Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-12-15 Thread jaden horst
Hey John it looks like you're busy with Minecraft. I am interested in bleeding 
edge. I have no complaints; I just want to get started. A lot of people in 
Oculus Social want to play cards. 


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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-02 Thread Konrad Hinsen

On 02/07/2015 19:50, Matthias Felleisen wrote:

Let me add one thought here. One of the thoughts I have played with in this 
context is to have a dissertation on XML-style type extensions for Typed Racket 
(CDuce, XDuce). I am not interested in XML (or JSON) per se but in type systems 
that can say more about S-expression-like data. Of course, as in the past, this 
would have to be balanced between theoretical expressive power and practical 
expressiveness/impact. (We tend to err in the direction of the former, because 
we finance Racket via research grants.)

That reminds me of an approach that is more than 20 years old:

That kind of type system should fit many kinds of s-expressions nicely.


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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-02 Thread Matthias Felleisen

On Jul 1, 2015, at 1:13 PM, Neil Toronto  wrote:

> On 07/01/2015 10:47 AM, John Carmack wrote:
>> S-expressions actually are one of the core wins from my use of lisp so far 
>> -- embracing read/write (and the associated bandwidth cost) as a wire 
>> protocol over yet another hand crafted binary format has been a significant 
>> win (however, the flexibility of the win seems to fight with static typing, 
>> perhaps at  a fundamental level, in my limited typed-racket experience so 
>> far -- a good topic for discussion?).
> Definitely a good topic for discussion.
> Where do you predict fights with static typing? Or, if it's just a general 
> feeling based on past experience with static typing, how do you expect to use 
> it?
> There's every chance that Typed Racket's union types, singleton symbol types, 
> and occurrence typing will make it fairly easy to type an s-expression-based 
> wire protocol; e.g.
>  (define-type Command (List '  ...)
>  (define-type Commands (Pair 'begin (Listof Command)))
>  (define-predicate valid-commands? Commands)
> At a rough count, I've written more than 100,000 lines of Typed Racket code, 
> much of which has had to be available to call in untyped Racket without 
> significant performance loss. I admit that Typed Racket is the only Racket 
> language that has made me want to throw things, but that's increasingly rare, 
> it's been much more pleasant than other type systems I've used, and I'm 
> pleased with the guarantees and increased performance I've gotten from it.

Let me add one thought here. One of the thoughts I have played with in this 
context is to have a dissertation on XML-style type extensions for Typed Racket 
(CDuce, XDuce). I am not interested in XML (or JSON) per se but in type systems 
that can say more about S-expression-like data. Of course, as in the past, this 
would have to be balanced between theoretical expressive power and practical 
expressiveness/impact. (We tend to err in the direction of the former, because 
we finance Racket via research grants.) 

In a way, TR's union-type system ought to make an integration of these ideas 
simpler. You could then successively refine types of S-expressions and verify 
more claims about them if this played a role in your program. 

But as Neil and Tony said, the type system gets in your way with such things, 
but no longer enough to be annoying. 

-- Matthias

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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-02 Thread Neil Toronto

On 07/02/2015 08:49 AM, Gabriel Laddel wrote:

[classification of Lisp hostiles]

Choose a stack for the initial "win" and DO NOT DEVIATE FROM IT. Select specific versions of 
android, linux, OpenGL, racket, editor + required Unity/C++/etc you will support internally. When your 
#1s decide that they'd like to try out "that Lisp stuff" they'll be able to do so without any 
hiccups. Have a Q&A person run through the process a few times just to make sure it all works 
swimmingly. You could even have them setup some end-to-end systems in a public space near the #1s, with 
comfortable chairs and *slightly* more space than normal devs get. Someone will play with it 
eventually, and who knows, maybe they'll do something neat.

Make a point to sanitize the development experience...

Regardless of whether one agrees with your classifications, this seems 
like a good idea, at least eventually.

First, fork the OpenGL documentation. They've had 22 years to do things 
correctly and have utterly and conclusively failed. Since you've got a single 
version of OpenGL you're supporting for the time being, it is eminently 
possible to make the spec / docs ( machine readable (i.e., 
sexprs) for tooling. With this in place you can (programmatically) ask 
questions such as:

- Which OpenGL constructs do not have a corresponding racket construct?
- Which OpenGL constructs do not have docstrings?
- Which OpenGL consturcts are missing type signatures or return types?

This can then be used to annotate the existing OpenGL racket library (walk the program, find 
the CFFI stub corresponding to each construct and spit out a new stub with its docstring). It 
is impossible to play with an idea when you've got to bounce between the editor, browser, pdf 
documentation & shell to express something simple as "draw a colored sphere".

It's probably a little more complicated than that because commands are 
sent to an Android device running Chibi Scheme.

Related: There's a Racket "opengl" package (indexed by the main package 
server; GitHub project is at 
that generates Racket FFI bindings from a machine-readable OpenGL spec. 
For Pict3D, I created a typed fork that I'll eventually split off into a 
separate "typed-opengl" package.

