Religion Clause Blog

2017-04-19 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Just to let you know that Religion Clause blog is back after a hiatus. Howard Friedman ___ To post, send message to To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see

Title IX Guidance Withdrawal

2017-02-22 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I believe there is a greater amount of legal ambiguity than the media is suggesting in the wake of today's Joint Letter withdrawing Obama Administration's Guidance on transgender rights under Title IX. See

Gorsuch On Religion Issues

2017-01-31 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I have just posted a summary of SCOTUS nominee Neil Gorsuch's opinions in church-state and religious liberty cases. I would appreciate learning of other of his decisions in this area that I have missed. Howard

Cert Granted Today In ERISA Church Plan Cases

2016-12-02 Thread Friedman, Howard M. At issue is billions of dollars of potential retirement plan underfunding for religiously affiliated hospitals and similar organizations. ___ To post, send message to

Supreme Court grants cert in transgender bathroom case

2016-10-28 Thread Friedman, Howard M. ___ To post, send message to To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see

RE: Risk of job loss to employees who avail themselves of contraception?

2016-08-25 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I agree that there have been few if any cases so far of firings for using contraceptives. Ironically there have been firings for becoming pregnant out of wedlock-- if you will, for NOT using contraceptives. However past experience has shown that as these things become public issues, religious

New RFRA Opinion

2016-08-11 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Armed Forces Court of Appeals handed down an interesting RFRA decision yesterday-- with an extensive discussion of the "substantial burden" prong as well as some other unique issues: Howard Friedman

Posts On Republican Convention

2016-07-19 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
For those following the Republican Convention closely, I have a series of posts today on Religion Clause setting out the text of Platform planks on issues of religious liberty and moral values, as well as a post listing all those offering invocations and

RE: Mississippi AG Hood declines to appeal adverse decision on HB1523

2016-07-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
quot;I don’t believe that’s the way to carry out Jesus’ primary directives to protect the least among us and to love thy neighbor." Sigh. On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Friedman, Howard M. <<>> w

RE: New Version of Proposed First Amendment Defense Act

2016-07-14 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Issuing a strong statement, Mississippi's attorney general says he will not appeal Judge Reeves' decision From: []

Mississippi HB 1523 Struck Down

2016-07-01 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Judge Reeves presented a robust defense of the Establishment Clause yesterday in striking down Mississippi's attempt to allow religion- and conscience-based discrimination against the LGBT community. More on Religion Clause

RE: Muhammad Ali, conscientious objection, and the Supreme Court’s struggle to understand “jihad” and “holy war”: The story of Cassius Clay v. United States

2016-06-08 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Interestingly, just yesterday the European Court of Human Rights in a Chamber Judgement held that Article 9 (Freedom of thought, conscience and religion) of the European Convention on Human Rights does not protect a Turkish conscientious objector who would not agree to military service for the

4th Circuit on school rest rooms

2016-04-19 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The 4th Circuit today deferred to DOE's interpretation of its own rules and held that Title IX requires schools to allow rest room use on basis of gender identity. More at Religion Clause: Howard Friedman

RE: FSM not recognized as a religion for 1st Amendment purposes

2016-04-18 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Civil marraige? From: [] on behalf of Steven Jamar [] Sent: Monday,

501c3 and Donald Trump

2016-03-24 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Some of Donald Trump's anti-Muslim statements and some of his statements about women have triggered responses from a variety of individuals and groups. It appears to me that at least some of the groups expressing concern through press releases and blog postings about Trump's language are

Garland's Religious Liberty Caselaw

2016-03-19 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Chief Judge Merrick Garland hasn't had much to say about religion clause issues, but I have tracked what is there at ___ To post, send message to

Zubik and Pope Francis on Contraception

2016-02-18 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
News reports say that Pope Francis at a new conference in Mexico said that contraceptives may be used in the case of mothers who may be trying not to get pregnant because of the Zika virus. He is quoted as saying that "avoiding pregnancy is not an absolute evil." Should this affect the

RE: Excluding religious institutions from public safety benefits

2016-01-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Note that the federal government is already making grants to houses of worship under the Department of Homeland Security's Nonprofit Security Grants program to strengthen security safeguards at nonprofit institutions that are particularly likely to be the targets of terror attacks. Apparently

