Hi Joseph,

Thanks for reporting this. It seems indeed that reordering the output of 
bind.tree() fixes it. A way to do it is:

attr(t2, "order") <- NULL
t2 <- reorder(t2)

It seems to solve the different problems (balance(t2) doesn't work correctly 
too). I'll add these 2 lines as the end bind.tree().



----- Le 22 Oct 20, à 22:42, Joseph Brown josep...@umich.edu a écrit :

> I came across the following error: when trying to ladderize a tree that had
> gone through bind.tree, the tree becomes corrupted. Specifically, I added a
> single tip to an internal node (code to replicate below).
> Note:
> 1) this error did not seem to occur when attaching the tip sister to an
> original tip (i.e., an external edge).
> 2) when the binded tree involved multiple tips attached to the same
> internal position, the same edge/edge.length issues arise (see below), but
> R crashes completely when trying to plot
> 3) if the tree is written out and read back in prior to ladderizing, no
> problems occur
> tl;dr: when ladderizing the binded tree, the edge matrix and edge.length
> vectors are missing rows/elements corresponding to edges of tree "y" (the
> second tree) in bind.tree. forcing a reordering seems to get around things,
> but cladewise ordering alone fails.
> Perhaps bind.tree needs to incorporate a reordering step?
> HTH.
> Joseph.
> #####################################
> library(ape);
> set.seed(31459);
> t1 <- rtree(10);
> # let's add a terminal with bind.tree
> term <- rtree(1, tip.label="gnu_tip");
> t2 <- bind.tree(x=t1, y=term, where=12, position=0.5);
> # plot
> plot(t2); axisPhylo();
> # looks correct. but let's ladderize to make things pretty
> plot(ladderize(t2)); axisPhylo();
> # Warning message:
> #     In yy[TIPS] <- 1:Ntip :
> #         number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
> # huh? looks like the edge matrix is incorrect
> dim(t2$edge);
> # [1] 20  2
> dim(ladderize(t2)$edge);
> # [1] 19  2
> # the new terminal is missing from the edge matrix
> # same with the edge.length vector:
> length(t2$edge.length)
> # [1] 20
> length(ladderize(t2)$edge.length)
> # [1] 19
> # but tip.label vector is ok:
> length(t2$tip.label) == length(ladderize(t2)$tip.label)
> # [1] TRUE
> # so: we do not have enough edges for the number of terminals
> # can we fix it by reordering?
> plot(ladderize(reorder(t2, "cladewise")));
> # nope: same error. note that attributes(t2)$order was already "cladewise"
> # i'm guessing the reorder command is ignored because of its current status?
> # try a different ordering to force processing
> plot(ladderize(reorder(t2, "pruningwise")));
> # success
> # what if we want "cladewise" ordering for downstream analyses?
> # maybe we can pass it through reorder.phylo twice?
> plot(ladderize(reorder(reorder(t2, "pruningwise"), "cladewise")));
> # yup!
>       [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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