Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2019-05-28 Thread Panu Matilainen
Implemented as of commit 58dcfddc376a7c97de1432f0082be0d5f01adbcd

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2019-05-28 Thread Panu Matilainen
Closed #104.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2019-03-23 Thread nim-nim
@eclipseo My understanding of things is that you just need to have a BR 
generator that supports this distinction, no need for special rpm support

%if %{with check}
generate-foo-buildrequires --full
generate-foo-buildrequires --without-tests

That's the nice thing of getting buildrequires generation integrated within 
rpmbuild, you get all the existing spec framework for free.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2019-03-22 Thread Robert-André Mauchin
Will it be possible to condition BR generator to output only main deps without 
tests deps? In some case it could be useful to break a cyclic deps to not have 
the tests deps included.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-12-20 Thread Jan Pokorný
Haven't read this all, but it seems to fit the bill wrt. use case
I tried to tackle at the mock side in the past:

Nice to see it's becoming a popular request, finally :-)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-11-01 Thread ニール・ゴンパ
`%generate_` would be my vote

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-30 Thread Miroslav Suchý
`%generatedeps` or `%generatebuildrequires` are my votes.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread nim-nim
The main problem I see is that current rpm does not like more than one -f flag, 
and complex packages that mix several kinds of things would probably want more 
than one of those. OTOH `%files` shows this is not a blocker.

And the script approach, while it allows calling several commands easily, does 
not lend itself to splitting output by subpackage, which is what you want for 
non-srpm things.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread nim-nim
(But if that’s too hard to do please just do the `%buildrequires` part as 
discussed before. We need it now. In fact we’ve been needing it for a decade at 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread nim-nim
What a wonderful idea. You’re right. *BuildRequires* are the current pain 
point, but there's no reason the rest won’t want to be done after this problem 
is fixed.

However I think the way rpm syntax tries to pretend rpm and srpm are symetrical 
makes you miss the obvious. rpm and srpm are not symetrical. srpm-things are 
package-wide and need to be evaluated at specific points of the build process. 
rpm-things OTOH can all be evaluated at the end of the build process when rpm 
packages are assembled, but they are (sub-)package specific.

Therefore I don't feel the script syntax model is the right one. Something like 
`%files`, with a static manual list of elements, and an optional file of 
computed elements, will probably work better.

So how about something like this?

# Declarative section. For syntax symmetry
# Static BuildRequires could be migrated here over time
# Anything needed in %prep or by the macros used before prep
BuildRequires: x
BuildRequires: y

# Script section

# Another declarative section. With an optional computed list and static 
%builddeps -f 
BuildRequires: z

# Script section


# Declarative sections for the built packages

%files -f 
%doc xxx

%deps -f 
Requires: moo
Obsoletes: foo < %{version}-%{release}

%files devel -f  
%doc yyy

%deps devel -f 
Recommends: a_compiler

 * that makes it clear what is srpm-specific and what is (sub)-package specific
 * it makes it clear when each part is evaluated
 * it allows mixing static and dynamic declarations freely
 * it's symetrical with `%files` and won`t feel alien to existing packagers.
 * it's extensible: you don’t need to invent new script names for every 
possible dep clause, you can add support for new clauses over time to the same 
And that opens the way to more syntax cleanups in the future, like 
straightening up of the headers that apply to the srpm and those who apply to 
the rpm (once upon a time Build* applied to the srpm and the rest to the rpm, 
but that has changed since, and the limit between those is not obvious nowadays 
as long as they are not in separate sections). Or merging `%files` and `%deps` 
in a new section. Or cleaning up Sources/Patches via a `%prepfiles` that 
applies to the srpm.  There are lots of things that could be done at some point 
of the future.

Short-term, we only need to implement `%builddeps`.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread Florian Festi
Oh, sorry I should have been more specific what I mean with "other 
dependencies". I don't think we need more different kind of build requires. But 
it may be interesting to add scripts for Provides, "normal" Requires, 
Conflicts, all the weak deps, well probably not obsoletes. This is currently 
totally speculative but I could imagine a future where we have build time 
scripts for those. Basically dependency generators on spec level.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread nim-nim
something not too long to type would be nice however

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread Pavel Raiskup
I proposed somewhere above a %build_requires (with some options, too), but that 
would probably be too huge overlap, right?  Can we operate with brackets or 
options?  Like `%dynamic_requires -t build`?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread nim-nim
How about `%buildreqs` `checksreqs` `%prepreqs` `%installreqs` scheme?

