mfrow = c(3, 3)) for(i in 1:3) pf(i) par(mfrow = c(1, 1)) HTH, Dennis On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 8:56 AM, Soyeon Kim wrote: Dear All, I made a

Re: [R] help on IDE

2010-11-17 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Since Deducer was mentioned, I'll add that Ian Fellows has recently released an 'all-in-one' installer for R, JGR and Deducer at Look for the Download Installer link (it's kinda hard to miss :) On my system (64-bit Win

Re: [R] scatterplot with filled circles

2010-11-16 Thread Dennis Murphy
Try adding pch = 16 to your plot call. HTH, Dennis On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 4:28 AM, DrCJones matthias.godd...@gmail.comwrote: for a simple scatterplot: plot(X ~ Y, type = 'p', col = 'red') this produces red-edged circles, but I want to fill in the circles. can this be done? I checked

Re: [R] Odp: Sampling problem

2010-11-16 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Try this: # Function to generate one sample from the data frame sampler - function(df) { s1 - sample(nrow(df), 1, replace = FALSE) s2 - sample(setdiff(1:nrow(df), s1), 2, replace = FALSE) list(sample1 = df[s1, grep('^C', names(df))], sample2 = df[s2, grep('^W',

Re: [R] Jarque-Bera test

2010-11-16 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: The input to jarque.bera.test() is a numeric vector or time series. Try running the function str() on your input object to see if it is of the correct type. If you have a vector that is not numeric or a time series object, you need to convert it to one with something like as.numeric(myvec).

Re: [R] Proportional hazard model with weibull baseline hazard

2010-11-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Perhaps this post from earlier today will be useful: HTH, Dennis 2010/11/15 Lorena Avendaño Dear R-users, I would like to fit a

Re: [R] Batch Processing Files

2010-11-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: See inline. On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 4:26 PM, Nate Miller wrote: Hi All! I have some experience with R, but less experience writing scripts using R and have run into a challenge that I hope someone can help me with. I have multiple .csv files of data each with

Re: [R] filling a vector with a tapply function applied to another vector

2010-11-12 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Look into the ave() function - here's a small demonstration: d - data.frame(g = factor(rep(LETTERS[1:5], each = 5)), x = rpois(25, 10)) d$mean - with(d, ave(x, g, FUN = mean)) head(d, 10) head(d, 10) g x mean 1 A 5 8.4 2 A 14 8.4 3 A 10 8.4 4 A 2 8.4 5 A 11

Re: [R] Xapply question

2010-11-12 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: This is kind of kludgy, but if the matrix and parallel vector are both numeric, you could try something like A - matrix(rnorm(12), nrow = 3) v - 1:3 f - function(x) c(sum(x[-length(x)]^2), x[length(x)]) t(apply(cbind(A, v), 1, f)) v [1,] 8.196513 1 [2,] 1.414914 2 [3,] 2.436660

Re: [R] exploratory analysis of large categorical datasets

2010-11-11 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: A good place to start would be package vcd and its suite of demos and vignettes, as well as the vcdExtra package, which adds a few more goodies and a very nice introductory vignette by Michael Friendly. You can't fault the package for a lack of documentation :) You might also find the

Re: [R] create a pairwise coocurrence matrix

2010-11-11 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Another alternative is crossprod(A) which is meant to produce an optimized A'A (not the vector cross-product from intro physics :) Example: A - matrix(rpois(9, 10), ncol = 3) A [,1] [,2] [,3] [1,]6 10 14 [2,]75 16 [3,] 12 16 10 t(A) %*% A [,1] [,2]

Re: [R] switching only axis off in plot

2010-11-11 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Do you mean to leave the x-axis as is and redo the y? If so, use graphical parameter yaxt: x - y - 1:10 plot(x, y, yaxt = 'n') axis(2, at = ..., lab = ..., ...)# fill in the blanks In case it matters, xaxt = 'n' suppresses the x-axis labels but not the y labels. HTH, Dennis On Thu,

Re: [R] change axis labels and text size in splom

2010-11-10 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: A perusal of the splom() help page indicates the following: ...If you are trying to fine-tune your splom plot, definitely look at the panel.pairs help page. The scales argument is usually not very useful in splom, and trying to change

