Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2010-01-13 Thread Benjamin Tomhave
 as product teams did less and MSEC had to
 compensate.  But the culture of MSEC is to help the product groups
 with tools, training, consulting and process and hold them
 accountable - not to do their job.  And the product groups also want
 to control their own fates (and code) so they accept the
 responsibility that comes with that model.
 -Original Message- From: DESAUSOI Alain
 [] Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 7:23
 AM To: Gary McGraw; Secure Code Mailing List; Steve Lipner Cc:; David Ladd Subject: RE: [SC-L]
 InformIT: You need an SSG
 [now posted on sc-l]
 I agree that in an ideal world, security would be naturally built-in
 by delivery and operational teams. They would transparently (?)
 report deviations/risks to central (ERM) team that would handle and
 escalate as appropriate.
 From my own experience, SWIFT's SSG helps ensure 'right the first
 time' and 'continuous improvements' on security front. It provides
 management transparency on risks as well as upstream assurance on
 what and how things will be/are being done. And it only brings
 value in as much there is tight 2-way cooperation with delivery and
 operational teams.
 With the support of senior executives, SSG allows a more natural
 cross fertilisation of risks, threats and solutions across the board,
 in terms of learning, need for infrastructure initiatives, ... Also,
 very much like using external penetration testers provides 'wilder'
 and more update testing techniques, having dedicated SSG helps having
 and outside look and keeping threat/risk management knowledge up to
 Could the ideal world succeed ?  Probably so, assuming security
 governance, transparency, assurance and discipline.
 I have no experience with large scale organisation (SWIFT is only 500
 developers - SSG is 5 staffs) and we already have the challenge of
 choosing our battles. So, even in those areas that we pamper less,
 the key values I preserve are (1) the ability to provide 'before the
 fact' security assurance on critical projects (critical in terms of
 businesses introducing new threats or arising security challenges)
 (2) sharing findings and lessons learned across the organisation (3)
 some level of assurance by keeping up with penetration testing as a
 motivator and (weak) indicator of alignment.
 In favour of dissemination is the fact that, according to my own
 experience (I have been 15 years on the other side of the fence), SSG
 only really works if they are on the field and well accepted by
 delivery/operational teams. The flip side is the need for a strong
 (and harmonised) security culture as it might easily drift away
 according to different business unit leadership: I would think that
 this would be a real challenge for the CISO. This also reflects my
 own experience on the delivery side.
 In summary, SSG provides down-the-earth facts and figures helping
 management making risk balance instead of leaving delivery teams on
 their own. It provides real meat for balancing security measures and
 learning as time goes. I think a reasonably-sized SSG with
 'satellite' for granularity and scalability is the most appealing
 -Original Message- From: Gary McGraw
 [] Sent: Wednesday, December 23, 2009 3:05 PM
  To: Secure Code Mailing List; Steven Lipner; DESAUSOI Alain Cc:; David Ladd Subject: Re: [SC-L]
 InformIT: You need an SSG
 Hi ben,
 I would be very much interested in Steve Lipner's opinion here,
 because Steve ran the IR program at Microsoft a decade ago before
 he was recruited to lead the SSG.  Steve, if you would, please take
 a look at this thread and let us know what your thinking is RE
 integrating an IR group and/or an SSG completely and almost
 invisibly into the mother organization after it has matured.
 I suspect that some core SSG will always remain even after much of
 the heavy lifting has been distributed throughout the mother
 organization by way of satellite.  A ratio of 3:1 (satellite:SSG)
 is what we observe.
 SWIFT also has a long-lived SSG (14 years).  Alain, any insight on
 this thread you can offer?
 company podcast blog book
 On 12/22/09 8:56 PM, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:
 Hi Gary,
 I've worked with organizations that have taken a similar approach
 with incident response management. You have a core IR team (within
 the security dept) and then you designate IR contacts within
 specific ops teams. This approach seems to work ok, but
 coordination gets to be problematic, causing me to question
 scalability and management. Basically, a lot of effort for an
 impact that seems to follow a logarithmic growth pattern. The more
 it grows, the more it costs to manage with not as much
 cost-effectiveness as when the program

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-23 Thread Gary McGraw
Hi ben,

I would be very much interested in Steve Lipner's opinion here, because Steve 
ran the IR program at Microsoft a decade ago before he was recruited to lead 
the SSG.  Steve, if you would, please take a look at this thread and let us 
know what your thinking is RE integrating an IR group and/or an SSG completely 
and almost invisibly into the mother organization after it has matured.