You're currently passing around GLSL strings for shaders. Cbaggers 
( and |3b| ( have independently 
developed sexpr to GLSL compilers (video:

I've been considering doing something similar, so thanks for the pointers!

Neil ⊥

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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-02 Thread Gabriel Laddel
> (however, the flexibility of the win seems to fight with static typing, 
> perhaps at  a fundamental level, in my limited typed-racket experience so far 
> -- a good topic for discussion?).

Details please? Yes, this is a wonderful topic for discussion.

> Most users of this particular system will not interact with OpenGL at all, 
> they will just move pre-built models around the world, play sound effects, 
> start movie clips, etc.  The fact that I could easily add the ability to hack 
> on shader code, and soon geometry generation, is a huge pragmatic win.

A user need not see an s-expression to feel the difference between something 
that works and something that doesn't. Lisp makes developers happy because it 
saves them a *lot* of purely mechanical labor (parsing). This, in turn, makes 
business types (the good ones anyway) happy because of the tight feedback loop 
between their requirements and the implementation. The client/customer is happy 
because the organization in question is receptive to their needs. For example, 
at Amazon:

"The original brilliant guys and gals here only allowed two languages in 
Amazon's hallowed source repository: C and Lisp.


Shel, Eric, Greg, and others like them that I wasn't fortunate enough to work 
with directly: they didn't allow C++ here, and they didn't allow Perl. (Or 
Java, for that matter). They knew better.

Now C++, Java and Perl are all we write in. The elders have moved on to greener 
pastures too.

Shel wrote Mailman in C, and Customer Service wrapped it in Lisp. Emacs-Lisp. 
You don't know what Mailman is. Not unless you're a longtime Amazon employee, 
probably non-technical, and you've had to make our customers happy. Not 
indirectly, because some bullshit feature you wrote broke (because it was in 
C++) and pissed off our customers, so you had to go and fix it to restore 
happiness. No, I mean directly; i.e., you had to talk to them. Our lovely, 
illiterate, eloquent, well-meaning, hopeful, confused, helpful, angry, happy 
customers, the real ones, the ones buying stuff from us, our customers. Then 
you know Mailman.

Mailman was the Customer Service customer-email processing application for ... 
four, five years? A long time, anyway. It was written in Emacs. Everyone loved 

People still love it. To this very day, I still have to listen to long stories 
from our non-technical folks about how much they miss Mailman. I'm not shitting 
you. Last Christmas I was at an Amazon party, some party I have no idea how I 
got invited to, filled with business people, all of them much prettier and more 
charming than me and the folks I work with here in the Furnace, the Boiler Room 
of Amazon. Four young women found out I was in Customer Service, cornered me, 
and talked for fifteen minutes about how much they missed Mailman and Emacs, 
and how Arizona (the JSP replacement we'd spent years developing) still just 
wasn't doing it for them.

It was truly surreal. I think they may have spiked the eggnog.

-- Steve Yegge ("

"Abstractions push up" 
( and a small 
investment in fixing some of the issues with OpenGL will pay (large) dividends 
in the years ahead.

> I really do want to hear suggestions, do you have some concrete directions 
> that you think would be useful?


At some point you'll have to address the hostility to Lisp. It comes in three 

1. Jaded experts. They're doing all the hard labor (C++) and really are the 
ones who pull the organization forwards. They've invested a lot of time and 
effort into becoming good. If a change is going to be made it had better be a 
sure thing and radically simplify their lives.

2. Bureaucrats. Some of these may actually understand Lisp, but are more than 
happy to have an easy job in which they can get by doing purely repetitive 
labor. A meatspace acquaintance of mine, and a prototypical bureaucrat, got his 
PHD by translating things that worked in Lisp into other languages, creating 
problems in the process, requiring he write papers on parsing logic...

3. Populists. "Javscript has momentum, hence all of our efforts should be spent 

You want to convince 1s. 2s and 3s don't have the prerequisite mental machinery 
to hold convictions and are thus irrelevant to this discussion. If the "real" 
devs start using Lisp in their day-to-day at Oculus (Facebook? Sony?) killing 
Lisp becomes tantamount to killing the organization itself. I don't know 
anything about the politics involved, but the following scheme should suffice:

Choose a stack for the initial "win" and DO NOT DEVIATE FROM IT. Select 
specific versions of android, linux, OpenGL, racket, editor + required 
Unity/C++/etc you will support internally. When your #1s decide that they'd 
like to try out "that Lisp stuff" they'll be able to do so without any hiccups. 
Have a Q&A person run through the process a few times just 

Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-02 Thread Gabriel Laddel
> (however, the flexibility of the win seems to fight with static typing, 
> perhaps at  a fundamental level, in my limited typed-racket experience so far 
> -- a good topic for discussion?).

Details please? Yes, this is a wonderful topic for discussion.

> Most users of this particular system will not interact with OpenGL at all, 
> they will just move pre-built models around the world, play sound effects, 
> start movie clips, etc.  The fact that I could easily add the ability to hack 
> on shader code, and soon geometry generation, is a huge pragmatic win.

