[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-10-12 Thread Ineiev
Update of task #14578 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


Follow-up Comment #78:

I'm cancelling your submission for now; please re-submit it when you are

Thank you!


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-08-18 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #77, task #14578 (project administration):

Hello Ineiev,

unfortunately, the files your' re speaking about, are not mines... So it would
be probably not easy to change them to fit savannah needs. I will see and let
them you know when done.
Thank again for your help.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-08-17 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #76, task #14578 (project administration):

Hello, Nicolas!

In doc/html/jquery.js, copyright and license notices aren't specific enough,

Copyright (c) 2009 AUTHORS.txt (http://jqueryui.com/about)

One shouldn't rely on URLs, the texts they contain may change (and the server
may shutdown).

Released under the MIT, BSD, and GPL Licenses.

* Short licenses should be written in the files that use them.
* "BSD" may refer to different licenses, some of them GPL-incompatible.
* The version of the GPL isn't specified.
* What does the combination of the licenses mean? May all code in question be
used under any of them? Does each license rather apply to its parts of code?

Files like doc/html/resize.js use an ambiguous license notice;
I suggest using the recommended form (see comment #36).


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-06-15 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #75, task #14578 (project administration):

I' ve double-checked all files under doc subdirs.
I' ve distinguished two cases: files embedded by Doxygen and files generated
by Doxygen. The copyright notice of such files is now relative to this
distinction. I suppose its now more accurate of Savannah needs. Thank you for
your help.
File gdsl-1.8.tar.gz updated at its usual place.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-05-20 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #74, task #14578 (project administration):

This file is automatically generated by doxygen. Maybe I've badly understood
doxygen license. I have understood that doxygen license does not apply on
generated files, instead, the right license that applies on generated file is
the main package license, so I' ve concluded its mine... If its not the case,
which licence do you think I should use for this file (and others in the same
conditions): GDFL, doxygen, other? 
Thank you for your help.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-05-20 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #73, task #14578 (project administration):

I've just looked into doc/html/resize.js. It doesn't seem to include anything
specific to your package. May you really claim your copyright for it?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-05-03 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #72, task #14578 (project administration):

First, I' ve obvsiously fixed the wrong licence added in the
doc/html/jquery.js. Second, I' ve worked for making generation of doc/html,
doc/man3 and doc/latex decorelated. This allow me to specialize them in an
easiest way than before. I' ve also modified README files under doc/ to
explain which files are covered by which license. And I' ve tried to use GFDL
v3 for all doc/. I think its in a better way... Thanks for your regards.
(Archive just uploaded at its usual place).


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-04-14 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #71, task #14578 (project administration):

Documentation should be released in GFDLv1.3+-compatible way.

Some notices don't seem valid: for example, Dimitri van Heesh has nothing to
do with doc/html/jquery.js; also, the notice like "documents produced by
doxygen... are not affected by this license" is confusing: why do they contain
that notice, then? And what notices actually apply to them?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-04-03 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #70, task #14578 (project administration):

Well, I'm not pardonable: I have totally forgotten to do the same job (than
for js and html) for css files... :( I'm sorry, its now fixed in the last
archive. I have also replaced the original GDSL licence notice by doxygen one
in the files above (css, js and html) because they are generated by doxygen.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-03-26 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #69, task #14578 (project administration):

I think yes, I did take time to see the latest archive.

I've just downloaded http://ndarnis.free.fr/gdsl/gdsl-1.8.tar.gz and unpacked
it; gdsl-1.8/doc/html/navtree.css has no notices.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-03-22 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #68, task #14578 (project administration):

Did you take time to see in the latest gdsl archive that every file (including
.js, .css, .html) is now embedding notice as Savannah policies expect? I guess
everything is fine now, and I think nothing was forgotten this time...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-03-22 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #67, task #14578 (project administration):

It looks like your code sometimes adds invalid notices, e.g. it may say that a
third-party file is copyrighted by you.

Some files still have no notices.

