Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-10 Thread Kenneth Van Wyk
First off, many thanks to all who've contributed to this thread.  The  
responses and range of opinions I find fascinating, and I hope that  
others have found value in it as well.  Great stuff, keep it coming.

That said, I see us going towards that favorite of rat-holes here,  
namely the "my programming language is better than yours, nyeah!"  
path.  Let's please avoid that.  I'm confident that we've seen it  
enough times to know that it ends with no clear winners (but plenty  
of losers).


Kenneth R. van Wyk
SC-L Moderator
KRvW Associates, LLC

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
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Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-09 Thread ljknews
At 8:33 AM -0400 6/9/07, der Mouse wrote:

>> Immunity from buffer overflows has been around for 30 years.  The
>> fact that some set of developers choose to ignore the languages that
>> provide it does not make the next environment that provides it an
>> improvement for the industry.
> I'd disagree - if it means a significant increase in people actually
> using such environments (languages, whatever), then it's an
> improvement for the industry, even if it's no theoretical advance.

A law which outlawed unsafe languages could also be effective, but it
would not solve a "tech problem", which is the basis for this thread.
At best these are solutions to "social problems" or "education problems".
Larry Kilgallen
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-09 Thread der Mouse
> Immunity from buffer overflows has been around for 30 years.  The
> fact that some set of developers choose to ignore the languages that
> provide it does not make the next environment that provides it an
> improvement for the industry.

I'd disagree - if it means a significant increase in people actually
using such environments (languages, whatever), then it's an
improvement for the industry, even if it's no theoretical advance.

/~\ The ASCII   der Mouse
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/ \ Email!   7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-08 Thread Leichter, Jerry
On Thu, 7 Jun 2007, Steven M. Christey wrote:
| On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, Wietse Venema wrote:
| > more and more people, with less and less experience, will be
| > "programming" computer systems.
| >
| > The challenge is to provide environments that allow less experienced
| > people to "program" computer systems without introducing gaping
| > holes or other unexpected behavior.
| I completely agree with this.  This is a grand challenge for software
| security, so maybe it's not the NEXT problem.  There's a lot of
| tentative work in this area - safe strings in C, SafeInt,
| StackGuard/FormatGuard/etc., non-executable data segments, security
| patterns, and so on.  But these are "bolt-on" methods on top of the
| same old languages or technologies, and some of these require
| developer awareness.  I know there's been some work in "secure
| languages" but I'm not up-to-date on it.
| More modern languages advertise security but aren't necessarily
| catch-alls.  I remember one developer telling me how his application
| used Ruby on Rails, so he was confident he was secure, but it didn't
| stop his app from having an obvious XSS in core functionality.
| > An example is the popular PHP language. Writing code is comparatively
| > easy, but writing secure code is comparatively hard. I'm working on
| > the second part, but I don't expect miracles.
| PHP is an excellent example, because it's clearly lowered the bar for
| programming and has many features that are outright dangerous, where
| it's understandable how the careless/clueless programmer could have
| introduced the issue.  Web programming in general, come to think of
| it.
I think this all misses the essential point.

Safe strings, stack guards, non-executable data segments - these are all
solutions to yesterday's problems.  Yes, they are still important; yes,
the solutions aren't yet complete.  But the emerging problems are
exemplified by your comment about XSS.

The real issue that we still have not internalized is that the "field of
operations" has changed dramatically.  We still think of a "program" as
something that runs on some box somewhere.  The "programming model" is
the hardware and software inside that box.  "Security" is about making
sure that that box does what it's supposed to do - no more and no less.
Everything that crosses the boundary of that box is "just I/O".

But increasingly that boundary is dissolving.  Yes, much of the Web 2.0
rhetoric is overblown, but much of what it's selling you - the
applications that live in the network, the storage that lives in the
network, etc. - is already here to one degree or another.  An XSS
attack cannot even be described within the confines of a single box.
It's an attack against a distributed "program" running on a distribute
"machine" consisting of at least three different "boxes", each doing
exactly what it was designed to do.

