The Powerful Present

2012-01-05 Thread saimsg
Posted on : Jan 01, 2012 THE POWERFUL PRESENT - Reflecting on Baba's New Year message Come New Year and one is tempted to do two things – one, go down the memory lane and look at the tapestry of our life as it has unfolded in the last few months or years, and relive those mo

Bhagawan explains the significance of Vaikunta Ekadasi

2012-01-05 Thread saimsg
Today is the day when, during the Saagara Mathana (churning of the ocean), Amritha (nectar) emerged and was distributed to the Gods. The Gods had slid into the calamity of lowering their immortality! Man too is the child of immortality; that is the reason why he cannot force himself into the

What and where is Vaikunta ? - Bhagawan explains

2012-01-05 Thread saimsg
" Vaikuntha means, without any trace of grief or pain; the place where perfect peace reigns, and there is no flutter of fear. Ekaadhashi means the eleventh day of the lunar fortnight. The phases of the moon are numbered, and the day after the tenth, Dhashami, is referred to as the Ekaa-dhashi

The Gift of offering by International Children

2012-01-05 Thread saimsg
The Gift of offering by International Children On the third day of the ongoing Christmas celebrations International Children presented a programme entitled "The Gift of Love" at Beloved Bhagawan's Lotus Feet this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The programme was a collective offering fro

Always say Lord " Iam yours " - Bhagawan

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
Q: Swamiji, a disciple should never say to God, 'You are mine.' Is that correct?" Bhagawan : Yes, I will explain this connection in detail by an example, which Swami has often given on previous occasions: The waves on the surface of an ocean have no independent existence of their own. They

How to avoid phishing and vishing scams

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
How to avoid phishing and vishing scams Negligence could result in you taking the bait Scams like Phishing and Vishing are designed to steal your web identity and personal data. Phishing is carried out via fraudulent emails and Vishing is orchestrated via bogus voice messages and phone ca

Develop Love,Courage and Conviction - Bhagawan

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
Develop love. Wherever you may be, be it in the forest, or in the sky, be it in the city or in the village, be it on the mountain top or in the middle of deep sea, love is your sole refuge. Love even your enemy. If you happen to see him, do not turn your face away from him. Instead, greet him

Narayana Seva

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
Swami once a long time back Said to a Group of School Boys as to what Narayana Seva meant, when the answer was "Swami feeding the Poor and Needy", Swami smiled and said that It meant "Doing Seva of Narayana" which meant Doing Service to Lord Narayana, Swami said Narayana Seva meant Servic

True Satsang

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
Satsang means experience of unity. Today people think that Satsang means a congregation of spiritual aspirants. People join such congregations and think that they are in Satsang. But it is not Satsang in the true sense of the term because people whom you think to be good may turn wicked. Th

Surrender to the Divine Lord

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
Once you have surrendered yourself fully to the Lord, you will gain his grace. "Wherever you are, be it in a town, in a village, in a forest or in the sky, I will be your refuge. Come and surrender to me!" That is the command of the Lord, and that is also his promise. Once you are his, he w

Videos Links for New Year's Programme in Sai Kulwanth Hall

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
Below are the Video Links for New Year Morning and Evening Programme's in Sai Kulwanth Hall : New Year Morning Programme : New Year Evening Programme :

Wonderful Incident on Vaikunta Ekadasi - January 1962

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
On the eve of the Sacred Festival of "Vaikunta Ekadasi" ,Let us remember the Wonderful and Divine events of A Wonderful Vaikunta Ekadasi with Swami on January'6th'1962 : In the very first week of 1963, on the 6th January to be exact, the Vaikunta Ekadasi had to be celebrated, according to

Story behind the photo - 43 . Pranava Sabdham.

2012-01-06 Thread saimsg
The story behind this Photo - 43 The Silence: (Silence is SAIence) THE PRANAVA SABDHAM: Sangha, the Conch, is a sort of shell found in the sea coasts of Tamil Nadu in India. Many of the conches are having the opening on the left side and a few are having the openings on the right side. In Ta

Hundreds of Thousands of Angels - A Divine Experience

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
In the middle of His Christmas discourse in 1996, Baba waved His hand and materialized a small gold-covered book - bringing a gasp of amazement from the crowd of 50,000, me among them!. That night at around 9 o’clock I heard that Baba had announced earlier that angels would be flying above t

God belongs to all. He is Universal - Bhagawan

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
God belongs to all. He is Universal. All of you have to give up differences of every kind and give no room for narrow parochial and national loyalties. Consider yourselves as the children of one God. You may worship God in any form of your choice, but recognize the truth that God is only one.

Have Sincerity in your work - Bhagawan

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
Once Bhagawan most Beautifully said : "One of the smallest Animals alive is the Squirell (Udatha ),It is the main reason for the Growth of Forests, It is also the Most Forgetful animal, It buries lots of nuts in the Ground and forgets them, these nuts grow into Trees which are the main reas

Meaning of the Divine Lingam :

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
Lingam means simply "the sign", "the symbol"; it is just a mark, which indicates merging (laya); that is to say, the passing away of the mind and all mental agitations and all mental pictures, which means, this objective world. Shivaraathri is the day on which the moon, the presiding deity of

Follow My lessons wherever you are - Bhagawan

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
permanent residence; but, unless you follow the lessons I have been saying all the years that boast is nothing but empty and hollow. If you develop love for all beings, in the faith that God resides in all, you may be anywhere else, but your prayers would reach Me and My Grace will reach you. -

Return Good for evil - Bhagawan

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
Bhagawan says wonderfully : A fruit tree yields its fruits to a man who throws stones at it; a sandalwood tree imparts its fragrance to the axe that cuts it; a flower gives its nice smell to the hand that crushes it; and the soil yields food grains, delicious fruits and attractive flowers or n

Strength From One's own Right Conduct is the only Strength - Bhagawan

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
All physical strength should be understood as the divine strength derived from Brahman. So also, the time which we spend must be associated with Brahman Himself and the Lotus should be regarded as the Lord Himself. The Kauravas were completely defeated and destroyed because they relied o

Sai Divine Graphics : Love All

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

Divine Experiences in Kodaikanal

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
Once in Sai Sruthi, Kodaikanal, Bhagawan casually asked a student the full form of Mummy, then Swami himself said : MUMMY means : M-may U-u live M-many M-many Y-years Wonderful. Once it was Freezing in Kodaikanal and very very Cold, Devotees were gathered for late Darshan, Swami came out Norm

Divine Miracle - The Chair was empty with Bhagawan.. [1 Attachment]

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
"...The group (Telengana group) was very much attached to Baba. They crowded round the sofa when Baba was in the room on the first floor. They stroked the feet and gradually made bold to exert extra pressure, pretending to perform the Seva of 'mild' massage. I had to nuzzle through them to secu

All India Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Group III and Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni – Morning Programme – 7th January, 2012.

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
All India Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Group III and Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni – Morning Programme – 7th January, 2012. The All India Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Group III and Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni programme began on January 7, 2012, at Poornachandra Hall, Prasanthi Nilayam. Over 18

Balvikas Conference Begins

2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
There will be Live Video Webcast on Radio Sai of The All India Bala Vikas Alumni Programme on January 7th at 5.15 p.m and on January 8th at 5.15 p.m. Balvikas Conference Begins Saturday, January 7th, 2012 The All India Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Group III and Sri Sathya Sai Bal Vikas Alumni p


2012-01-07 Thread saimsg
8 January 2012 - Arudra Darshan ( Chidambara Raghasiam) Arudra Darshan is the festival celebrated in the temples of Lord Shiva, among which Chidambaram (Tamilnadu). The image of the dancing Shiva - Nadaraja originated from here. The image of Nadaraja symbolizes activity and stillness togeth

Bhagawan's Wonderful Aphorisms

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
Bhagawan's Aphorisms Immerse yourself in DEVOTION, not deep ocean DIAMOND = DIE MIND MASTERMIND = Master your mind and be a Mastermind SAI = Service Adoration Illumination JOY =J- Jesus First, O- Others Next, y- Yourself Last PUTTAPARTHI = PUT A

Video link for 20th December Programme in Kulwanth Hall

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
Below is the Link for a Beautiful Video Presentation on 20 December, 2011 of a Musical Choir by the devotees from Croatia in Sai Kulwant Hall, Prashanti Nilayam OUR LIFE IS HIS MESSAGE Sai Ram

Divine Letter by Bhagawan...

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
Attached with this mail and given is the Text of a Wonderful Letter by Bhagawan : You as body, mind or soul are a dream. but what you really are is Existence, knowledge, Bliss. You are the GOD of this universe. you are creating The whole universe and drawing it in. To gain The infinite, univers

Live in the world and perform your duties. But always have divine feelings - Bhagawan

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
God is only one, not two. He is the indweller of your heart. If you constantly contemplate on Him, you will also become God. Whomsoever you come across, consider them as the embodiments of divinity. That is the principle of divinity. On the other hand, if you follow the vagaries of your mind a

Bhagawan's Real happiness

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
Once Bhagawan slipped a Little and hurt his ankle, When Someone had the most golden opportunity of masaging Swami's Feet with Hot Water, He asked Swami whether Swami was feeling any pain from the fall, Swami reply was "For me there is no pain, it comes and goes whenever and wherever I wish it

God is present in everyone in the form of The Atma

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
How many of us follow the age old adage “live and let live” and how many of us make a sincere effort to live our lives responding to the moment in accordance with His teachings. Having been fortunate to come under Bhagawan’s Supreme Love, most rarest of heavenly boon, are we not obliged to tra

Sanathana Sarathi - The Divine Charioteer

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
In 1987, when Prof. Kasturi shed his mortal coil, Swami appointed Sri V K Narsimhan as the editor. A widely-travelled journalist who had served in three national newspapers of India for half a century, Sri Narsimhan was the right man for the job at a time when the Sarathi was becoming increas

Under no circumstances should we lose our faith - Bhagawan [1 Attachment]

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
The Attached Audio Clip of Bhagawan's Divine Voice has been taken from Bhagawan's Divine Discourse in Sai Kulwanth Hall on 10th October 2010. Under no circumstances should we lose our faith. The one with faith can accomplish anything. Swami has said many times about Tyagaraja who also lost t

Spatika Lingam and Saligramam appeared in Chennai Sundaram on 8-1-2011. [5 Attachments]

2012-01-09 Thread saimsg
Sairam Dear Sai Brothers and Sai Sisters, Miraculous Spatika Lingam and Saligramam appeared in Chennai Sundaram during Aarudhra Abishekam to Lord Shiva (Sai Sundareswara) yesterday morning. These are kept at the Main Bhajan hall at Sundaram for dharshan. I am very happy in sharing these ins

Prasanthi Update - Live Video Webcast on Radio Sai Sports and Cultural Meet from Prasanthi Nilayam

2012-01-10 Thread saimsg
Live Video webcast of Annual Sports and Cultural Meet from Prasanthi Nilayam Dear Reader, Sairam! It is January, and it is the time of the Annual Sports and Cultural Meet of the Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions. What started of as an in-house event in early eighties, slowly transforme

Prasanthi Update - Annual Sports & Cultural Meet tomorrow...

2012-01-10 Thread saimsg
Prasanthi’s sporting extravaganza - The Annual Sports & Cultural Meet of Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions, will be held tomorrow 11th January at Sri Sathya Sai Vidyagiri Hill View Stadium in the both morning and evening. The Morning Session will feature programmes from the Prasanthi Ni

There is a time for everything - Bhagawan

2012-01-10 Thread saimsg
Once a student asked Swami as to why Swami made a certain boy wait all these years, although he had been worshipping Shirdi Sai from his childhood and also been a frequent visitor to Puttaparthi. Bhagawan gave a Most Wonderful Reply which is a Divine Message for all times, Bhagawan said “My c

God is present in everyone in the form of The Atma

2012-01-10 Thread saimsg
How many of us follow the age old adage “live and let live” and how many of us make a sincere effort to live our lives responding to the moment in accordance with His teachings. Having been fortunate to come under Bhagawan’s Supreme Love, most rarest of heavenly boon, are we not obliged to transfo