A user need not see an s-expression to feel the difference between a program 
that works and a program that doesn't. Lisp makes developers happy because it 
saves them a *lot* of purely mechanical labor (parsing). This, in turn, makes 
business types (the good ones anyway) happy because of the tight feedback loop 
between their requirements and the implementation. The client/customer is happy 
because the organization in question is receptive to their needs. For example, 
at Amazon:

"The original brilliant guys and gals here only allowed two languages in 
Amazon's hallowed source repository: C and Lisp.


Shel, Eric, Greg, and others like them that I wasn't fortunate enough to work 
with directly: they didn't allow C++ here, and they didn't allow Perl. (Or 
Java, for that matter). They knew better.

Now C++, Java and Perl are all we write in. The elders have moved on to greener 
pastures too.

Shel wrote Mailman in C, and Customer Service wrapped it in Lisp. Emacs-Lisp. 
You don't know what Mailman is. Not unless you're a longtime Amazon employee, 
probably non-technical, and you've had to make our customers happy. Not 
indirectly, because some bullshit feature you wrote broke (because it was in 
C++) and pissed off our customers, so you had to go and fix it to restore 
happiness. No, I mean directly; i.e., you had to talk to them. Our lovely, 
illiterate, eloquent, well-meaning, hopeful, confused, helpful, angry, happy 
customers, the real ones, the ones buying stuff from us, our customers. Then 
you know Mailman.

Mailman was the Customer Service customer-email processing application for ... 
four, five years? A long time, anyway. It was written in Emacs. Everyone loved 

People still love it. To this very day, I still have to listen to long stories 
from our non-technical folks about how much they miss Mailman. I'm not shitting 
you. Last Christmas I was at an Amazon party, some party I have no idea how I 
got invited to, filled with business people, all of them much prettier and more 
charming than me and the folks I work with here in the Furnace, the Boiler Room 
of Amazon. Four young women found out I was in Customer Service, cornered me, 
and talked for fifteen minutes about how much they missed Mailman and Emacs, 
and how Arizona (the JSP replacement we'd spent years developing) still just 
wasn't doing it for them.

It was truly surreal. I think they may have spiked the eggnog.

-- Steve Yegge ("

"Abstractions push up" 
( and a small 
investment in fixing some of the issues with OpenGL will pay (large) dividends 
in the years ahead.

> I really do want to hear suggestions, do you have some concrete directions 
> that you think would be useful?


At some point you'll have to address the hostility to Lisp. It comes in three 

1. Jaded experts. They're doing all the hard labor (C++) and really are the 
ones who pull the organization forwards. They've invested a lot of time and 
effort into becoming good. If a change is going to be made it had better be a 
sure thing and radically simplify their lives.

2. Bureaucrats. Some of these may actually understand Lisp, but are more than 
happy to have an easy job in which they can get by doing purely repetitive 
labor. A meatspace acquittance of mine, and a prototypical bureaucrat, got his 
PHD by translating things that worked in Lisp into other languages, creating 
problems in the process, requiring he write papers on parsing logic...

3. Populists. "Javscript has momentum, hence all of our efforts should be spent 

You want to convince 1s. 2s and 3s don't have the prerequisite mental machinery 
to hold convictions and are thus irrelevant to this discussion. If the "real" 
devs start using Lisp in their day-to-day at Oculus (Facebook? Sony?) killing 
Lisp becomes tantamount to killing the organization itself. I don't know 
anything about the politics involved, but the following scheme should suffice:

Choose a stack for the initial "win" and DO NOT DEVIATE FROM IT. Select 
specific versions of android, linux, OpenGL, racket, editor + required 
Unity/C++/etc you will support internally. When your #1s decide that they'd 
like to try out "that Lisp stuff" they'll be able to do so without any hiccups. 
Have a Q&A person run through the process a few times just t

Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread Max Gonzih
For Scheme/Racket there are Geiser/Quack. They are not as good as SLIME, 
but pretty close. In my opinion Scheme is much cleaner language. Yes, 
macrosystem is different from one in common lips, but you just need to 
adjust your habbits IMHO to make them work for you. Also Racket in 
particular is full just bundle full of amazing things :)

On 07/01/2015 09:29 PM, Christian Schafmeister wrote:

I've implemented a Common Lisp that interoperates with C++ and uses LLVM as the 
backend because I was motivated by the same shortcomings in traditional 
software development languages and tools ( 
I choose Common Lisp rather than Scheme because the killer feature of Lisp is 
Macros and they are easier to use in Common Lisp than they are in Scheme. Also, 
Slime (Emacs interface to Common Lisp) is one of the most powerful software 
development environments available IMHO.

On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 8:33:04 PM UTC-4, John Carmack wrote:

Here is the overview of the work that I recently sent out internally.

I started out with a pure-functional scripting interface, but it very rapidly became 
imperative, and it is in heavy flux.  The sample scripts do capture the general 
"flavor" that I want this to have -- I think it will be easy enough to get 
interesting things happening that it will still tempt people who might be a little 
hostile to working in a Lisp.