I suspect that some core SSG will always remain even after much of the heavy 
lifting has been distributed throughout the mother organization by way of 
satellite.  A ratio of 3:1 (satellite:SSG) is what we observe.

SWIFT also has a long-lived SSG (14 years).  Alain, any insight on this thread 
you can offer?



On 12/22/09 8:56 PM, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:

Hi Gary,

I've worked with organizations that have taken a similar approach with
incident response management. You have a core IR team (within the
security dept) and then you designate IR contacts within specific ops
teams. This approach seems to work ok, but coordination gets to be
problematic, causing me to question scalability and management.
Basically, a lot of effort for an impact that seems to follow a
logarithmic growth pattern. The more it grows, the more it costs to
manage with not as much cost-effectiveness as when the program started.

What I wonder is this: how to do we get from heavy use of security
SMEs to where security is simply SOP? Moreover, is this even a good
idea, or particularly realistic? From a CMM perspective, it's akin to
our being at Level 0 or 1 right now, with Level 5 being the
disappearance of dedicated security personnel because there's no longer
a need (achievability aside). It's kind of like dissolving large sugar
crystals into water... at first you see the sugar and the water
separately... then over time you just see the solution without being
able to differentiate sugar from water. Anyway...


Gary McGraw wrote:
 hi ben,

 You may be right.  We have observed that the longer an initiative is
 underway (we have one in the study that checks in at 14 years old),
 the more actual activity tends to get pushed out to dev.  You may
 recall from the BSIMM that we call this the satellite.  Microsoft has
 an extensive satellite with 300 or so people embedded throughout
 their huge company (recall that their SSG is 100).  Because the
 notion of satellite is not as common a phenomenon in our data, we
 can't draw conclusions as clear as the ones we can draw regarding an

 Think of the SSG and the Satellite as coaches and mentors who are
 tasked with helping development get it right (not simply cleaning up
 their messes).  I agree that we have spent too much effort over the
 past decade simply trying to assess the mess and not enough getting
 dev to change their behavior.   The companies we studied in the BSIMM
 are trying to change dev.

 As a particular example of where I agree with you that we go off
 track as a discipline, consider training.  Teaching developers about
 the OWASP top 10 in training may be exciting, but it is nowhere near
 as important or as effective as teaching defensive programming.  (And
 this from the guy who wrote Exploiting Software.)  Developers need
 to know how to do it right, not just what bugs look like on TV.


 company podcast blog book

 On 12/22/09 10:11 AM, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:

 I think the short-term assertion is sound (setup a group to make a
 push in training, awareness, and integration with SOP), but I'm not
 convinced the long-term assertion (that is, maintaining the group
 past the initial push) is in fact meritorious. I think there's a
 danger in setting up dedicated security groups of almost any sort as
 it provides a crutch to organizations that then leads to a failure to
 integrate security practices into general SOP.

 What is advocated seems to be consistent with how we've approached
 security as an industry for the past couple decades (or longer), and
 I don't see this as having the long-term benefit that was desired or
 intended. It seems that when you don't make people directly
 responsible and liable for doing the right things, they then fail at
 the ask and let others do it instead. It's the old lazy sysadmin
 axiom that we script repeatable tasks because it's easier in the long

 The question, then, comes down to one of psychology and people
 management. How do we make people responsible for their actions such
 that they begin to adopt better practices? The basic response should
 be to enact consequences, and I think that now is probably an optimal
 time for businesses to get very hard-nosed about these sorts of
 things (high unemployment means lots of people looking for work means

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-22 Thread Bret Watson

At 08:01 AM 22/12/2009, Mike Boberski wrote:

Hi Gary.

