Re: Setting target-groups or target-people with post-review fails

2011-03-24 Thread Stein, Ruben
Hello again,

I now realized, that only the user set with "--submit-as" can see the real 
content of the review-request draft. I was able to see only those submitted as 
admin correctly, because I was logged in as admin.

But what is the reason for this? Are the fields stored user-local until the 
review is published? I think it is strange to show the admin a "publish review" 
button that publishes a completely different review-request than the user 
intended to post. At least admins should see the submitted fields, should they 

Regards, Ruben

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Setting target-groups or target-people with post-review fails

2011-03-23 Thread Stein, Ruben

I just realized, that no other user can use the --target-groups or 
--target-people parameter if he does not also provide the --publish parameter. 
More precisely my default user can't set any details of a review-request which 
is passed without --publish to post-review. The resulting request is present in 
the system, but all fields are empty and no diff is attached. However, if I add 
--publish to the same command-line, all fields get changed and the request 
looks like intended.
The weird thing about all that is, that if I set the original admin user 
(created during setup process) via the --submit-as parameter, then the values 
are set even without --publish.

I attached a log file, which shows post-review's output when the normal user 
wants to upload a diff without --publish. The user has the following rights:
reviews | review request | Can add review request
reviews | review request | Can edit review request
reviews | review request | Can submit as another user

My Versions:
RBTools 0.3.2
ReviewBoard 1.5.4

I also tested another Reviewboard 1.5.1 installation, which shows the same 

Regards, Ruben

Want to help the Review Board project? Donate today at
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For more options, visit this group at --submit-as=reman --target-groups=group --target-people=person 
--repository-url=https://subversion/dev --summary=summary --description=asdf 
--server=http://reviewboard.lan --debug
>>> RBTools 0.3.2
>>> Home = /Users/user
>>> svn info https://subversion/dev
>>> diff --version
>>> repository info: Path: https://subversion/dev, Base path: /, Supports 
>>> changesets: False
>>> HTTP GETting api/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/info/
>>> Using the new web API
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/1/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/1/info/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/2/
>>> HTTP GETting http://reviewboard.lan/api/repositories/2/info/
>>> repository info: Path: https://subversion/dev, Base path: /, Supports 
>>> changesets: False
>>> Attempting to create review request on https://subversion/dev for None
>>> Submitting the review request as reman
>>> HTTP POSTing to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/: {'submit_as': 
>>> 'reman', 'repository': u'https://subversion/dev'}
>>> Review request created
>>> Attempting to set field 'target_groups' to 'group' for review request '159'
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/159/draft/: 
>>> {'target_groups': 'group'}
>>> Attempting to set field 'target_people' to 'person' for review request '159'
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/159/draft/: 
>>> {'target_people': 'person'}
>>> Attempting to set field 'summary' to 'summary' for review request '159'
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/159/draft/: 
>>> {'summary': 'summary'}
>>> Attempting to set field 'description' to 'asdf' for review request '159'
>>> HTTP PUTting to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/159/draft/: 
>>> {'description': 'asdf'}
>>> Uploading diff, size: 4527
>>> HTTP POSTing to http://reviewboard.lan/api/review-requests/159/diffs/: 
>>> {'basedir': '/'}
Review request #159 posted.