Nothing we do to the hardware in the individual boxes only will make the
slightest difference at this higher level of abstraction.  Nothing we do
in programming languages that only deal with a single box will help.  We
don't today even have any formalisms for describing these distributed
programs - much less safe ways for building them.

So I would say that the grand challenge today is to move on.  Start
thinking about how to secure the global network - not the wires, not the
individual boxes, not the API's, but the emergent properties of the
whole thing.  This will require very different thinking.  Some things
are clear:  We gained safety within the individual boxes only by giving
up some freedom.  Self-modifying code?  No thanks.  Unstructured control
flow?  We can do better.  Everything is just bits?  No, everything has a
type.  And so on.

Meanwhile, on the network side, what do we have?  Untyped byte streams;
mobile code; anything-goes paste-ups; no effective, enforced distinction
between between code and data; glorification of any hacky means at all
that gets something out there *yesterday*.

The techniques we are applying with increasing success inside the box
today - hardware enforcement of executability constraints and stack
overflows; type-safe, memory-safe languages; static analysis; and so on
- are ideas that go back 30 years.  What's making them practical today
is (a) years of refinement on the basic ideas; (b) much faster hardware.
I can't recall any really new idea in this area in a *long* time.

When it comes to these new problems, we're not much further along than
we were in the early 1960's for traditional programming.  We don't have
any real models for the computation process, so no starting point for
defining safe subsets.  We don't even know what "safe" means for a
global computation:  At least for a program I've run on my box, I can in
principle write down what I expect it to do and not do.  For a "program"
using resources on my box and a bunch of other boxes, many belonging to
parties I know nothing about and who generally don't know each other

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-08 Thread ljknews
At 9:53 AM +0200 6/8/07, Stephen de Vries wrote:
> On 8 Jun 2007, at 02:23, Steven M. Christey wrote:
>> More modern languages advertise security but aren't necessarily
>> catch-alls.
> At the same time, the improvements in security made by managed code  
> (e.g. the JRE and .NET runtimes) for example, should not be  
> understated.  The fact that apps written in these languages are not  
> susceptible to buffer overflow issues is a HUGE improvement.

An improvement only for those who have previously chosen lowest common
denominator languages.  Immunity from buffer overflows has been around
for 30 years.  The fact that some set of developers choose to ignore
the languages that provide it does not make the next environment  that
provides it an improvement for the industry.
Larry Kilgallen
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-08 Thread Stephen de Vries

On 8 Jun 2007, at 02:23, Steven M. Christey wrote:
> More modern languages advertise security but aren't necessarily
> catch-alls.

At the same time, the improvements in security made by managed code  
(e.g. the JRE and .NET runtimes) for example, should not be  
understated.  The fact that apps written in these languages are not  
susceptible to buffer overflow issues is a HUGE improvement.  And for  
this particular vulnerability these languages are effectively catch- 
alls.  (As long as all your code is managed and the runtime  
implementation itself doesn't contain BO's).  The fine grained access  
control model of the Java runtime (I guess .NET has the same thing?)  
is also a big win.  This is not an add on framework, but is built  
right into the language.

As Ben and Robert have pointed out, we're likely to see similar  
improvements when developers make more use of frameworks for  
implementing application tiers.  It's a lot harder to introduce XSS  
issues when using modern MVC frameworks (e.g. .NET's, JSF, WebWork)  
than cobling a view layer together using JSPs and servlets.
It would still be possible for developers to introduce  
vulnerabilities when using these frameworks, but it's a lot more  

>   I remember one developer telling me how his application used
> Ruby on Rails, so he was confident he was secure, but it didn't  
> stop his
> app from having an obvious XSS in core functionality.

It's ironic that RoR is well known for it's policy of preferring  
sensible defaults instead of extensive configuration, yet you have to  
explicitly perform HTML encoding of data included in a web page.

> PHP is an excellent example, because it's clearly lowered the bar for
> programming and has many features that are outright dangerous,  
> where it's
> understandable how the careless/clueless programmer could have  
> introduced
> the issue.  Web programming in general, come to think of it.

