CSBone Spur and ACV

2009-10-08 Thread Annice
I have a rash that is associated with my candida, I drink a glass of water every day with a TBL spoon ACV in it. Sometimes two. It keeps the rash away. If I stop drinking it the rash returns,It;s not a cure for me but it is a great help, because the rash is very painful. I have also noticed that

CSfood poisoner,detergents,melamine

2008-10-31 Thread Annice
Drugstore.com has a lot of natural cleaning , and personal care products. Just click on the (Naturals Tab) They have the Ecover dish soap which is my favorite, after trying lots of different kinds.

CSBoils,A Few Facts

2008-10-14 Thread Annice
Enjoy reading this list, thank you all for all your good ideas and tried and true advice. And oh what wonderful characters (all good) I have met here. Annice

CSdiabetes help

2008-08-23 Thread ANNICE
I have been reading a lot about cs lately. I am def. getting a silverpuppy. I have seen lots of lists of infections and other things it heals,wondering though if the dosage is different for each one,and if so where can I get that info. Also a friends mother is diabetic. She stubbed her toe and