Here is the first preview of the general purpose VR scripting environment I 
have been working on.  There isn’t anything exciting to look at, but if you 
squint real hard you can see where it might be going.  After I get a bit 
farther along, we can build a PC version as well for cross platform support.


Doing VR GUI development in the native apps is unpleasant – you can gut it out 
in C++ with our current interfaces, but the iteration times and code structure 
don’t make it a lot of fun.

In-editor prototyping is nice in Unity, but actual on-device testing cycle 
times are terrible, and you wind up with all the bulk of Unity and poor access 
to the native VR features like TimeWarp layers.

With app signing, we have no way for developers to casually share work with 
each other or limited communities.

My solution is to support development of VR applications in a scripting 
language with several modes:

“Web like”, where the script is downloaded from the net for each execution and 
run by a single signed app that we provide (NetHMD).  Fully specified by an 
app-scheme URI, this allows VR experiences to be launched directly from web 
pages or app-links on Facebook, which I think is VERY powerful – read about how 
great something is while browsing on your phone, then just click the link and 
get the “insert into HMD” dialog and jump right there.  VR scripts can link to 
other VR scripts without leaving VR.  There is no direct monetization here, but 
IAP can eventually be supported.

“App like”, where the script is bundled into a conventional apk to be 
distributed through the store, and the scripting is simply used as a more 
effective development environment for some classes of applications.

“Remote development”, where the script is actually executed in an IDE on a PC, 
communicating with NetHMD over a TCP connection.  This allows sub-second 
code-change to VR change iteration cycles, and the use of a debugger.  There 
might also be a use for a related mode where a central server directly drives 
one or more clients.

Where it will win first:

My “reference application” is the linking of multiple panoramic photos with 
text and audio annotations.  This is a completely obvious application that is 
not performance sensitive, and even a non-programmer could copy-paste-modify 
the simple script for this to make a high quality experience.

Once I hook up an ExoPlayer interface, this will completely subsume what I 
wanted to accomplish with “experience files” – the addition of static prop 
models to panoramic video, linking between different videos, merging of models 
or panoramas with videos that aren’t fully panoramic (GoPro, etc), and so on.

Once I hook up the Social interfaces, this will make it much easier to build 
trivial “activities” for multi-user experiences – board games, card games, etc.

It is already a big help for basic graphics development work – being able to 
just position a few quads with a custom shader and iterate on the shader 
programming remotely without rebuilding is a huge win.


This will be controversial, and I will have a longer discussion about it, but I 
chose Scheme (a Lisp) for the scripting language.  If this all works out, we 
can eventually make C# and Javascript versions, but I have a bunch of reasons 
for going this way first.  I am using Racket for the PC 
development environment, and Chibi Scheme for the embedded interpreter on 
Android.  Download Racket and walk through their quick-intr

Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread Christian Schafmeister
I've implemented a Common Lisp that interoperates with C++ and uses LLVM as the 
backend because I was motivated by the same shortcomings in traditional 
software development languages and tools ( 
I choose Common Lisp rather than Scheme because the killer feature of Lisp is 
Macros and they are easier to use in Common Lisp than they are in Scheme. Also, 
Slime (Emacs interface to Common Lisp) is one of the most powerful software 
development environments available IMHO.

On Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 8:33:04 PM UTC-4, John Carmack wrote:
> Here is the overview of the work that I recently sent out internally.
> I started out with a pure-functional scripting interface, but it very rapidly 
> became imperative, and it is in heavy flux.  The sample scripts do capture 
> the general "flavor" that I want this to have -- I think it will be easy 
> enough to get interesting things happening that it will still tempt people 
> who might be a little hostile to working in a Lisp.
> --
> Here is the first preview of the general purpose VR scripting environment I 
> have been working on.  There isn’t anything exciting to look at, but if you 
> squint real hard you can see where it might be going.  After I get a bit 
> farther along, we can build a PC version as well for cross platform support.
> Motivation:
> Doing VR GUI development in the native apps is unpleasant – you can gut it 
> out in C++ with our current interfaces, but the iteration times and code 
> structure don’t make it a lot of fun.
> In-editor prototyping is nice in Unity, but actual on-device testing cycle 
> times are terrible, and you wind up with all the bulk of Unity and poor 
> access to the native VR features like TimeWarp layers.
> With app signing, we have no way for developers to casually share work with 
> each other or limited communities.
> My solution is to support development of VR applications in a scripting 
> language with several modes:
> “Web like”, where the script is downloaded from the net for each execution 
> and run by a single signed app that we provide (NetHMD).  Fully specified by 
> an app-scheme URI, this allows VR experiences to be launched directly from 
> web pages or app-links on Facebook, which I think is VERY powerful – read 
> about how great something is while browsing on your phone, then just click 
> the link and get the “insert into HMD” dialog and jump right there.  VR 
> scripts can link to other VR scripts without leaving VR.  There is no direct 
> monetization here, but IAP can eventually be supported.
> “App like”, where the script is bundled into a conventional apk to be 
> distributed through the store, and the scripting is simply used as a more 
> effective development environment for some classes of applications.
> “Remote development”, where the script is actually executed in an IDE on a 
> PC, communicating with NetHMD over a TCP connection.  This allows sub-second 
> code-change to VR change iteration cycles, and the use of a debugger.  There 
> might also be a use for a related mode where a central server directly drives 
> one or more clients.
> Where it will win first:
> My “reference application” is the linking of multiple panoramic photos with 
> text and audio annotations.  This is a completely obvious application that is 
> not performance sensitive, and even a non-programmer could copy-paste-modify 
> the simple script for this to make a high quality experience.
> Once I hook up an ExoPlayer interface, this will completely subsume what I 
> wanted to accomplish with “experience files” – the addition of static prop 
> models to panoramic video, linking between different videos, merging of 
> models or panoramas with videos that aren’t fully panoramic (GoPro, etc), and 
> so on.
> Once I hook up the Social interfaces, this will make it much easier to build 
> trivial “activities” for multi-user experiences – board games, card games, 
> etc.
> It is already a big help for basic graphics development work – being able to 
> just position a few quads with a custom shader and iterate on the shader 
> programming remotely without rebuilding is a huge win.
> Implementation:
> This will be controversial, and I will have a longer discussion about it, but 
> I chose Scheme (a Lisp) for the scripting language.  If this all works out, 
> we can eventually make C# and Javascript versions, but I have a bunch of 
> reasons for going this way first.  I am using Racket 
> for the PC development environment, and Chibi Scheme for the embedded 
> interpreter on Android.  Download Racket and walk through their 
> quick-intro-with-pictures to get a feel for the language and you should be 
> able to hack on the sample scripts I have been writing pretty quickly.  Note 
> that Racket is a very extended Scheme targeted at desktop apps, the embedded 
> version is 

Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread Tony Garnock-Jones
On 07/01/2015 01:13 PM, Neil Toronto wrote:
> There's every chance that Typed Racket's union types, singleton symbol
> types, and occurrence typing will make it fairly easy to type an
> s-expression-based wire protocol; e.g.
>   (define-type Command (List '  ...)
>   (define-type Commands (Pair 'begin (Listof Command)))
>   (define-predicate valid-commands? Commands)

This is a really neat feature of TR: it can automatically generate a
validator for a type you give it.

Most other languages require you to write parsers and validators by
hand, or using some tool not connected directly to the type system. In
TR, you get to use read for the parsing part, and the
automatically-generated validators to be sure the results inhabit the
type you need.

I only know of one other typed system that does something similar: Alice
ML [1], where pickled values coming off the wire are checked and dropped
into the required type. (If my recollection is correct.)



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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread Neil Toronto

On 07/01/2015 10:47 AM, John Carmack wrote:

S-expressions actually are one of the core wins from my use of lisp so far -- 
embracing read/write (and the associated bandwidth cost) as a wire protocol 
over yet another hand crafted binary format has been a significant win 
(however, the flexibility of the win seems to fight with static typing, perhaps 
at  a fundamental level, in my limited typed-racket experience so far -- a good 
topic for discussion?).

Definitely a good topic for discussion.

Where do you predict fights with static typing? Or, if it's just a 
general feeling based on past experience with static typing, how do you 
expect to use it?

There's every chance that Typed Racket's union types, singleton symbol 
types, and occurrence typing will make it fairly easy to type an 
s-expression-based wire protocol; e.g.

  (define-type Command (List '  ...)
  (define-type Commands (Pair 'begin (Listof Command)))
  (define-predicate valid-commands? Commands)

At a rough count, I've written more than 100,000 lines of Typed Racket 
code, much of which has had to be available to call in untyped Racket 
without significant performance loss. I admit that Typed Racket is the 
only Racket language that has made me want to throw things, but that's 
increasingly rare, it's been much more pleasant than other type systems 
I've used, and I'm pleased with the guarantees and increased performance 
I've gotten from it.

Neil ⊥

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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread David Tin Nyo
In case you are not aware of Arcadia, you should check out this project:

It uses a (hacked) CLR fork of Clojure to connect to Unity.  It might help to 
inform you what directions to take. 

I can tell you connecting a REPL to a live Unity game is a godsend. Being able 
to do this with GearVR will be amazing.  Now we gotta figure out how to edit / 
REPL without taking the hmd off...

I'm not associated with Arcadia, just a fan. Although, I have hooked up Chicken 
Scheme to OpenFrameworks with partial success.

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RE: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread John Carmack
While I got tagged as a "technical idealist" for a long time, in reality I am 
deeply pragmatic.  I fantasize about building a "crystalline pyramid of 
comprehensible mutually-interlocking concepts", but I know the folly of it.  I 
have a not-so-large number of hours that I can possibly devote to this before 
it needs to stand on its own and provide real value to other developers, which 
means that it needs to be built on, and leverage, existing systems, warts and 

S-expressions actually are one of the core wins from my use of lisp so far -- 
embracing read/write (and the associated bandwidth cost) as a wire protocol 
over yet another hand crafted binary format has been a significant win 
(however, the flexibility of the win seems to fight with static typing, perhaps 
at  a fundamental level, in my limited typed-racket experience so far -- a good 
topic for discussion?).