Sri Sathya Sai Baba - Latest miracle in Chennai

2012-01-10 Thread saimsg
: Ramakoti Srinivasan from Chennai reports : Sairam This Spatikalingam & Chalagramam was placed in the bhajan hall altar (yesterday) for devotees to have darshan. Sairam,please view the more crisp and clear view of the spatika lingam and chalagramam manifested in the abishega kalasa du

Prasanthi Updates - 09.01.2012

2012-01-10 Thread saimsg
Presentation by Children from Australia Monday, January 9th, 2012 Children from Australia presented a music programme and skit entitled “Australia Dreaming”. The theme of the programme is to show the unity between the rich and ancient aboriginal culture of Australia and the timeless teachings

Iam here, there and everywhere - Bhagawan

2012-01-10 Thread saimsg
Wonderful experiences by Shri K. Suresh, A Former Student of Swami’s Institute : I was then in my 2nd year of the MBA Course. Along with another brother of mine I was blessed to secure a strategic spot in the front portico. >From here we had a clear view of Swami’s throne in the Bhajan Hall.

How far have you profited by coming to Puttaparthi? - Bhagawan asks

2012-01-12 Thread saimsg
responsibility. For example, examine, each one of you, how far have you profited by coming to Puttaparthi now or so often in previous years? How far have you shown Prema to others, the Prema that you find to be My All. Namasmarana, I have told you often, is the best exercise to acquire Prema to

Spectacular Sports & Cultural Meet & Other Updates - 11.01.2012

2012-01-12 Thread saimsg
Spectacular Sports & Cultural Meet… Wednesday, January 11th, 2012 As in the morning session, Bhagawan was ushered into the stadium by a motorbike escort group. A beautiful photograph of Bhagawan placed in a convertible was brought into the stadium as the devotees had Darshan of their Lord.

Sai Divine Graphics : His Will

2012-01-12 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

“You will be successful…” - A Thrilling tale of a Miraculous escape from a certain disaster

2012-01-12 Thread saimsg
Undoubtedly “The Princess Among Mountains”, the darshan of Holy Nandadevi, 7800 meter snow capped peak in the mighty Himalayas, stuns the senses and leaves one wordless. A trek in this mystical mountain is considered to be one of the most difficult and dangerous treks in the Himalayas. Scottish

"Why we believed in Him ?" Five deeply personal stories from Sai Baba devotees doctors, Supreme Court advocates, serving ministers and musicians

2012-01-12 Thread saimsg
sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam HELP EVER - HURT NEVER - BABA - sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam FOR NON-BELIEVERS and many in the media, Sathya Sai Baba was an ambiguous figure on the landscape, a scamster cheating his followers with the dazzling c

Vibhuti Miracle [37 Attachments]

2012-01-12 Thread saimsg
BHAGAWAN'S VIBUTHI MIRACLE FROM JAN 4TH 2012 At AMBATTUR SAMITHI. VIEW THE ATTACHED PHOTOS. AUM SRI SAIRAM ... Sri Sathya Sai Samithi, Shoba Nagar, Ambattur, Chennai - 600053. India. __._,_.___ Attachment(s) from Sai Aravind 10 of 37 Photo(s) (View all Photos) PicturePicturePictu

Bhagawan's Sankranthi Message in 1972 - Letter to Hostel boys

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
SANKRANTHI Dear Boys, How are you all? Are you pursuing the same old habits or has there been any change? Has there been any acquisition of noble ideas and ideals? In winnowing, the dry outer coverings are removed from the grain. Similarly, you should also separate and isolate the seeds of bad t

Divine Revelation

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
Below is a Wonderful Article shared by a Dear Sai Brother : It was here that I was wondering on what it meant to seek God. Thinking of Swami always is possible but what if I seek Him for wealth, for a career, for health etc. Is that also seeking God? Swami has no problem with that. He says, “I

Annual Sports Meet - Morning and Evening Programme - Video Links

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
Below are Two Video Links of the Morning and Evening Programmes of the Annual Sports Meet on January 11th 2012. The Videos are courtesy Radio Sai : Morning Programme Video Link : Evening Programme Video Link : ht