I've just noticed another issue: Savannah requires that the hosted packages
release their documentation in an FDL-compatible way. The GPLv3+ isn't
compatible with the GFDL1.3+.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-03-08 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #66, task #14578 (project administration):

I've added code to add copyright notice to the header of all doc/html and
doc/js files after doxygen generation. So its now easy for me to maintain them
because I ve got no over work to do each time. 
New archive is available as usual.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-03-02 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #65, task #14578 (project administration):

>  I know JavaScript allow comments, but Doxygen don't allow to overwrite
these autogenerated files, so I must left the js filenames in the html/README
to make them covered

I think if your package must be released in a way that doesn't comply with
Savannah policies, it shouldn't be hosted on Savannah.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-03-01 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #64, task #14578 (project administration):

I've read the links you sent but its not enough clear to me :-( so:
- as I said in my previous post, I' ve already removed html filenames from the
html/README as you ask me to do, because HTML allow comments and the copyright
notice is in each html file
- I know JavaScript allow comments, but Doxygen don't allow to overwrite these
autogenerated files, so I must left the js filenames in the html/README to
make them covered
- I' ve left the man.3 filenames in the man3/README because I consider that
this format does not allow comment inside.  
Tell me if its looks good or if something else must be fixed.
The usual link is up-to-date.
Thank you.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-02-21 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #63, task #14578 (project administration):

Did you read the document ValidNotices
 links to,
http://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/html_node/Legal-Matters.html ?

It doesn't distinguish formats that are raw-readable and readable with some
tools for the purpose of putting the notices in README rather than in the file
itself, what it does distinguish is formats that allow comments with notices
and formats that don't.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-02-21 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #62, task #14578 (project administration):

You told me on the 02-13 that HTML files names should'nt be listed in README.
OK, I've now removed them. 
I' ve just tried to explain that I've choosen to list them in the README file
because of their "non-humanily-readable state". I mean I'm distinguing 2
1. a file hold a copyright notice intended to be read by human without any
interpretation (like command more on a raw text file)
2. a file hold a copyright notice NOT intended to be read by human before
interpretating the file with a tool (as for html, or man.3 files).
So my decision was according to the following method:
for the first case, I' ve not listed those files in README (because the notice
can be read without any effort), but I've listed the files described in second
case in the README because their notice could be difficult be read (as for
man3, and for HTML as I thought). I've understood on the 02-13 that you mean
to remove HTML files from the README, so I conclude their notice is
human-readable at your eyes. So my question was, must I do the same for man.3
files (ie. remove their names from the README)? IMO it could be strange
because the man.3 files are very less readable without using a tool... I hope
I'm enough clear. Thank you to tell me.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-02-21 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #61, task #14578 (project administration):

Hello, Nicolas!

> ...As the copyright notice is less readable in raw man3 files under man3/

I'm not sure what you mean. I believe it's readable.

What about the main point, HTML and JavaScript files having no notices in


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-02-15 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #60, task #14578 (project administration):

I've intentionnaly left all html files names in the README in html/ subdir (as
for .3 files under man3 dir), because I thought the notice was not intended to
be read without interpretating html files (resp. man3 files). So, as you
mentionned, I've now removed all html files names from the html/README. As the
copyright notice is less readable in raw man3 files under man3/ dir, its not
clear if I must do the same or if I left man3 files listed in README...
Could you tell me that please?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-02-13 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #59, task #14578 (project administration):

It looks like the progress is not very great.

doc/html/README mentions HTML files; they shouldn't be listed in README,
they should include the notices themselves.

README is a fallback only for those files that don't allow comments
like images. HTML and JavaScript files do.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-01-31 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #58, task #14578 (project administration):

Well, I'm totally confused... 
The uploaded file was not the good one 8-( (easy visible because I made a big
change in man pages generated by doxygen to avoid lack of copyright in some
separated files).
I've just re-generated a good package after re-checked all files (all have a
copyright or are listed in a README with a copyright note). I've uploaded it
and this time, I checked the uploaded file itself. So now, it seems to be less
probable that something can goes wrong again...
With my kind regards.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-01-24 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #57, task #14578 (project administration):

Yet when I less `find . -type f`, the thirty first file it opens is
./doc/man3/gdsl_hash.h.3 which lacks those notices :(


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2018-01-18 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #56, task #14578 (project administration):

I wish you a happy new year.
I 've took the time to check every file in every dir. I sincerely think that I
have not forgotten any file (in particular every html file has got now a
notice). You could take the archive at the usual place:
Thank you.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-21 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #55, task #14578 (project administration):

That's good (I assume that the rules are quite clear); but then, it's a
responsibility of package maintainers rather than Savannah admins to make sure
that the rules are enforced. In particular, you should check whether every
file has valid notices. Did you do that?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-21 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #54, task #14578 (project administration):

There is no discussion about your personal opinion. I understand clearly the
need to respect savannah rules. So I'm answering YES: I'm agree with the rules
you' re speaking about.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-20 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #53, task #14578 (project administration):

I'd like to clarify two things.

