Many of us have our own archive of Rietveld messages, since mail
servers never forget anything we write or receive these days - they
are not allowed to :-)

But the public archive on was useful
for newcomers and for people having trouble receiving the list
emails... until it stopped working following an update of the SYMPA
software that runs it. SYMPA now defaults with a header "X-no-archive:
yes" and even if you try to over-ride that with another header
"X-no-archive: no", messages are discarded by as soon
as the first default header is found. The argument for the new default
behaviour was that individuals could retract their messages from SYMPA
(I'm not sure how, since they are immediately distributed) and they
can't easily remove messages from a public WWW site (but see: ).

Thanks to Stephane Armanet at ILL, we think we have solved this
problem, and this message and all future messages to the Rietveld_L
list should appear on

Dr Alan Hewat, NeutronOptics, Grenoble, FRANCE
<> +33.476.98.41.68
Please do NOT attach files to the whole list <>
Send commands to <> eg: HELP as the subject with no body text

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