Prasanthi Update - Friday evening Programme - Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School Drama… [2 Attachments]

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
Today - Friday, On the third day of Sports & Cultural Festival, students from Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School presented a drama entitled God is good…Hold on to Him! this evening here in Prasanthi Nilayam. The presentation catches the story of a youngster by name Vishwas who doubted God’s

Divine Message

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
Bhagawan beautifully uses the metaphor of a raindrop, its symbolic perseverance in the ceaseless cycle of its rising from the sea, becoming a raindrop and returning to the sea, to explain spiritual patience in the presence of God. The rain drop has come from the sea; wherever it falls, it yearns

Always say " Aham Brahmasmi " - Bhagawan

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
Suppose you ask God, “Who are you?” He will reply, Aham Brahmasmi (I am Brahman). Every individual should remind themselves, “I am Brahman, I have no other name.” If someone asks, “What is your name?” you should reply, “My name is Brahman.” If you are constantly aware of your true nature th

What is Sin ?

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
Once, Adi Sankara went to Benaras and prayed to Lord Viswanath there and asked specifically for three of his sins to be excused. The disciples who followed Sankaracharya were surprised and were wondering what those three sins for which he was seeking pardon were. Sankaracharya then explained t

The True meaning of Namaskaar

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
The True meaning of Namaskaar is when you fold both the palms together and hold them on your chest, near the heart region, the ten senses surrender to the person adored that is the Divine Lord with real sincerity in the heart. - From Bhagawan's Discourse on 7th January'1971 in Mumbai

The Gift of Love…an offering by International Children

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
The Gift of Love…an offering by International Children Monday, December 26th, 2011 On the third day of the ongoing Christmas celebrations International Children presented a programme entitled “The Gift of Love” at Beloved Bhagawan’s Lotus Feet this evening in Prasanthi Nilayam. The programme

I Am I - 2011-1

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

Divine Message

2012-01-13 Thread saimsg
Of all languages, The language of silence is most powerful. It has no words but conveys all. It is a quality of humbleness, A symbol of patience and endurance, A sign of utmost respect, Shows acceptance of presence of God. It depicts faith and surrender, It is the surest way to show control of a

Official Websites of Swami

2012-01-14 Thread saimsg
Being forwarded for benefits. Sairam. Subject: [saibabanews] Sai Ram - Official Websites of Swami Sanathana Sarathi : Reporting Channel: Photos Online: http

Prasanthi Update - Saturday Evening Programme - Music College and Anantapur Programme [4 Attachments]

2012-01-14 Thread saimsg
Today - Saturday, The fourth day of Annual Sports and Cultural Festival was a musical treat in Prasanthi Nilayam. Senior students from the Sri Sathya Sai Mirpuri College of Music commenced with ‘Sri Ganapathi Nee Sevimpa’. They performed many Thyagaraja Pancharatna Kirtis including Jagadanandak

Sai Divine Graphics : God's Love

2012-01-14 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

Divine Omniscience - SSSHSC Drama & Videos Update....13.01.2012

2012-01-14 Thread saimsg
Divine Omniscience… Friday, January 13th, 2012 Bhagawan’s myriad expressions of Love, Omniscience and Divinity are experienced by devotees the world over in varied fashion, proving time and again that He and He alone is The Lord in their hearts, Who listens to their heartfelt submissions. ‘His

“I Am in you…you are in Me…don’t forget that…We cannot be separated…

2012-01-14 Thread saimsg
Hollywood screenplay writer Arnold Schulman had the privilege of experiencing Bhagawan early in 1960’s. How Bhagawan brought this New Yorker into His fold, who otherwise was a hard nut to crack, failing to accept Bhagawan’s Godhood or Divinity. Read on an extract, about the interesting episode, fr

Today is Bhogi - the First day of the Sankranthi Festival

2012-01-14 Thread saimsg
The harvest time has come in Bharat and the crops are being harvested and the grains are stored at home without any natural calamities. The farmers are the backbone of any country more so in India especially in Andhra Pradesh which is appropriately called The Rice Bowel of India.The Sun God,

