Re: [racket-users] chaining operations on bignum not scalable

2017-07-29 Thread rom cgb
On Sunday, July 30, 2017 at 12:35:09 AM UTC+2, Ryan Culpepper wrote:
> On 07/29/2017 02:48 PM, rom cgb wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > Probably due to all operations not being in-place, chaining operations on 
> > bignums is very costful.
> > 
> > for example, using bitwise-bit-field[1] on bignums is atrocious.
> > 
> > I also tried
> > 
> >(define (reverse-bits n)
> >  (for/fold ([reversed 0])
> >([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
> >(bitwise-ior (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left reversed 1)
> > (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0
> Here's a version that runs in about a sixth of the time for me.
> First, parameterize your function by a "chunk length":
>;; reverse-chunk : Nat Nat -> Nat
>;; Return a natural from the lowest len bits of n, reversed.
>(define (reverse-chunk n len)
>  (for/fold ([reversed 0])
>([i (in-range len)])
>(bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift reversed 1)
> (if (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1 0
> Then create an outer loop that processes one chunk at a time:
>(define CHUNK 32)  ;; should be less than fixnum size
>;; reverse-bits : Nat -> Nat
>(define (reverse-bits n)
>  (let loop ([n n] [nlen (integer-length n)])
>(cond [(< nlen CHUNK)
>   (reverse-chunk n nlen)]
>  [else
>   (bitwise-ior
>(loop (arithmetic-shift n (- CHUNK)) (- nlen CHUNK))
> (reverse-chunk (bitwise-bit-field n 0 CHUNK) CHUNK)
> (- nlen CHUNK)))])))
> > [...] Having in-place operations would help
> > 
> >   (define (reverse-bits n)
> > (for/fold ([reversed 0])
> >   ([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
> >   (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left! reversed 1)
> >   (bitwise-ior! reversed (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0
> > 
> > What do you think?
> I believe the chunking version would still be faster than the in-place 
> version. Both are quadratic: the chunking version constructs 
> 2*nlen/CHUNK intermediate bignums, and the in-place version would do 
> nlen 1-bit left shifts. But the 2/CHUNK advantage in the constants is 
> significant.
> Ryan

Thank you but your loop is not tail recursive and freeze on large bignums 
(millions bits). Also, bitwise operations are much faster when n is a power of 

(define (reverse-bits n)
  (for/fold ([reversed 0])
([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
(bitwise-ior (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left reversed 1)
 (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0

(define nbits (expt 2 (expt 2 18))) ;; 262 145 bits

(void (time (reverse-bits nbits)))
(void (time (reverse-bits (sub1 nbits

cpu time: 7 real time: 7 gc time: 0
cpu time: 6051 real time: 6055 gc time: 106

Growing the numbers of bits vs growing of time

(for ([i (in-list (for/list ([n (in-range 10)])
(- (expt 2 (* 10 n)) 1)))])
  (printf "~A " (integer-length i))
  (void (time (reverse-bits i

10 cpu time: 855 real time: 855 gc time: 11
20 cpu time: 3508 real time: 3509 gc time: 56
30 cpu time: 8419 real time: 8422 gc time: 337
40 cpu time: 15590 real time: 15583 gc time: 776
50 cpu time: 23475 real time: 23475 gc time: 935
60 cpu time: 33464 real time: 33447 gc time: 1318

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Re: [racket-users] chaining operations on bignum not scalable

2017-07-29 Thread Ryan Culpepper

On 07/29/2017 02:48 PM, rom cgb wrote:


Probably due to all operations not being in-place, chaining operations on 
bignums is very costful.

for example, using bitwise-bit-field[1] on bignums is atrocious.

I also tried

   (define (reverse-bits n)
 (for/fold ([reversed 0])
   ([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
   (bitwise-ior (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left reversed 1)
(or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0

Here's a version that runs in about a sixth of the time for me.

First, parameterize your function by a "chunk length":

  ;; reverse-chunk : Nat Nat -> Nat
  ;; Return a natural from the lowest len bits of n, reversed.
  (define (reverse-chunk n len)
(for/fold ([reversed 0])
  ([i (in-range len)])
  (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift reversed 1)
   (if (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1 0

Then create an outer loop that processes one chunk at a time:

  (define CHUNK 32)  ;; should be less than fixnum size

  ;; reverse-bits : Nat -> Nat
  (define (reverse-bits n)
(let loop ([n n] [nlen (integer-length n)])
  (cond [(< nlen CHUNK)
 (reverse-chunk n nlen)]
  (loop (arithmetic-shift n (- CHUNK)) (- nlen CHUNK))
   (reverse-chunk (bitwise-bit-field n 0 CHUNK) CHUNK)
   (- nlen CHUNK)))])))

[...] Having in-place operations would help

  (define (reverse-bits n)
(for/fold ([reversed 0])
  ([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
  (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left! reversed 1)
  (bitwise-ior! reversed (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0

What do you think?