Re: [R] repeatedrepeated measures in ANOVA or mixed model

2010-11-09 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: This sounds like a 'doubly repeated measures problem'. Are any treatments assigned to individuals or is this a purely observational study? Is the time horizon of the between-visit factor (much?) longer than that of the within-visit factor? You could try to assess the strength of correlation

Re: [R] Add text to a stacked barplot

2010-11-09 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Did you mean panel.text(x,y/2,label = round(y,3),cex=1) ?? HTH, Dennis On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 1:11 AM, Ashraf Yassen ashraf.yas...@gmail.comwrote: Dear All, Now with data. Any suggestion how to center the text in the filling would be appreciated. Kind regards, Ashraf

Re: [R] simulation from pareto distn

2010-11-09 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: library(sos) findFn('truncated Pareto') On my system, it scared up 17 matches. It looks like the VGAM package would be a reasonable place to start looking. HTH, Dennis On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 8:50 AM, cassie jones cassiejone...@gmail.comwrote: Dear all, I am trying to simulate from

Re: [R] Performing a geometric seqeunce using iterators?

2010-11-09 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Is this what you're looking for? x - 1:10 1 + sum((1/x)^(1:10)) [1] 2.291286 1 + sum(x^(-(1:10))) [1] 2.291286 Since this may be a homework question, I'll let you figure out how to turn it into a function - it only needs one change. On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 7:16 PM, vicho

Re: [R] How to eliminate this for loop ?

2010-11-08 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: ?Recall HTH, Dennis On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 1:25 AM, PLucas plucasplucasplu...@yopmail.comwrote: Hi, I would like to create a list recursively and eliminate my for loop : a-c() a[1] - 1; # initial value for(i in 2:N) { a[i]-a[i-1]*b - c[i-1] # b is a value, c is another vector

Re: [R] Create Matrix of 2 Dim from two vectors

2010-11-08 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: If you want the literal character strings, this works: x-c(1, 2, 3) y-c(4,5,6) outer(x, y, function(x, y) paste('(', x, ',', y, ')', sep = '') ) [,1][,2][,3] [1,] (1,4) (1,5) (1,6) [2,] (2,4) (2,5) (2,6) [3,] (3,4) (3,5) (3,6) However, I have the sense you want to use the

Re: [R] Several lattice plots on one page

2010-11-08 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Is this what you had in mind? library(reshape2) df - df[, -10] # last variable is superfluous dm - melt(df, id = 'day') head(dm) day variable value 1 1 var1 1 2 2 var1 2 3 3 var1 3 4 4 var1 4 5 1 var2 100 6 2 var2 200

Re: [R] A more efficient way to roll values in an irregular time series dataset?

2010-11-08 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Look into the zoo package and its rollapply() function. The package is designed to handle irregular and multiple series. HTH, Dennis On Mon, Nov 8, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Richard Vlasimsky wrote: Does anyone recommend a more efficient way to roll values in a time

Re: [R] creating a scale (factor) based on a continuous variable nested within levels of factor

2010-11-07 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: If I get your meaning, the cut() function would appear to be your friend in this problem. hDatPretty$liking - cut(hDatPretty$rating, breaks = c(-11, -4, 4, 11), labels = c('dislike', 'neutral', 'like')) HTH, Dennis On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 11:15 PM, hind

Re: [R] When using ACF, receive error: no applicable method for 'ACF' applied to an object of class c('double', 'numeric')

2010-11-07 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Sat, Nov 6, 2010 at 11:22 PM, evt wrote: I am guessing this is a very simple question, but this is only my second day with R so it is all still a bit imposing. I am trying to run an autocorrelation. I imported a CSV file, which has one column labeled logistic.

