Re: [Radiant] Application error when Loggin into admin area

2010-11-05 Thread William Ross
On 5 Nov 2010, at 04:00, Obi wrote:

 Ah, yes I remember being told to rake something in a set of instructions, 
 every-time I do though I get this message (hadn't realized the rake was so 
 important so I just skipped it, oops):
 rake aborted!
 No Rakefile found (looking for: rakefile, Rakefile, rakefile.rb, Rakefile.rb)
 /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rake-0.8.7/lib/rake.rb:2377:in `raw_load_rakefile'
 (See full trace by running task with --trace)
 what could this mean? I'm pretty sure I already have rake installed

Hello Obi,

Are you running rake from the root of your radiant application? Rake is 
installed globally but the tasks are defined locally, so the normal sequence 
would be like this:

radiant /path/to/website
cd /path/to/website
rake db:migrate

... install some extensions, do something else...

cd /path/to/website
rake db:migrate:extensions

It must have worked once or your database wouldn't be there at all.



 You get specific details right here.
 It tells you the error (ActionView::TemplateError)
 Then it tells you where
 on line #1 of 
 And then shows you the actual code from that line
 1: - stereotype = page.custom_fields.find(:first, :conditions =
 [name = ?, stereotype])
 - Okay, so your saying it's the stereotype extension causing this problem.
 I guess the solution will either be figuring out how to do the rake or 
 figuring out how to uninstall the extension. For now it's probably better 
 that I figure the rake out.
 Any idea what causes the rake to abort?
 On 05/11/2010, at 00:51, Jim Gay wrote:
 You got it!
 It's telling you that the application is looking in the database for a
 table that isn't there:
 ActionView::TemplateError (PGError: ERROR:  relation custom_fields
 does not exist
 Do you need to migrate the database?
 rake db:migrate:extensions
 On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 11:45 PM, Obi wrote:
 ah, I see...
 Could this section be the problem? Or should I look further up?
 Rendering /var/www/orgnot/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)
 Processing Admin::PagesController#index (for at 2010-11-05 
 03:16:47) [GET]
 Parameters: {action=index, controller=admin/pages}
 Rendering template within layouts/application
 Rendering admin/pages/index
 ActionView::TemplateError (PGError: ERROR:  relation custom_fields does 
 not exist
 LINE 1: SELECT * FROM custom_fields WHERE (custom_fields.page_id...
 : SELECT * FROM custom_fields WHERE (custom_fields.page_id = 1 AND 
 (name = 'stereotype'))  LIMIT 1) on line #1 of 
 1: - stereotype = page.custom_fields.find(:first, :conditions = [name = 
 ?, stereotype])
 2: %td.published_status.status
 3:   = stereotype.value if stereotype
   radiant (0.9.1) 
   radiant (0.9.1) vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/haml/helpers.rb:90:in 
   radiant (0.9.1) 
   radiant (0.9.1) app/helpers/admin/regions_helper.rb:11:in `render_region'
   radiant (0.9.1) app/helpers/admin/regions_helper.rb:9:in `map'
   radiant (0.9.1) app/helpers/admin/regions_helper.rb:9:in `render_region'
   radiant (0.9.1) app/views/admin/pages/_node.html.haml:2:in 
   radiant (0.9.1) 
   radiant (0.9.1) vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/haml/helpers.rb:90:in 
   radiant (0.9.1) 
   radiant (0.9.1) app/helpers/admin/node_helper.rb:6:in `render_node'
   radiant (0.9.1) app/views/admin/pages/index.html.haml:17:in 
   radiant (0.9.1) 
   radiant (0.9.1) 
   radiant (0.9.1) lib/radiant/resource_responses.rb:18:in `response_for'
   radiant (0.9.1) app/controllers/admin/pages_controller.rb:16:in `index'
   radiant (0.9.1) 
 vendor/plugins/haml/rails/./lib/sass/plugin/rails.rb:20:in `process'
 On 05/11/2010, at 00:37, Jim Gay wrote:
 On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 11:24 PM, Obi wrote:
 Thanks for the tip, 

[Radiant] Using HAML in templates?

