[Samba] Can't see Printers in Printerassistent

2003-11-06 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello together,

i use samba3 as PDC with LDAP. Everything works fine.
I can browse the network over networkneighborhood  and there
i can see all shares and printers.
But if i go to the controlpanel of a ms-client (NTsp6a or W2k sp4), go to
printers, new printers,
choos networkprinters,click next button I can't see the printers. Also I
can't see my
samba server.

First I thought that there is somthing wrong with my netbios and TCP/IP
But I'm not able to find wrong settings.

The Clients and Samba is using the same subnet :
Samba is configured with wins support and as masterbrowser.
Clients are using sambaserver as winsserver.
Pings on the netbiosname of the sambaserver works.

Befor samba3 i used samba2.2.8 and there it worked.
I use suse linux 8.0.

Has someone an idear what this could be??

Thanks a lott!!
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[Samba] Still can't see Printers in Printerassistent

2003-11-10 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello together,

I posted this question a few days ago, but I still have problems
with printerinstallation over controlpanel.

i use samba3 as PDC with LDAP. Everything works fine.
I can browse the network over networkneighborhood  and there
i can see all shares and printers.
But if i go to the controlpanel of a ms-client (NTsp6a or W2k sp4), go to
printers, new printers,
choos networkprinters,click next button I can't see the printers. Also I
can't see my
samba server.
When I try to switch between printer in an appliction like Word, it tooks a
very long time.
Somtimes it seems that the aplication crashes. I'm not sure, but do these
belong together?

First I thought that there is somthing wrong with my netbios and TCP/IP
But I'm not able to find wrong settings.

The Clients and Samba is using the same subnet.
Samba is configured with wins support and as masterbrowser.
Clients are using sambaserver as winsserver.
Pings on the netbiosname of the sambaserver works.

Befor samba3 i used samba2.2.8 and there it worked.
I use suse linux 8.0.

Can someone please help me??

Thanks a lott!!

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[Samba] Printers in Printerassistent

2003-11-17 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello together,

I realy need help!!

i use samba3 as PDC with LDAP. Everything works fine.
I can browse the network over networkneighborhood  and there
i can see all shares and printers.
But if i go to the controlpanel of a ms-client (NTsp6a or W2k sp4), go to
printers, new printers,
choos networkprinters,click next button I can't see the printers. Also I
can't see my
samba server.
When I try to switch between printer in an appliction like Word, it tooks a
very long time.
Somtimes it seems that the aplication crashes. I'm not sure, but do these
belong together?

First I thought that there is somthing wrong with my netbios and TCP/IP
But I'm not able to find wrong settings.

The Clients and Samba is using the same subnet.
Samba is configured with wins support and as masterbrowser.
Clients are using sambaserver as winsserver.
Pings on the netbiosname of the sambaserver works.

Befor samba3 i used samba2.2.8 and there it worked.
I use suse linux 8.0.

Can someone please help me??

Thanks a lott!!

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Antwort: Re: [Samba] SWAT adds suffix

2003-11-17 Thread Stefan . Iven


yes, swat has the same problem in pre3

MfG Stefan
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[Samba] Printerassistent.

2003-11-18 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hi there,

Ok. My last postings about my problems with printerinstalation over
controlpanel were
still not answered.
So maybe I have to ask my question in an other way.

Is someone able to install a printer shared by Samba 3/Samba pre3 x over
the controlpanel?

I can't. I can't see my Server. I can see the Domain name and I can see
other clients wich belong
to the domain.
I can see all and connect to all over the Networkneighborhood.

Normaly I would say that conecting printer over the Networkneighborhood is
but it seems to me that applications become slow if you try to change the
in the aplication.

Can someone? Any ideas? Pleas !

Mfg Stefan
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Antwort: [Samba] Printerassistent.

2003-11-18 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello Kurt,

first I like to thank you that you try to help me.

I will try to explain my problem exactly.
Here is what I have done.

I set up Samba as an PDC.
I generated shares and printershares.
I browsed my network over the Networkneighborhood down to my Sambaserver.
There I can see all File and Printershares.
I doubleclicked the printerfolder where I then can see only shared printers
and one folder calld new printer.
I then rightclicked a shared printer and went to the process for uploading
the printerdriver in the Sambaserver.
So far so good. Everything is ok. No errors

Now i will install the printer on the client machine.

One way is to  browse the Networkneighborhood.
So I browsed one folder up, there where I can see printer- and fileshares.
I rightclick the printer for wich I first installed the drivers in the
server and choosed connect.
The drivers were downloaded from the server and printer is installed an the
The client is able to print correctly.

Browsing the Network is one way to install a printer on a client.
An other way to install a printer on a client is to use the controlpanal.

So I clicked the startbutton on the client, went to the controlpanel,
clicked Printers, clicked Add new Printer,
choosed Networkprinter, left the printername empty to search for the
printer, clicked continue button,
and then --> there I can see the domain, some clients wich belong to the
domain and wich offers printer,
but not my samba server.

I hope you now understand what I mean. Today I tried with Suse Sles8, the
newest updates, but still the same problem.
2.2.8a worked right, but I'm not able to get this running with Samba3.

I realy hope that I now have exactly explained what I mean.

Thanks a lot, and I hope to hear you.

MfG Stefan

> [Samba] Printerassistent.
> * To: samba at listsdotsambadotorg
> * Subject: [Samba] Printerassistent.
> * From: StefandotIven at voessingdotde
> * Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:43:26 +0100
> Hi there,
> Ok. My last postings about my problems with printerinstalation over
> controlpanel were still not answered.
> So maybe I have to ask my question in an other way.
> Is someone able to install a printer shared by Samba 3/Samba pre3 x over
> the controlpanel?

I don't clearly understand your question. Please describe exactly what
you want to achieve.

 From what I guess, it is that you want start the "Add Printer Wizard"
on a Win workstation and add a printer to the Samba server.

This is not possible -- or only possible if you provide a custom script
and call it with the "add printer command" in smb.conf. The script would
have to draw its input parameters from the fields filled in by the user
running the "Add Printer Wizard" and then create a printer to the real
Unix print subsystem of your Samba server (not just add it to the

What is possible is to add a driver to the Samba server and associate it
to a pre-existing (raw) print queue of the Unix print subsystem (this
queue may, in the case of CUPS, have been created with the help of the
CUPS web interface sitting behind port 631).

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Antwort: [Samba] Printerassistent.

2003-11-19 Thread Stefan . Iven

>> I set up Samba as an PDC.
>> I generated shares and printershares.
>> I browsed my network over the Networkneighborhood down to my
>> There I can see all File and Printershares.
>> I doubleclicked
>Which client Win OS are you using?

Client OS from Win NT 4.0 SP6a,W2K SP3/4, XP SP?

>> the printerfolder where I then can see only shared printers
>> and one folder calld new printer.
>> I then rightclicked a shared printer and went to the process for
>> the printerdriver in the Sambaserver.
>> So far so good. Everything is ok. No errors
>> Now i will install the printer on the client machine.
>> One way is to  browse the Networkneighborhood.
>> So I browsed one folder up, there where I can see printer- and
>> I rightclick the printer for wich I first installed the drivers in the
>> server and choosed connect.
>> The drivers were downloaded from the server and printer is installed an
>> client.
>> The client is able to print correctly.
>> Browsing the Network is one way to install a printer on a client.
>And this is the recomended way in the HOWTO

Yes, i read your HOWTO.

>> An other way to install a printer on a client is to use the
>Well, at least in the HOWTO this is nowhere recommended... (It is even in
>a pure MS Windows environment a much slower way to do it, if you have
>more than a few dozen PCs and printers...)
>This doesn't say that there might not be a bug with that part of the
>Samba-Code, however...)

OK, but since I installed Samba3 -> Samba3pre3, I noticed, that application
get problems when changing the printer within the application.
An example: If I try choos Print in PowerPoint,Excel,Autocad or Coreldraw,
and I then try to change the printer, it tooks a long time till the new
printer is excepted. In pre2 the applications crashed.
So I thought, that I try to find out, what different I have made between
Samba2 and 3. And the only thing I could find is, that I can't see my PDC
when I try to install a printer over the controlpanel.

>> So I clicked the startbutton on the client, went to the controlpanel,
>> clicked Printers, clicked Add new Printer,
>> choosed Networkprinter, left the printername empty to search for the
>> printer, clicked continue button,
>> and then --> there I can see the domain, some clients wich belong to the
>> domain and wich offers printer,
>> but not my samba server.