Man's joys and sorrows, happiness or misery are based on his actions only - Bhagawan

2012-01-14 Thread saimsg
Man's joys and sorrows, happiness or misery are not dependent on Time. They are based on man's actions. Time has no relations or friends. Time is not subordinate to anyone. All are subject to Time. Hence, if one has to realize the Divine, who is the Lord of Time, one has to carry out His injun

The Captain Confirms....16.12.2011 & Other Updates

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
The Captain Confirms… Friday, December 16th, 2011 Human mind has a naive apprehension to rely on sheer faith than to go by its own logic which has often been mistaken to be ‘Right’…Prof. N. Kasturi wote an article in contention to an incredible happening, that had an impact on His Divine Adven

The Divine Photograph of the Risen Christ

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
The Below story describes how a very special photograph of the Risen Jesus Christ was manifested by Swami in Puttaparti,. The details are beautifully described by Mrs.Barbara McAlley.. Mrs.Barbara has been a devotee of Bhagawan for many many years. In 1985 Barbara had gone to Puttaparti with a

God does not cause pain to any living being in His creation - Bhagawan

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
" God does not cause pain to any living being in His creation. All sorrows and difficulties are man-made only. God is the protector of all living beings. He provides peace and happiness to one and all. Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu (May all the people of the world be happy). This is the

Sankranthi Confers Joy on everybody and everything - Bhagawan

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
" Sankranti confers joy on human beings, birds, and animals alike. Not only Bharatiyas, even the people of other countries celebrate this festival, but with different names. This is the season when cool winds blow and the farmer brings home the harvested crop. He spends his time in a relaxed

Buddha Story Retold - YES Magazine - Issue 2 (Jan-Feb 2012) & Patient Medical Equipment Centre Inaugurated [1 Attachment]

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
Buddha Story Retold by Prasanthi Nilayam Campus… Sunday, January 15th, 2012 Illustrious story of Buddha as told and retold by Bhagawan many a time through His Divine discourses over the years was the theme of the presentation entitled “Gautam Buddha”, by the Prasanthi Nilayam Campus of SSSIHL

Help and Love also those who have harmed you - Bhagawan

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
you are hurting not your enemy but God, verily! All are divine. Hence, never hurt anyone. It is natural to help those who help you, but you should be able to help even those who harm you. There is nothing great in helping those who have helped you. The noble ones are those who help even those w

You should always follow the saying 'Help Ever Hurt Never - Bhagawan

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
You should always follow the saying 'Help Ever Hurt Never' .If you find someone who desperately need help, you can ignore your work for as long as necessary to help the needy. This is the primary duty and should be pleasure of every human being. Help Ever Hurt Never is the message of Bhagawan

Prasanthi Update - Sunday Morning Programme - Makara Sankranthi and Sports & Cultural Week’s Valedictiory Function… [4 Attachments]

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
Today - Sunday is auspicious Makara Sankranthi, marking the transition of Sun, advancing in its northward journey, a transition through the winter from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Capricorn that has much spiritual connotations. Incidentally this has been the day, as chosen by Bhag

I am in You.....Music College & Anantpur College & Other Updates 14.01.2011

2012-01-15 Thread saimsg
“I Am in you…you are in Me…don’t forget that…We cannot be separated…” Saturday, January 14th, 2012 Hollywood screenplay writer Arnold Schulman had the privilege of experiencing Bhagawan early in 1960’s. How Bhagawan brought this New Yorker into His fold, who otherwise was a hard nut to crack, f

The Power Of Pure Love…

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
Who is Sathya Sai? How should one account for His psychic powers? Has mankind ever understood Him and His benovelence of Divine Darshan in its fullest extent with due respect and reverence? He Himself had said long ago, five decades ago in 1961, …”This has been the case, in all ages; people may

Sathya Sai Suprabatham [1 Attachment]

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
SRI SATHYA SAI SUPRABHATHAM Suprabhatham literally means ‘good morning'! (Su, good, prabhatham, morning or dawn). In Western culture, people wish each other "Good Morning." But in Indian culture this is not done, because it is considered to be the equivalent of pouring water on the leaves of a