2010-11-05 Thread Jordon Bedwell
I noticed that Radiant has HAML but are we able to use them in templates
by default? I've tried something like:

%p hello world this is a demo

%img{:src = 'image.jpg', :alt = 'Hello', :height='340'} 
Caption here

But it does not parse.  I might be going crazy and not doing it right?

Re: [Radiant] Using HAML in templates?

2010-11-05 Thread banane
did you install the plugin?
check out the tutorial here:

On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Jordon Bedwell wrote:

 I noticed that Radiant has HAML but are we able to use them in templates
 by default? I've tried something like:

 %p hello world this is a demo

%img{:src = 'image.jpg', :alt = 'Hello', :height='340'} 
Caption here

 But it does not parse.  I might be going crazy and not doing it right?

[Radiant] After installing radiant-copy-move and radiant-reorder-extension I get the following error...

2010-11-05 Thread Marc

I've come unstuck… and would appreciate some help...

Just kicking the tires of Radiant and was having fun until I got the
following error after installing radiant-copy-move and radiant-reorder

SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: position: SELECT * FROM pages
WHERE (parent_id IS NULL)  ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1

I've rake production db:bootstrap —trace to see if that would fix
things and get:

Marcia:heroku_radiant marc$ rake production db:bootstrap --trace
(in /Users/marc/src/radiant/heroku_radiant)
** Invoke production (first_time)
** Execute production
** Invoke environment (first_time)
** Execute environment
** Invoke db:bootstrap (first_time)
** Invoke db:remigrate (first_time)
** Invoke environment
** Execute db:remigrate
This task will destroy any data in the database. Are you sure you want
continue? [yn] y
==  ChangeUserLanguageToLocale: reverting
-- rename_column(users, locale, language)
   - 0.0370s
==  ChangeUserLanguageToLocale: reverted (0.0371s)

==  RenameDeveloperRoleToDesigner: reverting
-- rename_column(users, designer, developer)
   - 0.0720s
==  RenameDeveloperRoleToDesigner: reverted (0.0722s)

==  AddUserLanguage: reverting

-- remove_column(:users, :language)
   - 0.0137s
==  AddUserLanguage: reverted (0.0138s)

==  AddIndexes: reverting
-- remove_index(:page_parts, {:name=parts_by_page})
   - 0.0006s
-- remove_index(:pages, {:name=pages_published})
   - 0.0009s
-- remove_index(:pages, {:name=pages_child_slug})
   - 0.0006s
-- remove_index(:pages, {:name=pages_parent_id})
   - 0.0005s
-- remove_index(:pages, {:name=pages_class_name})
   - 0.0004s
==  AddIndexes: reverted (0.0033s)

==  RemoveSessionExpireFromUsers: reverting
-- add_column(:users, :session_expire, :datetime)
   - 0.0006s
==  RemoveSessionExpireFromUsers: reverted (0.0007s)

==  AddSessionInfoToUsers: reverting
-- remove_column(:users, :session_token)
   - 0.0134s
-- remove_column(:users, :session_expire)
   - 0.0125s
==  AddSessionInfoToUsers: reverted (0.0262s)

==  AddSaltToUsers: reverting
-- remove_column(:users, :salt)
   - 0.0685s
==  AddSaltToUsers: reverted (0.0686s)

==  AddDescriptionAndKeywordsToPages: reverting
-- remove_column(:pages, :keywords)
   - 0.0099s
-- remove_column(:pages, :description)
   - 0.0087s
==  AddDescriptionAndKeywordsToPages: reverted (0.0189s)