You'd need to post your smb.conf (minus comments) to get more advice
on that

Here it is :

# Samba config file created using SWAT
# from (
# Date: 2003/11/15 15:01:46

# Global parameters
unix charset = ISO8859-1
workgroup = IBV
server string = Datei- und Druckserver Frankfurt
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost:389
printcap name = CUPS
add user script = /usr/bin/smbldap-useradd.pl -a %u
delete user script = /usr/bin/smbldap-userdel.pl %u
add group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupadd.pl %g
delete group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupdel.pl %u
add user to group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupmod.pl -m %u %g
delete user from group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupmod.pl -x %u
set primary group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-usermod.pl -g gid %u
add machine script = /usr/bin/smbldap-useradd.pl -w %u
domain logons = Yes
os level = 65
preferred master = Yes
domain master = Yes
wins support = Yes
ldap suffix = dc=voes,dc=de
ldap machine suffix = ou=computer
ldap user suffix = ou=benutzer
ldap group suffix = ou=gruppen
ldap idmap suffix = dc=voes,dc=de
ldap admin dn = cn=ldmin,dc=voes,dc=de
ldap ssl = no
write list = root
printer admin = root
create mask = 0777
directory mask = 0777
map acl inherit = Yes
inherit permissions = Yes
inherit acls = Yes
printing = cups
print command = lpr -r -oraw -P%p %s
lpq command = lpq -P%p
lprm command = lprm -P%p %j

path = /daten/netlogon
admin users = root
browseable = No

path = /daten/profiles
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
admin users = root
read only = No
create mask = 0664
map acl inherit = No
strict locking = No

path = /tmp
printable = Yes
browseable = No
printing = cups
print command = lpr -r -oraw -P%p %s
lpq command = lpq -P%p
lprm command = lprm -P%p %j

path = /daten/netlogon
admin users = root
browseable = No

path = /daten/profiles
read only = No
guest ok = Yes

path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
admin users = root
read only 

Antwort: Re: SV: [Samba] SAMBA 3.0.0 PDC + LDAP - Adding Computer Account - Success!

2003-11-19 Thread Stefan . Iven

>Hi Patrick!
>Glad to here, that the thing works. I got the same problem. But the
>smb.conf always looked like that!
>So question: which version of the scripts are you using? Can you add
>Machines "on the fly" from windows? How about the smbldap_conf.pm?

Yes, you can,
with smbldap tools.
add machine script = /usr/bin/smbldap-useradd.pl -w %u
You have to edit smbldap_conf.pm to fit your needs.

You also can use

add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M %u

then you don't need something like add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d
/dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M %u

Hope this will help.

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Antwort: Re: SV: [Samba] SAMBA 3.0.0 PDC + LDAP - Adding Computer Account - Success!

2003-11-19 Thread Stefan . Iven

Sorry, I have forgotten, that you need You Net::LDAP for smbldap tools.
You can use RPM or install via perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::LDAP"

>>Hi Patrick!
>>Glad to here, that the thing works. I got the same problem. But the
>>smb.conf always looked like that!
>>So question: which version of the scripts are you using? Can you add
>>Machines "on the fly" from windows? How about the smbldap_conf.pm?
>Yes, you can,
>with smbldap tools.
>add machine script = /usr/bin/smbldap-useradd.pl -w %u
>You have to edit smbldap_conf.pm to fit your needs.
>You also can use
>add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M
>then you don't need something like add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d
/dev/null -g 100 -s /bin/false -M %u
>Hope this will help.
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Antwort: [Samba] Samba 3.0 and the HP PSC 750 printer (printing over cups)

2003-11-19 Thread Stefan . Iven

>hi all,
>i have samba 3.0 on a fedora-linux running. almost everyting works fine,
>except one printer, my hp psc 750 (connected via usb) is not printing via
>I get pages printed (via cups or whatever) if i print from the localhost.
>So, here a few data from my smb.conf:
>   printcap name = cups
>   printing = cups
>   load printers = yes
>   comment = All Printers
>   path = /var/spool/samba
>   browseable = no
># Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
>   public = yes
>   guest ok = yes
>   writable = no
>   printable = yes
>any idea??