Some Wonderful Incidents in the Life of Jesus as Narrated by Bhagawan

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
Taken from Shri.Anil Kumar's talks : The Three Wise Men Bhagavan said that when Jesus was born, three wise men happened to visit that place. One of them said, "This child is going to love God." Another, an Arabian king, said, "No, God is going to love this child." The third wise man said, "No,

The great teachers belong to mankind - Bhagawan

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
The great teachers belong to mankind. It is wrong to believe that Jesus belongs only to the Christians and the Christmas is a holy festival for the West only. To accept one of them as one's own and discard the rest as belonging to others, is a sign of pettiness. Christ, Raama, Krishna - they a

The Power of Devotion

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
When the idol of Rama was taken away from Thyagaraja, he was grief- stricken. He questioned the divinity of Lord Rama. "Don't you have the power to solve my problems or do I lack devotion ? Definitely I have devotion, it is only you who lack power." He continued in this vein extolling his devot

The Words a Divine Avatar - our Bhagawan

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
Only an Avatar could say those words. Lesser souls like seers, spiritual aspirants, great souls ascetics, and realized persons would not have the courage to utter them, and even if they mustered enough strength, the words would not have the ring of authenticity. About four years ago, I went from B

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
We are the children of Sai... let us BE His Light to the world. Love All, Serve All

This Empty Hand holds everything

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
Once Swami was conversing with devotees in His interview room. He showed then, His palm and asked what was there in it. Somebody answered that there was nothing there. But Baba said in all serenity, "This empty hands holds everything". When He closed it and opened it a moment later, there was a

Divine Message for 1-16-12

2012-01-16 Thread saimsg
3.38 To reach God you must be honest to yourselves. You must be able to admit and seek your own faults. Deluding yourselves Is merely cheating you of Godhood. You may be able to place a curtain over others. You may even be able to convince your ownselves. But for Me, I am aware of truth at all tim

Dearest Father...Precious Mother...Beloved Gurudeva - Prasanthi Updates 18.01.2012

2012-01-18 Thread saimsg
Dearest Father…Precious Mother…Beloved Gurudeva… Wednesday, January 18th, 2012 Makara Sankranthi has passed and Sun is into its Northward Journey, moving from the tropic of Cancer into tropic of Capricorn, attaching great spiritual significance. Beloved Bhagawan has spoken um

Cultural Festival by Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions & Videos Update

2012-01-18 Thread saimsg
Cultural Festival by Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions Tuesday, January 17th, 2012 After the Sports & Cultural Meet on Jan 11, 2012, the following days witnessed a series of Cultural Presentations by different campuses, exhibiting rich repertoire of talent among students. Students fro

Significance of Vibuthi Prasadam

2012-01-18 Thread saimsg
A Student of the Institute once asked Bhagawan in the Old Prasanthi Mandir Portico about the Significance of Vibuthi Prasadam, Bhagawan said "When I give anyone Vibuthi or any other thing, Iam giving a part of me to them and to everyone so that you use my Qualities for your good, Do not think that

God is Hrudayavasi' the indweller of your heart - Bhagawan

2012-01-18 Thread saimsg
Prof. Anil Kumar : Bhagavan! In our namavali, series of names of God, we address God by so many names. We have more than a hundred names 'ashtottara' and a thousand names 'sahasranama.' Of these various names, which is the best and the exact name of God? Bhagavan: All names and forms are only His.

Mother Easwaramma - The Epitome of Compassion

2012-01-18 Thread saimsg
Mother Easwaramma - The Epitome of Compassion - by Mrs. K. Vasumathi Devi Courtesy - Radio Sai Here is my favourite account of her love which touched me a lot. This happened many years ago, during the sixties. One of my relatives, who was in Prashanti Nilayam, wrote to me informing that Swami

Five vital virtues everyone should develop!