Re: [R] Exponent of sqr symmetric matrix

2010-11-07 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Check out the expm package, particularly function expm(). HTH, Dennis On Sun, Nov 7, 2010 at 6:21 PM, zhiji19 wrote: Dear R experts, I really have difficulty when I try to deal with this question. suppose X is a square symmetric matrix. The exponent of X is defined

Re: [R] ANOVA table and lmer

2010-11-05 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Look at the structure of the experiment. The six blocks represent different replications of the experiment. No treatment is assigned at the block level. Within a particular block, there are three plots, to which each variety is randomly assigned to one of them. Ideally, separate

Re: [R] ggplot output

2010-11-04 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: This isn't very difficult if you use a little imagination. We want three separate plots of monthly means by variable with attached error bars. This requires faceting, so we need to create a factor whose levels are the variable names. We also need to generate enough data to summarize by mean

Re: [R] avoid a loop

2010-11-04 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: To mimic Sarah Goslee's reply within base R, either of these work: crossprod(t(as.matrix(xtabs( ~ a + b crossprod(t(as.matrix(table(a, b HTH, Dennis On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 12:42 PM, cory n wrote: Let's suppose I have userids and associated attributes...

Re: [R] Tukey's table

2010-11-03 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Try this: Trat - c(2:30) # number of treatments gl - c(2:30, 40, 60, 120) # Write a one-line 2D function to get the Tukey distribution quantile: f - function(x,y) qtukey(0.95, x, y) outer(Trat, gl, f) It's slow (takes a few seconds) but it seems to work. HTH, Dennis

Re: [R] Using data( ) in a loop

2010-11-02 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 8:06 AM, McCarthy, Ian wrote: I'm trying to generate 50+ graphs using the UScensus2000tract data. I need to access the data for just about all of the states, so I was hoping to create a simple loop that will take the relevant state

Re: [R] Colour filling in panel.bwplot from lattice

2010-11-02 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: I don't know why, but it seems that in bwplot(voice.part ~ height, data = singer, main = NOT THE RIGHT ORDER OF COLOURS\n'yellow' 'blue' 'green' 'red' 'pink' 'violet' 'brown' 'gold', fill=c(yellow,blue,green,red,pink,violet,brown,gold)) the assignment of colors is offset by 3: Levels: Bass

Re: [R] transforming a dataset for association analysis RESHAPE2

2010-11-01 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: xtabs() also works in this case: dat - read.table(textConnection('Subject Item Score + Subject 1 Item 1 1 + Subject 1 Item 2 0 + Subject 1 Item 3 1 + Subject 2 Item 1 1 + Subject 2 Item 2 1 + Subject 2 Item 3 0'), header=TRUE) closeAllConnections() acast(dat,

Re: [R] Mean and individual growth curve trajectories

2010-11-01 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Here's another version of the plot using ggplot2: g - ggplot(sleepstudy, aes(x = Days, y = Reaction, group = Subject, colour = Subject)) g + geom_line(size = 1) + geom_smooth(aes(group = 1), size = 2) + theme_bw() To get rid of the legend, if you so desire, use g + geom_line(size = 1) +

Re: [R] question in using nlme and lme4 for unbalanced data

2010-11-01 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Mon, Nov 1, 2010 at 3:59 PM, Chi Yuan wrote: Hello: I need some help about using mixed for model for unbalanced data. I have an two factorial random block design. It's a ecology experiment. My two factors are, guild removal and enfa removal. Both are two

Re: [R] for loop

2010-10-30 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: If your objective is to make 15 plots, one for each level of razred, then you don't need to make 15 individual data frames first. The lattice and ggplot2 packages allow conditioning plots. You haven't mentioned what types of plots you're interested in getting, but if it's something simple

Re: [R] Differenciate numbers from reference for rows

2010-10-29 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: x - matrix(20:35, ncol = 1) u - c(1, 4, 5, 6, 11) # 'x values' m - c(1, 3, 1, 1, 0.5) # Function to compute the inner product of the multipliers with the extracted # elements of x determined by u f - function(mat, inputs, mults) crossprod(mat[inputs], mults) f(x, u, mults = c(1, 3, 1,

Re: [R] get the rows so that there is no redundant element in a certain column

2010-10-28 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Is something like this what you were after? x - data.frame(A = sample(LETTERS[1:5], 1000, replace = TRUE), B = rpois(1000, 50), C = rnorm(1000)) x[unique(x$A), ] A B C 4 E 49 1.18424176 5 B 51 0.51911271 1 D 71 0.06266016 2 E 61 0.59862609 3 A 45

Re: [R] xyplot and panel.curve

2010-10-28 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: There are a few things wrong, I believe; hopefully my suggested fix is what you're after... On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 3:35 PM, Duncan Mackay Hi All I have regression coefficients from an experiment and I want to plot them in lattice using panel curve but I

Re: [R] wilcox.test; data type conversion?

