[R-sig-Geo] [FORGED] Create a Spatial Weight Matrix based on road distance

2019-06-24 Thread Timothée Giraud
Dear Rolando,

OSRM (Open Source Routing Machine) is a routing engine designed to run 
on OpenStreetMap data.

There is a public instance of the engine, a demo server. This server 
has limitations 
(https://github.com/Project-OSRM/osrm-backend/wiki/Demo-server) like 
the number of requests/minute, or in your case the maximum size of a 
requested distance matrix (1, meaning 100 origines x 100 
destinations).  As they say :"he demo server usage is restricted to 
reasonable, non-commercial use-cases. We provide no guarantees wrt. 
uptime, latency, or data updates."

A solution is to run your own instance of the server to get rid of 
these limitations. The prefered and simplest way to run an instance is 
to use a Docker container 
When launching the Docker you'll have to set a large value for the 
--max-table-size parameter. Something like:
docker run -t -i -p 5000:5000 -v "${PWD}:/data" osrm/osrm-backend 
osrm-routed --algorithm mld --max-table-size 900 

The osrm R package is an interface between R and OSRM. The default 
server used by the package is the OSRM demo server. But you can change 
the default server with :
options(osrm.server = ";, osrm.profile = "driving")



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R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] help needed regarding package OSRM

2017-11-08 Thread Timothée Giraud


osrmRoute() requests a route between 2 points, it can return a 
SpatialLinesDataFrame of the route with travel time (minutes) and travel 
distance (kilometers) in its data slot.

osrmTable() requests a travel time matrix between a set of points, it 
can return a matrix in minutes between sources and destinations.

The OSRM server cannot return a travel distance matrix (in km).

Thus, the only solution I see for now is to use a loop (or apply or 
whatever) with osrmRoute() :


mat <- data.frame(i = character(), j = character (),
  time = numeric(), distance = numeric(),
  stringsAsFactors = F)
k = 1
for (i in 1:2){
  for (j in 6:8){
    rout <- osrmRoute(src = com[i, c("comm_id", "lon","lat")],
  dst = com[j, c("comm_id", "lon","lat")], sp = T)
    mat[k, ] <- as.vector(rout@data[1,])
    k <- k + 1

Note that I use the github version of the package. This version is 
adapted to last changes made on the demo server.

Note also that I use a Sys.sleep(0.5)instruction in the loop to be 
gentle with the public OSRM demo server.

If you use your own OSRM server, the CRAN version will work and the 
Sys.sleep() instruction is useless.

Timothée Giraud

R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] Making an hexagonal grid using spsample

2017-03-06 Thread Timothée Giraud


I understand you find a solution via hextess from spatstat.

However, this is a solution with spsample from sp.

Actually, the cellsize argument of spsample defines the distance between 
the center of consecutives hexagons.
So it is the length of 2 medians of one of the 6 equilateral triangles 
composing the hexagon.

You can obtain the correct cellsize with:
- the formula that calculates the median length for a given equilateral 
triangle length size,
- the formula that calculate the area of an hexagon with a given side 

gridded(meuse.grid) = ~x+y

# targeted area in meters
A <- 1
# Corresponding cellsize :
CS <- 2 * sqrt(A/((3*sqrt(3)/2))) * sqrt(3)/2

# hexagons
HexPts <-spsample(x = meuse.grid, type = "hexagonal", cellsize = CS)
HexPols <- HexPoints2SpatialPolygons(HexPts)

plot(HexPols, add=TRUE)

# check
rgeos::gArea(HexPols, byid = T)[1:10]

Since you asked me about getGridLayer via PM, this function of the 
cartography package uses spsample with its cellsize argument, maybe I 
should add a "targeted area" argument...

R-sig-Geo mailing list

[R-sig-Geo] Geographic/Spatial Clustering - pyCluster for R?

2016-02-15 Thread Timothée Giraud

You could have a look at the ClustGeo package :
>ClustGeo: Clustering of Observations with Geographical Constraints
>Functions which allow to integrate geographical constraints in Ward 
hierarchical clustering. Geographical maps of typologies obtained can be 
displayed with the use of shapefiles.

R-sig-Geo mailing list

Re: [R-sig-Geo] mapcircles help

2016-01-11 Thread Timothée Giraud

As maintainer of the rCarto package, my advice would be to switch to the 
cartography package (of which I am also maintainer) and the 
propSymbolsLayer function in it. Examples and the vignette will help you 
through the mapping process.

My turn to ask for an advice:
rCarto was my first package and after a while we decide to build an 
other, better, thematic mapping package (i.e. the cartography package). 
cartography is much more R-ish in its use of the graphic device, offers 
more kinds of maps and has more options to customize the maps.
So my question is: what should I do with rCarto? Remove it from CRAN? 
Deprecate all functions in it? Add a visible comment to incite users to 
switch to cartography?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Le 11/01/2016 10:56, Mistry, Krishan a écrit :

Dear Sirs/Madame,

I have a spatial polygons data frame and want to map proportional circles on 
it. I have tried using the map circles function in rCarto as seen below but it 
doesn't seem to work an continues to show errors. Do I need to convert the 
spatial polygons data frame to a shapefile if so I would I do this?

mapCircles(shpFile, shpId, df, dfId, var,
   fixedNorm =ALSE, shareOfCircles = 0.02,
   radiusMax =.5, valueMax = max(df[, var], na.rm = TRUE),
   lgdRnd =, posLeg = "bottomleft",
   circleCol =#FD8D3C", baseCol = "#FFEDA0",
   title =ar, legend = var, author = "author", sources = "sources",
   scalebar =ALSE, scalebarSize, scalebarText,
   northArrow =ALSE, northArrowSize,
   width =ULL, height = NULL, txtCex = NULL)

Any advice is greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks


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