There are also examples of languages/frameworks that get it right,  
such as JBoss Seam where both SQL injection and XSS are difficult to  
introduce by default.
It's easier to build secure applications when the building blocks  
themselves provide security by default.  Developers will adopt  
frameworks because they make programming easier - if these frameworks  
also prevent common security vulnerabilities then that's a big win  
for more secure applications.  Where security pro's can help out is  
in pointing out poor security defaults in frameworks and getting the  
owners to change them.  Change once, benefit everywhere.

Stephen "the glass is half full" de Vries

Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-07 Thread Benjamin Livshits
I've recently been working on providing better secure programming
defaults. There's a great opportunity for doing so for applications
written on top of frameworks/libraries.

See our paper " Towards Security by Construction for Web 2.0
Applications" at a recent W2SP workshop.


On 6/7/07, Steven M. Christey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, Wietse Venema wrote:
> > more and more people, with less and less experience, will be
> > "programming" computer systems.
> >
> > The challenge is to provide environments that allow less experienced
> > people to "program" computer systems without introducing gaping
> > holes or other unexpected behavior.
> I completely agree with this.  This is a grand challenge for software
> security, so maybe it's not the NEXT problem.  There's a lot of tentative
> work in this area - safe strings in C, SafeInt,
> StackGuard/FormatGuard/etc., non-executable data segments, security
> patterns, and so on.  But these are "bolt-on" methods on top of the same
> old languages or technologies, and some of these require developer
> awareness.  I know there's been some work in "secure languages" but I'm
> not up-to-date on it.
> More modern languages advertise security but aren't necessarily
> catch-alls.  I remember one developer telling me how his application used
> Ruby on Rails, so he was confident he was secure, but it didn't stop his
> app from having an obvious XSS in core functionality.
> > An example is the popular PHP language. Writing code is comparatively
> > easy, but writing secure code is comparatively hard. I'm working on
> > the second part, but I don't expect miracles.
> PHP is an excellent example, because it's clearly lowered the bar for
> programming and has many features that are outright dangerous, where it's
> understandable how the careless/clueless programmer could have introduced
> the issue.  Web programming in general, come to think of it.
> - Steve
> ___
> Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
> List information, subscriptions, etc -
> List charter available at -
> SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
> as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.
> ___

Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-07 Thread Steven M. Christey

On Wed, 6 Jun 2007, Wietse Venema wrote:

> more and more people, with less and less experience, will be
> "programming" computer systems.
> The challenge is to provide environments that allow less experienced
> people to "program" computer systems without introducing gaping
> holes or other unexpected behavior.

I completely agree with this.  This is a grand challenge for software
security, so maybe it's not the NEXT problem.  There's a lot of tentative
work in this area - safe strings in C, SafeInt,
StackGuard/FormatGuard/etc., non-executable data segments, security
patterns, and so on.  But these are "bolt-on" methods on top of the same
old languages or technologies, and some of these require developer
awareness.  I know there's been some work in "secure languages" but I'm
not up-to-date on it.

More modern languages advertise security but aren't necessarily
catch-alls.  I remember one developer telling me how his application used
Ruby on Rails, so he was confident he was secure, but it didn't stop his
app from having an obvious XSS in core functionality.

> An example is the popular PHP language. Writing code is comparatively
> easy, but writing secure code is comparatively hard. I'm working on
> the second part, but I don't expect miracles.

PHP is an excellent example, because it's clearly lowered the bar for
programming and has many features that are outright dangerous, where it's
understandable how the careless/clueless programmer could have introduced
the issue.  Web programming in general, come to think of it.

- Steve
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-06 Thread Wietse Venema
Kenneth Van Wyk:
> What do you think is the _next_ technological problem for the  
> software security community to solve?  PLEASE, let's NOT go down the  
> rat hole of senior management buy-in, use [this language], etc.  (In  
> fact, be warned that I will /dev/null any responses in this thread  
> that go there.)  So, what technology could/would make life easier for  
> a secure software developer?  Better source code analysis?  High(er)  
> level languages to help automate design reviews?  Better security  
> testing tools?  To any of these, *better* in what ways, specifically?