==  RenameCreatedByUpdatedByColumns: reverting

-- rename_column(pages, :created_by_id, :created_by)
   - 0.0096s
-- rename_column(pages, :updated_by_id, :updated_by)
   - 0.0136s
-- rename_column(snippets, :created_by_id, :created_by)
   - 0.0736s
-- rename_column(snippets, :updated_by_id, :updated_by)
   - 0.0103s
-- rename_column(layouts, :created_by_id, :created_by)
   - 0.0055s
-- rename_column(layouts, :updated_by_id, :updated_by)
   - 0.0055s
-- rename_column(users, :created_by_id, :created_by)
   - 0.0087s
-- rename_column(users, :updated_by_id, :updated_by)
   - 0.0104s
==  RenameCreatedByUpdatedByColumns: reverted (0.1380s)

==  AddSessions: reverting

-- drop_table(:sessions)
   - 0.0006s
==  AddSessions: reverted (0.0008s)

==  AddOptimisticLocking: reverting
-- remove_column(:pages, :lock_version)
   - 0.0667s
-- remove_column(:layouts, :lock_version)
   - 0.0067s
-- remove_column(:snippets, :lock_version)
   - 0.0101s
-- remove_column(:users, :lock_version)
   - 0.0092s
==  AddOptimisticLocking: reverted (0.0933s)

==  RenameConfigDefaultPartsKey: reverting

==  RenameConfigDefaultPartsKey: reverted (0.0046s)

==  AddNotesFieldToUser: reverting

-- remove_column(users, notes)
   - 0.0128s
==  AddNotesFieldToUser: reverted (0.0130s)

==  CreateExtensionMeta: reverting

-- drop_table(extension_meta)
   - 0.0005s
==  CreateExtensionMeta: reverted (0.0006s)

==  RenameTypeColumnOnPageToClassName: reverting
-- rename_column(pages, class_name, type)
   - 0.0664s
==  RenameTypeColumnOnPageToClassName: reverted (0.0666s)

Re: [Radiant] After installing radiant-copy-move and radiant-reorder-extension I get the following error...

2010-11-05 Thread Jim Gay
On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Marc wrote:

 I've come unstuck… and would appreciate some help...

 Just kicking the tires of Radiant and was having fun until I got the
 following error after installing radiant-copy-move and radiant-reorder

 SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: position: SELECT * FROM pages
 WHERE (parent_id IS NULL)  ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1

The error says no such column: position

Did you run rake db:migrate:extensions after installing your extensions?
Or run each one individually like rake radiant:extensions:reorder:migrate

Reorder might be written in a way that makes it difficult to bootstrap
while it is installed.
I assume that it adds information about a position column when the
application initializes (which happens during bootstrap) but if you
don't have that column in the database then it fails because the code
requires it.

For now, do this:

mv vendor/extensions/reorder vendor/reorder
rake db:bootstrap
mv vendor/reorder vendor/extensions/reorder
rake db:migrate:extensions

Jim Gay
Saturn Flyer LLC

[Radiant] Re: After installing radiant-copy-move and radiant-reorder-extension I get the following error...

2010-11-05 Thread Marc
Thanks for the answer…

Ah, it helps to do both

 rake db:bootstrap
 rake db:migrate:extensions


 rake production db:bootstrap
 rake production db:migrate:extensions

I was running my server with in production… doh

Still learning…



On Nov 6, 1:35 pm, Jim Gay wrote:
 On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:57 PM, Marc wrote:

  I've come unstuck… and would appreciate some help...

  Just kicking the tires of Radiant and was having fun until I got the
  following error after installing radiant-copy-move and radiant-reorder

  SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: position: SELECT * FROM pages
  WHERE (parent_id IS NULL)  ORDER BY position DESC LIMIT 1

 The error says no such column: position

 Did you run rake db:migrate:extensions after installing your extensions?
 Or run each one individually like rake radiant:extensions:reorder:migrate

 Reorder might be written in a way that makes it difficult to bootstrap
 while it is installed.
 I assume that it adds information about a position column when the
 application initializes (which happens during bootstrap) but if you
 don't have that column in the database then it fails because the code
 requires it.

 For now, do this:

 mv vendor/extensions/reorder vendor/reorder
 rake db:bootstrap
 mv vendor/reorder vendor/extensions/reorder
 rake db:migrate:extensions

 Jim Gay
 Saturn Flyer LLC