Do you use vendor drivers?
Can you tell me the printer commands pleas!

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Antwort: [Samba] Samba 3.0 and the HP PSC 750 printer (printing overcups)

2003-11-19 Thread Stefan . Iven

Sorry, I mean the printing command in smb.conf.

Did you take a look in the logfile of cups?

MfG Stefan
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Antwort: Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0 and the HP PSC 750 printer (printing over cups)

2003-11-21 Thread Stefan . Iven

I had the same, when I was trying to print on Cups printer
with vendor drivers.

I switched on raw printing, (because i need it) and everything was fine.

Maybe you are using vendordivers and not postscriptdrivers??


>still have this problems using the hp psc750. found now some funny entries
>in my logs...
>printing/print_cups.c:cups_job_submit(756)  Unable to print file to usblp0
>client-error-document-format-not-supported : 2 Time(s)
>seems that i have a format-problembut where???
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Re: [Samba] Samba 3.0 and the HP PSC 750 printer (printingover cups)

2003-11-21 Thread Stefan . Iven

>This could be a possibility. how do i change this? what makes me wonder a
>little bit, is that i just cannot print via the samba (smb-protocol). but
>locally it works finebut perhaps your workaround helps me...which
>driver did you take for your psc750? i am using the hpjis-driver

in smb.conf :

use for the printing :

print command = lpr -r -oraw -P%p %s

I use Suse, ther I don't need to make changes in the files mime.confs and
I've often read, that have to make changes there :

in mime.convs uncomment
application/octet-stream   application/vnd.cups-raw0

in mime.types uncomment

This doesn't mean, that you now con only use raw printing. It means that
you now ables to
use raw printing as well as cups printing.

I use the latest drivers for 750CP from HP.

Hope it will help

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[Samba] rejected the session for name *SMBSERVER

2003-11-21 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello List,

I found the following entry in my logmessage from a Samba3 server:

Nov 21 12:07:42 ibvbfs1 smbd[2119]: [2003/11/21 12:07:42, 0]
Nov 21 12:07:42 ibvbfs1 smbd[2119]:   attempt_netbios_session_request:
WS103 rejected the session for name *SMBSERVER with error Not listening on
called name
Nov 21 12:07:42 ibvbfs1 smbd[2119]: [2003/11/21 12:07:42, 0]
Nov 21 12:07:42 ibvbfs1 smbd[2119]:   spoolss_connect_to_client: machine
WS103 rejected the NetBIOS session request.

I think it means the the worstation ws103 waits/listen for an other SMB
server. Normaly the Sambaserver wich is called FS1 (the netbiosname)
It seems to me that this happens if ws103 trys to browse printers, because
spools is from printers, isn't it?

Are I'm right? What is wrong? Can someone explain this to me?


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WG: [Samba] User manager for Domains for samba 3.0 PDC

2003-11-24 Thread Stefan . Iven

>Can I use "User Manager for Domains" (usrmgr.exe) in a samba 3.0 domain?
>When I tried to add a user with usrmgr I Received error "Access Denied"
but the user was created in ldap and it was >added as a memberUid in Domain
Users group.
>Is "User Manager for Domains" compatible with samba 3.0 domain?

Noramly you can use usrmgr. You need to log into Samba as User with admin
(root) rights on samba server.
In your ldap database should also exist an entry for root.

When using swat, be carefull, because swat appends the ldap suffix ,with
each change you make within
swat, to the user,group,machine and imap suffix.
This can also result in "illegal stub" or causing logon problems.
This is a reported bug in swat.

MfG Stefan
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Antwort: [Samba] User manager for Domains for samba 3.0 PDC Error

2003-11-27 Thread Stefan . Iven


I never testes Samba3 with smbpasswd backend.
With LDAP I had the most problems with wrong
smb.conf settings.
Useinng smbldap tools, and setting the following entries in
smb.conf work for me. Adding, changing, deleting for User and
Global Groups work fine. You only have to do a screenrefresh to
see the result.

passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://localhost:389
add user script = /usr/bin/smbldap-useradd.pl -a %u
delete user script = /usr/bin/smbldap-userdel.pl %u
add group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupadd.pl %g
delete group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupdel.pl %u
add user to group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupmod.pl -m %u %g
delete user from group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-groupmod.pl -x %u
set primary group script = /usr/bin/smbldap-usermod.pl -g gid %u
add machine script = /usr/bin/smbldap-useradd.pl -w %u

Also, root have to be local administrator too. If root wasn't local admin,
I get Access Denied when trying to add Users.
I know when using smbpasswd backend this smb.conf entrys wont help,
but perhaps it help you to get an idea what maybe wrong.