Warning: I suck at naming

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-29 Thread Florian Festi
Ok, I tried to sketch a POC patch and it turns out executing arbitrary scripts 
and breaking builds is something not too foreign to rpm. We still need a good 
name for the section. Unfortunately %buildrequires already is taken by the 
macro with the (static) buildrequires. It would be nice to have a naming scheme 
that would work for other types of dependencies, too. Just in case we'd like to 
add something like that in the future. Suggestions?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Florian Festi
Well, the result of %buildrequires could be added if the srpm is build side by 
side with the binary packages. We could add some marker if it is build stand 
alone. So you could know in advance that there are dynamic buildrequirements 
still missing.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Miroslav Suchý
> I can run repoquery to check that nothing requires what I intent to retire 
> etc. If we generate those, we should make sure the srpms we put in the source 
> repo have the info in them available.

I can imagine `rpmbuild -bs --try-really-hard` which would:
1) generate src.rpm the classic way
2) run %prep and %buildrequires
3) generate new src.rpm with injected requires from %buildrequires

I can make support in mock for that and we can make this default in Koji, so 
all builds from Koji will have full set of buildrequires and you can still 
repoquery them.

I am not afraid about Koji/Mock, but what about OBS @mlschroe ?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Miroslav Suchý
> The rpmbuild side of things can probably be done quite easily. No idea about 
> the build system stuff.

I actually like this idea and as maintainer of mock, I can promise 
implementation of this in Mock.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread nim-nim
> One thing that concerns me is that now when srpms require certain packages, 
> this information is visible from the source repo. I can run repoquery to 
> check that nothing requires what I intent to orphan etc. If we generate 
> those, we should make sure the srpms we put in the source repo have the info 
> in them available.

That's pretty much what I wrote in

if you want to do this kind of thing, you need either to redefine srpms as 
"current srpm + result of %buildrequires" or some other format between current 
srpms and rpms which is "current srpm + result of %buildrequires" .

And then just output this format during builds, store it in repos the usual 
way, query it with repoquery, etc. Since the solution proposed by @ffesti does 
not require any special new rpm header, as long as you output this format, I 
don't think the rest of the tooling needs any specific adaptation.

But, that's an enhancement. It's not strictly necessary to make dynamic 
buildrequires work.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Pavel Raiskup
That's interesting think for policy POV, thanks.  That would certainly be an 
issue for FESCO before allowing us to use that in Fedora.  But I don't think it 
is necessarily a blocker for the actual implementation in mock/rpm.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Miro Hrončok
One thing that concerns me is that now when srpms require certain packages, 
this information is visible from the source repo. I can run repoquery to check 
that nothing requires what I intent to orphan etc. If we generate those, we 
should make sure the srpms we put in the source repo have the info in them 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread nim-nim
Well yes in theory. In practice you never have enough info to debug a problem 
quickly so a setup like `%prep`or `%build`where rpm echoes each executed line, 
and where you can insert debugging printfs as needed, is pretty much ideal.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Miro Hrončok
Isn't that for stdout/stderr separation is for? All we need is to display the 
one that's not used for the reqs. 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread nim-nim
As a packager, I'd do it that way just because having stdout taken over sucks 
from a debugging POW.

That's one of the things I dislike most about autoprovs: no easy way to put 
debug statements to stdout when there is a problem (I've been known to write 
autodep code that echos fake "debug(anything I need to know)" provs to diagnose 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Florian Festi
Yup, something along these lines. It would be encouraged to do the  part right in the %buildrequires section and use scripts that 
write directly to stdout but this pattern would also work.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread nim-nim

So, just to be sure we understand ourselves, we could have something like:


cat buildrequires.lst


That works for me. Nice clean simple and effective. 

I assume the syntax of the lines outputted in `%buildrequires` would be the 
same as current `BuildRequires:` lines, without the `BuildRequires:` line 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Florian Festi
OK, so:
Add support a %buildrequires script that's executed after the %prep during the 
binary build. If it exists it is executed and its stdout read in as 
BuildDependencies. These are then checked. Those not found (or all of them) are 
printed out and written to a file and the build is terminated with a special 
exit code and the message: "Please install these additional build dependencies. 
They can be found in $BUILDROOT/__rpm_build_requires".
Build systems would react with installing the new dependencies (may be caching 
the list somewhere) and restart the build afterwards - may be even with some 
short circuit param that uses the result of %prep and %buildrequires.

The rpmbuild side of things can probably be done quite easily. No idea about 
the build system stuff.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread nim-nim
>  -> we could simply print the list of BuildRequires to stdout (newline 
> separated list of BRs).

>From a packager and macro writer POW a file like in %files -f is a bit simpler 
>to manipulate – after a while one gets lost between the macro stdouts that are 
>intended to write parts of the spec file, the ones intended to end up in 
>%{echo:, the ones you want to end up in build logs, and so on. Plus taking 
>over stdout prevents the use of good old echo/printf to debug problems.