Most users of this particular system will not interact with OpenGL at all, they 
will just move pre-built models around the world, play sound effects, start 
movie clips, etc.  The fact that I could easily add the ability to hack on 
shader code, and soon geometry generation, is a huge pragmatic win.

I really do want to hear suggestions, do you have some concrete directions that 
you think would be useful?

I'm only three weeks into this project.  Give me a little more time to change 
the world. :-) 

-Original Message-
From: Gabriel Laddel [] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 8:18 AM
Cc: John Carmack;
Subject: Re: [racket-users] Gear VR


While I'm happy to see John Carmack using a Lisp, you're missing the point. If 
you offer Lisp as a "scripting language" you'll fail to show off why *exactly* 
it's better. S-expressions shine because they save you from the entirely 
mechanical task of parsing. There are emergent properties of this notational 
scheme that are also lovely in their own right e.g., macros & extensibility via 
incremental compilation, but all of this originates in the notation.

If you build up a scripting language in which you pass around shader strings 
and whatever random formats happen into your program, you're going to destroy 
the underlying "lispyness" because anyone who wants to make a change to the 
implementation will have to understand the format in its entirety, or be forced 
to guess at the semantics implied by so-and-so syntax - at which point, what 
has Lisp gotten me? Sure, you'll have macros for the "high level language", but 
they're not magic. The reason that e.g., the Symbolics Lisp machine is so 
fondly remembered was because of the "crystalline pyramid of comprehensible 
mutually-interlocking concepts" 
 which allowed a user not intimately familiar with the machine or its 
architecture to make meaningful changes.

"Lisping" without addressing the underling problems of OpenGL etc. is an absurd 
exercise. Even if this stunt were to make you personally a billon dollars, 
you'll end up unable to buy anything interesting because everyone's time is 
being spent ferrying around magic strings (where we are today).

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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread Matthias Felleisen

On Jul 1, 2015, at 7:07 AM, AJ Campbell  wrote:

> JSON is probably going to be the go-to format to send/receive renderable 3D 
> packets.  The thought of doing it with XML makes me feel ill. I'm sure Racket 
> can handle JSON data (it very well might already for all I know),

It does of course.  

> but Javascript found its way across the whole stack (among other reasons) 
> because we love the idea of having a universal language to eliminate the 
> serialization between client and server, plus it knocks down communication 
> barriers between front-end and back-end team members.

That's actually a problem. When we launched Racket, Matthew insisted from the 
get-go that office partners do not communicate orally about things. Pop quiz: 
why was he right? 

In my experience teaching courses where I give free choice of PLs for a 
distributed system, few languages make it easy for seniors to implement 
cross-process/network communication right. I always implement the systems by 
myself and let students vote to which format they want to stick: S-expressions 
(1958, but still better than what people invent now), XML, or JSON. For me, 
it's a two-line switch. For those on the losing end, it's a catastrophe. Pop 
quiz: why? 

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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-07-01 Thread Gabriel Laddel

While I'm happy to see John Carmack using a Lisp, you're missing the point. If 
you offer Lisp as a "scripting language" you'll fail to show off why *exactly* 
it's better. S-expressions shine because they save you from the entirely 
mechanical task of parsing. There are emergent properties of this notational 
scheme that are also lovely in their own right e.g., macros & extensibility via 
incremental compilation, but all of this originates in the notation.

If you build up a scripting language in which you pass around shader strings 
and whatever random formats happen into your program, you're going to destroy 
the underlying "lispyness" because anyone who wants to make a change to the 
implementation will have to understand the format in its entirety, or be forced 
to guess at the semantics implied by so-and-so syntax - at which point, what 
has Lisp gotten me? Sure, you'll have macros for the "high level language", but 
they're not magic. The reason that e.g., the Symbolics Lisp machine is so 
fondly remembered was because of the "crystalline pyramid of comprehensible 
mutually-interlocking concepts" ( which allowed a 
user not intimately familiar with the machine or its architecture to make 
meaningful changes.

"Lisping" without addressing the underling problems of OpenGL etc. is an absurd 
exercise. Even if this stunt were to make you personally a billon dollars, 
you'll end up unable to buy anything interesting because everyone's time is 
being spent ferrying around magic strings (where we are today).

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RE: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-06-25 Thread John Carmack
>An imperative API makes functional abstraction harder. What are the main 
>selling points for Scheme/Racket now?

I am a big believer in functional programming (and static types) for large 
projects, but there is an undeniable bit of awkwardness compared to just 
imperatively poking things for small projects.  That is one of the wins for 
Scheme -- I can make it super-easy to get easy things working, but it isn't 
just a "scripting language" unsuitable for large scale development.  I am going 
to have to sort out my Racket / Chibi module strategy sometime soon, though.

As far as language choice goes, I don't claim to have broadly evaluated every 
possibility and chosen the optimal one.

