RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-17 Thread David Crocker
Crispin wrote:

Proving that all array accesses are within bounds would seem to be
Turing undecidable. Either you are not proving what you way you are
proving, or your programs are not full Turing machines.


Issue: Some people may regard diagonalized programs are a contrivance,
and are only interested in correctness proofs for real programs (for
some value of "real").

The diagonalization argument shows quite nicely they you cannot write a program
that, for any arbitrary input program, can say whether or not it has any array
bounds problem. Which is why we haven't wasted our time trying to write such a
program. Instead, we have produced a tool-supported method that lets us produce
programs (including programs that solve complex problems) that are proven -
subject to correctness of tool chain and processor - not to have array bounds
problems (or many other sorts of problem), for arbitrary inputs.

Crispin's rebuttal: Suppose I want to prove that your program checker
does not have any illegal array references ...

I don't see what you are getting at here. Our proof engine is large and complex;
but because of the way we have built it, the proofs that array indices are in
bounds are not particularly difficult. Of course, you would need to use a
different proof engine - or at least an independent proof checker - to produce
reasonable "proof" of the correctness of the prover itself. Despite this,
running the tool on itself does provide a lot of value, because proof failures
have shown up a number of problems with the tool. Some of these problems would
be very hard to detect by testing. The input space for a program of this type is
so large so that testing can only exercise a small fraction of that space
(actually, an infinitesimal fraction).

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-17 Thread Peter Amey

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Crispin Cowan
> Sent: 15 April 2005 20:58
> To: David Crocker
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities
> David Crocker wrote:
> >Well, that approach is certainly better than not guarding 
> against buffer
> >overflows at all. However, I maintain it is grossly inferior 
> to the approach we
> >use, which is to prove that all array accesses are within bounds.
> >
> Proving that all array accesses are within bounds would seem to be 
> Turing undecidable. Either you are not proving what you way you are 
> proving, or your programs are not full Turing machines.

Since we do it and have been doing it for years then there must be some 
explanation.  I suspect the answer is that the programs for which we perform 
such proofs are indeed "not full Turing machines".  Typically they are jet 
engine controllers, crypto switches or other rather less generalised devices.

I am willing to agree that there may be a class of programs that are free from 
buffer overflows which cannot show to be so; however, this does not matter.  We 
are interested in avoiding the class of programs which _do_ have a buffer 
overflow vulnerabilities and those we can indeed find.  If we encounter 
something that is in the first class, the only effect is that we might have to 
strengthen the code in some, strictly unnecessary, way in order to complete the 

> Proof: 
> Issue: Some people may regard diagonalized programs are a 
> contrivance, 
> and are only interested in correctness proofs for real programs (for 
> some value of "real").

Correct, I am only interested in real cases but for an extremely large set of 
values of "real" (into which set has fitted every real-world program that I 
have been involved in in the last 10+ years).  Furthermore, as discussed above, 
the cases which fall outside "real" fall outside in a safe way.

> Crispin's rebuttal: Suppose I want to prove that your program checker 
> does not have any illegal array references ...

Well you can't other than by applying pragamatic means such as analysing 
itself, using someone else's tool to analyse it or, of course, testing it a lot 
(none of which constitute proof).  This point is, firstly, a quite separate one 
from theoretical limitations of proof, it is a question about tool 
trustworthiness which applies to compilers, linkers and microprocessors equally 
well.  And, secondly, it is largely irrelevent to the question of whether proof 
techniques help us build better programs and can provide protection against the 
kinds of error that we know are significant in safety and security.  To 
suggest, as some people seem to, that application of the Entscheidungs 
principle somehow eliminates proof from consideration is risible.  There are 
equally good proofs (from Bev Littlewood and Butler and Finelli) that dynamic 
testing is incapable of giving confidence in the reliablity of software beyond 
certain rather low limits; however,  I don't here people arguing that we!
  should stop testing! 

> Crispin




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Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-15 Thread Crispin Cowan
David Crocker wrote:
Well, that approach is certainly better than not guarding against buffer
overflows at all. However, I maintain it is grossly inferior to the approach we
use, which is to prove that all array accesses are within bounds.
Proving that all array accesses are within bounds would seem to be 
Turing undecidable. Either you are not proving what you way you are 
proving, or your programs are not full Turing machines.

Issue: Some people may regard diagonalized programs are a contrivance, 
and are only interested in correctness proofs for real programs (for 
some value of "real").

Crispin's rebuttal: Suppose I want to prove that your program checker 
does not have any illegal array references ...

What exactly
is your program going to do when it detects an array bound violation at
Hermes' kludge to address this was two-fold:
  1. There are no arrays. Rather, there are relational tables, and you
 can extract a row based on a field value. You can programatically
 get a table to act much like an array by having a field with a
 unique index number, 1, 2, 3, etc.
  2. If you try to extract a row from a table that does not have a
 matching value, then you get an exception. Exceptions are thrown
 and caught up the call chain the way most modern (Java etc.)
 languages do it.
Yes, this is a kludge because it ultimately means a run-time exception, 
which is just a pretty way of handling a seg fault.

Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
CTO, Immunix

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-14 Thread David Crocker
Crispin Cowan wrote:

Precisely because statically proven array bounds checking is Turing Hard, that
is not how such languages work.

Rather, languages that guarantee array bounds insert dynamic checks on every
array reference, and then use static checking to remove all of the dynamic
checks that can be proven to be unnecessary. For instance, it is often the case
that a tight inner loop has hard-coded static bounds, and so a static checker
can prove that the dynamic checks can be removed from the inner loop, hoisting
them to the outer loop and saving a large proportion of the execution cost of
dynamic array checks.

Well, that approach is certainly better than not guarding against buffer
overflows at all. However, I maintain it is grossly inferior to the approach we
use, which is to prove that all array accesses are within bounds. What exactly
is your program going to do when it detects an array bound violation at
run-time? You can program it to take some complicated recovery action; but how
are you going to test that? You can abort the program (and restart it if it is a
service); but then all you have done is to turn a potential security
vulnerability into a denial of service vulnerability.

So the better approach is to design the program so that there can be no buffer
overflows; and then verify through proof (backed up by testing) that you have
achieved that goal.

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-14 Thread David Crocker
Crispin wrote:

>> Here's an example of a case it cannot prove:

if X then
Y <- initial value
if X then
Z <- Y + 1

The above code is "correct" in that Y's value is taken only when it has
been initialized. But to prove the code correct, an analyzer would have
to be "flow sensitive", which is hard to do.

The whole science of program proving is based on exactly this sort of flow
analysis. The analyser will postulate that Y is initialised at the assignment to
Z, given the deduced program state at that point. This is called a "verification
condition" or "proof obligation". It can then attempt to prove the hypothesis;
for this example, the proof is trivial. I guess it would have been more
difficult 20 years ago when Hermes was written.

The alternative solution to the problem of uninitialised variables is for the
language or static checker to enforce Java's "definite initialisation" rule or
something similar. This at least guarantees predictable behaviour.

An issue arises when a tool like Perfect Developer is generating Java code,
because even though PD can prove that Y is initialised before use in the above
example, the generated Java code would be violate the "definite initialisation"
rule. We have to generate dummy initialisations in such cases.

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-13 Thread Crispin Cowan
David Crocker wrote:
Exactly. I'm not interested in trying to write a program prover that will prove
that an arbitrary program is correct, if indeed it is. I am only interested in
proving that well-structured programs are correct.
The Hermes programming language took this approach
Hermes proved a safety property called Type State Checking in the course
of compiling programs. Type State offers very nice safety properties for
correctness, including proving that no variable will be used before it
is initialized. But the Hermes Type State Checker was not formally
complete; there were valid programs that the checker could not *prove*
were correct, and so it would reject them. Here's an example of a case
it cannot prove:
if X then
   Y <- initial value
if X then
   Z <- Y + 1
The above code is "correct" in that Y's value is taken only when it has
been initialized. But to prove the code correct, an analyzer would have
to be "flow sensitive", which is hard to do.
Here's where it gets interesting. The authors of Type State went and
analyzed a big pile of existing code that was in production but that the
Type State checker failed to prove correct. In (nearly?) every case,
they found a *latent bug* associated with the code that failed to pass
the Checker. We can infer from that result that code that depends on
flow sensitivity for its correctness is hard for humans to reason about,
and therefore likely to be wrong.
Disclaimer: I worked on Hermes as an intern at the IBM Watson lab waay
back in 1991 and 1992. Hermes is my favorite type safe programming
language, but given the dearth of implementations, applications, and
programmers, that is of little practical interest :)
Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
CTO, Immunix

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-13 Thread Crispin Cowan
der Mouse wrote:
[B]uffer overflows can always be avoided, because if there is ANY
input whatsoever that can produce a buffer overflow, the proofs will
fail and the problem will be identified.

Then either (a) there exist programs which never access out-of-bounds
but which the checker incorrectly flags as doing so, or (b) there exist
programs for which the checker never terminates (quite possibly both).
(This is simply the Halting Theorem rephrased.)

Precisely because statically proven array bounds checking is Turing
Hard, that is not how such languages work.
Rather, languages that guarantee array bounds insert dynamic checks on
every array reference, and then use static checking to remove all of the
dynamic checks that can be proven to be unnecessary. For instance, it is
often the case that a tight inner loop has hard-coded static bounds, and
so a static checker can prove that the dynamic checks can be removed
from the inner loop, hoisting them to the outer loop and saving a large
proportion of the execution cost of dynamic array checks.
How much of this optimization can be done is arguable:
   * The Jones&Kelly GCC enhancement that does full array bounds
 checking makes (nearly?) no attempt at this optimization, and
 suffers slowdowns of 10X to 30X on real applications.
   * The Bounded Pointers GCC enhancement that does full array bounds
 checking but with a funky incompatible implementation that makes
 pointers bigger than a machine word, does some of these
 optimizations and suffers a slowdown of 3X to 5X. Some have argued
 that it can be improved from there, but "how much" remains to be seen.
   * Java compilers get the advantage of a language that was actually
 designed for type safety, in contrast with C that aggressively
 makes static type checking difficult. The last data I remember on
 Java is that turning array bounds checking on and off makes a 30%
 difference in performance.
Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
CTO, Immunix

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-13 Thread David Crocker
der Mouse wrote:

Basically, the same arguments usually made for any higher-level langauge versus
a corresponding lower-level language: machine versus assembly, assembly versus
C, C versus Lisp, etc.