But, I could live with stdout. I'd just prepare a detached file in `%prep` and 
cat it in `%req`

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Pavel Raiskup
On Saturday, October 20, 2018 2:51:03 PM CEST nim-nim wrote:
> So, with a year of hindsight, I've simplified the requirements to
> 1. run `%prep`
> 2. run BuildRequires computation logic (either as part of prep or in a new
>`%reqs` section between prep and build)

I'd still prefer the separated section;  (1) it would be clear what
specfile/SRPM uses the dynamic BR computation, and (b) it would make the
interface much more clear -> we could simply print the list of
BuildRequires to stdout (newline separated list of BRs).

Also - to keep things sane - the new section shouldn't change the
%_builddir (mock _should_ execute that part with read-only %_builddir

> 3. install the computed BuildRequires in the build root before `%build` if
>you're running in one of those (ie mock).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Pavel Raiskup
On Thursday, October 25, 2018 11:23:58 AM CEST Florian Festi wrote:
> There are two options:
> [..second option..] This seem much more fragile and dangerous as it
> requires root operations being triggered from a non root build.

1. You **wouldn't** trigger root actions (the fact that pm_request plugin
   does this is only a serious blocker bug which means that we can not
   ever use that in production), you'd only generate list of
   BuildRequires.  From security POV, it is equivalent to specify static

2. Well, it is as fragile as the first option where you need to run
   something like %prepforprep before %prep.  And then "restart" the
   build.  Or rely on the build system that it does a good thing.

I can see that option 1 would be slightly more optimal from "build system
POV", because you wouldn't necessarily install what you don't have to for
that specific build stage;  but it would much less optimal for package
maintainers - because they'd have to think about the two stages, and
perhaps duplicate the %prep section.

So yes, the other thing is that we could make the BuildRequires more optimal,
like to have BuildRequires(prep), BuildRequires(danamic_buildrequires),
BuildRequires(check), etc.  But this seems to be orthogonal "optimization"
RFE to this PR.  And IMO the good-old-static-BuildRequires can still stay
equivalent to the *.src.rpm Requires.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread nim-nim

> If I remember correctly, somebody
> suggested to do "fix-point" calculation (install dynamic BR in loop, till
> something gets installed - but I doubt this is needed in real world).

That was me and after playing with the concept for a year I agree you can live 
without it in the real world. A single install transaction before `%build` is 

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread nim-nim

I thought the same thing as you at first but you don't absolutely need the 
separate BuildRequires syntax. You can perfectly limit static BuildRequires to 
the part needed to compute additional BuildRequires before `%build` and just 
add any static BuildRequires needed for %build or %check to the output of this 

(from a technical POW that's just putting those BuildRequires in an expand, and 
cat >> the result to the dynamic BuildRequires file)

So, from a technical POW, sure the separate syntax would be nice to have, but 
it's not absolutely *required*.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Florian Festi
Well, the issue here is what is the procedure to build the package. There are 
two options:
The one I sketched above with a two stage SRPM build. You could use 
BuildRequires(pre) or something similar to setup the second stage SRPM build. 
(You probably can replace the first stage by a pure parsing pass.)
The other option is to spit out the additional requirements during the build of 
the binary packages by executing a %buildrequires script between %pre and 
%build and hope the build system is capable of installing those on the fly (or 
restarting the build afterwards). This seem much more fragile and dangerous as 
it requires root operations being triggered from a non root build.

Overall the static Buildrequires are not quite the same as the Requires needed 
to calculate the dynamic BuildRequires and they should be kept separate. 
Especially for the cases where there is no script for dynamic build requires.  

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Pavel Raiskup
Of course, the SRPM format needs to be updated first; so we can store the 
dynamic build requires "unexpanded" there.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Pavel Raiskup
> But for determining the dynamic BuildRequires (or even just running %prep) you
will need additional tools. So the question is where do you get the Requires
from for these.

You have static `BuildRrequires` for this puprose.  Those should be installed 
first, so
the dynamic build requires can be calculated.  If I remember correctly, somebody
suggested to do "fix-point" calculation (install dynamic BR in loop, till
something gets installed - but I doubt this is needed in real world).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-25 Thread Florian Festi
I agree that %prep is needed to do this. But there is another thing to think 
Right now BuildRequires are the Requires of the SRPM. So the procedure is to 
build the SRPM and then use its Requires to set up the build root. So you do 
not have any Requires for building the SRPM. And indeed the SRPM can be build 
without any additional tools and libraries.
But for determining the dynamic BuildRequires (or even just running %prep) you 
will need additional tools. So the question is where do you get the Requires 
from for these.
So you probably need to do:

- Build SRPM
- See that it contains dynamic BuildRequieres
- Rebuild SRPM with BuildRequires(pre) installed running %prep and the dynamic 
Buildrequires scripts
- Setup the build root with the SRPM and build the binary rpms

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-10-20 Thread nim-nim
Anyway, to put things back into perspective, since I spent a one more year 
trying to progress on the subject.