To play devil's advocate:

Current organizational practices aside, I would say that 
organizations really need more and better toolkits and standards for 
developers to use, than they need more and better committees.

I'd have to agree - whilst SSG is probably a great opportunity for a 
management consultant, it rarely delivers anything directly useful. 
In fact I would go as far as to say that if a SSG delivers something 
useful, the organisation was already ready to deliver the changes. 
Committees rarely take direct ownership of a problem.

Toolsets may or may not deliver results - depending on if there are 
ways around them - too often you hear the excuse we can't waste time 
with that - the business won't wait

However toolset will work if you have a good properly supported 
securty mgmt function :)



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List information, subscriptions, etc -
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-22 Thread Dave Aronson
Mike Boberski wrote:

 A toolkit example that comes to mind, to keep this email short: the
 highly-matrixed environment (and actually also the smaller environment, now
 that I think about it) where developers fly on and off projects.

I don't quite grok what you're saying here.  The syntax looks like
you're saying that matrix management is a tool or toolkit, which
doesn't make sense to me.  Your next paragraph:

 Toolkits that enforce coding standards, and that are treated like any other
 module of the application in terms of care and feeding, are the only things
 that give security a fighting chance in environments like those.

seems more like you're saying it's an environment conducive to bad
security.  Now that I can agree with, and would extend it to quality
in general.

A typical large-company matrix management environment seems very
conducive instead to an attitude of who gives a flying fig, all I
have to do is make it work well enough to get the customer to sign
off.  A given worker is unlikely to ever work on that same project
again, so the usual write it well so that you can read it well later
doesn't apply, and there's little to no other reward to write it well
to be nice to the next poor sod who has to read it.  All the more so
in the typical Beltway Bandit (DC-speak for government contractors,
especially defense) environment, where they'll probably be laid off in
a few years anyway, so they won't be pestered by colleagues with

As for the tools, again absolutely agreed, though I'd place less
emphasis on some of the pickier aspects of coding standards (like do
block-opening braces get their own line, and do you put a space before
the opening paren of a function call's argument list), and more on any
automagically detectable security (or other types of quality) flaws.
A couple years ago I was on a project where I was trying desperately
to get the company to buy some kind of static analyzer, so we could
use it as part of our CM process and have Subversion automagically
reject changesets that introduced flaggable flaws.  I did at least
manage to set up the makefiles so that it would warn if any module had
no unit tests, and fail to build if any unit tests failed

On the other claw, I still don't grok what you mean by treated like
any other module of the application.  Maybe it's just a matter of
preferred phrasing, but like any other *aspect* is closer to at
least my own thoughts on it.  IOW, they usually ask does it do the
job right (verification) and maybe does it do the right job
(validation), but should also ask (for security) does it Do The Right
Thing (whatever that may be) in the face of all forseeable types of
attacks, and (for quality) diDTRT(wtmb)itfoafto *errors* (including
those forced by an attack!) and is it maintainable.


Dave Aronson - Have Pun, Will Babble | Work: | /\ ASCII
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Specialization is for insects. | Life: | /\ Campaign
-Robert A. Heinlein  | Wife:| EmailWeb
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-22 Thread Gary McGraw
hi bret and mike,

While you guys are certainly entitled to your opinion, I think it is important 
to acknowledge facts when you state an argument.  Please take a few minutes to 
read the article I posted on SSG's (this committee language you're both using 
is very humorous BTW...thanks for the laugh).   After you've read the article, 
lets have an informed debate. Here's the URL again:

The article draws conclusions based on observations from 26 companies 
(Microsoft is only 1 of the 26).   The data I based my SSG claims on are 
provided in analyzed form.  Just for the record, the article also states that 
we're not sure whether the data described in the BSIMM are relevant for SMB 
(small and medium sized businesses), something I repeated in my sc-l post 
yesterday.   We have plans to find out using real data (again).  We will not 
draw any conclusions without gathering data and publishing it.

Your opinion that an SSG rarely delivers anything useful certainly does not 
apply to the 26 companies we studied (so far) in the BSIMM, nor does it cohere 
with my fifteen years of experience in the field.  What observations are you 
basing your argument on?  Can you show us some data?