Java or C# would have been more familiar to a broader base of game industry 
developers, but I really didn't want to drag in all the bulk of a JVM / .NET 
system, and a class focused world view seems less suited for the smaller 
scripting tasks.

Javascript would have been more familiar to a broader base of web industry 
developers, but I have basically no experience with javascript, and little 
desire to explore it (which is admittedly a fault of mine).

S-expression reading and writing is a strong factor for network communication, 
and I like the fact that there are available options for Scheme to interpret / 
compile / compile-to-C.  I can see valid use cases for all of them, and I'm not 
sure how important each will be.

The bottom line is that I have been enjoying myself working with Racket / 
Scheme this year, and I have evidence that it has been objectively productive 
for me, so I'm going out on a bit of a limb and placing a bet on it.

>Initial impression: 7 years after starting to program in Racket, it still 
>surprises me how easy it is to do something
>useful in just a few lines of code.

A big goal here is to make the authored code very clear and simple.  I may yet 
get to a single #lang vr  declaration that gets rid of the 
boilerplate at the top and bottom of the file and flips the right switches to 
make Racket closer to R7RS.

There are sets of creative-types that are learning how to put things together 
in Unity to accomplish fairly simple media related tasks.  I think I can make 
it easier for them with very domain specific helper libraries and a little bit 
of scheme.

>Seems like the first thing anyone does when using the OpenGL API is write 
>something like `cmd-quad!`.

I am probably also going to make something similar to the old immediate mode 
APIs for building up static geometry meshes at init time.  The design usage  is 
to reference pre-processed models loaded from the net, but there will still be 
cases where you want to algorithmically build something like a camera-specific 
projection screen.

>In case the problems importing SRFI 1 were just finding the proper 
>incantation, it should be this:
>   (import (srfi :1))

I was having pair / mpair issues with the r6rs.

>If you're at all interested in a matrix/vector library whose operations have < 
>4 ulps error (provided floating-point arithmetic is correctly
>rounded) and transforming normals even when the affine matrix is 
>noninvertible, check out
>particularly the files "fl3.rkt", "fl4.rkt" and "flt3-unboxed-ops.rkt". 
>(Warnings: it's rather undocumented, there's a prevalent 
>`call/data-type-values` pattern that I haven't taken the time to get rid of 
>yet, and it >relies on some (easily copied) math/flonum macros.)

I'll take a look.  I am mostly mimicking the math operations we have in our C++ 
codebase now, and I expect that I will make C versions of at least the 
expensive matrix multiply / matrix invert operations to accelerate the embedded 
Scheme code.

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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-06-24 Thread Neil Toronto

On 06/23/2015 08:32 PM, John Carmack wrote:

Here is the overview of the work that I recently sent out internally.

I started out with a pure-functional scripting interface, but it very rapidly became 
imperative, and it is in heavy flux.  The sample scripts do capture the general 
"flavor" that I want this to have -- I think it will be easy enough to get 
interesting things happening that it will still tempt people who might be a little 
hostile to working in a Lisp.

Cool. Maybe keeping things more familiarly imperative will help reduce 
grumbling at first.

What are the motivating factors besides sending commands to the hardware?

An imperative API makes functional abstraction harder. What are the main 
selling points for Scheme/Racket now?


“Remote development”, where the script is actually executed in an IDE on a PC, 
communicating with NetHMD over a TCP connection.  This allows sub-second 
code-change to VR change iteration cycles, and the use of a debugger.  There 
might also be a use for a related mode where a central server directly drives 
one or more clients.

Remote development mode sounds very cool. (I didn't even have to squint 
hard to see that.) Is the latency low enough?


The sample scripts are at:


Starting to look over these now. Some random comments follow.

Initial impression: 7 years after starting to program in Racket, it 
still surprises me how easy it is to do something useful in just a few 
lines of code.

Seems like the first thing anyone does when using the OpenGL API is 
write something like `cmd-quad!`.

The `opengl` package defines all the OpenGL constants. I know you can't 
use it directly, but cut-and-paste should give you everything you'd ever 
need. Also, looking at the way it generates definitions from the OpenGL 
spec could be useful.

In case the problems importing SRFI 1 were just finding the proper 
incantation, it should be this:

  (import (srfi :1))

If you're at all interested in a matrix/vector library whose operations 
have < 4 ulps error (provided floating-point arithmetic is correctly 
rounded) and transforming normals even when the affine matrix is 
noninvertible, check out

particularly the files "fl3.rkt", "fl4.rkt" and "flt3-unboxed-ops.rkt". 
(Warnings: it's rather undocumented, there's a prevalent 
`call/data-type-values` pattern that I haven't taken the time to get rid 
of yet, and it relies on some (easily copied) math/flonum macros.)

This is really nifty. Thanks for sharing.

Neil ⊥

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RE: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-06-23 Thread John Carmack
Here is the overview of the work that I recently sent out internally.

I started out with a pure-functional scripting interface, but it very rapidly 
became imperative, and it is in heavy flux.  The sample scripts do capture the 
general "flavor" that I want this to have -- I think it will be easy enough to 
get interesting things happening that it will still tempt people who might be a 
little hostile to working in a Lisp.