> I hope it's OK now, just tell me if you find another thing to do... 

Roughly speaking, one may get an impression that we are discussing package
compliance against my personal opinion about Savannah policies.

However, those rules seem quite unambiguous to me: all files should have valid
copyright and license notices in proper places. Do we agree that the rules are
clear and don't allow multiple interpretations?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-18 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #52, task #14578 (project administration):

OK, so I have successfully added an html comment with copyright notice in all
doxygen generated files (with HTML_HEADER). So, even toc files (like
examples.html, modules.html or files.html) on which I can't decide their
content, does now have the notice in html comments... I' ve also added the
list of doxygen copyrighted files in man3/README and latex/README.
I hope it's OK now, just tell me if you find another thing to do...

New release: http://ndarnis.free.fr/gdsl/gdsl-1.8.tar.gz

Thank you.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-18 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #51, task #14578 (project administration):

Writing the notices in HTML comments is acceptable, making them
visitor-visible is preferable.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-14 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #50, task #14578 (project administration):

Do you think it's ok if the copyright notice in html files is written in html
comments only (between  tags)? So, the notices will not be displayed
within an html interpreter as a navigator (excepted for the main html page for
example), but only be readable with raw/source html file display?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-13 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #49, task #14578 (project administration):

Yes, I' ve already tried it, but without success. When I ve some time, I'll
try to go further in this direction, maybe I 've not tried all possibilities
with this setting...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-11 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #48, task #14578 (project administration):

Did you try to define HTML_FOOTER


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-07 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #47, task #14578 (project administration):

Yes, its only a toc file generated by doxygen... Unfortunately, its seems to
be not possible to modify its generation...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-07 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #46, task #14578 (project administration):

doc/html/examples.html doesn't include the notices. I expect that it will.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-07 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #45, task #14578 (project administration):

In the last tgz I uploaded yesterday night, the HTML files does include
copyright notices... It was not the case in all other archives before. I found
the way, by using good doxygen tags and by using some tricks (as modifying the
src/mainpage.h.in file) to include the notice in these files... and I was glad
to find it has worked well. When doc is generated by doxygen, you are
dependant on it and you cant do what you want in the generated files: you can
only use doxygen tags, as I did.
Does the generated html files are now correct for you since they include the
copyright notice now? If not, could you show me an example of what you
Thank you.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-07 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #44, task #14578 (project administration):

I see no fundamental reason why HTML files can't be generated with the notices
included. Texinfo does include them in its output.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-07 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #43, task #14578 (project administration):

I dont understand the goal of you last post.

You're right, but as I said, all html/ and man3/ files are generated by
Doxygen, and I don't want to have to modify them once they' ve been
generated... Its a lack of time and a huge and risky work: each time a source
file is modified, doc must be regenerated, and then all generated files should
be manually modified too... No one would do that... So I think I' ve found a
good compromise into my last update, as you see, all html files includes now
the copyright notices. So, is it ok now, or what could I do in the other
Thank you.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-06 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #42, task #14578 (project administration):

HTML files can include text and allow comments; they should embed the notices.
README is only a fallback for formats that don't permit including notices.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-06 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #41, task #14578 (project administration):

I did it. I think everything should at least be fine now (also copyright
notices in examples files)!
You could check the new archive: 


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-12-04 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #40, task #14578 (project administration):

I think it would be better if the list were included in README.
Is it really hard to keep the list of files there?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-30 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #39, task #14578 (project administration):

OK, thank you for reading.

I have made some minor changes in it (see the link
http://ndarnis.free.fr/README). Of course, the file I spoke in README file
'FILES.txt' contains the list of doxygen-(covered|generated) files. It' s
easier for me to keep the list into a separated file I can generate each time
I need it (with make fileslit in the doc/html dir). 

If it's look good, I'll do the same for doc/man3/(README, FILES.txt). 

I will also try to add copyright notice into examples generated files, but at
this time I couldn't find how to do it... Examples are not covered by Doxygen
in the same way of other things...

After that, I hope everything looks ok for you.

Thanks again.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-29 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #38, task #14578 (project administration):

Yes, I think it looks good.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-28 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #37, task #14578 (project administration):

Could you check the doc/html/README file here please:
Tell me if its look good to you.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-23 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #36, task #14578 (project administration):

> you said "copyright lines are OK" (in the doc/html/README), so 
> I conclude that I should left the new paragraph I suggested to add
> (concerning doxygen licences and output-generated files too). 
> Is that right?

Not licenses. I was speaking about copyright notices.

>  I don' t understand "for the license [...] source file"

You suggested including this notice:

> Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
> under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby granted. No
> are made about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is
provided "as is"
> without express or implied warranty. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.

I tried to point out that the form recommended by the GPL would be better:

> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
> it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
> the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
> (at your option) any later version.
> This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
> but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
> GNU General Public License for more details.
> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
> along with this program.  If not, see .


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-23 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #35, task #14578 (project administration):

Yes, but only your first answer that is made of two points:

- first point: you said "copyright lines are OK" (in the doc/html/README), so
I conclude that I should left the new paragraph I suggested to add (concerning
doxygen licences and output-generated files too). Is that right?

- second point: I don' t understand "for the license [...] source file"

Maybe an example could help me.

Thanks for clearing.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-23 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #34, task #14578 (project administration):

Is anything still unclear?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-12 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #33, task #14578 (project administration):

> Do you mean adding the lines I suggested in the doc/html/README could be
enough ? 

I mean that the copyright lines are OK, but for the license notice it would be
better if you used the text that you use in your source files.

> For the copyright and licences notices in the generated HTML files, they are
already in the files now, in a "copyright" section.

Files like doc/html/gdsl__bstree_8h.html do have them, but not files like

> I have understood I should also add the doxygen-gererated files list in the
doc/html/README (and I suppose into doc/man3/README too), I will do it.

The requirement is: all files should have appropriate notices; those notices
should be embedded when the format allows; when the format doesn't allow that,
the notices should be written in README.

The list of the files is needed to unambiguously link the files with the


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-11 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #32, task #14578 (project administration):

Thanks for your help, but its not enough clear for me (I'm sorry, but english
is not my native language, and my level is limited). 
Do you mean adding the lines I suggested in the doc/html/README could be
enough ? 
For the copyright and licences notices in the generated HTML files, they are
already in the files now, in a "copyright" section. So what I should do more ?
Adding the lines I talk above ?
I have understood I should also add the doxygen-gererated files list in the
doc/html/README (and I suppose into doc/man3/README too), I will do it.

Thanks for clearing this points, once fixed, I'll regenerate another tarball
on the usual http target.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-10 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #31, task #14578 (project administration):

The copyright lines seem good; since Doxygen doesn't specify the version of
the GPL, I think you may use the GPLv3+, and add the same license notice you
use for your package.

It's still would be desirable to have copyright and license notices in the
generated HTML files, and to list the files copied from Doxygen in README.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-04 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #30, task #14578 (project administration):

You're perfectly right, that is not the question.
I took a look in doxygen doc and its stated that "Documents produced by
doxygen are derivative works derived from the input used in their production;
they are not affected by [doxygen license]." So, could you tell me if adding
this header in the doc/html/README file looks fine: 

 * The files is this directory, excepted this one and Makefile.am have been
 * generated by Doxygen.
 * Doxygen license
 * Copyright © 1997-2016 by Dimitri van Heesch.
 * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby granted. No
 * are made about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It is
provided "as is" 
 * without express or implied warranty. See the GNU General Public License for
more details.
 * Documents produced by doxygen are derivative works derived from the input
used in their
 * production; they are not affected by this license. 
 * So, all files in this directory are parts of the Generic Data Structures
Library (GDSL).
 * Copyright (C) 1998-2017 Nicolas Darnis .
Thank you very much.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-11-03 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #29, task #14578 (project administration):

> All doc/html (png, js, css) files are generated by doxygen. What should I do
for their copyright notice?

