The Bride Wears White-time pass jokes!!!

2009-02-18 Thread rainand
Defending the Country

An old lady really wanted to visit England, the home of her ancestors, before 
she died. So she went to the Federal Office and asked for a passport.

You must take the loyalty oath first, the passport clerk said. Raise your 
right hand, please.

The old lady raised her right hand.

Do you swear to defend the Constitution of the  United States against all its 
enemies, domestic or foreign?

The sweet old face paled and the voice trembled as she responded, Well, I 
guess so, but. . .will I have help, or will I have to do it all by myself?

The Bride Wears White

Attending a wedding for the first time, a little girl whispered to her mother, 
Why is the bride
dressed in white?

Because white is the color of happiness, and today is the happiest day of her 

The child thought about this for a moment, then said, So why is the groom 
wearing black?

Why Do people Suffer ?

2009-02-18 Thread saimsg
Why Do people Suffer ?, Why Does not Swami do anything for them ?, Why Does God 
make people Suffer ?..

These are some of the questions which everyone must have asked ourselves and to 
others at some point in our lives. A long time back in the early 1980's Swami 
gave an interview to the Post Graduate Students who were passing out and Swami 
answered the above questions in the most wonderful Manner, This wonderful words 
are from the Diary of a Student who was present there :

Do you think that Swami does not know that everyone are suffering, everyone 
who suffers does so because of His actions only, Everyone suffers in this Life 
because of His actions, God never makes anyone suffer, Swami never wants anyone 
to be unhappy, Swami is always happy. 

People Suffer only because of their past actions, that is why Swami says always 
do good things, Help others, Treat elders with respect and never cause harm to 
others. When you do these things you are always happy. Tommorow you go and help 
another person and after you have done that you will get happiness for the Deed 
done. Always think Good about others, Never think ill will of others. Bad 
actions and Deeds will come back to you at some time in your lives. Never ever 
say that you are suffering because God wants you to, You suffer only because of 
your actions. Be Good to everyone, Help others and Treat everyone as your own 
and see then how happy you are in life. 

 All of you always hear Swami say that Iam happy, Swami is always happy, 
that Does not mean that Swami is sad, Swami is sad only because when I see 
people who come to me and then after hearing to what I say and after Having 
Darshan, do not put my Words into Practise. Swami feels most Sad then, If you 
want to see Swami happy and if you want to be happy with yourselves be good 
others, See Good in others and Help Others. Good things always come back to you 
thousand Fold. Reap the Fruit of your Good actions .

Every Single person in this world has to make his exit one day or the other. 
That particular moment should never be a moment of pain, Suffering and anguish; 
one should leave this world with a smile and a bow. If you want to do that a 
lot of preparation is necessary. To depart, leaving all that has been 
accumulated during a long lifetime, is a hard task; so prepare for it by 
discarding attachment to one thing after another from now on.

Om Sai Ram

Love as thought is truth

2009-02-18 Thread saimsg
Love as thought is truth.. Love as action is Right Conduct. Love as feeling is 
Peace. Love as understanding is non-violence. Love is Selflessness, Selfishness 
is lovelessness. Love gives and forgives, Selfishness gets and forgets. 

Self-discipline is the basic foundation for successful living. Through that 
alone can man attain eternal peace. And without peace, there can be no 
happiness. Shanti (peace) is of the very nature of Atma, it can co-exist only 
with purity of heart. It is never associated with a greedy heart full of 
desires. BABA