Here is the first preview of the general purpose VR scripting environment I 
have been working on.  There isn’t anything exciting to look at, but if you 
squint real hard you can see where it might be going.  After I get a bit 
farther along, we can build a PC version as well for cross platform support.


Doing VR GUI development in the native apps is unpleasant – you can gut it out 
in C++ with our current interfaces, but the iteration times and code structure 
don’t make it a lot of fun.

In-editor prototyping is nice in Unity, but actual on-device testing cycle 
times are terrible, and you wind up with all the bulk of Unity and poor access 
to the native VR features like TimeWarp layers.

With app signing, we have no way for developers to casually share work with 
each other or limited communities.

My solution is to support development of VR applications in a scripting 
language with several modes:

“Web like”, where the script is downloaded from the net for each execution and 
run by a single signed app that we provide (NetHMD).  Fully specified by an 
app-scheme URI, this allows VR experiences to be launched directly from web 
pages or app-links on Facebook, which I think is VERY powerful – read about how 
great something is while browsing on your phone, then just click the link and 
get the “insert into HMD” dialog and jump right there.  VR scripts can link to 
other VR scripts without leaving VR.  There is no direct monetization here, but 
IAP can eventually be supported.

“App like”, where the script is bundled into a conventional apk to be 
distributed through the store, and the scripting is simply used as a more 
effective development environment for some classes of applications.

“Remote development”, where the script is actually executed in an IDE on a PC, 
communicating with NetHMD over a TCP connection.  This allows sub-second 
code-change to VR change iteration cycles, and the use of a debugger.  There 
might also be a use for a related mode where a central server directly drives 
one or more clients.

Where it will win first:

My “reference application” is the linking of multiple panoramic photos with 
text and audio annotations.  This is a completely obvious application that is 
not performance sensitive, and even a non-programmer could copy-paste-modify 
the simple script for this to make a high quality experience.

Once I hook up an ExoPlayer interface, this will completely subsume what I 
wanted to accomplish with “experience files” – the addition of static prop 
models to panoramic video, linking between different videos, merging of models 
or panoramas with videos that aren’t fully panoramic (GoPro, etc), and so on.

Once I hook up the Social interfaces, this will make it much easier to build 
trivial “activities” for multi-user experiences – board games, card games, etc.

It is already a big help for basic graphics development work – being able to 
just position a few quads with a custom shader and iterate on the shader 
programming remotely without rebuilding is a huge win.


This will be controversial, and I will have a longer discussion about it, but I 
chose Scheme (a Lisp) for the scripting language.  If this all works out, we 
can eventually make C# and Javascript versions, but I have a bunch of reasons 
for going this way first.  I am using Racket for the PC 
development environment, and Chibi Scheme for the embedded interpreter on 
Android.  Download Racket and walk through their quick-intro-with-pictures to 
get a feel for the language and you should be able to hack on the sample 
scripts I have been writing pretty quickly.  Note that Racket is a very 
extended Scheme targeted at desktop apps, the embedded version is just the 
basic standard.

All texture / model / sound resources are loaded and cached from network URI.  
For testing, you can just paste in any URI from a Google image search, which is 
convenient.  For an actual project development, dropbox should work fine.

I am favoring ease of development over performance, and it definitely won’t be 
suitable for a lot of tasks, but everything we have done with first party apps 
so far should be at least a candidate for development in this style once it is 

Everything is super-rough right now, and I keep thinking “one more day of work 
will clean it up better for people to look at”, but it is past time I at least 
get this on everyone’s radar.

Running it will load a default home script,

Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-06-23 Thread Neil Toronto

On 06/23/2015 07:36 PM, John Carmack wrote:

The intersection of Gear VR owners and Racket users may consist of just
me at the moment, but if anyone else here is interested in discussing
the work I am doing with driving VR by Racket/Scheme, I would welcome
the input.  Would that be an appropriate topic on the list?

Very yes. Also, I'm definitely in the intersection: I've just changed 
research topics to functional 3D, and I've written a rendering engine 
and modeling API in Racket for it.

What part do you have Racket playing in driving VR?

Neil ⊥

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Re: [racket-users] Gear VR

2015-06-23 Thread Matthias Felleisen

We welcome all posts connected to Racket. Post away. -- Matthias

p.s. The question is whether you get suitable feedback. My life is so abstract, 
I sometimes wonder what reality is :-) 

On Jun 23, 2015, at 7:36 PM, John Carmack wrote:

> The intersection of Gear VR owners and Racket users may consist of just me at 
> the moment, but if anyone else here is interested in discussing the work I am 
> doing with driving VR by Racket/Scheme, I would welcome the input.  Would 
> that be an appropriate topic on the list?
> -- 
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[racket-users] Gear VR

2015-06-23 Thread John Carmack
The intersection of Gear VR owners and Racket users may consist of just me at 
the moment, but if anyone else here is interested in discussing the work I am 
doing with driving VR by Racket/Scheme, I would welcome the input.  Would that 
be an appropriate topic on the list?

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