[racket-users] Re: Racket packages / build system

2020-11-10 Thread Bonface M. K.

Hi racket-dev and racket-users!

I'm trying to create a build system for Racket in
Guix(a long-standing feature for some of us in the
Guix community). It appears that Racket, vis-a-vis
raco, maintains some "global" state whereby
package-installs leads to the update of some
files, links, search-paths and other refs(hence
the statefulness) that I won't go into.

There's a similar project, racket2nix(please see:
https://github.com/fractalide/racket2nix) which
overcomes this by generating a temporary
environment(by copying most of the racket folders
and the deps needed as writable folders) where it
installs with raco and then tries to update
racket's global state. This feels slow and
hacky. To summarize, the default racket install
system is quite stateful(!) and also many
operations seem to try to touch files.

I'm considering studying the racket2nix more and
going that route as a last resort if I don't find
a work-around for the aforementioned state issues.

Another possibility(though I don't know how
feasible that would be) would be to figure out how
raco works(by studying it's source) and do the
same thing in a Guix-y way. I however, don't know
yet how I would overcome the state issue :(

Racket-dev or racket-users, is there some
important thing I'm missing?  Is there some (maybe
undocumented, new or WIP) way of installing racket
packages without maintaining state?

Any pointers/ suggestions are gladly welcome. I'm
invested of having a way to package racket
packages in Guix; and I believe it's a big step
forward for Racket in increasing it's reach in the
Guix community :)

PS: Full e-mail thread here:

Bonface M. K. <https://www.bonfacemunyoki.com>
Chief Emacs Bazu / Rieng ya software sare
Mchochezi of: <https://upbookclub.com> / Twitter: @BonfaceKilz
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[racket-users] How do you load pre-trained models and use them in Racket?

2020-08-13 Thread Bonface M. K.

Hi, I've been looking at: https://github.com/epfml/Bi-Sent2Vec. I would
like to use that to filter out a bunch of content(for now majorly
tweets) that I scrape(https://github.com/BonfaceKilz/feedanalyser/). Is
there a library that could help with this? If not, is there a library
that could help interface with this or that could help me load and use
the pre-trained data? I'm thinking of re-implementing this in Racket if
there are no alternatives, but before I do that I'd like to be
absolutely sure that no such thing exists in Racket. I've seen
https://docs.racket-lang.org/rml-core/index.html but that seems to be a

Also, what's the state of ML and ML-related libs in Racket? FYI I'm no
data-scientist but that's something that I'm slowly dipping my feet in.
FWIW *Everybody* seems to be using Python for Data Science work.

Bonface M. K. (https://www.bonfacemunyoki.com)
One Divine Emacs To Rule Them All
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Re: [racket-users] Online Lisp Meetings

2020-07-13 Thread Bonface M. K.
"p...@teknik.io"  writes:

> Hey, everyone,
> I am organizing a series of Online Lisp Meets that started after this year's 
> electronic European Lisp Symposium. The mailing
> list is at https://mailman.common-lisp.net/pipermail/online-lisp-meets/ and 
> the talk videos so far have been posted at 
> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCymtXMj1M7cKiV9TKLoTtEg
> So far the talks have been mostly utilizing Common Lisp for the practical 
> parts of their talks (I guess because I am a CL
> programmer and most of the Lisp people I know are CL people), but obviously 
> that isn't the idea behind ELS, nor I want that to
> be the idea behind this post-ELS online series. I've wanted the online 
> meetings to be a meeting grounds for people doing more
> Lisp dialects than just CL, and the people who've been joining the 
> livestreams on Twitch so far share the same wishes.
> I've decided to have a go at this meeting series to provide a place where the 
> wider Lisp community can meet and talk and where
> the ideas can mix and breed, and so far it's been well-received on #lisp on 
> Freenode. It's just that it's comfortable to post
> stuff there because it's my online home, much unlike e.g. here in the Racket 
> world - hence someone on #racket on Freenode has
> advised me to post the announcement here.
> So, since I'm already doing a wall of text - please let me know if you're 
> working on something related to Lisp in any any way
> and you consider it interesting enough to record a video about it, anywhere 
> from a few minutes to an hour. Please feel free to
> throw your ideas and videos at me, and I'll be happy to host them on Twitch 
> for the broader Lisp community to see while Twitch
> chat is available for questions and comments - this form has worked well for 
> this year's ELS and it has worked well for the
> online Lisp meetings which happened so far.