I'm afraid your toolset argument teeters precariously on opinion and falls into 
a familiar pattern that goes something like this in BNF:

FlavOfDay = {owasp top 10, code review tools,pen 
testing,firewalls,APIs,rampant finger crossing}
 Software security can be solved by FlavOfDay because I said so.

While it is true that you said so, I'm pretty sure you're going to need a more 
convincing argument.  Unless we rely on data and evidence when we do our work, 
we'll end up looking just as silly as those people who disagree with evolution 
and global warming.

It's science time.



On 12/21/09 11:24 PM, Bret Watson wrote:

At 08:01 AM 22/12/2009, Mike Boberski wrote:
Hi Gary.

To play devil's advocate:

Current organizational practices aside, I would say that
organizations really need more and better toolkits and standards for
developers to use, than they need more and better committees.

I'd have to agree - whilst SSG is probably a great opportunity for a
management consultant, it rarely delivers anything directly useful.
In fact I would go as far as to say that if a SSG delivers something
useful, the organisation was already ready to deliver the changes.
Committees rarely take direct ownership of a problem.

Toolsets may or may not deliver results - depending on if there are
ways around them - too often you hear the excuse we can't waste time
with that - the business won't wait

However toolset will work if you have a good properly supported
securty mgmt function :)



Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
List charter available at -
SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-22 Thread Benjamin Tomhave
I think the short-term assertion is sound (setup a group to make a push
in training, awareness, and integration with SOP), but I'm not convinced
the long-term assertion (that is, maintaining the group past the initial
push) is in fact meritorious. I think there's a danger in setting up
dedicated security groups of almost any sort as it provides a crutch to
organizations that then leads to a failure to integrate security
practices into general SOP.

What is advocated seems to be consistent with how we've approached
security as an industry for the past couple decades (or longer), and I
don't see this as having the long-term benefit that was desired or
intended. It seems that when you don't make people directly responsible
and liable for doing the right things, they then fail at the ask and let
others do it instead. It's the old lazy sysadmin axiom that we script
repeatable tasks because it's easier in the long run.

The question, then, comes down to one of psychology and people
management. How do we make people responsible for their actions such
that they begin to adopt better practices? The basic response should be
to enact consequences, and I think that now is probably an optimal time
for businesses to get very hard-nosed about these sorts of things (high
unemployment means lots of people looking for work means employers have
the advantage). This perhaps sounds very ugly and nasty, and obviously
it will be if taken to an extreme, but we have a serious problem
culturally in that non-security people still don't seem to think, on
average, that security is in their job description. Solve that problem,
and all this other stuff becomes a footnote.



Gary McGraw wrote:
 hi sc-l,
 This list is made up of a bunch of practitioners (more than a
 thousand from what Ken tells me), and we collectively have many
 different ways of promoting software security in our companies and
 our clients.  The BSIMM study focuses attention
 on software security in large organizations and just at the moment
 covers the work of 1554 full time employees working every day in 26
 software security initiatives.  One phenomenon we observed in the
 BSIMM was that every large initiative has a Software Security Group
 (SSG) to carry out and lead software security activities.
 I wrote about our observations around SSGs in this month's informIT
 Simply put, an SSG is a critical part of a software security
 initiative in all companies with more than 100 developers.  (We're
 still not sure about SSGs in smaller organizations, but the BSIMM
 Begin data (now hovering at 75 firms) may be revealing.)
 Cigital's SSG was formed in 1997 (with John Viega, Brad Arkin, and me
 as founding members).  Since its inception, we've helped plan, staff,
 and carry out ten large software security initiatives in customer
 firms.  One of the most important first tasks is establishing an SSG.
 Merry New Year everybody.
 company podcast blog book
 ___ Secure Coding mailing
 list (SC-L) List information, subscriptions,
 etc - List charter available at
 - SC-L is hosted and
 moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC ( as a free,
 non-commercial service to the software security community. 