Cert Granted in Blaine Amendment case

2016-01-15 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
SCOTUS today granted cert in Trinity Lutheran Church v. Pauley. Details at Howard Friedman ___ To post, send message to To subscribe,

RE: Research Queries

2015-12-29 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Here is some evidence. If you search WorldCat for Harvard Law Review, it indicates that it is held by 1611 different libraries. Somebody besides law schools must think at least some legal research is important. From:

RE: North Carolina Magistrate Law

2015-12-09 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Interestingly, one of the couples acting as plaintiffs are not a same-sex couple, but instead a heterosexual, blind, interracial couple who sued successfully in 1976 after two North Carolina magistrates refused on religious ground to perform their marriage. Howard Friedman

RE: State RFRAs and their equivalents

2015-12-05 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
There is also an excellent tracker for enacted and pending state RFRA's at Don Byrd's Blog from the Capital: It is kept updated. It does not however cover the state constitutional part. Howard Friedman From:

Cert Granted in Non-Profit Contraceptive Mandate Cases

2015-11-06 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court today granted review in 7 cases challenging the Affordable Care Act contraceptive mandate accommodation for religious non-profits. More at Howard Friedman

RE: Cert Granted in Non-Profit Contraceptive Mandate Cases

2015-11-06 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
ed cases<> Posted 4:18 PM by Marty Lederman [link] <> On Fri, Nov 6, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Friedman, Howard M. <howard.fried...@uto

3rd Circuit's Interesting Religious Discrimination Decision

2015-10-14 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The 3rd Circuit yesterday issued rather remarkable majority and concurring opinions in Hassan v. City of New York refusing to dismiss Muslims' attack on NYPD's surveillance program.

RE: What's happening in KY? -- my differences with Eugene

2015-09-05 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
In discussing the changes that Ms. Davis might have made in the license form to accommodate her religious beliefs, I don't believe anyone on this list has discussed this provision in Kentucky Rev. Stat. Sec. 402.110: "The form of marriage license prescribed in KRS 402.100 shall be uniform

RE: What's happening in KY? -- my differences with Eugene

2015-09-05 Thread Friedman, Howard M.] On Behalf Of Friedman, Howard M. Sent: Saturday, September 05, 2015 3:56 PM To: Law & Religion issues for Law Academics Subject: RE: What's happening in KY? -- my differences with Eugene In discussing the changes that Ms. Davis might have made in the license fo

RE: What's happening in KY?

2015-09-03 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Here is my post on the facts to this hour as I have been able to glean them: From: [] on behalf of Finkelman,

RE: Question about the Kentucky County Clerk controversy

2015-09-02 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Kentucky law requires the license to be signed by the clerk or deputy clerk. I have a different question though. State RFRAs protect against actions by the government that infringe religious liberty. Here Kim Davis "is" the government, i.e.

RE: Colorado Cakeshop decision

2015-08-14 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
A famous example of this many years ago involved the issue of whether Dow Chemical should stop selling napalm to the U.S. government for use in the Viet Nam War because of the terrible injuries it caused. Some shareholders attempted to stop the company from continuing to manufacture the

RE: Developments in contraceptive coverage

2015-07-21 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Marty-- Have you seen yesterday's 8th Circuit opinion that could open a whole new line of challenges? From:

RE: Damages based on a person's speaking out in defense of his tortious action

2015-07-08 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
As I read the opinion, the damage award for discrimination was not particularly based on the interview. Then there was a second piece: The Commissioner, going beyond the ALJ's conclusions, found a violation of ORS 659A.409 that prohibits anyone acting on behalf of a place of public

SCOTUS Rules Against Abercrombie Today

2015-06-01 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Supreme Court Rules Against Abercrombie In Title VII Religious Accommodation Case. See Howard Friedman ___ To post, send message to To

Question on Establishment Clause and Same-Sex Marriage

2015-05-21 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Almost everyone agrees that if the Supreme Court concludes that states must recognize same-sex marriages, still no state may force a member of the clergy to perform a same-sex wedding if that is inconsistent with his/her religious beliefs. But what about the converse? States delegate to clergy

Arkansas Passes Broader RFRA

2015-03-31 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Arkansas legislature today passed a state RFRA. While national media is reporting that the bill is similar to Indiana's, in fact it is broader in several ways. See

RE: state RFRA's and local anti-discrimination laws

2015-03-30 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
For anyone interested, I have put up a lengthy post at Religion Clause setting out my take on the Indiana RFRA, Howard

Applying Holt v Hobbs to hard cases

2015-03-08 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Some of us suggested earlier this year that the rules the Supreme Court set down in Holt v. Hobbs would be a lot more difficut to apply in less clear cases. An example of that has now appeared in Stover v. Corrections Corp of America-- a transgender Native American inmate wants access to the

RE: Holt

2015-01-20 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
For anyone who might be interested, I have just posted some initial thoughts on today's Holt opinion on Religion Clause Your reactions are welcomed. Howard Friedman From:

SCOTUS Grants Review In Same-Sex Marriage Cases

2015-01-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Details at ___ To post, send message to To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see

6th Circuit Upholds Same-Sex Marriage Bans

2014-11-06 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The 6th Circuit today departed from 4 other Circuits and (2-1) upheld same-sex marriage bans in 4 states. More at ___ To post, send message to

RE: Holt v. Hobbs Oral Argument

2014-10-07 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I think this case on its facts is likely to be easy for the Court because so many other states have found ways to accommodate beards. That being the case, I fear that the Court may not be as careful as it should in formulating the strict scrutiny test under RLUIPA. Broadly speaking, prisons

Cert granted in Abercrombie Fitch

2014-10-02 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court today granted cert in the religious accommodation case involving Abercrombie's look policy. More at ___ To post, send message to

New Hate Crimes decision

2014-08-28 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Yesterday the 6th Circuit reversed convictions in the Amish beard cutting attack cases, in an important decision on required motivation under the Hate Crimes Prevention Act

New Into Religious Freedom Ambassador Nominee

2014-07-28 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
President Obama today announced his intent to nominate Rabbi David Saperstein as Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom. Those of you who know Rabbi Saperstein will agree, I believe, that he is immensely qualified. See more at

RE: On a different strand of the seamless web

2014-07-06 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
It seems to me that Justice Alito rather nicely avoided having to deal with the question of how much a corporation is like a real person (including whether it has a soul, etc.), and also avoided dealing with the well-developed piercing the corporate veil doctrine by adopting a view of

RE: Cert. denied in Elmbrook Schools

2014-06-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Thanks for the heads up. Scalia's dissent is fascinating. I just blogged on it: Howard Friedman From: []

RE: Notre Dame-- where's the complicit participation? Sincerity

2014-02-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Does anyone know whether the trustees of Notre Dame perhaps interpreted Pope Benedict's remarks in his meeting with them in Rome on Jan. 31 as being a reference to Notre Dame's position on the contraceptive mandate. The Pope said: This commitment to “missionary discipleship” ought to be

RE: Notre Dame-- where's the complicit participation? Sincerity

2014-02-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Whoops-- of course I meant Pope Francis. Sorry for the Freudian(?) slip. From: [] on behalf of Friedman, Howard M. [] Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 7:20 PM To: Law

RE: Supreme Court Issues Compromise Injunction Pending Appeal In Contraceptive Mandate Case

2014-01-25 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
To get this right, you have to look at some technicalities that generally cause even lawyers' eyes to glaze over. When a religious non-profit offers its employees a group health insurance plan through an insurance company, the self-certification form does in essence say: let us know and we'll

Supreme Court Issues Compromise Injunction Pending Appeal In Contraceptive Mandate Case

2014-01-24 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court today extended the injunction pending appeal in Little Sisters of the Poor case, but with unusual conditions-- see ___ To post, send message to

RE: The ability to practice one's religion

2013-11-27 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
There is another aspect to this which it seems to me has gone largely unnoticed. The 2 cases that the Supreme Court has agreed to review are from individuals and businesses who do not object to contraception, but instead object to abortion and believe that some contraceptives are

SCOTUS grants cert in contraceptive mandate cases

2013-11-26 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court today granted certiorari in Hobby Lobby and Conestoga--- more at Howard Friedman ___ To post, send message to To subscribe,

Supreme Court's Action On Muslim Beard Case

2013-11-15 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Yesterday, the U.S. Supreme Court in an unusual move issued an injunction pending review of a Muslim prisoner's cert petition to prevent the Arkansas Department of Corrections from enforcing its grooming policy. The policy prevented petitioner from wearing his religiously mandated beard. More