2010-10-28 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Make grade an ordered factor: grade - factor(grade, levels = c('G', 'VG', 'MVG')) as.numeric(as.character(grade)) will convert to numeric scores 1, 2 and 3, respectively, corresponding to the numerical codes of the ordered levels. HTH, Dennis On Thu, Oct 28, 2010 at 8:37 PM, Par

Re: [R] Dickey Fuller Test

2010-10-28 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Since the series is obviously nonstationary and periodic, it would seem that one should embrace a wider window over which to evaluate the DF test. I did the following: y - ts(Y, frequency = 12) # looked like an annual series to me plot(stl(y, 'periodic')) # very informative!!

Re: [R] Data.frame Vs Matrix Vs Array: Definitions Please

2010-10-27 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: I'm going to take a different tack from Gabor and Ivan and be strictly qualitative on the distinctions among vectors, matrices, arrays, data frames and lists. As Ivan mentioned, a vector has a single (atomic) mode - i.e., all elements of a vector must be of the same type. A numeric vector

Re: [R] plot by cathegories within a factor

2010-10-27 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Here's another take with ggplot2: library(ggplot2) # Define the basic plot elements. First argument is the data frame. # aes() refers to the plot's aesthetics, which refer to the variables # mapped to specific 'roles' in the plot 'geoms' g - ggplot(x, aes(x = Age, y = Trait)) g +

Re: [R] Best IDE for R

2010-10-27 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: This topic came up a couple of days ago: HTH, Dennis On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 4:01 AM, Santosh Srinivas wrote: Dear R-Group, I am looking for suggestions for the best IDE for R. Best is obviously

Re: [R] ggplot - unwanted sorted X values

2010-10-27 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: As David originally noted, your dates are going to be read in as factors with data.frame() unless you explicitly define them as Date objects first. Here's one way to get the plot using a toy example (since you didn't provide any data): library(ggplot2) dd [1] 21/2/10 30/3/10 30/4/10 30/5/10

Re: [R] Merge disparate lists

2010-10-27 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Is this what you need? l_one - data.frame(key = c(2, 1, 2)) l_two - data.frame(ndx = 1:4, descr = c('this', 'that', 'other', 'finis')) merge(l_one, l_two, by.x = 'key', by.y = 'ndx') key descr 1 1 this 2 2 that 3 2 that HTH, Dennis On Wed, Oct 27, 2010 at 10:53 AM, Jim Burke

Re: [R] Forcing results from lm into datframe

2010-10-26 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: When it comes to split, apply, combine, think plyr. library(plyr) ldply(split(afvtprelvefs, afvtprelvefs$basestudy), function(x) coef(lm (ef ~ quartile, data=x, weights=1/ef_std))) .id (Intercept) quartile 1 CBP090802020.92140 3.38546887 2 CBP090802129.31632

Re: [R] Using tapply?

2010-10-25 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: I'm pretty sure that newton.method in the animation package is meant to illustrate the technique rather than to be used as an optimizer in practice. Look at ?optim; it that doesn't meet your needs, consult the Optimization Task View at CRAN, where you will find several packages, in addition

Re: [R] .R file

2010-10-25 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi : It's not clear whether you want to save your code, your R object or both. Tal has already directed you to help for saving objects created in your workspace. As for saving the code, many people write their code in an editor and either copy/paste it into the workspace or, with certain editors,

Re: [R] contour on a simplex

2010-10-23 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Check out this post on R-help from February, and look carefully at the solution of Walmes Zeviani - I believe it's close to what you're requesting: HTH, Dennis On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Yunting Sun

Re: [R] nested anova

2010-10-22 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 4:13 PM, mirick wrote: Hello all, Can any of you R gurus help me out? I’m not all that great at stats to begin with, and I’m also learning the R ropes (former SAS user). Sounds like you need a support group :) Here’s what I need help with…

Re: [R] superscript characters in title with '+'

2010-10-22 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Try X - rnorm(100) hist(X, main = bquote('[Ca'^'2+'*']i'~'onsets'), xlab = 'sec') or hist(X, main = bquote('[Ca*]'*i^'2+' ~'onsets'), xlab = 'sec') I'm not sure which one you want, though. HTH, Dennis On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 4:01 AM, DrCJones matthias.godd...@gmail.comwrote: Hi, How