And I daresay that it provides at least vaguely the same advantages and
disadvantages as for most of the higher/lower level comparisons, too. But it is
hardly the panacea that "proving the program correct" makes it sound like.  As
someone (who? I forget) is said to have said, "Beware, I have only proven this
program correct, not tested it".

There are actually 2 separate issues here:

1. There are tools (such as Perfect Developer) that allow you to write
specifications and will then generate all or most of the code automatically.
This is the "VHLL" situation you are talking about. This approach increases both
reliability and productivity, because the software developer has less to write
and the specification is much closer to the problem than the code needed to
implement it.

2. Proving programs correct with respect to some specification (including
implied specifications such as absence of buffer overflow). I defend the use of
the term "proof" here, provided that the software developer can amass a
reasonable body of evidence that the proof process is sound. Possible evidence
includes: testing the software thoroughly and finding ZERO bugs; checking the
proofs using independent proof checking software; manually checking a selection
of the proofs; and using similar techniques to prove the proof-generating
software correct, whilst taking care to avoid circular arguments. Of course, one
could write a buggy prover, in the same way that one can write a buggy compiler;
but just as the compilers from the best suppliers mature until they are
considered trustworthy by their customers, so can proof tools gain in maturity
and stature. Tools such as SPARK and Atelier B have already reached this level
of trust, and I am confident that Perfect Developer will be equally trusted
after a few more years commercial usage. BTW it is by no means unknown for a
body of mathematicians to consider a theorem proven and then for a mistake in
the proof to be found (e.g. the early "proofs" of the four-colour theorem); so I
really don't think that proofs that are manually derived and manually checked
are necessarily better than computer-generated proofs.

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-13 Thread David Crocker
Nash wrote:


On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 11:01:11AM -0400, der Mouse wrote:
> Take the code for the checker.  Wrap it in a small amount of code that
> makes a deliberate out-of-bounds access if the checker outputs `no
> problem'.  Then write another small bit of code which ignores its
> input and runs the wrapped checker on itself.
> Run the original checker on the result.
> This is basically the same diagonalization argument Turing used to
> demonstrate that the Halting Problem was unsolvable; that's the sense
> in which I call it the Halting Theorem rephrased.

First off, I think you're more or less correct. Sortof. There is no computable
predicate that will decide for any ARBITRARY PROGRAM whether ANY ARBITRARY
CONSTRAINT is satisfied. But, this is just the statement of the fact that there
are constraints that are, themselves, not computable.

But, this is highly naive. A useful checker would not be designed to try to meet
this objective. I think that's why he used the term "constrained environment."

Exactly. I'm not interested in trying to write a program prover that will prove
that an arbitrary program is correct, if indeed it is. I am only interested in
proving that well-structured programs are correct. This does of course constrain
the software developer to write well-structured specifications and programs if
she wants them to be proven correct; but I see such a constraint as a positive
feature rather than a disadvantage, since it makes the resulting programs and
specifications easier to understand.

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-13 Thread Nash
On Wed, Apr 13, 2005 at 11:01:11AM -0400, der Mouse wrote:
> Take the code for the checker.  Wrap it in a small amount of code that
> makes a deliberate out-of-bounds access if the checker outputs `no
> problem'.  Then write another small bit of code which ignores its input
> and runs the wrapped checker on itself.
> Run the original checker on the result.
> This is basically the same diagonalization argument Turing used to
> demonstrate that the Halting Problem was unsolvable; that's the sense
> in which I call it the Halting Theorem rephrased.

First off, I think you're more or less correct. Sortof. There is no
computable predicate that will decide for any ARBITRARY PROGRAM whether
ANY ARBITRARY CONSTRAINT is satisfied. But, this is just the statement
of the fact that there are constraints that are, themselves, not

But, this is highly naive. A useful checker would not be designed to try
to meet this objective. I think that's why he used the term "constrained

So, there are lots of cool ways to constraint the environment. You
could constrain the language in order to make certain constraints easy
to prove. You would still be unable to make proofs about all constraints,
but the sub-theory you're working in for a particular constraint might
be complete, which means that whether a program meets that constraint
would be fully computable.

This is just the assertion that if T is a deductively closed theory (in
logic) and S is a sub-theory, that T's incompleteness doesn't imply S's
incompleteness. At one level, this is just the statement that every
formal theory contains Logic itself as a sub-theory and that logic is
complete (Goedel's Completeness Theorem). Another more interesting
example is the sub-theory of Number Theory that contains only zero, the
successor function, and addition. Its a perfectly good sub-theory of
Number Theory and its been proved complete. But, its embedded** within a
much stronger Number Theory that's not complete.

Also, one might seek to constrain the program's resource use during a
given computation. E.g., build the run-time environment with a suitably
strict watch-dog. Then, infinite loops may be made impossible and every
constraint becomes fully computable. This is basically computation
within the realm of strictly recursive functions, rather than the larger
class of partial recursive functions. So, you may be in trouble if the
program you need to write is a partial recursive function.

There's some interesting semantics of programming language being built
on top of Topological Fixed Point Theory. I read about it briefly, but
can't really comment on how well it addresses this problem. It seems to
be a promising possibility, though. See Nielson for more.



"Semantics with Applications", Nielson & Nielson, Wiley, 1992. Available
   as a PDF here:

** By "embedded" I mean in the strict mathematical sense, but in this
   case the formal languages do not differ, so we can be a bit loose.
   It is not necessary that this happen, though. The Arithmetization
   technique used by Goedel gives us nice ways of embedding theories
   from other languages into a larger theory. Also, I think this is more
   or less what Cohen does with Forcing languages.

 In fact, all of mathematics is considered (by logicians) to be
   embedded inside what's called Set Theory (typically given by an
   axiom system called ZFC). Set Theory is very powerful and is hence,
   incomplete. But, there are lots of theories in mathematics that are
   complete. The Theory of the Real Field, the above Number Theory, and
   others. Here are some references:

   "The Handbook of Mathematical Logic", Jon Barwise, North Holland
   Publishing Co., 1977.  ISBN 0 444 86388 5. (No longer in print, but
   you may find a copy at your local Univ. library)

> > I really do find this line of argument rather irritating; the
> > theoretical limits of proof are quite a different thing from the
> > practical application of proof-based technology in a suitably
> > constrained environment.
> Entirely true.  But if you use theoretical language like "proof", you
> have to expect to be held to a theroetical standard of correctness.
> /~\ The ASCIIder Mouse
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> / \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B


An ideal world is left as an exercise for the reader.

- Paul Graham

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-13 Thread der Mouse
>>> [B]uffer overflows can always be avoided, because if there is ANY
>>> input whatsoever that can produce a buffer overflow, the proofs
>>> will fail and the problem will be identified.
>> Then either (a) there exist programs which never access
>> out-of-bounds but which the checker incorrectly flags as doing so,
>> or (b) there exist programs for which the checker never terminates
>> (quite possibly both).  (This is simply the Halting Theorem
>> rephrased.)
> Could you explain why you believe that proof of a specific property
> in a constrained environment is equivalent to the Halting Problem?

Take the code for the checker.  Wrap it in a small amount of code that
makes a deliberate out-of-bounds access if the checker outputs `no
problem'.  Then write another small bit of code which ignores its input
and runs the wrapped checker on itself.

Run the original checker on the result.

This is basically the same diagonalization argument Turing used to
demonstrate that the Halting Problem was unsolvable; that's the sense
in which I call it the Halting Theorem rephrased.

> I really do find this line of argument rather irritating; the
> theoretical limits of proof are quite a different thing from the
> practical application of proof-based technology in a suitably
> constrained environment.

Entirely true.  But if you use theoretical language like "proof", you
have to expect to be held to a theroetical standard of correctness.

/~\ The ASCIIder Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
/ \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-13 Thread Peter Amey

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of der Mouse
> Sent: 12 April 2005 05:15
> To:
> Subject: Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities
> > [B]uffer overflows can always be avoided, because if there is ANY
> > input whatsoever that can produce a buffer overflow, the proofs will
> > fail and the problem will be identified.
> Then either (a) there exist programs which never access out-of-bounds
> but which the checker incorrectly flags as doing so, or (b)
> there exist
> programs for which the checker never terminates (quite possibly both).
> (This is simply the Halting Theorem rephrased.)

Could you explain why you believe that proof of a specific property in a 
constrained environment
is equivalent to the
Halting Problem?  When I explain and even demonstrate the benefits of formal 
reasoning I find
that, increasingly
often, someone pops up with Godel or Turing to "prove" that it is all a waste 
of time.  Having
done so they then,
presumably, go back to using the less rigorous approaches which are a 
demonstrable cause of
failure in the systems our
industry builds.

I really do find this line of argument rather irritating; the theoretical 
limits of proof are
quite a different thing
from  the practical application of proof-based technology in a suitably 
constrained environment. 
For the record, I am
quite confident that we can prove freedom from buffer overflow in a large and 
useful class of
programs without hitting
any of the limits you suggest.  Indeed we, and our customers, are routinely 
doing so.



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Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread der Mouse
>> Or until you find a bug in your automated prover.  Or, worse,
>> discover that a vulnerability exists despite your proof, meaning
>> that you either missed a loophole in your spec or your prover has a
>> bug, and you don't have the slightest idea which.
> On that basis, can I presume that you believe all programming should
> be done in machine code, in case the compiler/assembler/linker you
> might be tempted to use has a bug?

You can presume anything you like.  But in this case you'd be wrong.

I was/am not arguing that such tools should not be used (for this or
any other reason).  My point is merely that calling what they do
"proof" is misleading to the point where I'd call it outright wrong.
You have roughly the same level of assurance that code passed by such a
checker is correct that you do that machine/assembly code output by a
traditional compiler is correct: good enough for most purposes, but by
no stretch of the imagination is it even as close to proof as most
mathematics "proofs" are - and, like them, it ultimately rests on
"smart people think it's OK".

>> Ultimately, this amounts to a VHLL, except that
>> [...nomenclature...].  And, as with any language, whoever writes
>> this VHLL can write bugs.
> Like I said, you can still fail to include important security
> properties in the specification.  However, [...].

Basically, the same arguments usually made for any higher-level
langauge versus a corresponding lower-level language: machine versus
assembly, assembly versus C, C versus Lisp, etc.

And I daresay that it provides at least vaguely the same advantages and
disadvantages as for most of the higher/lower level comparisons, too.
But it is hardly the panacea that "proving the program correct" makes
it sound like.  As someone (who? I forget) is said to have said,
"Beware, I have only proven this program correct, not tested it".

/~\ The ASCIIder Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
/ \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread David Crocker
der Mouse wrote:

Then either (a) there exist programs which never access out-of-bounds but which
the checker incorrectly flags as doing so, or (b) there exist programs for which
the checker never terminates (quite possibly both). (This is simply the Halting
Theorem rephrased.)

It is of course possible to construct programs which can never access
out-of-bounds elements but for which the prover is unable to prove that
property. In such a case, if you can construct a reasonable argument as to why
the program never accesses out-of-bounds elements, you can express the main
points of that argument in the form of extra assertions that guide the prover
towards a proof. If you can't construct such an argument, then the code needs to
be redesigned anyway.

Or until you find a bug in your automated prover.  Or, worse, discover that a
vulnerability exists despite your proof, meaning that you either missed a
loophole in your spec or your prover has a bug, and you don't have the slightest
idea which.

On that basis, can I presume that you believe all programming should be done in
machine code, in case the compiler/assembler/linker you might be tempted to use
has a bug?

Ultimately, this amounts to a VHLL, except that you're calling it a
"specification" rather than "code" - and that rather than "compiling" the "code"
with a program, you're using (falliable) humans, with a program (the "prover")
checking that the "compiler" output is correct. And, as with any language,
whoever writes this VHLL can write bugs.

Like I said, you can still fail to include important security properties in the
specification. However, once you know that a particular security property
matters, it is much easier to express that as a part of the specification than
it is to write code and be sure that it obeys the security property for all
possible inputs. You are also much more likely to make an error writing the code
than writing the specification, simply because the specification is so much

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread karger

Pascal Meunier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes

>Do you think it is possible to enumerate all the ways all vulnerabilities
>can be created?  Is the set of all possible exploitable programming mistakes

I believe that one can make a Turing machine halting argument to show
that this is impossible.  If you include denial of service attacks
(and infinite loops are certainly a denial of service), then the
halting problem applies immediately and trivially.  But even if you
exclude denial of service, I think you could construct a proof based
on a Turing machine that halts if and only if there is an exploitable
programming mistake, or something like that.

I'm not really very good at such proofs, so I'll leave that as an
exercise for the reader (convenient excuse for not doing the hard

It is the practical impossibility of finding all the existing
vulnerabilities that led to the Anderson study of 1972 replacing the
"penetrate and patch" stratrategy for security with the "security
kernel" approach of developing small and simple code that you could
make a convincing argument that it is secure.  That in turn led to the
development of high assurance techniques for building secure systems
that remain today the only way that has been shown to produce code
with demonstrably better security than most of what's out there.

(I say most deliberately.  I'm sure that various people reading this
will come up with examples of isolated systems that have good security
but didn't use high assurance. No disputes there, so you don't need to
fill up SC-L with a list of them.  The point is that high assurance is
a systematic engineering approach that works and, when followed, has
excellent security results.  The fact that almost no one uses it says
much more about the lack of maturity of our field than about the
technique itself.  It took a VERY long time for bridge builders to
develop enough discipline that most bridges stayed up.  The same is
true for software security, unfortunately.  It also says a lot about
whether people are really willing to pay for security.)

Although old, Gasser's book probably has the best description of what
I'm talking about.  These two classic documents should be read by
ANYONE trying to do secure coding, and fortunately, they are both
online!  Thanks to NIST and the University of Nebraska at Omaha for
putting them up.  (For completeness, the NIST website was created from
documents scanned by the University of California at Davis.)


