Re: [racket-dev] Accessing OpenType MATH information through racket/draw

2022-01-17 Thread Alexis King
On Sun, Jan 9, 2022 at 3:48 PM Jens Axel Søgaard wrote: > It seems to me that the ideal solution would be hybrid. > > 1. Expose public but explicitly *unsafe* direct access to Cairo and > Pango contexts. > 2. Implement a safe API in racket/draw that provides the necessary > low-level

[racket-dev] Accessing OpenType MATH information through racket/draw

2022-01-08 Thread Alexis King
Hi all, I have recently been tinkering with an implementation of an OpenType math renderer in Racket. Doing this properly requires consulting font metrics stored in the OpenType MATH table . There is no direct interface to access

Re: [racket-dev] Efficient implementation of delimited control

2019-12-06 Thread Alexis King
Apologies for the delayed response to this—I had a busy week, then got sick at the end of it—but this is all incredibly helpful. There’s a lot of reading I still need to do to catch up on all of this, but that’s exactly what I was hoping for: there’s a lot of useful information here I hadn’t

[racket-dev] Efficient implementation of delimited control

2019-11-30 Thread Alexis King
If I may ask one more question of you, Matthew: following up from the thread on `dynamic-wind`, I would love to pick your brain on what you think are the state of the art implementation techniques for delimited continuations. When I went looking for resources, I mostly found two papers: “A

Re: [racket-dev] CI improved for Racket

2019-04-09 Thread Alexis King
Hi Paulo, The work you’re doing is really cool, though I admit most of it is over my head. Thank you for putting in the time to set it all up. One thing I have noticed, however, is that the GitLab pipeline seems to almost always fail or timeout, which causes almost every commit on the commits

Re: [racket-dev] require: namespace mismatch while dealing with syntax-local-value of a syntax property

2017-10-03 Thread Alexis King
I am not sure what could be causing this problem, but it seems related to something I ran into about a year ago[1], though I was getting slightly different behavior. At the time, Matthew had the following to say on the subject: > On Oct 25, 2016, at 4:28 PM, Matthew Flatt

Re: [racket-dev] Chez Scheme as the Racket VM

2017-02-15 Thread Alexis King
I second other voices that this is both fascinating and exciting. Your technical efforts are always inspiring and much appreciated, and your detailed transparency around them perhaps even more so. These sorts of things are always extremely interesting to read. I have a question to add, myself: if

[racket-dev] Make range cooperate with for loops?

2017-01-03 Thread Alexis King
A question[1] was asked on Stack Overflow today that used `range` from racket/list in a for loop, then was baffled as to why it was so slow compared to a manually written loop using named let. To some extent, confusion of this sort is unavoidable, since it stems from a confusion about the

Re: [racket-dev] Misuse of terminology in `parser-tools/lex`?

2016-12-09 Thread Alexis King
> On Dec 9, 2016, at 10:23, Matthew Butterick wrote: > > 2) Relatedly: is the field ordering used by the `srcloc` struct — line > / column / position / span — recommended for other interfaces to > follow, or considered arbitrary? IMO, I would say “just use the srcloc struct” if

Re: [racket-dev] Release Announcement for v6.7

2016-10-15 Thread Alexis King
> On Oct 15, 2016, at 05:39, Vincent St-Amour > wrote: > > Alexis: - private repo support in pkg (racket @ > d409fb5e2ec8b29932cde718b8383ffa0ce071e3 > 8de889df5ea3e0859cd01f1fcd39cdca5a7f949c > 6d63e4443ffad0b73c9632033dbf2adcb0871658) The package system

Re: [racket-dev] Why is collections is failing pkg-build?

2016-10-14 Thread Alexis King
> On Oct 14, 2016, at 1:49 PM, Matthew Flatt wrote: > > I'll work on this as soon as I can. Meanwhile, you might have intended > for "functional-lib" to depend on "collections-lib", and it's possible > that change avoid the bug in the dependency calculation. Wonderful, thank

[racket-dev] Re: Why is collections is failing pkg-build?

2016-10-14 Thread Alexis King
Can anyone answer this? I’d really like to get my packages’ documentation indexed again, but I really have no idea what’s wrong. > On Oct 6, 2016, at 9:15 PM, Alexis King <> wrote: > > I recently split up my collections package into the usual lib, doc, and

[racket-dev] Why is collections is failing pkg-build?

2016-10-06 Thread Alexis King
I recently split up my collections package into the usual lib, doc, and test packages, and I noticed today that pkg-build seems to be barfing on it in such a way that is causing its dependencies to have issues, too. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to figure out what’s wrong. If I look at

Re: [racket-dev] Release for v6.7 is about to begin

2016-10-03 Thread Alexis King
I would like to request that somebody take a look at this[1] pull request that adds support for private git repos to the package system before the release process. It’s not really urgent, so if people have any concerns with it, I’m happy to leave it out of this release, but if people think it

Re: [racket-dev] Using private github repositories as package sources?

2016-06-20 Thread Alexis King
Alright, I’ve opened a pull request that adds support for authentication to net/git-checkout, which appears to be able to successfully clone private GitHub repositories. Presumably, adjusting the package system to use this information is not terribly technical difficult, but I’m finding myself

[racket-dev] Using private github repositories as package sources?

2016-06-17 Thread Alexis King
I have been looking for a way to use Racket at work, and we’ve found a couple places where it might be useful for documentation or tooling. As part of this, it would be very nice to keep our source code private, but it would still be helpful to make use of the package manager to handle dependency

[racket-dev] Command-line REPL for a custom #lang?