RE: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
(212) 867-1067 -Original Message- From: Friedman, Howard M. To: Law Religion issues for Law Academics Sent: Thu, Aug 15, 2013 10:48 pm Subject: RE: New Twist

New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-15 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
In an interesting new lawsuit, a Missouri legislator (suing as an employee of the state) seeks on religious liberty grounds the ability to obtain a health insurance policy from his employer that does not cover contraception, sterilization or abortifacients. He particularly objects to coverage

RE: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate

2013-08-15 Thread Friedman, Howard M. Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 11:06:49 AM Subject: Re: New Twist On Challenge to ACA Contraceptive Mandate Next up, a lawsuit demanding to be paid in currency that can't be used to buy contraception. Eduardo From: Friedman, Howard M. howard.fried...@utoledo.edumailto:howard.fried

RE: Closely-held corporations, owners of corporations, and RFRAs

2013-08-06 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I think that there are at least two things going on here that have not been well articulated: (1) Corporate lawyers have spent decades attempting to convince courts and legislatures that the corporate entity should be seen as a separate person from its shareholders, even when the corporation

Ohio's Refusal To Recognize Maryland Same Sex Marriage Invalidated

2013-07-23 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
An Ohio federal district court yesterday granted a temporary restraining order requiring the state to recognize the validity of a same-sex marriage performed in Maryland. More on the 15-page opinion at Religion clause blog

New Suit Argues Prop 8 Is Still Enforceable

2013-07-15 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
A petition for a writ of mandate was filed Friday with the California Supreme Court arguing that because of the narrowness of the injunction that was reinstated by the US Supreme Court, California county clerks must still enforce Prop. 8 that bans same-sex marriage. More details on Religion

RE: The Hobby Lobby Case: Four Thoughts

2013-07-08 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The ripeness issue has become more complicated in light of the Justice Department's July 3 filing in the Liberty University case-- see Howard Friedman From:

Hobby Lobby Scores Victory

2013-06-28 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The 10th Circuit en banc yesterday gave a surprisingly strong endorsement to free exercise rights of for-profit corporations in Hobby Lobby case. More here Howard Friedman

Today's Same-Sex marriage Deciaions

2013-06-26 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
While I know there is, and will be, no lack of ink spilled (or the online equivalent) on today's same-sex marriage decisions by the Supreme Court, I just wanted to let anyone interested know that I will have a series of posts over the next couple of days on Religion Clause analyzing the

Interesting Scholarship Tax Credit Decision

2013-06-18 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
New Hampshire court finds tax credit equals tax expenditure under state constitution's No Aid clause. More on Religion Clause: Howard Friedman ___ To post, send

RE: Liberty: A Vote or A Veto?

2013-06-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Nate-- Very interesting piece. I believe the vote, not a veto language originated in the writings of Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan who, departing from the Orthodox Jewish view that halacha [traditional Jewish law] was the sole standard for Jewish practice, said the past has a vote, not a veto. The

Cert Granted In City Council Prayer Case

2013-05-20 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court this morning granted certiorari in Town of Greece v. Galloway. Details at Religion Clause blog. Howard Friedman ___ To post, send message to

2nd Circuit Finds DOMA Unconstitutional

2012-10-18 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
In a 2-1 decision today, the 2nd Circuit found DOMA unconstitutional, applying intermediate-level scrutiny to discrimination against gays and lesbians. More at Religion Clause blog Howard Friedman

Court Rejects Religious Liberty Challenges To ACA Mandate

2012-09-29 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
In an important and carefully reasoned opinion yesterday, a Republican-appointed federal district judge rejected on the merits a series of RFRA and First Amendment challenges to the contraceptive coverage mandate under the Affordable Care Act. More at Religion Clause

RE: Corporate donations to religious groups

2012-08-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
This may be relevant to your concerns-- Both Delaware Gen. Corp. L. Sec. 122 and Model Business Corporation Act Sec. 3.02 that set out the general powers of corporations provide that they may make donations for the public welfare or for charitable, scientific or educational purposes, while

Preliminary Injunction Issued Against ACA Contraceptive Coverage Mandate

2012-07-27 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
In an interesting decision, a federal district judge today relied on RFRA to enjoin enforcement of the ACA mandate against a small manufacturing company whose officers and directors are Catholic. Details at

RE: Same Sex Marriage in Scotland

2012-07-26 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I think the problem is that currently the UK Equality Act creates a conscience exemption only where necessary to comply with the doctrine of a religious organization or to avoid conflict with the strongly held religious convictions of a significant number of the followers of the religion or

RE: Equivocal evidence, and the right to choose

2012-07-08 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
It seems to me that your paragraph (2) focuses the issue. Should the Free Exercise clause understand religion only as a belief system? Traditional Judaism does not define it that way. Instead (for those who are born of a Jewish mother) it is an identity that precedes a belief system. Can the

Relevance of Parham v JR To Circumcision Debate

2012-07-06 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I think some guidance on relative rights of parents and children to make a decision that could arguably either harm the child or be in the child's best interest are found in the Supreme Court's 1979 decision in Parham v. J.R. on parental commitment of a minor to a state mental hospital. While

RE: Parental rights and physical conduct

2012-07-05 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
What has been absent from all of the discussion on this issue is the importance to Jewish belief of circumcision while the son is an infant. This ceremony at 8-days of age (except where health precludes it that early) is the son's initiation into Jewish peoplehood. Waiting until adulthood is

RE: Parental rights and physical conduct

2012-07-05 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
to whom they are genetically linked? Eugene From: [] On Behalf Of Friedman, Howard M. Sent: Thursday, July 05, 2012 8:52 AM To: Law Religion issues for Law Academics Subject: RE: Parental rights

RE: German circumcision decision

2012-07-01 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The basic issue, it seems to me, is the right of parents to instill a particular religious faith in their children. Requiring parents to raise their children with no religious faith so the children can decide on their religion when they become adults is not a satisfactory alternative to anyone

RE: Defeat of RFRA constitutional amendment in North Dakota

2012-06-13 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The website of the coalition opposing the measure suggests some reasons for the loss in North Dakota. The major newspapers in the state opposed it, as did the bishop of the Western North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America. (North Dakota has a

RE: Court upholds prison no-pork policy against EstablishmentClause challenge

2012-04-12 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
It is interesting to compare reactions in Europe to similar situations. In 2010, French politicians strongly criticized a restaurant chain that decided to serve only halal meat in 8 of its restaurants with a large Muslim clientele. Agriculture Minister Bruno Le Maire said: When they remove all

RE: Court upholds prison no-pork policy against EstablishmentClausechallenge

2012-04-12 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
process. On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 11:08 PM, Friedman, Howard M. wrote: It is interesting to compare reactions in Europe to similar situations. In 2010, French politicians strongly criticized a restaurant chain that decided to serve

Something Peculiar With This Year's USCIRF Report

2012-03-21 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Something peculiar seems to be going on with the annual report of the US Commission on International Religious Freedom. It was released this morning, but late this afternoon 5 of the Commissioners circulated a statement saying that Turkey should not have been on the recommended list to be named

Basketball Accommodation

2012-03-05 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
For those interested in religious accommodation in athletics and did not see this last year, the University of Toledo created a fascinating accommodation for their Orthodox Jewish star women's basketball player-- described here . The accommodation was

RE: Exemptions and accommodations

2012-03-05 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Many exemptions can be described also as affirmative accommodations. The person bringing his or her own meal into a restaurant is taking up table space that might otherwise be used by a patron ordering from the menu. Allowing it however may just be good business practice, since otherwise the

RE: Contraceptives and gender discrimination

2012-02-14 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Is there another way around this? As I understand it, under the Affordable Care Act by 2014 every state must have a health benefits exchange on which individuals without coverage from their employers can purchase their own policies. Can't institutions with objections to federal regulations on

RE: Contraceptives and gender discrimination

2012-02-14 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops in responding to the modified policy seems to believe that protections should go beyond religious entities and should cover secular employers and individuals with moral objections as well. They said ( ): **the lack of

First citation of Hosanna Tabor

2012-01-29 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
In an interesting opinion issued last week, the South Dakota Supreme Court may be the first court to cite Hosanna-Tabor as the basis for a decision-- and outside the employment area. The court refused to order dissolution of a Hutterite church created as a non-profit corporation because it