I believe that you, as an author of a free package, are responsible for making
sure it's free. If you put anything to your tarball, you should check its
status, which means that you should find out licenses and correct copyright
notices for those files. And if it turns out that those files are proprietary,
you shouldn't include them, because they'll render whole your package

Am I wrong?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-29 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #28, task #14578 (project administration):

All doc/html (png, js, css) files are generated by doxygen. What should I do
for their copyright notice? A note for each of them in the README file is it
sufficient? And, in this case, what kind of note? Should I just write its
generated by Doxygen, copyright by who? I can't figure out by reading
https://savannah.gnu.org/maintenance/ValidNotices/. So, thank you for your
help because I don't know what I can do at this point for these files...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-27 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #27, task #14578 (project administration):

I'm afraid they don't follow our recommendations quite strictly. All
copyrightable files should have licensing notices; PNG files in doc/html/ have

Did you check _all_ your files? This is what you should have done to make sure
your distribution follows our guidelines. I'd like to avoid the situation like
you saying in comment #8 that there were no more wrongly attributed files, and
then in comment #26 it appears that there still were.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-22 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #26, task #14578 (project administration):

The doc/latex/README and doc/html/README files has been fixed to respect your
recommandations. Please, take the new archive as usual:


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-18 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #25, task #14578 (project administration):

Could you check files in doc/html/? README says they are all copyrighted by
Nicolas Darnis, does that include doxygen.png?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-18 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #24, task #14578 (project administration):

You can get the right file here: 
It seems that the savannah upload file mechanism could not work well in case
of same file name between the current and the previous. That could explain a
lot of mistakes...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-16 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #23, task #14578 (project administration):

The attachment systems seems to be not working very well...
So, I'll post my archive on an http link (today if I can), and I'll send you
the link when done (same link than before, but with the updated tgz file).


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-16 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #22, task #14578 (project administration):



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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-13 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #21, task #14578 (project administration):

Oups... All Makefile.am fixed.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-11 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #20, task #14578 (project administration):

Thank you; please check other files as well: for example, doc/man3/Makefile.am
lacks copyright and license notices.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-07 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #19, task #14578 (project administration):

In case of upload failure, here is a good link:


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-05 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #18, task #14578 (project administration):

New try of uploading gdsl-1.8.tgz (2 120 731 bytes)...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-05 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #17, task #14578 (project administration):

Works for me; you could upload your file somewhere else and put a link here.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-05 Thread Ineiev
Additional Item Attachment, task #14578 (project administration):

File name: gdsl-1.8.tar.gzSize:2011 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-05 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #16, task #14578 (project administration):

I don't understand what's going wrong with the upload...
I did exactly the same as usual.
When my post is validated, savannah web site tells everything its ok. I will
try again in a couple of days and I'll post a screen-capture thats shows
everything looks fine.
What else could I do?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-04 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #15, task #14578 (project administration):

No joy.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-03 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #14, task #14578 (project administration):

New try...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-02 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #13, task #14578 (project administration):

The archive didn't attach.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-10-02 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #12, task #14578 (project administration):

I've found how to make doxygen generating copyright notice for files
themselves. I've modified all my src/ header files accordingly and build the
new archive joined to this post. 
Hope its ok now...


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-27 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #11, task #14578 (project administration):

Notices in doc/man3/gdsl_hash.3 doc/man3/gdsl_stack.3 are fine, but files like
doc/man3/gdsl_hash.h.3 and doc/man3/_gdsl_bintree.h.3 still have no notices.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-25 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #10, task #14578 (project administration):

As gdsl manpages and html doc are automatically generated by doxygen, it was
not very easy for me to find how to add a copyright section... I think I have
found a not-so-bad compromise. Just tell me if ok or not. 
Thank you very much.

(file #41892)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: gdsl-1.8.tar.gzSize:2011 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-23 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #9, task #14578 (project administration):

Oh, real GNU rules are much more extensive, they include following GNU coding
standards, for instance.

Now, the format of man pages allows copyright and license notices (see e.g.
man less or man gawk), putting them in doc/man3/README won't do. Please figure
out a way to put them in your man pages.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-21 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #8, task #14578 (project administration):

I think there is no more file like this. It was coming from another package
from which I copied it, and my script added the Copyright header... So I
replaced the INSTALL file by one that should be alright (I've not found the
autoconf one, so it's the GSL one, project in which I have contributed).

Thank you again for supporting all this mistakes, but its my first project
onto real GNU rules, and I learn for the next ones.

