Re: Neophyte Scripting Query - Want The Nike Method - "Just Do It"

2000-02-22 Thread Stefan Jeglinski

>I want it to do a "FULL" by default.  I'm not an AppleScript guru, but I was
>wondering if anyone else has walked this path ahead of me, and has a simple
>"brute force" script I could scam/adapt for my purposes.

I have written a script for a small company that owns an iMac, a 
Powerbook, and a PC, networked. The iMac has a zip disk connected. 
The script can copy any source target to any destination target, 
mount remote disks (automatically detects remote paths), and also 
handles the special case of backing up selected items from within a 
Virtual PC C-drive. I have it tuned to backup all targets (including 
those on the PC, running an atalk file server) to a folder on the 
iMac, then copy this folder en masse to the zip. It searches for a 
specifically-named zip drive (mon, tue, wed, etc) for daily backup, 
and can be made to refuse to run if it can't find it (right now it 
reports a possible error with option to try again or continue). It 
has a verbose debug mode to search for problems in development.

It is slow, but it works. I'm working out the last couple of quirks, 
and adding a report capability to it, hopefully one that can send an 
e-mail report. Also to be added is .sit compression. It does no 
auto-restore (you have to go search and drag) yet, and also does no 
incremental backup yet. But I hope to add these.

It relies on no scripting additions, and is big and long due to 
debugging code and comments. It fails to remote mount if it is 
running OS9 (OS9 "feature"), but I plan to refine this (no 

>Before you respond, consider also that almost any and every "exception" to
>flawless operation will result in a phone call to me, day or night! Any
>"*unexpected*" dialogue boxes, etc; are a "show stopper".

Just an aside, I quit using this phrase. Apparently, a show stopper 
is something so -good- that it brings the house down. Anyway, right 
now, all errors (every task in the script is error-checked) are 
reported to dialog boxes, and they're worded to help me (the 
programmer) troubleshoot it, not make things clear to the user, so 
this is -not- what your correspondent wants. In a couple of weeks I 
should have it finished up (I work on it on-site on weekends).

>This is what makes me think, MAYBE AppleScripting may be the way to go here.
>But I'm not a programmer - just a Mac bigot!  ;-)  If so, does anyone have a
>basic script I can "borrow" - hints on how to adapt it, if necessary, are

If I supply it free, your support will be limited to what you would 
expect, but Applescript is not all that hard. That said, being a Mac 
bigot by itself will not help you. The paths set in my backup script 
are "hard coded" (for now); you will have to open it up in script 
editor, understand what you are doing, change it, and recompile it.

>Please cc any replies to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm posting back to the list in case anyone else wants it. For me, it 
mostly has been how I learned Applescript. It's been fun, but I've 
suggested to the company that they buy Retrospect :-), since their 
backup needs will be growing. If anybody wants this, send me e-mail, 
I will put your name in the basket, and shortly I will spiff it up 
and make it available.

Stefan Jeglinski

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Neophyte Scripting Query - Want The Nike Method - "Just Do It"

2000-02-22 Thread Peter F. Ferris

Hello All,

Disclaimer: Please accept my apologies if this is a case of RTFM.  I am new to
the list and fairly new to Retrospect.  I am trying to help a friend get going
with Retrospect (sorry, I'm on a PC at work, Retrospect is on her Mac). Friend
has MacOS8.x on Mac G4.

My questions:

1) My friend desires a "turnkey" solution - absolute minimal intervention (but
probably good logging desired! ;-)).
2) She's been battling errors/notifications when swapping Jaz cartridges (from
one backup session to another - NOT for contiguous backup).  Usually yacking
that this or that storage set wasn't (or couldn't be) found. Or not enough
(additional) room on the cartridge, etc.
3) She has 2 or 3 Jaz cartridges.
4) She is a very small business.  No network. No clients, servers, etc.
5) Did she get the wrong product? (This is *NOT* Dantz bashing!)  Can
Retrospect accomplish what she wants (a simple, backup utility)? Or would
something like DiskFit have been better?

Here are some requirements/questions:

We *DON'T CARE* if the cartridge has a previous or different back-up on it. We
need the most "dumbed down" logic to apply here... "If there's a good
cartridge in the Jaz, then ***DO IT***" -- I know how to define "it" within
the program (what folders, etc. to back up).  And specifying a "FULL" back-up
seems to minimize the back-talk and yammering the program does.  HOWEVER,
everytime my "Easy Script" (or whatever it's called) is run, I have to SPECIFY
to a "FULL" backup.  Apparently, this preference is not (properly?) recorded
in the script. It wants to default to a "new" (?) backup instead of a "full".

Her backup "methodology" (ahem) may be, ahem, "quirky".  That is, sometimes
the backup may go to cartridge #1, and again to #1, then #2, then #1, then #2,
#2, #2, #1, #2, #1, and so on... you never know.  One cartridge will be off
premises at all times, but sometimes she will want to make a backup quicker
than they can be rotated.  If this makes any sense... (Be kind! ;-))  I don't
know how much this methodology will addlepate any scripts or "storeage sets"
or whatever.  But now you see the necessity of "DON'T CARE" what cartridge is
in the Jaz drive. I'd prefer running just one script - and that's been MY
goal - but maybe my logic is flawed.  Should (MUST) I have one script per

I want it to do a "FULL" by default.  I'm not an AppleScript guru, but I was
wondering if anyone else has walked this path ahead of me, and has a simple
"brute force" script I could scam/adapt for my purposes.

Before you respond, consider also that almost any and every "exception" to
flawless operation will result in a phone call to me, day or night! Any
"*unexpected*" dialogue boxes, etc; are a "show stopper".

In a couple days I wil lhave access to BOTH/all cartridges at the same time if
I have to give them a consistant name, etc.

This is what makes me think, MAYBE AppleScripting may be the way to go here.
But I'm not a programmer - just a Mac bigot!  ;-)  If so, does anyone have a
basic script I can "borrow" - hints on how to adapt it, if necessary, are

*ANY* hints and tips are greatly appreciated.  This has been a colossal thorn
in my, err, (back) side.

HEL! I'm frantic here!!

(Thanks!  I feel better now!)

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