The constraints of a BuildRequires generator are the following:
1. you need to unpack sources
2. you need to fix those sources if they have problems so the generator gives 
accurate results (otherwise, GIGO)

So concretely you can not run the generator before the end of some processing 
that does
* unpack
* patch
* remove broken code
* put files in the right place

Notice something? That's pretty much the definition of `%prep`. Anyone who 
thinks the contrary, is just lucky enough to have upstreams that release 
perfect sources, that need no fixing before the BuildRequires generator is run.

So to run any BuildRequires generator you need a `%prep` bis. And it better do 
the same thing as the current `%prep`, because computing BuildRequires on a 
code state, which is different from the code state fed to `%build`, is unlikely 
to produce happy results. (All this was not actually that obvious when I 
started this road, it took many refactorings and cleanups before I realized my 
BuildRequires computing logic was replaying `%prep` with BuildRequires 
computation at the end).

All the solutions that pretend computing BuildRequires without executing 
`%prep` in rpmbuild, just redefine a `%prep`, with its associated requirements, 
somewhere else. At best it just duplicates needlessly the specfile `%prep`. At 
worst it is slightly different (which will eventually result in bugs at 
`%build` or `%check` stage). And it's all hidden behind abstraction layers that 
obfuscate it's just a `%prep` stage, nothing more and nothing less.

So, with a year of hindsight, I've simplified the requirements to

1. run `%prep`
2. run BuildRequires computation logic (either as part of prep or in a new 
`%reqs` section between prep and build)
3. install the computed BuildRequires in the build root before `%build` if 
you're running in one of those (ie mock).

So, it mainly needs to define how the BuildRequires compute engine must present 
the computed deps to the rest of the tooling. The options I see are:
* generate BuildRequires lines,
 * talk to the buildroot manager over a socket (à la pm request)
 * set a rpm variable or tag (probably awful if the BR list is long or complex)
 * generate a list of BuildRequires using current BuildRequires syntax in a 
filename that has been defined somewhere in a standard tag or variable (this 
solution may be the easiest to manage for the rest of the stack).

The moment when the rest of the tooling must parse the result is the end of 
`%prep`. (or the end of `%reqs` if people want to separate it from `%prep`).

And *optionally*, as a further *enhancement*, because some people like to run 
`rpm -q` on srpms
1. either define a query mode that executes `%prep` + `%reqs` 
2. or define an intermediary `rpmbuild -bx` stage that outputs something 
srpm-like, with the result of `%prep` + `%reqs` recorded in its headers. Or in 
the generated BuildRequires files included in the pseudo-srpm, with sources and 
spec file. Does not matter as long as you can run `rpm -q` on the result.

Both of those probably want some form of `ReqRequires` to distinguish between 
things needed at `%prep` + `%reqs` from things needed at `%build` + `%cheks` 
(and I'm sure all the people here have wished at some time in the past that 
`%build` and `%cheks` requirements were also cleanly separated without custom 
ifdefing in spec files).

But, all the second part is an *enhancement*. The basic need one can not avoid, 
only hide behind abstraction layers is:

1. run `%prep`
2. run BuildRequires logic (either as part of prep or in a new `%reqs` section 
between prep and build)
3. install the computed BuildRequires in the build root before `%build` if 
you're running in one of those (ie mock).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread nim-nim
> Seeing an existing example would really help to justify the additional 
> complexity.

As I said, I don't have such an example (and hope won't have for some time). 
It's just the kind of things I see upstreams do.

> Such problem smells like equivalent to bootstrapping distro from scratch 
> problem. And what
I see from the recent movement out there (non-RPM world), bootstrapping is 
rather ignored
in language stacks since if you build something once, you don't have a reason 
to bootstrap

Since most Go projects do not use dynamic libraries, setting up the deps of a 
non-trivial project is similar to bootstraping, yes. They tried to ignore lots 
of things and it just moved the complexity at the project level. That's why the 
soonest it is all plugged in rpm where there is know-how to deal with those, 
the better

>  the "looping" would certainly go against simplicity. Anyways, no strong 
> disagreement here :-)

As long as you're ready to add it later, I don't care much (only that I'm quite 
sure that if it's required we'll manage to get EL stuck on the feature-free, 
and pay the price in "can not be packaged for EL" later). As I've shown you 
don't even need to maintain a dynamic BR state to loop, just to test in the 
install does something

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread Pavel Raiskup
> With git clone so easy nowadays I'm pretty sure some of the language 
> upstreams will bake multi-phase BR solving in their tooling sooner or later 
> (if not already done).