2016-06-03 Thread Alexis King
Currently, it does not seem like there is any option to open a new command-line REPL for a particular #lang. Based on what already exists, I’m not sure if this is a bug or if it’s intended (or perhaps overlooked) behavior. The -I command line flag to the racket executable states that sets the ,

[racket-dev] certificate expired?

2016-04-03 Thread Alexis King
I am getting certificate errors when attempting to log in to Specifically, the certificate appears to have just expired. I am able to manually override my browser’s security mechanism, but obviously this isn’t a particularly good (or easy) solution. I would imagine the

Re: [racket-dev]

2016-02-21 Thread Alexis King
Builds are run daily for all packages that have been updated since the previous build (it would be nice if any updates immediately kicked off a build, but right now they just get run at 6:00 EST(?) every day). If all goes well, the pkg-build service should pick up your changes in a few hours. >

Re: [racket-dev] report from December leadership meeting

2015-12-18 Thread Alexis King
> A related issue is that examples in the documentation sometimes > fail in a way that indicates a bug. By having that failure be a > documentation-build failure, instead of rendered as an error > message in the documentation, we can avoid some errors in a > release. Matthew will add a

[racket-dev] Questions about scribble/examples

2015-12-11 Thread Alexis King
I’ve noticed the recent addition of scribble/examples to scribble-lib. First of all, I’m super excited about having a more robust interface to scribble/eval, and from the documentation, it looks great. I do have a couple questions, though. 1. Should the name of this module be

Re: [racket-dev] colon keywords

2015-10-13 Thread Alexis King
> I think that Racket 6.3 would be a great time to make `:abc` read the same as > `#:abc`. This sounds like an incredibly breaking change. I support it in general, I think, but it seems like another feature that makes sense for Racket 2/Remix/whatever it ends up being called. I’m sure there

Re: [racket-dev] marking stuff deprecated in documentation

2015-10-13 Thread Alexis King
> I'm curious to know the answer to Alexis' question: Semantics aside, > how do I simply make something with a standard warning appearance? In > many cases that's probably sufficient. I went looking for examples of > this in the docs, so I could go look for its Scribble. But I couldn't > find

Re: [racket-dev] marking stuff deprecated in documentation

2015-10-12 Thread Alexis King
I know this is at least somewhat orthogonal to the points you’ve made, but perhaps it would be best to standardize how “warning” messages are rendered in documentation. For example, the “unstable: may change without warning” messages are quite useful, but I have no idea how I’d render those in

Re: [racket-dev] Racket Package Server Security Vulnerabilities

2015-09-21 Thread Alexis King
> * Change your password on the site. For anyone confused about how to do this, I just spent a few minutes trying to figure it out, myself. You have to log out, then log back in with your email address and intentionally specify an incorrect password. The package

Re: [racket-dev] Package versioning

2015-09-02 Thread Alexis King
> To do that, you can put the package source for the specific version (instead > of the name) in the deps specification, and if the package isn't already > installed, it goes to that package source instead of through the catalog. > That doesn't work if the user already has the newer version

Re: [racket-dev] Package versioning

2015-09-01 Thread Alexis King
> Take a bigger stab. Post code. Submit pull requests. It’s on my list of Racket projects to work on! ;) My recent updates to my Heroku buildpack and my release of my environment variable manager actually came out of working with the web server. I’m playing with it, but I haven’t gotten very

Re: [racket-dev] Package versioning

2015-09-01 Thread Alexis King
The frustrating thing about this problem is that it is a problem that seems to be fundamentally *solved*. PLaneT didn’t do it quite right, it’s true, but the current package system doesn’t, either. In fact, in a number of ways, the new system is catastrophically worse than the old one (it

[racket-dev] Creating a language that extends typed/racket

2015-08-30 Thread Alexis King
(Disclaimer: I think this question may have been visited before on this mailing list, but I couldn’t find any resolution, so I’m going to ask again.) I would like to write a language that extends typed/racket or typed/racket/base. Specifically, I have a collection, called “envy”. I would like

Re: [racket-dev] try the new macro expander

2015-07-19 Thread Alexis King
I’ve just taken the time to reimplement how my curly-fn package handles the transformation in an attempt to make it a little less unwieldy. Specifically, the transformation itself is now done via macro expansion rather than being performed at read-time. This means that the curly brace syntax

Re: [racket-dev] try the new macro expander

2015-07-19 Thread Alexis King
One more thing: introducing a new scope with make-syntax-introducer seems to break DrRacket’s Check Syntax arrows for the whole module. I don’t understand exactly how DrRacket’s arrows work, but my preliminary debugging in the macro stepper has left me a little confused. Whether I’m using

Re: [racket-dev] try the new macro expander

2015-07-19 Thread Alexis King
I have been testing mostly using a combination of DrRacket and `raco test`. However, with that begin-for-syntax bug fixed, I’ve determined what seems to be the problem (and is reminiscent of a similar problem in the previous version). This works: #lang curly-fn racket (begin-for-syntax

Re: [racket-dev] shadowing imports with definitions

2015-06-23 Thread Alexis King
Would it perhaps be possible to support compilation “warnings” in addition to flat-out errors? I think the logic behind this change is good—simply adding exports being a potentially breaking change is problematic—but being completely silent about it is also possibly confusing. Having a concept

[racket-dev] Re: Racket generics and generic collections

2015-03-28 Thread Alexis King
I’ve turned my attention to this once again, and I think I need to illustrate the current roadblock I’ve hit to seek some advice. Currently, there is no way to specify that implementing one generic interface automatically provides an implementation of another generic interface. This is

[racket-dev] Racket generics and generic collections

2015-03-18 Thread Alexis King
I’ve recently made an attempt to implement a generic collection library for Racket using racket/generic. My implementation is a work in progress, but you can find it here: