[SC-L] interesting presentation

2004-03-02 Thread Jose Nazario
from dawson engler's group:


evaluates various checkers in various settings.

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SC-L] Re: Application Sandboxing, communication limiting, etc.

2004-03-10 Thread Jose Nazario
SELinux. LIDS. systrace (Linux, BSD, MacOS X). a few things on FreeBSD i
can't recall.

i dont know what exists for the average user on Windows at the application
level, but i do know that personal firewalls can help. untrusted programs
can't access the network, either as a server or as a client. i know a few
products exist for servers, typically restricted to server programs (ie

so, some work is being done on that front, not enough yet. bear in mind
that, just like with comcast's behavior restriction system making the FD
news lately, power users of systems will complain and be annoyed when they
find their access suddenly fettered.

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SC-L] auditing

2004-05-03 Thread Jose Nazario
some advice ...

look for tools to generate callgraphs from dynamic (runtime) analysis and
static (run them over the compiler binary or the source code) analysis.
graphing those relationships can be useful. one example:


look for tools to do control flow analysis, again static or dynamic.

build an annotated C library that you can use to preload and watch
execution while the program runs (assuming you only have a binary
available on a UNIX platform, i would't know how to do this on windows).
invoke some of the old software cracker tricks ...

look for tools to do known hole analysis, they can be as simple as grep or
as complex as you can imagine ... this page has a few links to some tools
at teh bottom which may be useful:


(several easy to use tools of varying sophistication are listed in these):




etc etc etc ... frankly the hard part if identifying the right terms to
use. once you do that you're all set.

big kudos to david wheeler for maintaining a nice repository of links
(along with flawfinder, a pretty decent first pass tool). even more links
to even more tools and techniques (scan the whole page):


remember. automated tools will only catch the things you already knew
about. they help because they don't get tired, see cross eyed (typically),
and can be fast. they fail because they're easy to confuse, they only work
on what you know, and get prohibitively difficult to write and use for
large forms of analysis. it's a hot topic, has attracted some of the best
and brightest, and is a fertile area for all levels of research. if you're
serious about studying it, learn compiler internals as a means to learn
model building, study the language specification (spot the ambiguities is
a fun game to play) and start hacking tools.

dilligance, dilligance, dilligance.

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[SC-L] opinion, ACM Queue: Buffer Overrun Madness

2004-06-08 Thread Jose Nazario

thought some of you may find this editorial from the May 04 ACM Queue
worth a read. ACM Queue is an interesting magazine and has a website at

Buffer Overrun Madness

ACM Queue vol. 2, no. 3 - May 2004
by Rodney Bates, Wichita State University

Why do good programmers follow bad practices?

In January 2003, the Slammer worm was reported to be the fastest spreading
ever. Slammer gets access by exploiting a buffer overrun. If you peruse
CERT (Computer Emergency Readiness Team) advisories or security upgrade
releases, you will see that the majority of computer security holes are
buffer overruns. These would be minor irritations but for the world's
addiction to the weakly typed programming languages C and its derivative

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SC-L] Education and security -- another perspective (was "ACM Queue - Content")

2004-07-08 Thread Jose Nazario
rather than talking in a vacuum, make sure you've read the latest
ACM/IEEE-CS curriculum guidelines:


reputable undergrad institutions will focus on this, and many pre-college
programs will teach preparing students for this (ie language choices and
topic choices). enjoy.

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [SC-L] Education and security -- another perspective (was "ACM Queue - Content")

2004-07-08 Thread Jose Nazario
BB and i chatted offline, so let me make my points more clearly:

- have a look at what languages are being taught, it's been a
  while since some of us have looked.
- if you don't like what you see, get involved. ie make sure
  security is listed and taught.

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[SC-L] [paper] Model Checking One Million Lines of C Code

2004-08-20 Thread Jose Nazario
[Ed. I'm re-posting this, since it looks like I made a stupid typo
the first time, which lead to the munging of the message's headers. 
Sorry for the inconvenience.  This one should be correct...  KRvW]

an interesting paper. the authors evidently have made MOPS an addon
package to GCC, which is something i've advocated before (make tools easy
to use and integrated with the build environment).


Hao Chen, Drew Dean, and David Wagner.

Proceedings of the 11th Annual Network and Distributed System Security
Symposium (NDSS), San Diego, CA, February 4--6, 2004.


Implementation bugs in security-critical software are pervasive. Several
authors have previously suggested model checking as a promising means to
detect improper use of system interfaces and thereby detect a broad class
of security vulnerabilities. In this paper, we report on our practical
experience using MOPS, a tool for software model checking
security-critical applications. As examples of security vulnerabilities
that can be analyzed using model checking, we pick five important classes
of vulnerabilities and show how to codify them as temporal safety
properties, and then we describe the results of checking them on several
significant Unix applications using MOPS. After analyzing over one million
lines of code, we found more than a dozen new security weaknesses in
important, widely-deployed applications. This demonstrates for the first
time that model checking is practical and useful for detecting security
weaknesses at large scale in real, legacy systems.

jose nazario, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://monkey.org/~jose/    http://infosecdaily.net/

[SC-L] interesting articles on secure coding

2004-11-30 Thread Jose Nazario
found on InformIT.com:

It never seemed to matter how the software we used was made. It didn't
seem to matter much who made it either. We just grabbed it
unquestioningly. That's changing. Today's software can definitely be bad
for you, whether it's due to viruses, spyware, dialers, bugs, or merely
baroque license agreements. Today you can hardly tell whether a particular
piece of software is going to be good for you.or not.

Source: Searching for Substance: The Road to Safe Software
Date: Sep 3, 2004 By Nigel McFarlane.


Everybody can use more secure code.and sometimes the best way to hone your
skills is to listen to other programmers. Here are 18 concise tips offered
by your fellow developers, each a specific (and opinionated!) piece of
advice that you can put to work immediately. You may not agree with all
these suggestions, but each is worth contemplating.

Tipping the Scales Toward Secure Code
Date: Oct 1, 2004 By Rebecca Rohan.

some interesting stuff has been posted there, look around and maybe
something interesting will pop up.

jose nazario, ph.d.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://monkey.org/~jose/ http://infosecdaily.net/

[SC-L] Former cybersecurity czar: Code-checking tools needed

2004-12-03 Thread Jose Nazario
FYI ...

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]


By Grant Gross
DECEMBER 02, 2004

WASHINGTON -- Software vendors need automated tools that look for bugs
in their code, but it may be a decade before many of those tools are
mature and widely used, said the former director of cybersecurity for
the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

Creating software assurance tools was one long-term focus of the DHS
National Cybersecurity Division during Amit Yoran's tenure there,
Yoran said today during the E-Gov Institute Homeland Security and
Information Assurance Conferences in Washington.

About 95% of software bugs come from 19 "common, well-understood"
programming mistakes, Yoran said, and his division pushed for
automation tools that comb software code for those mistakes.

"Today's developers ... oftentimes don't have the academic discipline
of software engineering and software development and training around
what characteristics would create flaws in the program or lead to
bugs," Yoran said.

Government research into some such tools is in its infancy, however,
he added. "This cycle will take years if not decades to complete," he
said. "We're realistically a decade or longer away from the fruits of
these efforts in software assurance."

Yoran, who resigned from his DHS position in September after being on
the job for a year, hinted at why he left, but sidestepped a question
about the reasons. In the private sector, he had a "real objective" on
how to move forward, he said.

"When you move into a strategic and somewhat ill-defined role of
'protect cyberspace,' that's a very difficult mission to get your arms
around," he said. "You show up to work on a Monday morning, you're
ready to put your fingers to the keyboard, you've got a team of folks
working with you, what do you do ... to secure cyberspace from within
the Department of Homeland Security?"

Most Internet resources are owned by the private sector, and the U.S.
government has been hesitant to pass cybersecurity mandates, noted
Yoran, former vice president of worldwide managed security services at
Symantec Corp. With no operational or regulatory control over most of
the Internet, the goal of securing cyberspace at DHS was difficult, he

Asked if that lack of authority was a reason for leaving the post,
Yoran said his successor will need to "look at go-forward issues" in
cybersecurity that the division can best address.

Yoran, however, defended President George W. Bush's National Strategy
to Secure Cyberspace, released in February 2003. The strategy, which
sets out five major cybersecurity recommendations, did not advocate
regulation, and the White House took the right approach in developing
those recommendations by consulting with private industry, Yoran said.

"As the Department of Homeland Security ... implementing the national
strategy is not our job; it's not our responsibility," he said. "It's
the nation's job, it's the international technology community's job
and responsibility. We can just help."

The national strategy and efforts at DHS can help move cybersecurity
efforts beyond the current "cat and mouse game" of finding
vulnerabilities, assessing whether to patch them, and patching them
when the problems become painful to companies, Yoran said. He
predicted a "radical transformation" in the cybersecurity field within
two to four years as more companies and government agencies accept
technologies such as Web services, remote Internet access and RFID
(radio frequency identification) tags.

"In the next two to three years, you won't be able to define where
your network begins and ends," Yoran said. "The paradigms we rely on
today for protecting our information -- stronger firewalls, more
accurate intrusion detection -- those types of technologies will be
required, but they will be solving an increasingly small percentage of
the challenges that are going to be facing us."

Re: [SC-L] Managing the insider threat through code obfuscation

2005-12-15 Thread Jose Nazario
On Thu, 15 Dec 2005, Kenneth R. van Wyk wrote:

> The article's premise is that, because attackers can find out a great
> deal about the internals of databases and such by decompiling bytecode
> (in Java and .NET), bytecode should be obfuscated to hide its internal
> details.  The article points to several commercial bytecode obfuscation
> products:  http://www.devdirect.com/ALL/OBFUSCATIORS_PCAT_2014.aspx

if the person can develop exploits against the holes in the code, what
makes you think they can't fire up a runtime debugger and trace the code
execution and discover the same things?

the biggest threat internally isn't the one or two people per thousand who
can and will do this, it's the much larger number of people who wont use
exploit development techniques to access things they shouldn't. bytecode
obfuscation does nothing to stop that.

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc - http://krvw.com/mailman/listinfo/sc-l
List charter available at - http://www.securecoding.org/list/charter.php

Re: [SC-L] eWeek says "Apple's Switch to Intel Could Allow OS X Exploits"

2006-01-27 Thread Jose Nazario
some docs on buffer overflows on PPC:



"The independent data and instruction caches of the PowerPC processor can
cause a variety of problems with exploit and shellcode development."
source: http://www.uninformed.org/?v=1&a=1&t=txt by HD Moore

in short it's not quite as straightforward as it seems, but obviously
possible, and that has been one of the hindrences to people developing
attacks for the chip. unfortunately, there is no shortage of bugs to
exploit on most common PPC OSes (AIX, OS X mainly).

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc - http://krvw.com/mailman/listinfo/sc-l
List charter available at - http://www.securecoding.org/list/charter.php

Re: [SC-L] eWeek says "Apple's Switch to Intel Could Allow OS X Exploits"

2006-01-30 Thread Jose Nazario
a couple of technical resources i forgot:

Reverse engineering - PowerPC Cracking on OSX with GDB

OS X heap exploitation techniques

jose nazario, ph.d. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc - http://krvw.com/mailman/listinfo/sc-l
List charter available at - http://www.securecoding.org/list/charter.php