Seeing an existing example would really help to justify the additional 

Such problem smells like equivalent to bootstrapping distro from scratch 
problem.  And what
I see from the recent movement out there (non-RPM world), bootstrapping is 
rather ignored
in language stacks since if you build something once, you don't have a reason 
to bootstrap
again.  That said, I *don't* view automatic bulid-requires generator as 
something difficult to
hack on, maintain, or use; the "looping" would certainly go against simplicity. 
 Anyways, no
strong disagreement here :-)  

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread nim-nim
> I'm not sure calculating "fixed point" for build requires dependency graph is 
> required in the first place. Having BuildRequires and then single-step 
> dynamic build requires would be powerful enough I think, and easier to 
> implement from buildsystem pov.

To be honest, I don't think I need looping for Go, but I'm not sure I won't 
need it either (the Go dep situation is evolving fast those days as things have 
reached a "can't continue like before" point).

The "correct" future-proof way to do it is looping (for IT definitions of 
future-proof, that is)

> Slight benefit would be that packagers would be much less motivated to do 
> **very complicated magic** in build-depsolving.

I'm not fearing packagers as much as upstream language ecosystems. Sure, some 
packagers will write their own custom BR logic but most major languages will 
just call upstream language tools in  %buildrequires (without _ please, so it's 
consistent with %buildroot and other historical rpm bits)

With git clone so easy nowadays I'm pretty sure some of them will bake 
multi-phase dep resolving in their languages sooner or later (if not already 
done). I'd rather not have a brand-new dynamic BR that lasts a month before 
they obsolete it.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread Pavel Raiskup
On Saturday, February 17, 2018 9:57:13 AM CET nim-nim wrote:
> > [snip, mock could ... ]
> > - does installroot and installs BuildRequires as usually
> > - runs %prep
> > - runs %foo_analyzer from %build_requires
> > - runs the rest of the build
> [snip]
> That would work too, as long as you take into account a package may declare
> several %foo_analyzer

Well we could stick with


if we baked the script into SRPM _unexpanded_, and build system was
responsible (through in-chroot rpm) for expanding ... user could pick how
many analysers he wanted.

Well, we wouldn't have to bake this into SRPM at all in the end -- but
just add some "flag" mentioning that "this is SRPM which needs multi-step
buildrequires resolution", so build system knows how to switch to the
appropriate multistep build mode.  The actual run of %build_requires would
be performed from extracted specfile.

> and  you probably need to loop their execution with BR population till there
> is no new results to handle complex cases transparently.  That's an analog of
> my "implicit looping".

I'm not sure calculating "fixed point" for build requires dependency graph
is required in the first place.  Having BuildRequires and then single-step
dynamic build requires would be powerful enough I think, and easier to
implement from buildsystem pov.  Slight benefit would be that packagers
would be much less motivated to do **very complicated magic** in

> > this way you don't have to adjust depsolver, only the build-system.
> The main drawback being that if rpm is completely unaware of this, it
> can not abort local builds with a sensible error if the local system is
> missing one of the dynamic BRs

If I understand you correctly, the dynamic build requires would be
slightly weaker compared to the standard BuildRequires;  is that a real
problem?  IOW, the semantics would be like `rpmbuild --nodeps` was enabled
for them.

In theory, rpm could reexec the %build_requires script before continuing
with %build just to check that nothing is missed... but then we would have
to expect that build system does the "fixpoint" calculation as mentioned
above.  I wouldn't be sure then that we are not stepping to far to academic

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread nim-nim
> Agreed. IMO rpm should just speficy "script" which prints build-requires to 
> standard output. That can/could be: %build_requires # the script content 
> /bin/awk ... do something or %build_requires -f  
> or %build_requires -s  . this way you don't 
> have to adjust depsolver, only the build-system.

The main drawback being that if rpm is completely unaware of this, it can not 
abort local builds with a sensible error if the local system is missing one of 
the dynamic BRs

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread nim-nim
> Maybe I'm missing the point of the issue (OP to decide), but I think this has 
> real and pretty trivial engineering solution for some languages: - 
> distribution provides heuristic for language Foo in foo-build package - 
> package Baz puts 'foo-build' into build requires - package Baz adds 
> "%build_requires --script %foo_analyzer" to declare that the buildsystem 
> should attempt to generate build requires after %prep with %foo_analyzer 
> script - this brings new file/value in generated SRPM to let build-system 
> know - mock finds %build_requires section in SRPM, so it - does installroot + 
> and installs BuildRequires as usually - runs %prep - runs %foo_analyzer from 
> %build_requires - runs the rest of the build

That would work too, as long as you take into account a package may declare 
several %foo_analyzer s and  you probably need to loop their execution with BR 
population till there is no new results to handle complex cases transparently. 
That's an analog of my "implicit looping".