I've often said that programming should be a million times more
difficult, so that fewer people will be able to write code.

However, that is not the direction where things evolve. Instead,
more and more people, with less and less experience, will be
"programming" computer systems.

The challenge is to provide environments that allow less experienced
people to "program" computer systems without introducing gaping
holes or other unexpected behavior.

An example is the popular PHP language. Writing code is comparatively
easy, but writing secure code is comparatively hard. I'm working on
the second part, but I don't expect miracles.

The solution is likely to be a completely different programming
model. The spreadsheet is approaching its 30th birthday. That
is too long ago.

Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-06 Thread Michael Silk
you've got a few questions there ... i'll answer the first one.

i might copy the suggestion from someone [i can't remember who at the
moment] who suggested the next step in programming in-general is more
parallel programs [in order to increase speed]. this is obviously
complicated and will create new security problems.

but i mean (it hardly needs to be said), we have enough trouble with
the problems we already have.

On 6/6/07, Kenneth Van Wyk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi SC-L,
> [Hmmm, this didn't make it out to the list as I'd expected, so here's
> a 2nd try. Apologies for any duplicates. KRvW]
> At the SC-L BoF sessions held to date (which admittedly is not
> exactly a huge number, but I'm doing my best to see them continue), I
> like to ask those that attend what we can be doing to make SC-L more
> useful and meaningful to the subscribers.  Of course, as with all
> mailing lists, SC-L  will always be what its members make of it.
> However, at one recent SC-L BoF session, it was suggested that I pose
> periodic questions/issues for comment and discussion.  As last week
> was particularly quiet here with my hiatus and all, this seems like a
> good opportunity to give that a go, so...
> What do you think is the _next_ technological problem for the
> software security community to solve?  PLEASE, let's NOT go down the
> rat hole of senior management buy-in, use [this language], etc.  (In
> fact, be warned that I will /dev/null any responses in this thread
> that go there.)  So, what technology could/would make life easier for
> a secure software developer?  Better source code analysis?  High(er)
> level languages to help automate design reviews?  Better security
> testing tools?  To any of these, *better* in what ways, specifically?
> Any takers?
> Cheers,
> Ken
> -
> Kenneth R. van Wyk
> SC-L Moderator
> KRvW Associates, LLC
> ___
> Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
> List information, subscriptions, etc -
> List charter available at -
> SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
> as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.
> ___

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Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

[SC-L] What's the next tech problem to be solved in software security?

2007-06-06 Thread Kenneth Van Wyk

Hi SC-L,

[Hmmm, this didn't make it out to the list as I'd expected, so here's  
a 2nd try. Apologies for any duplicates. KRvW]

At the SC-L BoF sessions held to date (which admittedly is not  
exactly a huge number, but I'm doing my best to see them continue), I  
like to ask those that attend what we can be doing to make SC-L more  
useful and meaningful to the subscribers.  Of course, as with all  
mailing lists, SC-L  will always be what its members make of it.   
However, at one recent SC-L BoF session, it was suggested that I pose  
periodic questions/issues for comment and discussion.  As last week  
was particularly quiet here with my hiatus and all, this seems like a  
good opportunity to give that a go, so...

What do you think is the _next_ technological problem for the  
software security community to solve?  PLEASE, let's NOT go down the  
rat hole of senior management buy-in, use [this language], etc.  (In  
fact, be warned that I will /dev/null any responses in this thread  
that go there.)  So, what technology could/would make life easier for  
a secure software developer?  Better source code analysis?  High(er)  
level languages to help automate design reviews?  Better security  
testing tools?  To any of these, *better* in what ways, specifically?

Any takers?


Kenneth R. van Wyk
SC-L Moderator
KRvW Associates, LLC

Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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List charter available at -
SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
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