2012-01-18 Thread saimsg
If you lose health, you can recoup it through treatment from Doctors and Hospitals, if you lose wealth, you can always earn it back. But if you lose your character, you cannot retrieve it, said Saibaba during one of his discourses to the devotees and students. Yes, character is the priceles

Availability of India Today special issue on Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba [1 Attachment]

2012-01-21 Thread saimsg
Divine Grace-Special India Today Edition on Bhagawan Baba The above issue is expected to be released and should be available at the dealer newsstands next week.In case any intending buyer is not able to find a copy,he may contact the India today regional Dealers as indicated in the enclosed

Story Behind this photo - 45 (Sahasra Shirsha Purushaha)

2012-01-22 Thread saimsg
Story Behind thi photo - 45 (Sahasra Shirsha Purushaha) STORY BEHIND THE STORY – 46 (The thousand Heads of the God.) The first Sloga in Purusha Sooktham, reads as under: Om sahasra shirsha purushaha sahasrakshas sahasrapat sa bhumim vishvato vritva atyatishthad dhashangulam The Purusha

Full Text of Shri.Anil Kumar's Interview to the Nation - A Thailand Magazine [3 Attachments]

2012-01-22 Thread saimsg
Dearest Sai Brothers and Sisters, Sai Ram. Below is the Text of a Wonderful Interview done by THE NATION, a Thailand based Newspaper with Prof.Anil Kumar during his four day visit to Thailand earlier this month. Many Questions have been answered in this Wonderful Interview by Prof.Anil Kumar

Sathyajit at Dharmakshetra-20.01.2012 - Photos

2012-01-22 Thread saimsg
Sathyajit at Dharmakshetra-20.01.2012 photos direct link: TYAAGARAJA AARADHANA - 14.01.2012 (VIDEO) Aum Sri Sai Ram Visit SAIRAM website for the daily latest updates. __._,_.___

Sathyajit at Sai Prem - Love Unbounded - Sai Spiritual Showers - Issue 3/32 - Videos Update

2012-01-22 Thread saimsg
Latest Videos Updated - 20.01.2012 Sathyajit at Sai Prem - Photos - January 19, 2012 direct link: Love Unbounded… Thursday, January 19th, 2012 The Love of a thousand mother – is how Bhagawan’s love is often

Prasanthi Update - Buddha Poornima 2012 celebrations in Sai Kulwanth Hall [3 Attachments]

2012-01-23 Thread saimsg
Celebrating the commencement of 4012th Lunar Chinese New Year, 36 High Lamas of Tibetan Order from Sera Jhe Monastery in Mysore joined by hundreds of devotees from various countries, including westerners, presented a Buddhist devotional evening today here in Prasanthi Nilayam. The proceedin

Pandit Shivkumar Sharma - Guest of Honour - Sri Sathya Sai Wellness Centre - Dharmakshetra - 17th December, 2011

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
Pandit Shivkumar Sharma - Guest of Honour - Sri Sathya Sai Wellness Centre - Dharmakshetra - 17th December, 2011 Direct link: Aum Sri Sai Ram Visit SAIRAM website for the daily latest updates. __._,_.___

Music Programme by Youth from Paschim Banga (West Bengal) & An Argentinean Journalist’s Journey Unto Sai…

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
An Argentinean Journalist’s Journey Unto Sai… Saturday, December 17th, 2011 Share: 0diggsdigg Share10 Email This Filled with inquisitiveness, an Argentinean journalist set himself out to meet Bhagawan Sathya Sai Baba sometime in the second half of nineties. In Prasanthi, as he sat loo

“I Will Not Let Go The Grasp” - Divine Letter by Bhagawan to a Great Vedic Scholar

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
Imagine the Lord coming down donning the garb of a human and writing letters to you, in person? It is not a stretch of imagination or any more utopian…If you were tune to Sathya Sai you would have heard of such fascinating tales, of Swami writing to devotees and students in those olden golden day

God is a witness; He neither protects nor punishes you - Bhagawan

2012-01-24 Thread saimsg
If your actions are good, your future is bound to be good.The future of the nation depends on your actions. God is a witness; He neither protects nor punishes you. Each one is responsible for their pleasure or pain.Develop new and sacred feelings and make everybody happy. Do not struggle for

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