Thanks for sharing! I've been working on
https://github.com/BonfaceKilz/feedanalyser/ which is a feed aggregator
with the end goal of it being plugged in as part of a website or other
form of feed. There's also: https://gitlab.inria.fr/guix-hpc/guix-past
which is a drive by Ludo(the creator of Guix) and a bunch of people in
that eco-system to make available old no-longer-maintained packages.
This gives scientists the ability to re-use old packages when they want
to reproduce papers whose code no longer uses the latest libs of
packages. It's in GUILE which is a scheme dialect. I'm sure you may find
those interesting and worthy candidates for your stream \o\o. Wdyt?

Other than that, it'd be great to have meets that go beyond CL. I got
my start in Guile (because of GUIX), and eventually got my feet wet in
Racket :)

> Thanks a lot,
> Michał "phoe" Herda
> --
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Bonface M. K. (https://www.bonfacemunyoki.com)
One Divine Emacs To Rule Them All
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Re: [racket-users] Screen readers

2020-07-07 Thread Bonface M. K.
Hendrik Boom  writes:

> On Tue, Jul 07, 2020 at 11:44:53AM +0200, Jens Axel Søgaard wrote:
>> The upside is that using standard elements work with custom themes used
>> in the OS. Screen readers for blind also work with standard elements.
> Just wondering.  What is available in the way of screen readers on a 
> Linux system? 
> I have a friend who complains there aren't any decent ones.

Not exactly a screenreader, but I've heard some really nice things about
Emacspeak(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emacspeak). HTH!

> -- hendrik

Bonface M. K. (https://www.bonfacemunyoki.com)
One Divine Emacs To Rule Them All
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Re: [racket-users] bracket meme

2020-07-07 Thread Bonface M. K.
Hendrik Boom  writes:

> Found this signature quote:
> --
> Put not your faith in parenthesis, nor trust in dotted pears, says speech 
> therapist.
> used by DannyB on Soyent News
> Thought it might be amusing here.
> -- hendrik

This is really cool :=)

May just remix it hehe

Bonface M. K. (https://www.bonfacemunyoki.com)
One Divine Emacs To Rule Them All
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Re: [racket-users] note about parsing speed of xml vs sxml?

2020-06-29 Thread Bonface M. K.
Neil Van Dyke  writes:

> I think anyone using XML or HTML seriously with Racket should probably at 
> least
> be told of the SXML family of tools.  And warned about the compatibility
> problems.
> Though not tell them *everywhere* XML&HTML in the docs.  For example, I 
> figure a
> tutorial for Racket Web Server shouldn't distract readers with that.
> As you know, :) there are some useful tools using SXML, and Oleg's SSAX parser
> has some different properties than core Racket's XML parser.
> Complication: The incompatibility between SXML and core Racket's 
> representations
> of XML&HTML is an unfortunate accident of parallel invention, and I think will
> tend to be confusing to new people.  I once tried to address the confusion in
> the `sxml-intro` documentation package,
> "https://www.neilvandyke.org/racket/sxml-intro/";, and I'm unhappy with the
> result.  The details in my document say more than perhaps anyone will ever 
> want
> to know, and, "optics"-wise, make the situation look worse than it actually is
> in practice.  I think you could do a more graceful job of this.
> (Someday, someone might undertake the large task of SXML-ifying all the many
> non-SXML bits of Racket, and incidentally reunite Racket with the rest of the
> Scheme community in that regard.  I started, with one piece, but got
> interrupted. "https://www.neilvandyke.org/racket/rws-html-template/"  :)

Thanks for this! Tbh, I never knew of this.

Bonface M. K. (https://www.bonfacemunyoki.com)
One Divine Emacs To Rule Them All
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