Replace script with --command to make the people that reimplement everything as 
binaries happy

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread nim-nim
> Theoretically yes, but I don't think we have to go that far. Btw. the set of 
> build-requires wouldn't be "constant" for each build of particular package 
> and that would be big -1 from me (at least if you consider bootstrapping 
> scenario where everything isn't completed yet). Whatever the calculated 
> build-requires set would be, I wish it was constant for each build, 
> regardless of what's in buildroot at that time.

I'm pretty sure it will be constant, if only because once you go the dynamic BR 
route, the initial build root is likely to be sparse with few things that can 
influence the build.

But even if it weren't, is that's such a big deal? The set of BRs is already 
not constant – the only constant part is the first level explicitly declared 
BRs, but those can pull in different second level BRs depending on  the repos 
state or depending on their own version. And a lot of the weird effects in Go 
stem from their attempt to remove second-level BRs from the picture (in a 
lala-lala dev world no rpm-style dependencies — no rpm dependency hell, when if 
fact it only moves the tricky effects to another point)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-17 Thread nim-nim
> Contrarian examples are trivial to devise. Consider an autoconf based 
> generated file that builds if (and only if) certain files are detected. None 
> of those BuildRequires can be automated and generated during a spec file 
> parse with a pipe/file redirection.

That's more or less the Go system right now, computing deps is just a special 
compiler mode where it dumps what it will need instead of building the project 
(it is slowly evolving as a separate command, but still, it will continue to 
call Go compiler innards behind). So that depends what you call "build" if 
"building" means calling the compiler yes that's building, my definition of 
building is producing files.

I don't think it needs more than one phase at present though.

> Repopulating a buildroot with additional "dynamic" BuildRequires and 
> restarting an rpm build either needs to teach rpm how to install additional 
> packages as a side effect of parsing,

It only needs to teach rpm to:

- pass dynamic BRs requests to the buildsystem, 
- bomb if the BuildSystem is unable to provide them (and in case of no build 
system, bomb if the dynamic BRs are not already present).
- continue otherwise

There is not need to add BR provisioning logic to rpm itself, that has not been 
its role for quite a long time.

>or needs to be handled by dep solvers that populate the build root (entirely 
>out of scope for the current rpmbuild implementation) before rpmbuild is 

I think everyone would prefer the current responsibility separation where rpm 
does the parsing and building  and the build system does the provisioning

> There is currently no known way other than "works" to verify that the 
> BuildRequires passed to the depsolvers that populates the build system used.

You're over-engineering things. Builds can fail with static BR too, a requires 
system has never promised builds *will* succeed, only that the material they 
should need is present at build time.

> Only looping to test that the BuildRequires are sufficient.

That's why I proposed a two-command compute-BR/populate-BR system, that makes 
incremental dynamic BR composition possible, and places the packager/language 
integrator in command of when dynamic BR population is needed, and whether it 
is needed once or several times

(everyone will understand that the populate-BR is expensive in build time, so 
the packager's interest will be to batch as much compute-BRs as possible to 
limit populate-BRs calls)

Of course you can make the looping implicit, force the packager to declare all 
the compute-BR engines
(a project can include code in several languages) before a specific step in the 
spec, and then at this step loop

- execution of all compute-BR
- populate-BR 

till first step produces no dynamic BR not computed before.

That's a more brute-force approach. It will possibly be simpler to use by 
packagers, at the expense of increased build times (because the compute-BR 
logic will necessarily be simpler and more brutal too) and making some 
use-cases like declaring the BRs needed by unit tests in %check impossible.

> Hence any attempt to automate BuilRequires MUST have a persistent incremental 
> store from which the automagically generated BuildRequires can be retrieved 
> on the final build.

"final" build is a murky concept when a project can include code in several 
languages, and %checks can include many tests which are all small build units. 
I'd rather have a system that either declares the end of %prep or %prep-br the 
final limit after which no BR resolving occurs, or no rpm-enforced limit with 
an explicit fetch-BR command that can occur in all spec sections that need new 

Now as you astutely noted:

1. adding BRs is necessarily incremental (dynamic BR removal is too horrid to 
contemplate and all the systems I know are additive, not substractive, at worst 
the build commands know how to ignore stuff it doesn't need or want)
2. rpm needs to remember the result of the last compute-BR call to 

- abort the loop when no new BRs are produced in case of implicit looping
- return a "you already asked this" error code from populate-BR if you go the 
explicit call route

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-16 Thread Pavel Raiskup
On Saturday, February 17, 2018 7:40:53 AM CET Jeff Johnson wrote:
> If -- as this RFE seems to assume -- you are going to limit the implementation
> to "... (Rust, Python, golang) ..." that have alternative non-specfile means
> to specify BuildRequires, then all known rpm build systems will require a
> change to augment the installed files with newly discovered "dynamic"
> BuildRequires.