Benjamin Tomhave, MS, CISSP

[ Random Quote: ]
The only source of knowledge is experience.
Albert Einstein
Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
List charter available at -
SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-22 Thread Gary McGraw
hi ben,

You may be right.  We have observed that the longer an initiative is underway 
(we have one in the study that checks in at 14 years old), the more actual 
activity tends to get pushed out to dev.  You may recall from the BSIMM that we 
call this the satellite.  Microsoft has an extensive satellite with 300 or so 
people embedded throughout their huge company (recall that their SSG is 100).  
Because the notion of satellite is not as common a phenomenon in our data, we 
can't draw conclusions as clear as the ones we can draw regarding an SSG.

Think of the SSG and the Satellite as coaches and mentors who are tasked 
with helping development get it right (not simply cleaning up their messes).  I 
agree that we have spent too much effort over the past decade simply trying to 
assess the mess and not enough getting dev to change their behavior.   The 
companies we studied in the BSIMM are trying to change dev.

As a particular example of where I agree with you that we go off track as a 
discipline, consider training.  Teaching developers about the OWASP top 10 in 
training may be exciting, but it is nowhere near as important or as effective 
as teaching defensive programming.  (And this from the guy who wrote 
Exploiting Software.)  Developers need to know how to do it right, not just 
what bugs look like on TV.



On 12/22/09 10:11 AM, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:

I think the short-term assertion is sound (setup a group to make a push
in training, awareness, and integration with SOP), but I'm not convinced
the long-term assertion (that is, maintaining the group past the initial
push) is in fact meritorious. I think there's a danger in setting up
dedicated security groups of almost any sort as it provides a crutch to
organizations that then leads to a failure to integrate security
practices into general SOP.

What is advocated seems to be consistent with how we've approached
security as an industry for the past couple decades (or longer), and I
don't see this as having the long-term benefit that was desired or
intended. It seems that when you don't make people directly responsible
and liable for doing the right things, they then fail at the ask and let
others do it instead. It's the old lazy sysadmin axiom that we script
repeatable tasks because it's easier in the long run.

The question, then, comes down to one of psychology and people
management. How do we make people responsible for their actions such
that they begin to adopt better practices? The basic response should be
to enact consequences, and I think that now is probably an optimal time
for businesses to get very hard-nosed about these sorts of things (high
unemployment means lots of people looking for work means employers have
the advantage). This perhaps sounds very ugly and nasty, and obviously
it will be if taken to an extreme, but we have a serious problem
culturally in that non-security people still don't seem to think, on
average, that security is in their job description. Solve that problem,
and all this other stuff becomes a footnote.



Gary McGraw wrote:
 hi sc-l,

 This list is made up of a bunch of practitioners (more than a
 thousand from what Ken tells me), and we collectively have many
 different ways of promoting software security in our companies and
 our clients.  The BSIMM study focuses attention
 on software security in large organizations and just at the moment
 covers the work of 1554 full time employees working every day in 26
 software security initiatives.  One phenomenon we observed in the
 BSIMM was that every large initiative has a Software Security Group
 (SSG) to carry out and lead software security activities.

 I wrote about our observations around SSGs in this month's informIT

 Simply put, an SSG is a critical part of a software security
 initiative in all companies with more than 100 developers.  (We're
 still not sure about SSGs in smaller organizations, but the BSIMM
 Begin data (now hovering at 75 firms) may be revealing.)

 Cigital's SSG was formed in 1997 (with John Viega, Brad Arkin, and me
 as founding members).  Since its inception, we've helped plan, staff,
 and carry out ten large software security initiatives in customer
 firms.  One of the most important first tasks is establishing an SSG.

 Merry New Year everybody.


 company podcast blog book

 ___ Secure Coding mailing
 list (SC-L) List information, subscriptions,
 etc - List charter available at
 - SC-L is hosted and
 moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC 

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-22 Thread Boberski, Michael [USA]
but it is nowhere near as important or as effective as teaching defensive 

I.e., arming developers with toolkits that perform expected security checks and 
that result in expected security effects, and making sure they can use them.

Not a sermon just a thought, as the local radio station ad goes.

Mike B.

-Original Message-
From: [] On 
Behalf Of Gary McGraw
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 12:09 PM
To:; Secure Code Mailing List
Subject: Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

hi ben,

You may be right.  We have observed that the longer an initiative is underway 
(we have one in the study that checks in at 14 years old), the more actual 
activity tends to get pushed out to dev.  You may recall from the BSIMM that we 
call this the satellite.  Microsoft has an extensive satellite with 300 or so 
people embedded throughout their huge company (recall that their SSG is 100).  
Because the notion of satellite is not as common a phenomenon in our data, we 
can't draw conclusions as clear as the ones we can draw regarding an SSG.

Think of the SSG and the Satellite as coaches and mentors who are tasked 
with helping development get it right (not simply cleaning up their messes).  I 
agree that we have spent too much effort over the past decade simply trying to 
assess the mess and not enough getting dev to change their behavior.   The 
companies we studied in the BSIMM are trying to change dev.

As a particular example of where I agree with you that we go off track as a 
discipline, consider training.  Teaching developers about the OWASP top 10 in 
training may be exciting, but it is nowhere near as important or as effective 
as teaching defensive programming.  (And this from the guy who wrote 
Exploiting Software.)  Developers need to know how to do it right, not just 
what bugs look like on TV.



On 12/22/09 10:11 AM, Benjamin Tomhave wrote:

I think the short-term assertion is sound (setup a group to make a push in 
training, awareness, and integration with SOP), but I'm not convinced the 
long-term assertion (that is, maintaining the group past the initial
push) is in fact meritorious. I think there's a danger in setting up dedicated 
security groups of almost any sort as it provides a crutch to organizations 
that then leads to a failure to integrate security practices into general SOP.

What is advocated seems to be consistent with how we've approached security as 
an industry for the past couple decades (or longer), and I don't see this as 
having the long-term benefit that was desired or intended. It seems that when 
you don't make people directly responsible and liable for doing the right 
things, they then fail at the ask and let others do it instead. It's the old 
lazy sysadmin axiom that we script repeatable tasks because it's easier in 
the long run.

The question, then, comes down to one of psychology and people management. How 
do we make people responsible for their actions such that they begin to adopt 
better practices? The basic response should be to enact consequences, and I 
think that now is probably an optimal time for businesses to get very 
hard-nosed about these sorts of things (high unemployment means lots of people 
looking for work means employers have the advantage). This perhaps sounds very 
ugly and nasty, and obviously it will be if taken to an extreme, but we have a 
serious problem culturally in that non-security people still don't seem to 
think, on average, that security is in their job description. Solve that 
problem, and all this other stuff becomes a footnote.



Gary McGraw wrote:
 hi sc-l,

 This list is made up of a bunch of practitioners (more than a thousand 
 from what Ken tells me), and we collectively have many different ways 
 of promoting software security in our companies and our clients.  The 
 BSIMM study focuses attention on software security 
 in large organizations and just at the moment covers the work of 1554 
 full time employees working every day in 26 software security 
 initiatives.  One phenomenon we observed in the BSIMM was that every 
 large initiative has a Software Security Group
 (SSG) to carry out and lead software security activities.

 I wrote about our observations around SSGs in this month's informIT

 Simply put, an SSG is a critical part of a software security 
 initiative in all companies with more than 100 developers.  (We're 
 still not sure about SSGs in smaller organizations, but the BSIMM 
 Begin data (now hovering at 75 firms) may be revealing.)

 Cigital's SSG was formed in 1997 (with John Viega, Brad Arkin, and me 
 as founding members).  Since its inception

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-21 Thread Mike Boberski
Hi Gary.

To play devil's advocate:

Current organizational practices aside, I would say that organizations
really need more and better toolkits and standards for developers to use,
than they need more and better committees.

A toolkit example that comes to mind, to keep this email short: the
highly-matrixed environment (and actually also the smaller environment, now
that I think about it) where developers fly on and off projects.

Toolkits that enforce coding standards, and that are treated like any other
module of the application in terms of care and feeding, are the only things
that give security a fighting chance in environments like those.


Mike B.

On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 hi sc-l,

 This list is made up of a bunch of practitioners (more than a thousand from
 what Ken tells me), and we collectively have many different ways of
 promoting software security in our companies and our clients.  The BSIMM
 study focuses attention on software security in large
 organizations and just at the moment covers the work of 1554 full time
 employees working every day in 26 software security initiatives.  One
 phenomenon we observed in the BSIMM was that every large initiative has a
 Software Security Group (SSG) to carry out and lead software security

 I wrote about our observations around SSGs in this month's informIT

 Simply put, an SSG is a critical part of a software security initiative in
 all companies with more than 100 developers.  (We're still not sure about
 SSGs in smaller organizations, but the BSIMM Begin data (now hovering at 75
 firms) may be revealing.)

 Cigital's SSG was formed in 1997 (with John Viega, Brad Arkin, and me as
 founding members).  Since its inception, we've helped plan, staff, and carry
 out ten large software security initiatives in customer firms.  One of the
 most important first tasks is establishing an SSG.

 Merry New Year everybody.



 Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
 List information, subscriptions, etc -
 List charter available at -
 SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
 as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
List charter available at -
SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-21 Thread Mike Boberski
I think, MS is more an example of an ideal, than what the comparatively
everyman organization can realistically hope to achieve, basically given
resource constraints.


On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:37 PM, David Ladd wrote:

  To be clear - we do both.  We automate and standardize to the extent
 possible, then advise/adjudicate as necessary for situations that don’t fit
 the norm.


 *From:* Mike Boberski []
 *Sent:* Monday, December 21, 2009 5:22 PM
 *To:* Gary McGraw
 *Cc:* David Ladd;;

 *Subject:* Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

 I dunno, the concept of SSG seems overly broad to me. Looking at security
 libraries as a feature or a module eliminates the us vs. them paradox.
 Adding a new second security group is just twice as confrontational to the
 still single development team.


  On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 Hi mike,

 The BSIMM calls out security features and design explicitly, and covers
 that good idea. (Though watch out for generic one-size-fits-all solutions.)
 An SSG helps with creation, review, and roll out of such.

 Calling an SSG a committee is pretty hilarious. I doubt any of the 100
 microsoft SSG members think they are a committee. Hey ladd, how goes the SDL


 *From*: Mike Boberski
 *To*: Gary McGraw
 *Cc*: Secure Code Mailing List ; Dustin Sullivan
 *Sent*: Mon Dec 21 19:01:37 2009
 *Subject*: Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

 Hi Gary.

 To play devil's advocate:

 Current organizational practices aside, I would say that organizations
 really need more and better toolkits and standards for developers to use,
 than they need more and better committees.

 A toolkit example that comes to mind, to keep this email short: the
 highly-matrixed environment (and actually also the smaller environment, now
 that I think about it) where developers fly on and off projects.

 Toolkits that enforce coding standards, and that are treated like any other
 module of the application in terms of care and feeding, are the only things
 that give security a fighting chance in environments like those.


 Mike B.

  On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 hi sc-l,

 This list is made up of a bunch of practitioners (more than a thousand from
 what Ken tells me), and we collectively have many different ways of
 promoting software security in our companies and our clients.  The BSIMM
 study focuses attention on software security in large
 organizations and just at the moment covers the work of 1554 full time
 employees working every day in 26 software security initiatives.  One
 phenomenon we observed in the BSIMM was that every large initiative has a
 Software Security Group (SSG) to carry out and lead software security

 I wrote about our observations around SSGs in this month's informIT

 Simply put, an SSG is a critical part of a software security initiative in
 all companies with more than 100 developers.  (We're still not sure about
 SSGs in smaller organizations, but the BSIMM Begin data (now hovering at 75
 firms) may be revealing.)

 Cigital's SSG was formed in 1997 (with John Viega, Brad Arkin, and me as
 founding members).  Since its inception, we've helped plan, staff, and carry
 out ten large software security initiatives in customer firms.  One of the
 most important first tasks is establishing an SSG.

 Merry New Year everybody.



 Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
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 SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
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Secure Coding mailing list (SC-L)
List information, subscriptions, etc -
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SC-L is hosted and moderated by KRvW Associates, LLC (
as a free, non-commercial service to the software security community.

Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

2009-12-21 Thread Mike Boberski
But, do those require a second security group to execute(?)


On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 9:41 PM, David Ladd wrote:

  A lot of people look at what has been published from Microsoft about the
 SDL – most notably the MSDN guidance
  Michael Howard/Steve Lipner’s SDL book - and walk away thinking that it
 is the SDL. It’s not. It’s the SDL as its practiced *at Microsoft.* It
 outlines the practices necessary for a multinational organization that ships
 hundreds of applications, to 100+ countries worldwide (each with their own
 regulatory regime), on a half dozen or more different hardware platforms.
 Given that, I would say that it’s our responsibility to apply the SDL in
 this fashion.

 The book and the guidance have been published and maintained in the
 interest of process transparency - to allow third parties to take a peek at
 what we do in a variety of different contexts, it is not implementation

 I will concede that security “SME-dom” can be a rare commodity and
 sometimes you have to go outside an org to get help, but a significant
 portion of the practices in the SDL (and the BSIMM for that matter) can be
 achieved at little to no cost. (e.g. Point a fuzzer (pick a free one -
 Minifuzz, Peach, whatever) at an application and set it: “Run to infinity –
 alert when problem found”)

 If you remove the regional/hardware plat/software plat/regulatory goo out
 of the s...@ms picture, you’re left with a series of proven security
 practices that can be performed at organizations of any size. Security
 requirements, quality gates, threat modeling, static code analysis, dynamic
 analysis, etc. aren’t concepts that apply to, or only work in large orgs,
 and certainly aren’t proprietary to Microsoft.


 *From:* Mike Boberski []
 *Sent:* Monday, December 21, 2009 5:46 PM
 *To:* David Ladd
 *Cc:* Gary McGraw;;

 *Subject:* Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

 I think, MS is more an example of an ideal, than what the comparatively
 everyman organization can realistically hope to achieve, basically given
 resource constraints.


  On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:37 PM, David Ladd

 To be clear - we do both.  We automate and standardize to the extent
 possible, then advise/adjudicate as necessary for situations that don’t fit
 the norm.


 *From:* Mike Boberski []
 *Sent:* Monday, December 21, 2009 5:22 PM
 *To:* Gary McGraw
 *Cc:* David Ladd;;

 *Subject:* Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

 I dunno, the concept of SSG seems overly broad to me. Looking at security
 libraries as a feature or a module eliminates the us vs. them paradox.
 Adding a new second security group is just twice as confrontational to the
 still single development team.


 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 7:20 PM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 Hi mike,

 The BSIMM calls out security features and design explicitly, and covers
 that good idea. (Though watch out for generic one-size-fits-all solutions.)
 An SSG helps with creation, review, and roll out of such.

 Calling an SSG a committee is pretty hilarious. I doubt any of the 100
 microsoft SSG members think they are a committee. Hey ladd, how goes the SDL


 *From*: Mike Boberski
 *To*: Gary McGraw
 *Cc*: Secure Code Mailing List ; Dustin Sullivan
 *Sent*: Mon Dec 21 19:01:37 2009
 *Subject*: Re: [SC-L] InformIT: You need an SSG

 Hi Gary.

 To play devil's advocate:

 Current organizational practices aside, I would say that organizations
 really need more and better toolkits and standards for developers to use,
 than they need more and better committees.

 A toolkit example that comes to mind, to keep this email short: the
 highly-matrixed environment (and actually also the smaller environment, now
 that I think about it) where developers fly on and off projects.

 Toolkits that enforce coding standards, and that are treated like any other
 module of the application in terms of care and feeding, are the only things
 that give security a fighting chance in environments like those.


 Mike B.

 On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 8:24 AM, Gary McGraw wrote:

 hi sc-l,

 This list is made up of a bunch of practitioners (more than a thousand from
 what Ken tells me), and we collectively have many different ways of
 promoting software security in our companies and our clients.  The BSIMM
 study focuses attention on software security in large
 organizations and just at the moment covers the work of 1554 full time
 employees working every day in 26 software security initiatives.  One
 phenomenon we observed in the BSIMM was that every large initiative has a