Re: CS>Vaginal Yeast Infections.

2002-01-15 Thread LPownall32
Hi everyone, I have collected many many antique colloidal silver bottles for Bruce Marx, of CS Prosystems, over the past couple years. The first antique was an unopened box of twelve vaginal suppositories of colloidal silver (circa W.W.II). These suppositories are colloidal silver and the c

Re: CS>Graviola for cancer

2001-12-28 Thread LPownall32
Hi John, I have a friend whose husband had prostate cancer. It is now in remission and they swear by Graviola. My friend follows holistic medicine and definitely didn't want to follow traditional medicine's treatment of prostate cancer. She spent hundreds of hours researching her options, ch

CS>Re: Thanks JD

2001-11-10 Thread LPownall32
JD wrote: >Highly recommend reading the information regarding an economical alternative to Berkey recently posted  The information on MTBE contamination of our water supplies is simply shocking (gasoline additive).  A must read for informed citizens.< Glad you liked the site. Every once in a

CS>Re: CS: The Poor Man's Berkey Water Filter System

2001-11-08 Thread LPownall32
Over the years, water filter systems have been discussed many times on this list. Usually, someone invariably mentions how great the Berkey Water Filter System has been over many years. The Berkey System is a quality system but it's also a little pricey. Since I have received many good ideas

CS>Virus alert!

2000-05-16 Thread LPownall32
VIRUS ALERT If you receive an email entitled "Badtimes," delete it immediately. Do not open it. Apparently this one is pretty nasty. It will not only erase everything on your hard drive, but it will also delete anything on disks within 20 feet of your computer. It demagnetizes the

CS>Instructions for giving a cat a MSM pill

2000-04-05 Thread LPownall32
** INSTRUCTIONS FOR GIVING A CAT A MSM PILL** 1) Pick cat up and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill

Re: CS>archives

2000-04-02 Thread LPownall32
Mike D., Amen to that. Bob is one of the good guys. I've been lurking for almost a year (it seems), for two reasons: 1. I go by Abraham Lincoln's theory- "I learn more when I'm listening than when I'm speaking". 2. I have a CS Ultra Pro that is trouble free and makes dynamite colloidal