>Hi @all,
>using usrmgr in Samba 3.0.1pre3 with smbpasswd backend
>fails at create new user all other functions ( addgroup, deluser )
>The create new user funktion works like charme with samba 3
>I am not if this is known to the team ( i read about ldap failures with
>usrmgr )
>has anyone info of this bug ?
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[Samba] XP stops nearly all networkservices after joining Samba3 domain

2003-12-11 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello list,

I setup samba3.0.1pre3+ldap as PDC. NT and 2k Workstation work.
I can add xp clients to the domain. But when then the user logs in, the
xp stops nearly all services after the authentication:

login-, workstation-, browser-,audio- etc. service

When I login as domainadmin,go to the Services, switch the logonservice
from automatic to manual,
then login again as domaiadmin, start manual the logonservice, logoff ,then
I'm able to login without

Has anyone an idear what this could be??

Thanks for you help


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Antwort: Re: [Samba] XP stops nearly all networkservices after joining Samba3 domain

2003-12-17 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello Jerry,

Yes, 3.0.1 fixed that problem.
Thank you very much.

Greetings Stefan

Hash: SHA1


| I setup samba3.0.1pre3+ldap as PDC. NT and 2k Workstation
| work. I can add xp clients to the domain. But when then
| the user logs in, the xp stops nearly all services after
| the authentication:
| login-, workstation-, browser-,audio- etc. service
| When I login as domainadmin,go to the Services, switch
| the logonservice from automatic to manual,  then login again
| as domaiadmin, start manual the logonservice, logoff ,then
| I'm able to login without problems.
| Has anyone an idear what this could be??

This might be the LsaQueryInfo(3) bug I fixed yesterday.  Try the
SAMBA_3_0_RELEASE branch and l
et me know.
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[Samba] some problems with samba 3.0.2rc1

2004-01-28 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello list,

I upgraded from Samba3.0.1 to Samba3.0.2rc1 and got now following

LaserJet printers 6MP (sorry, we have no other LaserJet printermodels)
now couse the application to crash. With Samba3.0.1 there was no
probem with that kind of Printers.

I use the RPM's from ftp.sernet.de for SLES8.

Printingsystem is CUPS, with raw printing and serverbased

Has anyone an idea how to fix that problem?

MfG Stefan
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[Samba] Samba, Lotus Notes Domino, PDF

2004-01-30 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello list,

now I do not have a problem with Samba3. I have only a
question where I need some suggestions:

We have Lotus Notes Domino Server 6.5. This Server is
reachable via Internet and an Internetbrowser.
The application this Domino Server is running is an
projectmanagment system. A lot of different Companys are
working over that managment system for one project.

They are autenticatet by the Domino Server.
Users are able to append documents (Word, Excel, ACAD etc)
to the workflow.
But now not everyone has as example ACAD, so they are not able
to view ACAD documents.
So one way is, my be not the best, to use PDF format.
If we creat an PDF service server, to convert every document to
PDF we need to have every application installed on this server to
convert the documents.
Much better is, to use the applicaton on the client. A client without
as example ACAD will never go and append a ACAD document.
For that way, i need a PDF printer.

To arrange a PDF printer with SAMBA works. But like I told, this
printer is then reachable from internet, so I need to authenticate
the users.

So I think that Domino uses LDAP as userdatabase, and for printing
to the PDF printer the LDAP is also used.

Comming to the end: I'm not sure if this will work. I do not know if
I can get openldap to work with Domino, otherwise, I do not
know if the LDAP server from Domino will work for Samba.
And, I do not konw if this is realy a good, or maybe the worst
way to implement PDF Servervice.

So if someone has an idea, that will be very helpfully for me.

Thanks for your time.