Re: [R] data.frame query

2010-10-21 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Does this work? mdat - function(nt, n0, n1) { l - nt - n0 - 1 k - seq(l) # same as 1:l n - n0 - 1 + k lam - n/nt Q - seq(n1)[n] data.frame(k = k, n = n, lam = lam, Q = Q) } mdat(20, 5, 20) k n lam Q 1 1 5 0.25 5 2 2 6 0.30 6 3 3 7 0.35 7 4

Re: [R] Adding Legend about two quantile lines at ggplot

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: scale_manual() is a little tricky when you build the legend from within the plot. I used shorter labels than you, but this worked for me: ggplot(mydata, aes(y=score2, x=score1)) + geom_point() + stat_quantile(quantiles=c(0.50), aes(colour='red'), size = 1) +

Re: [R] superpose.polygon, panel.polygon and their colors

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi Dieter: I think the OP wanted both lines and shading; from your code I could get the shading but not the lines. This is what it took for me to get the lines (note the type and col.line changes in xyplot() ): panel.bands - function(x, y, upper, lower, subscripts, ..., font,

Re: [R] superpose.polygon, panel.polygon and their colors

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Works for me! Thanks, Dieter! Regards, Dennis On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Dieter Menne djmuseR wrote: Hi Dieter: I think the OP wanted both lines and shading; from your code I could get the shading but not the lines. This is what it took

Re: [R] rowsum

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Here's one way, although it can be improved a bit. d1 - aggregate(C ~ A, data = subset(DF0, B == 1), FUN = sum) d2 - subset(DF0, B != 1) # B not in d1, so need to replace it d1 A C 1 52 124 2 57 64 3 89 192 d1$B - rep(1, nrow(d1)) d1 - d1[, c(1, 3, 2)] # reorder columns to permit

Re: [R] rowsum

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
(), summaryBy() in the doBy package and several more functions/packages can do this quite easily. Dennis On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 3:21 AM, Dennis Murphy wrote: Hi: Here's one way, although it can be improved a bit. d1 - aggregate(C ~ A, data = subset(DF0, B == 1), FUN = sum) d2

Re: [R] rowsum

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
options :) Dennis On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 3:24 AM, Dennis Murphy wrote: Or even better (doh!)... library(plyr) ddply(DF0, .(A, B), summarise, C = sum(C)) A B C 1 52 1 124 2 52 59 38 3 52 97 75 4 57 1 64 5 57 6 26 6 57 114 12 7 89 1 192 8

Re: [R] Plot help

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Your confidence intervals are so short that the size of the point in the graphics region covers the endpoints! You also have a wide range of simulated means (0 - 52) and actual values (0 - 54). Here are some measures of your CIs: with(simvsact, max(simCI.upper - simCI.lower))# maximum

Re: [R] R 2.12.0 and JGR

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Even more fun with Deducer in 2.12.0: I downloaded the JGR 64-bit executable from R-forge and installed the latest binary of the package from there a half hour ago. When I try the JGR executable, I get the same error that Rob and Kat reported. When I try to call Deducer from within R-2.12.0

Re: [R] How to select not continous rows?

2010-10-20 Thread Dennis Murphy
mydata[c(1:5, 10:15), ] HTH, Dennis On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 6:25 AM, skan wrote: Hello How can I select several not continuous rows ? If I wanted to select rows 1 to 7 I'll write mydata[,1:7] But what if I need to select rows 1 to 5 and 10 to 15? -- View this

Re: [R] Doubt on using lattice

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 11:32 PM, Cristina Ramalho wrote: Hi all, I suppose this is a very simple question, but as I've lost already a bit of time with it, without being able to get what I wanted, I'm addressing the question to the group in the hope

Re: [R] calculate power of test

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: One answer comes from the pwr.r.test() function in package pwr (read its code to see how it calculates power): pwr.r.test(n = 100, r = 0.2, sig.level = 0.05, alternative = 'two.sided') approximate correlation power calculation (arctangh transformation) n = 100

