Re: [Radiant] Radiant Mailer Extension - Clarification on what needs to go into the SMTP settings

2012-12-27 Thread Marshal Linfoot
Hi Prism.

Here's the configuration I use on my Radiant site. I use Google for
sending/receiving email from the site, the Gmail account is "gmail_user"
and the password for signing into that account to read email is

ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
ActionMailer::Base.raise_delivery_errors = true
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
  :enable_starttls_auto =>  true,
  :address  =>  "",
  :port =>  "587",
  :domain   =>  "",
  :authentication   =>  :plain,
  :user_name=>  "",
  :password =>  "gmail_pass"

So, :address, :port, and :domain all refer to your website's smtp server.
:username and :password refer to the email user account you wish to use for
sending/receiving messages.

Hope this helps.

On Sun, Dec 23, 2012 at 1:39 AM, prism  wrote:

> Sorry this is really daft but I am confused as to what goes into the
> bolded fields:
>  * :address => "",
>   :domain => "",*
>   :port => 25,
> *  :user_name => "xx",
>   :password => "xx",*
>   :authentication => :plain
> I've tried various things for the address ( VS.
>, user_name, and pass and nothing happens when I hit send
> on the actual form.  Would the username and password be what I use to log
> into my webhosting account?
> Also for the config, I took off the # for the config.frameworks -= [].  Is
> that correct? or should the line read #config.frameworks -= []?
> For this example from another thread:
> ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
>   :address => "",
>   :domain => "",
>   :port => 25,
>   :user_name => "x",
>   :password => "x",
>   :authentication => :plain
> }
> Why is the blocked out? Wouldn't it be
> Thank you for anyone to can provide some assistance.   I'm sorry if this
> seems ridiculously simple to set up but I honestly don't understand where I
> am going wrong because nothing is happening when I click "send".

[Radiant] Radiant Mailer Extension - Clarification on what needs to go into the SMTP settings

2012-12-26 Thread prism
Sorry this is really daft but I am confused as to what goes into the bolded 

 * :address => "",
  :domain => "",*
  :port => 25,
*  :user_name => "xx",
  :password => "xx",*
  :authentication => :plain

I've tried various things for the address ( VS., user_name, and pass and nothing happens when I hit send 
on the actual form.  Would the username and password be what I use to log 
into my webhosting account?  

Also for the config, I took off the # for the config.frameworks -= [].  Is 
that correct? or should the line read #config.frameworks -= []?

For this example from another thread:
ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
  :address => "",
  :domain => "",
  :port => 25,
  :user_name => "x",
  :password => "x",
  :authentication => :plain

Why is the blocked out? Wouldn't it be

Thank you for anyone to can provide some assistance.   I'm sorry if this 
seems ridiculously simple to set up but I honestly don't understand where I 
am going wrong because nothing is happening when I click "send".