It is up to the build system whether it is going to implement this;  the worst
case scenario would be to ignore the new format so people won't be allowed to
use the feature "because guidelines".

> Repopulating a buildroot with additional "dynamic" BuildRequires and
> restarting an rpm build either needs to teach rpm how to install additional
> packages as a side effect of parsing, or needs to be handled by depsolvers
> that populate the buildroot (entirely out of scope for the current rpmbuild
> implementation) before rpmbuild is invoked.

Agreed.  IMO rpm should just speficy "script" which prints build-requires to
standard output.  That can/could be:

# the script content
/bin/awk ... do something

%build_requires -f 

%build_requires -s 

. this way you don't have to adjust depsolver, only the build-system.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-16 Thread Pavel Raiskup
On Saturday, February 17, 2018 7:18:47 AM CET Jeff Johnson wrote:
> Contrarian examples are trivial to devise. Consider an autoconf based
> generated file that builds if (and only if) certain files are detected.
> None of those BuildRequires can be automated and generated during a spec
> file parse with a pipe/file redirection.

Understood, but (at least I hope) we aren't trying to find ultimate answer
for all packages/languages out there.  Some languages try to solve this
problem by having list of build requires set upstream, e.g. python:

We could also think of some heuristic which goes through extracted
upstream release tarball, and calculating "what is needed".  Packagers
would still have %prep for doing `rm` for particular parts of sources
which they don't want to build (which is good safety measure anyway, see
java packaging practices).

> The only solution (I can see) is an attempted build on a system with
> "everything" installed that then repeats with the BuildRequires:
> detected from the "everything" build.

Theoretically yes, but I don't think we have to go that far.  Btw. the set
of build-requires wouldn't be "constant" for each build of particular
package and that would be big -1 from me (at least if you consider
bootstrapping scenario where everything isn't completed yet).  Whatever
the calculated build-requires set would be, I wish it was constant for
each build, regardless of what's in buildroot at that time.

Maybe I'm missing the point of the issue (OP to decide), but I think this
has real and pretty trivial engineering solution for some languages:
- distribution provides heuristic for language Foo in foo-build package
- package Baz puts 'foo-build' into build requires
- package Baz adds "%build_requires --script %foo_analyzer" to declare
  that the buildsystem should attempt to generate build requires after
  %prep with %foo_analyzer script
- this brings new file/value in generated SRPM to let build-system know
- mock finds %build_requires section in SRPM, so it
  - does installroot + and installs BuildRequires as usually
  - runs %prep
  - runs %foo_analyzer from %build_requires
  - runs the rest of the build

In the stack it means:
- build system needs an easy way to split build process to two parts
  (there's --short-circuit, but packages created with this basically
  aren't installable)
- incompatible chnage, so build-systems need to be adjusted

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-16 Thread Jeff Johnson
If -- as this RFE seems to assume -- you are going to limit the implementation 
to "... (Rust, Python, golang) ..." that have alternative non-specfile means to 
specify BuildRequires, then all known rpm build systems will require a change 
to augment the installed files with newly discovered "dynamic" BuildRequires.

Repopulating a buildroot with additional "dynamic" BuildRequires and restarting 
an rpm build either needs to teach rpm how to install additional packages as a 
side effect of parsing, or needs to be handled by depsolvers that populate the 
buildroot (entirely out of scope for the current rpmbuild implementation) 
before rpmbuild is invoked.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-16 Thread Jeff Johnson
Contrarian examples are trivial to devise. Consider an autoconf based generated 
file that builds if (and only if) certain files are detected. None of those 
BuildRequires can be automated and generated during a spec file parse with a 
pipe/file redirection.

The only solution (I can see) is an attempted build on a system with 
"everything" installed that then repeats with the BuildRequires: detected from 
the "everything" build.

There is currently no known way other than "works" to verify that the 
BuildRequires passed to the depsolvers that populates the build system used. 
Only looping to test that the BuidRequires are sufficient.

Hence any attempt to automate BuilRequires *MUST* have a persistent incremental 
store from which the automagically generated BuildRequires can be retrieved on 
the final build.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-16 Thread Pavel Raiskup
On Saturday, February 17, 2018 12:08:53 AM CET Jeff Johnson wrote:
> @nim-nim: there are classes of BuilRequires: that are not known until after a
> build

This sounds interesting, don't you have specific example?  It rather
sounds like bootstrapping issue which the BuildRequires generator isn't
supposed to solve.  Maybe I finally see what you meant by chicken-egg
problem, but this is not what the RFE is about..

> Start designing a collection/query system that can be added to existing
> build systems before fiddling around with pipe/file mechanisms and spec
> file syntax (the answer will be obvious if you succeed in
> capturing/querying BuilRequires).

I think I don't really understand what what you propose, how this querying
should work?

