the motivation for reformulating the announcement of the end of the [racket-users] mailing list and the migration to Discourse as a forum for Racket

2021-11-27 Thread Etan Wexler
“[racket-users] Racket Discourse” is too vague to suffice 
as the body of the “Subject” field of an announcement of 
the end of the racket-users mailing list and the migration to Discourse as a 
forum for Racket, so I sent a message with a “Subject” field 
that identifies the subject at hand. I regret having produced so much heat 
and so little light.

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the end of the [racket-users] mailing list and the migration to Discourse as a forum for Racket

2021-11-22 Thread Etan Wexler
the end of the
[racket-users] mailing list and the migration to Discourse as a forum for
RacketThe stewards of Racket have decided that it’s time to give up
on the mailing list (that is, racket-users, to which this
message is a contribution). The stewards of Racket have designated another forum for Racket as the successor
to racket-users. This other
forum for discussing Racket has as its basis the software named “Discourse”,
which is open‐source. Enlisting is prerequisite to contributing to the Discursive forum for Racket.
Enlisting is prerequisite to receiving as Internet mail the contributions to the Discursive forum for
Racket. The stewards of Racket have published a facility for enlisting as
a participant in the Discursive forum for Racket.

saneboxes: welcome remedies for a world in turmoil [racket-users]

2020-08-16 Thread Etan Wexler

Matthew Flatt recommended “wrapping the sanebox creation”. Matthew, these 
saneboxes that you’ve invented seem to be just the devices that we’ve needed. 
We’d like an initial batch of 5000 saneboxes, as soon as you can manage, even 
if unwrapped. Please send the bill to 1500, Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest, 
District of Columbia, 20220, United States of America. We appreciate your 
timely help!

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turtle’s outline on blue plaid as main image in initial window of DrRacket on 2020‐06‐11: an Easter egg and a curiosity (veering off topic for [racket-users])

2020-06-14 Thread Etan Wexler

On 2020‐06‐11, DrRacket, at initialization, presented to me, instead of the 
Racket logo, a sea turtle’s outline in thick, gray strokes, filled with the 
deep blue and deep red of the Racket logo, against a background of plaid of 
light blue and medium blue. The image is quite appealing, even beautiful. What 
is the association between 2020‐06‐11 and sea turtles?

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[racket] Racketeers: a welcoming, friendly, educated, insightful, patient, responsive, and helpful community

2013-08-24 Thread Etan Wexler
Less than forty minutes after I posed my first question to the
Racketeers, core Racket author Matthew Flatt offered two solutions to
me and to the Racketeers. Make that “the other Racketeers”. Though I’d
only lurked around discussions taking place on Racket’s “users” e‐mail
forum, I had, within a few months of such lurking, come to feel a
pleasant sense of membership in the Racket community. The journey
started on 2013‐01‐02, when I wrote a message to the maintainers of
Racket’s Web site, posing the question that I’d eventually pose to the
other Racketeers. Core Racket author Eli Barzilay responded, advising
that I ask the Racketeers on “users”. I had unhappily expected such a
response; my lips curled into a frown. I delayed subscribing for some
time, dreading the flood of unwanted e‐mail. I was wrong to dread.
About my subscription, I regret only the delay that I took in placing
it. Racketeers form a community that is unusually welcoming, friendly,
educated, insightful, patient, responsive, and helpful. Discussions
between other Racketeers have often broadened and deepened my mind.
I’m grateful for the education that you’ve given to me. I thank you,
Eli. I thank you, Matthew. I thank you, Racketeers.

It just so happens that, as I was writing the foregoing passage, I was
listening to “Fire‐Breathing Fists”, Totalcult’s mash‐up of Cypress
Hill’s “Insane in the Brain” and Charlie Sheen’s manic proclamations.
With that inspiration, and without apology to the formidable Mr Sheen,
I offer the following.

I am on a drug. It’s called “Racket”. Racket’s got magic and it’s got
poetry in its fingertips. Get with the program. It’s all good. News
flash: Racket is special! Boom. Bring it. It’s on!

  Racket Users list:

[racket] generating Racket’s logo

2013-08-24 Thread Etan Wexler
How would I generate a Racket logo at some arbitrary size? I prefer to
use Racket to do so, but an SVG file would satisfy me. I searched the
sources and the WWW to some degree but to no avail.

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