Re: [R] points(x,y), mean and standard deviation

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
lines(1:5, HTH, Dennis On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 7:13 AM, ashz wrote: Hi, Thanks for the tip. I run this script: - c(82, 79, 110, 136,103) - c(8.1,9.2,7.4,1.6,7.6) plotCI(x = , uiw =, pch=24) But how can I connect the

Re: [R] superpose.polygon, panel.polygon and their colors

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: This is how you could do the same in ggplot2; geom_ribbon() does the shading. For your example, it seemed reasonable to put in reference lines, especially since the upper limits of one confidence band abutted the lower limits of the other in group a, so I averaged the upper and lower limits

Re: [R] scatter.smooth() fitted by loess

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: I agree with Ista's point that you shouldn't be doing loess with these data (x and y both need to be continuous for loess, but your x is discrete), but you shouldn't be computing boxplots at each YMRS_Sum value either because you don't have enough resid observations at Sum = 3 and 4. A

Re: [R] plot CI and mortality rate

2010-10-19 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Following up on Ben's suggestion re ggplot2, here's a manufactured example: # Fake data: mortrate - round(runif(100), 3) dd - data.frame(rate = mortrate, moe = 1.96 * sqrt(mortrate * (1 - mortrate))/10, hosp = factor(paste('H', 1:100, sep = ''))) dim(dd) [1] 100 3 # Set

Re: [R] Randomly shuffle an array 1000 times

2010-10-18 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: One way to permute your sample 1000 times is to use the r*ply() function from the plyr package. Let s denote your original vector, randomly generated as follows: s - rbinom(800, 0.6) # simulates your Yes/No vector library(plyr) u - raply(1000, sample(s))# generates a 1000 x

Re: [R] Randomly shuffle an array 1000 times

2010-10-18 Thread Dennis Murphy
Always fun to follow up your own posts The replicate() line should be v - replicate(1000, sample(s)) # generates an 800 x 1000 matrix Sorry for the bandwidth waste... Dennis On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 6:55 PM, Dennis Murphy wrote: Hi: One way to permute your sample

Re: [R] dpois().......bizarre warning messages

2010-10-17 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Sun, Oct 17, 2010 at 8:46 AM, Federico Bonofiglio bonori...@gmail.comwrote: Dear Masters, I have a question to submit consider the following script m-4.95 obs-rpois(36,m) # i generate 36 realization from a poisson(m) hist(obs,freq=F) curve(dpois(x,m),add=T,col=red) #i wish to

Re: [R] Random assignment

2010-10-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: I don't believe you've provided quite enough information just yet... On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:22 AM, John Haart wrote: Dear List, I am doing some simulation in R and need basic help! I have a list of animal families for which i know the number of species in each

Re: [R] using apply function and storing output

2010-10-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: You need to give a function for rollapply() to apply :) Here's my toy example: d -, 5), nrow = 10)) library(zoo) d1 - zoo(d) # uses row numbers as index # rolling means of 3 in each subseries (columns) rollmean(d1, 3) V1 V2 V3 2

Re: [R] Time vs Concentration Graphs by ID

2010-10-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
about a half hour to rearrange the Theoph data frame from nlme into shape so that I could get a plot that remotely resembled what you were looking for. Alas, I don't have the time today to do the same for this request. HTH, Dennis On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 2:32 AM, Dennis Murphy

Re: [R] Recovering x/y coordinates from a scatterplot image

2010-10-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi Rob: Are you thinking of the digitize package? HTH, Dennis On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 1:46 PM, Rob James wrote: Do I recall correctly that there is an R package that can take an image, and help one estimate the x/y coordinates? I can't find the package, thought it was

Re: [R] using apply function and storing output

2010-10-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Look into the rollmean() function in package zoo. HTH, Dennis On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 12:34 AM, David A. wrote: Hi list, I have a 1710x244 matrix of numerical values and I would like to calculate the mean of every group of three consecutive values per column to

Re: [R] Time vs Concentration Graphs by ID

2010-10-15 Thread Dennis Murphy
512 4 2 ... ect I don't care if it's ggplot or something else as long as it looks like how I envisioned. On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 12:22 AM, Dennis Murphy wrote: I don't recall that you submitted a reproducible example to use

Re: [R] Data Gaps

2010-10-14 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: The essential problem is that after you append items, the result is a list with possibly unequal lengths. Trying to convert that into a data frame by the 'usual' methods (, ...) or ldply() in plyr) didn't work (as anticipated). One approach is to initialize a maximum size matrix

Re: [R] help with an unbalanced split plot

2010-10-14 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 3:58 PM, Eugenio Larios elari...@email.arizona.eduwrote: Hi Everyone, I am trying to analyze a split plot experiment in the field that was arranged like this: I am trying to measure the fitness consequences of seed size. Factors (X): *Seed size*: a continuous

Re: [R] Joining together multiple csv files

2010-10-14 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Here's a toy example: the first part is to create files and write them out to the current directory. # Create a dummy file and run it five times, creating five new .csv files file - data.frame(x = rnorm(5), y = rnorm(5)) fnames - paste('file', 1:5, '.csv', sep = '') # last column is an

Re: [R] Lattice: arbitrary abline in multiple histograms

2010-10-13 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: David was on the right track... library(reshape) # for the melt() function below rnorm(100,5,3) - A rnorm(100,7,3) - B rnorm(100,4,1) - C df - melt(data.frame(A, B, C)) names(df)[1] - 'gp' histogram(~ value | gp, data=df, layout=c(3,1), nint=50, panel=function(x, ..., groups){

Re: [R] compare histograms

2010-10-13 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: This recent thread revealed that a package on R-forge for calculating earth movers distance is available: HTH, Dennis On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Michael Bedward

Re: [R] Data Gaps

2010-10-13 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Perhaps ?append for simple insertions... HTH, Dennis On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 1:24 AM, dpender wrote: R community, I am trying to write a code that fills in data gaps in a time series. I have no R or statistics background at all but the use of R is proving

Re: [R] LME with 2 factors with 3 levels each

2010-10-13 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Tue, Oct 12, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Laura Halderman wrote: Hello. I am new to R and new to linear mixed effects modeling. I am trying to model some data which has two factors. Each factor has three levels rather than continuous data. Specifically, we measured speech at

Re: [R] Data Gaps

2010-10-13 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 5:31 AM, dpender wrote: Dennis, Thanks for that. The problem now is that I am trying to use it in a for loop. Based on the example before, 2 entries are required after H[3] as specified by O. The problem is that when inserting values

Re: [R] Matrix subscripting to wrap around from end to start of row

2010-10-13 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: This isn't particularly elegant, but I think it works: # The function to be applied: f - function(x, idx) { n - length(x) if(idx[1] idx[2]) {idx - seq(idx[1], idx[2]) } else { idx - c(seq(idx[1], n), seq(1, idx[2])) } mean(x[idx]) } # tests =

Re: [R] Help with STL function to decompose

2010-10-12 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Try str(u.ts) class(u.ts) That should give you more information about the type of object being input to stl. I tried the following, which worked on my system: u - rnorm(100) u.ts - ts(u, start = c(2001, 1), frequency = 12) u.stl - stl(u.ts, 'per') plot(u.stl) sessionInfo() R version

Re: [R] Import Multiple csv files and merge into one Master file

2010-10-08 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: An alternative approach with a few less keystrokes, using the plyr package: library(plyr) # Create some example data files, populate them and write them out using write.csv: fnames - c(paste('file0', 1:9, '.csv', sep = '')) for(i in seq_along(fnames)) { d - data.frame(x = rnorm(3), y =

Re: [R] Create 2d table with mean of entries

2010-10-07 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Perhaps dd - read.table(textConnection( + Vehicle Start End Time +1A B5 +2A C4 +3A C3 +4B A6 +5B C4 +6B C6 +7C B2 +8C B

Re: [R] auto.arima error

2010-10-07 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 8:08 AM, Vangani, Ruchi wrote: I am trying to use auto.arima to fit a univariate time series and do forecast. This is an imaginary data on monthly outcomes of 2 years and I want to forecast the outcome for next 12 months of next year. data

Re: [R] subtraction based on two groups in a dataframe

2010-10-07 Thread Dennis Murphy
Hi: Is this what you were looking for? Group HYB rlt1 P1 A1 control1SKOV3hyb0.19 P1 A2 disease1SKOV3hyb0.21 P1 A3 control1SKOV3hyb0.205 P1 A4 disease1SKOV3hyb0.206 P1

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