Re: [rt-users] Missing Cc and AdminCc ticket metadata

2008-09-25 Thread web master
Hi Kenneth

So AdminCC and CC fields in People box metadata do not refer to ticket
watchers, so they refer to whom?

The very practical problem is that AdminCC and CC do not get email.
The only email sent is to requestor (initial AutoReply email). Then
nothing is sent when On Correspond and nothing On Resolve.

I added watchers in two ways to my queue: single users adding them
with the watcher queue link. At the group level, giving WatchAsAdmin
permission to a group of people in the groups rights link of the

Mail works (as one mail is sent), scrips are there (out of the RT box)

On Correspond Notify AdminCcs with template Admin Correspondence

and (global) template(s) are there, with the required blank line.
Admin Correspondence for example:

RT-Attach-Message: yes

id} >


To make extra sure, I also set
Set($NotifyActor, 1);

So what can be wrong?


2008/9/25 Kenneth Crocker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> web master,
>What behavior? All you have mentioned is the Cc and AdminCc field
> being empty in a ticket. I don't understand what it is you were trying to do
> that didn't work. Were you trying to see if they got an email from a scrip
> or IS there a scrip for the action you were doing or what? People don't just
> automaticallyshow up in the Cc and AdminCc fields of a ticket. Those fields
> are NOT the same as the Cc and AdminCc WATCHERS for a queue. I'm not even
> sure if what I am saying has anything to do with your problem because you
> really haven't identified your problem as far as I can see. I'd like to
> help, but I need to know what's wrong.
> Kenn
> On 9/25/2008 12:40 PM, web master wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I have followed
>> to set up my RT support queue.
>> I noticed that when viewing ticket metadata from web interface the People
>> section has fields AdminCCs and CCs empty. As from manual,
>> I added a group of people as AdminCCs. I also added one user
>> as watcher of that queue but that does not change anything.
>> Is this behaviour normal?
>> I also tried in the RT demo
>> adding as AdminCC watcher to the queue engineering and
>> creating a ticket in that queue as, but same behaviour,
>> nothing shows up in the People metadata box.
>> Is this behaviour normal.
>> In fact, probably as a consequence of this, AdminCCs and CCs do not
>> get On Correspond emails.
>> Autoreply works ok, and requestor gets email when creating ticket.
>> so it is not a mailing problem.
>> Can anybody please clarify this?
>> Cheers
>> ___
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[rt-users] Missing Cc and AdminCc ticket metadata

2008-09-25 Thread web master
Hi All

I have followed
to set up my RT support queue.

I noticed that when viewing ticket metadata from web interface the People
section has fields AdminCCs and CCs empty. As from manual,
I added a group of people as AdminCCs. I also added one user
as watcher of that queue but that does not change anything.
Is this behaviour normal?
I also tried in the RT demo
adding as AdminCC watcher to the queue engineering and
creating a ticket in that queue as, but same behaviour,
nothing shows up in the People metadata box.
Is this behaviour normal.

In fact, probably as a consequence of this, AdminCCs and CCs do not
get On Correspond emails.
Autoreply works ok, and requestor gets email when creating ticket.
so it is not a mailing problem.

Can anybody please clarify this?

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Re: [rt-users] editing style, missing main-squished.css

2008-09-16 Thread web master
Ok, did some trial changes and tested with
wget --page-requisites myloginpage_rt_site

Problem is that when I modify a .css, say layout.css, main-squished.css
I get from server is the same as before?
Do I have to do other things apart from modifying .css files in order for RT
to see my changes?

>> However I cannot find main-squished.css. I suppose it has to be
>> created by dhandler using CSS::Squish, and I have Squish version 0.07
> main-squished is created on the fly. You want to look at the CSS files in
> share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/
> start with main.css
> -jesse

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[rt-users] editing style, missing main-squished.css

2008-09-13 Thread web master

I would like to edit the web ui. In the html source there is

However I cannot find main-squished.css. I suppose it has to be
created by dhandler using CSS::Squish, and I have Squish version 0.07
installed on my server.

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[rt-users] login page logo css issue

2008-09-06 Thread web master
Hi All
I am having a problem with web login interface.

I wanted to change the logo and followed instruction in another
thread, i.e. in SiteConfig
# $WebImagesURL points to the base URL where RT can find its images.
Set($WebImagesURL , $WebPath . "/NoAuth/images/");
# $LogoURL points to the URL of the RT logo displayed in the web UI
Set($LogoURL , $WebImagesURL . "empty_star.gif");
Set($LogoLinkURL , 'http://www.mywebsite');
Set($LogoImageURL , $WebImagesURL . "empty_star.gif");
Set($LogoAltText , "");

Retarted apache but I do not see the new logo. Actually looking at html sources
everything seems ok as";>
RT for AXL

but logo displayed is still bplogo.gif? Also, I see at the end of the
*html source
another strange thing

Time to display: 0.020637


»|« RT 3.8.1 Copyright 1996-2008";>Best Practical Solutions,

but I cannot see the Time to display string either. So thought error
was due to some css problem..looking for css, at top of source I have

but I cannot find *squished.css anywhere?!
[EMAIL PROTECTED] rt3]#find . -name *css | grep squished

I have ./share/html/NoAuth/css/web2/main.css, should I use that? if
so, how do I set the change in css to use
as RT*Config* seem not to set *squished.css in any variable.


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[rt-users] Upgrading to 3.8.0: schema.mysql, column_info selection problem

2008-07-16 Thread web master
Hi there
I am having problems upgrading to version
3.8.0 from 3.6.6.
make upgrade worked well.

As in point 4) of UPGRADING.mysql

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc/upgrade/  > sql.queries


usage: etc/upgrade/ db_name db_user db_password

Ok, then I inserted the info needed



DBD::mysql::db column_info failed: column_info doesn't support column
selection at etc/upgrade/ line 227.
DBD::mysql::db column_info failed: column_info doesn't support column
selection at etc/upgrade/ line 227.

RT 3.6.6 was installed a month ago on MySQL 5.0, maybe I do not need
to run, but UPGRADING.mysql (not present in
3.6.6 tarball), it seems to suggest so.

Can anybody please help?

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[rt-users] RT installation problem - PLEASE help me

2007-06-06 Thread web master
My system:

CentOS release 4.4 (Final)

Apache/2.2.3 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.3 OpenSSL/0.9.7a PHP/5.2.3 mod_perl/2.0.3 

apache config:

Alias /rt "/opt/rt3/share/html"

PerlModule Apache2::compat

PerlModule Apache::DBI

PerlRequire /opt/rt3/bin/

  AllowOverride All

  Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

  Order allow,deny

  Allow from all

  RewriteEngine On

  RedirectMatch permanent (.*)/$ $1/index.html

  AddDefaultCharset UTF-8

  SetHandler perl-script

  PerlHandler RT::Mason

When I try to access RT,  the following error is seen in httpd error log:

[Wed Jun  6 20:36:48 2007] [crit]: The 'comp' parameter (undef) to
HTML::Mason::Request::CGI->new() was an 'undef', which is not one of
the allowed types: scalar object





  [-e:0] (/opt/rt3.6/bin/

Please give me a hint on where to look.


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