1.  Anderson, J.P., Computer Security Technology Planning Study,
ESD-TR-73-51, Vols. I and II, October 1972, James P. Anderson and
Co., Fort Washington, PA, HQ Electronic Systems Division: Hanscom

2.  Gasser, M., Building Secure Systems. 1988, New York: Van Nostrand
Reinhold.  URL:

- Paul

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread der Mouse
> [B]uffer overflows can always be avoided, because if there is ANY
> input whatsoever that can produce a buffer overflow, the proofs will
> fail and the problem will be identified.

Then either (a) there exist programs which never access out-of-bounds
but which the checker incorrectly flags as doing so, or (b) there exist
programs for which the checker never terminates (quite possibly both).
(This is simply the Halting Theorem rephrased.)

> In summary: If you can state what you mean by "secure" in terms of
> what must happen and what must not happen, then by using precise
> specifications and automatic proof, you can achieve complete security
> for all possible inputs - until the definition of "secure" needs to
> be expanded.

Or until you find a bug in your automated prover.  Or, worse, discover
that a vulnerability exists despite your proof, meaning that you either
missed a loophole in your spec or your prover has a bug, and you don't
have the slightest idea which.

Ultimately, this amounts to a VHLL, except that you're calling it a
"specification" rather than "code" - and that rather than "compiling"
the "code" with a program, you're using (falliable) humans, with a
program (the "prover") checking that the "compiler" output is correct.
And, as with any language, whoever writes this VHLL can write bugs.

At some point you _have_ to ground your assurance on "Smart people
looked at it and think it's OK".  You can shuffle that point around,
but it's always lurking somewhere.

/~\ The ASCIIder Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
/ \ Email! 7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread Crispin Cowan
Nash wrote:
** It would be extremely interesting to know how many exploits could
be expected after a reasonable period of execution time. It seems that
as execution time went up we'd be less likely to have an exploit just
"show up". My intuition could be completely wrong, though.

I would think that "time" is pretty much irrelevant, because it depends
on the intelligence used to order the inputs you try. For instance,
time-to-exploit will be very long if you feed inputs to (say) Microsoft
IIS starting with one byte of input and going up in ASCII order.
Time-to-exploit gets much shorter if you use a "fuzzer" program: an
input generator that can be configured with the known semantic inputs of
the victim program, and that focuses specifically on trying to find
buffer overflows and printf format string errors by generating long
strings and using strings containing %n.
Even among fuzzers, time-to-exploit depends on how intelligent the
fuzzer is in terms of aiming at the victim program's data structures.
There are many specialized fuzzers aimed at various kinds of
applications, aimed at network stacks, aimed at IDS software, etc.
Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
CTO, Immunix

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread Peter Amey

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Nash
> Sent: 11 April 2005 21:38
> To: Pascal Meunier
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities
> Pascal Meunier wrote:

> > All we can hope is to come reasonably close and produce
> something useful,
> > but not theoretically strong and closed.
> I think that there's lots of work going on in proof theory
> and Semantics
> that makes me hopeful we'll eventually get tools that are both useful
> and strong. Model Checking is one approach and it seems to
> have alot of
> promise. It's relatively fast, e.g., and unlike deductive
> approaches it
> doesn't require a mathematician to drive it. See [Clarke] for details.
> [Clarke] is very interesting, I think. He explicitly argues that model
> checking beats other formal methods at dealing with the "state space
> explosion" problem.
> Those with a more practical mind-set are probably laughing
> that beating
> the other formal methods isn't really saying much because they are all
> pretty awful. ;-)

While I agree that model checking is immensely useful, I am not sure that the 
rest of the above
statement is really
true any more.  Formal methods are much more widely used than is generally 
known and advances
(especially in computing
power) have made them much more practical.

The "pretty awful" methods that Pascal alludes to generally suffered from 
trying to solve the
wrong problem.  They
sought to allow proof of arbitrary properties of arbitrarily written programs 
in ambiguous
programming languages.
Given that challenge it is not suprising that they struggled.

Where we see the greatest success is where languages are carefully designed to 
allow them to be
provable and where the
proof technology is used to help in the construction of correct programs rather 
than in the
retrospective analysis of
already constructed programs.  Examples of this approach are SPARK from my own 
company and Perfect
from Escher

Using SPARK, we have built a a system for "a rather large USA security agency" 
to Common Criteria
5+ which has been
independently analysed and tested with zero defects found.  Since it was also 
cheaper than the
system it replaced,
this does at least suggest that more formal approaches are practical.