MfG Stefan
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Antwort: Re: [Samba] some problems with samba 3.0.2rc1

2004-02-10 Thread Stefan . Iven


my Problems are now gone with samba 3.0.2 rc2.
So I think it was a kind of bug in 3.0.2 rc1.
Thanks for help


>check first your cupsd ,smbd logs
>is writable for your user ?
>have you kind of this
>comment = printer driver area
>path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
>browsable = yes
>read only = yes
>guest ok = yes
>write list = root
>hosts allow = 127., 10.10.100.
>and kind of this
>comment = PDF File Generator
>path = /var/spool/samba
>printable = yes
>guest ok = Yes
>browseable = yes
>   default devmode = Yes
>read only = No
>printer admin = root
>hosts allow = 127., 10.10.100., 10.10.110.
>ps: i didnt test 3.0.2 rc1 but with 3.0.1 are no problems on suse 9 samba
>- Original Message -
>Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 4:14 PM
>Subject: [Samba] some problems with samba 3.0.2rc1
>> Hello list,
>> I upgraded from Samba3.0.1 to Samba3.0.2rc1 and got now following
>> problems:
>> LaserJet printers 6MP (sorry, we have no other LaserJet printermodels)
>> now couse the application to crash. With Samba3.0.1 there was no
>> probem with that kind of Printers.
>> I use the RPM's from ftp.sernet.de for SLES8.
>> Printingsystem is CUPS, with raw printing and serverbased
>> printerdrivers.
>> Has anyone an idea how to fix that problem?
>> MfG Stefan
>> --
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>> instructions:  http://lists.samba.org/mailman/listinfo/samba
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[Samba] Some questions about lpq command and the displayed jobs

2004-02-10 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello list,

i use now Samba 3.0.2 as PDC with LDAP backend on suse sles8. With the
other versions
of Samba3 I hade the same problems with the lpq command.
I use CUPS printing system with raw options. The clientdrivers
are installed on serverside.

my smb.conf in the global part

printing = cups
print command = lpr -r -oraw -P%p %s
lpq command = lpq -P'%p'
lprm command = /usr/bin/lprm -P%p %j
queuepause command = disable %p
queueresume command = /usr/bin/enable %p

my printer part

path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
admin users = root
read only = No
create mask = 0664
strict locking = No

path = /tmp
printable = Yes
browseable = No

path = /tmp
read only = No
printable = Yes
printer name = IBVDM24HP5000N
oplocks = No
share modes = No

if I doubleclick the printer from a W2K(SP4) workstation,

i get :
Jobname  Status   Owner   Sites  Size   Queued
Testseite root  75,0 KB
Samba Printer Port
Testseite root  75,0 KB
Samba Printer Port
Testseite rafii 75,0 KB   14:52:04 10.02.2004
  Samba Printer Port
Testseite rafii 75,0 KB   14:52:04 10.02.2004
  Samba Printer Port
Testseite hering  75,0 KB
  Samba Printer Port
Testseite hering  75,0 KB
  Samba Printer Port
Testseite gross 75,0 KB   14:52:04 10.02.2004
  Samba Printer Port
Testseite rafii 75,0 KB   14:52:04 10.02.2004
  Samba Printer Port
Testseite rafii 75,0 KB
Samba Printer Port
Testseite hering  75,0 KB
  Samba Printer Port
Testseite hering  75,0 KB
  Samba Printer Port

if execute lpq command lpq -PIBVDM24HP5000N

i get :

IBVDM24HP5000N is not ready
RankOwner   Job File(s)
Total Size
1st root  35  smbprn.0012.XSimqp   76800
2nd root  36  smbprn.0013.GOsDhv
77824 bytes
3rd rafii 37  smbprn.0014.eyRjsZ
76800 bytes
4th rafii 38  smbprn.0015.MdwgTp
76800 bytes
5th hering39  smbprn.0016.N4WVFJ
76800 bytes
6th hering40  smbprn.0017.ezPqCJ
77824 bytes
7th gritzman41  smbprn.0018.Vgj5XL 76800
8th gritzman42  smbprn.0019.cuOBty 76800
9th gross 43  smbprn.0020.kxfbxO
76800 bytes
10thrafii 46  smbprn.0022.arSmxW
72704 bytes
11strafii 47  smbprn.0023.2v8kLZ
72704 bytes
12ndgritzman48  smbprn.0024.ct0Qsc 76800
13rdgritzman49  smbprn.0025.BRVtv2 77824
14thgritzman50  smbprn.0026.D0AjIP 76800
15thgritzman51  smbprn.0027.k5rFx4 76800
16thhering52  smbprn.0028.KYE9Qe
76800 bytes
17thhering53  smbprn.0029.2yaby4
76800 bytes