I believe the chunking version would still be faster than the in-place 
version. Both are quadratic: the chunking version constructs 
2*nlen/CHUNK intermediate bignums, and the in-place version would do 
nlen 1-bit left shifts. But the 2/CHUNK advantage in the constants is 


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#lang racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))

;; reverse-bits0 : Nat -> Nat
;; The original version (ported R6RS -> Racket)
(define (reverse-bits0 n)
  (for/fold ([reversed 0])
([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
(bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift reversed 1)
 (if (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1 0


;; reverse-chunk : Nat Nat -> Nat
;; Return an integer from the lowest len bits of n, reversed.
(define (reverse-chunk n len)
  (for/fold ([reversed 0])
([i (in-range len)])
(bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift reversed 1)
 (if (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1 0


(define CHUNK 32)

;; reverse-bits : Nat -> Nat
(define (reverse-bits n)
  (let loop ([n n] [nlen (integer-length n)])
(cond [(< nlen CHUNK)
   (reverse-chunk n nlen)]
(loop (arithmetic-shift n (- CHUNK)) (- nlen CHUNK))
(arithmetic-shift (reverse-chunk (bitwise-bit-field n 0 CHUNK) 
  (- nlen CHUNK)))])))

;; Useful for REPL debugging
;; (define (b n) (number->string n 2))
;; (define (r s) (b (reverse-bits (string->number s 2

(define (test n)
  (unless (equal? (reverse-bits n)
  (string->number (list->string (reverse (string->list 
(number->string n 2 2))
(error 'test "failed on ~s" n)))


;; random-bignum : -> Nat
;; Make a bignum with size between 1 and 100 bytes.
(define (random-bignum)
  (define nbytes (+ 1 (random 100)))
  (for/fold ([n 0]) ([i (in-range nbytes)]) (+ (arithmetic-shift n 8) (random 

;; For deterministic testing:
(random-seed 17)

(define SIZE #e5e4)
(define ns (for/list ([_ (in-range SIZE)]) (random-bignum)))

;; Make sure reverse-bits is correct:
(for-each test ns)

;; Benchmarks:
(printf "Original version:\n")
(for ([i 4]) (time (for-each reverse-bits0 ns)))

(printf "Chunking version:\n")
(for ([i 4]) (time (for-each reverse-bits ns)))

Re: [racket-users] chaining operations on bignum not scalable

2017-07-29 Thread Pierpaolo Bernardi

Il giorno 29 luglio 2017, alle ore 20:48, rom cgb  ha 

>Probably due to all operations not being in-place, chaining operations on 
>bignums is very costful. 
>for example, using bitwise-bit-field[1] on bignums is atrocious.
>I also tried
>  (define (reverse-bits n)
>    (for/fold ([reversed 0])
>  ([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
>  (bitwise-ior (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left reversed 1)
>   (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0
>but it's not much better. Having in-place operations would help
>  (define (reverse-bits n)
>    (for/fold ([reversed 0])
>  ([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
>  (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left! reversed 1)
>  (bitwise-ior! reversed (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0
>What do you think?

Personally, I think that mutable integers is a feature we are better doing 

If you need a mutable vector, they are already in the language.

If you want 1-bit per element mutable vectors, then there are packages 
available implementing this data structure.


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[racket-users] chaining operations on bignum not scalable

2017-07-29 Thread rom cgb

Probably due to all operations not being in-place, chaining operations on 
bignums is very costful. 

for example, using bitwise-bit-field[1] on bignums is atrocious.

I also tried

  (define (reverse-bits n)
(for/fold ([reversed 0])
  ([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
  (bitwise-ior (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left reversed 1)
   (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0

but it's not much better. Having in-place operations would help

  (define (reverse-bits n)
(for/fold ([reversed 0])
  ([i (in-range (integer-length n))])
  (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left! reversed 1)
  (bitwise-ior! reversed (or (and (bitwise-bit-set? n i) 1) 0

What do you think?


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