Peter Amey BSc ACGI CEng MRAeS
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Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-12 Thread Crispin Cowan
David Crocker wrote:
3. Cross-site scripting. This is a particular form of "HTML injection" and would
be caught by the proof process in a similar way to SQL injection, provided that
the specification included a notion of the generated HTML being well-formed. If
that was missing from the specification, then HTML injection would not be

XSS occurs where client A can feed input to Server B such that client C
will accept and trust the input. The "correct" specification is that
Server B should do a perfect job of allowing clients to upload content
that is damaging to other clients. I submit that this is infeasible
without perfect knowledge of the vulnerabilities of all the possible
clients. This seems to be begging the definition of "prove correct"
pretty hard.
You can do a pretty good job of preventing XSS by stripping user posts
of all "interesting" features and permitting only "basic" HTML. But this
still does not completely eliminate XSS, as you cannot a priori know
about all the possible buffer overflows & etc. of every client that will
come to visit, and "basic" HTML still allows for some freaky stuff, e.g.
very long labels.
Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
CTO, Immunix

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-11 Thread Nash
Pascal Meunier wrote:
> Do you think it is possible to enumerate all the ways
> all vulnerabilities can be created? Is the set of all
> possible exploitable programming mistakes bounded?

By "bounded" I take you to mean "finite." In particular with reference
to your taxonomy below. By "enumerate" I take you to mean list out in
a finite way. Please note, these are not the standard mathematical
meanings for these terms. Though, they may be standard for CS folks.

If I interpreted you correctly, then the answer is, "no," as Crispin

However, let's take "enumerate" to mean "list out, one by one" and allow
ourselves to consider infinite enumerations as acceptable. In this case,
the answer becomes, "yes."

This proof is abbreviated, but should be recognizable as a pretty
standard argument by those familiar with computable functions and/or
recursive function theory.

   Thm. The set of exploits for a program is enumerable.


   Let P(x) be a program computing the n-ary, partially computable
   function F(x). Let an "exploit" be a natural number input, y, such
   that at some time, t, during the computation performed by P(y) the
   fixed memory address, Z, contains the number k.**

   Then, there exists a computable function G(x,t) such that:

- G(x, t) = 1 if and only if P(x) gives value k to address Z at
some time less than or equal to t.

- G(x, t) = 0 otherwise.

   The values of x for which G(x,t) = 1 is effectively enumerable (in
   the infinite sense) because it is the domain of a computable function.


You can look up the relevent theory behind this proof in [Davis].

So, where does this leave us? Well, what we don't have is a computable
predicate, "Exploit(p,y)", that always tells us if y is an exploit for
the program p. That's what Crispin was saying about Turing. This predicate
is equivalently hard to "Halt(p,y)", which is not computable.

However, we can enumerate all the inputs that eventually result in the
computer's state satisfying the (Z == k) condition. I suspect this is
probably all you really need for a given program, as a practical matter.
Since, for example, most attackers probably will not wait for hours and
hours while an exploit develops.*

I think the real issue here is complexity, not computability. It takes a
long time to come up with the exploits. Maybe the time it takes is too
long for the amount of real economic value gained by the knowledge of
what's in that set. That seems to be part of Crispin's objection (more or

> I would think that what makes it possible to talk about design patterns and
> attack patterns is that they reflect intentional actions towards "desirable"
> (for the perpetrator) goals, and the set of desirable goals is bounded at
> any given time (assuming infinite time then perhaps it is not bounded).

I think this is a very reasonable working assumption. It seems
consistent with my experience that given any actual system at any actual
point in time there are only finitely many "desirable" objectives in
play. There are many more theoretical objectives, though, so how you
choose to pare down the list could determine whether you end up with a
useful scheme, or not.

> All we can hope is to come reasonably close and produce something useful,
> but not theoretically strong and closed.

I think that there's lots of work going on in proof theory and Semantics
that makes me hopeful we'll eventually get tools that are both useful
and strong. Model Checking is one approach and it seems to have alot of
promise. It's relatively fast, e.g., and unlike deductive approaches it
doesn't require a mathematician to drive it. See [Clarke] for details.
[Clarke] is very interesting, I think. He explicitly argues that model
checking beats other formal methods at dealing with the "state space
explosion" problem.

Those with a more practical mind-set are probably laughing that beating
the other formal methods isn't really saying much because they are all
pretty awful. ;-)

> Is it enough to look for violations of some
> invariants (rules) without knowing how they happened?

In the static checking sense, I don't see how this could be done.

> Any thoughts on this?  Any references to relevant theories of failures and
> errors, or to explorations of this or similar ideas, would be welcome.

There are academics active in this field of research. Here's a few




** This definition of "exploit" is chosen more or less arbitrarily. It
seems reasonable to me. It might not be. I would conjecture that any
definition of "exploit" would be equivalent to this issue, though.

 Halt(x,y) is not computable, but it is enumerable. That is, I can
list out, one by 

RE: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-11 Thread David Crocker
Pascal Meunier wrote:

Do you think it is possible to enumerate all the ways all vulnerabilities can be
created?  Is the set of all possible exploitable programming mistakes bounded?

No. It's not so much a programming problem, more a specification problem.