That the printer is not ready is ok, because the printer is halted.
You can see that there are printjobs from user gritzmann wich are not
on the workstation. It doesen't matter if you are logged in root or as an
other normal
user. All useres are in the only group domain users. root is Domain admin.
User gritzmann can't see his own printjobs. He can see all other printjobs.
Why is there not for every jab a queue time, and why is; when there is, a
job queue time
which is for every job the same? I sure, they don't print all the testpages
at the same time.

What are I'm doing wrong? Can someone explain that to me please?

Thank you for your help!

MfG Stefan
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[Samba] Strange Printername behavier

2004-06-02 Thread Stefan . Iven


after upgrading to Samba 3.0.3 I have the following:

I have a printershare called ibvhp750+. If I browse the network, I see that
share with exact that name.
If I doubleclick the systemfolder printers on the server, I see the same
After uploading the printerdriver to the server, I have the following :

Browsing the network down to the server, I see the share ibvhp750+.
Doubleclicking on the systemfolder
printers, I then see HP DesignJet 750C+ (E/A0) by HP. That is the name of
the printerdriver.

In the logs then  I have the following:

ERROR: string overflow by 1 (32 - 31) in safe_strcpy [\\linux\HP DesignJet
750C+ (E/A0) by HP]

This is because the printename, handled by Samba is now too long.

My system: SLES8, Samba 3.0.3 as PDC with LDAP, cups printing system used
with raw printing.

Can someone tell me what that is?

Greetings Stefan

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[Samba] requiresignorseal

2004-06-03 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello List,

only an info.
if it is  known, so please excouse my mail, but if not, please notice:

with Samba 3.0.4 you have again to set the regvalue requiresignorseal to 0

MfG Stefan Iven

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Antwort: Re: [Samba] requiresignorseal

2004-06-03 Thread Stefan . Iven

Hello Andrew,

I also tested with 3.0.5pre1, and I also have to change the regvalue,
otherwise I
get the error, that there is no domain controller or the computer account
is unknowen.


 Andrew Bartlett   
 Gesendet von:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 samba-bounces+ste   Kopie 
 fan.iven=voessing  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
 rg Re: [Samba] requiresignorseal  
 03.06.2004 15:50  

On Thu, 2004-06-03 at 20:19, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello List,
> only an info.
> if it is  known, so please excouse my mail, but if not, please notice:
> with Samba 3.0.4 you have again to set the regvalue requiresignorseal to

You should not need to set this registry value, and if you do, it's a
bug.  Try Samba 3.0.5pre1, as there were some schannel fixes.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org http://build.samba.org http://hawkerc.net
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Antwort: [Samba] Samba just Slow with AutoCad?

2004-06-08 Thread Stefan . Iven


I had that problem, too.
The reason therefor were bad rights on the printer.
That solved the problem for us.
Maybe that can helpyou.

MfG Stefan

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Antwort: Re: Antwort: Re: [Samba] requiresignorseal

2004-06-13 Thread Stefan . Iven

I tested on two different Samba Servers with 3.0.3 installed before.
With 3.0.3 I had no problems, but after upgrading to 3.0.4 or 3.0.5pre1
I had that problems. I also tested with new installed workstation systems,
but also I had thar problems. I found systemlog entries on the workstation,
wich said, that the domaincontroler does not support that sort of
authentication, and that i should try to change that regvalue.

 "Gerald (Jerry)   
 Gesendet von:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 samba-bounces+ste   Kopie 
 fan.iven=voessing  [EMAIL PROTECTED], Andrew  
 rg  Thema 
Re: Antwort: Re: [Samba]   
 09.06.2004 16:49  

Hash: SHA1

| I also tested with 3.0.5pre1, and I also have to change
| the regvalue, otherwise I get the error, that there is no
| domain controller or the computer account is unknowen.

I've not seen any other reports of this.  Are you sure
its not a local configuration error ?

cheers, jerry
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