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-16 Thread Jeff Johnson
@nim-nim: there are classes of BuilRequires: that are not known until after a 
build, so continuing a spec file parse isn't close to an adequate solution, nor 
does the mechanism (like a pipe instead of a file) or location (like within a 
*.spec or a *.rpm) make any difference.

There is no existing rpm based build system prepared to handle persistent 
incremental build file generation. Start designing a collection/query system 
that can be added to existing build systems before fiddling around with 
pipe/file mechanisms and spec file syntax (the answer will be obvious if you 
succeed in capturing/querying BuilRequires).

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-12 Thread nim-nim
@n3npq That's why *not* trying to force a specific strategy when there is so 
little previous art in rpm land to draw on, and providing a verb that the 
packager can use to tell the buildsys "I am finished computing new BRs, take 
those into account then continue from the next spec line" may be best

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-12 Thread Pavel Raiskup
If we had `%build_requires -f 

Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-11 Thread Jeff Johnson
@nim-nim: "... define the best dynamic BR strategy over time" is *EXACTLY* the 
chicken-egg problem mentioned by @ffesti. Think a bit ...

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2018-02-11 Thread nim-nim
@ffesti You're complicating things unecessary, rpm does not distinguish between 
manual and dynamic provides, there's no need to distinguish between manual and 
dynamic BuildRequires either

In a dynamic BuildRequires world, the spec still contains static BuildRequires 
(sufficient to pull in the build root whatever is necessary to compute the 
dynamic BuildRequires) and the packager executes at the end of %prep whatever 
command or commands are appropriate to compute those BuildRequires

That allows the packager to "fix" the project state that serves as a base to 
the computation, to massage the command output if needed, etc

All it needs is an rpm entry point that pipes a string or a string list into 
the BuildRequires list during %prep, for mock or whatever to read the final 
BuildRequires state at the end of %prep and complete the build root as needed

If you want maximum flexibility you can even forget about %prep or not %prep, 
and do it with two spec verbs:
1. one verb that accepts piping new BuildRequires (one per line, without the 
BuildRequires prefix) or alternatively as arguments 
2. another verb that basically kicks the build system and tells it "add to the 
build root all the BuildRequires not already present"

and let packagers define the best dynamic BR strategy over time. Adding BRs 
just in time would simplify a lot of ifdefing in %build and %check for example: 
just request the BRs in the optional section instead of trying to sync several 
optional sections in different parts of the spec

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2016-12-02 Thread Colin Walters
I think the solution is to not try to improve RPM here, just do what everyone 
in the world that hit this has done: move to generating specs via a better 
build system.


 - [Yocto/OpenEmbeded](
 - [Clear Linux autospec](

And there's the vast existing set of dynamic language -> spec tools, like the 
venerable [cpan2rpm](
and this [gofed]( one for golang in fedora.

There are obviously challenges to this route too, like if you support 
*multiple* generators then they need to learn how to interact for dependencies. 
 However, I think a lot of those issues can be solved by having everything use 
provides rather than package names for example.  (And this would require 
generating provides for everything)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2016-12-02 Thread Florian Festi
There clearly is some chicken - egg problem here as one will likely need some 
tools to determine the dependencies for the build. So there needs to be a multi 
step process:

Getting the BuildRequires that are needed to determine the dynamic 
Generating the SRPM with all the BuildRequires
Get all BuildRequires.
Building the Binary RPMs.

This is clearly not possible with most of the existing build systems. So 
changing this will require changes to basically all of them. We would probably 
need to add something like BuildRequires(srpm) and add a new section in the 
spec file that can be used to create the dynamic BuildRequires.

Another question is on what files this BuildDeps generator/section should 
operate. Obviously executing %prep before hand would be very helpful for many 
use cases.

The next question is whether the Dependencies should be generated automatically 
- by scripts provided by rpm and run in the background or if packagers would 
need to write their own section generating the dependencies - may be by 
executing some rpm provided scripts.

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2016-12-02 Thread Michael Schroeder
Build require generators will not work in the open build service...

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2016-12-02 Thread Igor Gnatenko
> utilities needed for patching (if any), for example %autosetup -S git would 
> optimally pull in git as a build dependency
I submitted bug about this some time ago and it was closed as WONTFIX ;)

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Re: [Rpm-maint] [rpm-software-management/rpm] RFE: BuildRequires generator (#104)

2016-12-02 Thread Panu Matilainen
For the record, there are a number of (other) build-requires that could be 
relatively easily collected automatically:
- (de)compression utilities needed for processing sources + patches
- utilities needed for patching (if any), for example `%autosetup -S git` would 
optimally pull in git as a build dependency
- `bash --rpm-requires`is likely to work fairly well with `%prep / %build / 
%install / %check` because unlike normal shell scripts, there are few 
conditionals to throw it off

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