Tools now exist that make it possible to develop single-threaded programs that
are mathematically proven to meet their specifications. The problem is knowing
what should be included in the specifications. Let me give you some examples:

1. Buffer overflow. Even if nobody realised that buffer overflows could be used
to bypass security, it is an implied specification of any program that no array
should ever be accessed via an out-of-bounds index. All the tools out there for
proving software correctness take this as a given. So buffer overflows can
always be avoided, because if there is ANY input whatsoever that can produce a
buffer overflow, the proofs will fail and the problem will be identified. You
don't even need to write a specification for the software in this case - the
implied specification is enough.

2. SQL injection. If the required behaviour of the application is correctly
specified, and the behaviour of the SQL server involved is also correctly
specified (or at least the correct constraints are specified for SQL query
commands), then it will be impossible to prove the software is correct if it has
any SQL injection vulnerabilities. So again, this would be picked up by the
proof process, even if nobody knew that SQL injection can be used to breach

3. Cross-site scripting. This is a particular form of "HTML injection" and would
be caught by the proof process in a similar way to SQL injection, provided that
the specification included a notion of the generated HTML being well-formed. If
that was missing from the specification, then HTML injection would not be

4. Tricks to make the browser display an address in the address bar that is not
the address of the current HTML page. To catch these, you would need to include
in the specification, "the address bar shall always show the address of the
current page". This is easy to state once you know it is a requirement; but
until last year it would probably not have been an obvious requirement.

In summary: If you can state what you mean by "secure" in terms of what must
happen and what must not happen, then by using precise specifications and
automatic proof, you can achieve complete security for all possible inputs -
until the definition of "secure" needs to be expanded.

This should have consequences for source code vulnerability analysis software.
It should make it impossible to write software that detects all of the mistakes
themselves.  Is it enough to look for violations of some invariants (rules)
without knowing how they happened?

The problem is that while you can enumerate the set of invariants that you
currently know are important, you don't know how the set may need to be expanded
in the future.

David Crocker, Escher Technologies Ltd.
Consultancy, contracting and tools for dependable software development

Re: [SC-L] Theoretical question about vulnerabilities

2005-04-10 Thread Crispin Cowan
Pascal Meunier wrote:
Do you think it is possible to enumerate all the ways all vulnerabilities
can be created?  Is the set of all possible exploitable programming mistakes

Yes and no.
Yes, if your enumeration is "1" and that is the set of all errors that 
allow an attacker to induce unexpected behavior from the program.

No is the serious answer: I do not believe it is possible to enumerate 
all of the ways to make a programming error. Sure, it is possible to 
enumerate all of the *commonly observed* errors that cause wide-spread 
problems. But enumerating all possible errors is impossible, because you 
cannot enumerate all programs.

I would think that what makes it possible to talk about design patterns and
attack patterns is that they reflect intentional actions towards "desirable"
(for the perpetrator) goals, and the set of desirable goals is bounded at
any given time (assuming infinite time then perhaps it is not bounded).

Nope, sorry, I disbelieve that the set of attacker goals is bounded.
However, once commonly repeated mistakes have been described and taken into
account, I have a feeling that attempting to enumerate all other possible
mistakes (leading to exploitable vulnerabilities), for example with the goal
of producing a complete taxonomy, classification and theory of
vulnerabilities, is not possible.
I agree that it is not possible. Consider that some time in the next 
decade, a new form of programming or technology will appear. It will 
introduce a new kind of pathology. We know that this will happen because 
it has already happened: Web forums that allow end-user content to be 
posted resulted in the phenomena of Cross Site Scripting.

 All we can hope is to come reasonably
close and produce something useful, but not theoretically strong and closed.

Security is very simple. Only use perfect software :) For those who can 
afford it, perfect software is great. The rest of us will be fighting 
with insecure software forever.

This should have consequences for source code vulnerability analysis
software.  It should make it impossible to write software that detects all
of the mistakes themselves.
The impossibility of a perfect source code vulnerability detector is a 
corollary of Alan Turing's original Halting Problem.

 Is it enough to look for violations of some
invariants (rules) without knowing how they happened?

Looking for run-time invariant violations is a basic way of getting 
around static undecidability induced by Turing's theorem. Switching from 
static to dynamic analysis comes with a host of strengths and 
weaknesses. For instance, StackGuard (which is really just a run-time 
enforcement of a single invariant) can detect buffer overflow 
vulnerabilities that static analyzers cannot detect. However, StackGuard 
cannot detect such vulnerabilities until some attacker helpfully comes 
along and tries to exploit such a vulnerability.

Any thoughts on this?  Any references to relevant theories of failures and
errors, or to explorations of this or similar ideas, would be welcome.  Of
course, Albert Einstein's quote on the difference between genius and
stupidity comes to mind :).

"Reliable software does what it is supposed to do. Secure software does 
what it is supposed to do and nothing else." -- Ivan Arce

"Security is very simple. Only use perfect software :) For those who can 
afford it, perfect software is great. The rest of us will be fighting 
with insecure software forever." -- me :)

Crispin Cowan, Ph.D.
CTO, Immunix