RE: Hosanna-Tabor

2012-01-12 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I think that the decision has much broader implications for church autonomy. I have just developed this argument in some detail in a posting on Religion Clause, for those who may be interested in reading it. I

Hosanna Tabor Decided By Supreme Court

2012-01-12 Thread Friedman, Howard M. Howard Friedman ___ To post, send message to To subscribe, unsubscribe, change options, or get password, see

RE: Hosanna-Tabor and the Ministerial Exception

2011-08-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
It seems to me the SG is arguing that there is no ministerial exception from the anti-retaliation provisions of the ADA, but is not necessarily arguing the same as to the anti-discrimination provisions. This makes some sense, since-- to the extent that the ministerial exception doctrine is

RE: Hosanna-Tabor and the Ministerial Exception

2011-08-16 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Chris-- There are a number of statements in the SG's brief that suggest the government is limiting its argument to the anti-retaliation provisions, without taking a position beyond that. E.g. the policy arguments in part III of the brief all focus on policies relating to retaliation claims.

Suit Seeks To Void NY Marriage Equality Law

2011-07-25 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
A suit filed today seeks to void New York's same-sex marriage law and void marriages under it performed so far. It relies on alleged procedural defects in the adoption of the law. More information and link to complaint at

RE: The religious exemptions in the new NY same-sex marriage law

2011-06-26 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The new New York same-sex marriage bill has several different-- and apparently hastily drafted--exemptions. One merely preserves the existing exemption in NY Executive Law Sec. 296. Sec 296 provides: Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to bar any religious or

Certiorari granted in ministerial exception case

2011-03-28 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court this morning granted cert in Hosanna Tabor Church v. EEOC. More at Howard Friedman Professor of Law Emeritus University of Toledo ___ To post, send

European Court Upholds Crucifixes In Italian Classrooms

2011-03-18 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights today held that Italy's required placement of crucifixes in state school classrooms does not violate protections of the European Convention on Human Rights. More at Religion Clause blog:

RE: May American court appoint only Muslim arbitrators, pursuant to an arbitration agreement?

2011-01-03 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
To be appointed a chaplain, a person needs an ecclesiastical endorsement from a recognized endorsing agency connected with the person's faith group. See Howard Friedman -Original Message- From:

RE: May American court appoint only Muslim arbitrators, pursuant toan arbitration agreement?

2011-01-03 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I think the 1983 New York Court of Appeals decision in Avitzur v. Avitzur, 446 NE2d 136 is relevant to this discussion. There a court enforced the so-called Lieberman clause in a Jewish marriage contract (Ketubah) which bound the parties to appear before a Jewish religious court so the wife

RE: Avitzur

2011-01-03 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
-3386 (o) 518-445-3363 (f) From: [] On Behalf Of Friedman, Howard M. Sent: Monday, January 03, 2011 9:23 PM To: Law Religion issues for Law Academics Subject: RE: May American court appoint only Muslim

RFRA Debate

2010-08-24 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
Pardon the self-promotion. Public Square has posted a 4-part debate between Marci Hamilton and me on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act at The essays were actually written a number of months ago-- there was a

Supreme Court Decides Buono v. Salazar

2010-04-28 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court this morning in an extremely fragmented decision reversed the 9th Circuit's order that had barred the federal government from transfering the Sunrise Rock Cross war memorial to the VFW. Details are on Religion Clause:

RE: JFS Decision by Britain Supreme Court

2009-12-17 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
I posted a follow-up this afternoon on Religion Clause setting out some initial reactions I had to the JFS opinion. I think it is a more important opinion, with implications beyond Britain, than initial coverage has suggested. Here is the link to the commentary:

Cert Granted in Christian Legal Society (Hastings Law School)

2009-12-07 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The Supreme Court this morning granted cert in a CLS case in which the 9th Circuit upheld application of university nondiscrimination provisions to a law school religious group. Howard Friedman

RE: UK Jewish school denies racial discrimination - Yahoo! News

2009-10-31 Thread Friedman, Howard M.
The problem in this case is not ethnicity in the way we usually use that term. If the mother had converted to Judaism under an Orthodox rabbi, the school would have admitted the student. The problem was that in this case she had converted under a rabbi in Britain's equivalent of the Reform

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