(file #41859)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: gdsl-1.8.tar.gzSize:1921 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-19 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #7, task #14578 (project administration):

Thank you!

Are you sure INSTALL is copyrighted by Nicolas Darnis?
It's very similar to INSTALL coming with autoconf, but that
file says it's copyrighted by the FSF.

Are there other such files in your tarball?


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-17 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #6, task #14578 (project administration):

Here is attached the right tarball with its signature...

(file #41817, file #41818)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: gdsl-1.8.tar.gzSize:1917 KB
File name: gdsl-1.8.tar.gz.sigSize:0 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-11 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #5, task #14578 (project administration):

Thank you!

All copyrightable files in your distribution should have
valid copyright and license notices; many files in doc/html
have not (if some files have a format that practically doesn't
allow comments, the notices for those files should be written
in the README file located in the same directory).

Also, GPLv2+ notices have an obsolete FSF address,
I recommend replacing it with an URL like GPL HowTo suggests.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-09 Thread Nicolas Darnis
Follow-up Comment #4, task #14578 (project administration):

As requested by Ineiev, 
here is the asked tarball...
Thank you.

(file #41769)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: gdsl-1.8.tar.gzSize:1942 KB


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-09-01 Thread Ineiev
Update of task #14578 (project administration):

  Status:   Cancelled => In Progress
 Open/Closed:  Closed => Open   


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-08-03 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #3, task #14578 (project administration):

No response; cancelling.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-08-03 Thread Ineiev
Update of task #14578 (project administration):

  Status: In Progress => Cancelled  
 Open/Closed:Open => Closed 


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-07-17 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #2, task #14578 (project administration):

If there is no further interest, I'll cancel this submission.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-07-04 Thread Ineiev
Update of task #14578 (project administration):

  Status:None => In Progress
 Assigned to:None => ineiev 


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-07-04 Thread Ineiev
Follow-up Comment #1, task #14578 (project administration):

Hello, Nicolas!

All non-trivial files in your distribution should have valid copyright and
license notices .

In your tarball, ChangeLog INSTALL Makefile.am NEWS THANKS TODO
configure.ac gdsl-config.in src/mainpage.h.in
src/Makefile.am src/examples/Makefile.am
many files in doc/ have no license and copyright notices.

README has no copyright notices.

gdsl.spec gdsl.spec.in have no license notice.

Could you fix that?

Small supporting files like INSTALL can use a simple permissive license
if the format of files makes it impractical to put notices in them, they
should be written in a README file in the same directory.

Also, GPLv2+ notices have an obsolete FSF address,
I recommend replacing it with an URL
like GPL HowTo  suggests.


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[Savannah-register-public] [task #14578] Submission of Generic Data Structures Library

2017-07-03 Thread Nicolas Darnis

 Summary: Submission of Generic Data Structures Library
 Project: Savannah Administration
Submitted by: ndarnis
Submitted on: Mon 03 Jul 2017 03:32:20 PM CEST
 Should Start On: Mon 03 Jul 2017 12:00:00 AM CEST
   Should be Finished on: Thu 13 Jul 2017 12:00:00 AM CEST
Category: Project Approval
Priority: 5 - Normal
  Status: None
 Privacy: Public
Percent Complete: 0%
 Assigned to: None
 Open/Closed: Open
 Discussion Lock: Any
  Effort: 0.00



A new project has been registered at Savannah 
This project account will remain inactive until a site admin approves or
discards the registration.

= Registration Administration =

While this item will be useful to track the registration process, *approving
or discarding the registration must be done using the specific Group
accessible only to site administrators, effectively *logged as site
administrators* (superuser):

* Group Administration

= Registration Details =

* Name: *Generic Data Structures Library*
* System Name:  *gdsl*
* Type: non-GNU software and documentation
* License: GNU General Public License v2 or later (This project was hosted on
gna until gna has closed its server. I just wish to move this project on

The Generic Data Structures Library (GDSL) is a collection of routines for
generic data structures manipulation. It is a portable and re-entrant library
fully written from scratch in pure ANSI C. It is designed to offer C
programmers access to common data structures with powerful algorithms and
hidden implementation. Available structures are lists, queues, stacks, hash
tables, binary trees, binary search trees, red-black trees, 2D arrays,
permutations, heaps and interval-heaps.

 Other Software Required: 

 Tarball URL: 


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